Home fertilizers The main individual characteristics of the diet 7b. Diet "7 table" - what is possible and what is not. Salad of boiled chicken breast and fresh vegetables

The main individual characteristics of the diet 7b. Diet "7 table" - what is possible and what is not. Salad of boiled chicken breast and fresh vegetables

7b dietary table is assigned with nephritis of any form , which is accompanied by an increased content of nitrogenous metabolic products in the patient's blood, chronic renal failure, edema, high blood pressure.

The purpose of the diet is reduction of edema , arterial hypertension , reducing inflammation, restoring the nitrogen-excreting function of the kidneys.

How to eat according to diet No. 7b with chronic renal failure

For people suffering from kidney failure, especially in a chronic form, as well as for those who have an overabundance of slags of a nitrogenous nature are removed , a correctly chosen nutrition system is, at times, of decisive importance for the rapid removal of the inflammatory syndrome and the restoration of the normal functioning of such important organs as the kidneys and the entire urinary system as a whole.

The treatment table developed by Dr. Pevsner 7b also helps patients get rid of excessive swelling, weight and blood pressure surges.

7b dietary table is characterized by:

While following the 7b dietary table, it is necessary to constantly maintain the following balance of minerals in the diet:

  • 200 mg magnesium.
  • 450-470 mg of calcium.
  • A little over 2.5 thousand mg of potassium.
  • About 700 mg of phosphorus.

Food should be saturated with vitamin C in the amount of 130 mg, nicotinic acid in the amount of 7.5 mg, carotene (5.5 mg), riboflavin (1.1 mg), retinol (about 1 mg), vitamin B1 (0.7 mg) .

All food is prepared without salt and served at regular temperature!

Juices, dried apricots with raisins and prunes are very useful for patients with chronic renal failure.

Sample diet menu number 7b for kidney disease for a week

Every day before going to bed, the patient needs to drink a glass of kefir or fruit juice. As an afternoon snack, a decoction of wheat bran is recommended, at least one glass.

An approximate weekly diet, broken down into seven days, looks like this:


  • First breakfast . Grated salad, rice pudding, tea with non-chocolate candy.
  • Lunch . A fresh vegetable salad.
  • Dinner . Vegetarian soup, boiled chicken with rice and milk sauce, cranberry jelly.
  • Dinner . Baked apples, potato pancakes with sour cream, juice.


  • For the first breakfast - egg omelet with herbs, lemon tea.
  • For second breakfast - cottage cheese with sour cream.
  • For lunch - borsch in vegetable broth, potato casserole and vegetable stew, dried fruit compote.
  • For dinner - beet-carrot cutlets, milk pudding, sweet tea.


  • During the first breakfast - cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, fruit, tea with lemon.
  • During second breakfast - apple and carrot salad
  • At lunch time - potato soup with vegetable mixture, salad of cucumbers, herbs and green peas, rice balls, fruit jelly.
  • During dinner - buckwheat porridge with milk, tea with sugar.


  • For the first breakfast - soft-boiled egg, sago milk porridge with prunes, sweet tea with lemon juice.
  • For second breakfast - milk pudding, a piece of watermelon.
  • For lunch - vinaigrette, vegetable soup with vermicelli, boiled fish with mashed potatoes, apple compote.
  • For dinner - sago pilaf with vegetable dressing and raisins, sweetened tea.


  • For the first breakfast we prepare pumpkin porridge, grated carrots with sugar, tea with a slice of lemon.
  • For the second breakfast - rice pudding and 2-3 slices of melon.
  • For dinner - beetroot without meat broth, cucumber and tomato salad, boiled veal with tomato sauce and mashed potatoes, berry jelly.
  • For dinner - natural fat-free yogurt, a handful of dried apricots or prunes, corn pancakes, tea with jam.


  • First breakfast we make of milk buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad and tea with sweets.
  • second meal - from milk pudding and fruit juice.
  • Lunch meal - from rice and vegetable soup, oven-baked turkey, lettuce with parsley, dill and cucumber, milk jelly.
  • Dinner - from squash pancakes with sour cream and tea with jam.


  • First Sunday breakfast consists of cottage cheese casserole, fruit mixture in the form of salad and tea with lemon.
  • Next breakfast that day - from mousse and fruit drink with raisins.
  • Lunch meal - from vegetarian soup, cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and vegetables, tomato salad with peas, dried fruit compote.
  • At dinner it is recommended to eat milk rice porridge and drink a lemon drink with unsalted cakes.

In case of kidney dysfunction, an important element of treatment is a special dietary food that can reduce the symptoms of the disease, improve kidney function and normalize metabolic processes in the body. Patients are prescribed diet number 7, which has proven effective in practice.

What is diet number 7

Nutritionist M.I. In the last century, Pevsner created a nutrition system that includes 15 diets. Each of them is designed specifically for the treatment of a certain type of disease. The approach to nutrition is such that the products included in the diet are not divided into harmful and useful, but into suitable and unsuitable for the specific condition of the patient. Diet number 7 is part of this system and is designed specifically for people with kidney problems.

Pevzner M.I. - a therapist, scientist, one of the organizers of the Institute of Nutrition in Moscow and the founders of dietology and clinical gastroenterology in the USSR; developed a system of 15 diets for groups of diseases, which includes table number 7

The diet has the following features:

  • facilitates the work of the kidneys;
  • normalizes urination;
  • improves blood flow;
  • removes excess salts from the body;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • reduces swelling;
  • eliminates pain in the kidneys.

Basic rules of dietary nutrition for kidney diseases

For kidney pathologies, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • limit the use of proteins in the diet. Proteins are the building material for the body, however, during the breakdown of protein molecules, nitrogenous substances are formed that have a toxic effect on internal organs. When the functioning of the kidneys decreases, the excretion of nitrogenous compounds from the body worsens. With a reduction in the amount of protein in the diet, the content of harmful substances decreases;
  • reduce fat intake, reduce the use of saturated fats and trans fats in the diet. Excess fat increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood, reduces the absorption of vitamins, increases the load on the kidneys;
  • normalize the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for cells, but an excess of these compounds negatively affects the body: it reduces efficiency, irritates the walls of blood vessels, destroys collagen and thereby destroys muscle tissue, causes fermentation processes in the body;
  • cook food without adding salt. Salt contributes to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body and prevents the removal of harmful substances. Sodium chloride is used in small quantities, the exact rate is set by the attending physician. Meat and fish must be boiled, excess salt goes into the water during cooking;
  • control the content in the menu of products that contain a lot of phosphorus. An excess of phosphorus in the body contributes to the leaching of calcium, which leads to the destruction of bone tissue and the development of osteoporosis (rarefaction of bone matter). A lot of phosphorus is found in legumes, nuts, cocoa;
  • refuse to take alcoholic beverages. Alcohol reduces the filtration and excretory functions of the kidneys, dehydrates the body. Toxins contained in alcohol destroy kidney cells;
  • keep track of your daily calorie intake (number of calories). It is recommended to eat often, 4-5 times a day. High-calorie food is consumed until 13.00. At this time, the internal organs are actively functioning, in the afternoon the quality of their work is reduced. The composition of the afternoon snack and dinner includes light, low-calorie foods. Dinner is done later than 2 hours before bedtime;
  • reduce the consumption of spicy foods and foods containing large amounts of oxalic acid. All this has an irritating effect on the kidneys and leads to a decrease in the quality of the organ;
  • refuse fried foods. When frying, any, even dietary, product increases the fat content by absorbing oil from the pan. Boil food, steam it, bake it;
  • limit fluid intake. The allowed volume of liquid includes not only drinking water, but also soups, compotes, tea.

Subsections of the treatment table

There are varieties of diet number 7:

  • table 7a. It is used at the onset of the disease in acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys (acute glomerulonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis in the acute stage, acute pyelonephritis). It is aimed at reducing the symptoms of the disease, at reducing the risk of recurrence of an acute infectious process in the kidneys and the transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • table 7b. It is prescribed for the same diseases as diet 7a, but when the inflammatory process subsides;
  • table 7th c. Used for chronic kidney disease (chronic pyelonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrocalcinosis);
  • table 7g. It is recommended for the last stage of chronic renal failure (chronic renal failure), when replacement therapy is used - hemodialysis.

Features of the 7a diet:

  • a complete rejection of salt is required;
  • the amount of protein consumed does not exceed 20 g per day;
  • fat rate - 80 g per day, 20% should be vegetable fats;
  • carbohydrates are used in the range of 300–350 g per day;
  • daily calorie content is no more than 2200 kcal;
  • the volume of fluid consumed per day can be equal to the volume of urine excreted in 24 hours or slightly exceed it, but not more than 200-300 ml;
  • before eating, additional processing of products is required: grinding, grinding.

Diet No. 7a is used at the onset of the disease in acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

Characteristics of the 7b diet:

  • food is not salted during cooking, salt is added to food immediately before consumption in a very small amount, the doctor determines the norm;
  • the daily intake of protein is 40–50 g;
  • the amount of fat use is 85–90 g per day;
  • the norm of carbohydrates is in the range of 400–450 g per day;
  • daily calorie content - 2500–2600 kcal;
  • the volume of water drunk per day can be more than daily diuresis (the volume of urine excreted per day) by 300 ml;
  • before use, grinding, grinding of products are not performed.

Diet number 7b is prescribed when inflammation in the kidneys subsides

Parameters of the 7v diet:

  • the use of salt in the diet is limited, the dosage is selected for each patient individually;
  • the norm of protein intake per day is 100–120 g;
  • the amount of fat varies between 70-80 g per day;
  • the content of carbohydrates in the daily diet - 350–400 g;
  • calorie norm - 2500 kcal;
  • the volume of liquid consumed per day should not exceed 800 ml;
  • additional mechanical processing of products is not required.

Basics of the 7g diet:

  • salt is completely excluded from the diet;
  • the rate of protein use per day is 60 g. The amount of protein in the diet is higher than when following diets 7a and 7b: the hemodialysis procedure helps to cleanse the body of nitrogenous substances;
  • the recommended amount of fat in the diet is 100–110 g per day;
  • the rate of consumption of carbohydrates is 400–450 g per day;
  • daily calorie content is 2800–3000 kcal;
  • the volume of fluid consumed per day is calculated as follows: 500 ml is added to the volume of daily diuresis. Body weight in the period between dialysis procedures (a method of treatment in which the blood is cleansed, toxins formed during metabolism are removed from the body) should not increase by more than 2 kg. If this rule is not observed, excess fluid accumulates in the body, which can provoke pulmonary edema and cerebral edema;
  • fruits and vegetables are peeled, cut and soaked for 8-10 hours before consumption. This is done to reduce the content of potassium in foods, which is contraindicated in large quantities in patients with end-stage (a stage characterized by the complete loss of functionality of one or both kidneys) of renal failure.

Tools to help track the calorie content of products

To calculate the number of calories and the content of BJU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) in the menu, all consumed foods must be weighed. For this purpose, kitchen scales are used, which are available in two types:

Calculation of caloric content and BJU products

To simplify the calculation of the energy value of products, there are special programs. The program database contains a large list of products. The user only needs to select the product required from the list, enter its weight in the required box, and the program will automatically calculate the BJU and calorie content. You can enter data for both raw and cooked products.

When counting calories and BJU manually, remember:

  • 1 g of carbohydrates corresponds to 4 kcal;
  • 1 g of protein equals 4 kcal;
  • 1 g of fat is 9 kcal.

Allowed and prohibited products

Table: suitable and undesirable products

Product categoriesProducts allowed for consumptionFoods we exclude from the diet
Breadsalt-free bread
MeatLow Fat:
  • chicken meat;
  • turkey meat;
  • veal;
  • rabbit
Fat types:
  • mutton;
  • pork
A fishLow fat varieties:
  • cod;
  • vobla;
  • pollock;
  • zander;
  • flounder;
  • haddock;
  • river perch;
  • saithe
Fat varieties:
  • mackerel;
  • beluga;
  • burbot;
  • herring;
  • acne;
  • saury;
  • silver carp
Milk productsLow fat
  • Cheese of any fat content;
  • other high-fat dairy products
Vegetables and greensEverything except prohibited
  • lentils;
  • peas;
  • vegetables with a sharp taste:
    • garlic;
    • radish;
    • radish;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • greenery:
    • sorrel;
    • spinach
  • Everything
    Sausages Everything
    Canned products Everything
    Mushrooms Everything
    • With meat;
    • with fish
    Eggs2 pieces per week
    Seasonings and Food Additives
    • Bay leaf;
    • vanillin;
    • cinnamon;
    • lemon acid;
    • allspice;
    • basil
    • Red pepper;
    • black pepper;
    • ginger;
    • Sugar;
    • souffle;
    • marmalade;
    • jam
    • Chocolate;
    • halva;
    • fatty cookies;
    • waffles;
    • ice cream;
    • sugar substitutes
    • weak black tea;
    • infusions and decoctions of wild rose;
    • clean drinking water;
    • jelly;
    • fruit compote;
    • juices from fresh vegetables and fruits (dilute 1:1 with water);
    • decoctions of herbs;
    • chicory drink;
    • juice of berries
    • Alcohol;
    • coffee;
    • mineral water;
    • strong black tea;
    • carbonated drinks

    Photo gallery: allowed products

    Green tea improves immunity Boiled veal is a low-calorie dietary product It is recommended to consume 2 boiled eggs per week Fruits and berries are sources of vitamins Rosehip decoctions and infusions are rich in vitamins A, C, E Vegetarian soup is an excellent choice for people with kidney diseases
    Choose low-fat dairy products Boiled, lean fish pairs well with fresh vegetables Vegetables are high in fiber; everything is allowed, except legumes, pickled, with a sharp taste, as well as sorrel and spinach. If you follow diet number 7, you can use any cereal

    Photo gallery: prohibited products

    Fatty meat increases cholesterol levels Exclude fatty fish from the diet Spicy spices irritate the urinary tract mucosa Salt dehydrates the body Spicy vegetables are forbidden for kidney diseases Most cheeses contain salt Sorrel and spinach contain oxalic acid, which is harmful to the kidneys Legumes contain a lot of protein and phosphorus Coffee reduces the absorption of vitamins B2 and B6 by the body During the cooking of meat, all the most harmful substances of the product go into the broth Alcohol destroys kidney cells

    Table: approximate diet for 7 days

    • Buckwheat porridge with boiled egg;
    • green tea
    • Oatmeal porridge with berries;
    • orange juice diluted 1:1 with water
    • Low-fat cottage cheese and vegetables casserole;
    • fruit jelly
    • fresh vegetables;
    • apple juice diluted with water
    • Berry and fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt;
    • chicory drink
    • Cutlets from vegetables;
    • fresh tomatoes;
    • bread;
    • berry juice
    • black tea
    • Tea is not strong black;
    • marmalade
    baked apples
    • Black tea;
    • marshmallow
    • Fat-free cottage cheese;
    • fruit
    • Apple compote;
    • souffle
    Fat-free cottage cheeseDried fruits
    • Borsch;
    • salt-free bread;
    • boiled potatoes with sour cream;
    • veal cutlets;
    • kissel
    • Carrot-rice soup;
    • salt-free bread;
    • stewed cabbage;
    • boiled chicken meat;
    • green tea
    • Tomato soup;
    • salt-free bread;
    • boiled pollock;
    • fresh vegetables;
    • tea with mint
    • Milk soup with pasta;
    • bread;
    • boiled turkey meat;
    • cutting of fresh vegetables;
    • berry juice
    • Pumpkin puree soup;
    • bread;
    • boiled saithe;
    • brown rice porridge;
    • green tea
    • Pasta soup with carrots and herbs;
    • boiled chicken;
    • porridge from buckwheat;
    • rosehip decoction
    • bread;
    • boiled turkey;
    • beetroot salad with prunes;
    • chicory drink
    afternoon teaCurd with berriesKefirMilkDried fruitsFruitKefir
    • Rosehip decoction;
    • marmalade
    • Cucumber and tomato salad;
    • salt-free bread;
    • rosehip infusion
    • compote of dried apricots and prunes
    • salt-free bread;
    • green tea
    • Salad of cabbage, carrots and beets;
    • salt-free bread;
    • apple compote
    • pear compote
    • Pineapple, kiwi and blackberry salad with honey;
    • green tea
    • Rice porridge with milk;
    • berry juice

    Photo gallery: approximate diet for 7 days

    Buckwheat porridge in combination with a boiled egg forms a hearty full breakfast Potatoes in sour cream turn out juicy and tender Choose dishes from fresh vegetables for dinner Oatmeal porridge with berries - a light and healthy breakfast After stewing, cabbage becomes very soft Corn porridge is rich in vitamins A, B and E Vegetable cottage cheese casserole is tasty, satisfying and healthy Tomato soup has a rich taste without the addition of spices and salt Boiled shrimps go well with vegetables and herbs Skip the fried omelet, cook this dish Steam the soup to prevent curdling, simmer the soup Salad from carrots, beets and cabbage will please with its taste and saturate the body with vitamins Fruits go well with low-fat dairy products Puree soup is especially useful when prescribing diet No. 7a Cheesecakes can not only be fried, but also baked Multi-colored cutlets from vegetables will cheer you up Curly pasta will give soup funny and appetizing view Fruit and berry salad, for dressed with honey - a healthy dessert before bedtime Low-fat cottage cheese casserole with jam will please the sweet tooth Zucchini - a low-calorie product that is completely absorbed by the body

    Step by step recipes

    If you follow diet number 7, you can make a varied menu from allowed foods and cook food so that it is not only healthy, but also tasty.


    • potatoes - 200 g;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • beets - 200 g;
    • white cabbage - 200 g;
    • parsley - a bunch for decoration;
    • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
    • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
    • water - 1.5 l;
    • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.

    Cooking process:

    1. Carrots, beets and potatoes are peeled.
    2. We cut the beets into cubes.
      Beets - the main element of vegetarian borscht
    3. We shift the beets into a saucepan, pour 1 glass of water, add sugar, lemon juice and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.

      After stewing, the beets will become tender
    4. We rub the carrots on a large grater.

      Sweet carrots will give borscht an exquisite taste.
    5. Potato cut into cubes. Chopped cabbage will cook very quickly
    6. Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, add potatoes, carrots to the water. Cook on low heat for 20 minutes.
    7. Add the stewed beets along with the broth, cabbage to the pan and cook for another 10 minutes. A few minutes before readiness, we throw 2-3 bay leaves into the borscht.
    8. Pour soup into bowls and top with parsley. Bon Appetit!
      Vegetarian borscht - light and tasty soup

    Salad of boiled chicken breast and fresh vegetables


    • lettuce leaves - 20 g;
    • chicken breast - 200 g;
    • cucumbers - 300 g;
    • tomatoes - 300 g;
    • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
    • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

    Cooking process:

    1. Boil the chicken breast, cut into slices.
      Chicken breast is an excellent basis for dietary salads
    2. We cut the tomatoes into slices.
    3. We repeat the same procedure with cucumbers. Fresh vegetables go well with boiled chicken breast.
    4. Put cucumbers, tomatoes and chicken breast in a deep bowl, season with olive oil, add lemon juice, mix everything thoroughly.
    5. Salad of boiled chicken breast and fresh vegetables - a great dish for diet food

    Sauces for dressing dishes

    To improve the taste of food, you can cook various sauces.

    Sauce for salads:

    1. Sugar (2 g) and vegetable oil (10 g) are added to citric acid (10 g).
    2. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

    Dairy dressing:

    1. Flour (5 g) is dried in a heated frying pan.
    2. Butter (5 g) is added to the flour, the mixture is ground.
    3. Warm up milk (50 g).
    4. Part of the hot milk is poured into the pan to the mixture of butter and flour, mixed.
    5. Add the rest of the milk, boil.
    6. The mixture is filtered.

    Sauce on vegetable broth with the addition of eggs:

    1. The boiled egg is crushed.
    2. Shred greens (5 g).
    3. An egg and greens are added to vegetable broth (25 g).
    4. Butter (5 g) is placed in the resulting mixture.
    5. All components are mixed.

    Sour cream dressing for fresh vegetable salads:

    1. Sugar (2 g) is added to a 2% solution of citric acid (10 g).
    2. In the resulting mixture put sour cream 20% fat (20 g).
    3. The ingredients are mixed.

    Diet Results

    The result of the diet depends not only on the skill level of the attending physician, but also on the actions of the patient himself. To improve your well-being, do the following:

    • follow all the recommendations of the doctor;
    • do not stop applying the diet ahead of time;
    • do not get carried away with alternative diets that are not supported by evidence-based medicine.

    Diet table 7 is a food that is prescribed for diseases of the excretory system. The diet of diet No. 7 is selected in such a way as to relieve the burden on the kidneys. That is why it is prescribed for kidney disease: chronic and acute nephritis.

    In chronic nephritis, it is necessary to adhere to table 7 if there are no exacerbations. If the nephritis is of an acute nature, then the patient is first prescribed a treatment menu 7a and 7b. The transition to menu 7 is carried out when there are no acute manifestations of inflammation, and the disease enters the stage of attenuation.

    The effectiveness of table 7 for jade is that such a menu relieves the excess load from the kidneys. Facilitating the work of the kidneys allows the excretory system to work more efficiently, ridding the body of harmful substances of its vital activity. Using only wholesome food and controlling the drinking regime, you can significantly reduce puffiness. Thus, just a diet with the rules of what is possible and what is not can help get rid of the disease.

    Table Features 7

    To reduce the load on the kidneys, you need to change your diet and stick to a certain diet. To do this, limit protein products to 60-70 grams of protein per day (this means that the patient can eat 150 grams of meat or fish). Fats and carbohydrates are consumed in the physiologically necessary amount - 80 grams and 400 grams, respectively. Calorie diet - 2500 cal.

    It is important to say about the drinking regimen: you need to drink up to 1 liter of liquid per day. All liquids are taken into account here, namely soups, drinks and water. The amount of water is very important in nephritis as it puts extra stress on the body's excretion system.

    The amount of salt is limited: you can use no more than 6 grams of salt. In order to control the amount of salt, it is necessary to salt the dish already prepared on a plate. It is necessary to allocate the allowed rate every day so that the patient has the opportunity to regulate the process of adding salt to food.

    What is limited in this diet? As with all therapeutic diets, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, spicy, overcooked, salty, smoked foods are prohibited. Food should be as simple and healthy as possible.

    Diet 7 table - what is possible, what is not (table)

    In order to correctly compose a menu of clinical nutrition, you must be guided by a table from which you will learn what is possible and what is not possible for a patient with nephritis. Nutrition should be not only useful, but also varied, contain the necessary nutrients.

    Products What can you eat What not to eat
    Bread and flour Salt-free bread. Fritters with yeast without salt Regular bread. Baking with salt
    Meat and poultry Low-fat varieties: veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken Fatty meats and poultry. Fried, stewed, smoked, salted meat and poultry. Sausages. canned food
    A fish Low-fat varieties: hake, blue whiting, silver carp Oily fish. Salted, smoked fish. Canned food. Caviar
    Milk products On Diet 7, almost all dairy dishes and sour-milk drinks are allowed. Cheese
    Eggs Up to 2 eggs per day (with restriction of other protein products) soft-boiled or in the form of an omelette
    cereals All types of cereals. Pasta Legumes
    Soups Soups with vegetable broths Broths: meat, fish, mushroom, bean
    Vegetables Almost all vegetables in raw and thermally processed form Onion, garlic, radish, spinach, sorrel. Mushrooms. Salted, pickled, pickled vegetables
    Fruit All fruits
    desserts Jelly, popsicles, honey, jelly, jam, sweets Chocolate
    Beverages Weak coffee, teas. Juices from fruits and vegetables Strong coffee, cocoa. Salt mineral water

    Diet table 7: menu for the week

    After looking at the table, we can conclude that there are a lot of allowed products. In order for the medical nutrition to be varied and healthy, make a menu for a while, from 3 to 7 days. When you see lists of dishes in front of you, you can really appreciate the usefulness and variety of the diet.

    In order to make table 7 balanced and healthy, use several standard dishes that will be repeated every day, but with different ingredients. For example, if this is a soup, then let rice, buckwheat, barley alternate. If you add to this a few more types of soup-puree from different vegetables, then this will already be the lunch menu for the whole week.

    When compiling a menu, remember about the limitations of protein foods. Once a day, meat or fish is allowed in the amount of 100-150 grams. As for cottage cheese, use it to make casseroles, lazy dumplings, or mousse. Also limit eggs.

    If there is kidney disease, table 7 has very strict recommendations regarding meat products. Remember that in one day you can not eat everything together: meat, cottage cheese, and eggs. If the menu is meat or fish, then it is better to exclude eggs and limit cottage cheese. The less meat dishes - the more cottage cheese. Eggs have their own norm: no more than 2 eggs per day. But the yolks can be used in cooking even on "meat" days.

    Cooking meat mainly consists of boiling in water, steaming, and then you can bake in the oven. It is characteristic that you can fry a piece of meat or fish after cooking, but it is impossible to fry and bake initially raw. In this case, certain substances are released in the dish, which are very difficult for the kidneys to remove from the body. For the same reason, meat and fish broths are completely excluded from the diet.

    Table menu example 7 for the day

    • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries and banana, tea.
    • Lunch: pancakes without salt with jam.
    • Lunch: zucchini soup, grilled fish fillet (150 grams), rice with vegetables, fruit juice.
    • Snack: cereal-curd casserole (with a small amount of cottage cheese), dried fruit compote.
    • Dinner: vegetable salad, ryazhenka.

    Dish recipes

    Since the therapeutic diet table number 7 has many allowed foods in the diet, this makes it possible to prepare a lot of new dishes every day. All kinds of soups from all possible cereals, casseroles, vegetable purees, fruits and almost all desserts with the exception of chocolate. The only thing to watch out for is the lack of salt in the cooking process.

    Vegetable ragout

    To prepare this healthy and simple dish for a healing diet, you will need the following ingredients:

    • potatoes (300 grams);
    • zucchini (400 grams);
    • white cabbage (400 grams);
    • carrots (1 pc.);
    • bell pepper (2 pcs.);
    • sunflower oil.

    Wash and clean vegetables. Cut potatoes and zucchini into cubes. Grate carrots on a medium grater. Pour 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil into a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour in the carrots. Stir it. After 2 minutes, add potatoes and zucchini to the pan. Add water to cover the vegetables. Chop cabbage and bell pepper into strips. Add to saucepan. Simmer vegetables for 20-30 minutes. Make sure the water doesn't boil away completely. At the end of cooking, add black ground pepper, dill. To control the amount of salt on meal table 7, salt the stew in portions before serving.

    Pancakes with jam

    For the effectiveness of the therapeutic diet table 7, it is necessary to limit fried foods, but pancakes can be cooked every few days. Make sure they are not too fried. To do this, use a small fire and turn the pancake over in time.

    For the test you will need:

    • flour (one and a half glasses);
    • milk (glass);
    • 2 yolks;
    • sugar (2 tablespoons);
    • sunflower oil;
    • vanilla sugar.

    Prepare the dough by mixing flour, sugar and vanilla sugar, then add 2 egg yolks, milk. Using a blender or whisk, mix the adze so that there are no lumps. If it's too thick, add water. The dough should have the consistency of thin sour cream. Lastly, pour 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil into it. Fry the pancakes over low heat.

    Serve pancakes with jam. Table 7 should be varied: you can eat pancakes with sour cream, different varieties of jam, fresh fruits and berries. For example, use such pancakes as pita bread, in which you can wrap a banana and strawberry fruit salad.

    Therapeutic dietary table 7B is prescribed for acute glomerulonephritis in the presence of renal failure after dietary table 7A, detailed characteristics and description.

    Characteristics of the diet table 7B

    Indications for the appointment of a dietary table 7B

    Indications for dietary table 7B are acute glomerulonephritis with symptoms of renal failure after dietary table 7A, chronic nephritis with moderately severe kidney failure.

    The purpose of the appointment of a treatment table 7B

    The purpose of the prescription of the treatment table 7B is the maximum sparing of the kidneys. Improving the excretion of metabolic products from the body. Reducing arterial hypertension and edema.

    General characteristics of the diet table 7B

    Diet table 7B is a diet with a significant reduction in protein and a sharp restriction of salt.

    Fats, carbohydrates and energy value within the physiological norm.

    Compared to table 7A, the amount of protein was increased by 2 times, mainly due to the inclusion of up to 125 gm. (gross) meat and fish, 1 egg, up to 125 gm. milk and sour cream.

    Meat and fish can be replaced with cottage cheese, taking into account the protein content in these products.

    In the dietary table 7B increased to 150 gm. amount without protein salt-free cornstarch bread, sago (or rice), as well as potatoes and vegetables (respectively 300 gm and 650 gm gross), sugar and vegetable oil to ensure the proper content of fats and carbohydrates.

    Diet: 5-6 times a day.

    Chemical composition and energy value of table 7B

    Proteins - 40-50 gm. (50-60% animals, and in chronic kidney failure - 70%);
    Fats - 85-90 gm. (20-25% vegetable);
    Carbohydrates - 400-450 gm. (100 gm sugar);
    Table salt is excluded;
    Free fluid under the control of the amount of urine and other clinical indicators (see), on average - 1-1.2 l;
    The energy value of the table is 2500-2600 kcal.

    Exemplary diet menu 7B

    1st breakfast: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, rice pudding with apples, tea.
    2nd breakfast: grated carrots with sugar.
    Dinner: vegetable soup, boiled chicken in milk sauce, boiled potatoes, dried fruit compote.
    afternoon tea: a decoction of wheat bran with sugar.
    Dinner: 1 soft-boiled egg, apple pancakes, tea.
    For the night: fruit juice.

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    Developed in the last century by the famous nutritionist M. I. Pevzner, the therapeutic diet table No. 7 is recommended for use for patients with kidney problems. The main table 7 is prescribed by nephrologists for chronic kidney pathologies (without signs of renal failure).

    Additional ration 7a used in cases of acute nephritis or exacerbation of pathology, and 7b- with the attenuation of inflammation in the excretory organs. Also, the treatment menu allows you to alleviate the condition of patients with skin tuberculosis, increased swelling of tissues during inflammation.

    Diet Principles #7

    The main goal of therapeutic nutrition is to reduce the burden on the kidneys by reducing the intake of proteins and salt, activating diuresis, freeing the body from extractive nitrogenous substances and underoxidized metabolites, eliminating tissue swelling and normalizing blood pressure. In patients who observe the kidney-sparing table 7, excess salts are removed, blood flow and the general condition of the body improve qualitatively.

    Experienced nutritionists approach the preparation of the menu individually, taking into account the existing chronic pathologies, so some recommendations may not coincide with the textbook composition of the diet. The duration of the diet (kidney disease table 7) is prescribed by the attending physician after a complete examination of the patient.

    To reduce the load on the kidneys and spare this organ, the amount of table salt should not exceed 6 g / day, but only a doctor can recommend the exact rate.

    The amount of free fluid in the daily diet is reduced to 1 liter, the amount of purines and proteins is minimal, carbohydrates, including complex ones, are subject to restriction.

    The energy value of the diet and the chemical composition (adjusted by the doctor depending on the patient's condition):

    • calorie content - from 2200 to 3000 kcal;
    • proteins - up to 20-80 gr;
    • carbohydrates - up to 450 gr;
    • lipids - from 70 to 90 g, while vegetable fats account for about 25%.

    All products are prepared without salt, sodium chloride can only be added to ready-made meals, taking into account the prescribed daily allowance. Meat and fish should be pre-boiled to transfer extractive compounds and excess salt into the broth.

    Steamed, boiled, baked, chopped or lightly fried dishes without preliminary breading are served warm. The number of meals is 5-6, portions are small.

    Diet 7 table - what you can and what you can not eat (table)

    Table of allowed and prohibited foods for table 7
    Approved Products
    (you can eat)
    • lean varieties of poultry, meat and fish (previously subject to boiling);
    • baking without sodium chloride, including fresh and yeast (up to 250 g / day);
    • eggs (no more than 2 pieces / day);
    • dairy and sour-milk products with a minimum fat content, except for cheeses;
    • all vegetables, with the exception of prohibited ones, in which oxalic acid is present;
    • all berries and fruits fresh, frozen or dried;
    • low-calorie (with a minimum carbohydrate content) desserts, for example, based on fruits or dairy products (jelly, soufflé, jam, marmalade, jam, honey);
    • sugar and honey (up to 50 g / day);
    • freshly prepared juices diluted with drinking water (1:1);
    • green tea, black tea (weak), hibiscus, mate, compotes, herbal infusions, weak coffee with milk, rosehip broth, chicory, still water with a low sodium concentration;
    • cereals (brown rice, pearl barley, corn porridge, oats, buckwheat, barley, wheat);
    • hard pasta;
    • mild and spicy sauces (homemade tomato, milk);
    • vanillin, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar (limited);
    • unsaturated fats (unsalted butter (up to 20 g), refined oil, add to ready meals or use for frying).
    Prohibited Products
    (can't eat)
    • smoked meats, including fish;
    • pickles;
    • semi-finished products and fast food dishes;
    • sausages;
    • margarine;
    • spicy seasonings;
    • all types of broths;
    • mushrooms;
    • legumes, sorrel, spinach, radish, radish, turnip, roots with a high concentration of esters (celery, parsnip, parsley), onion, garlic;
    • fatty meat and fish;
    • confectionery and pastries, in the formulation of which there is baking soda, oil creams;
    • salted cheeses;
    • salt bread and pastries;
    • strong coffee and teas, products with cocoa beans (chocolate, cocoa, sweets), mineral waters with a high content of sodium chloride;
    • ice cream;
    • margarine, mayonnaise, cooking oils, salted butter, mustard, adjika;
    • any carbonated drinks;
    • spirits and cocktails, energy drinks.

    Table 7 diet - menu for the week (example)

    The diet will help to make an experienced nutritionist. You can independently plan the menu, taking into account the above recommendations.

    Sample daily menu.

    Option number 1

    • Breakfast: pumpkin-millet porridge in milk with butter, a steam omelet from 2 quail eggs, a drink from chicory root powder with sugar.
    • Lunch: baked apple with honey and cinnamon.
    • Lunch: vegetable soup on the water (cauliflower, zucchini, potatoes, carrots), a portion of durum wheat pasta, boiled lean veal (50 g), vinaigrette without pickles, berry jelly.
    • Afternoon snack: fruit jelly, rosehip drink.
    • Dinner: fresh cabbage and cucumber salad dressed with linseed oil, a slice of salt-free bread with butter, cottage cheese casserole with berry sauce or strawberry jam, a glass of apple-plum juice diluted in half with clean water.
    • Late dinner: biscuits (2 pcs.), A glass of natural fat-free yogurt.

    Option number 2

    • Breakfast: milk rice porridge with butter, a slice of unsalted bread, tea with sugar and condensed milk.
    • Lunch: fruit puree made from plum, banana and mango (or other fresh fruit).
    • Lunch: mashed potato soup with broccoli and carrots, pollock or hake fillet steam soufflé, zucchini stewed in a creamy sauce, grated boiled beets with pumpkin oil, prunes and dried compote.
    • Snack: cottage cheese with berries, mate tea.
    • Dinner: dumplings with cottage cheese (use second-class flour), poured with kefir and rosehip syrup, chamomile tea with honey.
    • Late dinner: bio curdled milk (glass).

    Diet therapy contributes to the rapid recovery of the body. Adhering to the nutrition table 7, the patient in a short time normalizes the functioning of the excretory system and gets rid of edema of various origins.

    If you have any doubts about the possibility of introducing certain foodstuffs into the menu, as well as methods of preparing your favorite dishes, you need to consult a competent specialist.

    Be always healthy!

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