Home Fertilizers Outline outline of soccer stand and soccer player travel. Summary of a football lesson in a comprehensive school. Deceiving the ball. Football training game

Outline outline of soccer stand and soccer player travel. Summary of a football lesson in a comprehensive school. Deceiving the ball. Football training game


for students of grade 5

Theme: Football: Kick a rolling ball with the inside of the foot. Development of strength and specific coordination abilities.

Target : to ensure that students acquire technical(strikes on a stationary ball with the inside of the foot, strikes on a rolling ball with the inside of the foot, stopping and receiving the ball with the inside of the foot, passing the ball to a partner with the inside of the foot) and tactical actions (play in pairs and in "square",play by the rules).


    To create an idea of ​​the studied motor action and to form the students' mindset to master motor actions.

    To increase the level of ability to coordinate the movements of arms, legs and torso, communication skills when performing technical and tactical actions.

    To master the safety rules when performing game actions in football.

The date of the:

Location: playground.

Duration of the lesson:

Inventory and equipment:

    Football balls 5 pcs.

    Football goal 2 pcs.


Lesson steps

Particular task of the stage


Universal learning activities

Teacher activity

Student activities

Organizing time

Creating a problematic situation: problematic issues (see Appendix No. 1)

Motivation of student activities

Awareness of the meaning of the upcoming activity (personal UUD)

Formulation of the problem:

Does the level of development of strength and specific coordination abilities affect the successful mastering of technical actions of a football player?

Active participation in the dialogue with the teacher

Ability to participate in a dialogue on a given topic (communicative UUD)

Psychophysiological preparation of students for mastering the content of the lesson

Preparation of the body to perform technical actions with and without the ball, activation of mental processes

Communication to students of the tasks of the stage, means and methods of assessment.

Perception of the teacher's explanation

Ability to perceive the teacher's explanations (communicative UUD)

Carrying out the switchgear in motion:

    walking on toes, hands on the belt;

    walking on heels, arms crossed at the back of the head;

    walking on the outside of the foot, hands on the belt;

    rolling from heel to toe;

    running at a slow pace with a simultaneous tilt of the body to the left, right;

    cross steps with the left (ex.) sideways;

    running backwards.

    running with a simultaneous turn through the left and right shoulder alternately;

    running with a high hip lift;

    running with an overlap of the lower leg;

    jumps on the left, right leg alternately with the simultaneous execution of a swing with both hands forward, backward, in front of oneself, changing the position of the hands up and down;

    running at a slow pace;

    walking with simultaneous restoration of breathing.

Implementation of switchgear in motion

5 minutes

Ability to prepare the body for effective work in the main part of the lesson (personal UUD)

Technical training

Preparatory exercises with f / balls in place:

    stopping the ball with the inside of the foot and passing the ball in pairs;

    passing the ball to a partner with the inside of the foot in one touch;

Self-assessment criteria:

    The position of the feet at the time of stopping and passing the ball

    The ball is passed in the leg to the partner

    Passing the ball with the right and left foot alternately

20 gears

1. Ability to control and evaluate the results of their own activities (regulatory ECD).

2. Acquisition of new technical and tactical actions based on the material of the basic sport "Football" (personal UUD)

Control exercises with f / balls in motion:

    Stopping and passing the ball in pairs in two touches at a distance of 3-5 m;

    Stopping and passing the ball in pairs in two touches at a distance of 6-10 m;

    passing the ball in pairs in one touch.

Evaluation criteria:

5 precise gears (5 points);

4 accurate passes (4 points);

3 accurate passes (3 points);

2 accurate passes (2 points);

1 accurate pass (1 point)

1. Ability to conscientiously carry out an educational task (regulatory UUD).

2. Ability to correlate the real result with the norm by assessing your peer (regulatory UUD)

Preparatory exercises:

    dribbling the ball in threes alternately with the inside and outside of the foot towards the partner to the center line, followed by the transfer with the inside of the foot to the partner

Self-assessment criteria:


    timely transfer of the ball from the right foot to the left;

    do not lower your head;

    dribbling the ball with minimal visual control;

2 times

Control exercises with f / balls:

    dribbling the ball in threes alternately with the inner and outer sides of the foot of the left and right legs towards the partner to the center line, followed by an accurate and verified transfer of the inner side of the foot to the partner. Partner (number 2) evaluates the technical action of number 1, (third of the second, first of the third).

Mutual assessment:

    dribbling the ball alternately with the inside and outside of the foot (1 point);

    dribble with the left foot(1 point)

    clear control of the ball in the zone of action of the legs (1 point)

    clear reception of the ball with the inside of the foot, (without a strong rebound of the ball from the foot) (1 point)

    Clear and accurate transmission exactly in step with the partner (1 point)

Counter relay for a time:

    Dribbling the ball in any known way;

    Passing the ball in motion with the inner side of the foot with the “strongest” leg from approximately 5-8 m;

    Reception of the ball with the inner side of the foot with a simultaneous blow on the ball to oneself;


    Exceeded the established standard (1 minute for 5 participants) (3 points);

    They met in the allotted time (2 points);

    Did not meet the allotted time (- 2 points)

Ability to interact while achieving common goals in the process of joint activities (communicative UUD)

Preparatory exercise:

Kicks on the ball with the inside of the foot on the goal

Self-assessment criteria:

    footballer's stand;

    the correct approach to the ball (setting the supporting leg, tilting the body, carrying out the thigh of the kicking leg, turning the ankle;

    accurate hit

Control exercise:

Shots on goal in specific zones (left and right bottom corner, left and right top corner, center of the goal)

Mutual appreciation:

5 hits - 5 points

4 hits - 4 points

3 hits - 3 points

2 hits - 2 points

1 hit - 1 point

Tactical training

Learning to interact in pairs and fours ("square 4x2 or 4x1" depending on the number of students)

Defender's task: to intercept the ball of the attacking team

The task of the attackers: by sending passes to the partners in the "square" not to give the ball to the opponent.

Players who are inside the "square" for more than 10 assists lose 1 point;

The player who violated the rules or the player through whose fault the team gave the ball to the opponent also loses 1 point.

Ability to responsibly relate to the assigned case, to be responsible for the results of their own activities (regulatory UUD)

3x2 soccer game (3x3 including teacher)

1st place - 3 points

2nd place - 2 points

8 minutes


Offer your own solutions to the problem.

Formation of a general conclusion to solve the problem

1. Ability to discuss the content and results of joint activities.

2. Ability to logically correctly express, argueand substantiate your own point of view (communicative UUD).

3. Ability to draw a conclusion (cognitive UUD)

Activates and directs the work of students, corrects students' answers (as necessary), summarizes them


Options for solving the problem based on the analysis of their work in the previous stages of the lesson

Lesson summary

Marking by the students themselves for the lesson: add up the points received for all stages of work and translate them into a mark:

17-21 points - "5"

10-16 points - "4"

below 10 points - "3"

Assessment of the results of one's own learning activities (regulatory ELM)

Annex 1

Problematic issues:

    What technical actions inherent in a football player do you already possess?

    Is football a simple or complexly coordinated sport? Why?

    What physical qualities do you need to develop in order to successfully master complex technical actions?

    Does the level of development of strength and specific coordination abilities affect the successful mastering of a football player's technical actions?

A rough outline for football.

Theme:Stopping the ball with the sole and hitting the middle of the instep, in motion and in place.

Target: Improve the technique of stopping the ball with the sole and hitting the middle of the rise, in motion and in place.


1) stopping the ball in place with the sole of the right and left feet,

2) stopping the ball with the sole in motion,

3) hitting the middle of the rise, in motion and in place.

1. Construction. Communication of goals and objectives of training.

2. Slow, even running:

Cross movements of the right and left side / 1 circle /

Running with a high hip lift / 1 lap /

Overlapping the lower leg back / 1 circle /

Multijumps / 1 lap /

Jumping / in a straight line - 1 circle, on the sides - 1 circle /

Backstroke / 1 lap /

Mincing run / 1 lap /

Calm running / 2 laps /

3. General developmental approach exercises in place.

4. Shuttle run. / 2 repetitions /

5. Acceleration: a) high start / 1 time /; b) from the position - an emphasis, lying / 5 push-ups /;

c) position - lying on your back / press - 5 times /;

d) "flea"

6. Stretching the legs.

7. Stopping the ball in place. / 10 repetitions with a change of legs /

8. Stop in motion / 6 reps with change of legs

9. Stopping with the sole in motion, hitting the ball in the middle of the instep.

/ right-footed // left-footed /

10. Summing up.

Approximate plan - outline of a football lesson

Lesson Objectives:

    Training in the technique of movement and movement of a football player.

    Education of attentiveness, discipline.

Lesson type: training.

Method of carrying out: individual, in-line, frontal.

Location: gym

Inventory and equipment: whistle, stopwatch, soccer balls.

Time spending: 45 minutes

Parts of the lesson



Methodical instructions

Preparatory part 15 minutes


    submission of the report,

    message of lesson objectives

1 minute

    Clear delivery of the report.

    Fizorg hands over a report to the teacher about the readiness of the class "Class! Equalize! Attention!"

    Identification of patients, the presence of a sports form.

    The shoulder blades are brought together, look forward.

Acquaintance with the sports game - mini-football

2 minutes

The history of the development of mini-football.

Combat exercises:



    "Around! ”;



    Formation in a column, a line

1 minute

Performing drill exercises:

    in place;

    in motion, turns are performed over the left shoulder.

Safety briefing when playing mini-football 2 min

Instruct all students.

1) Put on sportswear and sports shoes with rubber soles.

2) Fingernails should be trimmed short.

3) Clothes should not have metal hooks, buckles, buttons.

4) Players should not have rings, medallions, earrings, glasses.

5) Do not violate discipline during the game, do not push in the back, do not trip - know and follow the rules of an active or sports game.

6) Mastering the correct technique of games is the key to preventing injuries of the osteo-ligamentous apparatus and muscles.


4 minutes

Monitor correct posture during running exercises, hand movements and breathing.


walking - acceleration; running in place, acceleration;

The class is rebuilt by the command “To the left, four at a time, march!” The exercise is performed in ranks at the teacher's signal.

acceleration, 360 ° rotation, acceleration;

running with a change of direction ("snake"), face forward, back forward;

side steps; back in front.

look over the left shoulder

Exercises to restore breathing while walking:

1 minute

1-4 - hands up

1-4 - inhale

5-8 - across the sides down.

5-8 - deep exhalation.

OSU complex in place

4 minutes

Main part 25 minutes

    Movement technique training, footballers' stoics.

5 minutes

Adopt the position of the guard. At the sound signal, raise yourself on your toes, and then return to the starting position.

To be attentive

Take the position of a protective stand, walk back and forth, left and right, and then run at a slow pace

Exercises in pairs. Standing facing each other in the position of a protective stand, the players, upon a signal, move around the court in this position, actively working with their hands and trying to shove their partner with their hand in the shin.

10 min

    Development of speed, dexterity.

    Outdoor game "Salki with a soccer ball"

10 min

At the signal, the "tag" tries to catch up and beat one of the players to whom the rest of the players try to pass the ball with their feet in a timely manner. The player in possession of the ball cannot be fired. Salka must chase the other player to whom they are also trying to pass the ball. If the "tag" touches the ball with his foot or takes possession of it, then the driver is replaced by the one who made an inaccurate serve. The winner is the one who has never been a driver or has driven fewer times.

Final part 5 minutes

Building, turning.

1 minute


2 minutes


Jumping rope in 15 sec. Flexion and extension of the arms in support (on the support 50-60 cm.)

    Organized care.

2 minutes

Plans - notes

football training

with. Zarechnoye

Plan-note number 1 (1,2)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: gradual retraction into training work with the help of speed control gear.

Inventory: balls, racks.

    slow run 5 min.

    acceleration 15 meters 6 times 4

    dribbling the ball in a straight line into oncoming counts. 5

    dribbling between the uprights 5

    passing the ball in place in pairs in 2 touches 5

    one-touch pass

    heading in pairs (one type of head kicks the other)

    also a chest stop

    also a hip stop.

    also a one-touch transmission by the "cheek" from the air.

    juggling the ball in pairs

    4x2 square game in two touches

    shots on goal from a place in the middle of the rise

    training game

In the first lesson, instructions on t. B.

Plan-note number 2 (3.4)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: gradual retraction into training work with the help of exercises for agility and technique.

Inventory: balls, racks.

1.slow run 5

2. Switchgear in place, stretching.

3. special running and jumping exercises. 5

4. shuttle run 3x10m. 2 reps.

5. "school of football".

6. dribbling the ball between the posts - somersault - picking up the ball - playing the wall - handling the ball - passing it to a partner.

7.Play in a square 4x2 in two touches

8. dribbling the ball between the posts - hitting the goal in the middle of the rise.

9.juggling the ball in pairs

10. educational game.

Plan-note number 3 (5.6)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: sov-e techniques of ball possession and technical and tactical actions.

Inventory: balls, racks.

    slow run 5

    ORU and the development of flexibility.

    special running and jumping exercises.

    "Football school".

    juggling the ball.

    Player A passes to Player B and jumps towards the pass. Player B plays one-touch wall with player A and shoots at goal. After completion, the players change.

    Player A passes (diagonally) to Player B and jumps into his place. Player B, having received the ball in motion, dribbles, dribbles the posts and shoots at the goal. After they change places.

    playing in an 8x8 square, the goalkeeper is free in the penalty area.

    juggling the ball.

    educational game.

Plan-note number 4 (7.8)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: gradual retraction into training work with the help of speed-strength exercises, practicing techniques.

Inventory: balls, stands, whistle.

    slow run 5

    OSU complex.

    special running and jumping exercises.

    jumping over the d. bench sideways to it 3 series.

    dribbling the ball in a straight line into oncoming counts.

    dribbling the ball from the right flank between the posts, shooting along the goal to a partner, who handles and strikes at goal.

    also from the left flank.

    shots on goal from 16 meters from the spot.

    educational game.

Plan-note number 5 (9.10)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: Development of general endurance with the help of crosses, work on the ball handling technique.

Inventory: balls.

    jogging at a slow pace 10-17min., 15-18min., 19min.

    The switchgear is in place, stretching.

    individual work with the ball in pairs ("football school")

    juggling the ball.

    transfers in place in 1 and 2 touches with the inner side of the foot.

    game in a square 4x2 in two touches.

    juggling the ball.

    game of rugby.

    educational game.

Plan-note number 6 (11.12)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: working out strikes on goal from a place, after dribbling, developing the strength of the arms, abdominal muscles.

Inventory: balls, racks.

    slow run 5

    The switchgear is in place, stretching.

    special running and jumping exercises.

    acceleration 20m. x 5 times.

    pull-up on the bar.

    raising and lowering the body from a supine position 20 times.

    juggling the ball in pairs.

    dribbling between the posts - kick on goal

    standing strikes from 16m.

    strikes after playing against the wall from 11 meters

    standing strikes from 16m.

    rugby game

    training game

Plan-note number 7 (13.14)

Location: stadium.

Tasks: development of speed, with the improvement of technical and tactical training.

Inventory: balls, racks.

    slow running

    "School" of football in pairs in motion

    the players of groups A and B are located on the diagonal of opposite sides of the football field first (numbers with balls), players of groups C and D - with balls near the goal lines on the side of the penalty areas. At the same time, the first numbers of gr. A and B begin dribbling, dribbling the racks, transferring to the second numbers, which, having received the ball, are executed. too. After the transfer, the players c. A and B issue. dash towards the goal, hit the target, pick up the ball and stand: players B - in gr. games. V; players A - in group G.

    Player A mounts a pass to Player B. Player B makes a one-touch pass to Player A and then acts as a center-back. Player A, having handled the ball in motion, beats player B and shoots at goal.

    ball juggling

    game in a square 4x2 2 touches

    educational game 55 min.

Plan-note number 8 (15.16)

Location: gym.

Tasks: development of speed and power qualities, technique of dribbling, passing, stopping the ball in place and in motion.

Inventory: balls, racks, benches.

    slow running

    Switchgear and stretching

    jumping over the bench sideways to it - 5 episodes

    Football "school"

    transfers in pairs in place in 2 and 1 touch.

    ball juggling

    players from groups A and B carry out dribbling between the racks, play wall and pass, players from group A to player group B, and players from group B to player group B, and stand at the end of the columns. etc.

    dribbling between the posts - wall-playing - handling the ball - hitting the goal - picking up the ball - passing to a partner

    4x2 square game

    educational game 45 min.

Plan-note number 9 (17.18)

Location: gym

Tasks: development of endurance, practicing the technique of dribbling, striking the goal in motion, playing the goalkeeper.

Inventory: balls, racks, mat

    slow running

    Switchgear and stretching

    "School" of football in motion

    ball juggling

    dribbling the ball in opposite columns diagonally - passing the inside of the foot

    also with outlining of the struts

    dribbling between the posts - roll the ball, perform a roll - pick up the ball - throw it into the gate - kick on goal

    the same as # 7, but instead of throwing it into the gate, playing the wall

    ball juggling

Plan-note number 10 (19.20)

Location: gym

Tasks: Sov-e techniques of possession of the ball in difficult conditions, shots on goal from the spot.

Inventory: balls, racks, mats

    slow running

    Switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping controls

    dribble basketball

    relay races with dribbling, passes, strut tracing

    4x2 square game

    juggling the ball in pairs

    educational mini-football game 65 min.

Plan-note number 11 (21.22)

Location: gym

Tasks: improvement of technical and tactical training with a speed-power orientation.

Inventory: balls, racks, benches, barriers

    slow running

    Switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping controls

    "School" of football in motion

    ball juggling

    player A performs a wall game - dribbles the posts - passes the ball to player B - jumps over barriers - stands in group B. The player of group B, having received the ball, goes around the stands - takes a shot on goal - becomes in group A

    players of group A perform jumps over barriers - receive the ball from the player of group B - circle the stands - take a shot at the goal - picking up the ball goes to group B, after completing a pass, players of group B - run to group A

    free player square game

Plan-note number 12 (23.24)

Location: gym

Tasks: sov-e head strikes, chest stops, ball tackles, standing shots

Inventory: balls,

    slow running

    Switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping controls

    Football "school"

    in pairs of transfers in place in 1 and 2 touches

    head bangs in pairs

    also a chest stop

    in pairs, one dribbles, the other tackles the ball

    ball juggling

    shots on goal from a place in the middle of the rise

    head juggling

    educational mini-football game 45 min.

Plan-note number 13 (25.26)

Location: gym

Tasks: Sov-e techniques of dribbling, wall-playing, ball handling, shots on goal in motion

Inventory: balls, racks

    slow running

    Switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping controls

    Football "school"


    transfers in place in 2 and 1 touch

    players from groups A and B dribble between the posts - play the wall - handle the ball - take a shot at the goal - pass the ball to the next player

    wall-playing - beating the opponent - kick on goal

    4x2 square game

    educational game of mini-football 55 min.

Plan-note number 14 (27.28)

Location: gym

Tasks: Sov-e techniques with high-speed orientation

Inventory: balls, racks

    slow running

    Switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping controls

    juggling ball with feet, head in pairs

    acceleration, jerking, 5x20 m, rest 20 sec

    one-touch transmissions in pairs

    acceleration with dribbling 5x15m - 20 sec rest

    transfers in 2 touches

    4x2 square game

    educational mini-football game 65 min.

Plan-note number 15 (29.30)

Location: gym


Inventory: balls, racks

    slow running

    Switchgear and stretching

    specialist. running and jumping controls

    Football "school"

    juggling with legs and head

    6-8 transitions from the support, squatting to lying, starting jerks 5x15m -20 sec rest

    heading the ball in pairs

    10-12 jumps on 2 legs in a squat, start. jerks 5x15m - 20 sec rest

    blows on a flying ball with the inside of the foot from the summer

    start. jerks with a stroke 5 racks 5x15m - 20 sec rest

    breast processing, trans. school desks. in pairs

    educational mini-football game 50 min.

Plan-note number 16 (31.32)

Location: gym

Tasks: ow-e technical and tactical techniques.

Inventory: balls, racks

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    "School" of football in motion.

    juggling the ball.

    in pairs of passing the ball in two touches.

    also with one touch.

    dribbling to a partner and back - passing the ball to a partner.

    head bangs in a jump.

    one-touch strikes on a flying ball into the hands of a partner.

    hip stop.

    game in a square 4x2.

    juggling the ball.

    educational game of mini-football.

Plan-note number 17 (33.34)

Location: gym


Inventory: balls, racks

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    "School" of football.

    jumping over the bench sideways to it 5 episodes

    juggling the ball.

    jumping rope 100 jumps.

    outlining the posts - a kick on the goal with a lift.

    outlining the uprights with the inner side of the foot, making a circle around the rack - a shot on goal.

    outlining the outside of the foot, making a circle around the rack - a shot on goal.

    leading in a straight line - avoiding the opponent with the help of false movements - hitting the goal.

    educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 18 (35.36)

Location: gym

Tasks: Sov-e techniques and the development of "lagging" qualities.

Inventory: balls, racks

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    development of "lagging" qualities.

    joint dribbles and passes along the goal to the partner, the partner takes a shot on goal.

    shots on goal from the spot.

    game in a square 4x2.

    head juggling.

    educational game.

Plan-note number 19 (37.38)

Location: gym


2. development of speed and dexterity.

Inventory: balls, stands, whistle.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    acceleration from various IP 10 accelerations.

    in pairs "school" of football in place.

    also with one touch.


    in pairs of passing the ball in 2 touches.

    juggling in pairs.

    game in a square 4x2 in two touches.

    shots on goal from the spot.

    educational game.

Plan-note number 20 (39.40)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of strength of arms, legs.

Inventory: balls, stands, whistle.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    pull-up on the bar.

    weighted squat.

    in pairs "school" of football in motion.


    passing the ball in motion with a shot on goal.

    dribbling between the racks - a shot on goal.

    strikes from the spot.

    head juggling.

    game in a square 4x2 in two touches.

    game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 21 (41.42)

Location: gym



    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    raising and lowering the body from a supine position.

    relay races with balls.

    game in a square 4x2.

    juggling in pairs.

    head juggling.

    playing mini-football.

Plan-note number 22 (43.44)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

Inventory: balls, racks, whistle, d. rope.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    jumping rope.

    game in a square 4x2 in two touches.

    dribbling - wall-playing - handling - shots on goal.

    strikes from the spot.

    head bangs in a jump.

    juggling in pairs.

    breast processing.

    playing mini-football.

Plan-note number 23 (45.46)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

Inventory: balls, racks.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    "School" of football.

    juggling the ball.

    6-8 transitions from a crouching position to a lying position, starting jerks 5x15m. 20sec. Recreation.

    head bangs in pairs.

    10-12 jumps on two legs, starting jumps 5x15m. - 20sec. recreation.

    blows on a flying ball with the inner side of the foot.

    game in a square 4x2 in two touches.

    educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 24 (47,48)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of speed.

Inventory: balls, racks.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    acceleration 15m. from various I.p.

    juggling in pairs.

    in pairs of passing the ball in 2 touches.

    also with one touch.

    dribbling between the racks - playing the "wall" - opening, handling - hitting the goal.

    strikes from the spot.

    dribbling between the posts - throwing a blow to a partner - a partner handling - taking a shot on goal.

    strikes from the spot.

    head juggling.

    educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 25 (49.50)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of speed, dexterity.


    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    "School" of football.

    juggling in pairs.

    relay races with balls.

    square 4x2.

    educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 26 (51.52)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of speed-power qualities.

Inventory: balls, racks, d. skipping ropes, d. benches.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    "School" of football.

    juggling in pairs.

    in pairs of passing the ball in 2 touches.

    also with one touch.

    dribbling between the racks - playing the "wall" - opening, handling - hitting the goal.

    kicks from the spot by the middle of the rise.

    head bangs in pairs in a jump.

    square 4x2.

    educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 27 (53.54)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

Inventory: balls, racks.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    "School" of football.

    acceleration with a ball 5x15m. - 5 minutes. juggling the ball.

    acceleration with a ball 5x10m. - 5 minutes. juggling the ball.

7. transfer in pairs in one touch.

8. educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 28 (55.56)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of endurance.

Inventory: balls, racks, mat.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    "School" of football.

    dribbling between the racks - playing the wall - handling the ball - rolling the ball, somersault forward - picking up the ball - passing to a partner.

    shots on goal after playing the wall.

    shots on goal from the spot.

    game in a square 4x2.

    educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 29 (57.58)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of strength of arms, legs, abdominal muscles.

Inventory: balls, racks, dumbbells.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    pull-up on the bar, squat with dumbbells 8kg. jumping up, raising and lowering the body from a supine position 15-20 times.

    outlining the posts - a shot on goal.

    shots on goal from the spot.

    wall game - outplaying the opponent - shot on goal.

    shots on goal from the spot.


    breastfeeding in pairs.

    transfers in pairs in two touch.

    educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 30 (59.60)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of speed.

Inventory: balls, racks.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    "School" of football.

    acceleration 15m.x 10 times.

    dribbling the ball to the rack and back.

    leading to the rack, around the rack with the inner side of the foot with the right and left legs.

    transfers in pairs in one touch.

    head bangs in a jump.

    juggling in pairs.

    educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 31 (61.62)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of speed-power qualities.

Inventory: balls, racks, d. bench.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    jumping over the d. bench facing it, sideways to it - 5 series.

    jumping over the bench sideways to it - 5 episodes.

    stop by the chest, transfer from the cheek to the hands.

    head bangs.

    hip stop.

    one-touch transmission of the meeting.

    transfers in pairs in two-touch in place.

    passing the ball in motion in two touches.

    educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 32 (63.64)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of special speed.

Inventory: balls, racks, d. bench.

    slow running.

    OSU and stretching.

    specialist. running and jumping controls.

    "School" of football.

    acceleration with a ball 5x20m. - 5 minutes. juggling the ball.

    acceleration with a ball 7x15m. - 5 minutes. juggling the ball.

    acceleration with a ball 8x10m. - 5 minutes. juggling the ball.

    transfers in pairs in two and one touch.

    a square game with a free player.

    educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 33 (65.66)

Location: gym

Tasks: development of special endurance, ball handling technique.

Inventory: balls, racks

1.slow running

2.OPU and stretching

3.specialist running and jumping controls

4. "school" of football

5.kick and head juggling

6.6-8 transitions from the support, squatting to lying, starting jerks 5x15m -20 sec rest

7.Heading the ball in pairs

8.10-12 jumps on 2 legs in a squat, start. jerks 5x15m - 20 sec rest

9. hitting a flying ball with the inside of the foot from the summer

10.start. jerks with a stroke 5 racks 5x15m - 20 sec rest

11. breastfeeding, trans. school desks. in pairs

12. educational game of mini-football 50 min.

Plan-note number 34 (67.68)

Location: gym

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of speed.

Inventory: balls, racks.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

4.acceleration 20m. from various I.p.

5. juggling in pairs.

6. in pairs of passing the ball in 2 touches.

7.One touch too.

8. leading between the racks - playing the "wall" - opening, handling - hitting the goal.

9. strikes from a place.

10. dribbling between the posts - dumping to a partner under a blow - partner handles - takes a shot on goal.

11. standing strikes.

12. head juggling.

13. educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 35 (69.70)

Venue: stadium

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of strength of arms, legs.

Inventory: balls, stands, whistle.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.specialist running and jumping controls.

4.Pull-up on the bar.

5. Weighted squat.

6. in pairs "school" of football in motion.

7. juggling.

8. passing the ball in motion with a shot on goal.

9. leading between the posts - a shot on goal.

10. strikes from a place.

11. head juggling.

12. game in a square 4x2 in two touches.

13. play mini - football.

Plan-note number 36 (71.72)

Location: stadium

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball possession (with high-speed orientation).

2. development of the strength of the abdominal muscles.

Inventory: balls, racks, whistle, d. rope.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.specialist running and jumping controls.

4. raising and lowering the body from a supine position.

5. relay races with balls.

6. game in a square 4x2.

7. juggling in pairs.

8. head juggling.

9. the game of football.

Plan-note number 37 (73.74)

Location: stadium

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of endurance.

Inventory: balls, racks, mat.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.specialist running and jumping controls.

4. "school" of football.

5. leading between the racks - playing against the wall - handling the ball - rolling the ball, somersault forward - picking up the ball - passing to a partner.

6. Shots on goal after playing against the wall.

7. Shots on goal from the spot.

8. game in a square 4x2.

9. educational game of football.

Plan-note number 38 (75.76)

Location: stadium

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of special endurance.

Inventory: balls, racks.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.specialist running and jumping controls.

4. "school" of football.

5. ball juggling.

6.6-8 transitions from the crouching position to the lying position, starting jerks 5x20m. 20sec. Recreation.

7. headbutts in pairs.

8.10-12 jumps on two legs, starting jerks 5x20m. - 20sec. recreation.

9. strikes on a flying ball with the inner side of the foot of the rally.

10. game in a square 4x2 in two touches.

11. educational game of football.

Plan-note number 39 (77.78)

Location: stadium

Tasks: development of speed-power qualities, ow-e feints, dribbling of racks, strikes on goal in motion.

Inventory: balls, racks

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.specialist running and jumping controls.

4. "school" of football.

5. jumping over the bench sideways to it 5 series

6. ball juggling.

7. jumping rope 100 jumps.

8. obvodka racks - kick on the goal with a lift.

9. Outline of the struts with the inner side of the foot, making a circle around the rack - a shot on goal.

10. Outline with the outside of the foot, making a circle around the rack - a shot on goal.

11. directing in a straight line - avoiding the opponent with the help of false movements - hitting the goal.

12. educational game of mini - football.

Plan-note number 40 (79.80)

Location: stadium

Tasks: 1. Sov-e techniques of ball control.

2. development of special speed.

Inventory: balls, racks.

1.slow running.

2. ORU and stretching.

3.specialist running and jumping controls.

4. "school" of football.

5.acceleration with a ball 5x15m. - 5 minutes. juggling the ball.

6.acceleration with a ball 5x10m. - 5 minutes. juggling the ball.

7. One-touch transmission in pairs.

8. educational game of mini - football.

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