Home Fertilizers Prince of Wands Tarot Thoth: the meaning and interpretation of the card. The value of the Prince of Wands Crowley in love and relationships. The value of the card on the psychological plane

Prince of Wands Tarot Thoth: the meaning and interpretation of the card. The value of the Prince of Wands Crowley in love and relationships. The value of the card on the psychological plane


The Four Princes are united by the idea of ​​air, that is, intellect. Each of the Princes is a kind of logos of their element. Air is between heaven and earth, it is Shu or Atlas, which supports the sky. Air as an element is the essence of the thinking process. The chariot itself, which is driven by any of the Princes, seems to hint at the first miracle of engineering genius in the history of mankind - the chariot, invented the very first great inventor.

Therefore, Princes are always those who change the established status quo. Their task is to be both creators and destroyers. Princes are freer than Kings, because nothing belongs to them. All that will belong to them is what they can conquer themselves with their mind and will. Therefore, unlike Kings, who are usually conservative (perhaps with the exception of the King of Wands - a reformer on the throne), Princes always seek to subject reality to some kind of radical transformation.

The most striking bearer of this strategy is the Prince of Wands - the air of fire. Essence of the Prince of Wands - transgression, violation, rebellion. As a person, the Prince of Wands always attacks the generally accepted boundaries of decency and morality. He is an eternal subverter of prejudices, a rebel and a brawler. Opposing the current culture, the Prince of Wands is always striving towards the culture of the future.

Prince of Wands

Typical representatives of this card were people like Giordano Bruno, Faust, Aleister Crowley, Timothy Leary. The Prince of Wands is the hero of the counterculture, for him the most important thing is the realization of his idea in the future. The Prince of Wands helps to understand why Carl Jung related precisely the function of intuition to fire. The Prince of Wands simply sees the future, and if the future does not want to be as he sees, it is worse for him - it is not for nothing that not horses, but ferocious lions, are harnessed to this Prince's carriage.

For him, revolution is a welcome element, be it political or sexual revolution. He is an absolute neophile, "new" is synonymous with "good" for him, and "conservative" is the worst swear word. In some cases, the Prince of Wands may refer to "ancient wisdom", but in the end for him this is nothing more than a rhetorical device - he can easily pass off the latest discoveries of quantum physics as ancient wisdom, if necessary.

In layouts, the Prince of Wands indicates creative mobilization, the struggle for independence, self-affirmation, and the choice of one's own path. For him, his intellect, will, discipline are very important, but all this is aimed not at serving the existing order of things, but at changing and destroying the old or building something fundamentally new. The Prince of Wands is the logos of fire - in other words, the force that gives the destructive element names and meanings, transforming pure destruction into the birth of a new world.

The Prince of Cups is the exact opposite of the Prince of Wands. For him, all social and ideological wars are nothing more than strange quirks. Its goal is eroticism in all its possible forms and manifestations. The Prince of Cups can play the roles of a romantic poet, "a pale youth with a burning gaze", a rock musician, a lover, a seducer, a rake. Typical representatives of the Prince of Cups in history are Giacomo Casanova, Jim Morrison, John Lennon, Charles Baudelaire.

Prince of Cups

Not every poet is the Prince of Cups. The same Bryusov, whose line about the "pale youth" we quote, would be much more suitable as a significator of the King of Wands. But, without a doubt, every Prince of Cups is a bit of a poet, even if he has not written a single quatrain. His poetry is in that romantic halo that surrounds him, making him irresistible for women. The Prince of Cups can take on a variety of images - from a romantic and dreamy wanderer-minstrel to a sophisticated and knowledgeable social lion who knows a lot about the game of love. What they have in common is that their natural strength is the element of pure feeling. Water is a very dangerous element, but the Prince of Cups manages to interact with it practically without loss, because he himself is water.

But the Prince of Cups is not just water, it is the very logos of water, the word of the depths, the expression of the water element. The Logos of the waters has always argued with the Logos of heaven, just as the first Minnesingers and Truvers opposed dogmatic Christianity, even if they formally agreed with it and used Christian images. Here, in the universe of water, where everything is foggy, everything is uncertain, everything is meaningful, the Prince of Cups easily plays with meanings, and the meanings easily turn into their opposites, enchanting with his game.

Prince of Swords

The Prince of Swords is a map of absolute air, that is, rationalism pushed to the limit. The property of the Prince of Swords is a complete withdrawal into the world of pure abstractions. As soon as we look at the map, we realize that everything that happens is a clear illustration of the expression "to be in the clouds."

The trouble with the Prince of Swords is that his thought seeks nothing else. We have already said that logos, thought, is the basic category of all four Princes. But the thought of the Prince of Wands is directed to culture, the Prince of Cups - to an erotically attractive other, and the Prince of Disks - to matter. The Prince of Swords cannot direct his thought to anything but himself. It is a thought, a thinking thought. Thought directed to thought. As a result of this design, something like the same mirror corridor of illusions is obtained, but this time the illusions are not of an erotic nature, as in the Queen of Cups, but of an intellectual one.

A clear illustration of the absurdity of the despotism of the intellect are sophisms in the spirit of Achilles, who can never catch up with the turtle, or the Cretan, who says that all Cretans are liars. Rational and linear thinking too easily falls into the trap of a double loop and is unable to comprehend why this or that law does not work, if, as a logical structure, it seemed flawless. So, we have all met people who absolutely know exactly how to live correctly, and can convincingly substantiate why their theory is the best and why they themselves could not achieve anything with the help of this theory. The Prince of Swords is a virgin who writes a book about seduction, or a city dweller who talks about the superiority of the village over the city. His logic led him to ideas that had nothing to do with either his real status or his future. Unlike the King of Swords, who is determined to implement his ideas, the Prince of Swords will suffer a real disaster. if he tries to test his ideas in practice.

The Prince of Disks

The exact opposite of the Prince of Swords is the Prince of Disks. His strong intellect is directed towards matter, and only towards matter. The archetypal prototype of the Prince of Disks is Hephaestus - this heavenly blacksmith, who always delights Olympus with the inventions of his forge. It is important to understand that the Prince of Disks is not just a hard worker who finds himself in the slavery of matter, but a creative inventor for whom the material world is the only thing that deserves attention. In the history of science, the most prominent representative of this type is Edison, whose motto was "not a single useless invention." Abstract science, new theoretical models did not interest Edison at all if they could not be immediately converted into concrete inventions.

Apollo! Undoubtedly Apollo! Ah Apollo, Apollo! Rides on his wondrous chariot, harnessed by a lion, the king of beasts. On the head is a shining crown. Two! Two crowns. On the head and on top! Straight up to the sky. And from the chariot rays of light shine in all directions. Beautiful card! Eye-catching. So you dream of snatching such a miracle as your husband. Fuck you. Apollo is not one of those who marry, like his father Zeus, for everyone! Everything is complicated with him ...

Watching Crowley.

“This is a soldier in chain mail, but with bare hands: a sign of his strength and activity. He has a crown of rays, surmounted by a winged lion's head; a curtain of fire hangs from the crown. On his chest is the sigil "To Mega Therion" 164. In his left hand he holds the Phoenix Rod of the Second Adept according to Ritual 5 ° = 6 ° C.K. and A.S. 65, the rod of Strength and Energy, with the other hand he rules the lion harnessed to the chariot. The chariot is reinforced with a wheel that emits flames. The prince rides through a rippling sea of ​​fire.

The moral qualities corresponding to this figure are speed and strength. Sometimes this Prince is inclined to act impulsively, sometimes it is easy to let himself be carried away by external influences, sometimes, especially in small things, he becomes a victim of indecision. Often he is harsh, especially when expressing an opinion, but he himself does not always adhere to the opinion that he so vigorously defends. He speaks forcefully just to speak up. In fact, he very slowly and carefully makes his judgment on any issue and always sees both sides of the coin. He is internally fair, but he always feels that justice is unattainable in the intellectual world.

By nature, he is extremely noble and generous. He can brag uncontrollably, while laughing both at the object of his bragging and at himself. In everything that concerns history and tradition, he is romantic to the point of stupidity. Likes to come up with different "tricks" and complex practical jokes. He can choose some harmless, insignificant person and for years scoff at him in all possible ways, like Swift over the unfortunate Partridge166 - and all this without the slightest hostility: if his victim needs it, he is ready to take off his last shirt. His sense of humor stops at nothing and can make him a mysterious and insanely scary figure for people who actually know nothing about him, except for his name - a symbol of Horror.

One of the greatest vices of the Prince of Wands is pride; any mediocrity and limitation causes his endless contempt. He is fanatically brave and tirelessly enduring, always fighting "against the odds" and always winning in the distant — very distant — prospect. The guarantee of this is his enormous capacity for work, which he uses just like that, "not craving results"; perhaps the point is also in his arrogant disgust for the world as a whole - coexisting, however, with a deep and ecstatic respect for "every man and every woman" as a "star"

In an unfavorable elemental environment, the character of the Prince degenerates. Each of the above qualities turns into its opposite. There can be a lot of cruelty in the Prince - partly sadistic, partly due to his thick skin, which comes from indifference and, in a sense, from indolence! He can also be intolerant, prejudiced, and lazy - mainly because it’s less of a hassle. And, finally, he can be a completely empty braggart and a big coward. "

And now we look at Jean Bohlen.

“Apollo is the embodiment of a masculine tendency to observe and act from a distance. As a god, archetype and man, he "shines". Apollo is the beloved son of Zeus, and his attributes help to achieve success in a patriarchal society. He feels completely comfortable in the heavenly realm of intellect, will and mind. And although this god is known as the embodiment of light and form, Apollo also has a hidden dark side.
Apollo rejects any form of intimacy: deep involvement in the question, gentle gaze and, equally, the merging of souls, mystical intoxication and ecstatic vision. But Apollo was also associated with a raven and a raven - dark birds, and also a snake and a wolf. He could be vindictive and cruel.

Apollo could see clearly from afar, surveying the whole picture of life and noticing individual details. He could hit right on target with his arrow shot from a bow or create harmony with the help of music. As an archetype, Apollo personifies that aspect of the human personality that seeks precise definitions, seeks to master skills and arts to perfection, values ​​order and harmony, and prefers to look at the surface, not particularly caring about what is hidden behind the outer veil.
The archetypal Apollo prefers thinking over feelings, the detachment of intimacy, objective assessment over subjective intuitive decisions. The man who most closely matches the Apollo archetype has the attributes that allow him to be in demand in this world. He makes a career and masters the classical arts more easily than most people.

Apollo lives in the head rather than the body or the emotional realm and is therefore usually not particularly good as a lover. In his relationships with women, as a rule, there is not enough passion. In addition, communication with him does not promise a great emotional depth, because he prefers to maintain some emotional distance. Therefore, many women in his life prefer to see him as a brother and can reject him as a lover, either directly telling him about it, or starting a relationship with someone else. Such was the fate of the god Apollo.

In the life of Apollo, the magnetic attraction of opposites manifests itself. As the god Apollo fell in love with Sibyl and Cassandra, so the Apollo man is attracted to women with psychic abilities. Such a woman is usually emotional and impractical, so Apollo does not make much of an impression on her. She seems to him charming, unattainable and unpredictable. Apollo often reaches out to such women and tries to control them.

Apollo generally gets along well with other men. He admires senior authoritative men, values ​​relationships with them, and they often patronize Apollo, teaching him and promoting career growth. Apollo knows how to compromise and values ​​mutually beneficial cooperation. He is adept at negotiating and keeping his promises.

The Apollo man is not a very good lover. He is not falling in love and is usually too focused on the goal in front of him to be distracted by women. In everyday life, Apollo does not spend much time thinking about sex. He is not inclined to mentally undress the women with whom he communicates, and too often indulge in sexual fantasies. The instinctive sexual sensory dimension of the Apollo man's nature is usually the least developed, and therefore takes up little space in his mind. "

The Prince of Wands symbolizes the airy part of Fire, its ability to spread and its ability to turn liquid into vapor. He rules the area from Cancer 21 to Leo 20. This is a warrior in plate armor that covers his entire body, with the exception of his arms, which are bared as a sign of his power and activity. (Some elements of the description do not refer to the final version of the map, but to the sketch)... On his head is a crown, bordered by rays and surmounted by the winged head of a lion; a veil of fire falls from the crown. On the Prince's chest - To Mega Therion stamp (That is, "the seal of the Great Beast", or "Mark of the Beast":. The upper circle with a dot in the center represents the astrological sign of the Sun, and the semicircle below it is the sign of the Moon. In general, the symbol denotes the masculine principle and is a stylized image male genitals). In his left hand he holds the Phoenix Rod, an attribute of the Second Adept in the 5 ° = 6 ° R.R. ritual. et A.C. (Order Roseae Rubeae et Et Aureae Crucis - "Red Rose and Golden Cross" (lat.) - the name of the Second (Internal) Order of the Golden Dawn, the initial degree of which is the degree of 5 ° = 6 ° (Younger Adept). Second Adept ("Mighty Elder Adept", the main assistant of the Supreme Adept) in the initiation ceremony 5 ° = 6 ° is dressed in a red and orange mantle and is armed with the Phoenix Rod, about which the text of the ritual says: “The rod resting on the symbol of the Two and crowned with the Tau Cross - the symbol of Life, or the head of the Phoenix, the sacred bird of Osiris. The seven colors [in which the staff of the wand is painted] between Light and Dark [i.e. the white stripe above and the black stripe below] correspond to the seven planets. This rod symbolizes rebirth and resurrection "), rod of Power and Energy; with his right, he squeezes the reins of the lion, which draws his chariot - a chariot, the shield of which is a wheel that emits rays of fire. He rides across the fiery sea, amid flares of flames.

The moral qualities inherent in this person are speed and strength. But sometimes he can act under the influence of an accidental impulse; sometimes easily gives in to external influences; and sometimes, especially in small things, it turns out to be indecisive. Often he is too passionate in expressing his opinions, but he does not always remain committed to the opinion that he once defended with such fervor. He can come up with some decisive statement just for the sake of speaking out. In reality, however, he needs a very long time to make a sound judgment on this or that subject; and in pondering it, he always considers both sides of the question. At heart he is just, but he is always haunted by the feeling that in the intellectual world, true justice is unattainable. By nature, the Prince of Wands is deeply noble and generous. He may behave like an eccentric braggart, but he will secretly laugh at the subject of his bragging, and at himself - for this bragging. He is romantic to the point of extravagance, especially in matters of history and tradition. He loves to invent different "tricks" and arrange clever pranks. He can choose as his target some harmless nonentity and chase him for years, honing on him all kinds of weapons of ridicule, as Swift once tormented poor Partridge (John Partridge is a well-known English astrologer of the 17th-18th centuries, publisher of astrological almanacs. In a mockery of his predictions, Jonathan Swift (under the pseudonym "Isaac Bickerstaff") published an article in the London almanac "Predictions for 1708", which claimed that 29 Partridge would die at eleven in the morning in March Tom had to come up with a rebuttal, but it did not help: on April 1, 1780, Swift circulated a pamphlet entitled “Report on the death of Mr. Partridge, author of calendars.” through three who brought him to the grave, and the last words of Partridge were quoted, allegedly admitting on his deathbed that he had been fooling people's heads with false prophecies all his life. came not at eleven in the morning, as predicted, but at five minutes past seven. It was impossible: the next morning Partridge had to explain himself to the undertaker and the sexton who came to his house, and soon he received the news that he had been expelled from the booksellers' workshop due to his death. Some time later, Swift composed and published the poetic Elegy on the Death of Partridge, and when the desperate astrologer began to post announcements of his good health in the newspapers and hastened to publish another almanac, Swift responded with a brochure "Isaac Bickerstaff's Refutation," which stated that the new almanac is the work of an impostor, for such a worthy and experienced astrologer as Partridge would never have stooped to such a lie.), but without the slightest dislike: if the victim gets into trouble, he will not hesitate to give her the last shirt. His sense of humor is absolutely omnivorous, which makes him seem like a mysterious and inexplicably scary figure for people who actually don't know anything about him except his name, which has become a symbol of Horror for them. The reason for this is the influence of the last deanery of Cancer on this card. One of the main faults of the Prince of Wands is pride: he infinitely despises squalor and baseness of any kind. He is brave to the point of fanaticism; his endurance knows no bounds; even without a chance of winning, he never backs down, and ultimately - in the most distant future - always wins. This he owes mainly to his enormous capacity for work, which he shows just like that, without "lust for the result" (Compare Book of the Law, I: 42: "For a pure will, not tamed by intent, free from lust for a result, is perfect in all respects"); perhaps this is due to his arrogant contempt for the world at large - coexisting, however, with a deep and rapturous respect for "every man and every woman" as a "star."

Under the influence of an unfavorable element (Compare Book of the Law, I: 3: "Every Man and Every Woman is a Star") this character is degenerating. Each of the above qualities turns into its opposite. The Prince of Wands reveals extreme cruelty (partly sadistic, and partly born of callousness that results from indifference) and, in a sense, laziness. So, he can be intolerant, biased and inactive only in order not to get into unnecessary trouble. And, finally, he can be just a windbag and a big coward.

In the I Ching, the airy part of Fire is represented by the 42nd hexagram, Yi, meaning multiplication, growth. Filled with strength and confidence in her, the Prince of Wands is able to undertake work on a grand scale, often under the influence of the idea expressed in line 5: "... with a sincere heart seeks to benefit all those below." And in this he can achieve incredible success. However, this path is fraught with an equally great danger: feature 6 “... indicates the one whose growth no one will help, but many will seek to attack him. He does not follow any strict rules in the education of his heart. " If this danger can be avoided, then “allies will appear, replenishing his pantry with ten pairs of tortoiseshell shells, whose oracles cannot be resisted.<…>May the king lean on them, making sacrifices to God<…>"(Line 2).

"the book of Thoth" by Aleister Crowley

In the modern understanding of the Tarot, the Figure Arcana is usually considered as aspects of the character of the questioner himself or those around him, but the traditional meaning of the Knight of Wands does not at all refer to the person. These are separation, departure, departure, flight, desertion, absence (“someone on the run”), resettlement, emigration, change of address. In the layouts, it indicates an absent person, a person capable of changing the situation of the questioner and the fact that the events indicated by other cards have already begun.

In its most traditional form, the card foreshadows a trip, business trip, journey or adventure. It can be just an adventure with the aim of having fun. The Knight of Wands, by his activity, breaks the routine, and gives people who are too busy to shake off the dust from their ears. Perhaps, it is for this reason that the card clearly does not have the best reputation in the old interpreters. When life proceeded more measuredly and decorously, the appearance of the Knight of Wands foreshadowed "troubles", which in themselves were something out of the ordinary.

But even now, this card portends a state of the highest activity, stress, haste, fuss, an exciting stream of events, when time simply comes on the heels and you have to do everything at once, because all of a sudden we are required to do this “all at once”. Hot feverish time, a period of turmoil and tension, but you will not be bored.

There is a burst of enthusiasm over the Knight of Wands, an infusion of fresh strength. Energy, initiative, willingness to act, spirit of a pioneer. His element is storm and onslaught, impulsiveness and spontaneity. If he has already appeared, the readiness to throw is obvious. The main strength of the Knight of Wands is an indomitable desire to move forward. How this will manifest itself and with what result - other cards will tell you.

It can be a significator of a person making changes in our life, and very quickly. There is great enthusiasm, ardor, enthusiasm, ease of ascent and readiness to move mountains, but ... The Knight of Wands is a sprinter, he is not enough for a long time (unlike him, the Knight of Pentacles is a marathon runner). One must remember this feature of it, no matter what the matter concerns. But nevertheless, the internal energy of this card is capable of setting in motion surprisingly large and dense layers of being and moving the existing glaciers from their place. The Knight of Wands brings a fresh twist to the most dead-end and musty affairs. In the broadest sense, this card carries the message of a change in the current position and situation ("perestroika"), it remains only to apply this interpretation to the context of the situation.

The time factor is never taken into account on this map. This is expressed, firstly, in the fact that everything happens very quickly. Discreetly fast. And secondly, that everything happens much slower than it seems in the fever of the Knight of Wands. It seems to him that there is business for five minutes. In real life, everything takes two days, if not more. This is how he lives - he always adjusts the time and does not always keep up with it.

Adventurous! Again the worn saddle creaks and the wind of wanderings blows in my ears. The Knight of Wands bestows courage, courage, an optimistic approach to life and self-confidence. In this sense, he has a strong will - he knows how to motivate (but not restrain himself). He is confident in himself and knows what he wants - "all at once!"

The Knight of Wands is a very independent, charismatic and creative comrade, changeable and impulsive nature. Daredevil, adventurer, troublemaker, "crazy but nice young man." Obligations and restrictions abhor him no less than Jester. The card indicates that a person is in search of new impressions, he has a thirst for new experience and a huge craving to try his hand at work and then say "I did it!" Why, for what, at what cost - all these questions are taken out of the brackets. His classic image is a daredevil, a daring young rake (possibly female), attractive and addicting. He makes a great impression, ignites and inspires, but again we must remember that this is a sprinter. Its shine won't last long. More than anything, the Knight of Wands loves excitement, adrenaline rush. Free fall, extreme surfing, racing cars, unbridled sex, motorcycle jumping from roof to roof ... oh, this youth, when will it finally end ?! (Replica of the surgeon-King of Swords, putting the next stitches on the daredevil). His trouble is that actions that are not performed on high energy, by definition, are not interested in him, cause boredom. His receptivity to subtle vibrations and low-energy phenomena is negligible, and the development of the water (intuitive) aspect of fire is just ahead (the next step is the Queen of Wands).

The Knight of Wands speaks of achieving a very active life mode, when enthusiasm, energy, enterprise come to us, we boldly move to all four directions and bravely meet any events and turns.

Alchemically, the Knight of Wands personifies a fire choking on oxygen. This is the airy aspect of fire, the path from darkness to light. It is a feverish state of mind. The heat blazing in the heart irresistibly excites and drives in search of new impressions. In this state, it is literally impossible to sit still. Therefore, he carries, in the broadest sense, the meaning of a change in position or position, movement and movement towards the unknown. The fiery coloring of the card, the scarlet plume associated with the image of a burning torch, pyramidal hills, salamanders on a sun-yellow cloak - all this is a vivid indication of the element of fire. Yellow is the color of the sun, it corresponds to the energy required for activities in the material world. In the Hindu tradition, this color is associated with the third chakra, which is the center of the will. Desire and will are presented here in an extremely intense form, they require the utmost freedom in any area, when annoying obstacles arise, impetuosity, intolerance and recklessness easily arise. The conscious mind must become aware of the creative self and recognize human limitations - this is the supreme task of the Arcanum. In general, he evolves towards the King of Wands (through the "water" aspect of the Queen - developing a more accurate sensitivity to both reality and the inner impulses of other people and gaining an understanding of who and what it is possible to inspire). As he goes his own way, he gradually acquires the determination to truly persevere in his goals and lead people, awakening in them not only admiration, but also a sense of belonging.

The Knight of Wands is a reckless and ebullient opponent of all that is outdated and boring. He seeks all the possibilities for accomplishing feats, correcting the wrong in this world, or simply showing courage and fortitude. He aspires, in general, to the same as the King of Wands, but he lacks the stability of the motive (if the King is a "fire of fire", then an unstable, changeable, "windy" air interferes with the structure of the Knight), in addition, he plays to the audience to a much greater extent. The King's fire is able to lift a rocket into space, the Knight's fire can burn half of the city in the course of the New Year's fireworks. However, his flame is not empty or intended only for the public. It is the irresistibly proud and ardent Knight of Wands who rushes with such concepts as honor, valor, nobility and glory. He cannot disown them with logic (Swords), subordinate them to practical considerations (Pentacles), drown them in emotions (Chalices), for he experiences them absolutely essentially, considering them to be something like a supreme duty. It is the Wands that encourage you to engage in unequal battles, not retreating a single step. Swords do not have such heroism, and they do not at all consider such behavior a glorious achievement. Why, if there is no chance? Step back for now, then you will get even ... Swords do not understand reckless campaigns in a frontal attack - it is the Wands that move into it (the prototype of the Luciferic rebellion). If they consider it a matter of honor, it is impossible to persuade them to take care of themselves. In such situations, they diligently keep their honor intact, for their enemies, from those who love them and to whom they are dear.

Astrologically, the Knight of Wands represents the characteristics of the fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Change. Perhaps the emergence of new attractive options (in comparison with the current situation).

The Inverted Knight of Wands is considered an indication of non-payment of loans, outstanding loans, money borrowed and the debtor on the run.

Adventurism and enterprise in love. I don't want to compare such a person as the Knight of Wands with a match, although in some ways it would be very accurate. Rather, it is a bunch of dry straw that instantly ignites and burns off just as quickly. The same is the fiery passion for this Arcana. The Knight of Wands is too fidgety to be relied on. Conquer impromptu? Please! He grabs his partner like a child a new toy, so that in a minute he will throw it into the corner. So to speak, "he loves warmly, leaves in silence." He strives for new acquaintances, but is much more attached to freedom than to those with whom he has hot affairs. Consistency and responsibility are not about him, although the romance can be exciting and unpredictable. According to the Knight of Wands, a person takes the initiative, flirts with ease, turns his head, makes appointments ... the main thing is that he then remembers where, when and to whom. This is the conqueror, going to storm the fortress he liked without hesitation. His frankness, exactingness and pressure can overwhelm a more shy partner until he is speechless (and silence will be interpreted as a sign of consent). He needs "all at once" in love, just like in everything else. The Knight of Wands is quite honest and noble, but you can see from the eyes that it is difficult for him to restrain himself, and delicacy and patience cost him dearly.

Strong instincts, bright sexual temperament, sparks are pouring in. Excitability and impatience, the person flares up like dry brushwood. This is where "African passion" and violent sex on the first date threatens. It will be difficult to solve the issue of protection, but it is here that it is absolutely necessary (firstly, the Knight of Wands is fickle and careless, and secondly, he personifies situations in which no one thinks about the consequences, but this does not mean that they will not arise) ... In intimate relationships, the Knight of Wands is as energetic as in everything else, and before kissing him, it makes sense to take a supply of air into his lungs, since he is unlikely to provide an opportunity to take a breath. Sex as an adventure and a childish urgency gratification. It is worth warning that he tends to be chilled the next morning after a stormy night (and regardless of gender), and he may not at all strive for a new date. The Knight of Wands loves to boast and show off. He is vain and self-confident. At the same time, there is so much life, recklessness and charm in him that it is difficult not to love him. It is difficult to imagine a more irresistible and “unsuitable” partner for a person striving for reliability in a relationship, but he just will not resist - the Knight of Wands brings an enchanting release from the routine that has set the teeth on edge for a respectable man in the street, tired of serving her. The Knight of Wands is, in general, like an actor in an action movie - he is secondary to the fast-paced action on the screen. He, like no one else, is able to give, albeit for a short time, such brightness and fullness of life, to make one forget about problems, everyday life and worries to such an extent that this alone is worth a lot. The paradox is that he himself as a person, most likely, will not be very remembered, but the time spent with him will be unforgettable. It is this that will be remembered all my life as one of the most dizzying and happy.

The evolutionary task of the Knight of Wands himself is to move to the next level of development, submitting to love (the Queen of Wands as the water aspect of fire) and rising above himself.

A storm in a glass of water, difficulties in the implementation of events, a stop at full gallop. Bickering, debate, debate, objections, bickering, rejections and rejections, upset deals and negotiations on them. Discord, fight, discord, division. Intra-team rivalry, envy, hot temper, tense atmosphere. Disagreements, rupture of friendship. Parting, flight. Traditionally it is considered an indicator of unsuccessful marriage, upset marriage, associated with grooms on the run, husbands leaving. It is also a card of jealousy and sexual bullying, such as seduction into an argument.

Someone who gives a lot of trouble and trouble, a disorderly dilettante, a violent bully, or a desperate con man. Perhaps he feels left out, dissatisfied, he simply has nowhere to do with himself.

It is interesting that one of the traditional meanings of the inverted Knight of Wands: parties, factions, groups (including criminal, gangster). It carries a spirit of fundamental immorality (the main principle: not to have principles).

Archetypal matches

Phoebus in a chariot of fire

Siegfried who went through a raging fire to wake Brunhilde

Jason mining the golden fleece

d'Artagnan and all characters like him, merry fellows and brave men who perform a bunch of feats without much personal gain, just to perform them

"Rebel for no reason"

The song "Ne me quitte pas" very closely matches the spirit of the Inverted Knight of Wands in content and manner of performance.

The meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot means, first of all, movement. But some nuances can be extremely important when interpreting this card in layouts, so you should study its various aspects as carefully as possible.

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Knight of Wands Tarot - meaning in the layouts

The meaning of the Knight of Staffs of the Tarot invites the fortuneteller to act. If the question was about a trip, the recommendation of this card is as follows - you need to go, but be guided only by noble thoughts. Vacation or travel will be pleasant if the question was about it. It symbolizes dynamism and energy, assertiveness and desire to achieve goals. However, do not forget that the Knight of Wands is too impulsive, and sometimes he is too persistent in his aspirations.

The knight wants to get everything at once, he is impatient and full of enthusiasm. If he fails to achieve his goal in a short time, he becomes irritable and even aggressive. But in any case, the energy of this card is such that it is capable of bringing a fresh stream to any business.

Sometimes the meaning of the Horseman of the Tarot Wands portends a major change. Perhaps the current stage of your life is ending, or maybe it is just beginning. In order to clarify this prediction, it is advisable to look at nearby maps. They can point to the essence of change.

There are chances to get a new and extremely interesting task. There is a high probability of relocation, job change or long business trip. Your journey is likely to be an escape from an unpleasant person or circumstance that you would like to postpone for a while. The situation you are asking about will begin or end.

The value of the Tarot card Knight of Wands, if any upside down- unjustified risk. What you want to achieve is not worth the risks you are willing to take. Events will turn out in the worst possible way, even if you don't expect it. Another part of the meaning of the card is a forced trip or a change of place. These changes will not be joyful and stressful.

Inverted The Knight of Wands may indicate that your activity is interrupted, you may need to temporarily suspend work on the project in the future. The obstacles will be minor, but the number can seriously upset you. Beware of prejudice and excessive suspicion, although if your environment cannot be trusted, then suspicion will not be superfluous. There is a high likelihood of problems arising from haste and inconsistency. Do not rush things and avoid conflicts so as not to aggravate the situation.

What kind of people does the Tarot card represent? Knight of Wands

The meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot is a person who is ready to take action and fight competitors. He has no intention of harming others, but he needs to strengthen his position and defeat rivals. This person was born in the spring, according to the horoscope he is Aries, Taurus or Gemini.

In an upright position Tarot card Knight of Wands means a romantic young man who is willing to take risks for the sake of what interests him. He loves to argue and compete. This person is active and energetic, he is used to acting decisively and not wasting time waiting. He is constantly in a hurry and cannot devote himself to one business, because such a person wants everything at once.

As a rule, such people choose entrepreneurial activity. They can get involved in sports and even build a sports career. Sometimes this card says that you are dealing with a traveler who rarely gets out of his way, or a person who is far away at the moment. He may become the reason for your departure, as well as turn out to be a person who will propose a new business or idea, influence the worldview and opinion on some issues.

Inverted The Knight of Wands is an irresponsible liar. He is attractive and can delight almost any girl, but you cannot trust him - such a person can promise a lot, but not keep a single promise. This guy loves to argue, it is very easy to get him involved in a conflict. There is a possibility that he leads a hectic or even wandering lifestyle. It may well choose a life partner, based on the thickness of her wallet.

Knight of Wands Tarot - value in relationships

The Knight of Wands often heralds the beginning of a relationship without any commitment between partners. The purpose of such a union is an extremely pleasant pastime. It is difficult to say how this relationship will develop and how far it will go.

In addition, the value in the relationship of the Knight of Wands of the Tarot is a bright and stormy passion or intense confrontation. Both sides of the coin usually lead to extremes. However, this turbulent energy can inspire you to do things that you would never have dared to.

Inverted The Knight of Wands says that they are jealous of the fortuneteller. Despite this, your partner is indifferent to you at the moment. Now he is attracted only by the physical side of love. Only sexual variety can captivate your beloved. It is impossible to predict how long this period will last or how it will end. For single women, an inverted card promises an unsuccessful marriage.

Knight of the Staves of the Tarot - meaning at the level of consciousness

In order to achieve a goal, you need courage, and perseverance will not be superfluous. However, the card advises the questioner to think - does he have enough patience to bring his plan to the end? Only start work if you can get yourself a positive answer to this question.

Haste and impulsiveness are your worst enemies at this stage. Avoid rash decisions and spend enough time planning. Follow your conscience when thinking about ideas. You should be in harmony and agreement with the latter, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

The current stage can be called the stage of self-affirmation. You want to stand up for your beliefs and fight for ideals that seem worthy to you. You prefer not to think about the practical value of these beliefs and ideals. However, your enthusiasm supports your like-minded people, and this stimulates social action. But if you have to make a decision that is important for the whole team, emotionality can become a serious obstacle.

The rider of the tarot wands - meaning in the layout for work

When the Rider of Wands means that you are suffering from a lack of patience. Your energy needs an outlet. Now it's too difficult for you to understand that nothing can be done quickly. In order to complete the business that interests you, you will have to wait. The card recommends distracting from the process, for example, by playing sports - the energy will find a way out, and you will have the strength to wait.

In addition, the Rider of Wands may say that you can get an extremely interesting task. You would like to start implementing it immediately, but circumstances force you to wait. This leads to the fact that the desire disappears, and in the future, even small obstacles discourage the desire to engage in the project. The recommendation is the same - be distracted by something else and do not waste your energy in vain.

Sometimes the Rider of Wands means extremely unpleasant competition or conflicting moods in the team due to the collision of interests of different groups of employees. This situation can be supplemented by a lack of stability, and perhaps this is what caused disagreements in the team.

Prince of Wands in Tarot Thoth

The Prince of Wands in the Tarot Thoth is depicted riding a chariot of fire. The dark features behind her hint at the darkness the Prince is leaving behind. Openness, freedom and certainty - this is how you can describe the impression that the image of the Prince of Wands in the deck produces. His nudity suggests that the Prince feels safe. He has no one to defend against.

In the right hand of the Prince of Wands, the staff of the Phoenix can be seen, which symbolizes vitality and energy. He is open and fully prepared to see the world with a fresh perspective. Green in the flame symbolizes creativity, inspiration and intuitive thinking. A lotus is depicted on the Prince's chest.

According to the interpretation of the Prince of Wands from the Tarot Thoth, this card calls the fortuneteller to action, as in all other variants of the meaning of this card. She says that the fortuneteller has everything to start or continue moving towards the goal. You are ready to take on any challenge and defeat your competitor or rival.

Knight of Wands and combinations in the Tarot

The combination of the Knight of Wands of the Tarot and portends a dangerous haste when sorting out the relationship. Do not rush to start a quarrel, first try to find out all the pitfalls of this situation. If you "cut it in the heat" - you risk losing forever a dear person or something else that you highly value.

The combination with the King of Swords portends a conflict with a representative of power. You will have to compete with a person who knows the laws well and has a certain amount of power. If the Knight of Wands falls near the Four of Swords, this indicates the division of the inheritance, which will be accompanied by serious disputes.

The combination with the Ten of Pentacles predicts an unexpected return home, most likely forced. But if you have been expecting departure for a long time, you can only rejoice. If instead of this card there is a Knight of Pentacles, you will have a business trip. The combination with the Chariot means traveling - either for work or for fun and relaxation.

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