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Signs of first labor at 40 weeks. What kind of discomfort can occur

Reading 7 min. Views 610 Published on 11.06.2017

Hello our dear readers! We are very glad to meet you again. Today we will talk about pads for nursing mothers - an essential personal hygiene product during breastfeeding.

It is difficult to convey the sensations that a woman experiences when she puts a tiny baby to her breast. In order to avoid the appearance of wet spots on underwear, unpleasant consequences caused by pathogenic bacteria or cracks in the nipples, a woman needs to carefully take care of the hygiene of the mammary glands. How to do this, and what means to use - this will be discussed in our article.

What do breastfeeding pads look like?

After childbirth, and in some women even before their onset, the body begins to intensively produce breast milk. This is characterized by swelling of the mammary glands, wet white discharge appears from the nipples, which stains linen and causes discomfort, and when visiting public places cause a lot of problems.

To save young mothers from such grief, the modern industry has begun producing special breastfeeding pads that are placed inside the bra in the form of liners.

Breastfeeding pads are convenient because:

  • fit tightly to the mammary glands;
  • ideally repeat the shape of the breast;
  • absorb secretions well;
  • liners are inconspicuous under clothing;
  • become indispensable when visiting the hospital, on trips and during a walk.

Varieties of gaskets

For nursing mothers, there are more than 50 brands of absorbent pads, but all of them can be divided into three main types - disposable (gel), reusable (fabric) and silicone.

Now let's try to understand the advantages of each type.

Disposable pads more reminiscent of conventional gynecological pads, they are easy to use and appreciated by young mothers for the following qualities:

  • well absorb liquid;
  • retain milk for 3-5 hours;
  • have a breathable and waterproof surface;
  • the surface adjacent to the chest always remains dry;
  • some liners, for reliable fixation, have an adhesive tape.

High-quality absorbent and delicate surface create comfortable conditions for sensitive nipples and breast skin. A dry surface prevents the appearance and reproduction of microorganisms and promotes the rapid healing of wounds on the nipples.

At the initial stages of breastfeeding, up to 3-4 pairs of pads are needed per day, so a pack of 30 pieces is enough for about two weeks. For the family budget, disposable pads are not exactly an economical option.

When buying disposable pads, you should pay attention to the presence of individual packaging for each insert - it is unacceptable that they simply “roll” in the box! Remember that in the first days of a baby's life, breast hygiene is very important for the health of a new mother and her crumbs. The absorbent absorbent should hold up to 60 ml of moisture.

Disposable liners in a wide range are represented by the following brands:

  1. Babyline (Germany) 60 pcs. from 460 rubles;
  2. Mama Comfort (Russia) 30 pcs. from 270 rubles;
  3. Midinette from the manufacturer Delipap OY (Finland) 30 pcs. from 340 rubles;
  4. Pigeon (Japan) 36 pcs. from 450 rubles;
  5. Moony (Japan) 68 pcs. from 530 rubles;
  6. Medela (Switzerland) 60 pcs. from 530 rub.

The average price is as of May 2017.

Reusable pads Convenient because they can be washed. Some manufacturers produce liners in different colors, this makes it possible to use them to match the color of the linen. Absorbent material is used for the inner surface, such as flannel, bamboo, microfiber and cotton. On average, 4 pieces of liners are sold in a package, so this option is more optimal for a family budget.

Reusable pads are made from natural fabrics, they protect the breast from hypothermia, are anti-allergic, more economical, and can be washed up to 50 times.

The main disadvantages of using these pads:

  • discomfort due to humidity;
  • due to an untimely change, the gasket may leak;
  • a humid environment increases the risk of bacterial infection;
  • the skin of the nipples is subjected to friction, cracks heal poorly.

Popular brands of reusable liners are:

  1. Medela (Switzerland) from 550 rubles. for packaging (protection is enhanced by impregnation with an antibacterial composition);
  2. Gloryes (Russia) from 500 rubles;
  3. Avent (China under license from Philips) 6 pcs. from 750 rub.

Silicone gaskets fit snugly to the chest and help mom collect excess milk, and subsequently feed it to the baby. This type of liners is easy to hygienically process and is indispensable for those women who have little lactation. Philips Avent pads have proven themselves well.

Moms - needlewomen can sew a lot of pads with their own hands from fleece and flannel. This option is very economical for the family budget and pleasant for the woman herself.

Possible complications from using poor quality pads

Women's skin is very sensitive, especially when it comes to the mammary glands during lactation. For its hygiene and comfort, liners made of breathable and natural material are needed. In pursuit of the low cost of goods, the manufacturer is trying to reduce the cost of goods and uses synthetics and polyester for the manufacture of liners, which do not allow sensitive skin to fully "breathe".

If you have diaper rash, rash, redness, spots and swelling, then it is better to refuse such pads. You should be careful when using colored products, low-quality dyes, along with the villi, can enter the baby's fragile body and cause an allergic reaction.

Rules for the use of gaskets

Using breastfeeding pads is not difficult, but we would like to draw your attention to some of the nuances:

  1. Disposable pads are removed from individual packaging and fixed inside the bra. As they fill up (each mother has a different intensity of milk secretion from the glands), they must be changed. Disposable pads cannot be washed or dried.
  2. Reusable pads are washed with baby soap or powder, to soften the fabric, you can rinse them in fabric softener, then dry the product thoroughly, iron and use.
  3. After use, silicone pads must be washed with baby soap and dried.

Proper use of hygienic liners contributes to rapid healing, and subsequently to the prevention of the appearance of cracks in the nipples, and most importantly, the constant maintenance of mammary gland hygiene.

What are the best breastfeeding pads?

Having become acquainted with the varieties of liners, many of you have thought about which one to give your preference to.

In the first month of a baby's life, it is better to use disposable pads, which are especially useful in the maternity hospital. When the nipples get stronger and the cracks disappear, you can switch to reusable pads, or even better, combine them. If you want to use excess milk to feed your baby, then silicone pads are the best way to go. For the sake of saving the family budget, mothers-needlewomen can sew pads from natural fabrics for themselves.

And now let's try to find out and analyze among many brands which pads are better to choose for daily use.

Numerous reviews indicate that each woman, depending on the amount of milk secreted, finds pads that are most suitable for the individual characteristics of her body. Which one you choose is up to you. All hygiene products can be bought at a pharmacy or specialized stores.

Based on the reviews, we will now try to consider some of them and compile a small popularity rating.

  1. Avent inserts can be safely put in the first place - yes, they are expensive, but of high quality. Individual packaging allows you to carry pads with you all the time in your handbag. They have a conical shape, absorb well and are fixed on the linen. The company produces pads of two types - daytime, thinner, and night, which are larger and thicker.
  1. Johnsons Baby pads follow all the contours of the breast, they are invisible under clothes and are made of natural materials, which means that the manifestations of allergic reactions are minimized.
  1. Inserts "Sun and Moon", Nuk (Ultra Dry Comfort) - have fixation, individual packaging, soft breathable surface. When filled with moisture, they do not delaminate, are easy to use and do not cause discomfort.
  1. Peligrin, Baby Line, SANOSAN pads absorb well, are ideal for large milk secretions, have a large size, and are very comfortable for the first days after childbirth.
  1. Breastfeeding pads Helen Harper, Bella Mamma, Nuk Classic, Mama Comfort - we gave them a low rating. Gaskets have a low price, Velcro, which allows you to fix to the linen, a soft surface. Their disadvantage is that they include synthetic fibers - cellulose, polyethylene and non-woven material.

As a result

In our article, we tried to tell in as much detail as possible about the purpose of the pads used by women during breastfeeding, their varieties and rules for use.

What experience do you have with pads, which ones do you prefer? Share your thoughts.

Every nursing mother has experienced the phenomenon of spontaneous leakage of milk from the breast. This process gives women discomfort, additional worries and sometimes is the reason for not breastfeeding. The solution to this problem is the use of nursing bra pads during lactation.

Gasket functions

Bra pads- a useful thing included in the mandatory list of hygiene products by many maternity hospitals. Regardless of the type of gaskets, they perform a number of useful and important functions.

  • Protect underwear, clothing and bedding from getting wet.
  • Protection of the nipples from friction against the bra.
  • Preventing the formation of small cracks.
  • Prevention of breast inflammation and development of mastitis.

The use of pads has practically no contraindications. An exception is the formation of sufficiently large cracks. In order to effectively treat them, even short-term contact with a warm, humid environment is contraindicated.

Period of use

The use of bra pads can start from the last weeks of pregnancy. In many women, colostrum begins to leak from the breast in the later stages. This causes inconvenience and serves as a favorable factor for the development of breast diseases. Since the nipples are in a humid environment and rub against clothing, irritation and cracks may appear on them. To avoid this, pads on the chest, which are almost invisible under clothes, will help.

But in most cases, the active use of pads begins with the birth of the baby and ends after the establishment of stable lactation. The length of this period depends on many factors and averages 2-3 months.

Reasons why milk flows out of the breast spontaneously

Many women note that even after the establishment of a stable lactation regimen, leakage continues. This is due to the inability of weakened pectoral muscles to retain excess milk in a full breast. There are several reasons for excessive filling of the mammary glands..

  • Establishing a lactation regimen. This period usually takes about a month after the birth of the child. This time is necessary in order to adjust the mother's body to the needs of the baby. The glands produce much more milk than necessary and its excess spontaneously flows out.
  • A long break between feedings leads to the formation of an excess of milk and the breast cannot hold the extra amount.
  • The reflex secretion of milk is associated with the formation of the hormone oxytocin in the mother's body. It is his education that provides the presence of breast milk. This process occurs during the feeding period, with the memory of the baby and the pleasure of communicating with him.

Often, due to the weakness of the milk ducts in the nipples, leakage of milk can accompany the entire period of breastfeeding. In this case, the use of pads during breastfeeding becomes a forced necessity.

Types of breastfeeding pads

Consistent use throughout the lactation period of bra inserts is quite heavy burden on the family budget. Most women find that using multiple types of pads in combination is an acceptable solution to this problem.

In general, the whole variety of liners for nursing mothers can be divided into two types of disposable and reusable products. In turn, reusable products can be both factory-made and hand-made.

Disposable Breastfeeding Pads

Disposable bra pads help save mom a lot of time. They are used only once and then disposed of. When choosing this type of product, it is important to consider some important points.

Disposable pads provide almost complete breast protection against milk leakage and stay dry for a long time. But in financial terms, their use is unprofitable.

Reusable factory items

Reusable chest pads are made from natural materials: cotton, bamboo fiber, wool. Modern reusable nursing bra pads are anatomically shaped and are not visible under clothing. A weighty argument in their favor is the possibility of washing both by hand and by machine. The cost of packing reusable pads is higher than similar disposable products, but this difference pays off due to the possibility of repeated use.

Reusable ones have a number of significant disadvantages: liquid absorption is slow and humidity is felt; with prolonged continuous use, the risk of developing infections and bacterial infections of the breast increases; relatively short filling time and the possibility of leakage.

The most acceptable option is use of disposable breast pads during the development of lactation, and their combination with reusable samples in the subsequent period of breastfeeding.

Homemade reusable products

Buying factory-made breast pads is the easiest, but not the cheapest option to protect your breasts from leaking while breastfeeding. You can make this necessary hygiene item with your own hands. with simple tools and inexpensive fabrics (flannel for the inside layer, fleece for the outside, and simple sewing tools). Detailed instructions for sewing breast liners can be found on the Internet. They can be made with a large margin to reduce the worries of a nursing mother after each feeding or replacement.

Just like reusable factory-made breast pads, homemade bra liners are washed with soap or baby powder and ironed on both sides before use. This type of gaskets has the same disadvantages when used as factory counterparts.

How to choose breastfeeding pads

The right choice of breast pads can provide a nursing mother not only with a sense of comfort, but also help maintain breast hygiene during lactation. Each woman should independently choose the type of breast pads for herself in accordance with her needs and financial capabilities.

The main selection criteria are two conditions:

  • use in the production of gaskets of natural materials that meet hygienic requirements during lactation;
  • the absence of dyes in the composition of the materials used in the production of this hygiene product.

Failure to comply with these requirements may cause allergic reactions, irritation and cracked nipples.

In addition to the main criteria, there are a number of other characteristics that distinguish popular disposable breast pads. Based on feedback from breastfeeding moms, quality bra pads must have the following characteristics.

  • The convex anatomical shape provides almost complete invisibility of the pad under clothing and prevents the flow of milk.
  • Pads should contain a gel-like layer that retains more liquid and does not clump when wet.
  • It is imperative that high-quality gaskets have several fixation points. This will ensure that the insert is securely fastened to clothing even during vigorous activity and sports.
  • Both the inner and outer layers of breast pads must be made from breathable materials.
  • Separate packaging for each earbud, as sometimes only one of them needs to be replaced.

Throughout the period of breastfeeding, it is important not only to use auxiliary hygiene products, but also closely monitor the condition of the nipples and breasts. Proper care of them will make breastfeeding comfortable and easy.

Disposable and reusable lactation liners are a must-have to protect mom's clothes during milk flow during the feeding period and maintain a sense of comfort. The choice of such products is very wide and not all of them can boast of good absorbent properties, so we suggest saving time and getting acquainted with the best breast pads according to customer reviews and test results.

When choosing a particular company, the key point is the optimal combination of price and quality of their products, as well as the attention of manufacturers to the safety and convenience of products for mothers.

The most responsible in terms of the above points are the following manufacturers of chest pads:

  • Sun and moon- brand products are made in China, and therefore the price for them is quite affordable. They allow you to take care of personal hygiene while breastfeeding your baby and, due to their good absorbent properties, provide reliable protection for clothes and skin from constantly leaking milk. The absorbent layer here is dense and thick enough to reliably hold liquid in large quantities. Their key differences are breathability and softness for the body, which eliminates irritation of the dermis.
  • Johnson's Baby- an old American company for the production of baby care products. She started working in 1893, and today in her catalog you can find more than 30 types of different products, including breast pads for use after childbirth. Basically, we are talking about disposable products, popular because of their anatomical shape, invisibility under clothing, softness on the skin and reliable fixation on the surface thanks to a high-quality adhesive strip.
  • is a children's brand that offers hygienic multi- and disposable products for babies and mothers. Its pads keep you dry almost all day long thanks to the thick absorbent layer and good absorbent properties. Breast pads of this brand quickly absorb excess fluid and thereby prevent clothes from getting dirty.
  • is a manufacturer of inexpensive children's cosmetics, owned by the Nolken Hygiene Products GmbH concern, headquartered and factory in Germany. The company's products are dermatologically tested, which guarantees their safety for the skin. His lactation inserts have proven to be effective in absorbing breast milk of any consistency.
  • Lovular Hot Wind is a brand of goods for newborns and mothers. All of them are certified before they go on sale, and raw materials are subjected to careful incoming control. As a result, buyers get one of the best breast pads due to the air-bubble structure, ultra-softness, secure fit and the ability to absorb up to 100 ml of breast milk.
  • pigeon- the liners of this brand for a bra are designed taking into account the shape of the female breast. They are popular because of the high-quality absorption of mothers' milk and the long-term cleanliness of clothes and mammary glands. Porous materials allow the skin to breathe normally, thin fabric ensures the invisibility of products under clothing, and non-slip adhesive tapes ensure the secure fixation of pads.
  • Medela is a Swiss company producing goods for children and mothers. The company was founded in 1961 and is now represented in more than 60 countries around the world. Among the bra inserts, she has mainly disposable options, which, due to their thinness and softness, provide comfortable wearing. Each of them absorbs up to 60 ml of breast milk.
  • - English company for the production of baby bottles, breast pumps and other similar products. The firm has been operating since 1984 and is headquartered in Sudbury. The gaskets of this manufacturer are characterized by good adsorption properties, no smell, individual packaging for each insert, 2 adhesive tapes for reliable fixation on the mammary glands.
  • is a supplier of reusable diapers, diapers and other baby products. Its pads are well preserved as a result of exposure to water and can be safely machine washed. On average, they can withstand up to 1000 downloads. The liners of this manufacturer are made with the addition of natural fibers (most often bamboo), so they do not irritate the skin and are allowed for long-term use. The anatomical shape of the products guarantees the comfort of wearing them.

Rating of the best breast pads

In preparing this TOP, we analyzed numerous customer reviews and paid attention to the recommendations of experts.

The key selection criteria for the goods under consideration were:

  • Type of products - single or reusable;
  • Amount in a package;
  • Composition - materials for the manufacture of the upper, inner and lower layers;
  • Color, shape and size;
  • Smell;
  • The quality of the adhesive tape for fixing the product on the chest;
  • breathability;
  • Skin reaction to prolonged wearing of pads;
  • Surface smoothness;
  • Method of processing edges and seams;
  • Safety for clothes and skin;
  • Availability of individual packaging;
  • Thickness and visibility under clothing;
  • Softness and pleasantness to the body;
  • The recommended way to care for the overlays is hand and/or machine wash.

Also, when preparing the review, we took into account whether the product glides over the skin, whether it exfoliates and how much milk it can absorb. An equally important point for those who want to buy breast pads is the ratio of their price and quality.

The best disposable breast pads

Such products are very convenient, since they do not need to be washed after each use. However, they are less cost effective and are most often made from materials that have difficulty retaining breast milk for long periods of time. After analyzing the options available on the market, we settled on 6 lactation inserts with the best indicators of quality, safety, ease of use.

Sun and moon

... Tests have shown that disposable pads "Sun and Moon" cope well with milk of different thicknesses and at the same time are not a source of unpleasant odors ...

Expert opinion

Lactation inserts "Sun and Moon" are included in the rating due to the good absorption of milk during feeding or between procedures. They are quite soft and do not rub the skin of the breast, while preventing the liquid from contaminating the mother's bra. Due to their small thickness and smooth surface, they are not visible under the bra.

The product is made of breathable materials and allows the dermis to breathe normally. Gaskets are equipped with an adhesive strip of small sizes, but they hold confidently on the surface. It is very easy to remove them and there are no traces left on the skin after that.


  • Do not cause irritation of the dermis even with prolonged wear;
  • Sold in packs of 30;
  • Underwear does not get dirty;
  • Convenient rounded shape;
  • Acceptable price.


  • Can only be used once;
  • In high humidity conditions, the fixation may weaken.

Johnson's Baby

These inexpensive breast pads are actively used after childbirth, during the period of feeding a child. They are very comfortable to wear due to the anatomical shape that follows the outlines of the female mammary glands and resembles a bowl. Due to this, increased comfort and complete confidence in the waterproofness of the product are provided.

The main material here is paper and viscose, and cellulose, paper and absorbent are used as additional materials, which are responsible for the cleanliness of clothes. According to manufacturers, the inserts absorb breast milk 25% more than similar options on the market. High-quality adhesive tape does not allow the product to move to the side.


  • There are 30 pieces available in the package;
  • Natural and safe composition;
  • Suitable for both regular bra models and special ones;
  • They do not contaminate the skin, but it still needs to be washed with water before feeding;
  • Hold securely on the chest.


  • No individual packaging.

Reviews of Johnson's Baby breast pads show that they can easily withstand two-hour walks on the street with a lot of mother's milk.

The Helen Harper lactation pads in this ranking are particularly soft due to the use of viscose for their manufacture. Due to this, chafing of the skin is excluded and the degree of protection against irritation upon contact with underwear is increased. The set comes with 30 pads, which is enough for a long time.

Also, with the help of Helen Harper inserts, the bra is prevented from getting wet due to the good adsorption properties of the materials and due to the high-quality adhesive side. When removing the pads, there is no discomfort due to this and the skin is not irritated in case of prolonged wearing of the product.


  • Packed separately, in pairs;
  • Rapid absorption;
  • Thin enough not to show through clothing
  • Have no smell;
  • Soft and pleasant to the body.


  • The night is not kept well.

According to reviews, Helen Harper breast pads are safe and comfortable to use due to their medium size and thick absorbent layer.

BabyLine pads have a gel base that is pleasant to the body and effectively absorbs milk. They are versatile and due to their optimal dimensions can be used both day and night. One bra pad is enough for at least 3 hours with heavy lactation. The product is thick enough for this, but at the same time, due to the homogeneous structure under the bra, it is practically invisible. Thanks to the individual packaging in the form of a sachet, they are convenient to take with you on the road.


  • Sterility during storage;
  • Waterproof top layer;
  • Do not move due to good adhesive tape;
  • Completely cover the area of ​​​​excretion of breast milk;
  • They don't flake off.


  • Not the lowest price.

BabyLine inserts fit close to the nipples, which prevents breast milk from leaking and thereby prevents clothes from getting dirty.

Lovular Hot Wind

Unlike most manufacturers, this company offers two volumes at once - 24 and 60 pieces, but there is no particular benefit here. The inserts are disposable, but they last for a long time due to their good absorbent properties. Due to the optimal size and anatomical shape, pads can be used both during the day and at night. On average, they are designed to collect 100 ml of breast milk; as a result, the surface is not taken in lumps and does not acquire an unpleasant odor.


  • Large sticky strip;
  • Pronounced adhesive properties;
  • Softness and pleasantness to the body;
  • Completely cover the nipples;
  • Reliable fixation on the surface.


  • When liquid is absorbed, the pads may not fit very tightly to the chest.

Women say in reviews that these breastfeeding pads do not bulge under a thin bra and jersey T-shirt.

Pigeon Honeycomb lactation pads hold well in both a special nursing bra and a regular bra. Despite this, it is recommended to attach them to the chest with an adhesive strip, which here is wide enough for easy fixation. They are favorably distinguished from other options in this rating by the rapid absorption of milk, which avoids contamination of underwear and clothes. Reliable protection against leakage is provided by a dense protective layer.


  • Two types of produced volumes - 36 and 144 pieces;
  • Big sizes;
  • Flexibility to adapt the pads to the shape of the breast;
  • The tightness of the fit, including along the edges;
  • Individual packaging for each patch.


  • They cost a little more than alternative options;
  • Not suitable for long-term use, such as at night.

The reviews especially note the softness of the impact of the overlays on the skin, so that they do not cause irritation and redness.

The best reusable breast pads

Compared to disposable liners, these pads can be used multiple times or even weeks. They need to be washed after each use for comfortable wear and effective absorption of breast milk leaking from the mother. Based on numerous positive reviews, 3 products with the best adsorbing properties were included in this rating category.

These lactation bra pads are considered comfortable and safe for moms, although they are made of more than 70% polyester and polyurethane. They consist of an inner (absorbent) and an outer layer, which are closely adjacent to each other and do not allow the product to lose its shape during abundant milk flow from the breast. The fabric and filler here are quite thin and provide the skin with normal breathing. The pads are reusable and washable at 40 to 60°C.

Medela's inlay materials are antibacterial, which reduces the risk of pathogenic bacteria and odours. The seams here are well treated with ultrasound, so breast milk is held securely. This is also facilitated by the slightly convex shape of the product, which is made taking into account the outlines of the chest. Due to their high density, they do not fray during prolonged wear.


  • Can be safely washed at 40-60°C;
  • Microporous fabric allows the skin to breathe normally;
  • Beautiful front part;
  • The surface is not slippery;
  • Suitable for 50 uses.


  • 20% polyester content;
  • Do not use conditioner after washing.

Philips Avent reusable lactation pads are suitable for regular use due to the soft cotton lining that does not irritate the skin. The filler has good absorbent properties and absorbs breast milk for a long time. This provides reliable protection against liquid leakage and gives a feeling of comfort. The product is easy to care for - it can be washed both by hand and in a typewriter.


  • Do not fall off the chest
  • Included is a bag for washing;
  • Quality tailoring;
  • Small thickness;
  • Comfortable, round shape.


  • The contour is slightly visible under thin clothing.

The reviews write that the liners wear out in about 4 months of use.

GlorYes Bamboo Breastfeeding Pads! They are white in color and go well with light bras. Thanks to the microfiber inside the liner, they perfectly absorb liquid and do not allow underwear to get dirty. The upper breathable layer eliminates skin irritation, keeps it fresh and clean. Due to its small thickness, the product is imperceptible even under thin clothes, and the diameter of 12.5 cm allows you to completely cover the mammary glands.


  • Sold in a set of 4. (Two pairs);
  • Soft and pleasant to the body;
  • The seams are well "sealed";
  • Sold in white and beige;
  • The surface is not slippery.


  • The top layer is made from 100% polyester.

What breast pads are better to buy

It is better to take disposable bra inserts with you to the maternity hospital and on the road, which, if necessary, can be quickly replaced with new ones. However, reusable pads with pronounced absorbent properties are more effective and convenient. The most reliable absorbent filler is gel and cellulose, and cotton and bamboo are pleasant as the top layer for the skin.

It is recommended to choose suitable liners for comfortable use during lactation, taking into account the following nuances:

  • In the summer, for nursing mothers, Sun and Moon products will be an excellent option, which allow air to pass through perfectly and do not interfere with the skin to breathe normally.
  • Women with large breasts should pay attention to the option from Johnson's Baby, which almost completely covers the nipple and thus reliably protects underwear from contamination.
  • During walks, you can use Helen Harper lactation pads, invisible under clothing.
  • For mothers with sensitive skin, it would be logical to buy BabyLine products, which are gentle on the breasts due to natural materials.
  • For overnight use, it is not a mistake to choose a Lovular Hot Wind product with good absorbency properties.
  • For the purpose of wearing under a special bra designed for breastfeeding, Pigeon Honeycomb will be comfortable.
  • To save money, the best solution would be to buy reusable pads from this rating - Medela Washable Bra Pads, Philips Avent or GlorYes!

In each case, different breast pads are better suited, for example, daytime ones will be inappropriate at night and vice versa. The most acceptable option here will be universal liners.

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