Home Fertilizers Cabbage recipe with red beets and garlic. Pickled cabbage with beets (instant) - harmony of taste. The best quick kale recipes with pickled beets

Cabbage recipe with red beets and garlic. Pickled cabbage with beets (instant) - harmony of taste. The best quick kale recipes with pickled beets

Each of us has never tasted cabbage in whatever form: boiled, and baked, and fried, and sauerkraut, and pickled. In the latter case, it retains the maximum of its useful properties, since it does not undergo strong heat treatment during the cooking process. Cabbage with instant beets turns out to be very tasty, and when served it looks quite original and bright. So today we will look at several different ways to prepare it.

The first recipe for pickled cabbage

We need the following products: two kilograms of white cabbage, beets, one glass of vinegar (9%), a liter of water, salt (two tablespoons), a glass of sugar sand, half a glass of sunflower oil, red hot pepper (one) and a head of garlic. And now we will tell you how instant cooking is done. We wash our vegetable, peel and cut in half. Then we cut each half lengthwise, so that the thickness is about two centimeters, after which we make cubes. Sterilize and dry the glass jar. We put cabbage cubes in it in a layer of two centimeters. We wash beets, sweet and red, peel and cut into bars. We put a thin layer in a jar, then - red hot pepper cut into rings and a head of garlic, cutting each clove into four parts. Finish off again with two layers - cabbage and beets.

We make a marinade, and the ingredients are indicated for a three-liter jar. In a saucepan, mix water and salt. Stirring, dissolve, wait until it boils, and add sunflower oil, then remove from heat. Fill the cabbage with hot marinade and cover with a lid. After cooling for four to five days, we send it to the refrigerator. The first recipe for cabbage with beets will be completely completed when it is soaked in pepper and garlic, marinated, and can be served.

Juicy pickled cabbage recipe

This recipe is very similar to the Korean one, the dish has a clear, pronounced taste. You can cook it all year round. To do this, you need the following ingredients: one two-kilogram head of cabbage, one onion, beets, four garlic cloves. For the marinade: a liter of water, sugar sand - 130 grams, salt - two tablespoons without top, vegetable oil - 150 ml, vinegar (9%) - 50 ml, and allspice. The recipe for cooking cabbage with beets is as follows. Let's start cooking this time with the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt, throw in a bay leaf and two or three pieces of allspice. Boil the liquid, add vegetable oil and vinegar. We boil for another minute, at this the brine is ready. Cut the cabbage into whatever shape you like, for example, into squares or strips. Place in a wide bowl or deep saucepan.

Three beets on a grater (coarse) or cut into strips. We send to the cabbage and mix well. Add crushed garlic and chopped onion in half rings. Mix again. Fill with brine, cover with a lid on top and leave for eight hours. Then put it in the refrigerator. You can eat in about a day.

A very quick cabbage recipe

Products: two kilograms 150 grams of carrots, 100 grams of beets, a liter of water, sugar sand - 150 grams, salt - two and a half tablespoons, peppercorns - two things, vinegar - 150 grams, garlic - one head. How is cabbage with instant beets made in this case? In the following way. Cut the cabbage into pieces, three beets and carrots on a grater, mix these ingredients and put them in a bottle. Cooking the brine.

To do this, put sugar sand, salt, peppercorns in the water, boil, add vinegar and garlic, passed through a garlic press. Remove the marinade from heat and pour it into a bottle. We leave it overnight, in the morning you can already serve it to the table. Storage conditions - in the refrigerator.

Georgian pickled cabbage recipe

This dish is a great snack and keeps very well in the refrigerator. Required ingredients: cabbage forks (slightly larger than medium size), one beet and one carrot, garlic - three cloves, bitter pepper - three. For the marinade: water - a liter, salt - two tablespoons, granulated sugar - one glass, the same amount - 9% vinegar, half a glass of vegetable oil. Now the recipe for cabbage with beets in Georgian. We cut it into squares three to four centimeters in size. Cut the beets into thin slices, three carrots on a grater, chop the pepper and garlic.

In a saucepan of a suitable size, lay out the prepared cabbage in layers, then vegetables, and then repeat until the end of the products. We make a marinade in the standard way and pour it into a saucepan. Cover the vegetables with a plate of slightly smaller diameter. We leave it for two to three days at room temperature, after which - in the refrigerator. You can already take a sample.

Cooking in jars

For ten servings of a delicious dish, we need to prepare: one fork of white cabbage, one beet and a head of garlic, four laurel leaves, allspice, one teaspoon of pepper (ground black), two cloves, two tablespoons of salt, a glass of vinegar and sugar sand. You don't need to shred cabbage in this recipe. It will be sufficient that you cut each half of the head of cabbage into several small pieces.

It turns out that we will pickle square pieces. And it will be even better if we make these pieces smaller. Then the cabbage will be salted much faster and better.

Cooking process

So, put small pieces of cabbage in a jar. Now you need to boil the beets. To obtain the consistency we need, 30 minutes will be enough. Let it cool down and also cut into squares, but a little smaller. We send part of the beets to the cabbage and begin to make layers of these products, not forgetting to put garlic and bay leaf between them. When our container is full, the vegetables must be tamped so that they lie tightly in the jar. The next step is brine.

To obtain it, boil two liters of water in a saucepan, salt it, add sugar sand, black peppercorns and cloves. Let it boil for five minutes, then pour in the vinegar and cook for literally a couple of minutes, making sure that the marinade does not boil. Pour cabbage with it, wait for it to cool and send it to the refrigerator. After about a day, the cabbage (in pieces) with beets is ready. You can get out of the cold and serve.

How to cook large amounts of pickled cabbage

Sometimes it becomes necessary to quickly cook large quantities of cabbage. To do this, you can use a very common recipe. We need: three and a half kilograms of white cabbage, 200 grams of beets, two heads of garlic, 200 grams of carrots, 200 ml of 9% vinegar, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 170 grams of sugar and five teaspoons of salt. We offer you a method for making cabbage with instant beets and in large quantities. It will turn out to be quite a lot of snacks, but believe me, it will not stay with you for a long time. We cut the cabbage into three-centimeter squares, the beets into thin slices, just peel the garlic, and three carrots on a coarse grater. We take a large pan and put it in layers: cabbage, carrots with beets and garlic, cabbage again, and so on. There are four to five layers in total. On top should be our main product.

After filling the pan, proceed to the marinade. We mix granulated sugar, 9% vinegar, vegetable oil and salt in a separate container, pour boiling water (about one liter) and mix well. Fill the cabbage with this brine and put pressure on it. In two hours the marinade will cover our appetizer, and in three days it will be ready. We put them in jars and send them to the refrigerator.

Recipe for cabbage pickled with beets for the winter

Ingredients: cabbage - two kilograms, carrots - two or three, beets - one, garlic - four cloves. For the marinade: water - one liter, one glass of vegetable oil and sugar sand, 9% vinegar - 130 ml, salt - three tablespoons, bay leaf, allspice, cloves (to taste). Cooking cabbage with beets is very simple. Shred cabbage, grate beets and carrots, cut garlic into slices. We prepare the marinade as standard, adding vinegar at the time of boiling.

Pour vegetables with this brine, mix and leave for 60 minutes. Then we fill (very tightly) sterilized jars with them. We roll them up with lids, turn them upside down and wrap them until they cool completely.

Instant pickled cabbage recipe. Cooking delicious crispy pickled cabbage with beets for the winter

Pickled cabbage with beets “Pelustka” is good as a snack, goes with any side dishes of rice, buckwheat and other cereals, with meat and fish dishes, you can serve pickled cabbage with boiled potatoes and just as an independent dish.

The cabbage is slightly sweet with a slight sourness. And if you add hot pepper - you get an excellent salad for those who like spicy! Beets and carrots are very tasty in this marinade.

You can cook pickled cabbage according to this recipe both for the winter and for 2-3 times of use.

Let's get started! We start to cook pickled cabbage with beets for the winter

Pickled cabbage with beets - ingredients:

  • White cabbage - 2 kg
  • Beets - 400 g
  • Carrots - 300 g
  • Garlic - 7-10 cloves

Ingredients for the marinade:

  • Water - 1 l
  • Table vinegar 9% - 150 ml
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • A mixture of peppers and peas - 2 tsp
  • Bay leaves - 3-5 pieces
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tablespoons per liter jar

For pickling cabbage with beets, any container with a lid is suitable - cans, a saucepan, a tub. Wash the dishes thoroughly beforehand; you do not need to sterilize them.

If you want to prepare pickled cabbage for the winter for future use, then choose only late varieties of cabbage. If you do not plan to store it for a long time and do very little, then the variety of cabbage does not matter.

The number of products increases proportionally.

The salt and sugar in the marinade can be adjusted to your liking.

Pickled cabbage instant "Pelustka" - a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Wash the white cabbage thoroughly and pat dry with a paper towel, remove loose leaves and damage, if any. Cut the cabbage into large pieces, as shown in the photo.

If you have very small cabbages, you can cut them into 4-5 pieces.

Peel the carrots and beets and cut into cubes, rings or half rings about 0.5 cm thick.

Place the vegetables in layers in the container in which you will marinate the cabbage. Put some beets and hot peppers on the bottom, if you add ...

…, On top - cabbage, carrots, halved garlic. Place a few more beetroot slices on top.

Prepare your pickled cabbage marinade for the winter. Add sugar, salt and bay leaf to the water, bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar and salt.

As soon as the marinade comes to a boil, immediately remove the pan from the heat. Add vinegar to the hot marinade and stir.

Pour the marinade over the instant pickled cabbage so that it covers the whole cabbage.

You can fill it with both hot and cold marinade. Hot cabbage will cook a little faster, but there is no significant difference in taste.

Pour butter on top, close the jars or other utensils in which you cook pickled cabbage with "Pelustka" beets, lids and leave to marinate at room temperature for 2-3 days. Then store it in the basement or refrigerator.

Pickled cabbage with beets can be stored without problems all winter. But in our family, the pelust usually ends very quickly, and we have to do more.

Enjoy your meal!

Best regards, Natalie Lissy



Spicy pickled cabbage with beets, prepared for future use, leaves a good impression of itself with almost everyone who has ever tried it. Such an instant dish often becomes an addition to appetizers on the festive table, but you can also serve it for lunch or dinner with your family or friends.

According to this recipe, you can marinate cabbage either in pieces or grated, as you like. We preferred to cut it into rather thick pieces, as this way it is more convenient to put it in a jar, as well as to eat it. You can use the finished dish not only as an appetizer, but also as an ingredient for salads or side dishes.

Fans of savory dishes will especially love this step-by-step recipe, since the cabbage turns out to be spicy, has an appetizing aroma and rich taste. The pungency can be adjusted at your discretion, but this must be done carefully so as not to overdo it, otherwise it will be impossible to eat cabbage. It is also undesirable to excessively add all kinds of spices, because pickled cabbage should retain its taste, which can easily be overpowered by unsuitable spices.

In winter, spicy pickled cabbage is stored for a very long time, if you follow the rules for its storage, namely: the temperature in the place where you store winter preparations should not exceed eight degrees above zero. The lower the temperature, the longer the pickled cabbage will be stored, like all other blanks. A cellar or refrigerator is best suited for storing them.

Such a quick and simple snack goes well with many independent dishes, and is also suitable for noisy feasts. As we said, it is very easy to prepare it at home. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our step-by-step recipe, in which you will also find a detailed photo-description of the cooking process. Use our tips to quickly prepare delicious spicy cabbage and beets for the winter. Let's start cooking right now.



    First you need to collect all the necessary ingredients and put them in front of you on the table. This will save you time looking for them, making the process of cooking pickled cabbage with beets even faster and easier. Be sure to make sure the selected products are fresh and rinse them if necessary..

    Peel the beets and then cut them into thin slices by placing them in a deep saucepan. Add all the products for making the marinade there, without adding only the vinegar, and pour water. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil, then cook the beets with spices for ten minutes, adding vinegar at the end of cooking.

    While the marinade with beets is being cooked, you need to prepare the cabbage. Here you need to determine for yourself in what form you want to marinate it: if you prefer finely chopped or grated cabbage, then chop it as you like. We decided to cut it into rather large pieces, removing the first layer of cabbage petals.

    When the marinade with beets is ready, put the chopped cabbage in another saucepan, add boiled beets and the required amount of garlic there. You can lay out the whole cloves, or you can cut them in half if you want the garlic flavor to be felt more intense.

    Add the washed hot peppers to the same container, thoroughly washing your hands after it, and then pour all the products with the prepared hot marinade so that all the ingredients are immersed in the liquid.

    Now you need to press down the vegetables with oppression so that they are saturated with the marinade as best as possible and release a large amount of juice. To do this, place a plate on top of the food, and place a three-liter bottle filled with water on it. Leave this structure in a cool dark place for three days..

    After the cabbage with beets has been infused for a sufficient amount of time, you can remove the oppression and try the dish. If it seems to you that it is not completely ready, you can leave the oppression for another half a day, and then put the finished pickled spicy cabbage with beets in sterile jars prepared in advance. Roll them up with lids and store them in your cellar or refrigerator for the winter.

    Bon Appetit!

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