Home Fertilizers White sesame seed urbech benefits. Natural elixir of health and vigor - sesame seed urbech. Benefits and harms, advice on how to take. Where can you buy a product and how to choose the right one

White sesame seed urbech benefits. Natural elixir of health and vigor - sesame seed urbech. Benefits and harms, advice on how to take. Where can you buy a product and how to choose the right one

Hello dear readers!

Today we welcome you again to our section "Live Urbechi". This time we decided to talk about sesame seed urbeche.

Everything that modern people know about sesame sometimes comes down to sprinkling these seeds on buns for fast food. But sesame itself has a rich history. Having appeared before our era, these seeds have become an integral part of life for many peoples. The Egyptians used them to create medicines, the Chinese - to make carcasses. Sesame oil was known almost everywhere, although the recipes varied. In the ancient world, almost magical properties were attributed to sesame seeds that could make a person immortal. And not in vain, because the content of vitamins and minerals in sesame can put you on your feet in many diseases, as well as ensure a long and healthy life. Now the seeds are popular in the east, where they are still added to almost every dish. And after all, the life expectancy in some eastern countries can only be envied!

So, maybe it's time for us to remember what sesame is useful for, and how tasty it can be?

Benefit and harm

To understand why sesame seeds in ancient times were one of the components of immortality, it is enough to look at the composition of the product, because these small grains contain a lot of components necessary for a person: vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron. 100 grams of the product contains a daily dose of calcium, which means the seeds are effective in treating osteoporosis.

Because of this composition, sesame seeds are very popular among athletes. The seeds contain a large amount of vegetable protein, which allows you to build muscle faster, and calcium can help reduce joint fragility when working with heavy weights.

Sesame is very useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract: due to the high content of dietary fiber, the seeds facilitate the passage of food, facilitate easy digestion and normalize stool. In addition, the seeds themselves and the products made from them are an excellent cleanser. They remove all toxins from the body, making you feel better and more invigorated after the first use.

Sesame is also considered an effective remedy in the fight against cholesterol, and not only by reducing its level, but also eliminating plaque in blood vessels. Thus, it is an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Seeds are highly prized in the fight against cancer cells, helping the body fight and, at the same time, not destroying it, as many modern medicines do. Sesame seeds slow down cell aging without showing any side effects.

The cosmetic effect of sesame seeds is also very noticeable. Regular consumption of sesame seed products improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Therefore, the product is indispensable for the fair sex. Also, sesame seeds stimulate human growth, which is very beneficial for children (over 3 years old).

But it is worth paying attention to contraindications when taking the product. Despite the fact that sesame has been used by humans for a long time, the harm from its use was almost not manifested. The main contraindication is increased blood clotting, since the seeds improve the clotting process, and this can lead to the formation of blood clots. Sesame is also contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, since their body is not yet able to quickly assimilate all components.

Thus, sesame is a completely safe product with a minimum of contraindications. Able to cure diseases and saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, he, by right, should be one of the first in the list of useful foods. But how to use it in our Russian cuisine?

With what and how to take seeds?

Having learned about all the beneficial properties of sesame seeds, of course, you would rather want to cook a dish using it. But you need, first of all, to understand how to cook sesame so that it does not lose its benefits.

First of all, you need to know that in no case need to fry the seeds. Then they will become a common seasoning without any beneficial properties. It is best to consume seeds in one of three types:

  1. Preheated
  2. Soaked
  3. In the form of urbech (what it is and how it is eaten, we will tell you below).

And, if the first two options are suitable as an addition to main dishes (fish, meat, poultry, salads), then urbech is an independent product, ready to eat. Since only fresh seeds are used in its preparation, it retains all the benefits with its exquisite taste.

Sesame seed urbech benefits even pregnant women by helping to reduce the risk of constipation. It quickly restores human strength and reduces stress, allows you to quickly recover from injuries. Urbech becomes an excellent tool for raising immunity and preventing colds. You can always order it in our store. The quality of our products always remains at the height and meets all standards, because we follow the Good Traditions.

How is sesame paste eaten?

Eating sesame seeds in the form of urbech is a pleasure! Firstly, the pasta is much more convenient to use, because you do not need to try to catch small grains on your tooth, which become simply elusive in your mouth! Secondly, Urbech is becoming a delicacy adored by many. Mixing it with honey, you get something like the well-known "Nutella", only from natural ingredients and with maximum benefits. Urbech can be spread on bread, added to porridge, dipped fruit in it, or simply eaten with a spoon. The great advantage of sesame seed urbech is that, despite its sweetness, it does not destroy teeth (as many sweets do), but, on the contrary, strengthens the gums and heals inflammation in the oral cavity. Such a natural product becomes just a salvation for vegetarians and raw foodists, allowing you to replenish all the vitamins the body needs.

Summing up, we can say that it is not for nothing that these small grains were so prized by our ancestors. We hope that after writing in this article, you will also understand how important this product is for humans. And, perhaps, soon sesame seeds will be popular not only in the countries of the East.

If you want to buy a delicious and completely natural sesame urbech, you can do it.

And this is where we conclude our article. Thank you for reading us! Keep up the good work, and who knows, maybe you and I will become close to immortality 😉

Sesame, or otherwise sesame, is a healthy and tasty product that is widely used in cooking and medicine. You can use it in different ways, including in the form of urbech. The dish is a thick paste, somewhat reminiscent of the well-known "Nutella", but without sugar and chemical additives.

The benefits and harms of sesame urbech

A dish called Urbech came to us from the Caucasus - it has been cooked there for more than one hundred years and is considered an essential part of the daily diet. It restores strength well and contains substances, vitamins and microelements necessary for health. For the preparation of urbech, seeds, nuts and honey are used, and pasta with the addition of sesame is considered one of the most delicious and healthy.

The composition of sesame seeds includes vitamins of group B, E, PP, potassium, magnesium, iron, and most importantly - calcium. 100 grams of seeds contain the daily intake of calcium, which is required to maintain bone strength. In addition, they contain vegetable protein - it is perfectly absorbed by the body and restores strength. Sesame is used to treat and prevent a variety of diseases, including:

  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis and high cholesterol;
  • diseases of hematopoiesis associated with poor blood clotting;
  • decreased immunity;
  • problems with hair, nails, and skin;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • decreased libido and potency in men.

Sesame has an antioxidant effect - it removes toxins from the body, and also helps in the fight against cancer.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of sesame seeds. It should not be eaten by people with a tendency to thrombosis, as the product increases blood clotting. Contraindications include allergic reactions, individual intolerance to sesame seeds and age up to three years. For pregnant women, sesame urbech is very useful, since their body needs an increased amount of calcium, and the trace element contained in the product is perfectly absorbed.

Remember that the shelf life of an open urbech does not exceed six days.

How to use Urbech correctly

When using sesame urbech, you need to take into account its characteristics and high calorie content, which can lead to weight gain. The recommended dose of the product is no more than 1-2 tablespoons per day. It can be used as a spread on sandwiches, toppings for homemade baked goods, or as an addition to cereals and fruit salads.

In addition, it can be consumed in its natural form. Unlike other varieties of Urbech, which can be slightly bitter, the product with the addition of sesame has a pleasant taste, so it does not need additional ingredients.

Where can you buy a product and how to choose it correctly

Sesame urbech is a thick black or white paste (depending on the type of raw material). The taste and beneficial properties of all types of sesame are almost the same, but black seeds have slightly less fat and protein than white ones.

The product is sold in health food stores, outlets for raw foodists and vegetarians, as well as in markets with vendors who offer products from the Caucasus.

High-quality urbech has a uniform consistency and a fresh nutty aroma. The label must indicate the composition without chemical additives and fragrances, as well as the expiration date. You cannot use an expired product, since rancid sesame contains chemical compounds that are harmful to health.

High-quality urbech is very beneficial for health

How to cook urbech

Sesame seed urbech can be made with your own hands. This requires sesame seeds and honey in equal proportions. The seeds are crushed to a state of gruel.

In the Caucasus, special stone millstones are used for this, but at home, sesame seeds can be ground in a mortar or grind several times in a blender.

The dish can be prepared from raw or dried grains - in the second case, they must first be dried in the oven or in a dry frying pan. Chopped sesame seeds are mixed with honey, and in order for the paste to acquire a uniform consistency, it can be slightly warmed up over low heat. Urbech should not be boiled, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. The finished product is transferred to a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator.

For a one-component urbech, sesame and honey are taken, but you can also prepare a multi-component dish. Sesame seeds are mixed with nuts or other seeds, such as hemp or flaxseeds, and then crushed. The proportions of the ingredients can be changed, but the amount of crushed grains and honey should be approximately the same. If the urbech is too thick, you can add a little butter or vegetable oil to it.

How to choose raw materials for Urbech

High-quality sesame seeds have a uniform shade - black or white, as well as a pleasant aroma and taste without bitterness. When buying, you need to pay attention to the fact that the seeds do not stick together - this means that the product was stored in high humidity. At the same time, they should not be too light and break quickly - there is practically no oil and nutrients in such grains. Honey also needs to be taken natural and fresh. Sesame seeds can be either white or black

Sesame urbech is a useful product that can easily replace vitamin complexes and biological food additives. It contains vitamins and microelements necessary for health, and if properly prepared, stored and consumed, it will help maintain health for many years.

Sesame or sesame urbech is a paste considered to be a natural source of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. This is the national product of Dagestan, which is ground seeds with or without a sweetener. Many years ago, North Caucasians used this mixture as an additive to their main diet. She energized and rejuvenated.

What is the peculiarity of its taste

Making an urbech is a complex process. To obtain a paste, raw, dried or roasted sesame seeds are used, which are ground by hand using stone millstones. The base should have an oily texture, due to which the mixture acquires a thick, dense consistency.

Sesame seed urbech has unique taste qualities, since it is difficult to find an analogue to this product. It has an astringent taste with a nutty note and sometimes bitterness. When tasting the pasta:

  • difficult to lag behind the spoon;
  • envelops the entire oral cavity;
  • sticks to teeth.

The color of the mixture resembles peanut butter, it is a homogeneous milky white shade.

Why can it taste bitter

Sesame paste can have a bitter aftertaste. This indicates the use of low-quality sesame seeds. During cultivation, they may have been treated with chemicals or improperly stored after being harvested.

Urbech is made from white, brown or black sesame seeds. It is best to use unpolished seeds, which have many beneficial micronutrients and a long shelf life.

What is the nutritional value per 100 g of product

Urbech is a healthy supplement that is characterized by high nutritional value. It helps to increase immunity and restore strength after a long illness. The product includes:

  • amino acids;
  • carotene;
  • cellulose;
  • thiamine;
  • phytin;
  • micronutrients: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, iron;
  • vitamins (A, B7, C).

100 g of sesame urbech contains 35% of the daily value of calcium and 74% of the daily value of copper.


Calorie content per 100 g of sesame paste is 575 kcal, of which:

  • proteins - 24.7 g;
  • fat - 58.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.2 g

What are the beneficial properties

During the cooking process, sesame paste is not subjected to heat treatment, so all the nutrients are preserved in it. It acts as a natural antioxidant that helps to normalize oxygen metabolism and rejuvenate the body. The dietary treat contains calcium and phosphorus. The mixture of these elements has a complex beneficial effect on teeth, hair and nails.

A daily intake of 1 teaspoon of their sesame urbech helps to eliminate tooth sensitivity and reduces the risk of caries.

The paste contains thiamine, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improving memory and brain function. Phytin restores the mineral balance of the body and takes part in metabolic processes. Fiber has a positive effect on the digestive tract and lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Subtleties of choice

A high-quality sesame urbech should meet the following characteristics:

  • have a thick consistency;
  • have a strong aroma;
  • do not contain dyes, GMOs and flavors.

Natural product without preservatives can be stored for 12 months from the date of production. Optimum temperature conditions are from 0ËšC to 25ËšC. After opening the container, the paste should be consumed within 6 days.

To prepare a tasty product, you must choose fresh seeds

How much does it cost in stores in Russia

You can buy sesame paste with or without sweeteners in city supermarkets or specialty health food stores.

In European countries and the United States of America, sesame urbech is called "superfood". This is due to the high content of useful elements in the product.

How to cook at home

Sesame paste can be used as a stand-alone product or as an addition to various dishes. Since urbech has a high-calorie composition, that is, it should be for breakfast. It will energize the body and improve brain function for the whole day. For a regular diet, it is recommended to take no more than 3 tablespoons per day. Sesame seed paste is paired with cottage cheese, natural yoghurt, cereals and fresh baked goods.

Simple Sesame Urbech Recipe

You can make pasta at home in 10 minutes. The classic Dagestan delicacy is a source of calcium and is prepared without the addition of sugar or honey, but these additives can be used if desired.

Fresh sesame seed paste can be stored for up to 3 months

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the sesame seeds into a blender or mill.
  2. Add olive oil (if not, you can substitute melted butter).
  3. Grind for 2 minutes.
  4. Put in a glass container.

Sesame paste has an oily texture that can be overpowered. You can add salt, lemon juice, or sweetener to it.

Sesame seed urbech is a versatile product that is suitable for preparing various desserts. It is used as an impregnation for cakes or topping for pancakes and pancakes. The paste is popular with professional athletes. On its basis, nutritious cocktails with banana and milk are prepared.

Urbech from white sesame seeds

Sesame urbech has a very specific taste. It is usually liked by those who do not have enough substances in the body that are rich in sesame seeds. Calcium in the first place. In general, sesame urbech is a product incredibly rich in nutrients.

In terms of calcium content, sesame is superior to most foods.... Calcium can be up to 1.4 g per 100 g of sesame seeds. According to scientists, the human body's need for calcium depends on age: for a growing organism, when bone tissue is being built - 1.2-1.5 g per day, at an average age of about 1 g, for people after 50 years - 1 - 1 , 5 g. That is, in order to fully replenish the daily intake of calcium, it may be enough for you to eat just a few tablespoons of sesame urbech.

Urbech- this is the name of a special product, the real pride of Dagestan. These are seeds or nuts ground into a paste, sometimes a mixture of them. There is also an urbech made from roasted seeds or nuts, mixed with sugar or honey. We have chosen to offer you the most useful, in our opinion, types of Urbech - in their composition Unroasted, peeled and milled seeds or nuts ONLY(without thermal and chemical treatment). The seeds are dried before preparing the urbech, and after drying, we ask you to check them for germination in order to get the most useful product from our point of view.

Urbech is considered a superfood(and in our opinion - super-food or super-food!), as well as sprouts, for example. The harsh Dagestan highlanders took Urbech with them on long journeys through difficult and dangerous mountains, and this food allowed them to maintain strength and endurance in unfriendly natural conditions and under noticeable loads. (See a couple of colorful descriptions of the energetic, nutritional, and medicinal properties of Urbech on Wikipedia.)

The product is not only known for its healing and tonic properties, but at the same time is a favorite delicacy. Usually consumed with honey and lavash.

It is interesting to dip fresh fruit in Urbech... Freshness, juiciness of fruit is in perfect harmony with the density and warmth of Urbech. Such an exquisite breakfast, which does not require cooking at all, will be both hearty and vitamin-rich at the same time.

Urbech is different from nut flour, for example. This happens because the urbech is made on special millstones, which, when grinding the seeds, at the same time squeeze oil out of them. This oil immediately impregnates what it was squeezed out of, and this is how the urbech is obtained. And if the oil were immediately separated, then the oil and cake separately would be obtained.

And a few more details about the useful properties of this Urbech:

Urbech is useful for: diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, immune disorders, overweight or underweight, visual impairment, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Urbech satisfies thirst and hunger well. He is very, very satisfying. It is a natural elixir of youth and a valuable dietary product.

The composition of the product: ground, unroasted white sesame seeds.

Urbech is one of the most popular products in I-ME. However, our first-time guests often ask: " How to use Urbech?"
We'll tell you now;)

Most often, fans of Urbech prefer to use it:

- mixed with honey- in this combination, most types of urbecha lose their characteristic "viscosity" and resemble sweet chocolate paste, for which they are often called "raw food nutella" :)
- like fondue- dip chopped pieces of vegetables and fruits into the urbech
- as a "spread" on a sandwich(which may very well be raw with bread and vegetables)
- as a dressing for porridge(including raw) - Urbech gives it a pleasant nutty taste and enriches it with additional nutritional properties
- as a component of refueling for salads, sauces, sweet dishes
- as a dietary supplement-immunomodulator- take a teaspoon in the morning "

  • apple + linseed or sesame urbech
  • grapes + sunflower urbech
  • peach + apricot urbech

Good health to all! We look forward to your feedback and impressions of our product!

Contraindications: sesame seeds and sprouts are contraindicated in case of increased blood clotting, a tendency to thrombus formation and varicose veins.

Storage conditions: store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° С and a relative humidity of not more than 75%.

Kindest day!

I wanted to leave a review on Urbech, which is still a very popular and useful product.

Why do I love Urbechi and buy them regularly?

*** Firstly, in my life there is a lot of stress and I need to support the body, but I try to do this not with the help of drugs from the pharmacy, but with the help of food supplements.

*** Secondly, I like that all Urbechi are both a delicacy and a medicine at the same time to some extent.

*** Thirdly, my diet can be called good, but not balanced enough, which means I need a source of additional trace elements and minerals.

*** Well, and fourthly, Urbech has an affordable cost and has great benefits on the body.

What is Urbech and how does it differ from simple pasta?

Pyaltsik or urbech is a thick liquid mass obtained from pounded toasted or simply dried seeds of flax, hemp, sunflower, pumpkin, nuts and other fruits.
Urbech is an environmentally friendly product with the life-giving energy of the sun. It is a source of strength, health and longevity.
Melting, enveloping consistency, tart sweetish taste, delicate, unobtrusive aroma - this is Urbech.

Urbech, which I will tell you about today, came to me from Dagestan. This is a trademark "Living product". The company produces several types of pastes, and I ordered 3 at once, as there was a good discount.

Let's look at general information.

Calorie energy value (per 100 g.) 565 kcal
Features of the non-GMO product; no preservatives
Expiration date 12 months
Country of origin Russia
Product weight with packaging (g) 385 g

Why is Urbech made from light sesame seeds useful?

This is a classic.

1. It contains calcium, good for everyone.
2. It contains antioxidants, magnesium and phytostrogens, so it heals the female body.
3. Cleans from toxins and toxins, gives a slight laxative effect.
4. Increases immunity.
5. Promotes muscle building.

Sesame is the absolute champion in calcium content, thanks to which it perfectly strengthens the gums.

It contains a large amount of vitamin E, a well-known vitamin of youth.

Sesame normalizes metabolism, improves skin condition, strengthens hair roots and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Light sesame is less bitter than brown and black, and less aromatic.

Sesame perfectly cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and improves blood formula.

It is the main source of lime in the body, as well as an assistant in the fight against bronchial asthma and other lung diseases.

It will be useful to include sesame seeds in the diet of children and pregnant women, since the phosphorus and phytoestrogens contained in it serve as the basis for strengthening bone tissue.

I have already bought Urbechi from other manufacturers and, in my opinion, all of them are very tasty and worthy. If you look at it, Urbech simply cannot be bad products, since it is made only from natural ingredients. Basically, these are seeds, nuts, seeds.

What did you like?

I love when any product is packaged in glass containers, and not in plastic. I don’t respect any polymer, in principle, because it is synthetic, and although there is evidence that such materials are safe and the product can be packaged in special plastic - for food.

I will also note with a plus a small strip, which indicates that the urbech is hermetically sealed and no one opened it before you.

Full information on the bank about the product, expiration date, composition and other data. This is a definite plus.

Availability of quality marks.

Affordable price.

No GMOs, additives or preservatives.

I bought Urbech for 186 rubles with a discount online

::::::::::::: Consistency, taste and aroma ::::::::::::::

Sesame paste has delicate and pleasant nutty aroma.

The consistency of urbech is homogeneous, not very thick, it can be easily spread on bread or crackers.

The color is grayish-beige paste.

I am calm to the bitterness, which is almost always present in sesame urbeche. But some see this as a minus, but I consider it, on the contrary, a kind of bonus, which adds a special piquancy to the pasta.

There is bitterness, but it is not distinct and unobtrusive, moreover, it can always be softened with either honey or maple syrup, Jerusalem artichoke syrup or something else. This is not to say that the pasta is bitter. And then it should be borne in mind that Urbech is made from fresh sesame seeds, and if you taste them, they always have a bitter note. I like.

Astringent taste. Few people like it, but the paste does adhere slightly to the teeth, palate and tongue.

Oiliness... There is almost no natural sesame oil in this urbech, but the urbech still does not seem dry.

()()()()()()()How I use sesame urbech?()()()()()()()()

Eating such a product with spoons is fraught with the fact that you will quickly gain excess weight. After all, Urbech is a very high-calorie and highly nutritious product, so it is better to stick to moderation.

I eat pasta twice a day in the morning and in the evening just a teaspoon. You can, of course, mix Urbech with honey and other goodies, but I rather use sesame paste as a dietary supplement. And so it seems to me quite tasty.

** :: ** :: ** :: ** :: About the benefits :: ** :: ** :: ** :: **

lead a healthy and active lifestyle,
do fitness,
need restoration of vitality,
watch how you look,
look for a source of trace elements useful and necessary for the body,
gourmet by nature,
you are fasting,
prefer products without heat treatment,
then you should try this valuable and healthy and tasty food product.
It is a delicacy and highly nutritious product at the same time.

Even if it seems to you that Urbech does not affect your body, this is a delusion. With a regular course intake, if you are not addicted to the pasta will have significant benefits on your physical and emotional health.

Sesame paste is an additional source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Let's track composition.

It is not for nothing that according to history, Urbech was taken with them on campaigns by earners and warriors in ancient times. They ate it in very small doses, and this helped them maintain their strength for a long time.

It is spring now and I am happy to eat sesame paste. I feel good and I will note that I try to use Urbechi every 3 months - every season. Usually in the spring I feel a lack of strength, weakness, and this spring I endure vitamin deficiency much more comfortably.

I trust this company and will gladly order other urbeches from this manufacturer.

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