Home Fertilizers Muslims' evening prayer is what they call it. Features of circumcision among Muslims and why is this rite done in Islam? Muslim prayer read in case of loss of any thing

Muslims' evening prayer is what they call it. Features of circumcision among Muslims and why is this rite done in Islam? Muslim prayer read in case of loss of any thing

Islam is a way of life. Worship in Islam is not supposed on certain days and holidays, this is the whole life of a believer, because the most ordinary actions that any person performs, depending on how he does it, can become a manifestation of reverence, respect, devotion to Allah Almighty. Islam is not only religious practices, it is how we do the most ordinary things, how we think, what we do. Every good deed, thought and habit brings the slave closer to his Creator. Good habits for a Muslim are as natural as breathing. Below are some of the habits of the believer, which he should not forget about on the path to the pleasure of the Most High:

1. Take time each day to read the Quran and interpret it. The Qur'an is a guide to applying to the life of a Muslim. Reflecting on it, you strengthen iman, it more and more begins to "pour out" into life and becomes the embodiment of the norms prescribed by Allah. The Qur'an, like a medicine, cleanses the heart of a Muslim, calls him to righteousness and becomes a good beginning in performing any deeds.

2. Make remembrance of Allah. Wherever you are, on the bus, in the car, at any convenient moment, commemorate Allah: "La ilaha illaLah", "SubhanAllah", "Allahu Akbar", "Alhamdulil Lah". Remembering the Almighty in the bustle of worldly life, we realize our true position and the true owner of our life. This is how we understand that everything is from Allah and gain His pleasure.

“Remember Me, and I will remember you. Thank Me and do not be ungrateful to Me ”(2: 152).

3. Give alms. Allah has all-encompassing mercy and loves those who show mercy to His creations. Alms in Islam does not have to be large and monetary, even a smile and a good deed directed towards another person is sadaqah.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Every good deed is charity."

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said: "Every Muslim should give alms."

One person asked: "Tell me, what if he doesn't have anything (for this)?" He said: "Let him work with his own hands, benefit himself and give alms."

The man asked: "O Messenger of Allah, what if he cannot do this?" He said: "Then let him help the one in a difficult situation."

The man asked: "What if he cannot do this?" He said: "Then let him urge to what is approved." The man asked: "Tell me, what if he fails to do this too?"

He said, "Then let him refrain from doing evil, and it will become charity."

Another hadith says: “Every day with the onset of morning, each of you should give alms as many times as there are joints in his body. Each utterance of the words "Glory to Allah" / Subhana-Llah / is alms, and each utterance of the words "Praise to Allah" / Al-hamdu li-Llah / is alms, and each utterance of the words "There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah" / La ilaha illa-Llah / is charity, and each utterance of the words "Allah is great" / Allahu akbar / is charity. Motivation to the approved is charity and refraining from the disapproved is charity. "

4. Don't waste your time. Time spent on, for example, video games, watching TV and social media can be much more rewarding. Time is one of the gifts and amanats of the Almighty, and for the way we spent it, we will be responsible. Every moment of your life can become the worship of Allah Almighty, do not miss this opportunity.

5. Don't go to extremes. Islam is a religion of moderation and gentleness, and does not tolerate when a believer goes beyond the boundaries of reason.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Indeed, this religion is easy, but if someone starts to fight it, it invariably defeats him, so stick to the right thing, and draw near, and rejoice, and turn (to Allah) for help in the morning, in the evening and at some hours of the night. "

6. Islam is an all-encompassing religion that requires us to take time for our spiritual, physical and mental health. The Sunnah and the Quran prescribe habits that will keep you healthy and improve your disposition. Getting enough sleep at night will keep you from oversleeping namaz. Proper nutrition also helps to maintain a healthy body so that worship can be performed to the fullest.

7. Read the biography of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). The Prophet (peace be upon him) was the best of men, and striving to follow his example is a direct path to the contentment of Allah Almighty. The believer's love for the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) increases as more knowledge is gained about him.

"The Messenger of Allah was a wonderful example for you, for those who hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah very much" (33:21).

This article contains: where and how prayer is held by Muslims - information is taken from all over the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

What is prayer and why is it needed?

Prayer. We don't use this word very often, but how often do we use it. In the understanding of the bulk of people, prayer is an appeal to God. In fact, prayer should not consist only of requests, but, unfortunately, we often remember Allah, turn to Him when we feel bad, when all the options have already been tried. However, it is advisable for all of us to realize that we need to pray not only at the moment when a person is already at a “dead end” and not only when something is needed. After all, it is with prayer that we can thank the Almighty for everything. For everything in the most direct and wide sense of the word. For the creation of this world, for air and water, for hands and feet, for parents, children, and so on.

Of course, the main prayer for Muslims is namaz, as one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Namaz is a daily five-fold prayer rite, obligatory for all adherents of our religion. In the 43rd verse of the Qur'anic Surah “The Cow” it is said: “Perform namaz, pay zakat and bow with those who bow down.”

One of the frequently discussed issues in non-Arab environment is the uncertainty about whether it is possible to pray to the Lord in their native language. First you need to understand that prayer and namaz are not always the same, although sometimes these words can be described as synonyms. Namaz is our duty, and prayer (supplication) is what we do as we wish. Namaz must be performed in Arabic. This is the injunction of religion.

Naturally, faith is the foundation of everything. This also applies to prayer. What is the point in praying if a person does not believe that he will be heard? The Almighty sees and knows everything about us, so He will certainly hear every prayer. Both spoken aloud and spoken to myself.

In addition to the mosques, which are the houses of Allah, you can pray almost everywhere: at home, on the street, in the car, and so on. After all, if a person is in trouble, he does not think about finding a special place for prayer. True, Sharia does not allow us to pray in certain places (for example, in the bathroom). And ethics too.

This question, and more than once, probably, each of us asked. After all, it happens that you pray to Allah, ask him for something in the morning and evening, but it does not come true. That's just not any. And there comes a moment when a person has doubts: “Maybe God does not hear me? Maybe he doesn't want to hear? " It is natural. Emotions. It is necessary for oneself to understand once and for all that Allah does not wish bad things for his creatures. It is worth remembering the saying that everything that is not done is done for the better. Probably, since something does not work out for us, it means that we don’t need it. It doesn't make sense. There is no good. However, it is possible that the Almighty is testing us. Checks for loyalty, strength, how quickly we get offended, “explode”. So you need to pray the same way you live - patiently. And with hope.

Should you pray for the little things?

Many of us prayed, for example, that some conversation would end well, for a good grade in school, or even for the victory of our favorite football team. Is this correct? It is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, but we understand that Allah is great, and He loves when people turn to Him. People have different desires. The main thing is that they, like prayer, are righteous.

Praying and sitting back?

Undoubtedly, efforts, perseverance, ambition and desire to develop are encouraged by Allah. Prayer, rather, is an assistant in achieving this or that goal. It would be wrong to pray to the Almighty for a new job without first sending your CV to some company.

From early childhood in books, films, and sometimes even in songs, we hear about prayer, that in case of a problem you can turn to God, He will undoubtedly help. And this is absolutely true. We turned to Allah for some desires, asked for their fulfillment, and who can say that no one from above has ever helped him? Even some non-believers confessed that being in a desperate situation, they prayed to the Lord for help.

The fact that namaz protects a person from everything negative is a generally recognized fact. As an argument, we will quote the 45th ayah of Surah “Spider”: “Read what is suggested to you from the Scriptures, and perform namaz. Truly, namaz protects from abomination and reprehensibility. But the remembrance of Allah is much more important, and Allah knows what you are doing. "

Prayer and good deeds are inseparable

Although a good deed is not so much a prescription as an individual's choice, and namaz is mandatory for Muslims, according to Islam, they are inseparable. This is noted in the 7th verse of the surah “Transferred at night”: “We said:“ If you are doing good, then you are doing for your own good. And if you do evil, then you act to your own detriment. "

Prayer and lessons of collectivism

Well, one more plus of prayer. Its implementation in the jamaat, when masses of people of different skin colors, thinking in different languages, engaged in their own worldly affairs, carry out the prescribed worship of the Almighty in the required form. In single movements, identical to the text. And here you can feel the power of Islam. Its uniqueness. Regardless of the geographic location of the mosque, the time of prayer, the adhan gathers Muslims of various nationalities. Movements are carried out in a single impulse. And the mass of Muslims becomes an ummah, in which there are no first and last, right and left. This is our hope. Our confidence. Our strength and future.


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Where and how is prayer among Muslims

Namaz is the second pillar of Islam

Namaz is one of the foundations of the religion of Islam. With its help, a connection is made between a person and the Almighty. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Know that the best of your deeds is prayer!" Reading namaz five times a day helps a person each time to strengthen his faith, cleanse his soul from committed sins and protect himself from future sins. Another hadith says: “The first thing a person will be asked about on the day of Judgment is about the time of prayer”.

Before each prayer, a true Muslim takes a bath and appears before his Creator. In the morning prayer, he exalts Allah, endlessly affirming His exclusive right to worship. The believer turns to the Creator for help and asks Him for a straight path. As a proof of humility and loyalty, a person sinks to the ground in bow before the Almighty.

How to read namaz correctly (namaz uku tertibe)

Prayers are performed in Arabic - the language of Revelation - 5 times a day:

  1. at dawn (Irtenge);
  2. in the middle of the day (Oile);
  3. in the evening (Ikende);
  4. at sunset (Akhsham);
  5. at dusk (Yastu).

This determines the rhythm of the Muslim believer's day. To perform namaz, women and men must cleanse the soul and body, clothing and place of prayer. Whenever possible, righteous Muslims should strive to pray in the mosque. If this is not possible, it is allowed to pray almost anywhere, for example, at the university or in the office.

Before the obligatory prayer, the call to her sounds - Azan. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), in order to show that Azan is a manifestation of piety, said: "If the time for prayer has come, let one of you read the Azan to you."

To read namaz, the following conditions must be met:

  1. ritual purity. A person in a state of contamination must perform ritual ablution (full or partial, in accordance with the degree of contamination);
  2. clean place. Prayer should be performed only in a clean, undefiled place (free from Najas - impurity);
  3. qibla. During prayer, the believer must stand in the direction of the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba;
  4. clothes. A Muslim should be dressed in absolutely clean clothes, not stained with impurities (for example, human or animal excrement, the hair of unclean animals like a pig or dog). Also, clothes should cover the awrah - places that a believer must cover according to Sharia (for a man - a part of the body from the navel to the knees, for a woman - the whole body, except for the face, hands and feet);
  5. intention. One should have a sincere intention to perform the prayer (niyat);
  6. sobriety. Alcohol, various psychotropic and narcotic drugs in Islam are absolutely prohibited (this is haram).

Muslim prayers are the foundation of a Muslim's life

Also, unlike Muslim namaz, in Islam there are prayers (in Arabic they are called "dua", and in Tatar - "doga") - this is an opportunity to communicate with the Lord of the worlds. The Almighty knows everything obvious and hidden, so Allah hears any prayer, no matter if a Muslim prayer is said aloud or silently, on the surface of the moon or in a coal mine.

Dua Allah should always be pronounced confidently, because we know: Allah created us and our difficulties, and He can change this world and easily solve any problem. And no matter what language you speak to the Creator, let your soul whisper in the language in which it is easiest for you to express yourself.

In Islam, there are prayers for all occasions. Below are examples of Muslim duas, most of which are taken from the Qur'an and Sunnah, as well as from sheikhs and awliya (close people - friends of Allah). Among them there are prayers for good luck. For example, against problems, misfortune, misfortune and grief, if danger threatens, etc.

Muslim prayer if you want to repent of your sins

Allaahumma ante rabbi, llyaya ilyahe illya ant, halyaktanii wa ana 'abduk, wa ana' alaya 'ahdikya wa va'diqya mastato'tu, a'uuzu bikya min sharri maa sona'tu, abuu'u lakya bi ni'matikya' alaya wa abuu'ulyakya bi zanbia, phagfirlia, fa innehu yagfiruz-zunuube illia ant.

O Allah, You are my Lord! There is no God but You. You created me, and I am Your slave. And I will try to justify the responsibility entrusted to me, to keep my word to the best of my strength and capabilities. I run to You, moving away from everything unkind that I have done. I acknowledge the blessings that You have bestowed on me, and I confess my sin. Forgive me! Truly, no one will forgive my mistakes, except You. Note: becoming a Muslim, a person assumes a certain responsibility and makes a vow to the Almighty not to commit the forbidden and to do what is obligatory.

Muslim prayers recited before eating

First option: Bismillah!

Note: The Prophet Muhammad said: “Before you start eating, each of you should say, 'Bismillah.' If he forgets about it at the beginning [of the meal], then let him say as soon as he remembers: "Bismill-lyaakhi fi avvalihi wa aahirihi" (With the name of the Almighty at the beginning and at the end [of the meal]) ".

Allaahumma baarik lanaa fih, va at'ymnaa hayran minkh.

O Supreme, make this blessed for us and feed us what is better than this.

Muslim prayers read when leaving home

Bismil-lyaakh, tavakkyaltu ‘alal-laah, playing havla wa lyaing kuvvate ill-lyaakh.

With the name of Allah Almighty! I trust only in Him. True power and strength belong only to Him.

Allaahumma innii 'awuzu bikya an adylla av removing av azill av uzall aw azlima av uzlyama av ajkhal av yujkhal' alaya.

Oh Lord! Verily, I resort to You, so as not to stray from the right path and not be led astray, so as not to make mistakes myself and not be forced to make mistakes, so as not to act unjustly to myself and not to be oppressed, so as not to be ignorant and in relation to me did not act ignorantly.

Muslim prayer read at the entrance to the house

Saying these words, the person entering greets the one who is in him:

Bismill-lyayakhi valajna, wa bismill-lyahi harajna wa ‘alia rabbinaa ta-vakkyalnaa.

With the name of the Most High, we entered and with His name we went out. And we trust only in our Lord.

Muslim prayer if you want to get married or get married

First, a ritual ablution (taharat, abdest) is performed, after which two rak'ahs of an additional prayer must be performed and said:

Allaahumma innakya takdir performing akdir wa ta'lyam wa la a'lam wa ante 'alla-yamul-guyuyub, fa in ra'ayta anna (calls the girl's name) hairun lii fi dii-nii wa dunya-ya wa aahiratii fakdurkhaa li, va in kyaanet gairukhaa hayran lii minhaa fii diinii va dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurkhaa lii.

O Allah! Everything is in Your power, but I am not able to do anything. You know everything, but I don't. You know everything that is hidden from us. And if you think what is the best for the preservation of my religiosity and well-being both in this and in the future worlds, then help me so that she becomes my wife (husband). And if the other is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being in both worlds, then help me so that the other one becomes my wife (husband).

Muslim prayer before marriage:

Bismil-lajah. Allaahumma jannibnash-shaytaane wa jannibish-shaytaana maa razaktanaa.

I start with the name of the Lord. O Most High, remove us from Satan and remove Satan from what You will give us!

Muslim prayer read in case of loss of any thing

Bismil-lajah. Ya haadiyad-dullyal wa raaddad-doollati-rdud ‘alaya dool-latii bi‘ izzatikya wa sultaanik, fa innahaa min ‘atoikya wa fadlik.

I start with the name of Allah. O He who directs those who have come down from it to the right path! Oh He who brings back what was lost. Give me back the lost thing with Your greatness and power. Truly, this thing was given by You to me by Your boundless mercy.

Muslim prayer against problems, misfortunes, misfortunes and grief

Innaa lil-lyaakhi wa innaa ilayhi raadzhi'uun, allaahumma ‘indakya akhtasibu musyybatii fa’dzhurnii fiihe, wa abdilii bihee hayran minkhe.

Indeed, we completely belong to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown, and replace the trouble with something better than her.

Muslim prayer against hardship, need and problems

First, a ritual ablution (taharat, abdest) is performed, after which two rak'ahs of additional prayers must be performed and said:

Alhamdu lil-lyaakhi rabbil-'aalamiin, as'alyukya muujibaati rakhmatik, wa 'azaaima magfiratik, wal-'ismata min kulli zanb, val-ganiimata min kulli birr, was-salayamata min kulli ism, yayat' liafanahban illyaia playing hamman illlya farrajtah, performing haadzaten hiya lyakya ridan illlya kadaitahaa, yaa arkhamar-raahimin.

True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I ask You, O Allah, that which will bring Your mercy closer to me, the effectiveness of Your forgiveness, protection from sins, benefit from everything righteous. I ask You for salvation from all mistakes. Leave not a single sin that You would not forgive me, not a single anxiety that You would not deliver me from, and not a single need that, being correct, would not be satisfied by You. After all, You are the Most Merciful.

Muslim prayers against anxiety and sadness in the soul

Allaahumma inni ‘abdukya ibnu’ abdikya ibnu ematik. Naasatii bi yadikya maadin fiya hukmukya ‘adlyun fiya kadoouk. As'alyukya bi kulli ismin huva lyak, sammyayte bihi nafsyak, av anzaltahu fii kitaabik, av 'allamtahu ahaden min khalkyk, av ista'sarte bihi fii' ilmil-gaibi 'indak, en tad-kur'j'anaalya a kalbi, wa nuura sadri, wa jalaa'e huzni, wa zahaba hami.

O Almighty Allah! I am Thy servant, the son of Thy servant and Thy handmaid. Power over me is in Your [right hand]. Your decision is unquestioningly fulfilled with respect to me and is fair. I address You with all the names that You called Yourself or mentioned in Your Scripture or revealed to someone from those created by You or by those [names] that are known only to You. [I turn to You by Your name] and I ask you to make the Koran the spring of my heart, the light of my soul and the cause of the disappearance of my sadness, the cessation of my anxiety.

Allaahumma Innii a'uuzu bikya minal-hammi wal-khazan, wal-'adzhzi wal-kyasal, wal-bukhli wal-jubn, wa dol'id-dein wa galyabatir-ridzhaal.

O Almighty, I move away with your help from anxiety and sorrow, from weakness and laziness, from avarice and cowardice, from the burden of duty and human oppression.

Muslim prayers if danger threatens

Allaahumma innaa naj'alyukya fii nuhurikhim, wa na'uuzu bikya min shuruurikhim.

O Allah, we submit their throats and tongues to You for judgment. And we resort to You, moving away from their evil.

Hasbunal-laahu wa n'mal waqiel.

The Lord is enough for us, and He is the best Patron.

Muslim prayer to pay off debts

Allaahumma, ikfinii bi halyalikya ‘an haraamik, wa agnini bi fadlikya’ am-man sivaak.

O Allah, make it so that what is permitted [halal] protects me from what is forbidden [haram] and make me, by Your grace, independent from everyone except You.

Muslim prayers when visiting a sick person

Lyaya ba's, tahuurun inshaa'el-laakh (two times).

Translation: No problem, you will be cleansed by the Lord's permission.

The second option, the prayer should be said seven times:

As'elul-laakhal-‘azyim, rabbel-’arshil-‘azyim ai yashfiyak.

I ask the Great Creator, the Lord of the Great Throne, for your healing.

Morning prayer - fajr: how many rak'ahs, time. Prayer in Islam

One of the five pillars of Islam is namaz, a prayer through which a person conducts a dialogue with the Almighty. By reading it, a Muslim pays tribute to Allah's devotion. Performing namaz is mandatory for all believers. Without it, a person loses contact with God, commits a sin for which, according to the canons of Islam, he will be severely punished on the Day of Judgment.

It is necessary to read namaz five times a day at the time strictly set for it. Wherever a person is, no matter what he is busy with, he is obliged to perform the prayer. The morning prayer is especially important. Fajr, as it is also called by Muslims, has tremendous power. Performing it is tantamount to a prayer that a person would read all night.

What time is the morning prayer performed?

Fajr prayer should be performed in the early morning, when a white stripe appears on the horizon, and the sun has not yet risen. It is during this period of time that devout Muslims pray to Allah. It is advisable that a person begins a sacred act 20-30 minutes before sunrise. In Muslim countries, people can navigate by the adhan coming from the mosque. It is more difficult for a person living in other places. How do you know when to perform Fajr Namaz? The time of its fulfillment can be determined according to a special calendar or schedule, which is called ruznam.

Some Muslims use mobile apps for this purpose, such as Prayer Time® Muslim Toolbox. It will help you know when to start praying, and will determine the qibla, the direction in which the sacred Kaaba is located.

In the Arctic Circle, where day and night last longer than usual, it is more difficult for people to decide on the time at which to perform namaz. Fajr, however, is necessary. Muslims recommend orienting oneself to the time in Mecca or in a nearby country, where the change of day and night takes place in the usual rhythm. The latter option is preferred.

What is the power of Fajr Namaz?

People who regularly pray to Allah before sunrise show deep patience and true faith. Indeed, for the sake of performing fajr, one must rise before dawn every day, and not sleep in a sweet dream, succumbing to the persuasions of the shaitan. This is the first test that the morning has prepared for a person, and it must be passed with dignity.

The Almighty will protect people who do not give in to the shaitan, who read namaz on time, from adversity and problems until the next day. In addition, they will succeed in eternal life, because the observance of prayer will be reckoned to everyone on the Day of Judgment.

This prayer in Islam has tremendous power, because on the eve of dawn, next to a person are the angels of the leaving night and the coming day, who are carefully watching him. Allah will then ask them what his servant was doing. The angels of the night will answer that, as they left, they saw him praying, and the angels of the coming day will say that they also found him at prayer.

The stories of the Sahaba who performed the morning prayer in spite of everything

Fajr requires strict observance, no matter what circumstances arise in a person's life. In those distant times, when the prophet Muhammad was still alive, people performed real deeds in the name of faith. They performed namaz in spite of everything.

The Sahaba, the companions of the Messenger of the Most High, performed the morning Fajr even when they were wounded. No misfortune could stop them. So, the outstanding statesman Umar ibn al-Khattab recited a prayer, bleeding to death after the attempt on his life. He did not even think to give up serving Allah.

And the companion of the Prophet Muhammad Abbad was struck by an arrow at the moment of the prayer. He pulled her out of his body and continued to pray. The enemy shot him several more times, but this did not stop Abbad.

Sada ibn Rabi, who was also seriously wounded, died while performing namaz in a tent specially built for the sacred event.

Preparation for prayer: ablution

Prayer in Islam requires some preparation. Before committing to any prayer, be it Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib or Isha, a Muslim is ordered to perform a ritual ablution. In Islam, it is called voodoo.

A devout Muslim washes his hands (brushes), face, caresses his mouth and nose. He performs each action three times. Next, the believer washes each hand with water up to the elbow: first the right, then the left. Then he rubs his head. With a damp hand, the Muslim runs along it from the forehead to the back of the head. Next, he rubs his ears inside and out. After washing his feet up to the ankles, the believer should complete the washing with the words of the remembrance of Allah.

When performing namaz, Islam requires men to cover the body from the navel to the knees without fail. The rules for women are stricter. It should be completely covered. The only exceptions are the face and hands. Under no circumstances should you wear tight or dirty clothing. The body of a person, his vestments and the place of prayer must be clean. If wudu is not enough, complete body wash (ghusl) must be performed.

Fajr: rak'ahs and terms

Each of the five prayers consists of rak'ahs. This is the name of one cycle of prayer, which is repeated two to four times. The amount depends on what kind of prayer the Muslim performs. Each rakat includes a certain sequence of actions. Depending on the type of prayer, it may vary slightly.

Consider what fajr consists of, how many rak'ahs a believer should perform and how to perform them correctly. The morning prayer consists of only two consecutive cycles of prayer.

Some of the actions included in them bear specific names that have come to us from the Arabic language. Below is a list of the most essential concepts that a believer should know:

  • niyat - the intention to perform namaz;
  • takbir - exaltation of Allah (the words "Allahu Akbar", meaning "Allah is Great");
  • kiyam - standing in a standing position;
  • sajda - kneeling posture or bowing to the ground;
  • dua — prayer;
  • taslim - greeting, the final part of the prayer.

Now let's look at both cycles of Fajr prayer. How to read a prayer, people who have just recently converted to Islam will ask? In addition to following the sequence of actions, it is necessary to monitor the pronunciation of words. Of course, a true Muslim not only pronounces them correctly, but also puts his soul into them.

The first rakat of fajr namaz

The first cycle of prayer begins with niyata in the qiyam position. The believer expresses his intention mentally, mentioning the name of the prayer in it.

Then the Muslim should raise his hands at ear level, touch the lobes with his thumbs and point his palms towards the qibla. While in this position, he should recite the takbir. It must be pronounced aloud, and it is not necessary to do it in full voice. In Islam, it is possible to exalt Allah in a whisper, but in such a way that the believer hears himself.

Then he covers his left with the palm of his right hand, grasping the wrist with his little finger and thumb, puts his hands just below the navel and reads the first surah of the Koran "Al-Fatiha". If desired, a Muslim can recite an additional chapter from the Holy Scriptures.

This is followed by bowing at the waist, straightening and sajdah. Further, the Muslim straightens his back, remaining in a kneeling position, once again falls down on his face before Allah and straightens up again. This concludes the performance of the rak'ah.

Second rakat of fajr namaz

The cycles included in the morning prayer (fajr) are performed in different ways. In the second rak'ah, you do not need to pronounce niyat. The Muslim takes the qiyam pose, folding his arms over his chest, as in the first cycle, and begins to recite the surah "Al-Fatiha".

Then he makes two bows to the ground and sits on his feet, shifted to the right. In this position, you need to pronounce the dua "At-takhiyat".

At the end of the prayer, the Muslim recites taslim. He pronounces it twice, turning his head first towards the right shoulder, then the left.

This is where the prayer ends. Fajr is performed by both men and women. However, they perform it in different ways.

How do women perform the morning prayer?

When performing the first rak'ah, the woman should keep her hands at shoulder level while the man raises them up to his ears.

She makes a bow bow not as deep as a man, and while reading the surah "Al-Fatiha" she folds her hands on her chest, and not below the navel.

The rules for performing the Fajr Namaz prayer for women differ slightly from those for men. In addition to them, a Muslim woman should know that it is forbidden to do it during menstruation (haid) or postpartum bleeding (nifas). Only when she is cleansed of defilement, she will be able to perform namaz correctly, otherwise the woman will become a sinner.

What should a person who missed the morning prayer do?

There is one more important issue worth touching on. What should a Muslim who missed the morning prayer do? In such a situation, one should take into account the reason why he made such a mistake. The further actions of the person depend on whether she is respectful or not. For example, if a Muslim has set an alarm, purposely went to bed early, but despite all his actions, he slept, he can fulfill his duty to the Almighty at any free time, since, in fact, he is not to blame.

However, if the reason was disrespectful, then the rules are different. The Fajr prayer should be performed as quickly as possible, but not during those times when prayer is strictly prohibited.

When is prayer not allowed?

There are several such intervals in the day, during which it is highly undesirable to pray. These include periods

  • after reading the morning prayer and before sunrise;
  • within 15 minutes after dawn, until the star rises in the sky to the height of one spear;
  • when it is at its zenith;
  • after reciting asr (afternoon prayer) until sunset.

At any other time, it is possible to compensate for the prayer, but it is better not to neglect the sacred action, because the pre-dawn prayer read in time, in which a person put his heart and soul, as the Prophet Muhammad said, is better than the whole world, more significant than everything that fills him. A Muslim who performs Fajr at sunrise will not go to hell, but will be awarded the great rewards that Allah will bestow on him.

The Muslim Ummah, like any community, has its own hierarchy, in which there are various titles, dignities and titles. The main condition for their acquisition is the presence of knowledge and certain skills in religion.

Let's get acquainted with the main regalia that are found among the Muslim clergy.

1. Alim (Ulem)

This is an Arabic word that translates as "knowing", "possessing knowledge." This title is given to recognized and respected experts in the Islamic religion. As a rule, in each Muslim community there is a collective body - the Council of Ulema, which makes decisions on certain issues (for example, on the beginning, the size of the fitr-sadak, etc.) possessing the necessary amount of knowledge.

2. Akhund

The highest rank in Islam, which is given to the spiritual leaders of the regions of the country or large cities. In the post-Soviet space, as a rule, it is used in a variation of "imam-akhund". In Russia, this title is held by several leaders of the regional spiritual administrations of Muslims. In addition, the first chairman of the Orenburg Mohammedan spiritual assembly, Mukhammedzhan Khusainov, was also an akhund before he was ordained as a mufti.

3. Ayatollah

A Shiite religious title conferred on a theologian with authority in the community and considered to be a major expert in Islamic sciences. Ayatollah has the right to independently issue fatwas (fatwas) - theological conclusions on religious issues.

The highest title in Shiism is the title of Grand Ayatollah, which is possessed by the most authoritative scholars. He is considered to be a kind of deputy who presides over the Shiite community on his behalf. In the modern world, this title is held by the supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and the spiritual leader of the Iraqi Shiites, Ali Sistani.

4. Imam

A religious title denoting a leader during collective prayer. As a rule, the heads of local religious communities and mosques are called imams. In addition, this status has historically been given to the heads of state-imamates. The most striking example can be considered Imam Shamil, who ruled the North Caucasian imamate in the middle of the 19th century. If there are several imams in the mosque, then there is also their own hierarchy between them, and one of them is called the first imam or imam-khatyb, and the rest are considered his deputies.

5. Ishan

Sufi religious title held by spiritual mentors. Ishans have the right to transfer their knowledge to their students - murid... Ishan in the Sufi tradition can be any Muslim who has reached a certain level of enlightenment. However, there are also such Sufi schools in which only the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) or his closest associates are called ishan. This practice gave rise to the emergence of whole dynasties of Ishans, which still exist today. One of the famous ishans is considered Zainulla Rasulev - sheikh of the Naqshbandi tariqa, father of the chairman of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the European part of the USSR and Siberia, mufti Gabdrakhman Rasulev.

6. Kadi (kazy)

Title conferred on Sharia judges. During the Middle Ages, the Qadis were very influential persons in the Muslim states. They took not only judicial, but also a number of administrative decisions in their region. In the modern world, the powers of the qadis are rather formal in nature, since in most Muslim countries the Sharia courts have lost their force. Today they serve as advisers to the muftis.

7. Molla (mullah, molda)

This is one of the most common titles among Muslim clerics. As a rule, mullahs are called servants of the mosque, who are lower in status than imam-khatyb. The main function of the mullah is considered to be helping local believers in performing religious rituals. So, they read nikah, study, conduct collective iftar and so on.

8. Mujtahid (Mujtahid)

The title awarded to scholars who have reached the level of ijtihad - a high authority in theology. It is believed that the owners of absolute ijtihad were the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.). Some theologians claim that true ijtihad existed during the first four centuries after Hijra. It was during this period that many prominent Islamic theologians lived. Nevertheless, in later centuries, the Almighty gave the world many authoritative scholars, such as Ibn Hajar al-Askalyani or Rizaitdin Fakhretdin, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of theological thought.

9. Mufassir (mofassir)

This is how the scholars and interpreters of the Holy Quran are called. The mufassir must have a good command of the Arabic language and know the history, as well as the meaning of the revelation of each ayah. The first interpreters were the companions of the Prophet (s.g.v.) - Abdullah ibn Masud and Zayd ibn Thabit (r.a.). The tafsirs of Ibn Kathir and al-Saadi are considered the most famous interpretations of the Holy Scriptures today.

10. Mufti

The highest rank, which is bestowed on the most authoritative and knowledgeable religious leaders. The muftis have the right to independently make theological conclusions on certain issues. In the modern world, they are generally considered the spiritual leaders of the Muslim ummah.

In some states, the dignity of the mufti coincides with the position of the head of a centralized religious organization (muftiate or SAM). Moreover, in many countries one clergyman has the rank of mufti, and in a number of countries there are several. It depends on the specifics of a particular region. In theocratic states, the position of mufti is considered one of the most authoritative in the state apparatus. In some communities, religious leaders also hold the rank of supreme mufti, to which other community muftis are subordinate.

11. Mukhtasib (imam-mukhtasib)

Regalia of priests in Islam, who control the observance of Islamic norms in a certain territory. Today the muhtasibs are representatives of the head of the religious community at the local level. They also often lead religious organizations in cities and appoint local imams.

12. Fakih

This title denotes a specialist in Islamic law, a jurist.

13. Hazrat

The religious status enjoyed by all Muslim clerics. As a rule, this word is used when respectfully addressing a religious figure.

14. Hafiz

This title belongs to scientists, knowledgeable. It is thanks to the Hafiz that the Holy Book of Allah has come down to us in its original form.

15. Khojatul-Islam (hujat al-Islam)

Shiite religious title conferred on authoritative theologians. So, the leader of the Shiite organization Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah and the ex-President of Iran Mohammad Khatami possess it.

16. Sheikh

An honorary title in Islam from the most educated theologians. Sheikh is the name of the leader of a religious community, the leader of a tribe or the head of the emirate. Particularly authoritative and prominent scholars have the title of Sheikhul-Islam. He must be fluent in all Islamic sciences and have significant authority in his ummah. In the Ottoman Empire, Sheikhul-Islam was the main clergyman, whose opinion even the sultans had to reckon with. Nowadays, in the post-Soviet space, this title is held by a number of muftis, such as Talgat Tajuddin and Allahshukur Pashazade.

In the modern world there are many different religions that differ from each other in their content and have certain characteristics. The confessions of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism, Sikhism and Confucianism, Taoism, Jainism and Shintoism are the most popular. All religions have their own rules and customs.

Some features of religions

So, for example, Christianity - in Greek it means "anointed one", "messiah". It combines three areas: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. All of them are united by faith in a triune God, while Jesus Christ is presented as the God-man saving the world. Religion is based on love for a person, mercy for suffering people. Christian teaching claims that this religion was not created by people, but given to human society as a ready-made, complete teaching.

The Jewish national religion, Judaism, recognizes only one and the messiah (savior). The oldest teaching (1 millennium BC), which arose in Palestine, is based on the chosenness of the Jewish people. It rejects Jesus Christ.

In the 5-6 centuries. BC NS. in India, a religion is emerging, which is aimed at striving to achieve the highest peace and bliss (nirvana) as a result of the rejection of all desires and moral perfection (in Buddhism), etc.

One of the most widespread religions is Islam, which originated on the Arabian Peninsula (early 7th century BC).

The essence of religion

Islam (from Arabic - "monotheism") is a religion that recognizes one God. It is believed that before the appearance of people on earth, the Angels confessed it. All the Prophets sent by the Most High called to her and addressed all nations in different languages. The last scriptures are presented in Arabic, since the last Prophet was an Arab. Therefore, religious terms sound in Arabic (Islam is faith in God and his Prophets, Allah is the Arabic name of God, Muslim is a believer).

The main rule of Islam is belief in one God, sent down from the Koran, as well as in the predestination of fate, life after death (resurrection), in hell for the “infidels” and prosperity in paradise for believers. Everything that happens in the life of a Muslim is created by God (good, evil, etc.).

The essence of the rules

The code of rules in Islam should be known to every adherent of religion. The manifestation of reverence, respect and devotion to Allah Almighty is carried out by citizens throughout their lives. The rules of life in Islam are the basis of life values ​​for Muslims. All their actions and actions, thoughts are aimed at getting as close as possible to God, to deserve prosperity in paradise with their pious life.

There are rules in Islam. Five of them are obligatory for all Muslims. Each of them requires an inner spiritual dedication. Correct completion of each of the rules is required.


Let's take a look at the golden rules of Islam:

  1. Belief in one God, recognition of the Prophet Muhammad, his mission (shahada).
  2. Daily prayers at a specific time: five times / day (namaz).
  3. Observance of the fast during the month - Ramadan (uraza).
  4. Pay regularly a religious tax (a tax for needy people, zakat).
  5. Walking to Mecca and Medina (pilgrimage, hajj).

The sixth rule of Muslims in modern society can be noted jihad, which from the point of view of theology means waging a struggle with their own passions.

Rules of behavior

There are rules of conduct in Islam and certain norms in everyday life. Start every morning with prayer, greet each other when you meet, thank Allah for food, for work, etc. There are certain rules for eating, wearing clothes, and maintaining hygiene. Also, the Koran provides ethical standards of conduct in society, at work and at home. Fulfilling these precepts, Muslims try to be pious and as close as possible to God, who gives them a paradise life after death.

Clothing rules

The rules in Islam establish the observance of clothing requirements for both men and women. The fairer sex should not wear men's clothing. However, guys are not allowed to wear women's outfits. Images of animals on clothes of both sexes are also excluded.

The conditions for the manufacture of things are negotiated: only permitted material is allowed. For men, clothes should be modest, of simple types of fabrics, without gold trimmings. Its beauty is expressed in its simplicity and restraint. Silk or collar trims allowed. Gold jewelry, cufflinks, rings or chains are also not permitted.

In both men's and women's clothing, primarily human qualities are displayed. She should not resemble the outfits of the "infidels". Wearing clothes is not a material requirement for them. This is gratitude to the Most High God for the fact that a Muslim realizes himself as his slave.

Rules for women

What are the rules for women in Islam? An important feature of the religion of Islam is modesty. Believers are humble, patient, and courageous. Remaining in the shadows, they lead their righteous lifestyle. Ready for compassion and generosity.

The rules in Islam urge a woman to be modest, chaste, not to show herself off. Women's clothing should hide the sex appeal of its owner from prying eyes. Such women are forced to wear hijab. It is believed that this is how the nobility and femininity of Muslim women is manifested.

The hijab carries a specific message of a woman's submission to divine will in all aspects of her life. She wants to be understood and appreciated for her beautiful actions, kindness and modesty, lack of desire for luxury. Clothing should be loose and not transparent. At the same time, the choice of style, colors and taste preferences is not limited. The behavior of the girl should also be modest.

The decency of a Muslim woman, who wears modest clothing that symbolizes femininity and conceals sexuality, is respected by men. A woman has no right to demand more from her husband than she needs for life. This also manifests itself in modesty. She must obey her man always and in everything. Preserving the honor of a husband both at home and outside is also the responsibility of a Muslim woman. Do not look out of the windows of the house unnecessarily, do not talk to neighbors in vain. A woman should try to do everything so that her husband is pleased with her.

In addition to all of the above, Muslim women should constantly pray, maintain order in the house, etc. The husband and obligations to him should always come first. The spouse should always be smart and attractive to her husband, in clean clothes, in a good mood. Rejoice at his return. It is unacceptable to contradict and raise your voice to your husband. If he is wrong, then guide him on the true path calmly, using the power of persuasion, calling on Allah. Treat children with kindness and patience, pity them, do only good to everyone.

Sexual relationship

An important task in the issue of sexual relations in Islam is to maintain the chastity of both sexes. The rules in Islam prescribe to "take care of your members and dull your eyes" for both Muslim women and believing men. If a man cannot marry due to financial insolvency, then he should refrain from sexual relations. Fasting and prayer can help relieve stress in this situation.

The most important prescription for marriage is the virginity of the bride-to-be. This does not mean that you cannot marry women who were previously married. The very concept of "virginity" has the meaning of morality. Women's honor and dignity are protected by the Koran. The rules require a woman to be treated with respect. Sexual relationships are part of family life. And only a legal husband has the right to have an intimate relationship with his wife. A woman has the same right in relation to her husband. If the marriage is polygamous, then all wives have equal rights to their husband.

Relationship management principles

The rules of religion in Islam establish principles for regulating relationships between the sexes and control the sexual behavior of all believers:

  1. It is forbidden for men and women to communicate freely for fun or to get pleasure from communicating in a heterosexual company. To limit contact between the sexes, special women's and men's departments have been created in schools, colleges, hospitals and public transport.
  2. People who can theoretically get married are allowed to meet in public, if there is a professional or educational need, in which work moments are resolved. If a man has an intention to marry, then he can communicate with a woman.
  3. If communication happens, then both the woman and the man must observe decency in everything (in views, speeches, behavior).
  4. If a guy and a girl are not blood relatives, then they cannot be together in the same room.
  5. Muslim women should strip their sexy body shapes behind their clothes. An attractive woman should only be for her husband.

Wedding night

The first wedding night in Islam, the rules of which we will consider further, is a special moment in the life of newlyweds. Young in beautiful clothes, perfumed with incense. The groom makes a gift to his young wife, treats him to sweets and speaks heart to heart. Then it is necessary for both of them to perform 2 rak'ah prayers and ask Allah for a happy life, full of abundance and prosperity. At the same time, the young are a little distracted and calm down under the influence of prayer (it has a powerful effect). Then the man should spend delicately and tenderly all aspects of the first wedding night, since their further relationship will depend on it. If the bride gets scared, and she has an aversion to intimacy, then this will lead to a deterioration in life together. After all, this is the first time she sees a man so close to her.

The girl must undress herself. In this case, the lighting should be muted. At this moment, long-term caresses and love games are important. After that, the bride will calm down and relax, she will have excitement and desire. Then the man can get closer together and carry out the act of defloration. With a gentle and delicate attitude, defloration is painless. A rude, persistent attitude can cause the development of vaginismus - a spasm of the genitals. And normal sexual intercourse is impossible.

In the modern world, where there are no remnants of the past, the result of first sexual intercourse is not paraded, where the presence of blood stains on the sheet is mandatory. This is a confirmation of the bride's innocence. Indeed, according to the law of the Quran, marriage between a man and a woman is a sacred sacrament. Therefore, everything that happens between two people remains a mystery.

Divorce in Islam: the rules

In the first place for Muslims is strong marriage. But there are situations that can lead to divorce. First, the spouses are given time to reconcile. The most compelling reasons for divorce are renunciation of Islam and immoral and non-Islamic behavior of a spouse. If the period of reconciliation has not yielded positive results, then divorce is inevitable.

During the period of waiting for the dissolution of the marriage, intimate intimacy with honey is not provided for by the spouses. According to old customs, a married couple was considered divorced after the word talak (Arabic for divorce) was pronounced three times. Children stay with their mother: boys up to 7-8 years old, and girls up to 13-15 years old. At the same time, the father is obliged to support them until they come of age.

Fundamental Rules of Islamic Conduct

There is a rather important custom among Muslims, which refers to the representatives of the male half. A great celebration in the life of boys is circumcision (sunnet). It is carried out at an early age: from 3 to 7 years. It is believed that after circumcision, the boy becomes a man. Girls from birth are Muslim, if their dad is Muslim. Islam for Muslims is the greatest gift from the Almighty, which gives everyone the true faith.

The sacred traditions say that the circumcision of Muslim men is an integral part of the Sunnah (spiritual path) of the Prophet Muhammad himself, as well as of his predecessors.

The very first prophet who underwent circumcision in Islam (Hitan) was Ibrahim (in the Bible he is known as Abraham). According to the collections of hadiths (Muslim legends), Ibrahim removed the foreskin when he was already an eighty-year old man.

The hadith collections of Abu Daud, Harb and Ahmad claim that the Messenger of Allah Muhammad himself demanded circumcision for all male adherents of Islam, even if they came to faith in adulthood.

It is also known from the same sources that on the seventh day after the birth of his grandchildren, he slaughtered sheep and personally removed the foreskin from the children.

At what age do Muslims get circumcised? Traditionally, among all peoples who believe in Allah and his prophet, circumcision was performed before the boys reached the age of majority.

There is evidence that even at the beginning of our era, the rite was not neglected by the Arabs, Persians, Turks even during the Ottoman Empire. The holiday of circumcision among Muslims was necessarily accompanied by ritual sacrifices.

The holy book - the Koran - is completely silent about Muslim circumcision. However, other ancient sources describe the rite of circumcision in Islam and argue its necessity in sufficient detail.

What is the name of circumcision among Muslims? Hitan, as we said above. We figured out the essence of circumcision among Muslims, then you can see how congratulations on circumcision among Muslims occur.


Below is a photo of Muslim circumcision:

Now that you have seen in the photo how circumcision is done for men among Muslims, let's talk about the terminology of this rite.

Definition of the term Wajib

Wajib is a rule that is mandatory in Sharia - the code of Muslim laws of a religious orientation - and there is strong evidence to fulfill it. Performing wajib is an honorable act and is encouraged among Muslims, and it is considered a serious sin to deny it.

Among Shiites, male circumcision among Muslims belongs to the category of wajiba: they argue that an uncircumcised man cannot be considered a faithful adherent of Allah and he is prohibited from pilgrimage to Mecca.

What is Sunnat circumcision?

In Islamic terminology Sunnat is a desirable act, an intention that is not subject to unquestioning fulfillment.... This word gave the name to a whole movement among Muslims - Sunnis.

Many of the Islamic theologians who related to him believe that circumcision is a personal matter for every Muslim and that refusal from this procedure will in no way provoke the wrath of Allah.

Is circumcision obligatory for a Muslim? According to other adherents of Islam - the Koranites, it is not necessary. They have a negative attitude towards circumcision because it is not mentioned in the Qur'an.

The Koranites say that this holy book regards a person as a perfect creation of Allah, which does not need artificial modifications.

Why is circumcision done to Muslims?

For Muslims, circumcision is a kind of symbol of faith, symbolizing the connection between them and Allah. The circumcised man fulfilled the will of the supreme deity and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, thereby clearing himself of earthly defilement.

So why are Muslim men circumcised? Some theologians consider the removal of the foreskin as a sign of the covenant of Allah, a kind of special mark on the body, testifying to God's protection.

What does circumcision mean for Muslims? Cutting off the material in the form of the skin around the penis, a Muslim eradicates evil in his heart - envy, anger, hypocrisy, love for power and profit, pride, rivalry and cultivates in his soul love for the great Allah.

As you can see, the answer to the question: "Why are Muslims circumcised?" - simple: "To eradicate all bad and protect yourself from evil."

Pros of the ceremony

For Muslims, circumcision according to Islam has a number of undoubted advantages:

Important! Some Muslim women refuse to marry an uncircumcised male, explaining this by loyalty to ancient traditions and even an unaesthetic appearance of the penis.

How old is circumcision for Muslims?

Many are interested in the question: "When to circumcise the Muslims?", We answer: "There is no clear indication of the age at which circumcision is performed in the Muslim tradition."

However, Islamic theologians advise faithful parents to carry out the ceremony as early as possible after birth if the baby's health allows.

It is best, in accordance with the legends about the life of the Prophet Muhammad, to remove the foreskin on the seventh day after the boy was born.

Reference! There are significant differences from this rule. Arabs are circumcised at 5-6 or 12-14 years old, Muslims of Malay origin at 10-13 years old, Persians at 3-4 years old, and Turkish people at 8-13 years old.

Some modern imams advise to abandon the circumcision procedure at the age of 3 to 7 years, explaining this by possible psychological trauma.

Is it possible to pass the Hitan as an adult?

An adult male can also do circumcision. When converting to the Islamic faith, this is not a necessary condition in most cases, but if a future Muslim feels that this will strengthen his connection with Allah, chitan is carried out at any age.

So we come to the most important thing: "How is circumcision among Muslims?" Unlike the Jewish people, Muslims do not have a clearly regulated procedure for circumcision.

Therefore, the time and place of the ceremony can be very different. Islamic theologians agree that the skin around the penis should be cut off so that the glans remains completely exposed.

Important! Unlike circumcision among Jews, not only Muslim men are allowed to perform the chitan, but also representatives of other religions.

How do Muslims perform circumcision? In infancy, it is not recommended to use anesthetics during such an operation: it is extremely difficult for an infant to correctly calculate the dose, which can be fatal. At an older age, local anesthesia is acceptable.

Who does circumcision among Muslims? Today, in most cases, Muslims are circumcised in medical institutions by qualified doctors.

How is circumcision done to Muslims? This ceremony is performed using the following means:

Some adult Muslims prefer to do without anesthesia during the chitan: this will serve as a proof of their willpower.

After the completion of the ceremony, a festive celebration is necessarily arranged. Circumcision is practiced less frequently in Islam than in Judaism, however, in many cultures it is still encouraged and considered part of proper religious education.

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