Home Fertilizers Visible signs of alcohol intoxication. Outward signs of alcoholic intoxication. Drunk driving

Visible signs of alcohol intoxication. Outward signs of alcoholic intoxication. Drunk driving

In accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations, the workers of the plant are obliged to observe labor discipline. In addition, according to the internal order "On preventing the appearance on the territory of the plant with signs of alcoholic intoxication" dated December 26, 2008, No. 100% production bonus. The following situation developed: an employee who was heading to the workplace with residual signs of alcoholic intoxication (with the smell of fumes) was detained by guards with suspicion of alcoholic intoxication. By order of the shop, the worker was suspended from work and within two hours was sent to the drug dispensary, where during the examination "the fact of alcohol consumption was established, no signs of intoxication were found, sober." A copy of the medical examination protocol dated January 7, 2005 No. 189 to establish the fact of the use of a psychoactive substance and the state of intoxication is attached. Is it possible to deprive an employee of a production bonus for a month and can a disciplinary punishment be applied to an employee - a reprimand?

The procedure for applying disciplinary sanctions to employees is determined by Articles 147-151. In particular, for violation of labor discipline, only one of the following penalties can be applied to an employee: rebuke or dismissal... Disciplinary penalties are applied only by the body that has been granted the right to hire (elect, approve and appoint) this employee. Disciplinary action is applied immediately after the discovery of the misconduct, but no later than one month from the date of its identification, not counting the time the employee was released from work due to temporary disability or being on vacation. However, disciplinary action cannot be imposed later than six months from the date of the misconduct... Prior to the application of a disciplinary sanction, the owner or a body authorized by him must request a written explanation from the violator of labor discipline. Only one disciplinary sanction may be applied for each violation of labor discipline. When choosing the type of penalty, the owner or his authorized body must take into account the severity of the misdemeanor and the damage caused to him, the circumstances in which the misconduct was committed, and the employee's previous work. The collection is announced in the order (order) and communicated to the employee against receipt.

Thus, the legislation does not make the application of a disciplinary sanction dependent on the fact of bringing a person to responsibility of another type than disciplinary responsibility. This fully complies with the requirements of Article 61 of the Constitution of Ukraine, according to which no one can be twice brought to legal responsibility of the same type for the same offense. The legal responsibility of a person is individual.

In accordance with Article 2 ( Further- Law No. 108) bonuses related to the performance of production tasks and functions are additional wages of an employee. According to article 15 of Law No. 108, the conditions for the introduction and the amount of bonuses, including those related to the performance of production tasks and functions, are established by enterprises in a collective agreement in compliance with the norms and guarantees provided for by legislation, general and sectoral (regional) agreements. If a collective agreement has not been concluded at the enterprise, the owner or his authorized body is obliged to coordinate these issues with the elected body of the primary trade union organization (trade union representative) representing the interests of the majority of employees, and in his absence - with another body authorized for representation. The specific amounts of bonuses to employees are established in accordance with the conditions and in the amounts determined by the collective agreement of the enterprise or other document agreed upon in the above procedure.

In the situation cited by the reporter, at the beginning of the working day, the employee was detained on the territory of the enterprise with residual signs of alcoholic intoxication and later sent to a medical institution for examination for intoxication. At the end of the Protocol of medical examination for establishing the fact of the use of a psychoactive substance and the state of intoxication dated January 7, 2005, No. 189, it is noted that at the time of the medical examination the employee was sober, but at the same time the fact of his drinking was established. Such an entry in the medical examination protocol, taking into account the time elapsed from the moment the employee arrived at the enterprise at the beginning of the working day and until the examination at a medical institution using technical means, gives the enterprise the right to consider that at the beginning of the working day the employee arrived at the enterprise in a state of alcoholic intoxication, from which he came out a few hours later, that is, at the time of the medical examination. In addition, in accordance with the order of the enterprise "On the prevention of the appearance on the territory of the plant with signs of alcoholic intoxication" dated December 26, 2008 No. 1149/24, the employee should be deprived of the bonus for the fact of his drinking alcohol, established in a medical institution.

Thus, in the situation given by the correspondent, the enterprise has the right to simultaneously apply the following measures of influence to the employee:

  • discipline by announcing a reprimand for failure to fulfill the obligation established by paragraph 3.1 of the Internal Labor Regulations of the plant's employees, expressed in non-fulfillment of order No. 1149/24 of December 26, 2008, or firing for being drunk at work in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 40 of the Labor Code;
  • deprive in whole or in part of the premium for the performance of production tasks in the corresponding period for which the bonus is calculated and paid (for example, a month, quarter, six months, a year), provided that during this period the fact of appearance on the territory of the enterprise with residual signs of alcoholic intoxication was revealed, in accordance with the conditions bonuses for the performance of production tasks approved and valid at the enterprise in accordance with Article 15 of Law No. 108;
  • do not apply to an employee in accordance with Article 151 of the Labor Code within a year from the time of the announcement of the reprimand of incentive measures, which are considered:
    • any incentives defined by the Internal Labor Regulations of the employees of the enterprise in accordance with article 143 of the Labor Code;
    • state awards, departmental or regional distinctions and distinctions of the enterprise;
    • awards on the occasion of state, jubilee, professional and other holidays;
    • other remuneration and incentive payments, which are of a one-time nature and are carried out by the enterprise in accordance with the terms of their payment, approved and in force at the enterprise in accordance with Article 15 of Law No. 108.

In addition, in accordance with Article 46 of the Labor Code, such an employee must be suspended from work for appearing at work while drunk and, in accordance with Article 113 of the Labor Code, the time of such suspension from work for an employee not paid.

Vladimir Los

From a medical point of view, alcohol intoxication is a combination of changes that occur in the neurological, physiological and behavioral functions of a person after consuming a dose of ethanol. The scale of the influence of alcohol on the body directly depends on age, individual physiology and general health.

According to the established list of signs, you can determine the degree of alcohol intoxication. With a mild form, behavioral changes may be absent, but a more severe intoxication contributes to the loss of one's own personality.

The procedure for examination for the state of intoxication is regulated by Russian legislation. There are cases when law enforcement officials behave unlawfully and in order to protect themselves competently, it is necessary to know all the signs of alcohol intoxication prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO).

A competent installation of the fact of a person's consumption of alcoholic beverages is carried out according to four indicators:

  • visual manifestations;
  • ppm in exhaled air vapors;
  • a blood test for the presence of ethyl alcohol molecules;
  • Analysis of urine.

External signs of alcohol intoxication

Visual manifestations include the following characteristics:

  1. Change in pupils. With an increase in the dose of alcohol, a person has a "brilliant" look. Pupils lose their ability to constrict, and in case of severe intoxication, anisocoria can occur - different sizes of pupils near the eyes.
  2. Overexcitement. Emotional and physical activity is stimulated (excessive talkativeness, excessive gesticulation).
  3. Impaired coordination: staggering gait, involuntary twitching, slow blinking.
  4. Incoherent speech.
  5. Smell of alcohol from the mouth.
  6. Skin changes: red or white face with characteristic spots.

Signs depending on the degree of intoxication

Depending on the stage, the symptoms of alcohol intoxication have some differences. The larger the dose, the more the human psyche changes. In general, according to the level of ethanol in the blood, several stages of intoxication are distinguished.

Light degree (0.5-1.5%)

In this state, a person has a surge of energy, a cheerful mood and general relaxation. But even with the use of a small amount of alcohol, a decrease in concentration is noted, which negatively affects the management of any transport or the performance of complex work tasks that require special attention.

Average degree (1.5-2.5%)

As the dose of alcohol increases, the person's behavior becomes more aggressive. Irritability, anger and rudeness appear. At the same time, the coordination of movements is disturbed, and the excited state is replaced by a sharp decline in strength. Often, the middle stage of alcohol intoxication ends with sleep.

Severe and alcoholic coma (2.5-3%)

In the presence of a severe degree of intoxication, severe neurological disorders occur. Orientation in space is lost, consciousness is dulled, breathing problems arise. The person falls into an alcoholic coma. In this condition, the swallowing and cough reflex is disturbed, creating dangerous risks of choking on vomit. The best solution would be to assign the patient to the hospital.

Dependence of signs of intoxication on the stage of alcoholism

The intensity of alcohol cravings can be determined in three main stages.

First stage

Gradually, the craving for alcoholic beverages is growing, ranging from one-time episodes to short binges. Involvement in social life gradually decreases, and personality changes occur. Initial symptoms include:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • insomnia;
  • deterioration in appetite;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anxiety and panic attacks.

Second stage

The craving for alcoholic beverages increases even more. During periods of not drinking, a person experiences irritability, fatigue, and low concentration. In this state, a small dose of alcohol gives a feeling of satisfaction and comfort. Such a hobby endangers not only personal life, but also work. New symptoms arise:

  • aggressiveness;
  • memory impairment;
  • weight loss;
  • fast fatiguability.

Third stage

It is characterized by pronounced mental disorders. For most, drinking occurs on a regular basis. The addiction to alcohol becomes so strong that the withdrawal state can be extremely dangerous for a person. Symptoms appear as follows:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • hallucinations;
  • delirium tremens;
  • apathy;
  • oppression of the intellect.

Drunkenness in adolescents

Alcohol intoxication in adolescents does not differ in special characteristics. It's just that in this case, all the symptoms are expressed more clearly than in adults. Since the body is not used to alcohol, impaired coordination and hangover syndrome are most pronounced.

The most dangerous is the fact that alcohol abuse at this age forms psychological and physiological alcohol dependence much faster (within 1.5 years).

The state of pathological intoxication is characterized by an episodic outbreak of inappropriate behavior, the duration of which varies from 10 minutes to 1 hour. At this moment, a person's reality is completely distorted, and he can harm not only others, but also himself.

In modern medicine, it is customary to distinguish two main forms of pathological intoxication - paranoid and epileptoid.

Paranoid form

The main feature that characterizes this state is severe overexcitation. In addition to impulsive movements, screams and bouts of aggression, behavior is accompanied by states of delusion and paranoia. In this case, it is almost impossible to make productive contact with a person before the end of the attack.

Epileptoid form

Pathological intoxication of this kind is quite common. First of all, the feeling of reality and control over time is lost. There are groundless attacks of fear and panic, accompanied by aggression and irritability.

In this state, motor lift is observed, rough and sharp gestures appear. Together with irritability and anger, a person can hit or even kill an outsider, since at this moment he does not give an account of his actions.

Signs of drunkenness for the act

The harmful craving for alcohol often leads to problems in a person's social life. It is especially worrisome when the professional field of activity and driving safety are affected.

Reasons for punishment for drunkenness (act)

A drunk person has obvious signs of intoxication.

During the examination, the following points are confirmed or refuted in the act:

  • the smell of alcohol from the mouth;
  • lack of coordination;
  • slurred speech;
  • changed skin color;
  • behavior inappropriate to the environment.

Drunk driving

The initial survey is carried out by law enforcement officials at the stopover or workplace.

It must be remembered that from the on-site examination, the driver has the right to refuse or disagree with the test results. In this case, the traffic police inspector sends the subject for a medical examination at the hospital, which is prohibited by law to refuse.

If there are any signs, police officers offer to undergo rapid on-site testing. The examination is carried out by means of a special device - a breathalyzer. It measures the concentration of exhaled ethanol vapor. If the indicator is less than or equal to 0.16 ppm, the person is recognized as sober and he is released with an apology. If the standard is exceeded, the fact of alcoholic intoxication is recorded, which entails administrative consequences in the form of a monetary fine and deprivation of rights, sometimes administrative arrest is imposed. Further, the offender is escorted for examination and medical examination to a specialized medical institution.

Since a person's adequate reaction to reality is dulled, the consequences of drunk driving can be the most dire.

Drunkenness in the workplace

In this case, drawing up an act at the workplace threatens the employee not only with punishment for violation of discipline, but also with dismissal.

Your Narcologist recommends: Alcohol intoxication at work as a reason for dismissal

The certificate of examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication is drawn up only if the employee was noticed drunk or at the very fact of drinking alcohol:

  • at work;
  • in the branches of the company;
  • in the territory adjacent to the company.

It is important to understand that the execution of this act is not a guarantee of subsequent dismissal. The determining factor will be the time when the employee was seen drunk. If this happened during non-working hours, then the maximum punishment will be a reprimand from the management. Otherwise, the offender will be dismissed.

The result of the use of alcoholic beverages is alcohol intoxication. It consists in a disorder of autonomic functions, a violation of behavioral reactions and the mental state of the drunk. The ability to recognize signs of alcoholic intoxication makes it possible to timely ascertain the state of intoxication and prevent or remove an employee from work. Such signs are required for documentary reflection in the act of drunkenness at work.

Signs of alcohol intoxication by degrees

With the intake of alcohol, internal changes occur in the body. They are reflected in external manifestations: speech, coordination, appearance of the drinker, gait, mood. The stronger the drink and the greater the amount, the more pronounced the signs of drunkenness.

Mild degree

A slight intoxication is achieved after a couple of glasses of alcohol. Changes due to alcohol consumption are due to psychotropic influence.

After drinking alcohol, the drinker becomes agitated, active, sociable. In the eyes, a shine is noticeable, visible changes in the pupils are observed (they expand inadequately to light conditions). The movements are sharp and indistinct. A characteristic smell of alcohol is felt from the mouth. Attention is scattered, concentration deteriorates, therefore, even with inner self-confidence, driving is strictly prohibited. In addition, facial flushing and increased heart rate are clinical signs of alcohol intoxication. After a couple of hours, the drunk is drowsy and falls asleep easily.

Medium degree

More striking neurological disorders are observed. Coordination deteriorates, which outwardly manifests itself in sloppy movements, shaky gait. The drinker cannot clearly formulate thoughts, the speech is confused, the sequence of presentation is disrupted. When you try to bring your finger to your nose with your eyes closed, the hit is indistinct. Strong smell of alcohol from the mouth.

Attacks of nausea and vomiting are possible. A quick change of mood can be observed, from a good-natured and sociable drinker instantly becomes aggressive and hostile, and also vice versa. Behavior is impulsive, the drinker is poorly oriented.

Severe degree

It is characterized by the predominance of toxic effects, the activity of the nervous system is suppressed. With such intoxication, the disorder of coordination is expressed in the fact that the drinker cannot stand on his feet. Speech consists of slurred mumbling, emotional shouts. Pulse is rare, respiratory system disorders are possible. Severe frequent vomiting, urinary and fecal incontinence may occur. The temperature of the extremities is lower than body temperature.

The one who has consumed alcohol ceases to orientate in time and space altogether. The ability of the pupils to focus is markedly weakened. There is a depression of consciousness, the abuser is delusional, hallucinations are possible. Expressions of emotions are difficult to express. Blood pressure drops and sweating occurs. There may be swelling on the face.

Intoxication diagnostics

In order to identify and fix intoxication, the employee's condition is analyzed on the spot, as well as in a medical clinic. First of all, the appearance of the drunk is evaluated. The presence of visual signs of intoxication is established. These data are subject to mandatory recording in the act of being intoxicated at the workplace.

If necessary, make sure and document the drunkenness, measure the concentration of ethanol vapors during exhalation. This is possible without visiting a medical institution if you have a special breathalyzer device. The employee's refusal to test on the breathalyzer is reflected in the document. If the norm of 0.16 mg / l in the exhaled air is exceeded, the person is recognized as being intoxicated, about which it is necessary to make a note in the act. Also, the results of the study of air vapors are documented with the name of those present and certification by signatures.

With the consent of the worker, he is examined in the conditions of a medical institution, where a second check is carried out with a certified device. After that, the narcologist determines the type of additional research for intoxication and conducts urine and / or blood tests. The employee's refusal to be sent for a medical examination is reflected in the act.

A blood test for alcohol is highly accurate. For the most accurate result, the material must be taken no later than 5-6 hours after drinking alcohol. Otherwise, over time, the concentration of alcohol decreases and the result will be less informative.

Examination of urine for alcohol intoxication gives more accurate results. To determine intoxication by analysis of urine, a much longer time interval is established. The stronger the drink and the lower the weight of the drinker, the longer the residence time of alcohol in urine.

How to draw up an intoxication report

In the presence of at least one external sign of alcohol intoxication, an act is drawn up. These symptoms include:

  • the smell of alcohol when breathing;
  • confused and slurred speech;
  • wobbly gait.

The document is drawn up in any form, if the company has not approved its form. It is acceptable to use computer technology or fill in by hand. It is recommended to draw up an act in two copies, one of which remains in the organization, the other is handed over to the violator.

The act is drawn up in the presence of at least 2 witnesses who affix their signatures to the document. It is especially important to draw up an act if the employee refuses to undergo further examination. In such a situation, the act will be the only evidence of drunkenness while at work. It will also be a formal basis for the refusal or suspension of an employee from work.

For the act in the workplace, it is important to observe some key points. The location and date of drawing up the document, positions and names of the persons present at the registration must be indicated. The conditions under which the drunk worker was found should be documented. It is important to describe the symptoms of drunkenness observed in the employee:

  • disorder of coordination of movements;
  • the characteristic smell of alcohol when breathing;
  • dilated pupils;
  • redness of the face;
  • instability of posture;
  • incoherent speech;
  • trembling hands;
  • obscene language towards others, etc.

Carrying out an inspection with a breathalyzer at the enterprise is reflected in the act; if it is refused or a medical examination is refused, a note is made about this. The drunk employee is asked to explain his condition, his explanations are written down verbatim. In case of refusal to clarify the situation, a note is also made about this. The worker is invited to familiarize himself with the act and affix his signature; in case of disagreement, a record is made that the employee refused to familiarize himself and / or sign the document.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

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People who drink alcohol in insignificant quantities are often mistaken about the weathering period of alcohol. It seems that it is worth getting a good night's sleep, having a hearty breakfast in the morning - and no problem. But it’s not that simple. In some cases, ethyl remains in the blood for a long time. And this should be remembered by those people who plan to get behind the wheel in the near future after drinking.

Interestingly, a person can feel completely sober, the signs of a hangover do not bother him, the condition is stable, and the alcohol in the blood still holds.

The exact concentration of alcohol in the blood can be established during laboratory tests, but even typical testers are able to detect residual derivatives of alcohol-containing products. The concentration of ethyl in the blood in the range of 0.3-0.6 ppm is completely imperceptible to humans. But this is enough to lose your driver's license. Therefore, you should not risk driving the next morning after a party. It is better to purchase an autonomous breathalyzer for private use, which will allow you to track changes in intoxication if there are no external manifestations.

It is interesting that the effect of alcohol-containing products on the human body is not unambiguous. Clarity of thought comes faster than alcohol fumes disappear. In the lungs and. Moreover, at first glance, harmless products can lead to an increase in the concentration of alcohol: kvass, non-alcoholic beer, kefir. Everything is determined by the dosage of these drinks, the individual characteristics of the body and the interval between the intake of alcoholic beverages and substances that increase the level of ethanol in the blood.

If a person needs to be tested or get behind the wheel, then it is better not to drink at all 24 hours before the planned event. The accuracy of laboratory tests is higher than the results of mobile testers, so the remains of alcohol-containing products are highly likely to be found in the blood if not enough time has passed. The rate of disposal of alcohol depends on the strength of the drink and its sweetness. Wines are drunk faster, but they are also less retained in the body. Vodka and cognac can be processed for a long period.

How quickly the symptoms of intoxication disappear

It is clear that the more was drunk the day before, the longer the intoxication lasts. Excessively strong alcohol negatively affects the work of the digestive system, as a result of which the process of assimilation of the drink is inhibited. If you eat fatty stuff before drinking, then you can delay the processing of ethyl for several hours. On the one hand, it plays into the hands of those who plan to sit longer in a friendly company without getting drunk. On the other hand, the process of utilization of ethyl derivatives will be delayed for a longer time.

In women, alcohol in the blood lasts longer than in men. Representatives of the fair sex get drunk faster, walk away longer after drinking, and their hangover is more difficult. Thin people have more severe intoxication than overweight people. Older people recycle alcohol faster than older people or adolescents.

A person, even feeling completely sober, may experience discomfort associated with the previous drinking of alcoholic beverages. This is expressed in an unpleasant odor from the body, general weakness, and a decrease in concentration. All these symptoms indicate that the body has not had time to completely get rid of alcohol.

That is why it is important to get out of a hangover naturally. Getting drunk with alcohol, even in minimal doses, is contraindicated.

The duration of the elimination of alcohol from the blood can be increased if a person periodically drinks alcohol. Then the body does not have time to completely get rid of ethanol derivatives and accumulates toxins. This phenomenon is often seen in chronic alcoholics. If alcohol dependence is suspected, it is necessary to start taking drugs that contribute to the formation of alcohol resistance. You can order a drug of this kind without publicity on the Internet.

Beer, wine and weak cocktails really quickly disappear, and after a long sleep and a good snack, not a trace remains of them. If strong drinks figured in the diet, then it is better to play it safe and not get behind the wheel earlier than a day after the alcoholic party.

How to speed up the elimination of alcohol from the body

Let's say a person urgently needs to put himself in order. Of course, it will not be possible to quickly remove alcohol from the body, but it is quite possible to reduce its concentration or remove the residual phenomenon of alcohol intoxication.

There are several recipes for quick sobering up:

  • replenishment of water deficiency - the more fluid enters the body, the lower the concentration of ethyl in the blood. However, one should not forget about diuretics. If not taken, edema will quickly develop. Herbal preparations that stimulate kidney function and do not harm health will help out;
  • vitaminization - ascorbic and succinic acids help accelerate the utilization of acetaldehyde, a derivative of the alcohol component. The next morning after taking alcohol, you should drink citrus juices, rosehip decoction, as well as complex vitamins;
  • contrast shower - refreshes, tones, improves vascular function and flushes toxins and toxins on the surface of the skin. If a contrast shower is unacceptable, then you can simply wash yourself in cool water, but you should not take a steam bath after drinking alcohol. This can be harmful to health;
  • walks in the fresh air - saturate the blood with oxygen, boost metabolic processes. Light exercise in the form of walking is an excellent aerobic workout that will help you recover faster after a hangover;
  • sound sleep is the best remedy for drinking too much alcohol. If there is nowhere to rush in the morning, it is better to sleep longer in order to eliminate alcohol intoxication and the consequences of intoxication.

It is highly undesirable to drink tonic drinks, which include coffee, energy drinks, strong tea. Means with anti-hangover action work well, but drugs like "Antipolitsay" do not relieve hangover, but mask its symptoms. They do not affect the level of ethanol in the blood and do not relieve the effects of previous alcohol intoxication.

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Signs of alcohol intoxication

The first signs of alcohol intoxication- the appearance of shine in the eyes, some reddening of the face, increased production of the sebaceous and sweat glands, slowing the pulse. The drunk person feels warmth and pleasant relaxation, and the appetite increases. There is a feeling of general mental and physical satisfaction (the so-called euphoria): a rise in mood, a decrease in mental and physical activity, the brightness of sensory impressions.

After some time (10-30 minutes) the pupils dilate, the pulse and blood pressure equalize. Mental and physical activity with an increase in the dose of alcohol increases against the background of a decrease in the quality of functions - movements are sweeping and poorly coordinated, speech is too loud, often blurry, facial expressions are impaired, concentration is difficult. A reassessment of their qualitative capabilities is noted, criticism in relation to their own words and actions disappears. Instincts are disinhibited and hidden personality traits and experiences that are controlled in a sober state (jealousy, vanity, resentment, etc.) appear.

With moderate intoxication there is a state of stunning and narrowing of consciousness, motor retardation, discoordination, drowsiness, lethargy develop, and deep sleep sets in. Upon awakening, the phenomena of a hangover are expressed - lethargy, weakness, lack or decrease in appetite, a feeling of heaviness in the head, deterioration of mood, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, irritability. Mental and physical performance is reduced - comprehension and concentration of attention are difficult, coordination of movements is impaired, the pace of mental processes is slowed down.

At heavy intoxication orientation in the surrounding space is lost, speech slows down and is interspersed with pauses, the connection of experiences, emotional and mimic expressiveness is lost. In most cases, vomiting appears as a defensive reaction of the body. With the growth of poisoning, the disturbance of consciousness intensifies, breathing slows down, the tone of the cardiovascular system decreases, immobility appears, stunnedness turns into a coma. Death can occur as a result of paralysis of the respiratory or vascular centers, as well as the development of an alcoholic coma. The hangover after heavy alcoholic intoxication is more pronounced. The person does not remember what happened to him in a state of intoxication. Sleep disorder is possible for several days, taking sleeping pills can cause serious complications.

In some cases, the so-called pathological intoxication, proceeding with severe impairment of consciousness, delirium and hallucinations. It is dangerous both for others and for the life of the intoxicated one.

Remember that alcohol consumption is harmful to your health!

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The main signs of drunkenness

Psychoses in such cases can manifest themselves either from intoxication of the body or due to liver pathologies. Quite often, it is alcoholism that leads to the development of endogenous psychoses. In the last stages, a person may develop dementia together with changes in the pulse.

Alcohol intoxication is manifested by neurological, somatic, and mental disorders.

The complexity of their course depends on:

Elderly people, adolescents and children get drunk most quickly from alcohol. Tolerance and intoxication of the body depends on a genetic predisposition. For example, the inhabitants of the north in their blood have a small amount of special enzymes that contribute to the rapid breakdown of alcohol. It is very dangerous for such people to drink large doses of alcohol. Their pulse quickens at once, and the heartbeat becomes strong.

There are three main degrees of intoxication in medicine.

Each has its own characteristics and manifestations:

Lung. This is the initial stage, during which a feeling of pleasure and comfort awakens in a person. Excessive talkativeness and free communication are also noticed. With this degree of intoxication, the external features of a person change. Facial expressions become animated, and gestures become free, but not precise. This state is visible only to others. At the same time, the person himself does not notice this in any way. At an easy stage, facial hyperemia occurs and tachycardia is observed. In most cases, there is a huge appetite and increased sexual activity. After five hours after taking an alcoholic, a person begins to fall asleep and severe fatigue appears.

Average. This degree is characterized, first of all, by the manifestation of neurological stigmas. At this stage, the symptoms of alcohol intoxication are slightly different.

A person begins to manifest:

  • fuzzy speech;
  • unsure gait;
  • some staggering is shown;
  • ataxia.

In some cases, vomiting and nausea appear at this stage. In place of euphoria comes dysphoria, in which there is aggression and anger. As for arousal, it is replaced by sound sleep. After waking up, the person develops lethargy and severe headache. The recollection of the past day, upon awakening, becomes blurry.

Heavy. Symptoms at this stage are varied, but the main thing is depression of consciousness. At this stage, a person cannot stand on his own feet, amimia occurs. Severe vomiting begins, which can lead to aspiration of vomit. In some cases, fecal and urinary incontinence occurs. The body temperature changes, the skin becomes cold. The drunken man's speech is incomprehensible, more like mumbling. Further, the person falls into deep sleep. It is impossible to wake him up even with the help of ammonia. Sleep gradually turns into a coma. In this case, the pupils stop responding to light, breathing becomes difficult, and the pulse is poorly audible. Due to severe intoxication, a person experiences amnesia. He does not remember all the past events. General weakness of the body lasts for a whole day. During this period, appetite disappears.

At each stage, the signs of alcohol intoxication are different. As for its concentration in the blood, at the easy stage its amount reaches from 20 to 100 mmol / l, the average is calculated from 100 to 250, the heavy - 250 and more.

A severe degree is the most dangerous for both the patient and others.

At this stage, a person has the following symptoms:

  • cyanosis;
  • significant slowdown in breathing;
  • pressure rises, then it is replaced by collapse.

The complexity and depth of the patient's coma also has certain consequences. For some time, pain is completely absent and tendon reflexes disappear.

There are cases of seizures. The patient's pupils often change, at first they become constricted, and then sharply expand.

Drunken groups

There are only two main groups of alcoholic disorder, which are divided into subtypes.

Acute intoxication is a condition that occurs after drinking alcohol. It is divided into simple alcoholic intoxication, modified forms of simple intoxication and chronic alcoholism. The latter type in medicine is also called pathological intoxication.

Simple drunkenness. This subspecies in medicine is defined as a psychological syndrome. Its complexity and course depends on the amount of alcohol consumed, the characteristics of the organism and the time of day.

Although simple intoxication is considered a psychological syndrome, in the event of a legal violation, this does not relieve a person from punishment.

The duration of any type of intoxication depends on the sex of the person, age and racial characteristics, but the main thing is, after all, the dose of alcohol consumed.

Modified forms. Intoxication of the body and its degree depends on the physical and mental state of the human body. These can be: recent illnesses or various injuries.

There are several options for modified forms:

  1. Dysphoric intoxication. The peculiarity of this state is that at the very beginning of alcohol intake, instead of an elevated mood, a person experiences depression and discontent. In some cases, aggression and conflict may arise. From the outside, such symptoms may indicate a severe form of the disease. In fact, brain failure can contribute to these manifestations.
  2. Paranoid. In this case, the drinker has a great desire to humiliate another person or deceive.
  3. Hebephrenic features of a changed shape. This is manifested by onomatopoeia, antics, riot. All symptoms are observed in those who suffer from a latent-schizophrenic process. A similar manifestation also occurs in adolescents and children.
  4. Hysterical features. People in this case are prone to hysterical manifestations. The main goal is to draw attention to yourself. In some cases, this desire leads to suicide.

Pathological or chronic. It represents not only an intoxication of the body, but also an idiosyncrasy to alcohol. Such an indicator can manifest itself in the case of overwork, psychogenia, and so on.

Chronic intoxication has slightly different symptoms than usual. A person completely lacks coordination of movement and statics, mimic deviations are not observed.

Pathological intoxication has two main forms: epileptoid and paranoid. The first is defined by excessive and harsh excitability, anger and anger. Complete amnesia is also observed. The paranoid entails hallucinations and screams, which are assessed as threats.

Drunkenness in adolescents

There are many assumptions about the causes of alcoholism in adolescents. According to many experts, the main thing is family feasts and the attitude towards alcohol itself. From a very young age, teenagers perceive alcoholic drinks as an integral part of the holiday.

In children, intoxication is only atypical. If we compare with adults, then this species at a respectable age is much less common than in adolescents. The main symptoms are: headaches, recurrent vomiting and nausea.

Adolescents endure a simple form of intoxication with an elevated mood and are easily distracted from difficult situations that, when sober, lead to depression and frustration. Compared to adults, children have very high activity and the presence of autonomic reactions. After drinking alcohol, all young people strive to get into crowded places, in the eyes of neighbors or acquaintances. They are also drawn to a meeting with their peers. In most cases, this ends in fights and robberies.

Almost all forms and types of child intoxication are somewhat different from that of an adult. As for paranoid intoxication, then in such cases, children suddenly have delusional thoughts and interpretations.

There are several types of accentuation, and each affects the attitude towards alcohol in its own way. Cycloids, hyperthymes and mentally unstable children are very prone to drinking, especially with friends. If there is a chance to drink alcohol, then this type of young man prefers only the maximum doses. They combine all this with entertainment and communication.

They often try to avoid drinking cycloids, but only in the sub-depressive phase. For them, alcohol does not cause euphoria, as in most, but deep depression.

Emotionally labile people also do not prefer drinking. Can use a certain amount solely under the influence of friends of the same age. As a result, they get a euphoric state, but often it turns into vomiting and nausea. There are different cases. In some, despondency is transformed into euphoria, which brings pleasure from the feast.

Dysphoric intoxication with elements of anger is inherent in the epileptoid type of people. Fighting and aggression towards others is also noticed. This type of drunkenness can rarely be found in adolescents of the latent type.

Epileptoid ones differ in that after the very first symptoms of intoxication, they have an uncontrollable desire to drink a variety of alcoholic beverages until the body is turned off. You can often find palimpsests in these.

Schizoids are one of the special people. When drunk, they never feel euphoric. At the same time, the atypical type of intoxication also does not appear. Even from the smallest amount of alcohol they drink, they become sociable and try to talk about their problems and preferences as much as possible.

When using small doses, the teenager's body reacts in its own way. Having taken up to 20 g of alcohol, intoxication can occur only if a person has a low processing of alcohol due to liver diseases or sunburn.

Alcoholism is one of the most difficult diseases in both children and adults. It negatively affects all internal organs. If the disease is not cured in time, it can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Both the pupils and the pulse of a person can show the degree of intoxication. Symptoms at all stages have their own differences, but it is not so difficult to identify them.


What is alcohol intoxication

The set of neurological, autonomic, mental disorders that occur to a person after drinking alcohol is called alcohol intoxication. The degree of influence that consumed alcohol has on the physical condition and behavior of an individual depends on a number of factors: age, physiological characteristics, state of the body. A number of behavioral or clinical signs can be used to determine the degree of drunkenness.


Medical science defines three stages of alcohol intoxication and their symptoms. They depend on the amount of alcohol consumed, and are assigned to certain percentages of the concentration of the decay products of ethanol in the blood. For each stage, its clinical and behavioral signs are described. Allocate an easy, medium, severe stage. From stage to stage, behavioral disorders intensify, the state of health worsens, the adequacy of perception is disturbed, the control of the drunk person over himself and his actions is lost.

Clinical signs of intoxication

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication at each stage are different from each other. As the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases, the mental state of the drunk person changes, his ability to concentrate, control his emotions and his body. There are the following stages of drunkenness:

  • Lung (ethanol concentration 0.5-1.5%). It is characterized by a surge of strength, a rise in mood, the onset of mild euphoria. The person is sociable, emotionally excited. However, even with such small doses, a violation of concentration is noted, which can entail serious negative consequences when performing complex work, driving transport or mechanisms.
  • Moderately severe (1.5-2.5%). With an increase in intoxication, irritability, anger are manifested, manifestations of aggression are possible. This effect is called dysphoric intoxication. Coordination of movements changes, movement disorders are possible. Mental agitation is replaced by lethargy, drowsiness. This stage ends with falling into deep sleep.
  • Severe (2.5-3%). A neurological disorder characterized by a disorder of orientation in space and time. Disorders of the activity of the vestibular apparatus begin, consciousness is suppressed (later this manifests itself in the form of amnesia), the pulse slows down, and respiratory disorders occur. A person can become unconscious.
  • External signs

    As the degree of drunkenness increases, the outward signs of a drunk person appear more and more. An individual who has consumed alcohol can be recognized not only by the smell of alcohol. The state of the drunk is characterized by mental agitation, expressed in non-standard behavior. Physical activity tends to increase, with the ability to coordinate movements deteriorating with each successive drink. Each trait is modified as the concentration of ethanol increases.

    Change in pupils

    After the first doses of alcohol, the effect of "shiny eyes" appears. As the concentration of ethanol increases, the pupils dilate, because the speed of reaction to light decreases, convergence is disturbed - the ability of the pupil to narrow, focus in a certain direction of gaze. With a severe stage of drunkenness - with an alcoholic coma - anisocoria is possible (the pupils of the right and left eyes become different sizes).

    Signs of arousal

    At different stages, emotional, motor arousal manifests itself in different ways. At first, the excitement is pleasant, expressed as an increase in sociability, motor activity. As the concentration of ethanol increases, coordination of movements is impaired, and emotional manifestations also get out of control. In a severe stage, pathological intoxication may occur, accompanied by paranoid or hysterical psychosis.

    Coordination disorder

    The ability to control your body gets worse from mild to severe. Coordination disorder is characterized by the inability to walk or stand straight, the movements of the arms and legs become spontaneous, and the work of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted. With a severe degree of intoxication, a person falls into a semi-conscious or unconscious state, loses the ability to exercise.

    Disorder of consciousness

    From an easy stage to a difficult one, a person who has consumed alcohol loses the ability to control the movements of his body, ceases to adequately understand and evaluate what is happening to him. There is an overestimation of one's own capabilities, which in case of atypical intoxication is replaced by a deterioration in mood, the adequacy of self-perception and perception of the surrounding reality is violated. In severe stages, there is a complete loss of control over your thoughts, which can be accompanied by hallucinations and delusions.

    Behavior disorders

    Signs of inappropriate drinking behavior can manifest themselves individually. When falling into aggression, a person may begin to provoke conflicts or fights. Conditions of moderate and severe degrees are characterized by behavior that is fundamentally different from behavior in a sober state. Physically weak men demonstrate manifestations of strength, cowardly - recklessness and courage, timid - decisiveness. An individual who has taken alcohol can, in a state of passion, perform actions dictated by desires and needs suppressed by a sober consciousness.

    Residual signs

    A residual symptom of intoxication is intoxication of the body, which occurs and is aggravated as the decay products of ethanol are removed from the body. Headaches, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, dehydration, dizziness, severe weakness, pain in bones, muscles, aching joints and other symptoms of ethyl alcohol poisoning can last from 2 to 20 hours, depending on the state of the body and the amount of alcohol consumed.

    Drunkenness in adolescents

    The specific signs of alcohol intoxication in adolescents does not differ, all symptoms have a strong expression, make themselves felt the difficulties and problems that a young man or girl is experiencing in society. Due to the lack of a habit to alcoholic beverages, vegetative disorders and coordination disorders are more pronounced. Alcohol withdrawal is also more pronounced. In the case of regular use, addiction on a chemical and emotional level forms quickly, within a year and a half.

    Intoxication signs for the act

    In cases where a drunk person is in public places, if he violates the order or commits illegal actions, an examination of alcohol intoxication is necessary. After a medical examination, an act is drawn up, which serves as an official document, and contains information on the detected ethanol concentrations, on the following external signs:

    • the smell of alcohol from the mouth;
    • instability of posture;
    • speech disorders;
    • change in complexion;
    • inappropriate behavior.


    Signs of a mild degree of alcoholic intoxication.

    An individual who is in such a state feels warmth throughout the body, his pulse is quickened, hyperemia of the skin is observed, and appetite increases. External signs of alcohol intoxication also an improvement in mood, a person perceives others kindly, there is no aggression, even negative and painful experiences are no longer perceived sharply and do not lead to frustration. Often in this state, people are prone to loud and laudatory speeches, dancing and fun.

    In a state of light intoxication, the quality of work is noticeably reduced, errors appear, attention is scattered. An individual who is in a state of such a degree of alcoholic intoxication seems to be dexterous and smart, but from the outside, inhibited behavior is observed.

    Signs of moderate alcohol intoxication.

    This degree of intoxication is characterized by pronounced neurological stigma, dysartation (blurred speech), uncertain gait, staggering, ataxia are visible, in some cases nausea and vomiting appear. Instead of benevolence, aggression and anger arise, attention is practically absent, but orientation remains. Characteristic signs of alcohol intoxication at this stage - a reassessment of one's behavior and thoughts, in this state a person can express resentments and reproaches, lethargy or drowsiness appears, the instinct of self-preservation practically disappears.

    Most often, in this state, a person falls asleep, and after waking up, he feels weak, thirsty, headaches, depressed mood, decreased appetite and even memory lapses. If a person is periodically in a state of moderate intoxication and his body is resistant to large volumes of alcohol, then in some cases this can be considered as one of the symptoms of alcoholism.

    Signs of severe alcohol intoxication.

    This is the most dangerous degree to health. this degree - amimia, severe vomiting, fecal and urinary incontinence, sometimes cyanoticity of the extremities may appear. It is almost impossible to awaken a person from sleep in this state, it reminds one of a coma, while the pupils do not react to light, breathing becomes difficult, and the pulse is practically not felt. After waking up and sobering up, a person has no memories, asthenia is observed, and there is no appetite.

    Other external signs of alcoholic intoxication are observed in the pathological, epileptoid or paranoid form.

    Signs of a pathological form of intoxication.

    The main symptoms of this form: clouding of consciousness, psychosis, mental and physical fatigue, sometimes prostration and indifference may appear. Wherein outward signs of alcoholic intoxication practically invisible if you do not communicate with a person. The movements are automated, but in rare cases, a person can commit strange and asocial actions, movement disorders, a feeling of fear and incomprehensible statements similar to delirium are possible. It is this form of alcoholic intoxication that is considered a common cause of crime and brawls.

    Signs of an epileptoid form of intoxication.

    A person in this form of intoxication differs from others in sharp movements, aggressive and unreasonable behavior, which is accompanied by outbursts of rage. Clinical signs of intoxication, by which it is possible to determine the epileptoid form - inhibited and poor speech or its complete absence, fragmentary hallucinations and delusions, possible mute excitement.

    Signs of a paranoid form of intoxication.

    The main sign of this form is hallucinations and delirium, the person is sure that there are many dangers around him, he is afraid of death, thinks that someone wants to kill him, sometimes it seems that a whole conspiracy is being planned. In this state, a person ceases to recognize acquaintances, a change of faces occurs, he is afraid of everyone and tries to run away and hide. From the outside it seems that the drunk is acting purposefully. All speech is built on separate phrases and expressions, it is impossible to create logical chains and build complex sentences correctly. This state ends with deep sleep, after which signs of alcohol intoxication are observed.

    Doctors, when examining a person who is intoxicated, can immediately make a diagnosis, which often sounds like alcohol intoxication or an alcoholic coma. To be convinced of a mild degree of alcoholic intoxication, you need to do the Mokhov-Shinkarenko reaction or carry out the Rapoport reaction. It is much more difficult to determine the degree of alcoholic intoxication; it is not always possible to determine the pathology.


    What is alcohol intoxication?

    This condition is characterized by the fact that alcohol causes acute intoxication on the body of the drinking person. This syndrome manifests itself in a detailed and acute form and is possible only after taking alcoholic beverages. Poisoning with vodka, wine or brandy leads to a special condition that is temporary and accompanied by a violation of the physiological and psychological functions of the body. The symptoms of these disorders are manifested in the behavior of the drinker and his reactions.

    Decomposition products of alcohol compounds are toxic substances that have a negative effect on the entire human body in general and on the central nervous system in particular. The drinker goes into a state in which it is very difficult for him to control himself, although there are no external factors affecting him. Everyone drinks alcohol, this condition is different and depends on individual tolerance, as well as on the amount of alcohol drunk.

    Due to the different effects of alcoholic beverages on the body, alcohol poisoning is of different types. This is both simple alcohol poisoning and its more altered forms. In more complex forms, alcohol is the cause of an irritable state, the drinker becomes gloomy, he tends to conflict with others. In many cases, a type of poisoning called dysphoric is inherent in experienced drunkards, but there are exceptions. Doctors tend to attribute this manifestation of intoxication to some diseases of the brain.

    In some cases, the state of intoxication can cause excessive suspicion. The drunk person begins to perceive the behavior and actions of others as attempts to insult him or the desire to deceive him. This behavior can be accompanied by aggression on his part and refers to the paranoid state of alcoholic intoxication. At the same time, a very different picture may be observed in adolescents. A fragile organism under the influence of alcohol gives out behavior that is more reminiscent of antics or brawliness with an inexplicable riot. But this behavior is also possible in schizophrenia. People with high ambitions, who are constantly in the spotlight or who want to impress, experience a hysterical form of intoxication under the influence of alcohol. They try to make an impression, arrange some kind of demonstrative scenes for the public, accompanying them with suicidal attempts.

    Sometimes, under the confluence of a number of circumstances, a person may experience this type of intoxication, which is called pathological. While in this state, the tipsy subject does not look like an ordinary drunkard. He maintains the coordination of his movements, he does not stagger from side to side, and his tongue does not twist when speaking. This condition can occur if, before drinking alcohol, a person did not get enough sleep for a certain time, was overtired or has cerebral insufficiency. This type of intoxication is manifested in 2 forms - epileptoid and paranoid.

    In the first case, complete disorientation is observed, as well as agitation with malice. Instead of anger and anger, fear may be present, inexplicable and very strong aggression is observed. In the second case, the drunk person suffers from severe hallucinations, which are accompanied by remarks of threatening content. This type of intoxication can occur unexpectedly and just as quickly disappear, turning into deep sleep. In the first case, it is senseless to ask and shame the guilty sufferer with his behavior - he will not remember anything. But those who suffer from the paranoid form have very colorful memories.

    Intoxication symptoms

    A drunk person is in a completely different state than a sober one.

    He undergoes complex changes both in his psyche, which is manifested in his behavior, and in the whole body.

    Its vegetative-vascular regulation changes. All these changes are pathological in nature, and none of these manifestations refers to a normal state - from impaired coordination of movements and a persistent alcoholic smell from the oral cavity to hallucinations, poisoning, etc.

    One of the outward signs of intoxication, indicating that a drunk person is in front of you, is the presence of euphoria. It occurs after the first small doses of alcohol. If this ends the use of a flammable liquid, then this state passes after a few hours. In this state, there is an increased liveliness of speech, many psychological blockages cease to act, a person becomes more untied in his behavior and actions, but does not go beyond the bounds of decency. He is in complete control of himself, but his behavior is characterized by some expressiveness, and self-esteem increases during the period of being in this state.

    However, this is true for relatively healthy people. Those who suffer from alcoholism can easily fall into a state of dysphoric intoxication. They enter this state, bypassing euphoria. The drinker, instead of experiencing a feeling of happiness or positive emotions, immediately becomes gloomy and irritated, tries to conflict and behaves aggressively. As noted above, the degree of intoxication depends on the individual reaction of the body to alcoholic beverages, and in addition, on the amount of alcohol consumed. For this reason, the signs of intoxication differ, depending on the degree of poisoning. They can be light, medium, or heavy. In special cases, doctors note an alcoholic coma.

    Mild intoxication

    At a given degree, a person already has some outward signs of intoxication. If everything is in order with health, then it can be, as described above, euphoria. In this state, it is very difficult to concentrate, it is easy to be distracted by an insignificant extraneous stimulus. This can be observed among people who have taken 2-3 glasses of alcohol and who, during a conversation, often lose the essence of the conversation, forgetting what they wanted to say a minute ago. The drinker's reaction slows down immediately. It is for this reason that it is forbidden to drive a car, even in a state of light alcoholic intoxication. Instead of a euphoric state, withdrawal and hot temper can be observed.

    Symptoms of poisoning with a small dose of alcohol are also present in the vegetative-vascular system. Some parts of the body become filled with blood, which immediately becomes noticeable on the skin or mucous membrane. In this condition, increased sweating can occur, tachycardia can be observed, in which the number of heart contractions per minute reaches 90 beats or more. This does not mean that there are problems in the heart. Tachycardia is not a disease, but only indicates a problem in the body, in this case manifesting itself as a symptom of poisoning. This means that it is necessary to pay increased attention to the circulatory system and, in this regard, reduce the amount of alcohol consumed or refuse it. Such signs of poisoning should not be overlooked.

    Already with this degree of alcoholic intoxication, some people experience staggering while walking, and performing small movements is given with great difficulty. For example, insert a key into a lock or thread a needle. If you try to look in the other direction while walking, it will cause a deviation from the direction of movement. On top of that, the odor from the mouth clearly indicates what exactly was ingested. And in the body itself, urine and blood, there will be corresponding chemical reactions to the alcohol received, although tests for the presence of ethyl alcohol may show a negative result.

    Average degree of intoxication

    If it was not possible to limit ourselves to small doses of alcoholic beverages, an average degree of intoxication sets in. In this case, chemical tests for the presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood will confidently show a positive result without any hesitation. In addition, there will be a pungent specific odor from the oral cavity. In this condition, all the same symptoms and signs of poisoning appear as with a mild degree, only in a more severe form. A person's behavior will no longer be so harmless, perhaps he will even encroach on violation of social rules of behavior, as well as the norms enshrined in the administrative and criminal codes.

    Depending on the organism and the mental state of the drinker, he can be in both euphoric and agitated states. Aggression and dysphoria may occur. The reality going on around will be perceived distorted. In a conversation, there is often fragmentary statements, and the sequential presentation of thoughts is very difficult. Intoxication of the body with alcohol will respond with a disorder of the vegetative-vascular system. Hyperemia and tachycardia will manifest to a greater extent. The skin can turn pale, breathing becomes more frequent, and the number of contractions of the heart muscle exceeds 100 beats per minute. The pupils dilate greatly, slowing down their response to light stimuli.

    With an average degree of poisoning, persistent violations of the coordination of movement appear. It is difficult for such a person to stay in one place, he staggers both at rest and when moving. At the same time, the pain threshold decreases. For example, in this state, a person often wounds or burns his hand, but does not feel pain, which is fully felt only as he becomes sober.

    Severe alcohol poisoning and alcoholic coma

    A severe degree of intoxication occurs with a large amount of alcohol drunk. Signs of intoxication in this form indicate the impossibility of communication between a drunk person and the people around him. He is completely disoriented in space, his reaction is characterized by severe lethargy, he does not understand the meaning of the questions asked to him, and he himself speaks unrelated and incomprehensible statements that do not have a semantic load. He has very severe tachycardia, low blood pressure, excessive sweating, and involuntary urination.
    In most cases, such a person cannot stand or move independently and requires outside help. The blood taken for analysis will show the presence of alcohol in the blood of more than 3 ppm, and a pungent odor from the oral cavity will serve as a full reason for conducting such a chemical test.

    With an alcoholic coma, a person will be in an unconscious state, which completely excludes any possibility of communication with others. His mental activity shows no signs. A blood chemistry test will show a blood alcohol content of more than 4 ppm.

    In the cardiovascular system and the autonomic regulation system, serious disorders will be observed, which are manifested by respiratory disorders, involuntary urination, etc.


    The offense act: why is drunkenness punished?

    The alcohol intoxication act (a sample document will be presented below in the text of the article) is the first real problem that a drinker will have to face. When drawing up a document against an official at the workplace, a drunkard faces dismissal or at least disciplinary action. Drunk driving is also prosecuted by law - it turns out for the offender to be deprived of a driver's license, a huge monetary fine, and in some cases - administrative arrest.

    When driving a vehicle, a drunk driver loses the ability to react to the road adequately and immediately, and this creates a danger for himself and other road users. A person who has all the main signs of alcohol intoxication is also unable to perform his usual work, control his actions and be responsible for them, and therefore deserves appropriate educational measures in relation to himself.

    An employee's drunkenness protocol as a reason for dismissal

    Even if a person has become a victim of biased accusations in his direction, the first thing he should do is to familiarize himself with the procedure for legal relations arising between him and a superior person (a representative of a state body) in case of being at the workplace or driving a car while intoxicated.

    The head of the institution has the right to draw up an act of finding an employee in a state of alcoholic intoxication and dismiss a "negligent" employee in cases where the culprit was found while drinking alcohol:

    • at work;
    • on the territory adjacent to the company;
    • at the branches of the enterprise.

    In what cases is the registration of an act not a reason for dismissal?

    The time of the incident plays an important role in the execution of the act of the employee being drunk. As a rule, a “tipsy” employee who is noticed outside the work shift is not threatened with dismissal; in most cases, the case ends with a warning from the management.
    An act for the performance of official duties in a drunken state is also not drawn up if:

    • employees of the enterprise carry out their activities overtime;
    • the employee drank alcohol before working hours and was not admitted to work;
    • a minor employee of the enterprise is a drunkard - the manager has the right to dismiss the offender, subject to obtaining permission from the state labor inspectorate;
    • drunk employee - a pregnant woman, a mother of a child under 3 or 6 years old, a mother of a disabled person or raising a child in the status of a single mother.

    At first glance, the situation is absolutely paradoxical, and instead of being legally punished for violations, such people will be able to avoid dismissal even with regular drinking in the workplace. Citizens who do not belong to the above categories will have to answer for the committed misconduct to the fullest extent of the law.

    The main signs of intoxication

    As soon as the administration of the institution becomes aware of the fact of violation by the employee, a protocol is drawn up, which also contains signs of alcohol intoxication. They are of fundamental importance for the act and bringing the guilty person to justice.
    The obvious manifestations of human drunkenness include:

    • alcoholic breath odor;
    • unsteadiness and instability of movements, postures, gait;
    • changes in speech;
    • redness of the face;
    • inappropriate behavior.

    How to draw up a report on drunkenness correctly?

    In the presence of all or several signs of alcoholic intoxication (for the act, most often the focus is on the presence of "fumes" during breathing and conversation of the drunk), the employee is sent for a medical examination of the fact of drunkenness. In addition, for the registration of the protocol, it is equally important:

    • indication of the exact name of the document and organization;
    • clarification of the time and place of the incident;
    • intruder's data
    • information about witnesses, at least two;
    • explanations of the violator or fixation of the fact of refusal of explanations.

    Workplace consequences

    The signs of alcoholic intoxication for the act should be described in detail, with all possible details. This is especially important when a drunk employee refuses to undergo a medical examination. In this case, the testimony of witnesses and the description of signs of alcohol intoxication for the act will play a decisive role.

    To begin the dismissal procedure, an order is issued, the basis for which must be a medical report. At the same time, the signs of alcoholic intoxication for the act (the sample document has a standard form) and the consideration of the case by a special commission do not play a decisive role.
    The medical report indicates the employee's blood alcohol level. If, according to the results of the audit, it significantly exceeds the norm, the outcome of the case is unambiguous - dismissal with the introduction of a corresponding entry in the work book.

    How are drivers punished for drunk driving?

    If the guilty person is threatened with dismissal for drunkenness at work, then the law provides for more severe punishment for offenders who participate in road traffic. The Code of Administrative Offenses states that when driving while intoxicated, traffic police officers will be forced to fine the driver 30,000 rubles and deprive him of his driver's license for up to 2 years. If a repeated offense is committed, the amount of the monetary penalty increases to 50,000, and the term of deprivation of the right to drive - up to 3 years.

    In addition, it is worth paying attention to the procedure for measuring the level of alcohol in the blood. In our country, up to 0.3 ppm is considered the norm. The outward signs of alcoholic intoxication for an act drawn up by the traffic police are the same manifestations described above. In their absence, law enforcement officers have no right to force them to undergo the examination procedure.

    Blood alcohol content and signs of drunkenness: what's the difference?

    By the way, if the driver is sure of his innocence, but the inspector still continues to insist on his accusations, the most correct decision would be to agree to an examination on the spot.
    The fact is that the only proof that a person is clearly drunk can only be an excess of the normal level of ethyl alcohol in the blood. You need to pay attention to the following points:

    • The smell of alcohol or the so-called "fume" in the people can remain within 24 hours after drinking intoxicants. However, this does not always mean that a person is drunk.
    • The driver may smell of alcohol when taking medications containing alcohol. If their reception is not prohibited for persons driving a car, there is nothing to worry about.

    Alcohol testing: examination for drivers

    The traffic police officer has the right to draw up an act on the state of alcoholic intoxication of the driver only after receiving the results of the examination on the spot. The procedure is carried out in the following order:

    • In the presence of attesting witnesses, the person accused of driving while intoxicated is removed from the car.
    • To record the results and record the research, a special technical device is used, the type and number of which is entered in the federal register of approved types of measuring instruments. Before carrying out an examination, the driver has every right to require the inspector to provide permits for the device.
    • After that, the traffic police officer demonstrates to the investigated and understood the integrity of the meter's mark and the readiness of the device for the procedure, introduces the procedure for conducting the examination, regulated by the relevant regulatory legal act of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    • The presence or absence of a critical blood alcohol content is determined based on the readings of the device that examined the exhaled air. The use of modern breathalyzers allows an error in the region of 0.1 ppm.

    Features of bringing the offender to justice

    When confirming the drunken state of the driver, the inspector draws up an inspection certificate, which is signed by all participants in the process. If the guilty person disagrees with the results of the check, a corresponding entry is made in the document, and the offender himself is sent to undergo a compulsory medical examination. The conclusion of the examination, which took place within the walls of a specialized institution, is the main documentary evidence of the signs of alcoholic intoxication of the driver and the basis for bringing him to legal responsibility.

    Without waiting for the results of the relevant checks, the traffic police inspector, who suspects the driver of drunkenness, has the right to order the evacuation of his car to the impound. It is not uncommon for law enforcement officers to bring charges against a driver who drinks alcohol in a parked car. By the way, a driver can be called a person driving a vehicle, and not just being inside it.

    A citizen dismissed from work or deprived of a driver's license due to drunkenness has the right to appeal the relevant decision in court. The case-law practice knows a lot of examples where those accused of alcohol intoxication managed to prove their innocence, after which they were resumed in their previous position at the same workplace. In some cases, employees sought compensation for non-pecuniary damage.


    The main degrees of drunkenness

    Three main degrees of alcoholic intoxication have been identified, and their characteristic features:


    It is the initial stage. The clinical signs of this degree of intoxication are a feeling of pleasure and lightness. Excessive sociability is manifested, and the framework is erased during a conversation. The facial expressions of a person change, become more lively. Movement changes, they become more free, but not accurate. In this state, the person himself cannot note the manifested changes in his behavior, they are visible only to those around him. In addition, the pulse quickens, and the skin of the face turns red. In a state of intoxication, it manifests itself, an uncontrollable thirst is also a sexual desire. After five hours, fatigue and sleep cravings appear.


    For this degree, the presence of neurological stigmas is considered the determining factor. You can determine the middle stage by the manifestation of incoherent speech. The gait of a drunk person changes, becomes more insecure, the legs are braided, staggering is present. This degree includes partial or complete loss of balance and impaired coordination. A clear sign is vomiting and nausea. And the inherent mild degree of intoxication euphoria comes aggression and uncontrollable anger. Significant experiences are revealed: jealousy, resentment. Excitability is not characteristic of this stage, because it is replaced by a deep sleep. However, awakening is accompanied by lethargy, apathy and headache. In some cases, memories of the last evening are erased.


    This stage can be identified by depression. Other clinical symptoms of alcohol intoxication are the inability to stand on their feet without someone's help. There is also no opportunity to show and express your emotions and thoughts through facial expressions. A severe degree is accompanied by profuse vomiting, there are cases when, in alcoholic intoxication, fecal and urine incontinence occurs. The body temperature drops, the skin becomes cold. Speech is incoherent and incomprehensible to others. This is followed by a deep sleep, from which it is impossible to get a person out, even resorting to the help of ammonia. From a state of sleep, he goes into a coma, the pupils do not react to light, breathing becomes difficult, the pulse is barely palpable. The consequences of alcoholic coma are the absence of pain and the disappearance of tendon reflexes. A person has amnesia, the events that happened to him, he cannot remember. Appetite during this period disappears, a feeling of weakness appears throughout the body, which lasts about one day.

    Forms of intoxication

    In medicine, there is another classification of alcoholic disorder according to human behavior. It includes the following types:

    • Depressive - characterized by an obsession with committing suicide. Only a specialist can cope with this condition.
    • Hysterical - more common in women. Behavior in this form becomes defiant, accompanied by hysteria and an attempt to conflict.
    • Hebephrenic - this type is characterized by behavior that is not typical for an adult, closer to a child. However, if this is pointed out to a drunk person, he becomes aggressive.
    • Dysphoric - accompanied by inexplicable panic and fear, as well as unreasonable longing.

    Drunkenness in adolescents

    There were no definite symptoms of intoxication in adolescents, but they are more pronounced in them. In this state, all the problems that young people face in society are revealed. Due to the fact that the body is not sufficiently adapted to ethanol, strong autonomic disturbances are found and movements become more scattered and inaccurate.

    The most dangerous consequence of alcohol intoxication for adolescents is death. In other cases, liver failure, hepatitis, pancreatitis, proceeding in an acute form, hallucinations, damage to the central nervous system, mental disorder may develop.

    Intoxication pathologies

    In medicine, some types of pathological intoxication are also distinguished, relating to persons with diseases such as schizophrenia and other mental disorders. For people with these syndromes, a small amount of alcohol will suffice to induce transient psychosis. It is almost impossible to distinguish a person in this state from a sober one. Only inappropriate phrases said during a conversation are traced, as well as a loss of interest in others and in oneself. Since the appearance does not in any way betray the person into a state of pathological intoxication, it is worth paying attention to the actions. Most often they are shocking. are done in a state of passion. It is in such conditions that crimes are most often committed.

    Pathological intoxication is divided into two forms:

    • Epileptoid, when a person goes from a state of prostration to arousal. The main signs will be: aggression, anger, inappropriate and incomprehensible actions. Speech becomes noticeably sharper, but poorer. The patient is fully conscious and does not suffer from hallucinations.
    • Paranoid, this intoxication is characterized by paranoia. To a person in this state, it begins to seem that he is in danger. This form is distinguished by the fact that patients experience uncontrollable terror. Hallucinations appear, for example, a person sees a threat in strangers.

    Then restless sleep sets in, amnesia is found upon awakening.

    Reasons for punishment for drunkenness, drawing up an act

    Persons who are intoxicated often drive vehicles or go to work. In the fight against violators, a document is drawn up - an act of alcohol intoxication.

    If an official comes to his workplace, arriving drunk, he may be punished with disciplinary action or dismissal. The law also regulates alcohol intoxication while driving. For an offense, the driver may lose his driver's license or pay a large financial fine. It happens that a drunkard can be punished with administrative arrest. This is due to the fact that after drinking strong drinks, the motorist loses the ability to concentrate on driving, and poses a danger to others and himself.

    Fulfilling official duties, the employee also cannot fully fulfill the functions assigned to him and be responsible for the actions performed.

    Drunkenness of an employee as a reason for dismissal

    A report on drunkenness is drawn up if the employee was seen drinking alcoholic beverages:

    • At work;
    • On the territory belonging to the organization;
    • On other sites owned by the company.

    An official should know that if he is drunk outside of working hours or does overtime work, drawing up an act will not serve as a reason for dismissal. The leader has the right to make a comment.

    Women in the position of mothers raising children from 3 to 6 years old or disabled, as well as in the status of single mothers, can also avoid punishment for drinking alcohol.

    Before drawing up the protocol, general signs of alcoholic intoxication are identified according to the law, which are subsequently introduced into the document. These include:

    • Alcohol smell from the mouth;
    • The employee cannot keep his balance;
    • Atypical behavior;
    • Speech becomes confused;
    • Redness of the face.

    In the presence of at least one of the symptoms, often a fume, the employee is sent for a medical examination, which will confirm the presence of ethanol in the blood. In the hospital, the procedure is carried out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health.

    In order to correctly draw up an act, it should indicate:

    • Full name of the organization;
    • Date and time of the detected violation;
    • Intruder's data.
    • Testimony of witnesses, at least two;
    • Explanatory note from employee.
    • A complete description of the signs of intoxication.
    • Specify in detail what happened, pay special attention to eyewitness accounts, especially if the employee refuses to undergo a medical examination.

    Dismissal is carried out on the basis of an order, which indicates the conclusion of a medical examination. It should indicate the amount of ethanol in the worker's blood. If its level exceeds the norm, this will serve as the basis for dismissal with an entry about this in the work book.

    Drunk driving

    In relation to drivers who violate traffic rules, the law provides for more severe punishments than officials.

    The coap states that a motorist is entitled to a fine of 30,000 thousand rubles for driving while intoxicated. And also the traffic police are obliged to deprive him of his driver's license for up to two years. Repeated violation entails a fine already 50,000 thousand rubles, and withdrawal of rights for three years. In some cases, the offender can be detained for 10-15 days by court order.

    According to the legislation, blood should not contain more than 0.3 ppm alcohol.

    The signs of drunkenness of the driver are the same as for the grounds for dismissal. If there are no symptoms, the inspector cannot force a medical examination. But at the same time, if he insists that the person driving the vehicle makes it drunk, you can go through an on-site inspection. For verification, an examination is carried out using a breathalyzer. All data on the survey are entered into the protocol.

    The motorist should know:

    1. If there is a smell of fumes, and he drank the day before, this does not mean that he is drunk.
    2. There are medications with the addition of alcohol, and leaving after the smell, this is also not a reason.

    If clinical signs are noted by the inspector, but the breathalyzer shows a negative result, then a sample of the biological object is taken in order to determine the substance that caused the intoxication.

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