Home Fertilizers Everyone is in awe of the porg from the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer, and so are we. List of races and creatures of Star Wars What were the names of the inhabitants of the forest in Star Wars

Everyone is in awe of the porg from the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer, and so are we. List of races and creatures of Star Wars What were the names of the inhabitants of the forest in Star Wars

We love Star Wars for a variety of reasons, including laser sounds, drunken aliens, and flying motorcycles. But a galaxy far, far away would not be what we love without a variegated, bizarre and sometimes goofy menagerie. This is what prompted us to analyze all seven films on this topic. The Clone Wars animated series, the Ewok offshoot, the 1978 winter holiday episode and Turkish Star Wars directed by etin İnanç, for one reason or another, was ignored, and out of seven main episodes, we chose nine of our favorite exotic animals.

Why nine, you ask? And the devil only knows.

9 - Aklay

Max: Even if "Attack of the Clones" and my least favorite episode of "Star Wars", it really does have a lot of interesting new critters. On the gladiatorial arena of Geonosis, the heroes of the film met three monsters: Aklay, Nexu and Rik. The brightly painted bull-like rick even trampled on Jango Fett, and the nexu, similar to a hybrid of a tiger, spider and possum, managed to injure Padmé and tear her clothes. But aklai is a huge screeching crab-dinosaur, and then it automatically wins this triple competition.

Brian: He has a head from the queen of alien xenomorphs and a body like snacks from the Crab Joe chain. Frankly, I would like to taste this creature. Akla meat tempura with honey-soy sauce - isn't it cool?

8 - Happabor

Max: I hope that one day I will become a father and share the love of Star Wars with my children. I can't wait to tell them how much I looked forward to The Force Awakens, and how I found a giant hippo among the first footage leaked onto the Web. I will share with the kids how these first photos gave me hope that The Force Awakens would succeed, and how a year later I screamed and pointed at the screen during the premiere when this huge hippopotamus pig filled the entire screen, pushing Finn away from troughs with water. And already in the next scene, the whole audience had to watch the ass of this animal. However, this huge happabor is a charming creature.

Brian: Why do they even keep this creature in the local market? Are they milking him? I can imagine how they drink coarse and fatty milk from sacks when it gets too hot on Jakku and the thirst is really tormenting. Damn, I'm going to pop.

7 - Sarlacc

Max: Boba Fett is one of my favorite Star Wars characters, so I have mixed feelings about an animal (or plant) that eats it one day (and that doesn't mean the mercenary died right away). But, in any case, the pit in the desert that eats up everything that turns up is a very steep pit. I bet there are many secrets in the womb of the sarlacc, and with a flashlight you can find a lot of all sorts of things. But the same can be said about the bottom of any lake. And draining the lake is somehow easier and safer than getting inside such a creature.

Brian: The coolest thing about the Sarlacc is that it can digest food for thousands of years. If you suddenly dropped a radio tape recorder into such a hole in the 80s, and then also a cartridge from Street Fighter II, then do not worry - they are probably still in working order.

6 - Bows

Max: The bows, the yak-like mounts adored by the desert dwellers. Incidentally, these are the first animals to appear in Star Wars. But imagine what would happen if they were the only ones? Would Luke have to ride the bow around Hoth? Who would Jabba the Hutt feed his foes to? Not only what if, instead of chasing speeders, there were bow racing? What if the final battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan was not among the lava, but on the backs of these huge animals? No, perhaps Star Wars would be a laughing stock. Fortunately, there are plenty of other animals here as well. But the bows are cool anyway, I think.

Brian: In addition, they are the only animals in Star Wars whose poop deserves a separate mention in the dialogues.

5 - God

Max: The prequels are often scolded for being too child-centered, but Revenge of the Sith brings a dose of gloom to the new trilogy. Unfortunately, as a result of this, none of the characters in the entire movie ever has fun. The only exception is God. A stupidly screeching bird lizard who yells like a broken car alarm and, befriending Obi-Wan Kenobi, helps him catch up with General Grievous. During the whole chase, it seems that the lizard is having fun and enjoying the race. But then God falls off the cliff and dies. Very sorry.

Brian: This animal is also a rideable one, which is especially cool. And outwardly it looks like a cross between a dragon with one of the characters from the puppet TV show "Fraggle's Rock".

4 - Luggabists

Max: Luggabist is another animal that first appeared on the screen in The Force Awakens. We don't know much about this creature, but it looks like the fruit of love between Banty and the AT-AT walking tank. Perhaps this creature is the result of the experiments of a mad scientist. Or is everything really bad, and some animals from the Outer Rimming really raped the remains of an abandoned imperial "walker" ... Of course, this sounds extremely strange and wild, but you know what else once seemed strange and wild? The idea to make a film called "Star Wars".

3 - Dyubaki and Tauntans

Max: Brian and I had an argument because he thought the tauntans were somehow cooler than dubacks. We could not come to a common opinion, therefore we mention both of these species of animals here. I think dyubaki are cool just because they are military-fit dinosaurs. Imagine this conversation not shown in A New Hope: "Cool, we have strong white armor and intimidating black rifles. Now they give us a speeder?" - ask the stormtroopers. And the commander answers them "Nope." "Will you give us a two-legged tank ?!" - the soldiers are surprised. And their boss said, "No! Any other ideas? Give up? Dubeck!" "Really? Dewback?" "Exact, guys, huge lizards. Sign the receipt and don't forget to return it after the mission. Enjoy your trip." All in all, the Imperial soldiers were hardly overjoyed. But I would love to ride a dyubak for a few hours until it gets boring.

Brian: I think tauntans are cooler even though because they run fast and, along the way, make those eerie sounds of "babababglabagbabagba". They look like a space hybrid of kangaroos and horses. And I'm sure the tauntan cubs are adorable, while the juvenile dyubaki look like wet toads.

Max: Um ... Brian, do you even know that wet toads are called frogs?

Brian: Oh, everything. I can go?

Max: No, we haven't discussed wamp yet.

2 - Vamps

Max: Of course, you can just call the vamp space bears and stop there. But they rather look like horned yeti. I wonder what the Wampa ate before the rebels settled on the planet Hoth? I don’t know, I don’t want to discuss them, we passed.

Brian: Something ... tauntans, of course. In the movie, after all, they showed one such incident, so why not be a common thing? There is nothing else to eat. Not as scout droids.

Max: Let's go, Brian.

Brian: Anyway. Wamps are the smartest creatures on this list because they look like people in bear costumes. In general, they even are, but in the film they are monstrously scary, and their habits are quite animal. Many of the Star Wars beasts came close to killing Luke Skywalker, but only the wampa was able to hang him upside down to be devoured. Also, I wonder why the white wamp fur turns yellow, like on old dogs or like the cheap plastic on Super Nintendo consoles? Horns and creepy teeth are pretty cool too. But why does the wampa live alone? Doesn't he have any friends? Or do they not live long? I suppose it's sad alone ...

1 - Rancor

Max: When I was in third grade, one of my friends had a huge collection of original Star Wars figures, including an open-jawed rancor. I had not yet seen Return of the Jedi and did not know that Yoda had nothing to do with the rancor and was designed without taking into account the size of this mouth ... In short, I put Yoda in the mouth of the rancor, and he was stuck there. I had to pretend that I had nothing to do with it, so that my friend would not get angry. It's still a shame. But let's get to the point: the rancor is like a dinosaur, lives in the basement of a crime boss, and feeds on exotic dancers and pig-like mercenaries. And if you do not think this creepy creature is terribly interesting, then something is clearly wrong with your head.

Brian: This is the best animal that you can settle in the basement of your house. It's a shame Luke killed him.

Max: Well, technically, he was killed by a huge, toothy door closed with special space magic ...

Brian: Listen, your version really sounds better. I really feel better, thanks.

Image copyright Getty Image caption But the wisest Yoda has no analogues on Earth ...

In the universe of "Star Wars" there are many outlandish creatures, many of which, despite their alien appearance, have analogues on our planet, the observer discovered.


These enormous beasts of burden have been on screen every now and then since they debuted in the first film in the series.

Image copyright Photos 12 Alamy Stock Photo

They are extremely reminiscent of extinct mammoths - shaggy giants that once roamed the entire Northern Hemisphere. The bow only has no trunk - but it has tusks and long hair.

But if you think about it, it's pretty weird. After all, mammoths lived during the Ice Age, when North America and the northern part of Europe were buried under the thickness of the Arctic ice. The huge size and thick coat helped these prehistoric animals survive in the cold.

It is clear that the heat is terrible there. And of course there is not a snowflake in the air

The bow can also be found on Tatooine, where there is nothing but deserts. The thermometer is not shown to us, but it is clear that the heat is terrible there. And of course, there is not a snowflake in the air. How do bows not overheat?

It can be assumed that they were brought from somewhere else - for example, from the icy planet Hoth, or that they are grown here for the sake of wool.


The frozen world of Hoth, in turn, is the home of the tauntauns. In The Empire Strikes Back, there was a rebel base here, and you could see the tauntowns being used as beasts of burden.

Image copyright AF Alamy Stock Photo Image caption Tauntowns are probably not the most convenient means of transportation.

Tauntauns have a thick off-white hide - which is justified, given that there is only snow around.

But riding on them, apparently, is not very convenient.

Almost all animals that humans use for riding walk on four legs. Take at least the horses.

But tauntauns are bipedal, and their front legs are in the air all the time, like some of the predatory dinosaurs we know, for example atTyrannosaurusrex.

The data available to date does not allow us to assume the presence of giant worms on the asteroids of the solar system.

This means that the entire weight of the body falls on the hind legs. It's hard to believe that the tauntown will stand up to Luke Skywalker, wrapped in a park.

However, do not forget that there is a bipedal animal on Earth that can fully support the weight of a person - which a person sometimes uses.

It's about the ostrich. If the ostrich does not fall under the weight of the rider, then it is possible that for tauntown it is a feasible burden.


Wait, what is this? The name of this creature does not sound in any of the films.

However, the scene with him is remembered for a long time: in The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo lands the Millennium Falcon in a cave on the surface of an asteroid - and soon discovers that it is not quite a cave: the ship stands in the language of a huge underground creature like a worm. Subsequently, the monster was named exogort.

Image copyright Danita Delimont Alamy Stock Photo Image caption Spotted moray eel (Gymnothorax moringa)

The data available today do not allow us to assume the presence of giant worms on the asteroids of the solar system - the likelihood of finding them there, frankly speaking, is small.

But some features of the exogort among the representatives of the terrestrial fauna can be traced.

So, in nature there are many long animals that spend most of their lives in burrows. For example, here is a photograph of a spotted moray eel that has settled in a pipe.

But an interesting question arises: what does the exogort eat? Science fiction writer Arthur Clarke believes that this creature cannot exist, because Princess Leia clearly would not be enough for him for a hearty dinner, and other animals are not found nearby. But this is if the exogort is carnivorous.

Can a slug grow to the size of Jabba?

Many single-celled organisms can extract energy from crumbs of organic sediment: under the ice sheet of Antarctica, there are lakes where millions of such creatures live.

These microbes can support larger, more complex organisms. Today we know that worms can live in rocks at a depth of several kilometers, which feed on a film of bacteria.

Of course, such worms are no more than a few millimeters in length, and the exogort stretched for hundreds of meters. But - at least something.

Jabba the Hutt

In fact, this powerful gangster is none other than a huge slug that has grown its own arms.

Let's leave aside the question of whether a slug can, in the process of evolution, get so smart that he can rule a criminal empire, and get rich enough to keep a court jester.

Image copyright AF Archive Alamy Stock Photo

For us, something else is more important: can a slug grow to the same size as Jabba?

Slugs and snails are molluscs, meaning they belong to the same animal type as octopus oysters.

The largest mollusk is probably the Antarctic giant squid, which can grow up to 12 m in length. However, you should not focus on it: the main part of the squid's length is made up of tentacles. Moreover, it is unlikely that they could have grown up like that if he lived on land.

Some specimens of the giant African snail grow up to 30 cm

Gastropods, which include slugs and snails, are smaller.

One of the largest species - the Californian sea hare - reaches a length of 0.99 m and weighs up to 14 kg. But, again, he lives in an aquatic environment favorable for giant species.

If we return to land, we can note a giant African land snail - some of its individuals grow up to 30 cm. But part of the mass and size of this snail falls on the shell, while Jabba does not seem to have any shell.

Image copyright imageBROKER Alamy Stock Photo Image caption Gray-black slugs (Limax cinereoniger) - the largest land gastropods without a shell

Among gastropods without a shell, it is probably the Sizo that can be recognized as the record holder. - black slug: specimens up to 20 cm long are noted in this species.

When the king of the underworld is smaller than a laptop, for some reason he no longer inspires such fear, right?


It seems that Jabba the Hutt is a fan of sophisticated methods of execution. V Return of the Jedi he tries to throw the heroes into the Great Pit of Karkun, where a monster called the sarlacc lives.

"In his stomach," Jabba informs them through an involuntary translator, "you will know hitherto unknown pain and suffering, for you will be digested for thousands of years."

Image copyright Pictorial Press Ltd Alamy Stock Photo Image caption Lando Calrissian tries not to slip into the mouth of the Sarlacc.

The entire sarlacc is not shown - its body is hidden by the sand. But we see that he lurked at the bottom of a sandy funnel with a steep slope, falling into which inevitably slide down.

One of the most terrible predators in the world of insects immediately comes to mind - the ant lion.

The larvae of these insects feed on ants, setting up traps in the sand - small craters several centimeters deep.

Image copyright Maximilian Weinzierl Alamy Stock Photo Image caption Sandy funnel dug by an ant lion

The inner surface of this funnel is at a well-defined angle, known as the angle of repose. This is the maximum steepness at which the slope does not collapse under its own weight, but the slightest push is enough to make the sand fall down.

Any insect that had the imprudence to step into the funnel immediately begins to slide down to the bottom - where the ant lion awaits it, opening its huge mandibles.



Homeworld: Ando (Planet)

Notable Representatives: Ponda Baba, the Cantina brawler in Mos Eisley

The Akkala race is divided into two subspecies: Kuara (with five-fingered limbs), and Akkala (with flippers instead of hands and feet).

Akkuala are known for their aggressiveness, hostility, imbalance and great physical strength. Kuara and Akwala have racial hatred for each other and are in a state of constant war, the reason for which was the decline in the supply of valuable Andoan mineral fish.

The Akkual's first contact with other races occurred when a scout ship Duro landed on Ando. Having concluded a truce, the kuara and akuala united against the crew, captured and studied the ship. Having built their own fleet, the Albanians set out to conquer neighboring planets and systems, but were quickly defeated by the Old Republic and disarmed.

Akkuala seamlessly integrated into galactic society and spread to many worlds, finding jobs as bodyguards, tax collectors, hitmen and criminals. Akkuala are represented in the Senate of the Old Republic.


Homeworld: Not known exactly. Usually called Anzat

Representatives of the Anzati race are outwardly completely similar to humans. The main features of the Anzati are their peculiar diet - they are predators and feed on the brains of representatives of other races - and the presence of a pair of grasping tentacles intended for feeding, which are hidden in cheek pouches. Also, all Anzati are proficient in telepathy and hypnosis. Life expectancy is several centuries. Maturity occurs around the age of 100.

The Anzati are scarcely studied by other races: expeditions to the world that is believed to be Anzat disappeared without a trace. Many consider the Anzati to be fiction and legend. The scant evidence of Anzati suggests that they live alone, infiltrating galactic society disguised as humans, and returning to their homeland only to mate and reproduce.


Homeworld: Kona

Notable Representatives: Sai Trimba is a friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The planet Kona is deserted: it is very hot and almost no water. Its atmosphere is filled with ammonia vapor. Outside of it, the Arcons must take a drug called ammonia dactyl crystals.

The body of the Arconians is very susceptible to salt, which makes them addicted to drugs. Smugglers and criminals of other races actively use this feature of the Arconian organism, illegally supplying them with salt in exchange for precious metals. Outwardly, salt dependence is expressed in a change in skin color to a darker one and eye color from green to gold. In addition, salt greatly increases the need for dactyl in Arkonians.

Arkonians hatch from eggs and perceive all congeners as one organism. They always say about themselves "we", even if there is only one representative of the race. On their home planet, they live in caves.


The home planet is unknown.

Notable representatives: Kud "ar Moob" at, Blancaviso (Organ-Accountant)

The assembler is a huge, about 3 meters high, arachnid creature with a large large body and six legs. Presumably there is a single copy.

The assembler lives in a giant cobweb structure that is both a starship, home, and part of the assembler's body. Various devices can be connected to the web, be it engines, tools or life support systems, allowing representatives of other races to be in it without danger to life. The assembler is inclined to eat all living things that are not of interest and benefit, including sentient beings.

For the convenience of managing the web, the assembler creates autonomous organs for itself. To keep them under control, the assembler gives them exactly the intellectual and physical capabilities that are needed to complete the task assigned to them. Nevertheless, the nodes are able to improve their abilities and shape their own personality. Having received its own will, the organ prefers to hide its newfound independence from the assembler in order to one day destroy or abandon it and become an assembler itself.

The most famous, if not the only, assembler is Kud "ar Moob" at. He actively collaborated with criminal organizations and bounty hunters, including Boba Fett.



Homeworld: Clarke Dor VII


Main article: Nerds

A race of woolly humanoids, human-sized, from the planet Bothawui (in some versions of Botavium). During the Galactic Civil War, assisted the rebels by scouting the Empire's plans. Their spy art is known throughout the galaxy.



Home Planet: Kashyyyk

Wookiees are aborigines from the planet Kashyyyk. Growth taller than 2 meters. During the Clone Wars, they sided with the Republic and also helped the Rebels during the Galactic Civil War. Notable representatives of Cheiwbacca and his nephew Lowbacca, who later became the Jedi Knight. The Wookiees did not originate naturally, they appeared as a result of an experiment with vegetation carried out on their planet by the ancient Rakata race.




Gungans are aborigines from the planet Naboo. They are divided into two types. Notable Representatives: Jar Jar Binks and Boss Nass.


Java live in the desert in small clans, about 300 individuals. Each clan has a small squad of warriors armed with ion blasters. Half of the clan live and work in sandcrawlers, which they ride in the desert and sell droids and equipment to farmers. The other half live in fortresses, where the bulk of the goods is concentrated. These fortresses have tall walls made of large chunks of old destroyed spaceships to defend against the Tusken and Krayt dragons. They collect equipment in the desert or occasionally steal from people.

Once a year, before the season of storms, all Javas gather in one of the bays of the Sea of ​​Dunes on a giant flea market, where they exchange a variety of news and goods, conclude marriages, deals and bets. Jawa marriages are the same business, which is why brides and grooms are collectively referred to as "marriage goods." In general, trade in members of the Jawa family is seen as a very beneficial business practice as it ensures the diversity of their families' bloodlines.

In Episode IV, one of the Java tribes found C-3PO and R2-D2 and sold them to Luke Skywalker's uncle Owen Lars.

The Java language in movies was created by accelerating Zulu speech. However, both Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars: Battlefront II use Spanish as well: "Arriba, Arriba!"


Erkchi. Greyish-brownish, odorless creatures. Possess telekinesis.



Zabrak is a humanoid that strongly resembles a person. The main planet is Iridonia, but the Zabrak colonized other planets as well. There are 3-4 pairs of small bony processes on the head. The Zabrak race included It Cott, Bao-Dur, Agen Kolar and Darth Maul.



The Ithorians are a mammalian species of intelligent life that inhabit the planet Ithor in the Ottega system. In appearance, they are very similar to terrestrial hammerheads, the uniqueness of this race is immediately visible even by the fact that every Ithorian has two mouths located on either side of the neck. For this reason, their native language, based on this phenomenon, cannot be studied or reproduced, so the Ithorians traveling outside their home planet are forced to study the galactic language ...

Itor itself is a lush, tropical world where high technology and nature exist in harmony. Therefore, its inhabitants live in floating cities called "ships of the herd", where all individuals are obliged to obey the commands of their captains, just like on a real ship. These "cities" float above the surface of the earth without landing, so as not to cause damage to the planet as much as possible. Each ship has many levels, and they are all centers of trade, culture and industry.

Mimicking the planet's environment, each ship is equipped with inland jungle, man-made storms, a humid atmosphere, vegetation, and wildlife.

Once every five years, "tribunals of the flocks" gather at a randomly selected location where Ithorians celebrate, debate, and vote on planetary issues affecting the entire race. The Ithorians themselves love to travel to other worlds in caravans, trade and learn new things, the best of other nations.




Humans are the main population of the galaxy, the most advanced race. Today it is known that the constant body temperature in humans is +36.6 ° C. Humans originate from the planet Coruscant, but humans are believed to have originated from other planets as well.



The Mandalorians are a human civilization "renowned" for the Mandalorian Wars, which took place 4000 years before the New Republic. The most famous Mandalorians are Mandalore the Great, Canderous Ordo, Django and Boba Fetta. Mandalorians consider it an honor to die in battle, they also respect strength and, usually, do not hold hatred on the victor.


The only member of this race to appear in the Star Wars universe is Visas Marr (female miraluka, student of Darth Nihilus), as well as the Dark Jedi Jerec. Miraluki, who look exactly like people, but are blind from birth, have a great connection with the power that allows them to see. Since the entire universe is filled with power, their gift is more perfect than any sight. A strong bond with the force encourages the Miraluks to master many of the Jedi disciplines. They make excellent defenders of justice.


The indigenous inhabitants of the planet Bandomir, small in stature, gray-haired. A race close to human. The first researchers found them as an underdeveloped race with a primitive social system, unprepared for contacts with the galactic republic. They never controlled the extraction of minerals on Bandomir, and only received a tiny fraction of the income, even when the republic recognized this people as the sole owner of the planet's resources. For a long time, the respiratory system of the Meerians adapted to the smoky conditions caused by barbaric mining. Their lungs are able to filter out some toxic substances, and their hair began to form from metal particles.

Mon Calamari and Quarrens

If the Geonosians evoke persistent associations with insects, then the inhabitants of the planet Mon Calamari are associated with mollusks (to say the least, with squids).

Two races live on the same planet at the same time: Mon Calamari and Quarren. The former are idealists and dreamers, the latter are pragmatists and realists. The Quarrens developed in the depths of the planet's ocean, so when they rose to the surface and were surprised to find more advanced relatives, the first thing they did was attacked.

The Calamari at that time already had more advanced intelligence and technology. When it became obvious that after some time they would completely exterminate their smaller brothers, the humanity of the Kalamari prompted them to a grandiose social experiment. They took the young Quarrens and raised them in accordance with the foundations of civilization, teaching them mathematics, philosophy and other sciences. When the wise youngsters returned to their parents, instead of hatred, they felt respect for those living on the surface of the planet.

After reconciling, they began to cooperate. Thus, the Mon Calamari living on the coast took on the functions of engineers and inventors, which was most in line with their nature, and the Quarren who prefer depth mine metals and embody the ideas of another race in life. One of the results of this kind of symbiosis is the creation of a unique fleet of research vessels.

Representatives: Admiral Akbar


The Mustafarians are a sentient humanoid race living on the volcanic planet Mustafar. The Mustafarians had a long nose and their foreheads were sloping. There were two subspecies of this race: some were taller and thinner, living in the northern hemisphere of the planet, the other subspecies was shorter, stockier and more resistant to the climate of the planet, laborers inhabiting the southern hemisphere. The Mustafarians evolved from the anthropoids, whose natural habitat was not the same as today, but cooler. They lived in the voids and caves of the inactive volcanoes of Mustafar. After global climate change, the Mustafarians had to redesign their entire way of life. To protect bodies from hot streams of lava and vapors, Mustafarians made themselves a kind of clothing-armor from the chitinous coating of Mustafar's lava fleas. For movement, all the same fleas were used that helped to move through wide lava rivers. Even without protective armor, the Mustafarian's skin was tough enough to withstand a normal blaster shot.



In addition to the Hutts, the Trade Federation, led by the Neimoidians, was also involved in illegal activities for a long time. Although financially bold and aggressive, they turn out to be cowardly, greedy and self-serving.

This mentality is largely facilitated by the first years of life of the Neimoidians, who are born as larvae, which are placed in closed hives with a limited amount of food, clearly insufficient for the survival of everyone. Naturally, fierce competition arises, as a result of which all weak individuals die. When the larvae reach the age of seven, they leave the hives, having learned the fear of death and developing storage abilities, as well as the desire to protect what is grabbed at all costs.

In Neimoidian society, evidence of wealth is an indicator of personal status. Therefore, the Neimoidians wear particularly fanciful clothes: expensive dresses and chic headdresses. High-ranking officials can spend unimaginable sums on things like a useless mechanical chair that only underlines the status of the owner.

No one

Of all the creatures in the service of the Hutt, none are the most brutal and probably the most dangerous creatures. Reptiles of five different races, each with their own unique characteristics, none have evolved from the intense natural radiation of their homeworld, a planet orbiting the dying star M 'dveshu.

All no one, no matter what race they belong to, have obsidian black eyes, reflexively protected by transparent membranes when their owner falls under water and in a storm. None have leathery, reptilian skin and horns or thorns of various kinds. Although these races are different, they are genetically completely compatible and can interbreed.

When astronomers discovered the M'dveshu system, a strange and terrible cult flourished with might and main, requiring hecatombs of victims to make the dying star live with their blood. Hundreds of thousands of no one fell at the hands of the priests or as a result of religious warriors, butchered by fanatics. Only the intervention of Jaba the Hutt's space fleet, which destroyed the main Temple and the citadel of the cultists, could stop the endless fratricidal war. In gratitude for this, no one joined the enslaving pact that placed them in the position of servants of the Hutt and his supporters.


Planet Honogr Humanoid race of medium height, gray in color. Many of the Noghri are excellent fighters, even considered the best in the galaxy, very loyal. For many years they served Darth Vader (who made them submit to himself by lies), later Grand Admiral Thrawn. Freed from service to the Empire by Leia Organa Solo. Subsequently, until old age, Princess Leia was always accompanied by at least two noghri in the role of bodyguards.





The Rakata were once a highly evolved race that managed to take over almost the entire galaxy in about 25,000 years. But their unimaginable power and cruelty led to discontent, and then revolts of the captured peoples (slaves). Marking the boundaries of their empire, Star Maps were placed on the outer planets, leading to the greatest creation of the Rakat - the Star Forge. It was from such cards that Darth Revan found the Star Forge (the cards were located on the planets Dantooine, Tatooine, Manaan, Korriban and Kashyyyk. It is believed that the Rakat Empire fell due to an epidemic of disease, but this is not a fact. This race was also susceptible to the Force ...


Creatures with pimply green skin, faceted eyes, flexible snout, pointed ears, small antennae horns on the head and long fingers ending in suckers. Greedy and wicked, Rodians do not enjoy the slightest trust or respect from other races. On their home planet Rodia, they were the most aggressive hunters, and when they exterminated all other living species, they began to exterminate each other, and coming out into the vastness of the galaxy, many Rodians became hired killers.

Despite the fact that the history of the Rodians is marked by numerous and brutal inter-clan wars, they have a rich culture. At some stage in their lives, realizing that they were moving towards self-destruction, the Rodians decided to act out violence on the stage without killing anyone. The early plays were little more than feigned massacres, but later generations turned Rodian drama into art. The Rodians are top-notch dramatic actors, and their acting is prized across the galaxy.

The most famous member of the race is Greedo, who was killed on Tatooine by Han Solo in A New Hope. Rodians are one of the races that can be played in the online game Star Wars: Galaxies.


Sullustians (Sullustians, Sullustians)


Significant persons: Ahsoka Tano


Creatures that inhabit the planet Togoria. In Ann Crispin's book, Han Solo and All the Traps of Paradise, they are described as very tall, panther-like creatures. Most of the representatives are more than two meters tall, covered with hair, and have developed muscles. The main occupation of men is hunting, while they use flying Mosgoth reptiles as mounts. The women of the tomriiks are renowned for their technical prowess. Once a year, males return to the cities to mate. Often, the Togrians become pirates and assassins.


A race of two-legged lizards from the planet Trandonshan. Known for their extreme unreasonable aggressiveness. Members of this race have a deep hatred of the Wookiee race. From time to time they earn extra money by robbery, slave trade, mercenary activities. The most famous representatives: Bossk, Kradossk. Trandoshan can see in infrared (Darth Bane: Path of Destruction novel)


In contrast to the dress-up Twi'leks, the Tusken - nomadic mutants living in the deserts of Tatooine, also known as the "Tusken robbers" or "sand people of Tatooine" - completely hide their bodies under heavy deaf clothes, wrap their heads with rag strips, securing them breathing mask and safety goggles. To see a dim face, especially without his consent, is a terrible and deadly insult. The sex of the child, recorded at birth, is taken into account only at the conclusion of weddings, in which, during a special ritual, the blood of two sand people is mixed with the blood of their bow. And only after that, in a separate tent, completely secluded from anyone else, the newlyweds can see each other's true appearance.

The Tusken have a truly mystical connection with their bows, huge animals that vaguely resemble earthly yaks and mammoths. Tusken, who has lost his bow, becomes an outcast, and the Banta, whose rider died, falls into a depressive psychosis, and she is forever released into the sands.

In general, sand people are extremely aggressive, often for no apparent reason (in this regard, suffice it to recall that the very name "Tusken robbers" appeared after they brutally destroyed the Tusken fort, built by settlers on their sacred land), but despite that they adhere to deeply rooted customs. So, for example, young riders are required to prove maturity by passing tests, of which the most severe is to hunt down and kill a krait dragon.

Since the sand people do not have a written language, the storyteller is the most respected in the Tusken clan. He knows the history of the life of each member of the clan, he knows the history of the entire clan. The narrator is required to memorize verbatim, which eliminates any possibility of misinterpretation of the story or its distortion. A single mispronounced word in a story means a death sentence for the storyteller.

In the area of ​​material well-being, the Tusken nomads do not build any permanent shelters and keep little property. According to the social hierarchy, the "sand people" do not make any distinction between men and women: both of them live, fulfilling all customs and traditions in full force. The Tusken language is for the most part an indistinct combination of consonants and angry growls.

Sand people stay away from dewatering farms, only sometimes they attack the most remote settlements. Some scientists claim the organic origin of the Tusken, but the autopsies of a few dead bodies did not confirm such a hypothesis.



A race of lizard-like creatures with green skin. They inhabit the planet Falien. One of the famous representatives is Xizor


The indigenous inhabitants of the planet Findar. Clumsy humanoids with long knee-length arms. Average height - 1.7 meters. The skin is dark, sometimes with white spots and white circles around the yellow eyes. The Findians have a cultural twist that the rest of the galaxy finds irritating, they love exaggeration, sarcasm, and often avoid the main topic in conversation. They are also known for their sincere affection for family and friends. When parting, they hug three times - one in grief from parting, the second from joy that the friendship will continue and the third in the hope of a new meeting. One of the famous representatives is Guerra Derida, a friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi.


A humanoid race from the planet Firrere. The Dark Jedi Lord Hethrir belonged to this race.



The Hutts are a race of long-lived gastropods. Occurred on the planet Varl, but later began to consider Nal the Hutt as their home. The most famous representatives are Jabba the Hutt and Gardulla the Hutt, mentioned in both the original trilogy and the prequel.





A race of humanoids from uncharted regions. Outwardly they look like people, but differ in bluish-black hair color, and bright red eyes. The average life expectancy is not exactly known, but it is known for sure that at the age of 10 years the Chiss reach full age and sexual maturity, which is 2 times faster than that of humans. They have a great predisposition to logical thinking and attention. As a result, the Chiss are very good strategists and tactics, but they very strictly punish preventive strikes on an unprepared enemy. The Chiss race was the Grand Admiral of the Empire Sindik Mitt-Rau-Naruodo, or the more common name of Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Chiss have their own state in uncharted regions, which is ruled by ruling dynasties.

General Grievous Wikipedia Wikipedia

Hutts (Star Wars)- This article about an object of the fictional world only describes it on the basis of the work of art itself. An article consisting only of information based on the work itself may be deleted. You can help the project ... Wikipedia

World of Noon- Cover of the audiobook of the publishing house "Vokrug Sveta", 2006. World of Noon is a literary world in which the events described by the Strugatsky brothers take place in a series of novels, the "representative" book of which is "Noon, XXII century" (from which and ... ... Wikipedia

If you don't know who the porgs are, then this is an incredibly cute species of seabirds from the planet Ech-To, where Jedi Master Luke Skywalker was in exile after the Battle of Endor. You know Star Wars .. So! This adorable animal will appear in the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie, which will premiere in Russia on December 14 this year. A charming porg appeared in the trailer for the new part and everyone instantly fell in love with him, even those who do not like this stellar epic. He is much nicer than the spherical robot that they tried to sell us in the 7th part. While everyone was touched by the frightened porg, the restless photoshoppers have already staged a battle with him in the title role, and the funniest foto-toads with him are waiting for you further.

If you haven't seen the Porg or the trailer for the last part of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, then here it is.

Have you noticed this adorable baby?

This is what a full-length porg looks like.

In fact, the porg is just a hairy penguin with the jaw of the Grumpy Cat meme cat and the big bottomless eyes of a lemur lori.

Isn't he cute enough to have a Photoshop battle with him? Of course he deserves it!

There could not be a photo-toad in the style of "Alien"

And again Alien, only singing songs and from the movie "Space Eggs"

"Hello my baby .."

Who needs the Luke on the poster when everyone wants to see the porg?

Everyone is shocked

This will definitely be the best-selling merch

When the movie was wrong

"You haven't seen anything!" - convinces us porg in the image of one of the penguins from "Madagascar"

No, not this one!

Brilliant use of the meme with the wrong guy. Jar Jar Binks is upset

A little more than we expected

"Jurassic Park"

Too cruel for the little guy

Not so cute anymore, right?

I guess I would have exactly the same expression on my face

Don't worry porg, many of us have gone through this with the same expression

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