Home fertilizers The paratrooper who survived the collapse of the barracks saves people, and the deceased one saved his friend from death. Video: airborne barracks collapsed in Omsk

The paratrooper who survived the collapse of the barracks saves people, and the deceased one saved his friend from death. Video: airborne barracks collapsed in Omsk

After the partial collapse of the building of the barracks of the 242nd training center Airborne Forces in the village of Svetly near Omsk, which killed 23 people, the head of the Russian Defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu instructed to check the entire military town. According to media reports, other barracks, which were repaired by the Nizhny Novgorod company Remeksstroy, are also under threat. Lenta.ru tried to sort out the situation.

Like a house of cards

On Sunday, July 12, at about 19:45 Moscow time (at 22:45 local time), a section of the four-story building of the barracks of the 242nd airborne training center in the village of Svetly near Omsk collapsed. In a matter of moments, without any obvious reasons the concrete floors of four floors collapsed. Under the rubble were 42 servicemen, presumably from the 7th, 8th and 9th companies. Literally the day before, they took the oath. A total of 337 servicemen were in the building at the time of the tragedy.

According to official figures, 23 people died, 19 were hospitalized with injuries. varying degrees gravity, transmits. 17 of them will be treated in Moscow hospitals.

Building rehabilitation


The head of the defense department, Sergei Shoigu, instructed to urgently check all the buildings renovated in the village of Svetly near Omsk, informs. The minister interrupted his vacation and took personal control of the work of the commission at the scene.

Now media attention is focused on the Nizhny Novgorod construction company Remeksstroy. Representatives of the organization do not answer calls. The journalists could not find the company at the address indicated on the official website. Previously, Remexstroy had already been fined by the Tatarstan Arbitration Court for violations during the construction of a residential building in Kazan, as well as by the Nizhny Novgorod regional court for shortcomings in the reconstruction of the hostel building for the military in Nizhny Novgorod.

However, according to the Ministry of Defense and the public procurement website, the firm did not really carry out work affecting the supporting structures of the building. Therefore, the responsibility for its collapse can be assigned to the leadership of the training center and Spetsstroy officials.

The largest in terms of the number of victims

Over the past few months, there have already been several cases of partial collapse of old high-rise buildings in Russia.

On July 11, a part of a five-story building on Kuibyshev Street collapsed in Perm. Two people died. The alleged reason is the weakening of the supporting structures of the building. The next day, as part of the investigation of the case on the fact of the performance of work or the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements (Part 1 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), investigative committee Russia delayed the leadership management company OOO UK Motorostroitel. Investigators are going to petition the court for arrest.

March 24 in Tyumen, the corner entrance of a brick building on Kharkovskaya Street. Residents managed to run out into the street.

The collapse of the barracks near Omsk in terms of the number of victims is the most tragic in the history of modern Russia.

In 2009, the left side of a single-entrance five-story building, a former dormitory, collapsed in Astrakhan. 25 apartments were destroyed, in which 50 people lived. Five residents have died. In December 2008, the ceiling of a six-story building in Starokonyushenny Lane in Moscow failed to withstand. 6 people died. In 2006, 7 lives were claimed by the collapse of a four-story building on Zheleznodorozhnaya Street in Vyborg. The cause of the latest tragedy is the unauthorized redevelopment of one of the apartments.

It should be noted that the barracks of the Airborne Forces training center collapsed 40 minutes after the lights out. The photographs show that the wounded soldiers were taken to the hospital in only their underwear.

Many of the relatives of the victims almost immediately found themselves on the scene, as they had not yet left Omsk after the celebrations on the occasion of taking the military oath. Now the Ministry of Defense will pay the families of the victims 5.8 million rubles each.

Paratroopers who survived the crash of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Training Center in Omsk told the website what happened to them during the tragedy, how they coped with it and what they are doing now.

Practically in the "summer equator", on July 12, a tragedy occurred in Russia - the barracks of the 242nd training center of the Airborne Forces in Omsk collapsed. The catastrophe claimed the lives of 24 Russian paratroopers, who literally half a day before took the oath. Another two dozen servicemen received injuries of varying severity.

On the fact of the incident, a criminal case was initiated, the suspects in which are the head of the center, Colonel Oleg Ponomarev and Alexander Dorofeev, general director Remeksstroy LLC, which renovated the building in 2013. According to Delovoy Kvartal, the company is now close to going bankrupt. The court will consider the relevant case on November 30.

The news agency website spoke with about ten servicemen who were injured in the collapse of the barracks. As it turned out, many of the victims recovered and continue to serve in regular military units, but not everyone managed to stay in the Airborne Forces. In addition, the paratroopers agreed that the commander of the training center, Colonel Ponomarev, was not to blame for what had happened.

Mikhail Klysh

When it all started, I just rinsed myself and lay down on the bunk. My neighbor was already dozing, other people in the barracks were still talking, handing over documents after they were fired. And I remembered that we had to hem and got out of bed. At that moment, a very strong crackling began, as if hail had gone. I look at the floor and see that it is crumbling and everything is flying down, including ourselves. After two or three seconds, I open my eyes and understand that I was completely overwhelmed: my legs were clamped and after a while they began to swell.
There were screams everywhere, people trying to find their own. One fighter kept shouting: "My legs have been cut off, my hands are clamped." He screamed for 15 minutes, and then fell silent ...
I didn't panic, nothing happened. And then a colleague began to talk to me, it became easier. We heard that the equipment was working, then they jammed it more than once in order to find the survivors by screaming, but it was useless - no one heard us.

By this time, I no longer felt my legs, it was very difficult to breathe and I began to lose consciousness. At this time, my friend was already pulled out, before that I asked him to tell about me, that I was also here and I needed help, but they forgot about me. And the plates were already moving, squeezing the legs even more. I physically could not scream anymore, because I did not have the strength to get air.

But then they finally found me. The lifeguard asks me: "Are these your legs?". I say no, not mine, mine ahead. As it turned out later, a corpse lay between the slabs above me. They dug me up and took me to the hospital, and I said that I had to go, I had to help the boys.

At the hospital, I gave the doctor my phone number so that he could call my mother and reassure her. The next day I was already in the hospital in Moscow. There, the surgeon gave me some papers to sign and said that I had blood poisoning and amputation of my legs was required. I said that I would not sign, I was persuaded to do this for a long time, but I refused all the time, and in the end they still began to do blood purification instead of amputation. During the second procedure, the sensitivity had already begun to return, and after the third procedure, the doctors said that I was recovering quickly.
Over time, I began to learn to walk, and then to run. In the end, I managed to stay in the army. At first they didn’t want to send me to the landing, but I tried and passed the medical commission in the Airborne Forces. It seems like they promised to give a vacation, but they never did. But the main thing is that I'm alive and on my feet, only I can't sleep well at night, it starts to seem that I'm falling again.

I have no complaints about anyone, I'm a simple person. And so, this floor was such that you jump on it - it seemed to start to walk. But neither we nor others paid attention to it.

Vladimir Petrov

I was asleep at the time of the collapse. My mother and sister came to take the oath and we walked all day, so I was tired and fell asleep right after lights out. When it all started, I didn't even understand what was going on. I flew and thought: what nightmare and when will I wake up. And when I fell, I already realized that all this was really happening to me and the building collapsed. I fell on my chest and was covered with two plates. I don’t know, maybe there were more plates, but I felt only two. left side the body pressed me completely, another slab was supposed to fall right on me, but it was held by the bed, which saved me. If not for her, I would have been crushed soft-boiled.

I realized that there was no need to panic, we would not be pulled out quickly, and there was not enough air. There was only five centimeters of free space on both sides of my head, on which dust flew. In front of me lay a friend with whom I began to communicate and we reassured each other. Another colleague was behind. He me for right leg pulled and it hurt. And the rest did not hurt, although, as it turned out later, I had a ruptured spleen, an open craniocerebral injury, an open fracture of the left leg, an open fracture of the talus and a transverse fracture of the body of the sternum.

I constantly asked a colleague to stop pulling my leg. And he repeated: "Get me out of here, please." And I could only answer: "Friend, I myself am under the rubble, be patient, they will definitely pull us out, there is no need to worry."

As a result, he kept me like that all the time, I already got used to this pain. And then he abruptly let go of my leg. Later I realized that he had died.
And then I thought that my hour had come, I began to say goodbye to everyone, remembered the best moments in my life and it was no longer clear whether I was still alive or had already died. Can't describe what I felt then. I lay there and thought that I was not yet 20 years old, why should I die so early? He began to fight for his life, to show signs of himself. It was pointless to shout, but then one of the slabs was removed and a small opening formed. I managed to pull my fingertips into it and start shaking them.

After some time, I heard screams: "Here alive, here alive!". At that moment, someone grabbed my fingers and said: "Brother, hold on, we will pull you out." After that, this happened to me, which, again, cannot be described in words. After these words, I began to feel and appreciate life differently. They pulled me out for about 40-50 minutes, and when I got to the surface, I told them that a friend was lying in front of me, he was also alive, and the other one, who was behind, died.

All this time I did not open my eyes. I opened them only the next day, already in Moscow. At the hospital, they told me that I had a lot of blood loss and internal bleeding. And I kept trying to prove to them that there was nothing to do with me, I was healthy. As a result, I was placed in an artificial coma and transported to Moscow. My mother was already at home, in Sterlitamak, when my friend called her and said that I was on the list of victims in an extremely serious condition.

Now I am in the military hospital named after Burdenko. I'll stay here until the New Year, and maybe even a little longer. Doctors say the injuries are severe. My mother and the parents of other victims were first settled in the barracks at the headquarters of the Airborne Forces, they lived there for a month and a half, and then soldiers arrived there and they were moved to a hostel from the Ministry of Defense.

I don't blame the training center commander. He's not here at all. When they told me that Colonel Ponomarev had been detained, I was generally in shock. I know that when the overhaul was carried out, it was not in the unit at all. And then I already read in the news that there was not even Ponomarev's signature on the documents on settling in the barracks.

The barracks itself, both outside and inside, looked very good. Nobody could have imagined that this would happen. Almost before the catastrophe, it was like a sign from above for us: at the evening verification, we stood on the parade ground and three of us lost consciousness. And after an hour and a half, the barracks collapsed.

I would be glad to continue my service, since childhood I dreamed of getting into the Airborne Forces. The dream came true and I became a paratrooper, but I was not destined to serve even a month. Now I have too severe injuries, I fear for my health. It turns out that I won’t even be able to walk in berets, and orthopedic insoles will have to be inserted into ordinary shoes all my life.

We, all those who suffered in the crash, contact, communicate and support each other. Even the most severely affected are optimistic. I myself will stay in the hospital for a long time, I need to develop the leg and restore left hand because it doesn't really work for me. Also something with the stomach, some hellish pains.

I want to express my gratitude to my friends and all other caring people who helped both morally and financially by participating in raising funds for travel and accommodation for my mother. I also want to say thank you to the Airborne Forces for meeting and accommodating her in Moscow.

Rustam Giniyatullin

At the moment of the crash, I was standing near my bunk, I was about to lie down, when I heard a thud, then another and then a loud crack, after which the floor tilted and went down, and behind it stretched a wall with windows. I managed to turn around and jump off the falling slab, caught on the broken edge of the fourth floor, began to climb, and then the ceiling slab squeezed me to the waist so that I kept in the air without falling down. It turns out that I hung between the third and fourth floors. I still wonder how my pelvis didn’t get crushed, I should have been crushed there.

Only two cockpits collapsed, both flights of stairs remained intact and soldiers were evacuated along them. I called them for help, but none of my colleagues stopped, everyone ran away. Then a few guys and a corporal stopped and started to pull me out, but they did not succeed. They tried to push this ceiling slab and after several attempts they were still able to do it and free me. Due to a leg injury, I could no longer move and I was dragged by a corporal from the eighth company.

We were lined up in front of the barracks and the roll call began. There were only nine people out of 27 from my platoon. It became scary.
Everyone around was spinning, panicking, we were counted again, firefighters, an UAZ medical company arrived. Already in the hospital, the nurse let me call home.

With regards to the collapse of the barracks, in my opinion, the commission is to blame, which recognized the barracks as fit. And they want to leave Colonel Ponomarev as the last one, although he is not to blame for anything. Now I am already serving. I dreamed of getting into the landing, I got into the landing and I will be a paratrooper no matter what.

Ruslan Shabanov

I slept on the third floor and fell on the second. So I was told by one of those soldiers who participated in the analysis of the rubble. I woke up in a crash. I remember that the bed went down, and then emptiness. I woke up already when they dragged me in the yard on a sheet to the medrote. I was severely stunned by the impact and could not see anything around. I then repeatedly heard words of support from those who dragged me, they said: "Hold on, bro." They told me that the barracks had collapsed. In the medical center, I was injected with painkillers and an ambulance took me to the city hospital.

I was constantly tormented by the question of my left eye, as I thought I had lost it. As it turned out later, it was a hematoma. Every 15 minutes I asked the doctors how my comrades were doing. I was scared for them and the thought of their fate was very depressing. The ambulance doctor gave me his phone to call my father, I did not scare my parents, said that I only had scratches.

Only the professionalism of experienced surgeons saved me. Help was worthy for me, thanks for this also to the military and the government. I was commissioned from the army. Of course, I wanted to continue serving, I tried to persuade the doctors, but they make the decision, not me.

I have no resentment, especially for commanders. There is resentment only for the dead guys, anger at this damned barracks still does not go out of my head. Of course, if there is direct evidence of the guilt of certain persons who knew about the accident rate of the building, but kept silent and hid this fact, then let them bear the responsibility for the dead guys. And from the company that was engaged in the overhaul of the barracks, I do not need anything. I'm alive and well, and why did I get these lawsuits?

Alexey Bogatishchev

On July 12, one of the largest man-made disasters 2015 - the collapse of the barracks of the 242nd training center of the Airborne Forces in the Omsk village of Svetly. Then a split second turned the lives of many young guys from different cities of Russia. Recall that on this day in 2015, at about 22:45, the roof and wall collapsed in the 4-storey building of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Training Center in the village of Svetly. Part of the building collapsed, from the 4th to the 1st floors - under the rubble were soldiers who were sleeping after lights out. Under the rubble of the building, 24 people died, another 18 were injured: most of them are 19-21-year-old guys. On the eve of the tragedy, on July 11, they took the oath. Note that the 7th-9th companies were located in the barracks from the 2nd to the 4th floors: the conscripts slept on single-tier beds. Everything happened instantly. The moment of the collapse was filmed by a surveillance camera in the barracks: the soldiers were getting ready for bed, talking, sitting on their beds, walking around the room. At the time of the emergency, some guys miraculously managed to jump out of the collapse zone.


2 years after the collapse, a video of the rescue from the rubble of one of the soldiers with NGS.OMSK was shared by the Omsk rescuer Vlad Davydov, the owner of the channel “I am a fireman” on YouTube. Davydov did not post this video on the Web for a long time: it is hard for close soldiers and impressionable people to watch this. On the record, rescuers get the last surviving paratrooper out of the rubble. Rustam Nabiev, a paratrooper from Ufa, recognized himself in the video. Under the wreckage of the barracks was also 26-year-old Omsk resident Yurik Avramov, who received fractures of the pelvis in 4 places, fractures of the ribs and many other injuries, but was able to recover in six months and again went to serve in the army. This amazing person ended up in a ward with Rinat Khalimov from Chelyabinsk, who lost part of his heel - the soldiers encouraged each other in difficult moments.

On the third anniversary of the collapse of the barracks in Svetly, NGS recalls how a year earlier he talked with Omsk soldier Yurik Avramov, who was under the rubble - he survived, despite fractures, and six months later he wanted to serve again. We publish full text, which our correspondent wrote after talking with Yurik in July 2017.

Omsk paratrooper Yurik Avramov kept himself in good shape even in the hospital

Reference: Yurik Avramov - 25-year-old senior inspector of the Main Department of the contract system of the Omsk region, graduated from the law faculty of Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky. Her father is in real estate, her mother is a housewife. Yurik has a younger 17-year-old brother.

Before the tragedy

“At the recruiting station, they offered me to the Airborne Forces, and I went. Everyone in my family served in the army, even my great-grandfather. I received my [OmGU] diploma on Thursday, and on Friday I was already at the recruiting station. My parents did not know that I was going to the army, they found out only the night before: I quietly passed the commission, ”Yurik began his story about himself. He was preparing for the army: he developed endurance - he ran a lot and from childhood he was engaged in weightlifting and swimming. After the army, Omsk planned to go to the prosecutor's office.

"I heard a crack, I thought - hail is coming"

On the eve of the tragedy, parents and relatives of the soldiers came to the barracks. “The oath was passed, the parents went into the same barracks, watched how we live. It’s good that at that very moment it didn’t collapse,” Yurik began to recall. “On the evening of July 12, we were getting ready for bed. My bunk was by the window on the right on the 2nd floor, even the photo remained. The 1st floor was empty and I fell in there, and that saved me. There was a lights out, I went about my business: I got the position of a deputy platoon commander and I collected military books - and before that I washed and shaved. At the time of the collapse was in the cockpit (here we mean the premises of the barracks where the soldiers slept. - NGS.OMSK), everyone was in their beds. I collected military books, I already went to my bed and heard a crack. For some reason I thought it was hail. I looked [out the window] and saw that everything was dry.

And then suddenly such silence [came]: those who did not sleep, of course, froze, because they did not understand what had happened. And when everything began to crumble, a crack went near my bed.

My friends were lying on the beds next to me - we were called up from the same district, Leninsky, and lay down side by side. I managed to kick 2 beds so that my friends woke up, and next to the one who was sleeping with me, the boy, I only managed to grab by the hand, and we collapsed, ”Jurik says calmly and adds: he thought that the floor had just collapsed.

“I did not lose consciousness. Collapsed. Everything was very calm. Silence, then everyone yelled. I fell between the tiles. I was lucky that something like a "pocket" formed above me. I ended up in a fetal position, involuntarily. Sat, sat. The dust has settled. And I have a watch with a backlight on my hand (they remained intact, by the way) - I looked at them and saw that everything was fine. I looked around and decided that I needed to get out. Dug out by hand. Crawled. I didn’t understand what was happening to me, I thought - I fell and fell, everything is fine. I crawled under the slabs and under the rubbish that looked like slag. I realized that I was sitting in a hole with my back to the street, I saw a lantern. I couldn’t get through directly, there was a coating [on the floor] with us, rubberized. He found a hole with his hand and began to crawl. I felt for my friend, Girya, he had a nickname. Didn't know it was him. I dug it up and took it chest and began to drag, and he sighed, but his eyes were closed. I pulled it to the middle of the corridor, which survived - we called it "take-off" (Smiled.), - and already when the lantern illuminated, I saw Giri's face. I started to shake it, but I saw that everything. I tried to bring him to his senses, but ... it happened (Sighs.).

For pulling a friend out of the rubble, Yurik received an award

I put him in a corner, crawled and heard the cries of a familiar soldier from my cockpit, he had the nickname Kazakh, I don’t even remember his last names. There was also Rinat Khalimov and another guy. We talked to him, he was in the corner: from the 4th floor he flew to us on the 1st. I crawled through the corridor to them all, and Kazakh heard me.

Here, the funny thing is, in whatever condition a person is, you shout "Rota!", Everyone falls silent. I shouted and asked to pay for the first or second. Turns out there were 5 of us.

Those who heard me. We talked very calmly with them, ”Yurik tells in detail.

In the first minutes after the collapse, sitting in the corridor with a broken head and fractures (Yurik could not get up and stand on his feet, later it turned out that his pelvis was broken in 4 places), Omsk talked to the soldiers who were under the rubble and joked.

“I roughly understood that everything was not very good. The guy who fell from the 4th floor - we talked and talked, and then he fell silent and did not answer me. We then realized that he had died. We talked to another guy, he said that his legs were pinched (It turned out that this is Rustam Nabiev from Ufa. - NGS.OMSK). I told him: “Lie down, everything is fine,” Yurik continued the story and cheered up a little, remembering each of the soldiers and showing photographs.

“I realized that it was pointless to get up, and I crawled to the guys. The lights turned on and I saw the guys. I told them: "It's okay, don't worry." The Kazakh said that he would come out tomorrow and go somewhere, and I answered him: “Lie down, everything is fine, tomorrow you won’t go to physical therapy, you won’t run. We sat, maybe 10-15 minutes, talking. They made fun of Khalimov - he joked that he was standing under the rubble in an interesting pose. The Kazakh joked that he lay on his side and it was comfortable for him, ”Omsk continued the story and added that he understood: in such a situation it is better to calm people down so that there is no panic. Suddenly he heard the sounds of someone trying to break down the door. He crawled there, but the soldiers asked him to stay with them. Suddenly, another part of the building collapsed and continued to crumble. “I leaned my head against the wall so that I could see them all and talk to them. And I realized that I was starting to fade. I heard how the glass was broken, our paramedic ran in and asked if there were any alive. I showed him where someone was lying. And I lay there while the guys got it. And then they wrapped me in a sheet and took me to the hospital, ”Yurik finished the story.

In the hospital, the pelvic bones and internal organs Omsk doctors fastened with special knitting needles

"I had a wild desire to return"

In the hospital, he asked the nurse for a phone number and called his father, whom he quite calmly told that he had broken his leg and 2 ribs. In fact, everything was much more serious. Months of rehabilitation dragged on: after the examination, he woke up already in Moscow, he and other soldiers were transported to the hospital named after. Vishnevsky. Doctors told the young Omsk resident that he would succeed if he wanted to. The paratrooper was forbidden to get up - he was collected literally in parts - and for 4 months he was bedridden. Yurik didn't feel left leg. Every weekend, a girl and a mother flew to Moscow from Omsk, who gave him a massage so that his leg would recover. Then the doctors thought that Yurik would have to amputate his toe, but the Omsk girl forbade the doctors to do this. Together they were able to restore blood circulation and the finger came to life.

In the ward, Yurik trained his arms and pulled himself up on elastic bands tied to the head of the bed. And then he gradually learned to sit and walk again - he took crutches from a neighbor in the ward and, through clenched teeth, got back on his feet. Quick Recovery Omsk surprised the doctors. Once, a crowd of parents of the boys who had suffered in Svetloye came to his ward and thanked the surprised paratrooper. Remembering that time, Omsk notes that he was very strongly supported by friends, family and a girlfriend. Yurik's goal was to get back in line.

“They wanted to write me off to the reserve. I tried in every way to convey to the management that I need to recover and that I can. I wanted to serve. I had a wild desire to go back. If I want and I didn’t succeed, I will achieve this, ”said Yurik. After 6 months, he was able to pass the military medical commission and, according to the doctors, fully recovered. Omich served in the Moscow region in the 38th Guards Regiment of the Airborne Forces.

How life has changed since the tragedy

“Since then, I sleep very lightly and wake up from every rustle - on the one hand, it’s good: I’m not late for work (Laughs.). The instinct of self-preservation intensified. Entering any room, I listen and for some reason quickly assess the situation, where to go technically. I don’t have nightmares: I am a calm and cheerful person, ”a paratrooper from Omsk admits and adds that sometimes in cloudy weather places where there were fractures ache. Now Yurik is a civil servant. He frequently texts and calls up soldiers who survived the collapse of the barracks.

Omich, to the surprise of the doctors, was able to quickly return to duty and served a year in the Moscow region in the 38th Airborne Regiment

Who's guilty?

Omsk answers this question without a hitch - the builders. He believes that the building could not withstand the weight after the repair: the floor of the barracks was poured with concrete, a ventilated facade was mounted, brickwork and this caused the collapse. Speaking about the problematic side of the issue, Omsk boils over: “Nothing has changed in Svetly. The new barracks were built from sandwich panels: they could not stand the hurricane that happened recently, and they are being demolished. Personally, my opinion is that there are officers and there is Shoigu, who instructed to make repairs. So you need to control it! What control do we have? Couldn't you just see with your eyes? No wonder people get an education, that it was impossible not to notice this? My opinion is that the deputy commander of the unit, and not the commander of the unit, should have borne all the responsibility: the deputy signed the documents<…>. Guilty will be found, so what? Do you think I just work in public procurement? I don't want to let this happen again."

... Among the paratroopers in Svetloye, there is a story that illustrates well everything that happened: when Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu flew to Omsk to inspect the new modular barracks, erected shortly after the tragedy, he liked the freshly painted building. But suddenly he noticed that in one part of the barracks the floor was creaking. “They took a plank, put it under the place that creaks, and that's it. Now the floor does not creak,” the soldiers say.

) and a list of victims (more on) during the collapse of the barracks.

News of Omsk. Occurred the collapse of the barracks in Omsk. In the barracks of the 242nd training center of the Airborne Forces in the village of Svetly, around 20:00 Moscow time on July 12, the walls and roof of a four-story building partially collapsed. A total of 23 people died. A criminal case has been initiated under Part 3 of Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (negligence).

19 people were taken out from under the rubble of the barracks. This was shared by the Minister of Health of the Omsk region Andrey Storozhenko.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation previously told Telegraphist that only 18 people were saved. Total for a moment barracks collapse in Omsk there were 337 people. Under the rubble were 38 people. Also, the department initially reported 2 dead.

Airborne Forces barracks collapsed in Omsk

According to the latest updated data, 20 people were extracted from the rubble. Demolition of the collapsed building continues. All victims receive medical assistance.

There is a preliminary version the collapse of the barracks in Omsk could have been due to repair work. Renovations to the building have been recently completed. Also, law enforcement agencies added that errors could have been made during repairs and changes were made to the design of the building.

Over the past 7 days, this is the second major collapse of a building in Russia, on July 11, 4 floors of a 5-story residential building collapsed in Perm in the city center (more on), two people died and at least 5 people were injured.

The collapse of the barracks in Omsk 13-07-2015 video

As a result of the collapse of a section of the barracks of the 242nd training center of the Airborne Forces in Omsk, 23 servicemen were killed, and another 19 received injuries of varying severity. The facility, which was overhauled, was put into operation by RemExStroy LLC with big amount imperfections, to which the military simply turned a blind eye. Shortly before this, the company received a dozen lawsuits for violations of similar works carried out in part of the internal troops in Nizhny Novgorod. Among them is the lack of drainage systems along the perimeter of the dormitory building, which led to erosion of the soil under the foundation. By pre-release version, because of this, a building in Omsk could also collapse.

The collapse of the section in the four-story building of the third training paratrooper battalion (Vasily Margelov Street, 226) occurred on Sunday at 22:45 local time. There were 337 people in the building at the time of the disaster. About 50 servicemen found themselves under the rubble - 23 of them died, and another 19 received injuries of varying severity. The most seriously injured paratroopers were sent on special flights to Moscow for treatment. At the same time, it should be noted that the parents of military personnel became unwitting eyewitnesses of the tragedy. On Sunday, they arrived at the unit to take the oath with their children and did not have time to leave Omsk when a section of the barracks collapsed. July 14 is declared a day of mourning in the Omsk region for the fallen paratroopers.

According to the Ministry of Defense, the incident in Omsk was immediately reported to Minister Sergei Shoigu and the commander of the Airborne Forces Vladimir Shamanov, who were forced to interrupt their holidays. The Kremlin said that President Vladimir Putin took personal control of the investigation into the incident.

Yesterday, the military investigation department of the ICR for the Omsk garrison opened a criminal case on the grounds of crimes under Part 3 of Art. 293, part 3 of Art. 216, part 3 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (negligence, negligently resulting in the death of two or more persons; violation of safety rules when conducting construction works and abuse of power). On the same day, the case was transferred for further investigation to the main military investigation department of the TFR - the investigative team on it was headed by the deputy head of the GVSU Sergey Fedotov. On Monday, investigators conducted searches and seizures of documents in all organizations and departments involved in overhaul barracks, as well as its operation. In particular, according to Kommersant's information, the investigators visited the department of the customer for capital construction, as well as the state expertise of the RF Ministry of Defense.

Relevant work in the building on Vasily Margelov Street was carried out from April to December 2013. They were part of several state contracts that provided for the implementation of a set of works on the design, construction and reconstruction of facilities for the military camp N35 in the village of Svetly Omsk. The contracts were valued at more than 3.2 billion rubles.

Their general contractor was the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Spetsstroyengineering at Spetsstroy of Russia, which attracted the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Directorate of Special Construction on Territory N9 as a subcontractor, and due to the lack of both workers and equipment, several more subcontractors, including Nizhny Novgorod OOO RemExStroy. Official representatives of Spetsstroy and the Ministry of Defense stated that the work in the barracks building did not concern its load-bearing structures and did not provide for redevelopment. "Company" RemExStroy "repaired engineering networks, floors, roofs and window replacement," the Defense Ministry said.

"In December 2013, all interested parties - the customer, the subcontractor and the operator (they were Slavyanka OJSC, whose former management is now under investigation for fraud. - Kommersant") - signed a protocol on the possibility of operating the building. At the same time, the commission was a number of comments were made that did not concern the load-bearing structures of the building: for example, cracks were found in the putty, etc.," Spetsstroy specified.

As one of the causes of the disaster, Kommersant sources close to the participants in the investigation named subsidence of the soil under the foundation of the building. It could have been caused by water flowing both from the roof of the building and from the territory adjacent to it. Due to the lack or improper installation of drainage systems along the perimeter of the building, huge gullies could form in the sand under its foundation, into which it sank. This caused the collapse of one of the main walls, and with it the interfloor ceilings.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu instructed his subordinates to check all the objects of the military department, where the company that repaired the barracks in Omsk acted as a subcontractor.

To test the possibility of operating other buildings of the Airborne Forces training center, the Struna diagnostic complex was delivered to Omsk, designed to determine damage to buildings and structures due to wear, non-compliance with construction technology and subsidence due to soil erosion. Kommersant's interlocutor noted that next week a meeting of the collegium is scheduled in the military department, within the framework of which the preliminary causes of the tragedy in Omsk will be considered, as well as reports on measures to prevent such incidents.

It should be noted that the Stroynadzor Inspectorate has already convicted RemExStroy of violations that could eventually lead to the same tragedy as in Omsk. They concerned the work of the beginning of 2013, carried out at another facility - in the military camp of military unit N7408 - a security battalion and regional administration internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Nizhny Novgorod. Then arbitration court Satisfied several lawsuits of supervision at once for the imposition of fines (in the amount of 50 thousand to 75 thousand rubles) on the repair work contractor. The reason for this was, for example, the construction of a gable roof truss instead of a monolithic reinforced concrete one, the mismatch of windows with the declared ones, subsidence of the foundation under a brick fence, and so on. But the main problems that arose after the repair concerned the safety of buildings and structures. So, for example, according to the conclusions of the inspectors, RemExStroy LLC "did not eliminate the reasons for the soaking of the foundation soils of the building" of the dormitory of the military unit, and also did not deal with rainwater, which continued to flow from the roof of the same building and the adjacent territory "into those covered with soil sinuses" under the foundation.

Kommersant failed to get comments from the general director of RemExStroy, Alexander Dorofeev. But in the course of his search, curious details emerged. It turned out that the company is not located at its registered address in Nizhny Novgorod. In fact, her office is located in the next block, in the basement and on the first floor of residential building N61 on Osharskaya Street. In the same premises there is also a number of LLCs affiliated with Mr. Dorofeev. The iron door of the office was sealed with the seal of the 2nd Military Investigation Department for the Western Military District.

According to the residents of the house, they have been fighting businessmen in the courts for the fifth year already, since they occupied their basement and carried out a serious redevelopment there, crashing into the general house communications. In 2008 and 2009, the administration of Nizhny Novgorod concluded investment contracts with Mr. Dorofeev's company, Trading House Kommunalnik-NN (now under liquidation), for the overhaul and reconstruction of the basement into offices. As a result, the inhabitants of the house, according to them, had serious problems with the start of heat, and cracks began to appear on the entrance wall after the reconstruction. "They are in our basement, part of which I gave them City Administration, made a sauna and a swimming pool. The operation of the pool was banned by the court, and the sauna seems to be still working. Here in the evening on Wednesdays, cool foreign cars with beautiful numbers come. Apparently, someone in power is protecting them very much, ”one of the local residents told Kommersant.

Nikolai Sergeev, Ivan Safronov; Roman Kryazhev, Nizhny Novgorod; Julia Strelskaya, Omsk

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