Home Indoor flowers If the wife does not trust the consequences. The man doesn't trust me - what to do? But what to do if there are no obvious reasons for mistrust

If the wife does not trust the consequences. The man doesn't trust me - what to do? But what to do if there are no obvious reasons for mistrust

Why doesn't a man trust his woman?

Any relationship between people is built on love, understanding and trust. At the same time, in order to exist and develop, they must bring joy and satisfaction.

So why doesn't a man trust his woman?

Sometimes mistrust goes far into childhood, when the child lost trust in his mother and since then began to compare all women with his first woman, and, as you know, this is for any man his mother. It is, relying on her image, he will then look for a girlfriend in life.

So, returning to childhood, you need to remember that initially a child is born with an ideal set of human qualities, including trust. For him, there can be no other way than trusting his loved ones, which is why he enjoys spending time in the company of his relatives, whom he often sees and whose warmth he feels.

He treats strangers with caution because they behave differently than his loved ones, and he still does not know what to expect from them. But adults, over time, begin to sculpt their own likeness out of a child, rewarding with all the qualities that they have, and, at times, taking away what is given at birth. Likewise, trust can be taken away by deceiving a child.

As a rule, a man does not trust a woman due to the fact that in his life there was a relationship with another woman, when trust was lost as a result of deception, betrayal, betrayal.

Since then, he treats all women with a trick, expecting the same in these relationships, no matter how ideal they may be at first glance. Such a relationship brings pain to both: a man because he cannot live in peace and enjoy what he has.

But, there is nothing worse, expect bad in advance, it will definitely come where it is eagerly awaited. And here everything depends on the man, if he likes this type of relationship when he suffers and makes another suffer, then he can live his whole life like that.

If not, then it is worth once forgiving the one who once deceived and shattered his confidence in a woman, even if it was a mother or a girl. Without forgiving and not letting go of the one who once offended and hurt by his deceit, it is impossible to build further relationships with other people.

Men, not knowing the psychology of women, relate to their behavior from the point of view of the behavior of men and believe that if a woman, for example, flirts with someone, she is certainly determined to continue the relationship and is waiting for them. In this case, the woman should change her behavior or discuss with her partner all the moments that bring him pain.

Unfortunately, it also happens that, for various reasons, a man's trust in a woman is lost due to her betrayal or deception. This is the most difficult case in a relationship, because very few people know how to painlessly forgive and let go of insult, starting to live in a new way and never remember what caused pain.

However, this is the best way to live - forgive and forget insults, put up first (read) , realizing that everyone can stumble, but not everyone can give him a hand.

If the relationship is really dear, you need to do everything to preserve them, and most importantly, so that your loved one is always there and happy.

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Hello dear men! Sorting out a wife's feelings is not always easy or easy. She seems to be angry and swearing, but in fact she loves to the depths of her soul. And sometimes, on the contrary, she does not scandal and behaves calmly, but she has already cooled down and does not feel any feelings for you. The topic of today's article: how to understand a woman's soul, what to do if a wife does not love her husband, signs and reasons for such an outcome.

I would like to bring to your attention a book that will help you understand both your feelings and the feelings of your wife, will refresh the period of falling in love in your memory and, possibly, will help you look at your spouse with a new look - Helen Fisher " Why do we love».

Alarming symptoms

Broken heart.

It is impossible to live in harmony all the time. Even the ideal and happy couple have moments of quarrels, difficulties and disagreements. But why do some manage to go through all the obstacles and again, while others do not manage to establish contact? Love. It is she who works miracles.

When both partners love each other and are ready to compromise, work on themselves and on relationships, then everything will definitely work out and work out. But it is worth one of the spouses to give up and step aside, how. Today I will tell you what signs will tell you that your wife has grown cold.

If you cannot find answers to some very important questions for you and are afraid that the problems that have arisen cannot be solved, sign up for a Skype consultation with me.


A sure sign of cooled feelings is a cold bed. Of course, couples with a long experience of family life are less likely to give themselves up to love joys, but they still exist. And when you can’t even remember the last time, it’s worth thinking about whether everything is so good with you as it seems.

A woman who has no feelings for a man will come up with excuses. She will not want to have intimacy with him. Therefore, if your spouse, has long ceased to flirt with you, does not show any female activity, then this is a clear call of her cooling feelings for you.

Attention and care

In a normal, healthy relationship, spouses take care of each other and help and support each other in every possible way. When there are no feelings, then there is no desire to show attention either. A person begins to seem like a stranger, and there is no desire to take care of a stranger.

She does not ask how you are, is not interested in your life. For her, there is only her needs and desires. She spends all the time on herself. And for children, if any. She no longer tries for you. She doesn't care about this question.

Respect and trust

I always say that these are the two pillars of a happy family life. Therefore, if you notice disrespectful treatment and behavior on the part of a spouse towards yourself, then this is a clear sign of her alienation.

And about trust here the question is as follows - a woman does not care about a man, it does not matter where he is, with whom, how he spends time, what he does. She loses interest. Therefore, he does not arrange questions with predilection, does not call every five minutes, does not ask why he was late.

Scandals and tantrums

The flip side of indifference is the outburst of negative emotions on you. She will constantly reproach, talk about yours, see only bad in everything, she will not like everything and it is impossible to please such a woman.

She will pour out all her negative emotions on you. The day is not going well - you are to blame, you broke your nail - you are to blame, your friend did not come to the meeting - again you. And so on ad infinitum. In everything, she sees you guilty and involved in her troubles and misfortunes.

Avoiding communication

Another sign is that she does not want to communicate. He tries to go to bed before you come, gets up later than you, when you have already left for work. At all . She no longer wants to intersect and communicate.

Is there a way out

If you notice only one of the signs in your beloved wife, then you should not immediately think that everything is bad and it's time to disperse. Each couple goes through different periods. It is human nature to sometimes doubt. So, one of the spouses may wonder whether he made the right choice in his time, whether he is building his “happily ever after” with that person.

This period can be considered a test of your feelings. And if you solve problems together, provide the necessary support, talk honestly and openly, share your thoughts, fears, desires and plans, then you will overcome everything. The main thing is together.

But if you find a lot of symptoms, then you need to think about how to proceed and what to do. First of all, I advise you to read the article "". Indeed, sometimes on emotions we decide to take just such a step. Just rip everything up and burn the bridges. Believe me, this is not an option. Especially if you still have feelings and you can save your relationship.

If she does not leave, then there is still the opportunity to become happy again. Don't expect your spouse to change. Start with yourself. I'm not saying that only a man should act and change something. But waiting for a change from another person is stupid and useless. Take action yourself.

Change how you feel about your spouse. Try again. Do her, ask her out, flirt with her too. You will not even notice how it blooms and becomes completely different.

Sign up for my Skype consultation and together we will find a way out of this situation.

Remember that in many ways a woman is a reflection of her man. Change your attitude towards her. Think of the girl you fell in love with once and try to bring freshness to your relationship.

What symptoms have you found in your spouse? How can you check if there is still a chance to fix everything? When was the last time you told your wife that you love her?

Be a brave and strong man who is willing to do anything for his woman.
Good luck to you!

Loyalty is such a rarity and such a value.
It is not an innate feeling: to be faithful. This is the decision.

When a woman trusts a man, she can awaken the best in him. Thanks to her love and trust, a man finds the support he needs to realize his strengths, abilities, skills.

According to the Vedic injunctions, the wife is the best half of the husband's body, since she should be responsible for fulfilling half of the duties of her husband. This is an allegorical language.

In other words, a wife is the embodiment of the best qualities of a husband. The Vedas say that the feminine principle carries many opulences. If a man achieves something in life, then first of all, for this he owes his faithful wife.

For a man, love is faith.

Behind every great man there is always a woman who believed in him. First it is mom, then wife.

And the opposite is true - for every man who has not become great, or has become a tyrant, there is always a woman who did not want to believe in him. Behind every alcoholic and drug addict is often either a mother or a loved one who did not want to believe in him.

One of the main vocations of a woman is to be a wife, companion and helper to her husband. No victory can be achieved without a reliable rear. Also in the family: practically no achievement of a man would be possible without a woman.

The presence of a godly woman brings the following to her husband:

- glory

- luck
They say that if a man is disrespectful to his woman, then luck turns away from him. Women's creative thinking is many times stronger than men's, so her ability to influence fate is very high, both on her own fate and on the fate of her husband ... When a woman experiences pleasure and happiness from a relationship, her man begins to lead, all doors open before him and luck begins to follow on his heels. Because in her happy and satisfied inner state with the power of her creative thinking, a woman blesses her husband for success and attracts favorable events into his life. Through a woman, either a stream of goodness, luck and prosperity rushes to a man, or a stream of destructive force.

- graceful speech
Graceful speech appears in a man if the wife delicately communicates with her husband, since he absorbs the manner of speech of the wife.

- memory
Husband's efficiency. If the “shanti” apartment has a calm atmosphere that allows the husband to relax and rest in the house, then his memory, logic, mental functions improve, his status in society changes.

- prudence, reason, rationality
If the wife obeys the will of her husband, then he becomes more reasonable.

- purposefulness
If the wife accepts the interests in the life of her husband, then he becomes an incredibly purposeful person and he has additional opportunities to achieve the goal. If a woman believes that his interests are nonsense, then she blocks all opportunities for him to achieve his goals.

- patience
If a woman has patience with her husband's shortcomings, then he also becomes patient with the manifestation of her emotions and whims.

Moreover, these qualities appear in the husband of a pious woman, even if he did not have them, and increase in the described sequence.

So what does a man gain when he has a godly wife?

The least that a godly woman can give her husband is glory.

Graceful speech is a higher asset. Graceful speech enables a person to succeed in life.

Memory is a great blessing for a person, because it is able to enable a person to remember his failures and, thus, not degrade.

Prudence and reason are an even higher property, because reason controls the entire existence of a person and enables a person to progress all the time.

Purposefulness is an even more sublime quality, because it makes it possible to always achieve your goal. A purposeful person always reaches his goal, sooner or later.

And patience is the highest asset, because patience means the presence of all other assets combined.

In this way, a godly woman gives a man very much. The Vedas also say that when a woman is impious, she takes all these qualities from her husband.

Therefore, a woman is the source of a man's success. But faith in a husband works miracles.

And this story confirms this:

In the late 1990s, an electrical company in Detroit employed a young mechanic for $ 11 a week. He worked 10 hours a day, and when he came home, he often worked at midnight in his barn, trying to invent a new type of engine.

His father believed that the guy was wasting his time, the neighbors called him crazy, no one believed that anything worthwhile would come out of these activities. Nobody except his wife ...

She helped him work at night, holding a kerosene lamp over his head for several hours. Her hands turned blue, her teeth chattered from the cold, she kept catching colds, but ... She believed in her husband so much !!!

Years later, there was a noise from the barn. The neighbors saw a madman and his wife driving along the road without a horse, in the same cart.

The eccentric name was Henry Ford ... Yes, yes, the same Ford, whose cars are driven all over the world!

When, interviewing Ford, a journalist asked who Ford would like to be in another life, the genius replied simply:

"Anyone ... if only my wife was next to me" ...

To believe in a husband is to support his endeavors. A wife who believes is ready to support her husband's new business and help him if he needs it.

Not believing in a husband means harsh criticism of everything he offers.

How to develop faith in your husband?

Faith in a husband first of all develops by the fact that a woman first believes in herself. In order to believe in your husband, you don’t need to do anything with your husband. A woman must first of all believe that she deserves to be loved. As soon as the husband sees these qualities in her, he immediately begins to develop in that direction to make her even happier and more beloved. Or just make her loved - because she deserves it.

The wife can now help her husband in this matter. And the time has come to develop faith in the husband and the husband's faith in himself. To develop now, becoming happier, thanks to communication, thanks to the rise of lunar energy, thanks to taking care of your beauty, your health, your communication, your skills, your skills, your talents.

64 talents of the Vedas give in order
so that a woman can
increase faith in your husband

Even a girl may not yet know her future husband, but she believes that he is, he cannot but be.

64 talents.

One of these talents, for example, is the ability to play cat cradle ... Do you know the cat's cradle? So the strings once, the cross here is like this, then you substitute your fingers, so once - another figure. Cat's Cradle or Cat's Cradle is a game in which players (usually two) fold a variety of patterns using a string intertwined between their fingers.

Variations of the game exist in a great variety of cultures, from Africa to the polar regions. It is not possible to determine how long people have been playing it, so it can be assumed that people have always played Cat's Cradle.

Also weaving garlands, drawing up flower arrangements, the ability to perform a romantic little rhyme or literary passage. The ability to read with expression is all included in 64 qualities and helps to strengthen faith in a husband. This is a very boring mother and wife. Although now mom is the most boring creature on the planet - she just knows how to turn on the TV and just empty the toys out of the box and that's all she can do, nothing else.

The ability to drive dolls, dolls with her walk, they say, interact with each other. She knows how to control dolls, even if they are not some special puppets, but just a doll, she comes to life in her hands. And the child freezes - he was sitting on this doll, walking on it, kicking it, and suddenly she spoke and entered, he was delighted. He looks, and from now on she sits in a row with the bears and he knows that she needs to be fed. Before that, it was dead matter. Mom played, he sees everything now - she says this, and you can teach the letters of these dolls, you can feed them, they are amazing. Next to such a boring mother, a person begins to develop, and the girl learns to be a mother.

Another talent is guessing riddles. Women are very fond of riddles.

In addition, women must master one of the 64 arts - be able to speak in an incomprehensible language, allegorical, encrypted.

And what should a man be able to do?

A man should be able to earn money, protect a woman and everyone who is under his care, be useful in society and lead the family to the perfection of spiritual practice. That is, he must be able to do three things:

  • take care of the woman,
  • take care of society, make a contribution of some kind to society according to their professional resources,
  • must learn to serve God under the guidance of a spiritual mentor.

These are three things, he does not have 64 arts, he has only three arts.

And another small illustration of faith in a husband

"Cat Kotofeevich" - a wonderful Soviet cartoon based on the Russian folk tale - "Kotofeevich the Cat". It would seem, what is the connection between an old tale, helping a husband in his work and believing in him? As always, at first glance, nothing.

But don't jump to conclusions. Let's look at the beginning of the tale objectively - the old cat sings a sad song, causing only pity by its appearance. But how does the fox see him? Tiger! ... only dwarf ones. From the very beginning, she focused on the “strengths” of the cat. And, by the way, he addresses him with respect, by name and patronymic.

Unknowingly, it may seem to us that this is a form of flattery, and the "cunning" fox is simply lying. But again everything is a little deeper than it seems ...

Women's happiness is when the family is happy. The family is happy when the husband is happy, and the husband is happy only if he realizes himself in external (not only family) activities.

Seeing a Tiger in her husband is not flattery and not a lie.
This is the first, main, most important duty of a Real Wife!

This belief in a husband is the foundation on which the happiness of the wife and the whole family should be built.

To believe in a husband means to accept the idea that he is the Best, that he is a Tiger, to accept it so deeply in your heart that all other knowledge is secondary.

The second thing that the fairy-tale fox teaches us: faith in her husband (cat) allows her to sincerely admire him in front of a hare, a wolf and a bear.

The wife has no right to complain about her husband, to speak badly about him. We must understand that this is not a momentary weakness or a desire to cry - this is the destruction of her happy family. She will not help herself with her complaints, groans, but she will take energy and strength from her husband, make him a weakling in the eyes of others.

And third: the husband knows what to do.

First of all, the wife must create conditions, and the man always knows or feels where to move, where is his path to success.

What a result of faith in a husband !!!


Difficulty in relationships

My wife doesn't trust me, she doesn't trust me

If your marriage falls apart due to the fact that your wife does not believe you, then this is not a reason to give up. The path, of course, is not easy, but nothing is impossible. Since trust in marriage is vital, you will have to solve this problem if you want to save the marriage. But what is to be done? It is necessary to determine the level of trust in the marriage

First of all, you need to understand why your wife stopped trusting you? You may not have kept your promises. Perhaps you cheated on her. Or maybe you are just flirting with other girls, or your wife thinks so.

If you did something from the list above, then it is not difficult to understand why she stopped believing you. Now a sufficient number of men flirt with girls, and their wives are assured of the innocence of such communication. It doesn't matter what you think about it. If this seems like a threat to your wife, then you need to fix it as soon as possible.

But what if there are no obvious reasons for distrust?

There are situations when your wife does not trust you for no reason. This, too, cannot be denied. But, nevertheless, in most cases there is one reason or another for this.

This can usually be due to the wife being insecure or having a jealousy problem. However, before dumping all the blame on your wife, it is worth digging into the past once again, and make sure that you really did not do anything. Only then can we proceed to more decisive steps.

What not to do if your wife doesn't trust you.

Mistrust creates problems in marriage. Mistrust destroys it and brings only problems. But if you openly ask: “Does your wife trust you?” - she will almost always answer in the affirmative. And if after that, you start talking about mistrust, she will go on the defensive and take offense at you.

So don't try to talk about trust. If you ask your wife to trust you, she still won't do it. Trust is built on other principles, not in words, but in deeds.

What to do if your wife doesn't trust you.

Try to find out the reason for the distrust... You may discover things and details for yourself that you didn't even pay attention to before. Awareness of the problem is the only way to solve it.

Do what is credible. Put a picture of your wife on your computer desktop, put the photo in your wallet. Reassure your wife that all colleagues at work know that you are happily married.

You can also regain trust in other ways. Call your wife more often and tell her what you are going to do. And if you promised something, then try to keep it. Give her more compliments and convince her that there is no point in flirting with another, since you already have the best.

Stop flirting with other girls, stop doing what she doesn't like. Most likely now is not the time to chat with other girls. Relax and unwind. Perhaps that will be enough.

If you've made a mistake in the past. It is impossible to regain trust in one day. This takes weeks, months, and sometimes years. But don't give up. Show your wife that you are sorry for what you did, and sooner or later she will be yours again.

Show your wife that you love her very much. Attention, care, affection and tenderness. There is not a single woman who, receiving all this from her husband, would not trust him. Be the best for her, and she will stop being jealous and will be yours again.

Nowadays, few people know that there are certain commandments of the wife, because we are accustomed to the fact that relationships are built by themselves and then fall apart by themselves, alas.

The idea is that a woman by nature has an amazing ability to build her own, involving her husband and other loved ones in this process.

This happens because it has tremendous psychic power, and it directly affects family relationships, the husband's position in society and the state of inner comfort. But are we women wisely using our power? These commandments of the wife show what will happen in one case or another, and the choice is yours!

Wife's commandments *

1. If a wife does not respect her husband, others do not respect him

This fact is easy to trace in public relations between spouses. For example, a wife “breaks off” in every possible way, tells some of his mistakes, talks about his shortcomings. Who will respect a person if they know so much about him? Even in a new company and at work, the neglect shown by the wife will be felt by the employees and, as a result, they will put it into nothing.

2. If a wife does not trust her husband, then others do not trust him

As in the first case, a wife can spread rot on her husband for some past oversight, express mistrust in his address, joke about love. You often hear how husband and wife tease each other and hint at possible lovers and mistresses.

3. If a wife sees only good in everyone around her, she attunes her husband to such a vision.

The man is generally more critical. But a wife, if she has an exalted soul, will never criticize others, moreover, she easily finds something good in each person. In this case, the husband will look at her as a person of a higher order, respecting her divine essence, purity and nobility. Such an example is contagious!

4. If the wife does not notice the negative qualities of her husband's character and constantly pays attention to his positive qualities, then she thereby eliminates his negative qualities

Everything is very simple. The law of concentration is at work. What we focus our attention on is what we get.

5. If the wife is dissatisfied, then everyone in the family will be dissatisfied.

It's about the psychic power of a woman. Try to upset her, the child will immediately feel it. He will cry, be capricious, even the parrots and the cat, not to mention the husband, will be uncomfortable.

6. If a woman constantly points out to her husband about his advantages and ignores his shortcomings, then the man begins to grow in what he is pointed out

It is very similar with point 4, but nevertheless here we are not talking about getting rid of bad qualities, but about increasing positive ones. But the law is the same - concentration of attention.

7. If a woman opens her mind to her husband and tells him everything, then he can never deceive her and cheat on her

This is the "golden rule"! We were taught the opposite - be a mystery to a man, etc. But when a wife opens her heart, sincerely, without concealing anything, trusting him completely, he simply will no longer be able to betray her.

8. If a wife sincerely practices service to her husband, then she becomes absolutely protected from all difficulties in life.

Service and helpfulness are often confused. It is about selfless giving, when a wife lovingly does housework, prepares food, cleans, and massage her husband.

A woman has a flowing energy, and she can easily be spent, and so the husband sets some limits and she feels protected as in a vessel.

9. If the wife tries to understand her husband's temperament and tries to satisfy him, then the man will be ready to move mountains for her sake.

This is not about the fact that a wife, forgetting about herself, gives everything to her husband. This is about the direction of her energy, when she thinks about him and tries to make everything good in the family. This is not thinking about how everything got enough or how bad he is. These are thoughts about ways of gratitude and love for your husband.

10. If a wife thinks that she got not the best option, an insufficiently worthy and serious person, then her husband will cheat on her and she will have no chance of becoming happy in the family, and such a family will surely fall apart

In fact, we are talking about moral betrayal, she is thinking about the "best option." The husband will not feel the faithfulness and chastity of his wife, her inner purity and integrity, and therefore it is easy for him to betray her.

11. If a woman has dryness in her heart (unwillingness to give her love), then her husband begins to drink (alcohol)

The husband relaxes next to his wife. And if she does not allow this, feeling some tension, discontent or thinks that he is not worthy of her, the woman's heart hardens. Also, if she hides something, does not tell him, deceives in essence, this also develops dryness in the heart.

12. If the family falls apart, then the main efforts to preserve it should be made by the wife.

One could argue with that, but I don't want to. A woman is so mentally strong that she can really do as she wants - either save the marriage or destroy it. And if this does not work out for her, the question is where her feminine power was lost, why did she not accumulate it or spend it for other purposes.

So, these are the main commandments of the wife, thanks to which she will find happiness. Probably, it is worth adding that the last point assumes the fulfillment of all the previous ones, then the marriage will certainly not fall apart.

Lyudmila Ponomarenko

* These commandments of the wife are based on the Vedic concept of the relationship between a man and a woman, presented by Professor O.G. Torsunov.

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