Home Flowers Stork in Belarusian translation. Why the stork is a symbol of Belarus

Stork in Belarusian translation. Why the stork is a symbol of Belarus

Answer from Voice Of Silence [guru]
Leleka - White Stork (from Ukrainian.) - a bird from the Stork family, a large wading bird.
General characteristics.
This is the most famous of the storks. It is a white bird with black wingtips, a long neck, a long thin red beak and long reddish legs. When the stork's wings are folded, the impression is created that the entire back of the stork's body is black. Hence its Ukrainian name - Chernoguz. By color, females are indistinguishable from males, but somewhat smaller. The growth of the white stork is 100-125 cm, the wingspan is 155-200 cm. The weight of an adult bird reaches 4 kg. Outwardly, the Far Eastern stork looks like a white stork, but recently it is considered a separate species.
The white stork is found throughout Europe and Asia. In Europe, its range extends in the north to Sweden and the Leningrad region, in the east to Smolensk, Bryansk and Orel. Winters in India, tropical Africa. The population of storks living in southern Africa has settled. Also, some storks living in Western Europe, in places with relatively warm winters, do not fly away for wintering. For wintering, white storks fly in two routes. Birds living west of the Elbe River cross the Strait of Gibraltar and spend the winter in Africa between the Sahara and tropical rain forests. Storks nesting east of the Elbe fly through Asia Minor and Palestine and remain overwintering in East Africa between South Sudan and South Africa. Some storks settle in Ethiopia and South Arabia. At all wintering grounds, white storks gather in flocks of thousands. Young immature birds sometimes stay in Africa all summer. Storks fly to winter during the day. They fly at high altitudes, often hovering. To do this, they choose the most aerodynamically convenient terrain. Storks avoid flying over the sea.
The main food of these birds is small vertebrates and various invertebrates. The favorite food of storks living in Europe is frogs, toads, snakes and vipers, as well as large grasshoppers and locusts. Storks also feed on earthworms, May beetles, bears, sick or dead small fish, lizards, small mammals (mainly mice, rats, moles, hares and gophers), and very rarely on small birds. Looking for food, storks walk slowly, calmly, but when they see their prey, they quickly run up and grab it.
Initially, storks nested in trees, making a huge nest there from branches, but close to human habitation. Subsequently, they began to use the roofs of houses and other buildings for this, including those erected by people specifically for this purpose. Recently, storks have been arranging their nests on the supports of high-voltage lines, on factory pipes. One nest serves storks for several years. the older the nest, the larger it is in diameter, some stork nests weigh several centners, in such a huge nest not only storks usually nest, but also various small birds - sparrows, wagtails, starlings. Often, after the death of parents, their children take possession of the nest. The oldest nest of storks is considered to be a tower nest in eastern Germany that served birds from 1549 to 1930.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What kind of bird is LELEKA?

Answer from Nadezhda Pechkina[guru]
The bird is carrying children ...

Agency for information and communication of teenagers communication AIST automatic measuring device of salinity and temperature oceanographic instrument AIST Automated information systems and technologies http://www.aist.ru/ ... Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

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STORK- STORK, stork, husband. Large long-legged migratory bird. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

-stork-- suffix A word-formative unit that stands out in the noun of a male person, which is characterized by an attitude to the sphere of occupation named by the word from which the corresponding noun is formed (algebra ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

STORK- STORK, ah, husband. A large migratory bird with a long, straight beak from the ankle order. White A. Black A. Family of storks. | adj. stork, oh, oh and stork, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

STORK- AIST, USSR, Moldova film, 1979, color, 31 min. Melodrama, poetic metaphor. After the war, the violinist returns to his native village and learns that his beloved girlfriend, relatives and friends were killed; the war did not spare anyone. The hero does not know what to live for ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

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The white stork is a beautiful white migratory bird with black wings, which makes its large nests near human habitation. Although Belarus is far from the first place in terms of the population of this bird species, the stork, in the minds of many people of the post-Soviet space, is associated with this country, thanks to the Pesnyars and their famous hit of the 70s on the verses of Nikolai Dobronravov “White stork flies over whitish Polesie flies ... ".

It is interesting that the word "stork" is present only in Russian as a borrowing from Turkic. In the Belarusian language, there are two names for this bird - busel (affectionately - buslik) and lyalko. Busl belongs to one of the first places in the list of winged creatures beloved by the Belarusian people. Together with the swallow, dove, crane and nightingale, this is a special "God", "holy" bird. The image of a busl is perceived as a symbol of Belarus and its land.

Busel appears in popular beliefs as an absolutely intelligent creature endowed with high moral qualities. The origins of this attitude of Belarusians to the stork go back to the legend of its origin, which has survived in the rural traditional culture to this day. According to the mythological plot, Busel used to be a man. God instructed him to throw into the sea (abyss, pit) a tied bag (pot, bag) with various harmful creatures - insects, rodents, snakes.

The person was forbidden to untie and look inside the bag. The man could not resist the temptation to find out the secret and untied the bundle. All the contents instantly spread everywhere, and the person for curiosity and disobedience turned into a bead, which now walks around the world and collects livestock for food, which has crawled and scattered from the bag.

Busls are also present in other popular beliefs, which reflect the characteristics of the individual's behavior. The arrival of birds in early spring promises an imminent appearance of chicks, hence the idea that storks bring children. The owners interested in replenishing the family tried to equip a convenient place for nesting - a high pole with a circle, a tree trunk cleared of branches or a place on the roof. On the Annunciation, baked goods are baked, decorated with a bead paw print.

The fact that the bird returns to its old nest, each year, rebuilding and increasing it in size, gave rise to the tradition of considering the stork as the patron spirit of the house, bringing harmony and prosperity to the inhabitants. If the birds left the nest, this was considered a sign of imminent adverse events. The bird lives in pairs and shares the trouble of caring for the chicks. Hence, the stork is a symbol of fidelity, devotion and parental love. The stork, devouring swamp "evil", also became a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

If an accident occurs with a bird, local residents will definitely help it. There are even special centers in Belarus where poultry victims, for example, from high-voltage wires, are helped. Busel in Belarus has become a symbol of national purity and revival. The image of a majestic bird in a wide variety is lovingly reproduced in crafts and other souvenirs.

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