Home Indoor flowers Nuclear deep-water stations (AGS). The most secret submarine nuclear deep-sea station pr 1910 uniform

Nuclear deep-water stations (AGS). The most secret submarine nuclear deep-sea station pr 1910 uniform

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1st rank nuclear deep-water station / special nuclear submarine / deep-water technical facility. The design of nuclear deep-water stations for performing special tasks was started by the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of 1972 on the creation of an autonomous nuclear deep-water station (AGS), project 1910 "Kashalot" and the complex. The Volna Central Design Bureau of the USSR Ministry of Justice was appointed as the main executor of the projects. According to project 1910, the chief designer is E.S. Korsukov, the deputy is S.M. Bavilin. Later, by order of the Minister of the Shipbuilding Industry, for the design of AGS pr. 1910, a special design group was created under the leadership of Yuri Mikhailovich Konovalov. In 1974, SPMB Mashinostroeniya and TsPB "Volna" were merged into SPMBM "Malakhit", which was entrusted with escorting the autonomous AGS pr.1910 and complexes and later.

In October 1976, in accordance with the Order of the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy, a detachment of hydronauts was formed to operate deep-water stations, following the model of the cosmonaut corps. The candidates for the detachment had to: serve on the submarine of the USSR Navy for at least 5 years, be a member of the CPSU and pass a medical commission according to the requirements that the cosmonauts had to meet. The formation of the detachment was started on the territory of the 39th brigade of submarines being built on Rimsky-Korsakov Street in Leningrad. The first officer of the detachment was Platon Aleksandrovich Chebotayev, who formed the detachment and was appointed deputy commander of the detachment. Later, the detachment was provided with a small town on the Shkipersky channel, in which physicists had previously studied the effect of nuclear radiation on living organisms. The detachment existed there until 1992. In 1979, the 1st and 2nd AGS crews of the 1st rank AS-13 pr.1910 were recruited into the training squadron. In 1979, the formation of the 29th separate brigade of the KSF submarine began for the basic maintenance of AGS and the operation of their carriers in the Northern Fleet in the Olenya Bay. In 1980, the first hydronauts of the detachment began operating the Seliger towed complex ().

The exact purpose of the AGS is not known, but it is believed that the stations were created to carry out special operations on the ocean floor. The construction of a series of stations has been carried out by the "Leningrad Admiralty Association" (Leningrad) since 1977. The main station of the series - AS-13 - was launched on November 25, 1982 and, after factory and state tests (started in 1983), was adopted by the Navy into trial operation 12/31/1986 The construction of a series of three boats was completed on 12/16/1994, the transfer of the third boat to the Navy. All Project 1910 submarines served or are serving in the Northern Fleet as part of the 29th separate brigade of the Navy submarine in Olenyaya Bay.

One or two stations of Project 1910 (presumably AS-13 and AS-14) may have been decommissioned from the Navy in 2004 and in 2005 and are based at the wall of the Zvezdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk (in 2007 it remained one ACS, although there is a possibility that the second ACS is of another project).

In some online media, the name of the cipher of the "Cayman" project is also found - probably erroneous. Also, sometimes the AGS project is referred to in the sources as "Nelma", which is just as erroneous. The name of the project - "Yauza" - is given on the official website of the SPMBM "Malakhit" next to the photo of the submarine pr.1910.All data and graphics are based on publicly published information.

The AGS design is a double-hull with two tandem-located robust hulls. Titanium alloys are used in the construction of the durable case.

Presumably AGS AS-33 pr.1910 UNIFORM in Olenya Bay. Photo published 03.03.2011 (http://forummarine.forumactif.com).


Propulsion system: nuclear power plant with pressurized water reactor and two turbine generators with a total rated power of 10,000 hp, main propulsion motor and 6 thrusters. It is likely that the nuclear power plant, located in a separate robust case, is serviced only in the conditions of the base - in the dock.

The nuclear power plant was probably developed at NIKIET, the chief designer is V.A. Shishkin ().

The main propeller is an adjustable pitch propeller, 6 thrusters (two groups in the bow and aft, in one group - along the column along the sides and one on top in the superstructure).

Right front thruster in retracted position without cover. Nuclear deep-water station AS-13, project 1910, parked near the Zvezdochka shipyard, Severodvinsk, presumably 2010 (http://forums.airbase.ru).

Model AGS pr.1910 produced by the company "MicroMir" (http://karopka.ru/).

Performance characteristics of a nuclear deep-water station:
Crew - 8-12 people

Length - 69 m
Width - 7 m
Draft - 5.2 m

Surface displacement - 1390 t
Displacement underwater - 2000 t

Surface speed - 10 knots
Maximum underwater speed - no data
Diving depth - 700 m (according to Western data, most sources indicate - up to 1000 m)

Armament- according to Western data, it is absent.

Equipment: unique and made specifically for the AGS project.
Observation and navigation systems:
- GAS side view;
- echo sounder;
- television observation system;
- binocular optical system;
- high-frequency profiler;
- a complex of photographic equipment for shooting external objects;
- magnetometer;
- satellite navigation system;

The presumptive arrangement of devices on the model AGS pr.1910 produced by the company "MicroMir" (http://karopka.ru/).

Project 1910 - UNIFORM- Experimental nuclear deep-water station AS-13.

In the center is the nuclear deep-water station AS-13 at the wall of the Zvezdochka shipyard, Severodvinsk, 05/10/2010 (photo - Likhanov, http://forums.airbase.ru).

Nuclear deep-water stations АС-13 pr.1910 UNIFORM and pr.18510 near the wall of the shipyard "Zvezdochka" in Severodvinsk, 18.11.2010 (photo - maverick, http://www.klubsmi.ru).

Project 19100 - UNIFORM- the head and the second serial nuclear deep-water stations (AS-15 and AS-33).

Project 19101- probably a modernization option. There is no data on the implementation of the project.

Project 19102- a variant of the modernization of the AGS pr. 1910. In 2010, the design bureau carried out work on the project, and on December 22, 2010 ( see below "Status"), it is likely that Decision No. 31 / 030-19102-401-001-11 was adopted, on the basis of which the modernization of the AGS AS-15 was carried out (although the contract for the repair and modernization of the AS-15 was signed on March 2, 2005). The planned completion date is 2013 ( by sources - see below "Status").

Project 1910 UNIFORM nuclear deep-water station (photo processing from http://forums.airbase.ru)

Presumptive projections of the nuclear deep-water station of project 1910 UNIFORM, a trial version of 04/03/2011 (below) and a more accurate version of 04/05/2011,

Presumptive projections of Project 1910 UNIFORM and section, version of 12.09.2011

Status: USSR / Russia
- 1979 - the 1st and 2nd AGS crews of the 1st rank AS-13 pr.1910 were recruited to the hydronaut detachment for training ().

- 1981 - recruited and started training the crew of the AGS AS-15 ().

1994 - one of the submarines of the project made a scientific expedition in the southern part of the Barents Sea - it covered about 1000 km along the bottom profile in the northeast direction.

2000 August 13 - during the disaster with the K-141 Kursk SSGN, pr.949A, the AS-15 pr.1910 station was involved in the search and rescue of the submarine. According to the chronology of events around the sinking of the "Kursk" on August 13, 2000 at 10:30 am, the Commander of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy announced a combat alert for the AS-15 station. The order is to follow the Kursk SSGN detection point. at 22-00

2000 August 14 - AS-15 received a task from the Commander of the Northern Fleet to survey points 1 and 2. Point # 1 with coordinates: W = 69 degrees 36.9 minutes north, D = 37 degrees 34.5 minutes east - this is the K-141 Kursk submarine. Point 2 with coordinates: W = 69 degrees 37.8 minutes north, L = 37 degrees 33.3 minutes east south of two buoys on 10 cables.

2000 August 15 - at 00-28 AS-15 sank and at 04-09 surfaced without finding an object. at 05-37 re-immersion of the AS-15, targeting is carried out by the aircraft carrier "Peter the Great" and the BOD "Admiral Chabanenko". At 07-56 from AS-15, a signal was received about the detection of the Kursk SSGN. At 10-00 AC-15 pops up. 11:00 - reported from AS-15: “Found submarine K-141. The submarine lies on a course of 285 degrees, trim - 0 degrees, roll 5-10 degrees to starboard. The aft compartments behind the felling are intact. The light body is torn in the nose. Pipelines protrude from the top of the body. Ballast and VVD balloons are scattered on the ground near the submarine. In the area of ​​the nose, air was etched for a short time. There are no signs of life. No signals were detected. Visibility 3 meters. Strong bottom current 1.2-1.4 knots. The total amount of damage to the body in the nose is 20-30% of the total area of ​​the upper hemisphere. "

2000 August 16 - at 13-27 AS-15 sank again to check the sound-underwater communications and further work on the survey of the sunken submarine. 14:30 AC-15 transmitted: “Found an object. Began documenting. " 18:45 AS-15 (Project 1910 "Kashalot") reported: "No bow rudders were found during the survey of the sunken submarine." 19:23 AS-15 transmitted: "I observe the raised pull-out devices at the facility." 23:00 AS-15 (Project 1910 "Sperm whale") surfaced to the surface.

2000 August 18 - at 02:26 AM AS-15 began diving to carry out work according to the plan. 03:00 AS-15 entered the facility and began work. 09:27 AS-15 (Project 1910 "Sperm whale") surfaced to the surface.

2000 August 19 - 04:25 AS-15 (Project 1910 "Kashalot") sank into a submerged position and follows into the area to search for fragments of the sunken submarine. The control over the place and actions of the AS-15 and sound-underwater communication with it is carried out by the submarine B-414. 09:04 AS-15 surfaced to the surface. During the survey of the area, 5 fragments of a sunken submarine were found.

- 2003 August 5 - launched at the Sevmash Production Association in Severodvinsk. For some time in the West it was assumed (erroneously) that it could be an AGS of the UNIFORM type.

AGS AS-13 pr.1910 in the Zvezdochka shipyard. Presumably in the photo AS-13, Severodvinsk. The photo is probably dated 2003 (photo from http://forums.airbase.ru)

Presumably AGS AS-15 pr.1910 at the crossing by sea to Severodvinsk for repair and modernization, summer 2004 (photo edited, public source - http://forums.airbase.ru).

- 2005 March 2 - the contract # 32/27 / KE / 18-05 (8628/555) was signed between the Ministry of Defense and the Zvezdochka shipyard for the repair and modernization of AGS AS-15, factory # 01402 ().

Project 1910 deep-water nuclear power stations near the Zvezdochka shipyard. Presumably, the photo is in the center of AS-13, below - AS-15. The top photo is a general shot. Severodvinsk, April 15, 2007 (photo from http://forums.airbase.ru)

- 2009 - as part of the Northern Fleet officially 3 AGS pr.1910.

2009 March 19 - an agreement was signed with the Zvezdochka CS for technical support of the repair and modernization of the AGS AS-15 (serial number 01402) in the amount of 255.7 million rubles. The term of execution is 2013 ().

2009 August 06 - an agreement was signed with the Zvezdochka CA for the development of conceptual documentation and acceptance documents for the modernized AGS AS-15 (serial number 01402) in the amount of 172.4 million rubles. Deadline for completion - 2013 (). Probably talking about the modernization of the AS-15 according to Project 19102 (see below).

2010 April 14 - Agreement No. 24/10/71047 was signed between SPMBM "Malakhit" and NIPTB "Onega" in the amount of 548 thousand rubles. “Approval of documentation, pr. 19100, developed. under contract No. 71047 (32/27 / KE / 13-07) ". ( ist. - NIPTB "Onega", 2010).

2010 December 22 - Decision No. 31 / 030-19102-401-001-11 was adopted on the basis of which later - under the contract dated March 16, 2012 - technical support for the repair and modernization of the 60IKM product of order 01402 with a deadline of 2013 was carried out in the amount of 15 million rubles. Also, the following work was carried out on the 60IKM product: correction of the operational documentation of the CPS equipment for the 60IKM unit, order no. 01402, extension of the service life of non-replaceable equipment of the product 60IKM order no. No. 01402, development of design documentation for new KB buildings according to drawing 19102-622-0005 for order no. 09204. ().

Presumably AGS AC-33 pr.19100 UNIFORM in Olenya Bay. Photo not later than 2010 (http://www.dutchintell.com).

Presumably AGS AS-33 pr.19100 UNIFORM in Olenyaya Guba. July 26, 2010 (http://vkontakte.ru).

Presumably AGS AC-33 pr.19100 UNIFORM in Olenya Bay. Photo no later than November 2011 (public source, processed).

2011 - at the Zvezdochka CS, a technology was developed and work was performed on the mechanical cutting of a durable AGS casing of project 1910 ( ist. - Annual report for 2011).

2012 May 11 - an agreement was signed between CS Zvezdochka and NIPTB Onega No. 92-27 / 12 in the amount of 21.5 million rubles ... 01402 at OJSC "TsS" Zvezdochka "( ist. - NIPTB "Onega", 2012).

2013 July 26 - the date of signing the Order for the sale of mixed scrap of titanium of various grades, formed in the course of the repair and modernization of AGS AS-15 serial number 01402 ().

Registry AGS pr.1910 UNIFORM (version as of 09/11/2013, data on basing are tentative):

NIPTB "Onega", 2012, annual report. Severodvinsk, 2013
JSC SPMBM Malachite. Annual report for the period 01.11.2008 - 31.12.2009 St. Petersburg, 2010
JSC "SPMBM" Malachite ". Site http://www.malachite-spb.ru/, 2011
Public Association "Union of Photo Engineers". 2012 ().
Saranov V., At the bottom. Russian scientists have invented a glass submarine. // Version. No. 33/2003
Taras A.E., Nuclear submarine fleet 1955-2005. M., Ast, Minsk, Harvest, 2006

Assault on the depth. Website http://deepstorm.ru, 2009
Balancer.Ru. Forum http://forums.airbase.ru, 2009, 2011
Jane's Fighting Ships 2004-2005. UK, 2004

Name Project Plant.
Board No. Plant Bookmark date Launch date Date entered. into operation Basing
1 AS-13
1910 01401 238 (1991) LAO
responsible deliverer E.P. Melnikov, leading military representative Starchenko Yu.M.
20.11.1977 25.11.1982
- 2000 - Deer Lip;
- by 05.05.2004 it is standing at the Zvezdochka shipyard to the left of the entrance to the inner pool;
- 30.07.2010 and later - in the same place.
2 AS-15 19100 / 19102
01402 643 (1991)


responsible deliverer R.I. Sultanbekov, leading military representative G.E. Fedorov
23.02.1983 29.03.1988 30.12.1991 29th brigade of submarine Northern Fleet (military unit 13090), Olenya Guba (Snezhnogorsk-1).
- 2000 - Deer lip
- by 05.05.2005 it is at the Zvezdochka shipyard, as of 15.04.2007 in the same place,
- 09.24.2007 and later absent - is at the Zvezdochka shipyard to carry out repair and modernization of the AGS ()
- 2011-2013. - Order No. 402 for repair and modernization of Project 19102 at the Zvezdochka Central Station ( ist. - Annual report 2012, )

Faster, deeper, further - these are the main distinguishing features of promising unmanned submarines. The President said that underwater drones are capable of carrying both conventional warheads and nuclear ones. Therefore, they can be used to destroy any targets: from entire aircraft-carrying strike groups to ports and coastal bases. In 2017, tests of a compact nuclear reactor, which will supply energy to promising drones, were completed. It turned out to be 100 times smaller than the power plants of conventional submarines, and gains maximum power 200 times faster.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, spoke about the capabilities of an underwater unmanned vehicle, which Vladimir Putin presented during his message to the Federal Assembly: “The main element of such an underwater vehicle, a nuclear power plant, has been successfully tested. The presence of a nuclear power plant allows an unmanned underwater vehicle to move at great depths (over a thousand meters) and at high speed, remaining unnoticed by the enemy. Unmanned underwater vehicles will have an almost unlimited cruising range, have low noise and high maneuverability. All this will allow them to secretly go to their targets, ”Korolev said in a statement. He noted that "a guidance system specially created for this weapon will enable underwater vehicles to independently reach the target and hit it with high accuracy."

Nuclear deep-water stations AGS - "Loshariki" and nuclear submarines for special purposes (PLASN)

In the fall of 1999, a book by Sherri Sontag and Christopher Drew, Blind Man's Bluff, was published in the United States, subtitled The Untold Story of American Underwater Espionage. It mainly deals with clandestine operations of submarines of the US Navy against the USSR after the Second World War. In it, in particular, it was also reported that in August 1972, the American special-purpose nuclear submarine Halibat installed next to the underwater cable of the USSR Ministry of Defense, connecting Kamchatka with the mainland, a device, by the way, of very significant dimensions, which removed and recorded on magnetic tape classified information.

From time to time, during an operation codenamed Ivy Bells, American submarines made their way into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to the “gold mine”, as the Pentagon, the CIA and NSA called the cable, and took the recordings of the negotiations from it.

This went on for a long time.

American spy "device" recovered from the bottom of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

However, in Washington, they did not know that some time after the installation of the device, the anchor of some Soviet civilian ship was hooked on it. Navy divers came to the rescue. It was they who discovered the overseas six-meter "gift". The corresponding Soviet services used it to the fullest, driving disinformation through the cable. The discovery of an underwater "bug" initiated a check of all Soviet underwater communications. And when an eavesdropping device was discovered on one of the communication lines near the Kola Bay, no one was surprised. And he, too, was made a tool for draining "desa".

The installation of the "bugs" was confirmed in 1980 by the NSA officer Ronald Pelton, recruited by Soviet intelligence in the United States, who was betrayed in 1985 by the defector agent Vitaly Yurchenko. After that, there was no point in using a spy device in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. He was raised from the bottom and presented to the public.

But the "bug" installed by Halibat was at a depth of 120 m. Working with objects located at depths of more than 500 m, and even more so 1000 and 6000 m, is much more difficult, if not impossible. The secret lines of the DoDIN information network of the Pentagon run along the bottom of the Atlantic, there are stationary hydroacoustic observation stations monitoring the movement of Russian nuclear-powered ships, as well as underwater "beacons" with which American submarines check the accuracy of their course. And in general, there are many interesting things under the multi-meter water column.

Re-equipment of the nuclear submarine "Podmoskovye",

On August 11 of this year, the Zvezdochka ship repair center in Severodvinsk hosted a ceremony for the withdrawal of the Podmoskovye nuclear submarine from the slipway, which is undergoing deep modernization, and in fact, the restructuring from the K-64 SSBN of project 667BDRM into a large special-purpose submarine BS-64 according to project 09787 developed by TsKB MT "Ruby". Now it has already been launched. This submarine will be the carrier of the so-called nuclear deep-sea stations of the 1st rank.

Note that the conversion of the K-64 strategic missile carrier into a carrier of underwater vehicles began already in 1999: work was repeatedly suspended due to revision of the terms of reference and lack of funding. It is known that the missile compartment was cut out of the submarine's hull - it was replaced with a compartment of a special design with connectors and airlocks for small submarines. It also houses a comfortable compartment for the station's hydronaut crew and a research unit. Due to the insertion of a new compartment, the length of the submarine has increased.

Nuclear deep-sea stations (AGS) are relatively small nuclear submarines with titanium hulls, capable of operating at depths, according to reference books, more than 1000 m. They are designed to perform scientific research and special operations. The first three AGS project 1910 "Kashalot" with an underwater displacement of about 2000 tons developed by SPMBM "Malakhit" (chief designer - ES Korsukov) were built by "Admiralty shipyards" and in 1986-1994. handed over to the customer. In the West, these boats received the designation Uniform.

Submarine "Podmoskovye" - AGS transporter.

All work on alteration of the submarine was carried out at the Zvezdochka shipyard from 1994 to 2002. In particular, all the silos for ballistic missiles were dismantled on the nuclear submarine, in addition to this, the structure of the submarine was strengthened, which, according to unconfirmed information, can now dive to a depth of 1 kilometer. The AS-12 deep-sea station is attached to the carrier from below. Currently, the K-129 submarine is part of the Russian Northern Fleet and bears the designation BS-136 "Orenburg".

The next trio of AGS project 1851/18511 "Nelma" with an underwater displacement of about 1000 tons was designed by the same SPMBM "Malachite" (chief designer - Hero of Russia SM Bavilin) ​​and built by the same "Admiralty shipyards". There are no clear photographs of these submarines. But if you trust the Covert Shores resource, which specializes in collecting and generalizing information about the forces and means of special underwater operations, then in the bottom of the bow of these submarines there are powerful manipulators capable of performing a variety of tasks: from collecting elements of various kinds of weapons on the seabed to “ gnawing "underwater cables.

The western designation for boats of this type is X-Ray.

AGS project 1910 "Kashalot".

Finally, the most famous of the AGS - the AS-31 project 10831 with an underwater displacement of 2,100 tons - due to the design features of its robust hull, which is a "chain" of titanium spheres, received the unofficial name "Losharik". The submarine was designed by SPMBM "Malakhit" (chief designer - Hero of Russia YM Konovalov) and built by Sevmash. She entered service in 2006. During the expedition "Arctic-2012" in August-October 2012, this boat spent twenty days collecting soil and rock samples at depths of 2500-3000 m. This record is unlikely to be broken in the foreseeable future. Is that some regular Russian-made AGS.

As Izvestia was told in the Ministry of Defense, the boat helped to adjust the drilling work, which was carried out from diesel-electric icebreakers Kapitan Dranitsyn and Dikson to determine the outer border of the continental shelf of Russia.

- As a result of joint work, a huge amount of geological material was obtained. More than 500 kg of fragments of classified rocks were selected. The results of the expedition will form the basis of an application to the UN Commission on the Law of the Sea to confirm the continuation of the continental shelf of Russia, previously rejected for insufficient geological samples, and, accordingly, the priority right to develop shelf resources, - said the source of Izvestia.

During the expedition, the entire ridge was surveyed and three wells were drilled in two areas with soil sampling. With the help of "Losharik" equipped with manipulators, the soil was collected with a dredge (a device for cleaning rocks from layers), a telegrab (a large-capacity bucket with a TV camera) and a hydrostatic tube.

The work was carried out at a depth of 2.5 km to 3 km for 20 days. Due to the nuclear reactor and the unique titanium hull, the boat can stay under water much longer than civilian battery-powered bathyscaphes.

According to one of the members of the expedition, the boat's external lighting system was damaged during the work, which helps the boat to "see" the bottom at a depth and find various objects. In addition, manipulators will have to be repaired, with the help of which the boat takes soil samples and other objects from the ocean floor.

Now "Losharik" is being prepared for maintenance in the 42nd workshop of the "Sevmash" plant. Since "Losharik" is equipped with a nuclear reactor, after each exit to the sea, the submarine has to be lifted into the dock and eliminated minor malfunctions.

- During the repair, it is planned to restore the technical readiness of the boat, check the components and mechanisms, in particular the shafts and propellers. Although the depth for this boat was not very great, the hull would have to be leveled. During one of the dives, the external lighting system failed - we will replace it too, - explained a source in the military-industrial complex.

As the interlocutor of Izvestia said, the hull of Losharik is made of high-strength titanium, so it is much more difficult to remove dents on the hull than in a conventional steel boat. The carrier of "Losharik" is a converted strategic submarine of project 667 "Kalmar", from which ballistic missile launchers have been dismantled - the bathyscaphe is attached under its bottom.

- In February of this year, we have already repaired Losharik. They were preparing him for the trip to the North Pole. Additional bathymetric equipment was installed for seismic profiling of the seabed - in particular, a profiler (a device for measuring the depth of bottom sediments), side-scan sonar, etc. At the same time, spare parts and titanium plates were prepared for re-repair. The carrier boat was also finalized, a multi-beam echo sounder was installed on it, - the representative of the Ministry of Defense continued.

- The demand for such a device is very high. In Russia, besides Losharik, only deep-water stations Mir can operate at a depth of 2-3 km. In the last expedition led by Artur Chilingarov, both Mir were used. But now more complex and lengthy underwater work had to be done. For her, the "Worlds" lack autonomy. Therefore, we decided to use Losharik, - explained the interlocutor of Izvestia.

According to a representative of the Ministry of Defense, if Mir operates on batteries that provide operation for 72 hours, then Losharik is a full-fledged submarine with a nuclear reactor. It allows for the autonomous operation of the bathyscaphe for several months. It has places for the crew to rest, work rooms, a galley, etc. At the same time, the regeneration of air and water is provided no worse than at space stations.

- "Miras" are, in fact, walking bathyscaphes. Their manipulators are weak, with a limited number of movements, you cannot put additional bathymetry means, - explained the representative of the "Ministry of Defense".

So, according to the Covert Shores resource, the AGS project 1851 "Nelma" looks like.

And the AGS is delivered to the place of work by special-purpose nuclear submarines (PLASN). In fact, these are transporter submarines. Now this role is played by BS-136 "Orenburg" of project 09786 developed by CDB MT "Rubin". It was converted from Project 667BDR SSBN K-136 at the Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center. A special compartment is cut into its hull, into which the AGS "hides" and is transported to the place of deep-sea research. It was the nuclear submarine BS-136 "Orenburg" that in September 2012 delivered under the ice "Losharik" to the North Pole, and that of its womb several times "escaped" to the bottom of the crown of the Earth.

KS-129 "Orenburg" - Project 09786 large special-purpose nuclear submarine.

During the rally along the White Sea, the operators of the English TV program Top Gear managed to capture the AC-31.

Orenburg will be replaced by Podmoskovye. Nuclear deep-sea stations are undergoing repairs and modernization in preparation for upcoming missions. AGS and PLASN-transporters are organizationally part of the 29th separate brigade of special-purpose nuclear submarines of the Northern Fleet and are based on Olenya Guba.

AGS AS-31 project 10831 according to the Covert Shores resource.

That is why the AGS project 10831 received the unofficial name "Losharik".

PLASN "Podmoskovye" can transport different types of AGS.

In the period from 2004 to 2007, Captain 1st Rank A.I. Oparin headed the factory, state and deep-sea tests of an experimental submarine in the White, Barents, Greenland and Norwegian Seas. According to unconfirmed information, this submarine has fully completed the program of state tests by the fall of 2009. Most likely, it was accepted into the fleet in 2010 or later. Thus, in May 2010, information appeared in the press that a number of specialists from KB Rubin, Malakhit, Prometey, and the Zvezdochka shipyard were awarded state prizes for the “experimental deep-sea order 1083K”.

It is assumed that the boat is assigned to the Northern Fleet of Russia, while not subordinate to its command. AS-12 "Losharik" is part of the Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which is better known as "Underwater Reconnaissance" and reports directly to the Minister of Defense of the country. The body of the deep-sea station is assembled from high-strength titanium compartments with a spherical shape, in which the principle of a bathyscaphe is implemented. All compartments of the boat are interconnected by passages and are located inside the light hull.

It is assumed that it is precisely because of the design features that the shipbuilders of the Severodvinsk enterprise "Sevmash" nicknamed this boat "Losharik" by analogy with one Soviet cartoon character - a horse that was assembled from separate balls. At the same time, the technical characteristics of the boat are classified. According to the information available in the public domain, the boat is up to 79 meters long. The total displacement of the boat is 2000 tons. The deep-water station, according to some sources, can dive to a depth of 6 thousand meters and develop a maximum speed of 30 knots.

It is believed that one of the areas of the Losharik deep-water station is occupied by the E-17 nuclear reactor with a steam generating unit and a turbo-gear unit, the power of which on the shaft is 10-15 thousand liters. with. It is reported that the submarine is equipped with a single propeller in a special annular fairing. The station does not have any weapons, but at the same time it is equipped with a manipulator, telegrafeyr (bucket with a TV camera), dredge (rock cleaning system), as well as a hydrostatic tube. The crew of "Losharik" includes 25 people - all officers.

Carrier boat "Orenburg" in the place of permanent deployment, Olenya lip

The Losharik is underwater for several months. At the same time, the deep-water station has compartments for crew rest, a galley and work rooms. In February 2012, the submarine underwent repairs and preparations for the cruise to the North Pole. In particular, it is reported that the AS-12 station was equipped with additional bathymetric equipment for seismic profiling of the seabed, including a side-scan sonar and a profiler - a special device used to measure the depth of bottom sediments.

In early August, a number of central mass media reported that a unique submarine had been launched at the Severodvinsk shipyard "Sevmash". According to the press service of the enterprise, this ship "is designed for scientific and technical purposes and rescue people in extreme situations." No more details. It is only known that this submarine has an unusual layout: it consists of several spherical fragments, which allows it to operate at extreme depths. Neither the type of power plant, nor any other parameters of the ship were reported. Meanwhile, despite such a peaceful purpose of the submarine, its launching was accompanied by a number of oddities. The ceremony was closed not only for journalists, but also for the majority of Sevmash employees. Of the high-ranking officials, only the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov, was present at it. However, there is nothing strange in this. Obviously, the new ship will join the submarine special forces, information about which has always been kept in strict confidence.
About the history of the issue

"Special purpose submarines" is a very broad concept, as is the range of tasks they perform. The construction of such boats began in the post-war years. The bulk of them were the so-called experimental submarines, on which the latest technical solutions in the field of submarine shipbuilding, weapons, and hydroacoustic equipment were tested. As a rule, the experimental submarines were based on serial samples of submarines, which were subsequently subjected to deep modernization. The so-called target boats were also intended for similar purposes. At first, these were also converted serial ships, but later independent projects arose. For example, project 690 (Mullet). Rescue submarines are also classified as special-purpose submarines. There are a lot of them. The most recent development is the Project 940 submarine (Lenok). Several submarine projects are designed for more secret missions. Among them is the Project 865 submarine (Piranha), known from the film Peculiarities of National Fishing. The Piranha is used as a delivery vehicle for combat swimmers and saboteurs. There is plenty of information about these ships in open sources. In addition to conventional diesel, there are also special-purpose nuclear submarines. We will dwell on them in more detail.


These submarines have no names. Officially, they are designated by the abbreviation "AS" - "nuclear deep-water station". The first were put into service in the early 80s. The lead ship of the series was the nuclear deep-water station AS-13 "Project 1910" Kashalot "(according to the NATO classification Uniform), which was laid down at the LAO plant (Leningrad) in 1977. Officially, it was intended for "testing new types of nuclear reactors." It is noteworthy that the ship was accepted into the Navy only in 1986, while it began to perform tasks back in 1982. But more on that later. The second ship in the series was the AS-15 submarine, which was released at the same LAO in 1988.

The development of the 1910 project was the 1851 project (NATO classification X-Ray). According to sources, it is intended for deep-sea work and is equipped with a diving station. The ships were built at the Sudomekh plant (Leningrad). In total, three submarines were launched: AS-21, AS-23 and AS-35.

The newest nuclear-powered deep-water station entered the fleet in 1997. This is the project 10831 AC-12 submarine (according to NATO classification NORSUB-5).


About "kids", as the sailors dubbed these submarines, do not like to spread in the navy. Especially about the tasks that they perform. However, even what is said is often far from the truth. The topic is secret. Still, we managed to collect some reliable information. For example, it is known that until 1986 the "kids" were not included in the Navy, while they were conquering the depths of the sea with might and main. The submarines were listed under a separate division of the General Staff, which worked in the interests of the Main Intelligence Directorate. In 1986, the ships entered the Navy only indirectly. The fleet was entrusted with only certain issues of support, while control was still carried out directly from Moscow. It is also known that all nuclear deep-water stations are based in the Northern Fleet. They were brought together to the submarine brigade, which is organizationally part of one of the flotilla of the Northern Fleet. Until recently, the unit was commanded by Rear Admiral Vladimir Dronov, Hero of Russia. He was awarded this title in 2000. This suggests that there is still plenty of work for the "kids". So what is this job?

Underwater wiretapping

The specificity of the tasks of these submarines is indicated by their very name. Ships and their crews are mainly engaged in deep-sea work. They can "lie" on the ground for several months. The so-called uterine submarines are involved in their provision. For example, the Orenburg nuclear submarine of project 09774 (667AN) (converted from a strategic missile carrier). Previously, the "kids" were provided by the Project 940 rescue submarine of the Northern Fleet ("Lenok"). These are submarines - carriers of small descent vehicles ("Bester"), which play the role of a kind of elevator between the "baby" lying at a great depth and the surface. They transport people and goods. AS-12 (project 10831) is considered more advanced in this regard. According to our information, she "carries" her own mini-submarine "Rus". Moreover, "Rus" itself is capable of diving into fantastic depths.

What are all these submarines doing at depth? There are several versions. According to one of them, deep-sea stations are mainly engaged in banal wiretapping. Connect to submarine cables and download information. They also say that the "kids" are engaged in outright sabotage against NATO acoustic detection stations SOSUS on the famous Faroe-Icelandic border, which ensures the secrecy of the combat patrols of the nuclear-powered ships of the Northern Fleet. There is also information that deep-sea stations several times carried out operations to lift secret equipment from NATO planes and helicopters that crashed into the sea, and were also involved in the secret program "Bottom Start".

The importance of the work of submariners is evidenced by the fact that, according to available data, in the last 10 years alone, more than ten officers of the formation (including the commander) were awarded the title of Hero of Russia. By the way, only officers serve on these submarines.

Special forces on the "Kursk"

Obviously, the "kids" are equipped with unique equipment for deep-sea work. After the Kursk disaster, I repeatedly heard the question: why did we expect foreign aid when there were such submarines nearby? In fact, there were "kids" on the Kursk. This is AS-15 (project 1910 "Kashalot"). The boat surveyed the Kursk already on the night of August 12-13, 2000 - 10-15 hours after the disaster, and this is partly confirmed by official data. Another question arises: why did we ask for foreign aid then? There is a somewhat cynical version on this score. Like, they did not want to shine a secret submarine to the whole world. It is quite possible that even then it was extremely clear: it would not be possible to save anyone.

Glass boats

As we said at the beginning of this article, soon the composition of the deep-sea special forces will be replenished with a new ship, which the builders dubbed Losharik for design features. It seems that in terms of technical characteristics, it significantly surpasses its predecessors. At the same time, as we learned, in Russia for several years now, work has been underway to create a fundamentally new type of submarines that can make a real revolution in shipbuilding.

In 1995, Professor of the Far Eastern State Technical University V. Pikul invented and patented a method for manufacturing the shells of a strong body of an underwater vehicle from brittle non-metallic materials. The invention uses the effect of acquiring plastic properties by them in conditions of deep reduction. The professor suggests using glass as such a material. When using titanium claddings, the fragile layer of glass can be compressed to a stress of 10,000 atmospheres, which, according to the inventor's idea, will give the case sufficient shock resistance. According to calculations, a submarine with such a margin of safety will be able to operate at depths of up to 6,000 meters. Back in 1997, the Navy expressed a serious interest in these developments. However, the fleet does not have enough funds to finance them.

Brief tactical and technical characteristics of the submarine

displacement: normal - 1390 tons, full - 2000 tons
speed: underwater
position - 30 knots,
surfaced - 10 knots
maximum depth
dives: over 1000 m
dimensions: 69х7х5,2 m
crew: 36 people
TTX submarine project 1831
displacement: normal - 550 t,
full - 1000 t
working immersion depth:
1000 m
dimensions: 40x5.3x5 m of project 1910

To organize work on the creation and maintenance of deep-sea facilities in 1965, a special unit was created in the USSR Ministry of Defense - the Main Directorate for Deep-Sea Research.

And for the operation of deep-sea vehicles - in the image and likeness of the cosmonaut detachment - by order of the USSR Minister of Defense in 1976, a detachment of hydronauts was created and a Specialist Training Center was formed in Leningrad.

In June 1979, the formation of the 29th separate submarine brigade of the Red Banner Northern Fleet began in Oleny Bay for basic maintenance and operation of deep-water vehicles and their carriers. To carry out exits to the sea, the crews of the hydronauts of the stations went to the Northern Fleet, received equipment from technical crews, made an exit to the sea and returned the equipment back. The first deep-water assets of the Russian Navy were the towed bathyscaphes "Archipelago" and "Seliger", which gained invaluable experience in working with objects on the seabed.

The first nuclear deep-sea station

In fact, even before the start of operation of devices of the type " Seliger”It became clear that they have disadvantages. Firstly, it is the limitation of the area of ​​operations by communication with the carrier boat. Secondly, limited autonomy in terms of energy and resources of the crew life support system. And, thirdly, extremely poor maneuverability. Then the idea arose of creating an autonomous modification of the "Seliger" -type bathyscaphes by installing a nuclear reactor on the apparatus, increasing the dimensions, life support system, speed and maneuverability. Of course, the new type of apparatus should have received significant autonomy and significantly increased capabilities for the types of work that it could carry out at the bottom of the World Ocean.

So in the 1970s, the design of a new deep-water complex of project 1851 was started, which included a nuclear deep-water station (AGS) of project 18510 "Nelma" and a nuclear submarine carrier of project 675N.

At the same time, preparations were under way for a new carrier boat - the modernization of a nuclear submarine (PLA) of Project 675 under Project 675N (“ Carrier»).

September 25, 1981 at Leningrad Admiralty Association (now JSC "Admiralty Shipyards") was laid the head autonomous deep-water station AS-23 project 18510 " Nelma". Two years later, on September 29, 1983, the top-secret mini-submarine was launched, and its development and testing began. Apparently, back in Leningrad in 1984, a new deep-water vehicle was first discovered by Western reconnaissance means, and in the West the new device was given the name X-RAY. In 1986, the project 1851 complex entered the final stage of testing: for the first time, an underwater docking of the AGS with a carrier submarine was performed. The complex with AGS AS-23 was officially accepted into the USSR Navy on December 30, 1986.

One of the questions that immediately arises: how was a nuclear power plant housed in such a small underwater vehicle? In the preliminary design of the AGS project 18510, it was assumed to use a light power plant, similar to those used on spacecraft. The reactor was planned to be installed in a capsule without special heavy biological protection. The role of such protection was to be performed by seawater, i.e. the reactor compartment was made in the form of a separate block of a robust body, which is separated from the manned robust body by a washed space inside the outer lightweight body of the AGS.

The peculiarity and main disadvantage of the first nuclear power plant was the continuity of the design from the Seliger-type bathyscaphes. In fact, the new type of submarines was an apparatus similar to tethered bathyscaphes, but without a connecting cable and noticeably large, with its own small-sized nuclear power plant, as well as with more developed main and auxiliary propulsion devices - propellers. The entrance hatch to the AGS was located in the same place as on the first apparatus "Archipelago" - on the upper part of the hull, without a wheelhouse and any kind of fencing. The transfer of the crew to the AGS was to be carried out from a special transition compartment of the carrier boat, and in the event of an emergency, the exit in the event of an emergency could occur after the vehicle surfaced to the surface in the same way as on the Archipelago. In the process of operation, the structure of the AGS AS-23 was modified: the station received a fence, providing a safer exit to the deck of the AGS in case of surfacing. This is how the final appearance of the AGS project 18510 "Nelma", which we know today, was formed.

The development of the AGS. "Halibut" and "Sperm whales"

Already in the process of creating an experimental AGS project 18510, it became clear that the selected technical solutions turned out to be correct, and on December 26, 1984 at the Leningrad Admiralty Association, AGS AS-21 was laid, which became the head station of the already serial project 18511 " Halibut". The new AGS has large dimensions, improved capabilities and a new carrier boat of project 09774 based on the nuclear missile submarine of project 667A. Re-equipment of the carrier boat was carried out on Shipyard "Zvezdochka" in Severodvinsk since 1983.

According to the Halibut project, it was planned to build at least two nuclear power plants: the head AS-21 and the first serial AS-35. By the end of 1995, these plans were completed. In April 1991, the AGS AC-21 project 18511 was first identified by Western intelligence assets, and the project was named Paltus - apparently, the real name of the project was already known to Western intelligence through other channels.

Simultaneously with the creation of wearable ACS, work began on larger and more autonomous ACS of the 1st rank of the project 1910 " Sperm whale", Which, in fact, are full-fledged nuclear submarines with long autonomy. These are boats that can operate at a fairly large distance from their home bases.

The design of this new ACS according to the same Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1972 led Central Design Bureau "Volna" The USSR Ministry of Justice. The chief designer of the project was E.S. Korsukov, and his deputy - chief designer of "Nelma" S.M. Bavilin. Later, by order of the Minister of the Shipbuilding Industry for the design of the AGS project 1910, a special design group was created under the leadership of Yu.M. Konovalov. In 1979, the 1st and 2nd crews of the lead AGS 1st rank AC-13 project 1910 were recruited into the hydronaut detachment for training.

The construction of the 1st rank AGS project 1910 "Kashalot" was immediately planned to be carried out in a small series, which included the head and two serial AGS. The construction of the series has been carried out by the Leningrad Admiralty Association (JSC "Admiralty Shipyards") since 1977. The head station of the AS-13 series was launched on November 25, 1982, and after carrying out factory and state tests (started in 1983), the Navy accepted into trial operation on December 31, 1986. The construction of a series of three stations was completed on December 16, 1994, with the transfer of the third AGS to the fleet. The western name of the AGS project 1910 is Uniform.

It is believed that the submersion depth of the AGS of the first generations was at least 1000 m. This is several times greater than the submersion depth of conventional submarines, but, for example, the titanium "Komsomolets", created at about the same time and probably had much in common in its design with AGS, could dive to the same depth.

There is practically no open information on the operation of complexes with deep-sea stations in the open press, and one can only assume the scope of application of the new type of technology. AGS can be delivered to the area of ​​operations by nuclear-powered boats and then independently conduct searches and reconnaissance of objects on the seabed. Of course, such devices must be equipped with means of taking soil samples, as well as lifting objects on board. Like some civilian vehicles of this purpose, AGS should be equipped with means of monitoring the external situation, manipulative and remotely controlled equipment for working with objects.
It seems that the main purpose of such stations is to work with objects of their own and others that have fallen to the bottom, information about which may be valuable for intelligence.

Of course, such devices can conduct reconnaissance of cable (and not only) communications on the seabed, as well as disrupt their work. Of course, AGS can also be involved in rescue operations. It is known that from 13 to 19 August 2000, the AGS AS-15 project 1910 took part in the operation to survey the submarine lying on the ground " Kursk". Probably, it was the data from the AGS that was the first reliable information about the state of the Kursk.


The development of materials science and the accumulated experience in the creation and operation of nuclear deep-water stations should have organically led to the next quite revolutionary stage in their development - to the creation of even deeper and more versatile vehicles that would combine the capabilities of the autonomy of the AGS project 1910 and the immersion depth of the best scientific bathyscaphes. that time.

In the late 1980s, a group led by S.M. Bavilina in SPMBM "Malachite" prepared a draft design of the project 10830 complex, which included an AGS project 10831 with a polyspherical solid body. On the basis of the already mentioned Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, an experimental design development was organized to work out the technology for manufacturing a polyspherical strong body and monoblocks of lightweight aggregate, as well as to create equipment for such a station. The complex was supposed to include a PLA-carrier of the project 09786 BS-136 " Orenburg».

By 1990, the technical and working designs of the station were developed and approved. Moreover, the development of projects went along with the prototyping of the placement of equipment in the spherical compartments of the boat. In 1991, with almost ready-made blocks of the robust casing of the AGS, according to the customer's specifications, the technical project 10830 was adjusted in terms of placing additional equipment in the bow of the AGS. The corrected technical design of the project 10830 / 1083K complex was presented and defended in May 1992.

A special feature of the new deep-sea station was a rugged hull made of several intersecting titanium spheres. It was for this design that the underwater vehicle was unofficially called "Losharik" during construction, and this name stuck to it so firmly that it is now used everywhere. The space between the spheres and the light outer body was filled with a new porous material, which, similar to bathyscaphes of the " Consul"And other samples of deep-water technology, provided the submarine with the necessary combination of structural strength and created positive buoyancy. In one of the spheres there is a unique nuclear power plant.

AGS of this project can work both autonomously - like the large AGS of project 1910, and with a PLA carrier. The immersion depth of the new AGS exceeds the depth of the AGS project 18511 and project 1910 and can be more than 2000 m.Some sources even call 6000 m.

The creation of the groundwork for the construction of a new AGS of this project and the preparation of production were started at PO "Sevmash" in Severodvinsk back in 1988. This was caused, among other things, by the need to master the technology for manufacturing large-diameter titanium spheres: there was no previous experience in carrying out work of this kind in the USSR. The head AGS of the project AS-12 with the serial number 01210 was laid down in the "secret" shop # 42 PO "Sevmash" July 16, 1990. In the mid-1990s, due to a lack of funding, the construction of the station, in fact, was frozen and resumed only in 2000. The station was launched in the presence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy V. Kuroedov on August 5, 2003.

In the period from 2004 to 2007, Captain 1st Rank A.I. Oparin headed the factory, state and deep-sea tests of a special experimental submarine in the White, Barents, Norwegian and Greenland Seas. In 2006, the AGS project 10831 was transferred to the Navy for trial operation, and in 2008 it was adopted by the Russian Navy. In May 2010, some media reported on the awarding of the state prize to the specialists of JSC "Ship Repair Center" Star", JSC TsKB MT" Ruby", JSC SPMBM" Malachite"And FSUE TsNII KM" Prometheus"For" experimental deep-sea order 1083K ".

At the turn of the millennium, the design of a new Project 09787 carrier boat based on the Project 677 BDRM nuclear-powered missile submarine began. The new carrier was intended in addition to the carrier boat BS-136 "Orenburg". Probably, in the same years, the development of a program for the modernization of both the nuclear power plants themselves and the carrier boats began. In 2004, a contract was signed for the design of a complex of equipment for a carrier boat of project 09787 BS-64 "Podmoskovye". In 2008, the shipyard “Zvezdochka” began work on the modernization of the boat. It is believed that the "Losharik" was to become the main load of the new carrier.

At the same time, work began to restore technical readiness and modernize projects 10511 and 1910 that were no longer used by the AGS fleet. Probably, during the modernization, mechanical parts were replaced, the energy and control systems of the AGS were updated. The expansion of the arsenal of technical means for carrying out special missions is also quite probable.

But that's not all. In 2009, a contract was signed between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Rubin Central Design Bureau for the development of a project for the conversion of an unfinished project 949A cruise missile carrier into a special nuclear research boat. Belgorod". There are few details on the project available to the general public, but it is known that the new special boat will be a universal carrier of various underwater vehicles and, in fact, will become a real floating base for a whole flotilla of manned and unmanned underwater vehicles. On December 20, 2012 in Severodvinsk at PO "Sevmash" a ceremony of re-laying of a special boat of project 09852 KS-139 "Belgorod" took place. The commissioning of the new boat is expected by 2020.

As a result of many years of efforts by developers, industry and the Ministry of Defense, a new branch of the armed forces was created and equipped - the forces of deep-sea special operations, which include several large nuclear submarines, several carriers of small-sized bathyscaphes and uninhabited vehicles, a flotilla of nuclear deep-sea stations and a substantial range of various underwater support equipment. And this, at the moment, is undoubtedly a Russian world priority.

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