Home Flowers Pale man. Pale skin color - reasons. This film is an addition to "The Devil's Ridge"

Pale man. Pale skin color - reasons. This film is an addition to "The Devil's Ridge"


The most common cause of pale skin is anemia. If a person is constantly pale, he has low blood pressure, increased fatigue and irritability, his hands and feet are constantly cold, this may indicate the presence of iron deficiency anemia. With this disease, the level of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, the capillaries under the skin are not filled with blood enough. Often, anemia is present in people who are fond of diets, caused by insufficient iron in food.

Pale skin can also be with heart failure. With angina pectoris ("angina pectoris", a type of ischemic disease), there is insufficient blood circulation in the heart muscle. Against the background of pallor of the skin, compression appears in the region of the heart, pain radiating to the left arm, neck and even to the back.

With angina pectoris, pain occurs against the background of good health after physical exertion (running, climbing stairs), excessive emotions (positive and negative), after a hearty lunch, when walking in cold weather. The attack lasts up to 10 minutes and passes with a state of rest or taking medications (nitroglycerin).

If, along with pallor, pain occurs that is not associated with physical activity, and the attack lasts more than 15 minutes, then myocardial infarction may develop.

Pallor also accompanies vegetative-vascular. Dystonia is also characterized by dizziness, increased fatigue, hot flashes, changes in body temperature, arrhythmia, chest pains, constantly cold hands and feet, sweating, reaction to a change in weather, etc.

Pale skin is also a symptom of hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones). Hypothyroidism can be accompanied by anemia, as a result of which pallor occurs with a yellowish tinge. Hypothyroidism anemia occurs due to poor absorption of iron in the intestine.

Pale skin accompanies tuberculosis. In the literature there is even such a term "consumptive pallor". With tuberculosis, there is a sharp decrease in body weight, cough, coughing up blood, an evening increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees and strong.

Unusual poverty can be a symptom of (leukemia). In addition to pallor with leukemia, bruises appear on the skin from the slightest touch, under the eyes - blue circles, a person is constantly weak, lethargic, drowsy.

One of the unique and unlike any other films, leaving behind an ambivalent feeling.

But this is the kind of film that you will think about the next day, and the whole next week, and it is very likely that you will periodically remember it and later, possibly in difficult periods of your life.

I am not suggesting that you will definitely like it, but I can practically guarantee that it will be remembered.

It is declared primarily in the fantasy genre, and, indeed, it seems logical, but only for superficial viewing. Whoever will like the film, as I do, and who wants to penetrate into its essence, will class it first of all, in the category of psychological dramas, and taking it there, probably will already define it, if not in the first place, then definitely in the first row.

Let's break it down a bit, because it's more than worth it.

The first and foremost thing that attracts attention is a very rich storyline filled with numerous exciting events and inhabited by completely different and sometimes incredible characters.

To be more precise, the film has two storylines, or, to be more precise, one and a half - the world of reality and a fantasy country, which is a figment of the imagination of a little girl - the main character of the film - which is the essence - an application to the harsh reality in which this a little princess, and where she escapes, she cannot bear her existence in the real world.

The events of the film take place in Franco Spain during the Second World War. The mother of the main character remarries Captain Vidal, who is conducting punitive operations against the rebels who are resisting the established Franco regime. In fact, this is the cleansing of the dissenting forces by the well-armed and organized internal troops. The rebels, in turn, are waging a guerrilla war not without the support of the sympathetic local population, among which there are enough dissenting and hating (not without reason, as we know) the current regime.

Captain Vidal - the hero of the imposing Sergi Lopez - is an almost completely negative character without any sentimentality or any hint of humanity. The undisguised cruelty that this character demonstrates is shown in the film somewhat demonstratively and loudly, but here you can make allowances for the temperament of the creators and actors - the Spaniards are not indifferent.

Captain Vidal is as cruel to others as he is to himself. This is a man of war and only war. He is lost (or maybe never existed) for an ordinary human life, in which there is always love, mercy, compassion.

The mother of the main character is an unremarkable character, for me almost immediately moved to the rank of extras, with the only question to which I could not find an answer - why was it necessary to marry this monster? Moreover, having made such a step, she doomed to the unenviable fate of a hostage of a ruthless and indifferent beast, not only herself, but also her little daughter, whose future she had to think about first of all.

The main character of the film, brilliantly played by Ivana Bakero, is the star of the whole film. You really sympathize with her and you are very worried about her, so much touches her wonderful game and so difficult the position of her heroine, which does not correspond to her young age.

At the age of ten, she becomes a witness to horrors and cruelties that even the brain of an adult is not able to perceive calmly. What can we say about a little man who is just starting to live and immediately collides with characters like Captain Vidal.

In an effort to hide from the cruelty that surrounds her, she creates a fantasy world, and this world in most cases seems very real, which makes it possible to doubt whether it is in fact completely invented by the main character, or does it exist. Amazing fairy-tale characters come to the main character's room, from there doors open into mysterious and dangerous corridors inhabited by strange and creepy characters, and an old tree near the house turns out to be drying up because of the monster living in its roots.

The mysterious world exists, as it were, in parallel with reality, but from time to time it does not just come into contact with it, but tangibly and bitingly intersects with it, which puts the main character in a difficult and dangerous position - for example, when she tries to save her mother with the help of magic or final scene with little brother.

Such a plot structure around these two realities, the creation of a kind of looking glass, in which fiction is intertwined with reality, and fabulous heroes, with real heroes, gives the viewer the freedom to find a way out of this confused Faun's labyrinth.

Around the little girl with her fantasies, dramatic hostilities unfold, shown in the film in detail, making the heart squeeze with a corroding cocktail of disgust at the crimes and human cruelty, sympathy for the courage and fearlessness of rebels, fear and despair.

Maybe that's why the fantasies of the main character are not cloudless, and her fairy tale is not inferior in its severity to the surrounding reality. Maybe monsters whose existence you can put up with in an imaginary world have penetrated into the human world and are conducting their cruel policy here.

Maybe the fantasies of a little princess, where it is scary, hard, but where she can fight, where she finds friends, and where they together are able to give evil a worthy rebuff - this is just a reflection of reality, but where she is powerless to change something, despite all her strength and the purity of their souls and where the monsters, but already in human form, continue to commit their atrocities with impunity.

In fact, the film is another example of escapism - the creation of a parallel reality, similar to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, with the difference that in the latter, this fictional reality actually replaces the actual reality, and here the fictional reality is secondary and is shown in contrast to real life, which is dramatic what is happening surpasses all imaginable and inconceivable fantasies.

I don’t want to focus on the disadvantages in the form of lack of elaboration or naivety of some scenes, as well as some of the disadvantages of acting - this is not so serious and does not blur the main impression of the film.

I advise you to look at this wonderful work where fiction and reality, good and evil, vices and virtues are so magnificently intertwined. And yet, I somehow suddenly remembered about this film, considering the incredible strength and depth, and the bewitching of its almost tangible mysticism, Bosch's canvas, the temptation of St. Antonia - this film has something subtly similar to this stunning triptych.

Well, you probably guessed it yourself.

For example, yellowish skin- a sure sign of liver disease, and numerous acne rashes indicate either hormonal imbalance or intestinal problems.

And at what disease does the hand and the rest of the skin look pale? And does the pallor of the face always speak of the disease? Let's try to figure out at what disease a person's skin turns pale.

If, in addition to pale skin, symptoms such as low blood pressure, fatigue, irritability are present, then it is quite possible to assume the presence of iron deficiency anemia. Of course, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by examining blood. Anemia is common, especially among young girls and women of childbearing age. And, quite often, the cause of the disease is adherence to a strict diet. Pallor of the skin appears due to insufficient filling of blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin, as well as a low level of hemoglobin. Patients are worried about shortness of breath, they are constantly cold, hands and feet are especially cold. Anemia is a serious disease, if you suspect this diagnosis, you need to contact the clinic, as well as significantly revise your diet, you need to consume more iron.The doctor will probably prescribe iron-containing drugs, as well as B vitamins and folic acid. In addition to medicines, you should eat more foods containing iron - meat, liver, eggs. From plant products - beans, peas, broccoli, spinach. However, iron from plant products is absorbed worse, so you need to additionally take vitamin C, or eat citrus fruits, drink.

Directly depends from her blood supply. Knowing this fact, you can easily determine at what disease a person's skin will turn pale. For example, the pallor of the left hand indicates a weak heart.

But it's not just low hemoglobin levels that can cause blanching skin. In kidney disease, especially chronic, pallor is caused by vasoconstriction, especially small capillaries and swelling. If the patient has glomerulonephritis, the skin will be edematous and pale, although anemia may not be detected. With a severe course of this disease, a slight yellowness is added to the dryness and pallor of the skin. Also, in chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, bruises form on pale skin in the absence of external causes. Fatigue, poor appetite, general weakness also appear, sometimes the temperature rises, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. In chronic renal failure, the pressure is always high. In no case should you start kidney disease. The earlier treatment is started, the more chances of recovery are. Lack of treatment can lead to kidney necrosis, after which organ transplantation will be the only way of salvation.

Pale skin may indicate heart failure. Often powdery pallor occurs with an attack of angina pectoris. At this time, the patient is worried about pain, which can radiate to the neck, to the arm, less often to the back. Also sometimes there is a feeling of constriction, burning. The patient's body temperature drops, breathing becomes intermittent. At the first stage, myocardial infarction proceeds with the same symptoms. The difference is that the attack of angina pectoris passes quickly enough, and with a heart attack, the patient's condition continues to deteriorate. Therefore, when the first pains in the heart appear, especially accompanied by pallor, rapid breathing and palpitations, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.

Pallor of the skin may indicate such a serious illness as stomach ulcer or the duodenum. These ailments are often accompanied by internal bleeding. Additional symptoms are dizziness, weakness, fog in front of the eyes, or flickering of flies. Internal bleeding is characterized by bloody vomiting and black, loose stools. This is a serious medical condition that requires immediate hospitalization.

Hormonal disorders also affect the condition of the skin. Pale, clammy skin is common in people with diabetes. In patients with hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function), the skin becomes dry, pale, cold to the touch, and edematous.

Pallor is a common symptom of various infectious diseases... In particular, pulmonary tuberculosis. Patients with tuberculosis usually lose a lot of weight, their facial features become sharper, the skin of the face becomes milky white, only on the cheeks there can be an unnaturally bright blush. In the literature of the XIX there is even such an epithet "consumptive pallor", which describes an unhealthy complexion.

Pallor may occur and after recovery from any infectious disease, but this condition will not last long, until the end of the recovery period.

Of course, pale skin of the face does not always indicate such serious diseases, which are described above. Often a person looks pale after being in the cold for a long time. In this case, the blood is redirected to the internal organs, and the skin turns pale.

People look pale who lack physical activity. Their hearts work less intensely than those who move a lot. In addition, physically active people have more red blood cells in their blood, which are responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues and organs. Thus, in people who neglect physical education, the body suffers from a lack of oxygen.

In addition, other factors affect skin color, which can be combined under the general name of an unhealthy lifestyle. It can be a variety of stresses and bad ecology. As well as bad habits - smoking and alcohol consumption. These factors are not limited to the effect exclusively on the skin, all unhealthy habits undermine the human body, causing various diseases.

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