Home Flowers What a handyman shouldn't do. Manual therapy: indications and contraindications, techniques, reviews. Manual Therapy - What is it?

What a handyman shouldn't do. Manual therapy: indications and contraindications, techniques, reviews. Manual Therapy - What is it?

Bardukova Elena Anatolievna
neurologist, homeopath, work experience 22 years
✔ Article checked by a doctor

Famous Japanese rheumatologist:“THIS IS AMAZING! Russian methods of treatment of joints and spine cause only bewilderment. See how doctors offer to treat back and joints in Russia: Voltaren, Fastum gel, Diclofenac, Milgamma, Dexalgin and other similar drugs. However, these drugs DO NOT TREAT THE JOINTS and BACK, they only relieve the symptoms of the disease - pain, inflammation, swelling. Now imagine that…” Read full interview »

Manual therapy of the spine is a special method of massage, during which the doctor provides treatment for the disease. During the procedure, the chiropractor puts pressure on the joints and works them out with high quality. The patient during the session may feel severe pain, but after it ends, there is a noticeable relief.

The impact provides elimination of discomfort in osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and other pathologies of the spine.

Manual therapy can help only if there are no complications and the procedure is carried out correctly.

The patient must remember that there are contraindications to the manipulation, the price of the session varies significantly depending on the authority of the specialist.

What is it, how is it different from massage

INCREDIBLE STORY THAT SHOCKS MANY:“My name is Olga, I am 38 years old. There was a lot of back pain in the lower back. I came to the hospital - they did an MRI, they said: “You have hernia and osteochondrosis 4 degrees. Get ready for operations". I nearly fainted there! Horrible! What operation, I'm only 38? It turns out that even at this age you can earn osteochondrosis of the 4th degree. But it all started with a simple lower back pain., which then became chronic, aching, then a hernia of the lumbar spine formed! She interfered with sleep and walking. I refused the operation because I was afraid of anesthesia: suddenly I would fall asleep and not wake up again. I also have heart problems. As a result, they prescribed me a bunch of useless medicines, and when I returned, the doctors just shrugged, they say, what do you want, you need to do the operation ... A couple of months ago, on the Internet, I came across an article that literally saved me. I regained my health and the pain was gone! I am so grateful to fate, the chance that led me to this article! Finally my spine is healthy, and it's all thanks to this article! Anyone who has PAIN IN THE BACK AND JOINTS - read NECESSARILY ! Now there is NO PAIN, I sleep normally, I walk and work in the country. ” Read more»

Manual therapy is a capacious concept that involves the treatment of various diseases of the spine due to the impact. By its principle, the treatment method is no different from classical massage, but during the intervention, a deeper study of the vertebrae is provided. The final effectiveness depends on the professionalism of the doctor, he must select an individual approach to each patient, depending on several factors.

The chiropractor must take into account not only the nature of the course of the disease, but also the age of the patient. This is due to the fact that over the years, individual structural elements of the propulsion system change the quality of their work.

Harm or benefit

Site Reader Stories:“My name is Ekaterina, I am 42 years old. A few years ago I had a severe flu, after which I ended up in the hospital with complications. One of the complications was an inflammatory process in the lower back and joints. X-ray showed initial signs of lumbar osteochondrosis and hernia. And I was 39 at the time. When walking while climbing stairs, there was aching pain in the lower back and leg. I tried a lot: Voltaren, Milgamma, Meloxicam... Something helped more, something less. But only this new remedy removed the terrible pain. The last x-ray showed nothing. I just want to wave this picture in front of the doctors, who said that it could get worse, but it won’t get better. I keep it on hand and recommend it to everyone. It saved me, that's for sure." Read more»

Manual therapy or manual treatment is certainly useful, but only if the impact is provided by a competent specialist. The positive effect on the spinal column during the manipulation has been proven and scientifically confirmed. Intensive therapy provides immediate relief from chronic pain.

Manual therapy techniques

DOCTOR'S OPINION! “I have been an orthopedist for many years. During this time, I had to deal with various diseases of the back and joints. He recommended only the best drugs to his patients, but still the result of one of them surpassed himself. It is absolutely safe, easy to use, and most importantly - acts on the cause. As a result of regular use of the remedy, the pain disappears in a few minutes, and in 7 days the disease completely disappears. An excellent tool for a quick and stable result ... ”Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, orthopedist. Learn more»

It is possible to achieve high results in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system only through a complex effect. Such a condition is possible with the combined use of mobilization, relaxation and other additional techniques. The specialist directs the main forces to the normalization of the biomechanics of the spinal column, considering it as a single organ. The impact is on certain points, the vertebra is stretched and its position is stabilized.

Postisometric relaxation (PIR)

PIR or post-isometric relaxation is a technique based on a soft manual treatment technique. The main goal is to restore the mobility of the joints and spine, normalize the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles. In the course of exposure, dosed stretching of the ligaments and muscles after their tension is provided.

How is post-isometric relaxation performed?

Positional mobilization

Considered as the main mobilization technique. This technique combines rhythmic mobilization and relaxation techniques. The procedure is slow, the movements of the doctor are unhurried. The essence of the reception is to provide tension in the joint in the direction of the focus of limitation.

The impact passes to the functional barrier, the patient keeps the effort for several minutes. The tension in the segment is accompanied by stretching of the muscles located in the region of the joints.

What is positional mobilization

Rhythmic mobilization

Rhythmic, rotational movements are necessary to ensure the mobilization of the joints of the spine in the universal reception position. The same method is used for damage to large joints.

Technical support occurs due to the rotation of one department, directed in the other direction. During movement, it is necessary to maintain emphasis, even during the release of the tensile force.

Reception of rhythmic mobilization

Push mobilization

The push mobilization technique is often used as a diagnostic technique. In therapy, it is used for rhythmic compression of the sacroiliac joint. The method has found wide application in the mobilization of small joints of the hands and feet.

Tensile mobilization

By the name of the method, one can understand that the technology consists in stretching the articular surfaces. The method is used in the mobilization of large joints of the spinal column or its segments. The main requirement is to maintain an elastic stop even during the release of force, which should be non-radical.

Application of tensile mobilization

Features of the procedure

Site Reader Stories:“My wife has been suffering from acute pain in her joints and back for a long time. In the last 2 years the pain was always present. Before, I could not imagine that a person could scream in pain like that. It was terrible, especially in the middle of the night, when blood-curdling screams were heard in complete silence. According to her, it was like dogs gnawing their legs on their backs. And there was nothing to help her, only holding her hand reassured her. She injected herself with painkillers, fell asleep, and after a while everything repeated again ... In the morning, waking up, she cried more often. The smile completely disappeared from the face, the sun left our house forever. She also moved with difficulty - the knee joints of the sacrum made it possible even to turn around. The first night after the application of this new remedy passed for the first time without screaming. And in the morning a cheerful one came up to me and said with a smile: “But there is no pain!” And for the first time in these 2 years, I saw my beloved wife happy and smiling. She flutters around the house like a swallow, the rays of life play in her eyes. Read more»

According to many experts in the field of vertebrology and orthopedics, manual therapy is an effective method that provides treatment for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and has a limited list of contraindications. There are no age limits, children can also be patients of a chiropractor. The method is effective for scoliosis and other children's and adolescent posture disorders.

The only condition that ensures the safety of the manipulation is the right choice of a doctor. A competent therapist will always pay attention to the features of the course of the disease.

Even children can be treated with manual therapy

With osteochondrosis

With osteochondrosis of the spine, it is necessary to use not only the method of manual therapy. The patient should pay attention to the value of the classical, medical course. Sometimes the doctor himself recommends homeopathy to his patients.

Considering the technique of manual treatment, it is necessary to clarify that in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to take a break between sessions for 2 days. The duration of exposure is 30 minutes. The most commonly used method is post-isometric relaxation. The method is quite simple, you can master the method yourself.

Attention! How often you can do sessions will tell the doctor. In some cases, osteochondrosis requires a break between exposures of at least 5 days.

Video: manual therapy session

For injuries

It should be borne in mind that manual therapy sessions after serious injuries are possible only after additional consultation with an orthopedist. In the case of a fracture of the spine, it is possible to start acting no earlier than a month after the fusion of fragments.

It is allowed to carry out manual therapy treatment after injuries only after the permission of the orthopedist

At the initial stage of recovery, methods of push mobilization are used. The procedure is carried out no more than 2 times a week. In the case of limited mobility, the result will be noticeable no earlier than after 5-7 sessions. Restoration of the entire spine takes about 6 months, if there is a lesion of the thoracic region, without coverage of the lumbar - no more than 3.

For diseases of the spine

Depending on the nature of the pathology of the spine, the treatment regimen differs:

With intervertebral hernia

With the help of special movements of the body, the doctor affects the patient's nervous system, due to which an analgesic effect is achieved. The procedure is carried out within a month with an interval of three days, the most beneficial method of exposure is determined by the diagnosis. The intervertebral disc is reduced during exposure, the pinching is eliminated.

With curvature of the spine

Manual exposure for scoliosis and other types of curvature can be provided in compliance with the following rules:

  • gradualness - at the initial stage of therapy, the duration does not exceed 10 minutes with a gradual increase to 30 minutes;
  • smoothness - the exclusion of rough touches, actions;
  • complexity - necessarily combined with drug therapy and other methods of treatment.

Manual therapy for curvature of the spine should be combined with exercises and medication

To achieve the best result, the patient needs to perform exercises on the spine daily under the supervision of a doctor. After learning how the warm-up is carried out, you can refuse group training and continue exercising at home.

How to do it right at home

Site Reader Stories: “How I helped my mom heal her joints. My mother is 79, she has worked as a teacher of literature all her life. When she began to have the first problems with her back and joints, she simply hid them from me so that I would not spend money on medicines. Mom tried to be treated only with decoctions from the root of the sunflower, which, of course, did not help. And when the pain became unbearable, she borrowed from a neighbor and bought painkillers at the pharmacy. When a neighbor told me about this, at first I got a little angry with my mother - I took time off from work and immediately came to her by taxi. The next day, I made an appointment with my mother for a rheumatologist at a paid clinic, despite her requests not to spend money. The doctor diagnosed - arthritis and osteochondrosis. He prescribed treatment, but my mother immediately protested that it was too expensive. Then the doctor stepped into the position and offered an alternative option - home exercise and a plant-based drug. It came out cheaper than injections with chondroprotectors and did not even cause possible side effects. She began to use the drug and engage in physical therapy. When I stopped by her a couple of days later, I found her in the garden. She was tying up the tomatoes, and, apparently, she had already managed to do a lot. She greeted me with a smile. I understood: the drug and physical education helped, the pain and swelling went away. ” Read more»

Before learning how to massage himself at home, the patient must understand that such an impact tactic will not provide a full replacement for professional correction. Learning from videos and special brochures is impossible; you need to get acquainted with tactics with your own eyes.

Attention! The only thing that a patient can master is easy self-help techniques, which consist in a point effect on the foci that provide pain relief.

For example, one of the effective non-drug techniques is massage with vacuum jars. They can be simply put on your back, or you can have a relaxing therapeutic massage. According to many patients, after 1-2 procedures, severe pain, clamps and spasms disappear.


Consequences and complications

Site Reader Stories:“I love working at my favorite dacha. Sometimes you work out so much that it is impossible to straighten your back and pain appears in the lower back - even cry. I do not drink painkillers - a sick stomach. A familiar doctor advised me to pay attention to the latest product, which is specially produced only for the domestic foreign market. I ordered and applied it before bed. I felt a slight burning sensation, but then warmth spread throughout my lower back. 2 days after using the wild back pain almost disappeared, and after another 2 weeks I forgot the feeling that your back hurt wildly. 4 (!) Months have passed, and the result is holding up - it means that the remedy really works. ” Read article»

Against the background of non-compliance with the technology of the procedure, serious complications can appear:

  • excessive stretching of the spine or its hypermobility;
  • fractures of the ribs, vertebrae and bones - possible if the doctor does not control his strength, which is unacceptable;
  • lack of improvement in the patient's well-being - the recovery process normally begins after 1-2 procedures.

If the doctor is illiterate, then the consequences can be very serious.


The cost of one procedure varies significantly depending on the region and the authority of the clinic. In general, one session, lasting about 15-30 minutes, costs about 2000 rubles. You can set the exact price of the course after a private examination and determination of the nature of the course of the disease.

Is it dangerous? Feedback from doctors and patients

Reviews of patients and specialists confirm the effectiveness of manual therapy as a method for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Larin Vasily, 36 years old, orthopedist

I cannot criticize manual therapy as a method of treatment, but I want to warn patients against charlatans who pretend to be a master. Such doctors do not know to whom the technique of action is contraindicated and often worsen the patient's prognosis with their own hands. If the doctor is really a professional, you can benefit from the sessions.

Dima, 26 years old, patient

Two years ago, I faced a serious spinal injury, got it out of stupidity, there was a fracture. Treatment in the hospital lasted about 4 months, mobility did not return, but I was discharged home. I was flipping through the pages on the Internet and came across the address of a chiropractic clinic and called them. The girl signed me up for an examination, after which I need a consultation with a specialist.

After reviewing the images, the doctor said that a minimum of 20 sessions at long intervals would be required. The procedures are painful, but after them it becomes easier, I feel how mobility is restored.

Olga, 43 years old, patient

I encountered diseases of the spine after childbirth, I did not deal with treatment for a long time. And then the pain became unbearable. I went to the doctor, and he diagnosed sciatica. Nothing helps, therapy does not work, manual treatment is my only hope.

Video: the whole truth about manual therapy. Shock! Watch until the end!

Manual therapy of the spine is a method of treatment that eliminates pain in various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The impact will help eliminate pain in intervertebral hernia and osteochondrosis. During the session, the therapist makes a massage and has a direct effect on the joints, at this moment the patient feels severe discomfort, after which relief comes.

The procedure has contraindications, which the patient must be familiar with. The price of one session depends on the authority of the doctor and the nature of the disease in the patient. One intervention is not enough, a complex of procedures is needed for recovery.

Findings and Conclusions

What are our Russian doctors silent about? Why in 90% of cases, drug treatment gives only a temporary effect?

Unfortunately, most of the drugs that "treat" diseases of the back and joints, which are advertised on TV and sold in pharmacies, are a complete divorce.

At first it may seem that creams and ointments help, BUT in fact they only TEMPORARILY relieve the symptoms of the disease.

In simple words, you buy a regular painkiller, and the disease continues to develop, turning into more severe stage. Ordinary pain can be a symptom of more serious diseases:

  • dystrophy of muscle tissue in the buttocks, thighs and lower legs;
  • pinching of the sciatic nerve;
  • the development of arthritis, arthrosis and related diseases;
  • acute and sharp pain - backache that leads to chronic sciatica;
  • cauda equina syndrome, which leads to paralysis of the legs;
  • impotence and infertility.

How to be?- you ask. We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested in practice most of the remedies for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints. So, it turned out that the only new tool which does not remove the symptoms, but really heals - this is a medicine that is not sold in pharmacies and is not advertised on TV! So that you do not think that you are being sucked in another "miracle remedy", we will not tell you what an effective drug it is. If you are interested, you can read all the information about it yourself. Here is the link" .

“There are many diseases, the reason is one - the spine,” said the great Hippocrates. It is he who is considered the first chiropractor: by tapping, stretching, adjusting displaced vertebrae, the ancient healer not only relieved his patients of back pain, but also cured diseases of the throat, kidneys, bladder, and respiratory organs along the way. At first rejected by medical science, this method of treatment defended its right to exist, putting more than one thousand patients on their feet. Today, manual therapy of the spine is popular with doctors and their patients, it is considered the best high-speed drug-free method for restoring the health of the musculoskeletal system and reflex organs.

"Treatment with hands" - this is how the name of the wellness practice that everyone loves is translated from Latin. We have already talked about it in detail in the article “Manual massage: we restore beauty and health in 45 minutes”. Like any other area of ​​medical science, manual therapy is based on basic rules and principles, the implementation of which becomes the law for every doctor.

Manual therapists pay special attention to working out the spine, even if the patient does not complain of back pain. This is because the sensitivity, motor activity, trophism and autonomics of any organ in the human body is provided by the spinal nerves. And a large artery that feeds most of the brain passes through the processes of the cervical vertebrae.

Therefore, many diseases of the nervous system and internal organs: VVD, hypertension, biliary dyskinesia, cardialgia, headache - begin with pathological changes in the spine. When selecting methods of influence, strict rules are also followed: rotational (rotary) techniques are preferred when working with the lumbar and cervical region, and pressing technique is chosen for the chest area.

Thematic material:


Given the intensity of manual therapy and the global nature of the changes that occur under their action in the body, the appointment should be approached with caution. Absolute contraindications to the procedure are:

Interestingly, manual therapy is not contraindicated in spinal hernia. But inept actions, especially in the cervical region, can lead to a serious violation of blood flow and oxygen starvation, so you need to act with extreme caution.

Basic tricks

The purpose of this type of manual therapy is to improve and correct the functions of the spine. For this, techniques have been developed over the centuries to help relieve pain, restore displaced vertebrae, increase the space between them, eliminate functional blocks, and release pinched nerves and blood vessels. As a result, a medical complex appeared, combining unique techniques based on knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

Postisometric relaxation (PIR)

The purpose of this method is to eliminate the pain syndrome, to relax and stretch the muscles surrounding the spine as much as possible, and to prepare the patient's body for the subsequent more intense exposure. Manipulations are performed very carefully. Otherwise, muscle spasm occurs, which only worsens the condition.

The mechanism of action of this technique is very simple:

The action algorithm is repeated 7-10 times, depending on the patient's condition. As a result, soreness disappears, the muscle tissue becomes soft and elastic, allowing the therapist's fingers to penetrate deep bone structures.

Post-isometric relaxation techniques are carried out on all parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral, using different exposure techniques. The cervical zone, due to its openness and mobility, is considered the most convenient for a chiropractor to work. The reverse side of the medal is its special sensitivity, which increases the risk of all kinds of injuries and damage.

Push mobilization

Despite the name, this radical technique is a common type of massage effect, since:

  • is not too intense, but a sharp single push, directed towards the greatest restriction of movement;
  • is performed unexpectedly for the patient, at the moment of exhalation and complete relaxation;
  • changes the physiological limits of joint mobility.

With this technique, manualists adjust displaced discs, eliminate subluxations of the joints, remove bone and cartilage growths - exostoses. Treatment of the spine begins with the thoracic region, then moves to the lumbar, and ends with the cervical vertebrae.

A specific click or crunch indicates the correctness of the procedure and increased mobility in the massaged segment. It is accompanied by relaxation of the muscles that carry out functional blockade, relieving tension and stopping pain. Interestingly, despite numerous studies of the nature of the click, the reason for its appearance has not yet been definitely established. As one of the versions, they call the vacuum phenomenon - the gap of surfaces "glued" together.

Rhythmic mobilization

This technique is considered safe, easy to perform, painful, but very effective. It, like push manipulation, removes functional blocks and increases the mobility of the joints. Working with the spine, the therapist:

  • Conducts traction - stretching the joint, changing the distance between its surfaces. The main task in this case is to maintain prestressing. Efforts should not be excessive: they increase at the moment of stretching and decrease at the reset.
  • Performs rotation, slightly shifting the elements of the articulation relative to each other and smoothly swinging them towards the restriction with a frequency of 1-2 movements per second. This technique is most often used to correct the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.
  • Carries out compression - rhythmic pressure on those areas where the implementation of previous techniques is impossible. On the back, this is the area of ​​the sacrum and areas surrounded by strongly spasmodic muscles.

Rhythmic mobilization is carried out as an independent procedure or used as a preparatory stage for more intense activities.

This technique is considered universal, as it combines elements of manipulation, rhythmic mobilization and post-isometric relaxation. Runs at a slow pace:

  1. The doctor finds a position in which there is a maximum stress in the joint in the direction of limitation.
  2. Holds with effort 1-2 minutes.
  3. In parallel, it affects the muscles: it stretches the flexors and reduces the extensors.

As a result, the position of the articular elements is corrected, spasms of muscle fibers are removed, the physiological boundaries of joint mobility are expanded, and the functional reserve of tissues is restored.

Features of manual therapy of the spine

It's amazing how everything is interconnected in the human body. The lungs, stomach, liver, head or gallbladder suffer, nerves go wrong - take care of the health of the spine. Simple techniques of manual correction in many cases can improve the condition or permanently get rid of the "insoluble" problem.

With a hernia of the lumbar

The human spine is often compared to a spring: it not only cushions and supports our body, but also provides the ability to perform complex movements. The intervertebral discs make it so functional, or rather, their core is an elastic substance called the nucleus pulposus.

In a healthy body, this structure is reliably protected by a dense fibrous ring, which, under adverse conditions, becomes brittle and cracks. In this case, the pulp comes out, squeezing the vessels and nerve endings, causing severe pain, disrupting motor activity, and sometimes leading to disability.

Manual therapy techniques help to gently return the protrusion to its place. To do this, choose one of the many methods, focusing on the results of research and primary examination. The masseur works in stages:

  1. Warms up muscles and vertebrae with classic massage techniques.
  2. Eliminates functional blockade, relieves spasm and pain syndrome, using stretching of the spine, working out trigger points, impulse technique or defanotherapy - sharp and fast jolts, tapping aimed at restoring the location of the vertebrae relative to the vertical axis.
  3. It deals directly with the intervertebral disc, using the technique of "stretch load". It helps to restore nutrition and activate the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, the deficiency of which leads to thinning and drying of the cartilage tissue.

After these manipulations:

  • increased blood flow to the affected area;
  • tension is relieved from muscles and ligaments;
  • the position of the vertebrae is corrected;
  • the distance between them increases;
  • the damaged cartilaginous disk is compacted;
  • muscle tone increases.

Manual practice for a hernia of the lumbar is prohibited in the postoperative period, with infection, instability of the vertebrae or anomalies in their development.

With a hernia of the cervical

The symptoms of this pathology are:

  • pain in the back of the neck, aggravated by coughing or sneezing;
  • numbness of the hand, tingling, crawling "goosebumps";
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • memory deterioration.

If you have these signs, hurry to the doctor. You can’t joke with a hernia of the cervical region: the disease can lead to dangerous infringement of the spinal cord, which causes paralysis of the limbs or respiratory tract.

A chiropractor will be able to push the hernia back into place. For this:

  • before and after the procedure, the patient is prescribed bed rest and complete rest to relieve excess stress from the cervical region;
  • massaging begins only when the patient is completely relaxed;
  • for treatment, various techniques of mobilization, manual stretching, acupressure, shock-pulse and decompression effects are used.

These techniques create negative pressure in the spine, due to which the hernia is literally drawn into the center of the cartilage disc.

In terms of effectiveness, such treatment ranks second after surgery. However, it is important that only a qualified therapist perform the procedure.

For fractures

Our spine is made up of vertebrae, which, like any other bone structure, can break. The provoking factor is excessive axial loads, injuries, complicated diseases (osteoporosis, the last stage of the oncological process). In 50% of cases, the lumbar region suffers, the thoracic and cervical - much less often.

Sometimes only the integrity of the vertebrae is broken, while the spinal cord and nerves remain unaffected. Most often in this case we are talking about a compression fracture that occurs due to strong compression, bending or twisting of the vertebrae. The situation becomes much more serious with a comminuted or mixed fracture, when the spinal cord, nerve cells or blood vessels are damaged.

Therapy is prescribed depending on the severity of the lesion. It could be:

  • Conservative treatment - anesthesia, fixation of the damaged area, medication.
  • Surgical intervention - as a rule, a few days before the operation, the patient is decompressed - traction of the spine, and then the traumatic fragments are removed.

Damaged vertebrae fuse on average within 3 months. During this period, the patient needs to ensure complete rest, limit any movements and loads. All manipulations, especially such intensive ones as manual techniques, in the immediate vicinity of the spine are prohibited.

A sparing effect is permissible only in the late period of rehabilitation of uncomplicated fractures. Its goal is to stop pain, relieve muscle spasm, and restore the normal functioning of the spine. Once again, we remind you that only the master should perform the procedure in this case.

With scoliosis

This condition is characterized by displacement of the vertebrae, due to which one or several pathological arches are formed in different planes. Eliminate the problem with surgical or conservative treatment.

Manual therapy is prescribed from the age of three, if the cause of the disease is:

  • different leg lengths;
  • displacement or deformation of the vertebrae;
  • incorrect posture;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • great physical activity or lack of it.

After a preliminary relaxing massage, the therapist adjusts the vertebrae, removes functional blocks and muscle clamps, using post-isometric relaxation, stretching, and twisting techniques. Rough movements, shaking are prohibited.

Manual exposure is categorically contraindicated if the cause of scoliosis is birth trauma, infectious diseases of the spine, malignant tumors that compress the spinal cord.

With osteochondrosis

With this pathology, degenerative changes develop in the vertebrae and cartilage discs. At the initial stage, they do not make themselves felt, but over time, pain appears, the mobility of one or another section of the spine is disturbed. If the problem is not dealt with, hernias form, osteophytes grow, the links are displaced and deformed, leading to a violation of the patient's motor activity.

Manual therapy effectively fights the disease. The main thing is not to waste time and correctly carry out the procedure at the very beginning. For this:

After the procedure, you need to lie down for 10 minutes to give the body a break. Then fix the spine by wearing a special corset or collar (if we are talking about the cervical region).

With cerebral palsy

Sometimes during pregnancy or childbirth, areas of the brain responsible for motor and muscle activity are affected. The kid becomes disabled for life: not only his musculoskeletal system is affected, but also the psyche, vision, speech.

Suffering from cerebral palsy often experience pain in the neck, back, joints. Their cause is the growing degenerative changes in bone and cartilage tissue. Manual impact can improve the patient's condition, remove discomfort and stop destructive processes.

The doctor selects the medical complex, focusing on the needs of each patient. Three types of manual therapy are mainly used:

  • craniosacral- the effect is on the bones of the skull.
  • manipulative- The doctor works with the spine and joints of the patient.
  • Visceral osteopathy- sparing effect on the muscular corset and internal organs.

As a result of properly performed massaging, it is possible to restore the conduction of nerve impulses, normalize muscle tone, accelerate regenerative processes in tissues, and significantly improve the patient's well-being and mood.

Efficiency of manual influence

Manual therapy was recognized as a medical science back in the 19th century, but scientists are still arguing about its effectiveness, observing the effects of techniques on the body. Clinical studies have shown that after a treatment course:

In the treatment and rehabilitation of some acute and chronic diseases, such an effect is often much more effective than many expensive drugs.

Session cost

In the salons of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the price of one session of manual correction of the spine ranges from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles and depends on the qualifications of the therapist, the complexity and characteristics of the course of the disease.

Departure of a specialist at home will cost an average of 3,000 rubles. The procedure is usually carried out once every four days, the full course consists of 10-15 sessions.

What are inept manipulations?

Despite the indisputable benefits of the procedure, the development of complications after manual therapy sessions, alas, is not uncommon. The most serious of them:

  • ischemic stroke;
  • pinching of the vertebral hernia or nerve endings;
  • violation of the blood supply due to clamping of blood vessels;
  • ruptures of muscles and ligaments;
  • fractures of the ribs or vertebrae;
  • displacement of the links of the ridge;
  • development of hypermobility of the joints or spine.

The reason for such unpleasant consequences is primarily the low qualification of the chiropractor, lack of knowledge or experience. Ignoring contraindications, inaccurate diagnosis or incomplete history of the disease also leads to poor health.

Performing the procedure at home

It is worth repeating that you need to trust your health only to a qualified specialist. If a person for some reason does not have the opportunity to get to a medical institution, the doctor is called to the house.

But some elements of manual therapy are still done independently. These are the so-called automobilization techniques (“auto” means “self”, “independent”) to stretch the spine and relax nearby muscles.

You can learn more about these and other exercises from the video:

Do not force the recovery process: perform all movements very carefully, slowly, effortlessly, with a small amplitude, constantly listening to your own body.

Feature articles

Information from Encyclopatia

A chiropractor is a massage therapist masquerading as a doctor.

Due to a misunderstanding, M-therapy ended up on the list of official medical professions. It is noteworthy that the phrase "manual therapy" as the name of a separate direction is widely known only on the territory of the former Sovka, and not more than 35 years. In the rest of the world, manual therapy means the whole set of manual methods of exposure.

Synonym: manipulation therapy, manual medicine.


Adherents of this dark sect like to hush up the wonderful fact that MT originated from osteopathy only in the middle of the last century, when the Czech neurologist Karl Levit decided to make alternative medicine in the form of traditional massage with medical science (in America at that time osteopathy and chiropractic). A little later, the plague took shape in the form of a textbook and spread to Eastern Europe and the entire Scoop, where it continues to infect the fragile minds of gullible citizens.

What is it

When looking for a good massage therapist, you should avoid those comrades who promise to completely heal or push long speeches about the incredible importance of their technique. The good one is the one who just has a nice technique that makes you really relax, which will reduce stress and relieve muscle tension, contributing to better health.

The manual should be recommended to hypochondriacs who have something that constantly hurts, from any The medication lasts for about a week, and then it starts again, but in general it does not interfere with life. If there is no way to feed him anti-anxiety / antidepressants, then you can send him for a healing crunch session, which, most likely, will inspire him with long-awaited relief.

However, it is worth remembering that in clinical observations there are often indications of a clear connection between bilateral dissection of the vertebral artery and manual therapy on the cervical spine.

May 13, 2003 A University of California study published in the journal Neurology confirms that manual therapy of the cervical spine is a strong independent risk factor for acute cerebrovascular accident caused by damage to the vertebral arteries. In 2001 In the journal Stroke, a group of Canadian researchers reported on a five-year follow-up of 582 patients with vertebrobasilar strokes, among which in patients younger than 45 years, cases of manual therapy of the cervical spine during the week before the onset of a stroke occurred 5 times more often than in the control group.


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Home reading

  • Comparison of manuals with NSAIDs

Due to the effect on bone joints, manual therapy of the spine can relieve the patient from pain in osteochondrosis or herniated discs. After medical manipulations, the function of the spinal column and its mobility are restored. But in the absence of experience, it is possible to harm the health of the patient.

Who Can Perform Manual Therapy Treatments?

Currently, the skills of manual therapy are acquired by medical students of medical specialties. After passing the relevant exams, they can be issued a certificate certifying the right to practice massage and apply manual therapy methods. Until 2000, the certificate could be purchased by practicing physicians who completed special courses.

A person who provides the services of a chiropractor must necessarily have an appropriate document (certificate) certifying his right to such activities. In our country, this is a doctor (traumatologist, orthopedist, neurologist) who has received additional education.

Ads that are given by people who are far from medicine, who do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills, are best ignored.

Is there any benefit from the procedure?

Like any medical treatment, manual therapy has its pros and cons. The undeniable advantage is the rapid relief of pain and the patient's condition. In a short session (15–30 minutes), the master relieves the patient of the pain that occurs when a nerve is pinched, herniated discs, and other back diseases.

When undergoing a course of manual therapy, the patient can avoid surgical intervention associated with the elimination of painful phenomena. In combination with drug treatment, it is possible to achieve a long and stable remission in diseases of the spine. The help of a specialist is also invaluable in the rehabilitation of patients after injuries and neurological diseases.

The disadvantage of the technique is its complexity. When an inept specialist tries to move a vertebra, it is possible to pinch a nerve or injure the spinal cord. The cervical region is especially dangerous in this respect: improper impact on the vertebrae and the resulting injury can lead to both death and impaired cerebral circulation.

Manual therapy methods help to treat the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • herniated discs and displacement () of the vertebrae;
  • scoliosis;
  • posture disorders;
  • nerve and sciatica;
  • lumbago;
  • post-traumatic events.

In addition, it treats a number of diseases that do not directly affect the spine.

X-rays and an MRI of the spine may be required before referral to a specialist to confirm the feasibility of manual therapies.

To exclude the likelihood of osteoporosis, they are carried out. In addition, urine and blood tests, ECG and ultrasound of the pelvic organs, thyroid gland, and blood vessels can be prescribed. These studies are prescribed in case of suspicion of the corresponding diseases, which are among the contraindications to manual methods of influencing the diseased spine.

The decision to provide assistance to a particular patient is always made only by the doctor himself. Manual therapy cannot help absolutely everyone, it has its own contraindications.


A specialist may refuse to conduct a course of procedures if a person has such diseases and conditions as:

  • vascular pathologies (brain and heart);
  • psychiatric illnesses;
  • osteoporosis (3-4 degree);
  • fresh injuries of the spine and joints (if 6 months have not passed since the date of receipt);
  • active inflammatory process or infectious disease of the spine or joints (rheumatism, tuberculosis, etc.);
  • disc myelopathy;
  • acute processes in the lungs and gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy more than 12 weeks;
  • oncological diseases.

Manual therapy will also be useless if osteochondrosis is so neglected that bone growths appear on the edges of the vertebrae (). This is one of the common reasons why a doctor recommends other ways to deal with a problem.

What is the essence of the methodology?

Many people think that this is very painful, because the therapist applies a rather harsh effect on the bones, shifting them into the correct position. In this case, a distinct click of the set vertebra is sometimes heard. In fact, the master performs a series of special manipulations (myofascial release), which contribute to the easy restoration of the correct position of the bone. If necessary, local anesthesia can also be used.

In general, manual therapy is aimed at correcting pathologies of the spinal column and joints. The main purpose of the method is to restore the physiological position of the vertebrae. As a result of the manipulations, the pressure of the bone bodies on the cartilaginous discs and nerve branches coming out of the spinal cord stops, and the disturbed blood circulation and blood supply to the brain are restored. The result of this is both a momentary relief of the patient's condition (with sciatica or lumbago), and a long-term effect (for example, with osteochondrosis and associated headaches).

After exposure to the diseased spine, its mobility returns, pain in hernias and other pathologies decreases. Manipulations cannot eliminate an already formed disc herniation, but they are quite capable of preventing such a complication of osteochondrosis. When the vertebrae are reduced, the pressure of the bones on the cartilaginous disc also decreases, due to which the hernia may not bother the patient for some time.

Manual therapy of the thoracic spine can help with pain in the shoulder blades or in the sternum (they are often mistaken for pain in the heart), with impaired inhalation function. Sometimes osteochondrosis of this area of ​​the spine causes pain in the shoulder joint. Stoop, or, is also treatable with manual therapy methods.

The sections of the spinal column are connected with each other reflexively and functionally. The specialist will definitely make a correction of the entire spine. You should not be surprised if, with the pathology of the thoracic region, the doctor performs manipulations with the patient's neck and lower back.

Duration of treatment

Often patients ask how many sessions are needed to feel the effect of treatment with manual techniques. As in any medical practice, it depends on the degree of development of the disease and the condition of the patient himself.

At the first manifestation of radiculitis, painful phenomena may disappear after 1-2 massage sessions. Running osteochondrosis may require much more time and effort from the doctor. Most often, the treatment of a pathology that has developed over 2-3 years requires about 5 sessions of sufficiently intensive therapy (using shock techniques, accompanied by frightening clicks of the vertebrae that fall into place). With disc herniation, intensive techniques are contraindicated, therefore 10–15 sessions are usually prescribed. The procedures will include a softer effect on the affected areas.

At the first visit, the master will remove the functional blockade of the spine, and the patient will immediately feel a noticeable improvement in the condition. But it will take repeated visits to a specialist at intervals of 1-2 days to achieve a positive effect from the treatment. After the course, a remission of the disease is observed, and for a long time the patient may not be bothered by pain and muscle stiffness.

You should not neglect the recommendations of the doctor to come to the appointment again if there are no painful manifestations. A second course may be necessary to consolidate the results achieved. With an inattentive attitude to one's own health, treatment will have to be started again when new attacks occur.

Whether it is possible to be treated independently?

It is impossible to carry out the necessary studies at home, therefore, only a doctor can decide on the necessity and admissibility of the procedures.

With hypermobility of the cervical vertebrae, it is possible to prescribe automobilization for independent use. This manual therapy technique is available for the patient to perform. Under the guidance of a doctor, the patient masters the following order of movements:

  • tilt your head forward and grab it with 1 hand in the crown area;
  • with the other hand rest against the chin, fixing the head in the correct position;
  • turn your head to the side and bring the amplitude of turns to the maximum;
  • make several swaying movements in the direction of rotation.

The benefits of a simple exercise can be noticeable if it is mastered under the guidance of a specialist. With inept and incorrect execution, complications associated with impaired blood supply to the brain may occur.

Despite the connection of some manual therapy techniques with the techniques of chiropractors and traditional healers, these procedures are considered medical methods of influencing the body. In this regard, a specially trained person should carry out manipulations. Self-medication most often harms the patient himself.

Manual therapy has been around since time immemorial. In ancient times, people noticed that by performing certain actions, one can more easily endure the pain from injuries or bruises received while hunting. It also allowed for a faster recovery. For example, pain at the site of a bruise was relieved by cold running river water. And a broken leg healed faster if it was tied to a straight stick.

History of manual therapy

The elements of traditional medicine methods that have survived to this day are the following:


Herbal decoctions;

Use of cold and heat.

Over time, knowledge on the anatomy of the human body, accumulated by many generations, has become one of the branches of medicine - surgery. Bone-setting became its separate direction in the early stages of its emergence. Even Hippocrates developed a very interesting method to heal the spine. The patient was fixed stretched legs and arms, and then walked on his back.

In the 18-19 centuries. the functions of chiropractors began to be partially performed by attendants. As a rule, these were people with remarkable strength, which allowed them to stretch the joints of visitors and perform a massage procedure, which is point punches on certain parts of the body.

Rural healers were also engaged in bone-setting. Their technique included massage, shock movements and stretching. Various spells from diseases were popular.

Somewhat later, all the experience accumulated by folk healers was systematized, studied, somewhat supplemented and transformed into such branches of medicine:

Phyto-, balneo- and psychotherapy;

The very same manual therapy by the end of the 19th century. developed from two main directions. These included chiropractic and osteopathy. The methods of work of specialists representing these movements were different. If the former performed manipulations using a rough percussion technique, then the latter were, as a rule, theorists.

Term meaning

Manual therapy in the modern world performs a number of functions. This direction studies the movement of body parts; explores the sources of pathologies that arise in the locomotor system.

Manual therapy is a fairly effective tool used to treat ailments of the musculoskeletal system. The impact of the method under consideration will be repeatedly enhanced in the case of the parallel use of reflex, herbal medicine, as well as physiotherapy. The main thing that specialists in this area work with is the spine.

The essence of the technique

Manual therapy is a whole system that includes manual techniques. The main purpose of its impact on the patient is to eliminate those pathological changes that have arisen in the ligamentous, bone, muscle apparatus.

Manual therapy restores the anatomically correct position of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. This is no easy task. Unsuccessful restoration of the position of displaced vertebrae can cause infringement of blood vessels. This leads to venous stasis and negatively affects the functioning of many organs. To correct this situation, manual therapy techniques are also used.

Manual impact on painful areas allows you to move away from each other the surfaces of the joints and restore blood circulation. Chiropractors affect specific areas of the spine in a dosed manner. This allows you to restore normal mobility to the musculoskeletal system. It is very effective to combine manual therapy with homeopathy. However, it is worth consulting with a specialist on this issue in advance.


Conducting manual therapy sessions is prohibited for such problems:

Infectious diseases that affect the joints and spine;



Recent injuries to the limbs and spine.

In what other cases is manual therapy not performed? Contraindications apply to patients who have prolapsed herniated intervertebral discs. This technique is prohibited for malformations of the skull. This limitation also applies to the same pathology of the spine.

When is manual therapy banned? Contraindications apply to those patients whose condition is assessed as extremely serious. Moreover, its cause can be not only the above infectious diseases, but also neurotic or mental disorders. Manual therapy sessions are prohibited for somatic diseases, as well as in complex treatment with anticoagulants. Manual musculoskeletal therapy is not recommended for elderly patients. You should not undergo manual therapy sessions for any pathologies of the joints and spinal cord.

Postisometric relaxation

Manual therapy of the spine can be performed using a variety of manual techniques. One of them is post-isometric relaxation. It is noteworthy that this technique has no contraindications. Its essence lies in the alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles.

Manual therapy of the spine, performed by the method of post-isometric relaxation, stretches the muscles, eliminates swelling, relieves pain syndromes. This technique is simple and safe to use. The patient, having completed a short course of study, is able to repeat its main elements at home.

Causes and stages of osteochondrosis

This disease causes degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs and adjacent vertebral bodies. There are four stages in pathology. The first one is difficult to diagnose. Only general complaints are received from the patient. The main symptoms of this condition are malaise and discomfort of an indefinite nature. In the second stage, when the intervertebral connections are broken, pain occurs. There is compression of the blood and lymphatic vessels. The third stage is characterized by rupture of the fibrous rings and the occurrence of a hernia. There are visual curvature of the spine.

At the last stage of osteochondrosis, displacement and compaction of the vertebrae occurs. The result of this process is the formation of pathological bone growths. This is fraught with a decrease in motor functions and a violation of the mobility of the entire spinal column. The disease process, developing, leads a person to disability. The above is typical for all types of osteochondrosis (cervical and thoracic, lumbar and sacral).

Treatment of osteochondrosis with manual therapy

The spine is the main organ to which the ligaments, muscles, blood vessels that feed them, and nerves are attached. His health is extremely important for the normal well-being of a person.

Manual therapy of the spine involves the implementation of specially designed techniques, which include the following components:




Correction of functional relationships, etc.

All these manual influences are aimed at solving the problem of eliminating the pathobiomechanical phenomena of osteochondrosis. What is manual therapy for such patients? This is an opportunity to restore mobility and activity of the musculoskeletal system. However, it should be borne in mind that this technique does not eliminate the factors that contribute to the appearance and development of osteochondrosis.

How does manual therapy affect the patient's condition? Reviews of experts confirm the fact that the use of this technique does not solve the initial problems with the spine. Yes, the pain after the session will pass quickly enough, but the progression of the disease will remain.

The greatest effectiveness of manual therapy can be felt in the early stages of osteochondrosis. But with the further development of the pathology, when the displacement of the vertebrae has already occurred, this method is strictly contraindicated.

Features of the

Before proceeding with any relaxation technique, it is required to cure the underlying disease. For this, medicines and physiotherapy are used. Manual therapy for osteochondrosis will be most effective if tense muscles are warmed and stretched using slow movements before the start of the session.

Treatment of a hernia of the spine

For a session of manual therapy, the patient must undergo a CT scan or MRI. As a result of these studies, the place of hernia formation will be determined, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich the chiropractor will work.

In the event that the disease is in an acute stage, manual techniques should be carried out smoothly, gently, without any physical effort and sudden movements. With such an intervertebral hernia, traction (traction of the spinal column) is often used. The patient is in a sitting or lying position. With a hernia, a corset for the spine or a Shants collar worn around the neck can help.

After the acute period is over, traction mobilization, post-isometric muscle relaxation, and hood (manual or hardware) are used. Such manipulations can eliminate the symptoms of spinal hernia, pain, and, in addition, prevent recurrence of the pathology.

Cervical treatment

This area of ​​the spine is subject to severe stress. That is why osteochondrosis often occurs in the cervical region.

What is manual therapy for patients with this diagnosis? This is an opportunity to reduce or completely remove pain, as well as restore the volume of motor function of the spine or shoulder joints. In addition, manual manipulations are performed to eliminate the symptoms of nerve compression, which are expressed in tinnitus and headaches.

The maximum effect when performing manual therapy occurs after two sessions. For maximum results, the doctor should visit seven to ten times.

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