Home Flowers What happens to water with repeated boiling. Boiling water again - is it dangerous? Why you can't boil water twice is a scientific fact

What happens to water with repeated boiling. Boiling water again - is it dangerous? Why you can't boil water twice is a scientific fact

III part

Addresses in St. Petersburg

Graph Alexander Khristoforovich Benckendorff (at birth Alexander von Benckendorff)(1782-1844) - Russian military leader, general of the cavalry; chief of gendarmes and at the same time Chief Head of the III Department of the Own E. I. V. Chancellery (1826-1844). Brother of Konstantin Benckendorff and Dorothea Lieven. Descended from the noble family of Benckendorffs.

In 1798 he was promoted to warrant officer of the Semyonovsky Life Guards Regiment with the appointment of an aide-de-camp to Emperor Paul I;

In the war of 1806-1807 he was under the duty general Count Tolstoy and took part in many battles. In 1807-1808. was at the Russian embassy in Paris.

In 1809 he went as a hunter (volunteer) to the army against the Turks, and often was in the vanguard or commanded separate detachments; for outstanding distinctions in the battle of Ruschuk on June 20, 1811 he was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree.

World War II and Overseas Campaign

During the Patriotic War of 1812, Benckendorff was at first an aide-de-camp under Emperor Alexander I and carried out communication between the main command and the army of Bagration, then commanded the vanguard of the detachment of Baron Vintsingerode; On July 27, he launched an attack in the case of Velizh, and after Napoleon left Moscow and occupied it by Russian troops, he was appointed commandant of the capital. While pursuing the enemy, he was in the detachment of Lieutenant General Kutuzov, was in different affairs and took prisoner three generals and more than 6,000 lower ranks.

In the campaign of 1813, Benckendorff commanded a flying detachment, defeated the French at Tempelberg (for which he received the Order of St. George of the 3rd degree), forced the enemy to surrender the city of Fürstenwald and, together with a detachment of Chernyshev and Tetenbork, invaded Berlin. Crossing the Elbe, Benckendorff took the city of Vorben and, under the command of General Dornberg, contributed to the defeat of Moran's division at Luneburg.

Then, being with his detachment in the Northern Army, he participated in the battles at Groß-Veren and Dennewitz. Having entered the command of gr. Vorontsov, he covered the movement of the army towards Dessau and Roslau for 3 days in a row with one of his detachments and was awarded a gold saber decorated with diamonds for this. In the battle of Leipzig, Benckendorff commanded the left wing of the cavalry of Baron Wincengerode, and during the movement of this general to Kassel he was the head of his vanguard.

Then, with a separate detachment, he was sent to Holland and cleared it of the enemy. Replaced there by Prussian and British troops, Benckendorff moved into Belgium, took the cities of Louvain and Mechelen and recaptured 24 guns and 600 British prisoners from the French.

In the 1814 campaign, Benckendorff distinguished himself especially in the case of Luttih; in the battle of Kraon, he commanded all cavalry gr. Vorontsov, and then covered the movement of the Silesian army towards Laon; under Saint-Dizier he commanded, first with the left wing, and then with the rearguard.

III part

Emperor Nicholas I, very disposed to Benckendorff, appointed him on June 25, 1826, chief of the gendarmes, and on July 3, 1826 - chief chief of the III branch of His Imperial Majesty's own chancery and commander of His Main Imperial Majesty's apartment.

Allegedly at the establishment of the III branch, when asked by A. Kh. Benckendorff about instructions, Nicholas I handed over a handkerchief and said: “Here are all the instructions for you. The more you wipe away tears with this handkerchief, the more faithfully you will serve my purposes! "

In 1828, when the emperor went to the active army for military operations against the Ottoman Empire, Benckendorff accompanied him; was during the siege of Brailov, the crossing of the Russian army across the Danube, the conquest of Isakchi, in the battle of Shumla and during the siege of Varna; On April 21, 1829, he was promoted to general from the cavalry, and in 1832 he was elevated to the count's dignity of the Russian Empire.


He was a member of a special Committee established for the construction of the Nikolaev railway together with other official representatives of the authorities. The road was built in 1842-1851 between St. Petersburg and Moscow.

He was married to the sister of the St. Petersburg commandant G. A. Zakharzhevsky Elizaveta Andreevna.

Addresses in St. Petersburg

1838-1844 - 16 Fontanka river embankment (service); Asha's house on Malaya Morskaya, 18, (home)

Water, as one of the natural elements, has a powerful meaning in the life of people, living creatures, and the planet. It is a vital factor in the life of every person, creature, plant - absolutely of all terrestrial origin.

It is not for nothing that the human body is 80% liquid. From childhood, we are told that we need to regularly consume a certain amount of water in the diet of our daily food.

Scientists even deduced a certain formula for combining a person's weight with the amount of required daily intake of water intake: the more weight, the more a person needs to drink.

But what kind of water to drink? The most common and affordable way to find ordinary tap water. In childhood, many of us sin by quenching our thirst right from the tap, but this is a huge mistake due to stupidity and irresponsibility.

Indeed, in order for the water to undergo at least some purification from the sedimentary layers piled up over the years on the inside of the water pipes, local authorities use chlorine. Indeed, not every resident of a metropolis has the opportunity to go and collect crystal clear water from a well.

And yet, drinking water in its raw form is highly discouraged, because to remove actively harmful components in its content, the water needs to go through a boiling process.

What does boiling with water do?

A funny dialogue took place on this topic between the girl and her mother. The daughter asks: "Why are you boiling water, mom?" - "So that all bacteria die", - "So, I will drink tea with dead germs?" And in fact, at the time of boiling, the following happens.

At first, when the water reaches 100 ° C, the molecular constituents of water and oxygen undergo an evaporation process.

Secondly, the concentration of impurities that are not removed anywhere at the time of boiling doubles, since with evaporation part of the water leaves, and particles of salt and dirt remain. That is why sea water is considered unfit for drinking.

Thirdly, all unsafe harmful microbes, bacteria and microparticles are destroyed. But you are mistaken if you think that the more times you boil the water, the more pathogenic bacteria you will kill. All of them die at the moment of initial boiling.

Fourthly, hydrogen isotopes contained in water, with maximum heating, settle to the bottom, which entails an increase in the density of the liquid and its weight.

Why can't you boil water again?

We are often lazy when, for example, we are sitting in the office and suddenly wanting to drink a cup of coffee again, we press the switch of the kettle with already boiled water to boil it again. What is it fraught with?

1. Bad taste. You will no longer get the original taste of a drink prepared with such water. Why? Because raw water when boiled differs from the one that has passed centigrade heating, and re-boiled water even more loses its taste.

2. "Deadness" of water. Every time the same water goes through the boiling process, its composition is disturbed, and oxygen is evaporated from the liquid. The water turns into "dead".

3. Increased concentration of impurities. As mentioned earlier, a boiling liquid tends to evaporate, and impurities remain, as a result of which, against the background of a decreasing amount of water, the amount of sediment increases.

4. Chlorine dioxins are formed. Initially, the chlorine in pipeline water does not disappear anywhere, on the contrary, in the process of repeated heat treatment, its concentration only increases, and this leads to painful sensations in a person when absorbing such water.

How to properly boil water

Use only fresh water before heat treatment;
do not add or mix fresh water with the remnants of pre-boiled water;
let the water stand before boiling.
Boil water properly and drink to your health.

How often do we forget that the kettle has already boiled for a long time and has already cooled down, and we all cannot tear ourselves away from our favorite show or series? We turn on the stove again and boil the kettle again.

What happens when we boil water a second time? While this is very important to know, it is not taught in school.

When the water boils, its composition changes, which is completely normal: the volatile components turn into steam and evaporate. Thus, boiled water is safe to drink.

But when the water boils again, everything changes for the worse: Boiled water is completely devoid of taste. If you boil it several times, it becomes very, very tasteless.

Some might argue that raw water also has no taste. Not at all. Do a little experiment. At regular intervals, drink tap water, filtered water, boiled once and boiled many times. All of these liquids will taste differently.

When you drink the last option (boiled many times), there will even be an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth, a kind of metallic aftertaste. Boiling kills the water.

The more often the heat treatment occurs, the more useless the liquid is in the long run. Oxygen evaporates, in fact, the usual formula of H2O from the point of view of chemistry is violated.

For this reason, the name of this drink arose - "dead water". As mentioned above, after boiling, all impurities and salts remain.

What happens with every reheat? Oxygen goes away, so does water. Consequently, the concentration of salts increases.

Of course, the body does not immediately feel this. The toxicity of such a drink is negligible. But in "heavy" water, all reactions are slower. Deuterium (a substance that is released from hydrogen during boiling) tends to accumulate. And this is already harmful.

We boil, as a rule, chlorinated water. When heated to 100 ° C, chlorine reacts with organic matter. As a result, carcinogens are formed.

Frequent boiling increases their concentration. And these substances are extremely undesirable for humans, as they provoke cancer. Boiled water is of little use. Reprocessing makes it harmful.

Therefore, follow these simple rules:

  • pour fresh water each time to boil;
  • do not boil the liquid again and do not add fresh to its remains;
  • before boiling water, let it stand for several hours;
  • pouring boiling water into a thermos (for preparing a medicinal collection, for example), close it with a stopper after a few minutes, not immediately.

A source

Water is an important component of life on planet Earth. Water also plays an important role for humans. The daily requirement of the human body for water is 2-3 liters. People do not satisfy all their need for water by drinking pure water. Someone likes to drink juices or soda, someone likes to drink tea, coffee, cocoa.

To prepare hot drinks - tea, coffee, cocoa, etc., the water must be boiled. As a rule, one boil is more than is needed at a certain point to satisfy the need. Boiled water remains, which is boiled again the next time. There is such a "horror story" among the people that if boiled water is boiled again, the water becomes "heavy" - harmful to the body. But this is not the case. The harm of re-boiled water to humans is nothing more than a myth.

The publication "Caravan" cites the opinion of the medical observer Tatyana Ressina, who notes that there are many misconceptions around boiled water, which are fundamentally wrong.

The first myth

If you boil water several times (more than once), then the water becomes "heavy" - harmful to the body.

The second myth

As soon as the water boils, you need to stop the boiling process, as long-term boiling of water also makes it "heavy" and harmful to the body.

The third myth

If you add raw water to boiled water and boil it, it will still be unhealthy.

According to the disseminators of these myths, if boiled water was not used in full, then during the next boiling process, the water must be completely renewed - pour the boiled water and pour raw water into the kettle.

All these are myths, medicine has no evidence that re-boiled water or boiling water for too long, as well as adding raw water to boiled water before re-boiling are harmful to the human body, notes Tatiana Ressina. According to her, perhaps the first disseminators of these myths accidentally stumbled upon information about heavy water and began to spread fears, and these fears, picked up by popular rumor, intensified many times over.

It is almost impossible to make heavy water from "ordinary" water by boiling at home.

During the boiling process, "ordinary" water can become heavy water, but it is not so simple and it is almost impossible to achieve this at home. If we talk about repeatedly boiling water in a kettle, then you need to spend more than a dozen years for repeated boiling so that the water becomes heavy. For obvious reasons, it will be impossible to do this, if only because the water by that time will have time to evaporate from such an amount of boiling. Therefore, there is nothing to fear - you can safely boil already boiled water and drink it calmly.

What is the danger

The danger in boiling or reboiling may lie elsewhere. If you decide to re-boil water, then pay attention to how much time has passed since the last boiling process. If enough time has passed, then it is better to drain the water and pour fresh water into the kettle. The fact is that various microorganisms develop faster in stagnant water, and more dust and other debris gets into it.

Water also plays an important role for humans. The daily requirement of the human body for water is 2-3 liters. People do not satisfy all their need for water by drinking pure water. Someone likes to drink juices or soda, someone likes to drink, cocoa.

To prepare hot drinks - coffee, cocoa, etc., the water must be boiled. As a rule, one boil is more than is needed at a certain point to satisfy the need. Boiled water remains, which is boiled again the next time. There is such a "horror story" among the people that if boiled water is boiled again, the water becomes "heavy" - harmful to the body. But this is not the case. The harm of re-boiled water to humans is nothing more than a myth.

The publication "Caravan" cites the opinion of the medical observer Tatyana Ressina, who notes that there are many misconceptions around boiled water, which are fundamentally wrong.

The first myth

If you boil water several times (more than once), then the water becomes "heavy" - harmful to the body.

The second myth

As soon as the water boils, you need to stop the boiling process, as long-term boiling of water also makes it "heavy" and harmful to the body.

The third myth

If you add raw water to boiled water and boil it, it will still be unhealthy.

According to the disseminators of these myths, if boiled water was not used in full, then during the next boiling process, the water must be completely renewed - pour the boiled water and pour raw water into the kettle.

All these are myths, there is no evidence that re-boiled water or boiling water for too long, as well as adding raw water to boiled water before re-boiling are harmful to the human body, notes Tatiana Ressina. According to her, perhaps the first disseminators of these myths accidentally stumbled upon information about heavy water and began to spread fears, and these fears, picked up by popular rumor, intensified many times over.

It is almost impossible to make heavy water from "ordinary" water by boiling at home.

During the boiling process, "ordinary" water can become heavy water, but it is not so simple and it is almost impossible to achieve this at home. If we talk about repeatedly boiling water in a kettle, then you need to spend more than a dozen years for repeated boiling so that the water becomes heavy. For obvious reasons, it will be impossible to do this, if only because the water by that time will have time to evaporate from such an amount of boiling. Therefore, there is nothing to fear - you can safely boil already boiled water and drink it calmly.

What is the danger

The danger in boiling or reboiling may lie elsewhere. If you decide to re-boil water, then pay attention to how much time has passed since the last boiling process. If enough time has passed, then it is better to drain the water and pour fresh water into the kettle. The fact is that various microorganisms develop faster in stagnant water, and more dust and other debris gets into it.


As the experts of the News of Medicine and Health department of the Birzhevoy Leader note, water plays a very important role in human life. Our body is up to 3/4 water and the loss of more than ten percent of this fluid is fatal. A person can live much longer without food intake than without water intake.

Water not only supports human life, it shapes almost all other processes on the planet. And this is not surprising, the surface of the Earth is more than seventy percent covered with water. Water plays a key role in the formation and -

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