Home Indoor flowers What are energy levels. School of esoteric knowledge: energy levels of the human body and consciousness. Rules for filling the electron shell of an atom

What are energy levels. School of esoteric knowledge: energy levels of the human body and consciousness. Rules for filling the electron shell of an atom

The need for communication with the Higher has accompanied humanity throughout the history of its existence. Many people who are dissatisfied with the narrow confines of ordinary material life still live in our time. Philosophers, hermits, ascetics, priests and ordinary believers - all, in one way or another, recognize the existence of God. And they not only recognize, but try to cognize him, establish contact with him, feel the thread connecting with Him, or, at least, turn to Him with various requests.

The need to know God lies deep in our soul and can wake up at certain periods of life. For everyone, this need appears, is expressed and experienced in a way that is unique for a particular person.

One of the characteristic ways of manifesting the need to establish with the Highest is dissatisfaction with ordinary human life. A person can have everything that a layman can dream of: a good family, job, financial well-being, health. Only a person is not happy with all this, there is a longing for something else and nothing is able to calm it down. And he cannot find a hobby or other activity that would change his restless state. Calmness and meaning are found only in the spiritual.

In some cases, a person may become aware of this need, living through very difficult or tragic situations in his life. Then there is a sharp reassessment of values, and habitual and everyday hobbies and activities cease to satisfy. In an instant, they may seem small and insignificant in comparison with something that is not yet open and is just beginning to appear.

There are many ways to connect.

1. Find a teacher.
Communication with a person who has achieved more in the spiritual field is a very important component of your personal advancement. A lot depends on who you imitate and who you follow. The teacher conveys not only his knowledge and shares techniques, but also conveys the most important thing - his inner state! Religious literature describes many examples when a student comprehends very deep knowledge, just being close to the teacher.

However, here many seekers face numerous dangers. Trusting a person who is skilled in selfish manipulation can lead to dire consequences for the seeker. Finding your teacher is the cornerstone of a spiritual quest.

Listen to your feelings. Communication with a true teacher should create joy and inspire you to change your life for the better.

Look at your potential teacher's other students. In the Gospel, Jesus recommends by fruit to distinguish between true teaching and false teaching. Are other students developing positive qualities? Are they becoming wiser and more loving? How are their lives changing?

2. Study the literature on knowledge of God.

Now in stores you can find a sea of ​​spirituality, psychology, extrasensory perception, the development of superpowers, etc. Not every book can be recommended for studying such an important issue. Many of them can be sidetracked, especially those written by contemporary authors with the goal of getting rich quick.

There are proven sources that serve as a beacon for many generations of seekers: the Gospel, the Lives of the Saints, the teachings of the Christian righteous, the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas, etc. These sources provide comprehensive information about spiritual searches, allow you to understand the essence of the relationship that should connect a person with the Upper principle.

3. Trips to holy places.

In every religion there are especially revered places that believers seek to visit. Staying close to shrines gives rise to striving for God, enhances contact with Him, cleanses one from worldly states. In some cases, visiting such places and reaching out to the saints associated with them can help heal complex diseases and solve problems.

4. Establishing a connection with God.

Each religion or religious tradition offers its own, purely inherent ways of spiritual work. These are individual and collective prayers, religious chants and meditations. Some traditions use methods that are unusual for us to establish a state of prayer. For example, the Sufi tradition uses a kind of whirling for this, shamans use dance and the sounds of musical instruments, and in India you can learn about hundreds of ways of meditation.

For our Orthodox tradition, prayer is more characteristic - a sincere appeal to God as a way to draw closer to Him.

To connect with God in the way you choose, regularity is essential. A strong connection does not arise from performing rituals from time to time, but is gained by constant efforts.

If you strive in your heart for communion with God, then, no doubt, you can find a suitable way for you to realize this desire. You can also ask God to show you this way.
Good luck on your path to the knowledge of God!

How can we return to the frequency that will connect us to the Spirit?

Spirit is a spark of God, which the Soul protects in its core. And She opens only to unconditional Love.

We know Her shades - Kindness, Compassion, Humanity, the feeling of Beauty, inner Dignity ... we have experienced bursts of these feelings more than once. And, perceiving oneself as an energetic being, it is not difficult to recreate these frequencies in oneself. But if you do not go further, it remains the gratification of the ego, which considers itself very advanced, and changes little in consciousness. And in order for it to rise, these high feelings must be developed, deepened, experienced in their entirety and shown in everyday life. And when they develop into qualities, into a gift from an excess, the Soul opens up with joy and admits to its most intimate, to the mystery of the secret - the Spirit.

Love is without bottom

And kindness is like the breadth of the sea.

The more I spend

Thus I become more boundless and richer.

Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet

What is God, Light, Spirit?

Love is such a refined feeling that It erases the border between the inner and the outer in consciousness, we become boundless Breadth and Serenity, and only a point remains in the sensation of the body: the living, pulsating I-Am. This is the point of Light, in which all potentials are rolled up, striving to unfold into infinity. It is on this opening that that individual originality develops, those features that the pattern of the Soul carries in itself. Just a point. But this is a self-aware Spirit.

What is Spirit? Light? The God? Is God a Spirit?

Let's take a look at Wikipedia:

Spirit (philosophy)- a philosophical concept, often identified with the immaterial principle.

Spirit (mythology)- a supernatural being, endowed with the will, the ability to perceive objects and various supernatural abilities and capabilities, while itself remains almost always inaccessible to perception.

Spirit (religion)- the original driving force inherent in the all-living, and in some cultures and inanimate. Synonyms: Higher Self, Atman (Paramatma), Purusha.

There is also such a definition: "The spirit is the highest ability of the human soul, through which a person cognizes God."

And if so?

the God- unknowable Beginning, Principle of Creation, Information, according to which forms (creations) are born and Energies are created for their filling.

And the endless process of radiation of this information-energy is the immortal Spirit - immortal life.

And if everything visible and invisible, manifested and unmanifest is information-energy in different states and emanations (from the Latin "outflow, outflow, outpouring"), then everything is God and Spirit, which make up a single whole. God and Spirit are not the same, but They are inseparable.

Creation itself takes place on an incomprehensible, gigantic release of information-energy - Light. Therefore, God is Light.

But if everything is God, why then is the Darkness?

For cognition , which is the essence, the driving force of development.

Everything, even the Highest Reason / Absolute / God cognizes himself and develops through his opposite. Therefore, we, His creations, carry in ourselves both the spark of His Light-Spirit and at this level we become identical with Him, and His antithesis - darkness - is ignorance.

This spark of Light directs and helps to transform darkness into Light through comprehension and rethinking. Thus, we grow and transform, and the Creator cognizes Himself through us.

This is the ascent in the spiritual path: we, created as a Microcosm, return to pure awareness and begin to realize the inescapable possibilities of the Macrocosm - the Creator. He is for expanding knowledge of himself through us. We are for knowing Him in ourselves.

Think about it: every our thought, word, conversation, action, if they are performed on the frequency of the Spirit, becomes a channel for manifestationCreator! What a recognition of us, respect and trust of the Creator! And what a happiness it is - expressing the unexpressed, to live in the joy of creative ups.

Why do we suffer?

Because our earthly hypostasis in its narrowed personal consciousness is separated from its own Divinity and therefore remains in 3D distortions. "It is this separation,- says Sri Aurobindo in Integral Yoga, - there is a reason for all suffering. All suffering in the universe is the result of « separation of individual consciousness, which remains unidentified with the source - the Supreme consciousness, its individual beginning ".

How is the connection with the Creator carried out

How to restore connection with your Source - Supreme Consciousness?

To do this, you need to understand how It is connected with its creations and how the Higher Reason distinguishes us.

Imagine the Universe as a circle, the Creator as its center. Myriads of rays emanate from it. These rays - we are like information-energy frequency. By their radiation, the Almighty learns about the state of each of us. According to them, responding to prayers and requests (when they come not from the ego, but from the Soul), He sends us, His children, Protection, Help and Salvation in difficult situations.

  • We are given a lot, but we only accept what corresponds to our radiation frequency.

Therefore, the growth of one's vibrations is so important - purity of thoughts, kind-heartedness, sincere bestowal, the transition from mental representations of ignorance to vision, that is, awareness.

Awareness in us also occurs on the flash of the Light of the Spirit. He removes darkness and illuminates the knowledge hidden behind it, which, as you know, is power. This is the Power of consciousness, raised to the level of Oso-Knowledge - mastering knowledge.

This Power brings a tremendous upsurge. For spiritual growth, creativity, fulfillment of tasks outlined by the Soul, to overcome obstacles on the Path. To reunite with the Almighty. This is the Power with which the SPIRIT fertilizes the Soul. In us, it manifests itself as an incomprehensible, mystical rise of inspiration, and in its materialization, some people experience a quantum leap in perception, while others give birth to the most valuable discoveries or imperishable masterpieces.

In the Power of awareness, the race for the power of achievements, money, power seems childishly naive - illusory in its unreliability and dependence on external circumstances. It has nothing to do with self-confidence, high self-esteem, or self-esteem. This Power is combined with unshakable Calm. It is the Light that we transmit and adapt. And the higher the consciousness, the more Light and the sooner we open to the One Who We Are, or I-Present - the vibration of the Spirit unchanged in all incarnations.

I am the present

Much is said and written about the Self-Real and the Higher Self, and everything is different, since these are hypostases from another dimension, not accessible to 3-dimensional consciousness. In this matter, without pretending to be true, you can only share your own experiences, understandings and what is suggested by the Cosmic Teachers.

The I-Present is directed into our depths, into the great Silence, from where the Spirit proclaims: I Am God in you. I-You are present in the World I created as a Microcosm in the Macrocosm!

This greatness as an inexhaustible potential we have to reveal more than one life. The first step in it is the revival of your Divine aspects, identification with them and the introduction of these frequencies into your daily life.

The vibration of the Present I, that is, the Spirit is present in every atom of our multilevel system. This is a tuning fork by which cells are attuned, cleansed and healed; physical and subtle bodies are combined into a whole. The Soul creates on this energy.

How to feel the Present I?

- An unyielding intention to raise consciousness to unconditional Love;

Staying at your original frequency,

Feeling your center, pulsating: "I am your Real, I am Who you are."

It dwells in our depths and is always with us. And if this frequency is lost, nothing prevents you from returning to it. Lost - restored. Disappeared - renewed. From it - to listen, speak, act, live.

The criterion that we are in our Self-Present is that:

  • the division of the World into external and internal disappears at once. They become one Whole, the infinity in which their Presence is felt.
  • Habitual judgments and evaluations give way to contemplation and awareness.
  • This is a look from the depths, when everything is seen from the inside, in the essence that is behind the form.
  • We are experiencing a state of Love and Unity, and every being is you: you feel it as yourself.

Higher Self

The Self-Real and the Higher Self are inseparable and function at the same frequency. This is the Spirit in us, and He radiates energy inward and outward at the same time. The Higher Self is a manifestation of the Present Self in Being: It realizes our connection with the World - with the information layer of the Earth - the Akash Chronicles, with any higher entity, if we are not in an illusion, but really go to its frequency. And with the Creator. This vibration of ours is present on all planes of existence - from the core of the Earth to the Primordial Source. Thanks to this I, we, as an individualized Spirit, are present everywhere - in different time zones, and outside of time, in all spaces and outside of it, in all dimensions and at any point in the Universe.

But if both I's are directed in opposite directions, what connects them into a single whole?

The point from which the radiation is read. The point that is God in us.

Are both selves equally important, or is there some initial priority between them?

Both I do not exist separately... They are equally significant and complement each other, such as the Masculine and Feminine Principles, which are one energy, but with an opposite sign. When we are at the frequency of our Spirit, both parts of I, acting in different directions, are simultaneously active: we evenly distribute our attention inward - otherwise we cannot support this vibration - and outward, because we are looking at something, we are talking with someone that we do something. At the same time, the Spirit prompts the most accurate actions or words, and they sound very weighty, convincing and penetrating, reaching the heart of the interlocutor.

The Light I radiates Love, and people, getting into such a space, automatically calm down, cheer up, experience an uplift, and perceive what happened in a different way. For some, this becomes a source of transformation or motivation to work on oneself. It is no coincidence that true Masters attract so many listeners, disciples and followers.

Try to establish a connection with your Self from the Sahasrara (chakra above the head), where the energy is subtle.

Does the Higher Self function in everyday, everyday life?

The Higher Self is Spirit, and He is always present in us, in every moment of our earthly and unearthly existence. This energy can be concentrated as your unshakable core, focusing it in every energy center - vital (Hara center), heart or mental, in any chakra or point of the body. It is I who is always ready to talk with us, give wise advice, answer questions, clarify the reasons for what originated in the subtle plane, and explain what consequences this may have in the material world. This not only protects against rash actions, but also leads to the growth of awareness and, of course, the development of consciousness. The question is whether we are on this our own, that is, His frequency, in order, on the one hand, to be in contact with Him, to act and talk from Him, and, on the other hand, to hear His explanations.

A View from the Present Higher Self

Imagine any negative situation as a circle. From its center there are rays, these are the characters. And the center is you at the frequency of the Higher Self-Present, and you perceive everything with pure, detached consciousness. And that irreconcilable struggle of the participants, which has just caused awe and shudder, is suddenly seen not as a war, but ... as a movement for mutual, complementary growth. It is for him that the Soul sometimes plans painful experiences so that, having passed through them, the consciousness evolves as much as possible in this incarnation.

But if everything is a choice of the Soul, does Karma exist?

At one level of development, a person needs God as a punishing Force so that fear restrains his manifestation of aggression, hatred and anger.

On another level, this is Karma as a cause-and-effect retribution: what you sow, sooner or later it will come back to you. It really exists for those who believe in it.

And when we realize that everything in life happens with the consent of the Soul, and everything is for the development of consciousness, we are directed towards this development. Another thing is that being in the physical world, a person does not always cope with difficult trials and breaks down and collapses. But if he survives, then, without betraying the Soul, he really grows and moves towards God, towards the Light, which is Love and Awareness. At the same time, how strong his Faith is, he receives such help from the Forces of Light.

Opposites here are seen as integral: minus and plus are one. The negative contains potential: always and everywhere present, but initially weakly manifested, the Light of God, which gradually gains strength and dedensifies the darkness - energy density. Otherwise there would be no development. And having become positive, He carries in Himself minimal chaos, which at first supports dynamism, and then develops into negative, bearing the seed of the positive as an impetus for new growth. So, along an invisible spiral, there is perpetual motion and inevitable progress.

At the frequency of the Higher Self-Present, we gain the key to dissolving the ego, rebuilding any relationship and our entire life. On its vibration of Love, becoming Sincerity and Purity, we restore Harmony not only in our personal Universe. We are becoming a portal for those Cosmic energies that help everyone to contribute to the change in the collective consciousness, so that Peace and Prosperity will return to the planet.

Hello, I AM El Morya.

I again come to those Souls that are able to hear me and apply my recommendations to action.

We continue your training to form a new consciousness.

Your consciousness is able to accommodate a lot of information, and most importantly, to form new elements and structures for evolutionary development. You are able to integrate various information and energy flows in yourself.

Today I will give you a method of attunement to your source of the Divine original energy - the Divine source, without which you would not be able to exist. He gives you the opportunity to live in embodiment, he is the source of your strength. When a person's connection with him is interrupted, then the person gets illnesses and forces leave.

Ask your I AM presence to restore the connection of your Soul, your physical and subtle bodies with the source of the original Divine energy that is present in you. Thank the Creator, your Higher Self, Soul, source for the opportunity for transformation.

At first, you may not experience significant results. But, restoring the connection gradually, after a month you will notice that your strength is returning to you, and as if life-giving moisture fills and cleanses the Soul. You may also feel pain in the navel area. Your source will wake up and pour the energy of purification and resurrection into you. A gradual resurrection of your bodies and Soul will begin. Do this exercise every day for a month.

Along with the resurrection of your consciousness and your Soul, you combine all the Divine parts in yourself, you resurrect the God-man. This is a deliberate and long-term work. Having received even insignificant results, you will no longer be able to turn back, because you will more and more tune in to the Source of Divine Love.

When your Soul is able to act, guided by Divine principles and accumulated experience, you will feel an extraordinary fullness of life and freedom of your consciousness from all circumstances, fears and conflicts that previously haunted you. The movement of the Spirit will seem natural to you, and you will wonder how you could live before without this movement and the constant striving for purity, Light, Freedom and lightness. Although each step is given to you with great difficulty, was not that what you promised when you went to Earth? Didn't you swear that you will fill up the legions of Light and you will faithfully serve for the good of all people and the planet?

Your Souls remember everything, ask them.

Lord El Morya.

Dear ones, today I offer you a new lesson in communicating with your Higher Self, with your Soul ...

I see that many of you are trying, trying, striving to learn this subtle science. And you will succeed, since all the potential is hidden in the depths of each of you.

There is NO limit to the disclosure of your abilities, expansion of consciousness, enlightenment! You will succeed: sooner or later.

But many of you have already tuned this subtle connection with the higher aspects in past incarnations and now it is easier for them than for others. They just have a little to tune in, just a little bit, they are already close to the goal ...

But each of you is capable of this, believe in yourself, in your strength. The more you desire to receive this divine connection, the more make efforts to achieve your goal, even if it takes weeks and months.

But right now, in this wonderful time of transformation and transition to a new spiritual level, with the arrival of new cosmic energies, many blocks and restrictions have been removed from you. And what you could not do before, now it is easier. Try it, don't give up ...

And today I will tell you about one more reason why you cannot hear your Higher Self, set up a channel with your higher aspects ...

Some of you, but not all, may be hindered by the physical body to connect with the higher mind. You are too grounded to receive high-energy information.

And you need to "break away" from your physical shell, ascend into more subtle planes, raise the level of your vibrations. And for this I offer you the following practice.


Dear ones, it is best to do this practice in a meditative state, when you are calm and relaxed, when you are in inner harmony and balance.

Lie down or sit in a quiet and peaceful place out of the way. Relax all parts of your physical body: arms, legs, head, neck ...

In order to completely relax, imagine that you are a STONE.

Very heavy and large, lying on the ground. Feel how your whole body begins to turn to stone from head to toe.

You can start with your feet and rise higher and higher ... turn to stone ... Your feet turn to stone, immobilize, you do not feel them at all, do not feel as if they simply do not exist ...

This unusual wave gradually travels through your entire body. And thus, you gradually move from one part of the body to another, until you are completely turned into stone.

Feeling like a stone, you will not be able to move your arm or leg ... You will not be able to raise your head or do anything else ... Your body is a stone. You do not feel it, you have separated from it. You are hovering over it ...

And now fill yourself with pure divine Light and Love ... Light this Light in yourself or ask from a subtle plane: from God, from Angels, from Light Forces ... Raise your vibration level by this action.

And now you shine and unconditionally love everything around ...

And in the complete silence of your consciousness (Practice "Clouds") turn to your Higher Self, to your Soul ... ask a simple question (Practice "Simple question").

Try it, maybe this is exactly what prevented you from hearing the answer of your Higher Self.

Your loving God the Father.

Received by Magda, 06.06.2016

Copyright Magda NEW LIFE, 2016

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Increases the ability to Creativity, opens the channel of Inspiration, gives a clear understanding of things, develops clairvoyance, clairaudience, the ability to telepathy.

Alex Narbut. Receptions by Joseph Murphy and Dale Carnegie. Use the power of subconsciousness and consciousness to solve any problem.

So, the subconscious is a fertile soil in which you can sow anything. "Seeds" are our thoughts, emotions, attitudes, beliefs, desires, intentions. “Our life is what our thoughts make it,” - this phrase is quoted by Dale Carnegie, calling it so: eight words that can change your destiny.

But what if the mind is struck by weed thoughts: fears, negative expectations, bad attitude towards oneself, distrust of the world? Where to find the source of other thoughts - bright, positive, carrying self-confidence and faith in victory?

Such a source exists - and it is also within us. One of the names Joseph Murphy gives him is Inner Wisdom. You can call this source in another way - Divine power, Universal life force, Higher intelligence, Creative power of the universe, a channel of communication with Divinity.

Such definitions are universal, regardless of what religion you profess, or whether you profess at all. Even if you consider yourself an atheist, you are undoubtedly sure of the reality of such a thing as a soul.

Indeed, you do not consider yourself only a material body, do you? There is a whole world inside you that goes far beyond the body. This is what you call "I". Your thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams, dreams, ideas about life ...

But not only. There is something inside you that goes beyond the ordinary. It is as if some other dimension in which you are connected with the whole world, with the universe and with an unknown transcendent source of power. It is customary to call this source God, but if you associate this word with religion and you don’t like it, you can call it differently.

It is not the name that is important, but your ability to feel a connection with this source - as with some boundless, silent, calm and kind force that is always present within you!

In order to live harmoniously and happily, no matter what religion you profess, you need to believe in the existence of some higher forces that people are created by, and which guide us along the entire path of our life. As soon as you assimilate this thought, as soon as you accept it with all your soul, you will acquire a new, spiritual meaning of your existence.

Joseph Murphy. Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind for a More Spiritual Life
By connecting with this higher source, you can feel that all fears, all worries and all negative thoughts and feelings are gone.

Connecting with this source, we invariably calm down and begin to experience a feeling of quiet joy, pleasure in being as such. We seem to be caught up in a warm, gentle wave, which gives us a sense of security, peace, confidence that we are moving in the right direction.

Maybe you have experienced something like this more than once, spontaneously entering this state at some special moments in your life - for example, when you were doing what you love, which you are very good at, or simply admiring the starry sky, a majestic natural landscape, or admired the beauty of a flower, or maybe a work of art.

The sublime state of inspiration, admiration for beauty, enjoyment of life - this is also a touch of Divinity.

Not to some external God, far from people - but to that God, which is inside every person!
You can learn to enter such a state quite consciously. It is not so difficult - you just need to turn inside yourself, enter your inner space. You will definitely find there a source of joy, spiritual beauty, wisdom, inspiration. And then at any moment you can draw support from this inner source, find support and protection, self-confidence and optimism in it.

The thoughts that will come to you from this source will invariably turn out to be happy thoughts that can create a happy life for you!

The exercise

Discover the Source of Inner Wisdom

Place yourself in any comfortable position where you feel calm and comfortable, and where no one will disturb you. You can do this exercise in the evening before bed. The main thing is that you can relax and let go of all worrying, restless thoughts.

Close your eyes and turn your attention inward. There is no need to wait for anything and try to get some kind of result. This is your meeting with yourself, with your inner innermost essence. It is simply impossible to go wrong and do something wrong here. Any experience will be helpful to you.

Imagine that you are in some other space. The space within you is indeed different; it has nothing to do with the outside world.

You will notice that this inner space is endless, it has no beginning or end, and it is not limited by the boundaries of your body. This is your inner space.

Imagine that you are listening to this inner space - listening to its peace and quiet. You seem to have froze and listen very sensitively, as if wanting to catch even the slightest rustle. The outside world is receding, you don't care about what is outside right now. You are totally focused on the inside.

You will find that you are listening to silence, but it is filled with silence. You are not in emptiness, you feel that your inner space is full - it is the fullness of consciousness, aware and observing both yourself and the environment.

When you feel that you have been imbued with this inner peace and silence, say to yourself: "I AM who I am."

These are not just words - this is a code that connects your mind with the mind of the universe, God, with the Higher powers, with the universal mind, with the source of inner wisdom. This is how you communicate to the universe that you exist, that you are you.

Listen to the space again and you will feel a silent response. Repeat “I AM that I AM” a few more times silently and then aloud.

What has changed inside you?

Have you felt joy, blissful peace, strength, confidence?

This means that you managed to connect with your own Divine source.

How to use gratitude to increase the flow of all kinds of benefits into your life

You may notice that the source of inner wisdom is always with you. You just didn't pay attention to his presence before. You didn’t listen to him, and he always gave you the best advice.

And if you made mistakes in your life - made the wrong choice - it was only because you listened to advice that came from somewhere outside, and not from within!

You were guided by what other people say and think, what is considered correct in your environment, as your friends and relatives advise. These tips may not be bad, but they are not yours. This means that they may suit others, and not suit you.

You probably remember situations when you were guided by this inner source. Otherwise, they did what the heart suggested, what the intuition advised. These actions and deeds were the most successful and correct.

There are many good things in your life! All this is created for you by your inner wisdom, or Divine source. This is a force that sometimes acts against our will - simply because it knows better what will be good for us.

We sometimes do not pay attention to the good that fate (or the Higher Power) sends us, we take it for granted. Whereas we concentrate too much on troubles, paying too much attention to them. Thus, we constantly send a signal to the subconscious mind about troubles, and, without noticing how, we sow and sow new seeds of them.

If we notice the good that comes into our life - and it comes to us every day - we will tune our subconscious mind to the arrival of this good in ever larger volumes.

One of the most important pieces of advice from Dale Carnegie is: "Count your grace, not your misery." “Grace” is that good that fate gives us, the Upper Power or God, but that we are used to not noticing. You have a roof over your head, and on your table you need daily food and water, you can walk, breathe, watch, talk, read, think, grow, develop, learn about yourself and the world, love, communicate with loved ones, do what you love - all these are great gifts, and if we value them, then they multiply; if we do not value them, alas, they diminish.

Appreciating your "grace" and giving thanks for them - life, destiny, God, the Higher Power - is also a great way to strengthen your connection with the Universal source of power and wisdom of the universe. In addition, by doing this, you will begin to tune your consciousness and subconsciousness in a positive way, and this will help you attract more and more benefits into your life!

The exercise

Learn to be grateful for everything, even the little things.

Take a paper, a pen, and start writing down (at least briefly denoting) all the good things that you have, but for which you forget to thank life and destiny. Don't forget the little things!

For example :

Someone smiled at you and said a kind word - thank this person, and at the same time the universe, which sends you such pleasant meetings;

The weather is good outside, it is easy to breathe - take this as a personal gift to you, thank you;

Try the taste of ordinary food, be glad that you are full, and the food is delicious - thank nature, God, the universe;

Give thanks for the fact that you have sources of income - regardless of whether they seem sufficient to you or not;

Rejoice and thank you for having a body that gives you many possibilities;

Thank the Higher Power for helping you to know yourself and the world, for the fact that the necessary knowledge comes to you, the necessary books appear, the necessary meetings take place.

Add to the list daily. You will see how much there is in your life to be thankful for. The more you thank, the more benefits will come to you.

Only inner silence and peace of mind lead to success

You have already noticed that contact with the inner source of strength and wisdom - or the source of Divinity - is facilitated by inner peace and quiet. If you learn to enter a state of calmness and relaxation, then your meeting with the Divine principle within you will happen almost automatically.

Maybe you are familiar with the feeling of quiet joy, peace of mind, harmony, enjoyment of life, just the very fact of your existence. This is touching Divinity. And this happens to you when your mind is free, not occupied with any thoughts, when you are relaxed, resting. In such situations, your consciousness is open, and God easily enters into an open consciousness.

You don't even have to try, make an effort to touch Divinity. You just need to free your consciousness. And for this you need to learn to control your thoughts and stop internal dialogue.

It seems difficult only at first glance. In fact, you already know how!

There have been moments in your life when the usual rush of thoughts stopped in your head. It could be when you were looking at the starry sky or admiring something beautiful. You may have noticed that the crowd of thoughts does nothing - usually it is just a transfer from empty to empty. True solutions to problems, a true understanding of the essence of a particular issue, in general, truth in all its manifestations comes only to a silent mind. Filled with senseless vanity of thoughts, the mind cannot enter the truth.

Give yourself time, and you will learn to stop the internal dialogue at first for a couple of seconds - and this will already be an achievement. Remember this state! Then you will manage to remain in a state of inner silence for longer and longer. And, finally, you will feel that your meeting with the source of inner wisdom is easy, as if ordered - for this you just need to enter your inner space, into your inner space, as in some other, spiritual dimension, and stop the inner dialogue.

The following exercise will help you with this.

The exercise

Stopping internal dialogue

First, start following the thoughts that come into your head. Take some time for this - for example, decide that you will notice the thoughts that come into your head for the next half hour, or while you are driving to work, or during your lunch break.

Just be aware of what you are thinking. How important are these thoughts? What changes when you think about them? Do you come to some conclusions and decisions, or is it just a waste of time?

Start to control your thoughts - weed out all the random and unnecessary that will come to mind. You will find that mindfulness alone can stop internal dialogue.

Then complicate the exercise a little: try to track every thought that comes to mind, no longer evaluating how useful and necessary it is. Imagine that you, as a hunter, are tracking: what is the next thought that comes to mind?

If you are really a vigilant "hunter", thoughts will not be able to enter your head. They only arise when you are in a state of unconsciousness. It is worth entering into a state of conscious tracking of thoughts and staying in it for a while - as you stop the internal dialogue.

First try to remain in a state of thoughtlessness for a few seconds, then gradually prolong this state. You will feel that a pleasant feeling of lightness, bliss is associated with the stopping of the internal dialogue, as if you are moving in some kind of stream of energy, or soaring above the ground. This means that you have connected with your inner source of Divinity.

Remember this state, and you will be able to enter it instantly, at one of your will.

Chapter 2
Make your thoughts omnipotent

Discover the Power of Persuasion, Faith and Prayer

We create our life with our thoughts - but on one condition: if these thoughts have power!

For a thought to work, energy must be invested in it. How is this energy created? Our own conviction.

Think about what happened in your life exactly the way you wanted - and that you got something that, it would seem, you did not want at all. In other words, what is good in your life that corresponds to your desires, and what is undesirable in it, such that needs to be corrected.

What do you think is common between good and right - and that undesirable, wrong that you get in life? This is what they have in common: both are created by the power of your persuasion. The only difference is that good things come as a result of your conscious thoughts and beliefs, and undesirable things come as a result of unconscious ones. But if a belief is unconscious, this does not mean that it does not have power.

Belief is something that you are convinced of, and you are convinced very strongly, even if unconsciously.

For example, you might have given up what you loved because you were unconsciously convinced that you didn’t have enough abilities for it, or you were consciously convinced that doing this wasn’t making a living. Both of these convictions are enough for you to find yourself in some unloved job.

This conviction, having penetrated the subconscious, did its work precisely because of its strength. And it was your belief in its truth that gave it strength.

We always get what we believe to be true!

Life is built according to the laws of faith. With regard to yourself, life, the world - what do you believe? What you believe in is what you get.

Joseph Murphy. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Start believing in the good things you really want! Develop positive beliefs about what you need in life. And empower them with the power of your faith!

Dale Carnegie suggests filling your mind with thoughts of health, happiness, prosperity, and Joseph Murphy advises to give these thoughts the power of prayer.

It is not at all necessary to understand the word "prayer" in a religious sense. Joseph Murphy uses it in a much broader sense. He even introduces such a concept as "scientific prayer", and gives it such a definition: it is a harmonious interaction of consciousness and subconsciousness, skillfully aimed at achieving the desired goal.

Basically, we pray whenever we want something badly and dream about the wish being fulfilled. When we are in a positive, dreamy, sublime mood, our subconscious mind directly connects with the Divine source.

The connection of our thoughts, our consciousness and subconsciousness with the power of the Divine source - this is the essence of prayer.

If you are a religious person, then you can pray according to your religion. But be sure to compose your own prayers, or, if you want, call them differently: for example, appeals to the Higher Power, to God within yourself, to inner wisdom. In these prayer messages, talk about what you need, about your dreams and desires.

For your prayer to be effective, the following conditions must be met:

Talk about what you want not in the future tense, but as if it already exists in your life: instead of “I want to be healthy,” “I dream of wealth,” “I am healthy,” “I am rich," etc. ;

Believe that all your words are true, that everything is exactly as you say;

Create an elevated, joyful mood for yourself for prayer, drive away all negative thoughts and feelings.

In response to a sincere prayer from the heart, the infinite riches of the universe are able to open to us. Believe that the universe is rich, abundant, and has everything you need.

Exercise 1

The experience of prayer from the heart

Stay alone with yourself, close your eyes, relax, calm your thoughts, establish inner silence.

Direct your attention inward and imagine that your heart is a very delicate musical instrument, capable of making beautiful sounds, but they are barely audible, and you need to listen very well to hear them.

Imagine that you are very sensitive to these sounds, to the strings of your heart. Tune in to their soft and gentle sound. Imagine that this sounding is like a wave that gently picks you up and slightly lifts, elevates your soul, fills it with Divine love and warmth.

Say the words “I AM who I am” several times - this will strengthen your connection with the Divine source.

If you want, tell yourself some supportive, inspiring phrase, for example: "I'm fine."

When you feel uplifted, say (silently or aloud - whichever is more convenient for you) the words in which you declare in the present tense everything that you need, or rather, talk about how you want to see yourself, how you represent in your dreams of my life. Speak as if you already have it all!

For example:

"I am full of strength, I am young and healthy."

"I am prosperous."

"I have found my place in life, all my talents and abilities are being realized."

"I do what I love and get paid for it."

"I live in a beautiful house on the seashore, next to me are my beloved and close people."

Repeat these words with the certainty that this is the case. On the wave of Divine power, with faith in oneself, all this will certainly be realized.

The Power of Constructive Meditation and Relaxation

Another way to empower your thoughts, words, and beliefs is through meditation. Be sure to learn to meditate! Do not be afraid of this word, in which many hear the shade of something mystical and mysterious. In fact, this is a completely natural, and at the same time, a healing state of mind and body.

Joseph Murphy says there is nothing mysterious about meditation. Meditation is simply a state of deep concentration on something. And in this sense, we all meditate, even if we do not know about it.

The problem is that unconscious, spontaneous meditation is not always constructive, and therefore does not guarantee positive results. For example, a person who reads crime stories and watches bad news on TV all the time is also a meditator to some extent. But since he focuses only on the bad, terrible, negative, then his meditation is also negative. Accordingly, he will attract negative events and circumstances into his life.

And then there are people who "meditate" on their grievances, experiences, regrets, problems, worries. They do not know that in this way they generate more and more new problems and worries for themselves!

Our challenge is to learn to meditate constructively.

Constructive meditation is not just focusing on work, or on your thoughts, or on some thing, it is focusing on higher, spiritual truths, or simply on the feeling of the presence of God, connection with him.

The state of meditation itself promotes relaxation, deep relaxation. But it will be useful to first master the exercises that help you to relax well. This is very important, because tense muscles make it difficult to immerse yourself in peace and concentration. Practice relaxation in any way you like!

Here is some of them:

Stand up straight, inhale through your nose for a count of six at the same time, hold your breath for three counts, exhale for a count of six again, and again hold your breath for three counts; breathe in this way until you enter the rhythm of this breathing, and you no longer need to count - at the same time all tension will go away, you will relax.

Sit or lie down so that it is comfortable for you, close your eyes, breathe regularly and calmly. Imagine that you are slowly examining your body with your attention, starting with the feet, and repeat to yourself: “My legs are relaxed, my feet are relaxed, my hips are relaxed. My abdominal muscles are relaxed, my heart and lungs are relaxed, my head is relaxed, my whole body is completely relaxed. " Pronounce these phrases as slowly as possible, at the same time get a feel for the state of your body. Repeat three to five times and you will feel relaxed.

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