Home Indoor flowers Quotes about Napoleon. The most famous sayings of Napoleon Bonaparte! About great people

Quotes about Napoleon. The most famous sayings of Napoleon Bonaparte! About great people

On August 15, 1769, the great commander, the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, was born. In just a few years, he managed to conquer almost all of Europe. We decided to collect a list of the most striking quotes of Bonaparte

About love.

A beautiful woman likes the eyes, but she is kind to the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other is a treasure.

Love for an idle person is an occupation, for a warrior - entertainment, for a sovereign - a pitfall.

A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is not a man or a woman, but simply nothing.

Nature does not provide for marriage.

Prostitutes are a must. Otherwise, men would have lashed out at decent women in the streets.

In love, the only victory is flight.

Love is foolishness done together.


Only wake me up if bad news comes; and if good - in no case.

The surest way to keep your word is not to give it.

In misfortune, the one in whom greatness was previously revered is usually not respected.

In every big case, you always have to leave some part to chance.

There are no roads in Russia - only directions.

Skillful flatterers are usually equally skilful slanderers.

Everyone is right in their own way.

The misfortunes that have befallen them are elevated, but the fools are completely broken.

Impossibility is a word from the vocabulary of fools.

You can stop when climbing, but not when falling.

From the great to the ridiculous one step.

Keep it short and vague.

Glory wears out.

Chance rules the world.

Only the truth is offensive.

The fool has a great advantage over the educated man: he is always pleased with himself.

Success is what makes great people.

You need to want to live and be able to die.

Inspiration is a quick calculation.

A leader is a merchant of hope.

You should not be afraid of those who disagree with you, but of those who disagree with you and are afraid to tell you about it.

The greatest immorality of all is to take on a task that you cannot do.

History is just a version of the events that happened in our interpretation.

There are two levers you can use to move people — fear and self-interest.

About the army.

One bad commander in chief is better than two good ones.

It is bad if young people comprehend the art of war from books: this is a sure way to educate bad generals.

A soldier is required first of all endurance and patience, courage is the second thing.

In the knapsack of each soldier lies the marshal's rod.

A people who do not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else's.

Soldiers are numbers that solve political problems.

I showered my companions with gold: but I needed to understand that, having grown rich, a person no longer wants to expose himself to mortal danger.

The enemy can be forgiven, but first he must be destroyed.

You can do anything with bayonets, you just can't sit on them.

About war.

First you need to get involved in a serious battle, and then you will see.

An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions led by a ram.

The military forces are not enough to defend the country, while the country defended by the people is invincible.

To wage war I need three things: firstly, money, secondly, money, and thirdly, money.

The art of war is a science in which nothing succeeds except that which is carefully calculated and carefully thought out.

Coups are performed with the belly.

When the enemy makes a mistake, he should not be hindered. It is not polite.

On the management of the state.

Big politics is just common sense applied to big things.

There should be no half-responsibility in management: it inevitably leads to concealment of waste and non-compliance with laws.

It is very difficult to manage if done in good faith.

The art of management is not letting people grow old in their job.

Those who cannot speak will not make a career.

It is easier to create laws than to follow them.

The most important thing in politics is to pursue your goal: the means do not mean anything.

When they say about a monarch that he is kind, it means that he is not good for a devil.

Politics has no heart, only a head.

About religion.

A people without religion is a pitiful ship without a compass. Without religion, a person walks in darkness. Only religion indicates to a person his beginning and end. Christ is useful to the state.

About medicine.

Medicine is a collection of illogical prescriptions that do harm rather than benefit.

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Napoleon Bonaparte is a famous historical figure, commander and politician, conqueror and extraordinary person.
Napoleon is the kind of person who always did what could help him get what he wanted. There were always various rumors around his death and personal life. This man had not only friends, but also bitter enemies. The famous aphorisms and sayings of Napoleon allow contemporaries to understand what a great man lived and what he had in his life that they will talk about forever.

The wisest and most famous sayings of Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. Impossible is not French.
  2. Anarchy always leads to absolutism.
  3. Security and property can only exist in a state where the tax rate does not change every year.
  4. God fights on the side which, other things being equal, has more troops.
  5. God fights on the side of those who have the best artillery.
  6. Wealth does not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use that they know how to give them.
  7. Big politics is just common sense applied to big things.
  8. It is more likely to meet a good ruler who came to power by inheritance than by election.
  9. Big battalions are always right.
  10. You should not be afraid of those who disagree with you, but of those who disagree with you and are afraid to tell you about it.
  11. Wake me up only if bad news comes, and if good news - never.
  12. In financial matters, the best way to get credit is not to use it.
  13. It is in the interests of the state that officials are constantly replaced: if this principle is not observed, then appanage possessions and seigneurial justice inevitably appear.
  14. In misfortune, the one in whom greatness was previously revered is usually not respected.
  15. In revolutions we encounter two kinds of people: those who make them and those who use them for their own purposes.
  16. There are no roads in Russia - only directions.
  17. There should be no half-responsibility in management: it inevitably leads to concealment of waste and non-compliance with laws.
  18. A well-governed country needs a dominant religion and state-dependent priests.
  19. In great trials, it is a woman's lot to mitigate our failures.
  20. In every big case, you always have to leave some part to chance.
  21. In love, the only victory is flight.
  22. In politics, stupidity is not a flaw.
  23. In the knapsack of each soldier lies the marshal's rod.
  24. In essence, the name and the form of government do not matter: if only justice is provided to all citizens, if they are equal in rights, the state is governed well.
  25. Inspiration is a quick calculation.
  26. The great and wonderful truths of the French Revolution will live forever - we surrounded them with such brilliance, such monuments, miracles! These truths will remain immortal. We washed away the first spots of the revolution with streams of glory.
  27. Great careers, great achievements are born from the meeting of character, genius and luck.
  28. Great people are like meteors: they flashed and burned, illuminating the world.
  29. The surest way to keep your word is not to give it.
  30. It is very difficult to manage if done in good faith.
  31. Instead of a whip, I ruled with honor.
  32. The military forces are not enough to defend the country, while the country defended by the people is invincible.
  33. The leader is like a trader who has invested his money in a business and expects a profit.
  34. War consists of unforeseen events.
  35. An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions led by a ram.
  36. Imagination rules the world.
  37. The enemy can be forgiven, but first he must be destroyed.
  38. All religions were invented by people.
  39. Always alone among people, I return to my dreams only alone with myself.
  40. Every party leader should be able to take advantage of the enthusiasm of his supporters, for there is no party that does not have its ardent adherents. And the greatest military leader, at the head of his soldiers, deprived of a fighting spirit, turns out to be a complete mediocrity.
  41. You are not taller than me, you are longer.
  42. Do you want to know if your friends are reliable? For this one must be in misfortune.
  43. The winner of the battle is not the one who gave good advice, but the one who took responsibility for its implementation and ordered it to be done.
  44. General, you are just one head taller than me, but if you are rude to me, then I will immediately eliminate this difference.
  45. Genius people are meteors, designed to burn in order to illuminate their age.
  46. Genius lies in the ability to distinguish difficult from impossible.
  47. The main thing is to get involved in a fight, and then we'll see!
  48. A state without religion is like a ship without a compass.
  49. A hussar who is not killed at 30 is not a hussar, but rubbish!
  50. In order to destroy the fatherland, even one scoundrel is enough: there have been many examples of this in history.
  51. Give a man power and you will find out who he is.
  52. To wage a war, I need three things: firstly, money, secondly, money, and thirdly, money.
  53. For religion, clergymen are the same as officials for power.
  54. In order for the people to find true freedom, it is necessary that the ruled should be wise, and the rulers should be gods.
  55. You need a whip and spurs to control the seal.
  56. The fool has a great advantage over the educated man: he is always pleased with himself.
  57. If I had Cossacks, I would have conquered the whole world.
  58. If you don't like dogs, don't you like loyalty? you do not love those who are faithful to you, therefore you cannot be faithful.
  59. If you want to be successful in this world, then promise everything and do nothing.
  60. If you put the rams at the head of the lions, then the lions ram, but on the contrary, even the ram will have a lion's heart.
  61. There are two levers by which people can move: fear and self-interest.
  62. There are thieves who will never be punished, although they steal our most valuable thing: TIME.
  63. A bullet has not yet been cast that can kill me!
  64. A journalist is a street cleaner who works with a pen.
  65. I have made many mistakes in my life, but the greatest one was presenting my person to the British: I believed that they followed the laws of honor.
  66. Common sense creates gifted people, self-esteem is just the wind that inflates the sails and leads their ship straight to the dock.
  67. Of the one hundred former royal favorites, at least ninety-five were hanged.
  68. Of two hearts, one is always warm and the other cold. a cold heart is more expensive than diamonds, but a warm heart has no price and is thrown away ...
  69. Skillful flatterers are usually equally skilful slanderers.
  70. The art of war is a science in which nothing succeeds except that which is carefully calculated and carefully thought out.
  71. The art of management is not letting people grow old in their job.
  72. True heroism is to transcend the misfortunes of life.
  73. The true hero plays a chess game during the battle, regardless of its outcome.
  74. History is a version of past events that people have decided to agree with.
  75. History is woven from lies that everyone believes in.
  76. Everyone is right in their own way.
  77. What a fascinating novel, my life.
  78. What is the point of destiny now? Politics is destiny!
  79. When the sovereign stains himself with at least one crime, all the rest are attributed to him.
  80. When nations stop complaining, they stop thinking.
  81. When the enemy makes a mistake, he should not be hindered. It is not polite.
  82. When they say about some king that he was kind, it means that his reign was not successful.
  83. When they say about a monarch that he is kind, it means that he is not good for a devil.
  84. Dig up a Russian and you will find a Tatar!
  85. A beautiful woman is pleasant to the eyes, and a kind - to the heart. One is a beautiful thing, and the other is a treasure.
  86. Strong coffee revives me. He brings me warmth, amazing energy, and pain, which is pleasure.
  87. Those who are afraid of being defeated are sure of defeat.
  88. Those who cannot speak will not make a career.
  89. Those who stand tall and in full view of everyone should not allow themselves to impulsive movements.
  90. Who knows how to flatter, knows how to slander.
  91. It is easier to create laws than to follow them.
  92. A leader is a merchant of hope.
  93. The best treatment for the body is to calm the nerves.
  94. The best speaker in the world is success.
  95. The best way to keep your promise is to never make one.
  96. Love is foolishness done together.
  97. Love for an idle person is an occupation, for a warrior - entertainment, for a sovereign - a pitfall.
  98. Love for the homeland is the first virtue of a civilized person.
  99. I owe my mother my happy fate and all the good things that I have done in my life.
  100. Medicine is a collection of illogical prescriptions that do harm rather than benefit.
  101. Among those who seek death, few are those who find it at the very time when it would be of benefit to them.
  102. The place of hostilities is the general's chessboard; it is his choice that reveals the abilities or ignorance of the commander.
  103. You can win the battle, but lose the battle;
  104. You can win the campaign but lose the war.
  105. My true lover is power.
  106. My glory is that she will live forever.
  107. The misfortunes that have befallen them are elevated, but the fools are completely broken.
  108. Sages are above adversity, and fools are below them.
  109. A man should sleep four hours, a woman six; more than six hours sleep only children and stuffed fools.
  110. A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is not a man or a woman, but simply nothing.
  111. Men rule the world and women rule the night.
  112. On the battlefield, supposedly the most dangerous are the ideal military genius and the absolute idiot, with the preponderance on the side of the idiot, since his actions are absolutely impossible to foresee. - attributed to
  113. There are two powerful forces in the world: a saber and a spirit. Ultimately, the spirit defeats the saber.
  114. The greatest immorality of all is to take on a task that you cannot do.
  115. A people without religion is a pitiful ship without a compass. Without religion, a person walks in darkness. Only religion indicates to a person his beginning and end. Christ is useful to the state.
  116. A people who do not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else's.
  117. Nations, people, armies, all French people should not forget about their past: after all, it is their glory.
  118. Keeping people from growing old is the great art of management.
  119. Do not look for malice where everything can be explained by stupidity.
  120. Marriage should not be given to couples who have known each other for less than six months.
  121. An ignoramus has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself.
  122. Impossibility is a word from the vocabulary of fools.
  123. The depths of baseness to which a person can fall are immeasurable.
  124. There is nothing more arrogant than the powerlessness that feels supported.
  125. Undaunted people are not among those who have something to lose.
  126. An ignoramus is only boring, a pedant is unbearable.
  127. Never consider which party the person who seeks justice from you belonged to.
  128. Never interrupt your opponent when he makes a mistake.
  129. Nothing multiplies battalions more numerically than success.
  130. You must first get involved in the battle, and then we'll see.
  131. You need to want to live and be able to die.
  132. Public opinion is a public wench.
  133. A society without religion is like a ship without a compass.
  134. Without religion, a person walks in darkness. Only religion indicates to a person his beginning and end. Jesus Christ is useful to the state.
  135. The custom condemns us to many nonsense; the biggest of them is to become his slave.
  136. Custom forces us to do many nonsense; the biggest is to become his slave.
  137. Usually soldiers win battles, and generals get honors.
  138. One bad commander in chief is better than two good ones.
  139. It turns out that out of a hundred former royal favorites, at least ninety-five were hanged.
  140. She, no matter how you look at her, is the most reliable guarantee for mothers and husbands. School should teach a girl to believe, not think.
  141. You can stop when climbing, but not when falling.
  142. There is more noise from ten people speaking than from ten thousand people who are silent.
  143. Public order depends on justice. Therefore, by right, the place of judges is in the first row of the social hierarchy. Therefore, no honors and signs of respect can be considered excessive for them.
  144. A soldier is required first of all endurance and patience, courage is the second thing.
  145. It is much further from mind to reason than people think.
  146. From the great to the ridiculous one step.
  147. Courage is like love: it needs to feed on hope.
  148. Patriotism is the first sign of a civilized person, a quality that distinguishes a person from a slave.
  149. Coups are performed with the belly.
  150. It is bad if young people comprehend the art of war from books: this is a sure way to educate bad generals.
  151. Victory is not won by numbers. Alexander defeated three hundred thousand Persians at the head of twenty thousand Macedonians.
  152. As long as we are fighting in Europe, the war remains civil.
  153. Show me people who read books - and I will show who moves the world.
  154. Using the favors of Fortune, beware of betrayal, do not forget that she is a woman.
  155. After the victory, there are no enemies - all people!
  156. The last word always rests with public opinion.
  157. The latter are always right.
  158. Put the fraudster in full view and he will act like an honest person.
  159. Governments with opposing views are fine as long as peace reigns.
  160. With courage, everything can be allowed, but not everything can be achieved.
  161. Nature does not provide for marriage.
  162. Prostitutes are a must. Otherwise, men would have lashed out at decent women in the streets.
  163. By forgiving those who revile me, I can always put myself above them.
  164. When they unfold, many things pretend that they are invisible.
  165. Revolution is a conviction backed by bayonets.
  166. Religion is a great way to pacify the rabble.
  167. Religion is an important subject in girls' schools. She, no matter how you look at her, is the most reliable guarantee for mothers and husbands. School should teach a girl to believe, not think.
  168. Cuckolds and kings are the last to know that they are being laughed at.
  169. From the time I became the head of state, I consulted only with myself, and that was fine with me. I only began to make mistakes when I began to listen to what the advisers were saying.
  170. The most formidable army cannot successfully wage a war against an entire people who have decided to win or die.
  171. The most important thing in politics is to pursue your goal: the means do not mean anything.
  172. You can make a stop during the ascent, but not during the descent.
  173. The secret of the art of war is to be stronger than the enemy at the right time in the right place.
  174. The heart of a statesman should be in his head.
  175. Strength is never funny.
  176. With the power of our bayonets, we can defeat any enemy, no matter how strong he may be, but if the old women start pouring chamber pots on our heads, then this empire will collapse.
  177. Glory wears out.
  178. Glory is passing, but oblivion is eternal ...
  179. The word "impossible" can only be found in the vocabulary of fools.
  180. Chance is the only legitimate king of the universe.
  181. Chance rules the World ...
  182. Death is nothing, but a life of defeat and disgrace is death every day.
  183. First you need to get involved in a serious battle, and then you will see.
  184. Everything can be done with courage, but not everything can be done.
  185. The soldiers are just numbers that are used to solve political problems.
  186. There are two levers for managing people: the first is personal gain, and the second is money.
  187. There are thieves who are not punished, but who steal the most valuable thing from people - time.
  188. Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.
  189. Those who are ready to take control must be prepared to be killed.
  190. Those who seek happiness in luxury and waste are like those who prefer the sparkle of candles to the radiance of the sun.
  191. Only the truth is offensive to a person.
  192. Only those who want to deceive and rule the people can keep them in ignorance.
  193. Anyone who is afraid of being conquered will surely lose.
  194. Anyone who does not seek to earn the respect of his contemporaries is not worthy of it.
  195. Anyone who prefers wealth to fame is a wasteful who takes from the moneylender and goes broke on interest.
  196. The throne is just an armchair upholstered in velvet.
  197. The cowardly flees from the evil one, and the weak is defeated by the strongest: this is the origin of political law.
  198. A statesman should have his heart in his head.
  199. A people, like a woman, has only one right: to be ruled.
  200. Politics has no heart, only a head.
  201. For the French, a sense of national honor always smolders under the ashes. A spark is enough to ignite it.
  202. Fortune follows a great man.
  203. To die without enjoying your love is hellish torment, it is a sure image of complete destruction. (from a letter from Napoleon)
  204. Success is what makes great people.
  205. Success is the world's most eloquent speaker.
  206. Establishing the indissolubility of marriage is an incitement to crime.
  207. Fanaticism must be put to sleep so that it can be uprooted.
  208. A person who talks a lot can do a lot!
  209. The human spirit is not yet ripe for the rulers to do what they should do, and the ruled do what they want.
  210. What is history if not a fable, in which we agreed to believe ...
  211. What does a million human lives mean for a person like me?
  212. What is a newspaper? This is a dispersed club.
  213. Someone else's stupidity has not yet made anyone smart.
  214. You can do anything with bayonets, you just can't sit on them.
  215. Orders are pathetic trinkets with which to control people.
  216. I'm more afraid of three newspapers than a hundred bayonets.
  217. I am either a fox or a lion. The whole secret of management is knowing when I should be this or that.
  218. I can deceive professors and journalists, but I cannot deceive the Parisian housewife who goes to the market every day.
  219. I don't think France has ever known a better order than the one that was with me.
  220. I showered my companions with gold: but I needed to understand that, having grown rich, a person no longer wants to expose himself to mortal danger.
  221. I think love is bad for society. Oh, if the gods would rid the world of love!

Video: little-known facts and myths about Napoleon

In this video, the historian Matvey Sukhorukov will tell you what misconceptions about the great French commander Napoleon Bonaparte exist to this day.

Emperor of the French in 1804-1815, a great commander and statesman who laid the foundations of the modern French state. Bonaparte began his professional military service in 1785 with the rank of junior lieutenant.

Quotes and aphorisms

There are two levers for managing people: the first is personal gain, and the second is money.

The Russians proved to be worthy of being invincible.

Give a man power and you will find out who he is.

D urak has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself.

A racy woman likes the eyes, but a kind heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other is a treasure.

We should not fear those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are afraid to tell you about it.

Impossibility is a word from the vocabulary of fools.

And Lexander of Macedon, Augustus Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself founded huge empires. And on what basis did these creations of our genius take place? Based on violence. Jesus Christ alone founded his empire with love ... And rest assured that they were all real people, but none of them was like Him; Jesus Christ is more than a man ... At a distance of one thousand eight hundred years, Jesus Christ makes a demanding challenge that exceeds all other requirements. He asks for a human heart.

Nonsense never makes us smart.

The image rules the world.

The depths of baseness to which a person can fall are immeasurable.

And a story is a version of past events with which people decided to agree.

L yubov is a stupidity done together.

If you want to achieve a goal, you need to move at least a little towards it every day.

O dean, a dishonest accountant is more terrible than the enemy's army.

You are not taller than me, you are longer.

16 quotes from Napoleon Bonaparte updated: March 2, 2016 by the author: site

    Anarchy always leads to absolutism.

    God fights on the side which, other things being equal, has more troops.

    Wealth does not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use that they know how to give them.

    Big politics is just common sense applied to big things.

    Only wake me up if bad news comes; and if good - in no case.

    It is in the interests of the state that officials are constantly replaced: if this principle is not observed, then appanage possessions and seigneurial justice inevitably appear.

    In every big case, you always have to leave some part to chance.

    In love, the only victory is flight.

    In adversity, the one in whom greatness was previously revered is usually not respected.

    In revolutions, we encounter two kinds of people: those who make them, and those who use them for their own purposes.

    There are no roads in Russia - only directions.

    In essence, the name and the form of government do not matter: if only justice is provided to all citizens, if they are equal in rights, the state is governed well.

    The surest way to keep your word is not to give it.

    It is very difficult to manage if done in good faith.

    The military forces are not enough to defend the country, while the country defended by the people is invincible.

    The leader is like a trader who has invested his money in a business and expects a profit.

    War consists of unforeseen events.

    An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions led by a ram.

    Imagination rules the world.

    Do you want to know if your friends are reliable? For this, one must be in misfortune.

    The winner of the battle is not the one who gave good advice, but the one who took responsibility for its implementation and ordered it to be done.

    Ingenious people are meteors, designed to burn in order to illuminate their age.

    A state without religion is like a ship without a compass.

    In order to destroy the fatherland, even one scoundrel is enough: there have been many examples of this in history.

    You need a whip and spurs to control the seal.

    There are two levers you can use to move people — fear and self-interest.

    A journalist is a street cleaner who works with a pen.

    Common sense creates gifted people; vanity is just the wind that inflates the sails and leads their ship straight to the pier.

    Skillful flatterers are usually equally skilful slanderers.

    The art of war is a science in which nothing succeeds except that which is carefully calculated and carefully thought out.

    The art of management is not letting people grow old in their job.

    True heroism is to transcend the misfortunes of life.

    The true hero plays a chess game during the battle, regardless of its outcome.

    Every French soldier carries a marshal's baton in his knapsack.

    When they say about a monarch that he is kind, it means that he is not good for a devil.

    A beautiful woman likes the eyes, but she is kind to the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other is a treasure.

    Those who cannot speak will not make a career.

    Those who stand tall and in full view of everyone should not allow themselves to impulsive movements.

    Who knows how to flatter, knows how to slander.

    Love for an idle person is an occupation, for a warrior - entertainment, for a sovereign - a pitfall.

    Love for the homeland is the first virtue of a civilized person.

    Love is foolishness done together.

    Medicine is a collection of illogical prescriptions that do harm rather than benefit.

    A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is not a man or a woman, but simply nothing.

    The greatest immorality of all is to take on a task that you cannot do.

    A people who do not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else's.

    Keeping people from growing old is the great art of management.

    An ignoramus has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself.

    Impossibility is a word from the vocabulary of fools.

    There is nothing more arrogant than the powerlessness that feels supported. Undaunted people are not among those who have something to lose.

    An ignoramus is only boring, a pedant is unbearable.

    Never consider which party the person who seeks justice from you belonged to.

    The custom condemns us to many nonsense; the biggest of them is to become his slave. One bad commander in chief is better than two good ones.

    You can stop when climbing, but not when falling.

    From the great to the ridiculous one step.

    What is required of a soldier is, above all, endurance and patience; courage is the second thing. It is much further from mind to reason than people think.

    The last word always rests with public opinion.

    Nature does not provide for marriage.

    Religion is an important subject in women's schools. She, no matter how you look at her, is the most reliable guarantee for mothers and husbands. School should teach a girl to believe, not think.

    Strength is never funny.

    First you need to get involved in a serious battle, and then you will see.

    Everything can be done with courage, but not everything can be done.

    Those who seek happiness in vanity and amusement are like people who prefer candlelight to sunshine.

    Only the truth is offensive.

    Politics has no heart, only a head.

    Fortune follows a great man.

    Success is what makes great people.

    You can do anything with bayonets; only you can't sit on them.

    You can control people with these pathetic trinkets!

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