Home Indoor flowers Flowers from paper napkins. DIY napkin flowers for beginners and professionals. Large flowers from napkins video

Flowers from paper napkins. DIY napkin flowers for beginners and professionals. Large flowers from napkins video

Flowers - a beautiful creation of nature - have become an integral part of our life! Flowers inspire creativity, wonderful deeds, fill our world with such necessary beauty! And it is not surprising that we transfer them to the world of watercolors and graphics, to canvas and paper, porcelain and fabric. And needlewomen all over the world with inexhaustible imagination recreate floral beauty in a variety of techniques and from a wide variety of materials:

  • flowers made of paper, including corrugated
  • metal flowers
  • braided from wire and beads ...

And how much more to come in the color making of the new, not open!)

Today "Cross" will tell you about the most economical and simple, but no less exciting way to create extraordinary flowers from napkins with your own hands. Yes, from ordinary paper napkins!

For this type of creativity, you will need a minimum of materials, and you do not always have to buy napkins on purpose - except for special occasions when you need to make a lot of flowers.

An important tip: even the scraps from napkins left over from work can be used to make other interior decorations, for example, to create flower balls.

Types of paper napkins

There are a wide variety of paper napkins and almost all of them are excellent materials for making flowers. However, when preparing for work, you need to pay attention to some distinctive details and choose those of the napkins that suit you best.

Paper napkins without drawing

Napkins are:

  • larger and smaller - usually either 33 x 33 cm or 12 x 12 cm
  • single-layer or in several layers, and the layers can also vary: from one primary color and a white "substrate" to, for example, two primary colors and a white "substrate", or several layers of the same color without a white "substrate"
  • with different texture and density
  • with and without a picture

Whatever napkins you take for making flowers - you will certainly have a beautiful result!

This bouquet of carnations is made from single-layer white napkins, and the colored border along the edge is made with felt-tip pens.

The narrower the strip from the felt-tip pen, the softer and more airy the flower will look.

You can learn how to make such carnations from the video from ZHMENTUS VIDEO:

Flowers from large multi-layered napkins are a great decoration for special or romantic occasions!

There are napkins of various shapes: in addition to the usual square ones, there are round, oval, heart-shaped, etc. - the so-called "lace napkins"; they are perfect as a basis for exquisite decoration, including for making flowers.

Roses from lace napkins

Paper napkins can be with or without a pattern: the pattern on them is usually thematic, but you can also make beautiful flowers from such napkins.

Napkins for making flowers for loved ones

Floral-themed paper napkins

One of the options for how to make flowers from napkins with a pattern can be seen in the video from 365 TIPS:

When shopping for paper napkins, it is important to pay attention to whether they are scented or not.

As a rule, the fragrance offered by the manufacturer is most often not suitable for the embodiment of creative ideas; such napkins should be discarded. Needlewomen add a certain floral scent to their paper bouquet, using, for example, aroma oils.

And, of course, along with paper napkins, cloth napkins are also used to create floral decorations.

Cutlery decor with a tissue napkin flower

Serve a festive, as well as an ordinary everyday table in an original and unique way, give a soulful touch to a gift wrapped using hand-made flowers from napkins, decorate the interior of your home - these and many other ideas of yours can be realized with the help of ordinary paper napkins.

How to make flowers from regular paper napkins

There are different ways to make flowers from paper napkins: it all depends on what kind of flower you want to create and which napkins you choose for this.

Many napkin flowers can be made in the same way as flowers from any other paper, fabric, or other suitable material.

We bring to your attention the easiest way to make paper poppy.

For work we need:

  • paper napkins red
  • creative wire or any suitable wire from your household supplies
  • green tape or corrugated paper
  • wire cutters to cut the wire to the desired length
  • pliers or round nose pliers may be needed to form the center of the flower
  • scissors

We cut out two circles of different diameters from a napkin: depending on what size poppy you need

We put the smaller circle on the larger one, preliminarily using the method of folding in half and once again defining the center of the circles in half.

If you used a compass to draw circles, then the center, respectively, will be the hole from the needle.

We thread a wire into the center, bend the tip, forming the middle of the flower in the form of a loop or spiral in a circle.

Poppy with a middle loop

Poppy with a spiral center in a circle

We wrap the stem wire with tape tape, making a slight thickening at the base (we wind the tapes a little more).

Instead of tape, you can use corrugated paper or green paper napkin: in this case, glue will be needed to fix them on the wire.

Raise the petals and form a flower; you can slightly squeeze the petals in your hand and then spread them. Having made several similar flowers, you will get a real bouquet of field poppies.

A poppy flower made in this way looks great, but if you want, you can dream up and add leaves, "dew drops" or "settle" decorative dragonflies, a butterfly, a beautiful bug on its petals.

In the same way, you can make a lush garden poppy by increasing the number of petals - in our case, circles held together in the middle. Show your imagination with a variety of centers for a flower, the shape of the petals (for example, you can cut each petal separately according to the template), and so on.

And a few more ideas for your creativity in flower making from paper napkins:

Autumn charm of chrysanthemums

Delicate roses

Original bouquet of roses

Basket with one-color and two-color roses

Small roses made by cutting in a spiral

You can even give your paper napkin flowers unique, exclusive colors and shades! And this can be done using ordinary gouache. How? Watch the video from Making It Easy:

We also invite you to add Scribble's awesome video tutorial series on how to fold beautifully tissue napkins to your home video collection.

Hint: Some of the options for decorating banquet tables shown in these videos using cloth napkins can be tested on paper napkins.

Be creative, fantasize! Create your own, unique comfort and beauty! Give yourself and the world around you a holiday!


Many do not realize that many beautiful crafts can be made from ordinary napkins. The material will help you create a decoration for any holiday at no extra cost.

It will take a few minutes to complete the craft and even young children can create it. Kids will love to make appliques from napkins, and they will help adults remember their childhood and colorfully decorate the room.

But how to make crafts from napkins with your own hands using scrap materials?

Special serving

Ordinary paper napkins can be found on every table anywhere in the world. A rich imagination will allow you to create many different shapes from a napkin.

Origami is popular, with which you can make many swans or wonderful flowers. You can find many ways to create paper jewelry, which, thanks to the great possibilities, will allow you to create a wonderful craft.

On the Internet, you can find many photos of napkin crafts on any topic. Often there are figures made in the form of flowers.

Examples of creating paper flowers

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts from a regular napkin:

  • The green napkin is laid out in the shape of a triangle;
  • We install it in the glass, leaving both ends outside the glass;
  • Roll the yellow napkin in the same way and twist it to make a tube;
  • The lower side is folded over and the flower is straightened;
  • The resulting rose is dipped into a glass with a green napkin.

Pocket for various cutlery:

  • A napkin from any angle is twisted into a tube to the center;
  • The tube is bent into two equal parts so that the holes remain in front;
  • From the opposite side, the edge is bent to the front side.

Kids crafts

Consider a few handicrafts made from napkins for children.


It will be interesting for children to create different shapes together with their parents.

Dandelion requires the following accessories:

  • PVA glue;
  • Paper;
  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Dye;
  • Stapler.

Making napkin crafts is an easy task that even kids can do. A stalk of a future dandelion is drawn on the sheet. A ball of the desired size is cut out of a yellow napkin, which is fixed in the middle with a stapler.

Scissors make cuts along the edges towards the center, and the resulting flower is glued to the paper. The green napkin will be dandelion leaves that stick to the stem.

After the glue has dried, it is necessary to straighten the flower by folding and pressing all the cut edges on a yellow napkin. You will get a fluffy flower that will delight adults and children with its appearance.


To create crafts you need:

  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • White paper;
  • Pencil.

A butterfly is drawn with a pencil on paper. The necessary pieces are cut out of the napkins so that they match the size of the drawn butterfly. This will help to develop motor skills in babies and will be to their liking.

The resulting parts are glued to paper. The craft will turn out colorful, voluminous and will decorate the room.



For crafts you will need:

  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard;
  • Napkins;
  • Pencil;
  • Stapler.

A branch is drawn on cardboard with a pencil. Scissors cut the body of a bird from paper of various colors, which is glued to cardboard. A green napkin is cut into small pieces and rolled into small tubes.

The resulting tubes are glued to the contour of the branch. We cut out a ball from a red napkin, which we fix with a stapler in the center.

The edges are cut and the circle is glued to the body of the bird. The edges are straightened in the same way as a dandelion to create volume.

Room decoration with napkins

From napkins and a stapler and scissors, you can create many different flowers. To make a peony, you need several napkins.

Small napkin craft instructions:

  • A circle is cut with waves around the edges;
  • Scissors make an incision towards the center;
  • The middle is fixed with a stapler;
  • The cuts along the edges are straightened in any order.


You can cut out beautiful numbers from cardboard and decorate them with napkins. A number is created from cardboard and pasted over with paper. Can be pasted over with newspaper and primed. Next, corrugated paper is glued onto the figure.

Create flowers using the peony method or another method. For one flower, you need several colored napkins. You will have to spend some time on the lesson, but it will be worth it.

Circles are cut from colored napkins, fastened in the middle and straightened along the edges. Flowers are glued to the number in random order.

The created craft will serve as an excellent decoration for any holiday.

Photo of handicrafts from napkins


We are used to considering napkins as a must-have element of table setting. But this is an excellent material from which you can create exclusive accessories for interior decoration! For the manufacture of napkins, the thinnest layers of paper are used, which are painted in bright shades, decorated with prints, perforation. From such a convenient base, you can cut out blanks for decoupage or fold decorative origami figures. But today we will look at how to make flowers from napkins with our own hands - from simple buds to luxurious bouquets. Let's get started?

Floral napkin arrangements are used to decorate table setting, kitchen interiors, dining rooms and even living rooms. The main thing is to choose the type of plant and its color, and therefore the material of a suitable shade (do not waste time painting the blanks!). As for the shape, usually the packages are completed with napkins, which, when unfolded, form squares, measuring 24 * 24, 33 * 33, 41 * 41 cm.For lush flowers, it is better to choose large napkins, for medium and small ones, standard ones are quite suitable.

Floral accessories create a festive mood and refresh the interior

Advice! You can make a flower from a napkin of any size. But it is much more convenient to work with dense multilayer, and not translucent sheets - they keep their shape better, wrinkle less, and it is much easier to form lush buds from them.

In addition to the napkins themselves, it is useful for work:

  • Glue for paper (PVA is best, but you can also use a regular stationery "pencil").
  • Tape tape is a narrow colored tape that is widely used in floristry. Available from hand-made stores.
  • Thin wire (ideally green or brown for flower arrangements, but you can do with the usual one, you just have to decorate it additionally).
  • Stapler.
  • Scissors and a thick "gypsy" needle.
  • Narrow pliers or tweezers.
  • Pencil and compasses.

Floral tape easily takes any shape

On a note! Tape-tape can be replaced with colored paper of a suitable shade, and if the "stem" is not in sight, then with ordinary cling film.

Simple techniques for making different colors

When choosing the type of plant that you would like to decorate your home with, keep in mind that the most authentic are lush multi-layered buds, for example, roses, peonies, gardenias. But the smooth petals inherent in orchids, chamomiles, sunflowers are best made of thick paper or cardboard. Therefore, we will consider step by step how to make simple flowers from napkins with our own hands.

Bright poppies

Scarlet flowers can become a stylish accent for a festive table, especially if its setting is decorated in snow-white or pastel colors. But a simple composition of 3-5 poppies in a small vase looks no less beautiful. Such a bouquet of napkins can be put on a rack, dining table or windowsill, and it will remind you of summer herbs even on a winter day.

How to make 1 poppy from napkins:

  1. Fold the red paper in half or in four (depending on the desired flower size).
  2. Draw 2-3 circles at random, with a difference of 1 cm in diameter, and cut out the future poppy petals from paper.

To get perfect circles, you can use a compass.

  1. We put the resulting fragments in a pile, on top there should be a circle with the smallest diameter, and below - the largest.
  2. Using pliers, thread the wire through the center of the paper flower and bend its tip.

If you used a compass, the center can be easily identified by the hole from the needle.

  1. Now we wrap the stem with tape or strips of green paper, making a slight thickening at the base of the bud.

The stem can be left straight or slightly bent - the elasticity of the tape allows you to experiment with the shape

  1. It remains to randomly crumple the paper mugs, and then straighten, giving the flower a more natural look, and the poppy is ready!

Using the same algorithm, you can make a few more flowers and put the finished bouquet in a beautiful vase.

Luxurious bouquet of napkins

Bouquet in a vase

Advice! You can complement the composition with other wildflowers or floral greens.

Lush peonies and chrysanthemums

To make a large flower from napkins, resembling a peony or chrysanthemum, you need to purchase one-color two- or three-layer paper.

Step-by-step instructions for work:

  1. We take the napkin out of the package and, without unfolding it, cut it along the folds with a knife or scissors so as to get four identical squares.
  2. We put the leaves in a pile and form an accordion, making alternate bends up and down in steps of 1-2 cm.
  3. When the stack turns into one strip, we tie it in the middle with a thread.

Important! If you want to get a "chrysanthemum", at this stage you need to round off the edges of the accordion by cutting out a semicircle. For the "peony", you can leave the napkin intact.

  1. Now the accordion needs to be straightened and stratified the paper, forming a lush flower.
  2. The middle can be decorated with small scraps of a contrasting color, thick threads, or painted in a different shade.

To better imagine the process of how to make flowers from napkins with your own hands, study the step-by-step photo of the master class.

flowers from napkins do it yourself

Advice! If you want to put the buds in a vase, instead of a thread, it is better to use a flexible thin wire, the long end of which must be wrapped with floral tape or pasted over with paper. And if flowers from napkins are intended for the table as a decorative element, then the stem is not needed.

Delicate carnations

Bouquets of paper carnations look very original and quite believable. They can be made from the same or multi-colored napkins with your own hands, using the above technique for creating "peonies".

Or you can use another, faster way:

  1. Take 2 napkins, cut each in folds, fold all the squares in a pile.
  2. Staple in the center with a stapler or thread the wire if the flower is for a vase.
  3. Cut a circle out of the square (you can even use a compass or a little wavy by hand).
  4. Make small cuts around the entire circumference towards the center.
  5. Spread out all the petals in layers, starting with the top, forming a carnation.

The more layers of paper, the more magnificent the carnations will come out.

Advice! To make unblown buds or small flowers from napkins simply and very beautifully, it is better to choose three-layer blanks, 40 * 40 and larger. Such a napkin can be cut into 4 identical squares and you can get several carnations at once.

Experiment with color by alternating different shades of paper

Luxury roses

A win-win gift and the most popular flowers for decoration are, of course, roses. They look great in complex compositions, and in simple bouquets, and even in a single copy. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many options for how to make roses from napkins. But we offer a selection of the simplest master classes that do not require complex manipulations and are available even to a student.

Round napkin buds:

  1. Straighten the red circle and cut in one place along the radius (from either edge to the center of the circle).
  2. Roll the bud along the cut, tapering towards the center.
  3. Twist the ponytail tightly and secure the last loop with glue to keep the flower in shape.
  4. Cut green napkins into strips (or take ready-made tape) and wrap them around the base of the bud, going down in a spiral.
  5. Form a stem (and leaves if desired) and glue the ends together.

Round napkin buds

On a note! Very delicate buds are made from perforated paper. Moreover, if you did not manage to find round napkins with openwork decor, you can easily make them yourself, you just need to cut a circle out of an ordinary square, fold it several times and apply small cuts.

How to make a blooming flower from a napkin:

  1. Cut the paper at the folds into 4 squares.
  2. Wrap each fragment tightly around the pencil to about the middle.
  3. Squeeze the resulting "tube" to the center and remove the pencil.
  4. Make 4-6 more petals in this way.
  5. Twist the napkins in a spiral into a bud, as shown in the photo.
  6. Fix at the base with a thread or ribbon. You can also attach a stem of wire, decorate with a bow or "leaves" of green paper.

Using this technique, you can make a luxurious bouquet of large roses in just a few minutes.

On a note! If you twist the "tubes" of petals just on a flat surface, without the help of a pencil, then the flower will turn out to be less lush, but more like a real rose.

In a bouquet, the leaves can be replaced with small bunches of green napkins

From simple to complex - flower arrangements

If you have mastered at least one way of how to make a flower from a napkin with your own hands, you should not stop there, because the most interesting thing is ahead - to learn how to make various compositions, bouquets and topiary.

Simple paper bouquets:

flower composition

On a note! Floral topiary is a decorative composition in the form of a ball, polyhedron, heart, which is widely used in European countries to decorate an interior or table for various celebrations. It is also called the “tree of happiness”.

To make such a bouquet of napkins with your own hands, we attach step-by-step photos, instructions and a few tips:

  1. The base on which the flowers will be attached can be bought ready-made or cut yourself out of foam, a floral sponge or other suitable material.

A blank for topiary can be made from any paper and strong thread

  1. A large mug, flower basket, flower pot, large candlestick are suitable as a stand. Even if the container does not look very impressive, it can be repainted in a different color, wrapped in beautiful paper, cloth, decorated with decoupage pictures or mosaics.

Finished composition

The more original the form, the more interesting the composition, so don't be afraid to experiment!

  1. The flower "ball" can be installed directly into a vase if the size of the container matches the diameter of the base. The second option is to put it on a branch, a wooden skewer or a thick wire, decorating the "trunk" with colored paints, ribbons or paper. But in this case, you should take care of the stability of the product - the "trunk" must be stuck into the foam, secured in a pot and covered with sand or fine gravel.

"Foundation" for topiary can even be filled with cement mortar or polyurethane foam

  1. Now you need to prepare flowers from paper napkins (you can also use other decor - ribbons, floral mesh, beads, artificial fruits / berries, butterfly figurines, etc.).

Flowers from paper napkins

Decorations are attached with glue or toothpicks

  1. It remains to fill the ball with flowers, and close the remaining gaps with greens and other small decor.

Happiness tree made of napkins

Advice! Do not forget to decorate the foot of your "tree of happiness", especially if gypsum or cement was used for its trunk. For this, beads, small pebbles, floral moss, threads or the same paper flowers are suitable.

Table Decorating Ideas

And finally, we bring to your attention a photo gallery of original jewelry from hand-made masters, who will show without further ado what can be made from napkins if you have imagination and skillful hands.

It is worth laying flowers from napkins on the table, in glasses or simply on plates - and the serving will immediately take on a festive look. For a children's birthday, you can use multi-colored buds of all shades of the rainbow, and for "adult" celebrations, the same crafts, decorated in one or two colors, are more appropriate.

Lush asters for table decoration

For the anniversary or for the first name days, you can lay out a festive number with flowers. To do this, you need to cut out a volumetric template from cardboard and attach lush buds to it with glue or a stapler.

Lush buds

Another option for table setting is to decorate the plate with paper lilies. Such light flowers from napkins are made in just a couple of minutes and do not require any additional materials.

Beautiful lilies are obtained from large squares, at least 30 * 30 cm in size

How to make a flower from a napkin with your own hands - step by step photo

Multi-colored crafts can also be used to effectively serve some dishes, decorate sweet compositions.

Roses and candies are the perfect gift

A table for a buffet table or for a children's party can be decorated with large flowers, filling them in the middle with sweets and cookies. True, for such a "lotus" you will need not one, but several dozen napkins, but the size of the plant can be varied at your discretion.

Such a napkin holder will definitely not go unnoticed!

Paper lotuses for table setting

Video: how to make a napkin holder or a large flower from napkins

If you want to amaze guests with a spectacular table setting or diversify the interior with a beautiful bouquet, learn how to make flowers from paper napkins with your own hands. This skill is useful for the original decoration of gifts, and for all kinds of crafts for a kindergarten / school with a child. Of course, you can buy ready-made compositions, but it is more interesting (and much cheaper!) To make the craft yourself. But in order to professionally make beautiful accessories, you should visit a couple of master classes by hand-made guru. Perhaps you will have a new hobby for years to come.

Among lovers of needlework, napkin decorations are quite popular, since this material is not only easy to use, but also allows you to create very original crafts.

Flowers are one of the best decorations you can think of for a romantic celebration and just creating a pleasant atmosphere. These magnificent creations of nature can inspire a creative person to create incredibly beautiful things. The life of a flower is short-lived, so people try to transfer this beauty to paper, fabric, porcelain, etc. Needlewomen also pay attention to flowers. They learned to use all possible materials to create them.

Flowers are one of the best decorations you can think of for a romantic holiday and just creating a pleasant atmosphere.

What flowers are not made of! It can be fabric, paper, wire, or beads. The variety of materials for needlework is simply enormous, and from all this you can create real floral masterpieces. As an easy-to-use, but very convenient and even original material, napkins can be used. Their assortment is huge today. They are offered in different colors and densities, single and multi-layered, with curly and even edges, so many different colors can be made from such material for decoration.

Unusual flowers from napkins

The convenience of working with napkins lies primarily in the fact that this type of material is very malleable and takes well exactly the shape that the master needs. With a minimal set of tools for work, you can get very interesting jewelry from napkins. For some crafts, apart from the napkins themselves and a couple of drops of glue with scissors, nothing else is required.

It is better to use simple napkins for work.

On a note! To make paper flowers, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive napkins - multi-layered options for the holiday, of course, look very beautiful, but they are sometimes too dense and bright. To work on a napkin decoration like a flower, it is better to use simpler materials.

Rose from paper napkins

If, after the holiday, beautiful multi-layer napkins remain, they can be used for interior decoration. For example, with their help, you can clean up an old battery without much expense and effort. To do this, you need to remove the top layer of the napkin, which will be the brightest, and then cut out individual elements from it. It turns out very nicely if you take a napkin with large flowers. The cut elements must be moistened with water and glued to the cast-iron battery. Flowers should be laid out so that they are close enough to each other. After that, everything is covered with transparent varnish. The result is an excellent battery that looks like a painted one from a distance. The most commonplace heating device becomes the subject of interior decor. Thus, you can create a variety of decorations with napkins, the video about which can be found below.

For paper flowers, it is best to use regular single-layer napkins.

This shows how versatile conventional wipes can be. It is also important that this type of material is available to everyone at a price.

You can create a wide variety of decorations using napkins.

For paper flowers, it is best to use regular single-layer napkins. You can buy napkins in various colors, but it is advisable not to use options with prints in the form of hearts, bears, etc. Such a coloring for a flower will not be the best.

Paper napkin decorations

Multicolored flowers from blue and pink napkins, for example, or blue and yellow, look very good. It turns out very beautifully, although for some types of flowers, one color of the material is enough.

Origami rose from napkin

Napkin carnations

The easiest way to create flowers from napkins is to make a bunch of carnations. For this you will need:

  • three white napkins;
  • red felt-tip pen;
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • green floral ribbon.

And now - how to make flowers from napkins for decoration. First, we lay them out in the largest possible squares. We cut each in half. One of the halves will be superfluous, since there will be five carnations, not six.

Napkin carnations

With a red felt-tip pen, draw straight lines along the longitudinal edge of each part. As a rule, a felt-tip pen shines through the napkins, but it is better to draw lines on one side and the other. Now the workpiece is folded in half lengthwise so that one edge is slightly higher than the other. Then we begin to fold the bottom of the workpiece into a tube. We fix it with a wire very tightly. After that, we take a floristic tape and wrap it around the stem, the role of which will be played by the wire. It is advisable to start from the top so that the green tape completely covers the place where the wire will be attached to the napkin.

Advice! The finished flower needs to be fluffed up so that it looks more like a carnation.

A step-by-step scheme for making flowers

If you wish, you can take scissors and make numerous cuts in a couple of centimeters around the edges of the napkin. So the carnation will turn from regular to terry. We collect a bouquet from ready-made flowers and put it in a vase.

Napkin dandelions

To create this decoration from napkins with your own hands, prepare:

  • scissors;
  • floristic tape;
  • wire.

First, take a yellow napkin and lay it out completely. We cut the material into four even strips.

Napkin dandelions

Now, from each blank it is necessary to make a kind of pompom. To do this, we make cuts on a strip of napkins so that they do not reach the end by a centimeter. Then we twist a roller from each workpiece, which needs to be fastened with wire at the bottom. As in the case of carnations, here you need to close everything with a green floral tape. It needs to be wound from the place where the napkin connects to the wire. Then we carefully wrap the rest of the stem as well. The top of the flower needs to be fluffed up, and it will look very similar to a yellow dandelion.

The scheme for making a dandelion from napkins

From these flowers, you can create a cute spring arrangement for table decoration. To do this, you need a small basket, in which you need to put green sisal, and then fix the dandelions in it. You can dilute everything with other colors from napkins, paper or beads. For example, you can add a few sprigs of lilies of the valley.

Making dandelions from napkins

Flowers from napkins to decorate the topiary

Luckily trees have been very popular lately. What materials are not used to create them. One of the interesting types of topiary is floral. It can be crafted from regular pink, red, blue, and yellow napkins.

As for how to make a decoration from paper napkins in the form of a topiary, first you need to prepare the base. It should consist of a beautiful flower pot with a stick-barrel and a Styrofoam ball at the end. You will also need:

  • multi-colored plain napkins;
  • Tailor's pins with round colored tips;
  • green woolen threads;
  • scissors;
  • beads.

Decoration of paper napkins in the form of a topiary

We divide the napkins into two parts, and after each of them we turn it into a rose one by one. To do this, fold half of the napkin in half lengthwise and twist, holding on to the lower part, where the two edges meet. After the rose is rolled up, you need to straighten it right away, and then take a pin and pierce the flower in the center so that the needle pierces all the layers of the napkin. After that, we fasten the pin tightly in the foam. So, one by one, we make roses from napkins and cover the entire foam ball with them. If there are gaps left on it, you can close them with green sisal.


Happy child 20.11.2017

Dear readers, today I once again want to invite you to do creative work. And, of course, it will be great if you actively involve your children in the creative process. Children always offer something new and different. Such joint creativity is always distinguished by its originality and originality. In addition, the process of making crafts together with the child brings them closer together, makes it possible to talk about something important and intimate. Don't miss this opportunity! And another idea for such creativity is decor and do-it-yourself napkin crafts, with which Anna Pavlovskikh will introduce us. I give her the floor.

Greetings, dear readers of Irina's blog. I am very glad that my master classes and photos of creative works find a response among you. I always read the comments with interest and I am sincerely glad that people are passionate about creativity. This is very important for me both as a teacher and as an artist.

It's great that you create with your children. This, it seems to me, is an important component of upbringing. How often parents are busy with work, worries, but if, nevertheless, in this bustle you find at least a few hours a week for modeling, crafts, drawing with a child, then it is these memories that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

Now I bring to your attention crafts from napkins with children with step-by-step photos of making flowers from napkins. Such flowers can beautify both our holidays and weekdays. We will use the simplest and most accessible material - paper napkins of different colors and shades.

Napkin applique

What we need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • napkins of different colors;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • eraser.

To begin with, draw the outlines of the future applique on colored cardboard. Next, you need to decide what exactly will be done in volume with colored napkins, and what will be done on a plane of colored paper.

To make balls, you need to cut napkins into squares with a side of about 5 cm. Let the children roll small balls out of these squares with dry hands - they will surely enjoy this exciting process.

In a few minutes, you will have a lot of paper balls, and all that remains is to glue them according to the drawing. Apply PVA glue to the desired areas of the pattern and glue balls from napkins on them.

Make the individual parts out of colored paper. You can also cut rectangles from napkins and roll sausage tubes from them, from which you can get antennae for butterflies, stems for flowers.

I invite you to see the work of my daughter Svetlana in this technique. Perhaps you will be inspired by some ideas and do similar work with your child.

Bouquets of flowers from napkins with children

How to make flowers from napkins with your own hands? We need the following materials:

  • napkins in bright colors;
  • pencil;
  • stapler;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • cardboard for the base or a flower ball.

Children from five years old are happy to make such flowers. They are done very simply, but they look impressive. They can be used to decorate a greeting card or make a whole bouquet.

Draw 4-5 cm circles on the folded napkins. Carefully cut the circles out. Secure the middle of each multi-layer circle with a stapler.

Peel off each layer of the napkin and fold it up towards the middle. Fluff each layer, form a beautiful flower. Make some of these flowers and collect them on a flower ball for bouquets or on a cardboard base for a postcard. The postcard can also be supplemented with colored paper leaves and a beautiful inscription.

Roses from napkins

I offer you three options for making a rose from a napkin. Look and choose the one that you like best.

Option 1

To make a rose, you need one napkin. Cut off the two folded edges of the napkin and separate all layers separately.

To make the first petal, it is necessary to fold one layer of the napkin not in half, but so that one part is slightly larger. Start curling the folded edge evenly along the entire length. On both sides, you need to twist the corners of the resulting rectangle.

Make petals from all the separated napkins. Twist a bud from the first petal and continue to wind all the petals in this way, gradually expanding the petals that are farther from the center. Make several of these roses and combine them into one bouquet. Such compositions can be used for table setting.

Option 2

Spread out the entire napkin, fold the square at a corner. Wrap the bottom of the triangle one centimeter and continue bending, leaving a small triangle at the top. Twist the wrapped strip in a spiral. Turn the tails remaining from the triangle to the other side - these will be the leaves of the rose.

Option 3

Divide the napkin into one large square. Roll the square into a tube. Step back six centimeters from one end of the tube and twist it tightly - this is the future base of the bud. Straighten the corner from the opposite side of the tube - it will be a rose leaf. Twist the remainder below the sheet tightly. Open the petals of the bud, twist the center of the bud tightly.

Rose and water lily from napkins for table setting

On holidays, we especially want to see the table beautiful and elegant. Flowers from napkins will help to decorate it with minimal means, but such decor will look very bright, unusual, original.

the Rose

Take a small glass and napkins of the same color. Place the corner of the napkin inside the cup and turn the opposite corner of the napkin downward. Place the next napkins in the cup with a slight shift in a circle and turn the corner down in the same way.

After inserting 12 napkins, remove the finished rose from the glass and place it on the table. Making such a rose will be a real surprise for a child and a worthy decoration of the dining table.

Origami water lily

In working with napkins, you can use a technique such as origami with great success. Let's try to make a beautiful water lily using this technology.

Spread out the napkin and fold it diagonally. Unfold and fold the four corners towards the center. Next, fold all four corners two more times towards the center.

Turn the napkin upside down and repeat this step once. Flip it over and turn the petals out of the corners on the underside. Also, turn the corners up from the bottom side.

Let's watch a video on how to make flowers from napkins.

Today we met with such an interesting material for creativity as paper napkins. We learned how to make flowers and crafts from them. This material provides great creative freedom, is very easy to process, is not toxic or dangerous for children. In stores today there is a huge selection of napkins of different sizes, colors and shades. This material is very accessible and inexpensive. I hope that you will definitely use my advice on working with this material, and you will enjoy doing work in this technique with your children.

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