Home Indoor flowers Snake girl and fiery bull compatibility. Ox and Snake: compatibility of women and men in practice. Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Ox and the Snake

Snake girl and fiery bull compatibility. Ox and Snake: compatibility of women and men in practice. Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Ox and the Snake

The opinion of astrologers helps young couples understand whether they are suitable for each other or not. And if they do not fit, then what to do next. In this article, we will tell you about the relationship between the Snake and the Ox in marriage.

Ox and Snake compatibility by horoscope

Ox man and Snake woman compatibility

The animal bull is associated with stubbornness, perseverance, iron will. You are not mistaken, a man born in the year of the Ox has the same qualities. He is a person who can easily achieve his goals, he will go to the end, despite the fact that someone does not believe in him.

You cannot call him an iron man. The bull man is very good at communication. Always support in difficult times, help. You can rely on him and all his comrades, friends, colleagues and even the boss at work know this. According to the horoscope of compatibility in love, his qualities will be the basis for creating a successful marriage. He is a real man who will substitute his man's shoulder at the most difficult moment. He will cherish, do good for his woman, love and deeply respect.

The woman who was born in the year of the Snake is such a gentle and timid, and at the same time strong and independent woman. She knows what she wants out of life. She has noble goals, like the bull men. It seems that they do not fit at all, because both are strong personalities. But this only seems to soothe the horoscope of compatibility in love. They are perfect for each other to create a happy marriage.

The woman who was born in the year of the Snake is strong and independent

The snake woman is a real homemaker, and besides, she is a mystery woman, in the good sense of the word. Desperate housewife - this is not about her. She is still that beauty. Manages to take care of himself. She loves and respects herself. And it is right! After all, if you want to be loved, you must love yourself and accept yourself for who you are. This trait will also attract the Ox man.

There is complete interaction between them. They practically do everything together. A snake woman gives her spouse wise and valuable advice, and he is a real support and support for her and her children. They are able to compromise and close their eyes to their views. In this regard, there are no particular problems here. Their views and priorities on life are the same, namely to bring something new and useful to the world. In marriage, they both strive to be empathetic and respectful to each other. And they do it well!

Compatibility in love between a Snake man and a Ox woman

The compatibility horoscope in love is ambiguous about this combination. This pair of quarrels, disagreements and conflicts lies ahead. Collisions cannot be avoided. A man who was born in the year of the Snake will never disappear, no matter what the circumstances. After all, he is very cunning, perspicacious, sometimes selfish. The dreamer is still the same. He is willing to talk nonsense in order to get what he wants. And he does it well. Many believe him and fall for his tricks.

In marriage, these character traits will not leave him. He will be just as cunning and crafty. This is neither bad nor good. It's just that his wife won't like it, especially the one who was born in the year of the Ox. She simply cannot stand it when someone is lying, fantasizing, not saying something.

The bull woman is stubborn

The bull woman is stubborn, but not as stubborn as it might seem at first glance. Yes, she has this trait, but she also has sensitivity, sensitivity. Loves it when everything is fair and fair. Now it's clear why she can't stand it when someone is lying.

The snake man is also not impressed by such a trait in women as a heightened sense of justice. Collisions cannot be avoided here. Already they both do not like something in each other. What then to do in a similar situation? Break up? This is not necessary at all. The horoscope of compatibility in love recommends you.

  • Accept your partner for who they are. Do not remake it to fit your needs. You yourself perfectly understand that this is impossible. Put yourself in the shoes of your significant other. Would you change your priorities yourself? I doubt your positive answer.
  • Love is not when you change yourself and your character to avoid conflict. Love is when you are able to compromise and look for a way out of any situation. They are unlikely to want to love someone who is completely spineless. Nobody is telling you to give up your values ​​and priorities. Just give in to them sometimes for the sake of maintaining the relationship. Understand that just because you have this opinion, it does not mean that it is correct.
  • Get to know your loved one. This does not apply to knowing which lipstick your spouse loves or which computer game your husband prefers. Get to know your partner's inner world. What he thinks, what worries him, what he feels.

According to the horoscope of compatibility, if both of you are able to follow these tips, then a good relationship can be saved. Well, if not, then "no, and there is no trial."

The eastern horoscope indicates the main personality traits that will help strengthen an alliance or destroy a shaky relationship. The compatibility of the Ox and the Snake is ambiguous, their relationship is built on disputes. Conflicts arise because of the difference in worldview.

Love and partnerships are based on mutual interests and combination of characters - partners develop, improve. The growth of the spouses will ensure good sign compatibility.

Snake trait

Such discerning people know how to build strong relationships, they adjust to their partner and seek compromises. The sign does not ask for trouble. Devoid of aggression, he is picky about the environment. Picky people show a little stinginess and selfishness: a defensive reaction allows you to gain stability.

The Eastern sign follows a big goal - success is built on daily work. Minor troubles do not affect the self-esteem of measured individuals - they do not waste their time on trifles.

The influence of the elements

The year of birth will help a person acquire the necessary qualities. Characteristics of the sign by element:

  • The wooden sign (1965) has the best qualities: funny and witty people quickly find a common language with others.
  • The active element - Fire (1977) - characterizes brave people.
  • The earth element (1929, 1989) gives people the ability to focus and concentrate.
  • The metal sign (1941, 2001) is characterized by emotional closeness.
  • The water element (1953, 2013) gives intelligence and intuition. Individuals under the influence of the element of Water achieve fame in work and social activities.

Detachment, if it manifests itself in the behavior of the sign, helps to achieve the desired result. The elements strengthen the strong-willed character and innate flexibility of the sign.

Ox traits

The ox is a diligent and warlike sign. People under his leadership achieve their goals, but it costs little blood. The sign does not know how to harm others. He is patient and non-aggressive.

The ox gives off good mental and physical fitness. He is a leader who leads colleagues and partners. Such a person can be sweet and gentle if he feels protected next to his beloved. The sign is removed from deceitful partners.

The influence of the elements

The personality develops under the patronizing element.

  • Born under the auspices of the elements of the Wood (1925, 1985) - a born, noble, self-confident, responsible leader.
  • The fire sign (1937, 1997) conquers the peaks, performs feats, but does not require reward. Mentally strong people show excessive concern for those close to them.
  • The active element - Earth (1949, 2009) - gives a person the ability to reason soberly. Such a person is not used to succumbing to the will of the senses.
  • The metal sign (1961) has an unbending character.
  • The Release of Water (1973) makes a person emotionally close from partners.

Snake man and Ox woman

Bull woman and Snake man create a calm union.

This is a balanced, adult relationship. Friendship, sex, passion - in a couple there are enough sharp and measured feelings. An obstinate girl builds relationships that are beneficial to her to maintain: she is busy with her career and values ​​freedom. The partner is loyal to the ambitions of the chosen one.

At work, lovers are real professionals. For the Ox man and the Snake woman, harmony is important: constant strife is destructive for a couple.

Love compatibility

Compatibility of signs in love depends on the compliance of partners.

The Ox and the Snake strive to change the chosen one, change his behavior and thinking. In bed, lovers surrender to passion, they are open to new sexual experiments.

The sign compatibility horoscope is based on the following qualities:

  • the woman takes responsibility for the future of the couple;
  • a man is flexible, takes care of the world in relationships;
  • the chosen one is despotic and demanding, her partner has to adjust;
  • the chosen one does not seek to take the place of the leader.

Love is the main factor that unites self-sufficient partners. Good compatibility in love with people who do not overlap in the professional field. A career woman does not worry about household chores, and a man turns a blind eye to the lack of thriftiness of the chosen one.

Poor love compatibility in a couple where the man did not find his place in life. An unemployed partner is a constant irritant for a business woman. The eastern horoscope gives signs a great potential, on the development of which lovers need to work.

Marriage compatibility

An agreeable husband and a motivated woman create a special marriage. They converge in sex, in leisure and in everyday life. A woman is a breadwinner; she is busy making money. Monetary stability rests entirely on her shoulders. Marrying a lazy, apathetic man is not equal.

Unequal relationships, where the wife performs male duties, are based on feelings. Love makes a woman endure the weakness of the chosen one.

In courtship, the partner is a real expert. He is a romantic who surrounds his beloved with care and tenderness. The compatibility of the couple improves, where the chosen one finds additional income.

Relationship problems

Compatibility in the love relationship of the Ox and the Snake depends on the partner. The husband's selfishness is expressed in pressure: the wife ensures stability in the family and expects well-deserved praise. For harmony, spouses need:

  • distribute the family budget;
  • bypass controversial issues;
  • distribute the role of each family member.

A hidden grudge breaks up a marriage. The unrealized man is drowning in everyday life: he feels himself a hostage. Such a relationship does not become obsolete for a wife. A woman gets tired of solving difficult male issues.

Love does not save a relationship in which partners pull leadership over themselves. A man expects support from his wife and, having not received motivation, takes out aggression on his beloved.

Ox man and Snake woman

The compatibility of the Ox and the Snake according to the horoscope improves in accommodating partners.

They do not determine who is stronger, but calmly distribute responsibilities. The Ox and the Snake are a planned union. Winning a partner to a restrained Ox is a matter of principle. A quirky woman resists for a long time, fills her own worth.

Partners and friends, and lovers, and advisers to each other. The chosen one does not need advice, but he listens to the opinion of his beloved. For good compatibility of the Snake and the Ox, a woman demonstrates the best qualities: softness, calmness, tenderness. The male Ox and the female Snake manage to find a buffer zone and exclude conflicts.

Love compatibility

The Ox man and the Snake woman in love are the elements that support each other. In a relationship, you can immediately see who is stronger and who is weaker. The courageous partner sets the general direction. He is a leader, not a despot.

Ox and Snake compatibility is based on:

  • on the confidence of the chosen one;
  • on the weakness of a woman who is not afraid to open up to her beloved;
  • on the flexibility of partners - conflicts in a pair do not drag out.

The Ox man and the Snake woman lead an active life. They like to explore the world. Curious and open-minded, they choose active hobbies and recreation.

The horoscope for compatibility of the Snake and the Ox is based on the patience of the latter. He does not criticize the chosen one, but gently guides her.

Marriage compatibility

Together, the Ox and the Serpent are the classic patron and servant model.

The wife is malleable, like plasticine, from which you can mold a real masterpiece. A man likes to prevail, to manage even small household processes.

The marriage of the representatives of the sign is distinguished by harmony. Spouses rarely quarrel; they have no time to waste time on conflicts.

Relationship problems

Woman of the Year of the Ox

It's hard for such families during the monetary crisis. A man loses his authority in the eyes of his wife, becomes aggressive and angry.


For good compatibility, partners need common goals. Inspired partners are distracted from interpersonal confrontation and channel energy into a peaceful channel.

The eastern horoscope warns spouses against protracted conflicts: quarrels alienate lovers who are unable to fit in. There are no time gaps for a couple, if partners diverge, then once and for all.

The compatibility of a pair of man-Snake and woman-Ox can be called almost perfect. Each of the spouses is sure that he made the right choice, despite a number of minor flaws in each other.

The Snake man and the similarity of temperaments, prudence and the proximity of life aspirations, which allows them to effectively use the talents given from nature in order to reach professional heights, achieve good material well-being and create a strong family hearth.

Both spouses are caring, responsible, practical, value family and home, easily solve various difficulties and are ready for anything for the sake of the children. In different life circumstances, they can completely rely on each other. Together they can make a successful career and withstand all adversity and trials.

Snake man and Ox woman - compatibility

And the Ox woman deciding to start a family, they can be sure that their union will be secured and calm, and even a little predictable. Having created comfortable conditions for their existence, spouses can develop. They are tightly united on a spiritual level and their relationship will be very stable, but not exciting. There will be few unexpected bright moments in this pair, but for them this is not the main thing. Vivid emotions, impressions, change of mood - all this is not characteristic of their temperament.

But, in these relationships there is stability and poise that the Ox woman brings and wisdom from the Snake man. These partners have mutual respect and know how to control themselves and their interests, which is also important for harmonious relationships. In this alliance, the Snake man learns from the Ox woman more trust and openness, and the Ox woman - easy communication. In general, the Snake man and the Ox woman are comfortable in each other's company and have similar ideological positions and interests. They are all the time "on the same wavelength" and find a common language on various issues.

Both spouses are distinguished by responsibility, caring, practicality. For both, the highest value is family and home. Both are ready for anything to make their children and loved ones happy. There is a lot in common between the Snake, but the most important thing in their relationship is that they understand each other well, and can easily find a compromise. Even in the most difficult life situations, they come to the right decisions together.

The Snake Man and the Ox Woman equally believe that the most important thing in a partner is his loyalty and reliability. Any passion fades over time, and constancy in love and respect remain a priority in the existence of a couple. Spouses are ready to study each other all their lives in order to make their union as happy and harmonious as possible.

The tenacity and dexterity of the Snake man harmonizes with the accuracy and discipline of the Ox woman. In this pair, the Snake man gives the Ox woman the opportunity to feel like the head of the family. And that's exactly what she needs. With gratitude, she will surround her lover with warmth and care, and this is very necessary for the Snake man.

The Snake man and the Ox woman do not like noisy societies. It is much more pleasant for both of them to be in each other's company and surrounded by numerous children. By the way, in matters of education, both will give 100%. Children of such parents grow up to be responsible, educated, intelligent people. And if a couple suddenly decides to diversify their leisure time and go out, then they will not go unnoticed. They will shine and the naked eye will see how harmonious their union is.

Despite the excellent compatibility, in a pair of Snake man and Ox woman, conflicts are also possible. The Snake man is very jealous and will try to limit the freedom of the Ox woman as much as possible. He will do everything to ensure that she is always by his side. And the Ox woman is domineering and stubborn, and she really wants to have complete power over the Snake man, despite the fact that he already agrees to almost everything. It is also worth noting that the external submissiveness of the Snake man does not reflect the real state of affairs. He wraps himself in a tight ring around his wife and deprives her of the ability to move freely.

The Bull Woman is assertive, active, she is in no hurry to listen to the opinions of others. She has a huge amount of energy, and she will be able to achieve high career growth and excellent housekeeping. And for a man born in is his own personal growth. In order to pursue a career and provide his family with material wealth, he needs overmotivation. The Snake Man, as a free artist, creative, seeking nature. If the Ox woman understands this and gives her spouse the opportunity to improve herself and implement her plans, then the marriage will work out in the best way.

The Snake man, by virtue of his character, is too straightforward and too frank in his judgments, which provokes conflicts. In turn, the Ox woman cannot understand her partner in any way in terms of his instability. She will definitely want to explain to him how wrong he lives and how great it is to follow the routine in everything. But, the Snake man will not tolerate interference in his wonderful unorganized life, and even with the reading of notations.

Another problem may be that in this family the entire burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of the Bull woman. At first she likes it, but soon she becomes unhappy with the fact that she has to solve all the issues on her own. Yes, she is active, energetic and very assertive, but still, she wants to feel like a real woman, weak and defenseless. Trying to talk with her husband on this topic, she may come across his indifference, since with a low loss of spiritual development, this man in this pair can show all his worst qualities. He can be cunning, perspicacious, self-serving. He easily fantasizes and comes up with fables in order to get what he wants. And he does it well. Many believe him and fall for his tricks. And the Ox woman cannot stand it when someone is lying, fantasizing or not telling.

Snake man and Ox woman - compatibility in love

Due to the similarity of characters, for both spouses, intimacy is perceived as something pleasant, but not an obligatory addition to feelings. Everything here is simple, and even a little boring. The fact is that they are not aimed at novelty, brightness, and therefore are content with the simplest feelings and actions. For a Snake man, in general, it is important to just feel his beloved next to him. But, the main thing is that both are satisfied with everything.

Tips from "Moon Today" for a pair of Snake Man and Ox woman

The family union between the Snake man and the Ox woman is developing very well. Quarrels rarely break out between them, since mutual understanding and mutual respect are at their best. But, despite the ideality, you still have to look for compromises. Also, the Ox woman will have to adopt the serpentine nature of her husband. Only by accepting your partner for who he is can you influence those character traits that you don't quite like.

The eastern horoscope recommends that these signs unite to achieve common goals. Both the Snake man and the Ox woman are excellent organizers with unbending willpower. When they are together, there is nothing that they could not achieve.

Snake woman and Ox man compatibility is considered a classically good combination. However, it would be completely wrong to say that their life together is continuous mutual understanding and a holiday.

Snake woman

Such women are quite extravagant, they have an original image and great taste. Usually, there are always many like-minded people and friends around her. She has a rare gift to charm the interlocutor from the very first second. She has many different interests, and her advice is appreciated by those around her.

She is calm, balanced and prefers not to talk about her personal affairs. Often, a Snake woman chooses a partner for herself. If the choice was unsuccessful, she tends to seek solace on the side. As a rule, she tries to establish order in her house, which everyone must adhere to, otherwise they will have a “hiss” or “bite”. A balanced and calm life partner suits her.

Ox man

This man is contemplative by nature and prefers solitude. He enjoys a well-established life when there is no need to change anything. He is incredibly conservative and critical: miniskirts, drum and bass, long-haired men - they will not tolerate all this. They do not support romance either, because they do not see the point in it at all. But if something needs to be done, then he does and does not reason for a long time.

He knows how to work, and for the sake of his family he is ready to disappear at work for days to ensure material well-being. You can always count on him and he will be a faithful companion in life.


They are good together, at least for the first time. Having received the opportunity not to overexert themselves at work, the Snake woman will engage in truly interesting things and hobbies. In addition, she will become a good housewife and will manage the household, take care of children and her husband, create a space of love.

If the Ox man does not earn enough, then the wife will also go to earn money.

For both of them, material well-being and stability are of great importance. Only in this case can their marriage become happy and stable. For a Snake woman, it is very important in a relationship to receive care, attention and communicate with her spouse on spiritual topics. Feeling her importance and need in the life of a spouse, she is able to open up and give the man energy for accomplishment. She will not tolerate neglect and ignorance.

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The success of the love union of the Snake and the Ox depends solely on the partners. The compatibility of the Ox and the Snake in the horoscope is high, but the differences in their characters can cause irreconcilable disagreements. The bull is a connoisseur of home comfort and evenings with the family, and the snake loves to shine at parties and have fun.

The main tool for achieving harmony in such a pair is the ability of both partners to take into account not only their interests and willingness to compromise. The horoscope for compatibility of people born in the year of the Snake or the Ox is described in different ways in different sources, but the love between representatives of these signs is often long and faithful.

What are these signs most compatible with?

The physiological aspect of the relationship does not cause any problems.

Sexual relations Ox and Snake build on passions for each other - in bed, this couple with ease and pleasure dares to various experiments and innovations. In sex, both listen to the desires of the partner, without being selfish in essence.

Along with the sexual component, the compatibility of the Ox and the Snake is promoted by their mutual understanding. Starting from a certain age, representatives of these signs give their preference to family values, in particular, raising children. Children from such a marriage most often grow up educated, respectful of the older generation, hardworking and purposeful.

Family relationship of the Ox and the Snake

The Ox man and the Snake woman, as well as the Ox woman and the Snake man, completely trust each other. Both partners are stable and predictable, and the husband and wife are romantic, but at the same time clearly aware of the needs of each other and the family as a whole. In everyday life, the Snake woman and the Ox man are responsible and pragmatic, they are ready to sacrifice their personal interests for the common good. The Ox man and the Snake woman in love are well compatible, which has a beneficial effect on their marriage union.

If the husband is the Bull, and the wife is the Snake

Compatibility in love does not guarantee a strong union. In the marriage of a Snake woman and a Ox man, the wife may feel excessive pressure from her husband, which sooner or later leads to retaliatory measures. In such a union, the leader is the one who is stronger, and most often it is a man. Purposeful and domineering by himself, he wants to dominate not only in his career, but also in the family.

Its practicality overshadows romantic feelings. The more romantic spouse tends to give in, but over time she can rebel, leading to loud fights. In such a case, it is extremely important for the spouses to find a compromise, otherwise discord can lead to divorce. In addition, a woman who devotes all her time to her family and everyday life often becomes jealous, which badly affects her relationship with her husband.

She sees a certain freedom of her spouse and wants the same, but even with the availability of opportunities, the Snake is not the person who is in a hurry to use them. Such a marriage largely depends on the wisdom of the Snake, making sure that the leash that holds both spouses is not too short. Honest love between spouses, based on exceptional mutual respect, most often passes the test of jealousy.

If the husband is the Snake, and the wife is the Ox

The family of the Snake man and the Ox woman is most often headed by a woman. Such ladies:

  • energetic and stubborn,
  • know how and love to command both at home and at work.

If necessary, a woman successfully builds a career and settles family and household issues. Such wives are not afraid of responsibility, but only welcome it.

A man in such a union is pragmatic, but only if there is a very significant motive. In other cases, he is attracted to creativity and the search for himself. Routine duties quickly bore him.

In pairs Ox woman and Snake man it is extremely important for the spouse to be aware of her husband's constant need for variety and a certain freedom, then their union will be harmonious and successful. The compatibility of a Snake woman and a Ox man depends on the man's ability to yield to his wife.

How to win and not lose a partner in a pair of Ox and Snake

The compatibility of the Ox and the Snake by horoscope is not a guarantee of success in a relationship. There should be absolutely no lies or falsehoods in attempts to attract attention. Representatives of these signs subtly feel the lie and do not accept it. It is also important not to overdo it with romance at the dawn of a relationship: you should prefer cozy home evenings with delicious food and a warm atmosphere for long walks under the moon.

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