Home Flowers Episiotomy: when indicated, types and conduct, consequences and recovery. How to sit after an episiotomy When can you sit after an episiotomy

Episiotomy: when indicated, types and conduct, consequences and recovery. How to sit after an episiotomy When can you sit after an episiotomy

The frightening term appears on women's forums and in near-medical communities, where young mothers share the horrors of childbearing with each other. This stitch - an extra stitch on the perineum after an episiotomy or natural birth ruptures - is supposed to make intimate relationships after childbirth as pleasant as before.

Some women in childbirth claim that they suffered badly from this frightening procedure, while others consider the “suture for a husband” a kind of urban legend. "So simple!" offers to figure out what kind of seam this is and whether our doctors actually practice it.

Stitches after episiotomy

According to some reports, this ill-fated phrase was first used in 1885 in one of the publications produced by the Texas Medical Association. An article about episiotomy told the story of a man who allegedly asked a doctor to stitch an extra stitch on the perineum of his wife who had just given birth.

Many say that it was just a joke that doctors came up with in less tolerant times to relieve the postpartum stress of a young family. Like, well, let's add one more stitch so that everything is nice and tight? An amateur joke, but, they say, many liked it.

The term "husband suture" gained considerable popularity in the 60s and 70s, when forced perineal incision was performed in most cases of vaginal births. Gynecologists of that time were sure that episiotomy helps to reduce the blood loss of the woman in labor, reduces the risk of trauma to the fetal head and, in general, prevents the risk of natural tears during childbirth, which are much more difficult to sew up than artificial incisions.

Then she used the term husband stitch in her book The First Year After Childbirth: Survival and Happiness of Motherhood. British Sheila Kitzinger. She wrote that such a procedure helps to restore the shape and size of the vagina, not only for cosmetic purposes, but also in order to enhance the pleasure of sexual intercourse in men and women.

The writer herself does not hide the fact that she was subjected to this, according to her, humiliating procedure in 1956 after the birth of her daughter. “The doctor asked my husband if he would like my perineum to be sewn up tighter, and since he did not find what to answer, the doctor made a decision on his own”, - wrote Sheila Kitzinger.

In general, it’s hard to understand whether this is true or women’s fiction. Firstly, there are no special statistics on the quality of wound treatment after episiotomy and ruptures. And secondly, recovery of the body after childbirth- a purely individual question. Often, women themselves cannot objectively assess how exactly the breaks were imposed.

And let the women in labor, who have gone through episiotomy and ruptures, repeat that the ill-fated “suture for the husband” is to blame for the discomfort during intercourse, gynecologists do not get tired of repeating: “Unpleasant sensations are quite normal at the beginning of the return to an active sexual life after childbirth!”

The cause of discomfort can be a change in the hormonal background, and if the discomfort does not go away over time, it is worth considering whether the stitches were successfully applied after the breaks?

Well, all these accusations, they say, “a seam for a husband” - a mockery of a woman in the name of male pleasure, in fact, have no right to exist. Even if you make an extra stitch, this will not affect the degree of physical pleasure in a man. As you know, the muscles of the pelvic floor are responsible for pleasant sensations, but not the tightness of the entrance to the vagina.

Muscles, like the perineum, often weaken and lose their tone during childbirth. And in the most severe cases, a woman who has given birth may even need surgery, but certainly not in order to return her husband the joy of sexual relations after the birth of a child. The purpose of such an intervention is, and no more.

  • Does an episiotomy scar interfere with intimate life?
  • Oil massages of the perineum: incision prevention?
  • Episiotomy (perineal incision) is one of the most common surgical interventions during childbirth: in Russia it is used in 70% of cases. Is it really necessary? Should I be afraid of it and can it be avoided? These questions are answered by our permanent expert - Julia DREMOVA, obstetrician-gynecologist of the Medical Center "AVICENNA".

    Why is an episiotomy done?

    So, the birth has begun! In order for the child to be able to move along the birth canal, the tissues of the cervix and perineum (the area from the lower point of convergence of the labia majora to the anus) are very stretched - they will have to form a channel with a diameter of at least 10 centimeters to release the baby. At this stage, much depends on the elasticity of the tissues: if they are well extensible, then breaks and, moreover, a cut can be avoided.

    There is an opinion that an episiotomy is a way to facilitate the work of a midwife and speed up the birth of a child, "so as not to delay the doctor." However, this is not the main purpose of an episiotomy. This procedure is designed to prevent a severe rupture of the perineum, which is fraught with serious consequences - up to prolapse of internal organs and damage to the rectum.

    Another point is also important: a neat incision made by a doctor during an episiotomy, after suturing, heals with the so-called “primary tension” and turns into a neat and thin scar. With a perineal rupture, the situation is more complicated: it is a wound with torn edges, which heals by “secondary tension” - the uneven edges of the gap are filled with a special granulation connective tissue, and only then a scar appears - relatively large in area and uneven.

    Expert comment

    A timely episiotomy is the prevention of severe perineal ruptures, which in the future can lead to failure of the pelvic floor muscles, prolapse and prolapse of the woman's internal genital organs. Rupture of the perineum of the third degree may be accompanied by trauma to the anterior wall of the rectum, the formation of fistulas ... Unfortunately, the young mother will become disabled.

    Indications for an episiotomy

    The need for dissection of the perineum can only be determined during childbirth - such an operation is not planned in advance. However, there are situations when the use of episiotomy can be predicted in advance. Often this operation is used in cases where childbirth began prematurely. In this case, the risk of hemorrhage in the immature brain of a premature baby is high due to the strong pressure of the pelvic floor muscles and, in order to save the baby, doctors resort to a perineal incision.

    Another common indication for an episiotomy is a large fetus with a large head. In this case, the load even on naturally highly extensible fabrics can become excessive.

    Another common case when a perineal incision is used is rapid labor. If the baby's head moves too quickly through the birth canal, then the threat of a serious rupture also increases: the tissues simply do not have time to stretch enough. There are other indications.

    Expert comment

    The only way to help yourself and avoid an episiotomy is to listen carefully to the doctor in the second stage of labor, in other words, to push properly. But most often, an episiotomy is performed for reasons beyond your control, for medical reasons. Indications for episiotomy in childbirth are determined by the doctor. Most often, this is a threatening perineal rupture associated with the large size of the fetal head, poorly extensible perineal tissues. Poor tissue extensibility, in turn, may be due to individual characteristics (the so-called rigid perineum) and scarring in the perineum after previous births. Also an indication for episiotomy is the birth of a fetus in and operational benefits in childbirth: vacuum extraction of the fetus, the imposition of obstetric forceps, other benefits associated with the incorrect position of the fetus. It is recommended to perform an episiotomy in case of preterm birth before 35 weeks for a more gentle extraction of a premature baby.

    How is the operation going? It hurts?

    To decide whether there is a need for intervention, the doctor can monitor the condition of the tissues of the perineum, when the fetal head has already advanced enough along the birth canal and the baby is ready to be born. If there is a threat of an extensive rupture, then the tissues of the perineum change. First, the veins are clamped, which causes stagnation of venous blood and the skin acquires a bluish tint, then edema and tissue shine appear, and with further compression, arterial blood flow is disturbed, the skin turns pale sharply. As a result, normal metabolic processes are disturbed in the tissues, they become fragile and the threat of an extensive rupture increases sharply. If the doctor notices such disappointing signs, then there is only one way out - an urgent episiotomy. One consolation, as a rule, this operation does not cause additional pain: during attempts, the pain from the incision is simply not felt. But sewing up incisions and tears after childbirth is unpleasant - most often during this procedure, local anesthesia is used, in some cases - general.

    Expert comment

    Episiotomy is performed by an obstetrician-gynecologist with sharp sterile scissors after appropriate treatment of the perineum. Since the procedure is performed at the height of the attempt with the maximum tension of the tissues by the head of the fetus, the nerve endings are compressed so much that the pain from the incision itself is not felt.

    How is recovery going after an episiotomy?

    It usually takes about 4-5 weeks for stitches to heal. During the first few days after childbirth, sutures (usually self-absorbable) are treated with an antiseptic. In order for the recovery to go as quickly as possible, doctors recommend following a few general rules:

    Of course, the pain from the stitches is not the most pleasant thing for a young mother, because recovery after childbirth is already not sugar. However, the most inconvenient (and often unexpected) consequence of an episiotomy is that after this operation, you cannot sit for at least a week (and some doctors forbid sitting down for a whole month!) Feeding a child during this period is recommended lying down or standing up. Experienced moms advise: buy a special anatomical inflatable circle at the pharmacy - it reduces tissue tension and makes it possible to sit. Some successfully sit down on small children's inflatable circles, the main thing is to choose the right size. Be sure to check with your doctor if you can sit on such a circle!

    Expert comment

    The suturing of the perineum is usually done with modern absorbable suture material. The stitches heal within 5-7 days. Full recovery of the perineum occurs after one month. Sitting in childbirth is not recommended for 7-10 days for better recovery of the pelvic floor muscles. No more medical measures are carried out, only the usual hygiene procedures.

    Does an episiotomy scar interfere with intimate life?

    As a rule, if a woman is ready and wants this, then she can return to intimate life about a month after giving birth. However, sex after an episiotomy is a special conversation. The scar may heal in a month or two, or it may take six or eight months before intimacy starts to feel good again. Here it is important to follow your feelings - a feeling of severe burning, tension in the suture area, most likely, indicates that the scar has not yet completely healed. It is worth taking care and be sure to tell the doctor about this discomfort.

    The birth of a child is a miracle. The expectant mother carefully prepares for the appearance of the baby. But during childbirth, an unforeseen situation may occur when an episiotomy may be needed. episiotomies are of particular concern in pregnant women. Let's talk about this in more detail.

    What it is?

    An episiotomy is a small incision in the perineum that is made to a woman in labor at the time of expulsion of the fetus. Usually, local anesthesia is administered to the expectant mother before this, but sometimes there is no time for this, and they do without anesthesia.

    This operation prevents spontaneous ruptures by helping the baby pass through the birth canal.

    Who needs an episiotomy

    Who is eligible for an episiotomy? Sutures after episiotomy heal for a long time. How justified is this procedure? The vaginal tissue is quite elastic. Nature herself ordered that a woman should give birth naturally without problems. But there are a number of special reasons for which an episiotomy is necessary:

    • the child has a breech presentation, that is, he goes forward with his ass or legs;
    • you need to speed up the birth, because the baby has hypoxia - a lack of oxygen;
    • there is a risk of perineal rupture if the fabric is inelastic.

    Unfortunately, in our time, this operation is put on stream, and it is done to almost every second woman in labor. It is easier for a doctor to make an incision than to come up with some other methods of delivery. If possible, it is better to find a trusted and experienced doctor in advance who will not allow surgical intervention. And of course, the mood for a successful outcome is important.

    Pros and cons of an episiotomy

    Usually, a woman giving birth already during childbirth is faced with the need for an incision, which is made using special surgical scissors. This, at first glance, terrible procedure has several advantages:

    • the second phase of labor is accelerating;
    • the child is born without injury, this procedure is safe for him;
    • when trying, it takes much less strength from the expectant mother.

    The disadvantages include the following:

    • painful suturing;
    • inability to sit for a long time;
    • can injure the rectum;
    • long recovery after childbirth.

    Despite such a huge number of disadvantages, one must still trust the doctors. And if the well-being, health or even the life of a child is at stake, then it is better to agree to a procedure such as an episiotomy. Stitches after an episiotomy may hurt for some time and cause discomfort. See below for how to care for them.

    Can an episiotomy be avoided?

    This surgery can be avoided. It has long been proven that preterm birth usually ends in multiple ruptures. It would seem that this is a paradox, because the head of such a baby, of course, is smaller. But it turns out that a couple of weeks before giving birth, hormones are activated in the woman's body that increase the elasticity of the vagina. Therefore, you need to try to bring the baby to term.

    In addition, you can independently prepare the perineum for childbirth. It's better to start early. Doctors advise to lead a healthy lifestyle throughout pregnancy, do not overeat and monitor weight. It is best to visit the pool or yoga for pregnant women, if the obstetrician-gynecologist does not mind and there are no contraindications in each case.

    A month before the birth, you need to start doing an intimate massage with a special oil. If it was not possible to buy it, you can use sunflower, almond, olive or sea buckthorn. How such a massage is done is usually shown in courses for pregnant women, so they should not be neglected. This procedure must be done every day. Widely known will also help the perineum gain elasticity and return to normal after childbirth. In any case, if it so happened that the doctor had to make an incision, do not panic.

    How long does it take for sutures to heal after an episiotomy?

    If indications appear during childbirth, the doctor will carefully make an incision. Practice shows that it is usually located on the right side. Sutures are applied either with self-absorbable threads, or those that will need to be removed on the fifth day. Which threads to choose - the doctor decides.

    In the first three weeks, you can not sit, otherwise there is a risk of divergence of the seams. There is also a ban on sexual activity for 5-6 weeks. Usually during this period the sutures heal. Full restoration of the vagina occurs within 6-9 months after childbirth, but only with proper care of the perineum.

    Perineal care after childbirth

    What does the suture look like after an episiotomy? After childbirth, a woman can feel huge swollen scars. If you try to see yourself with the help of a mirror, then the spectacle will not be for the faint of heart. This is completely normal. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, then after 2 weeks the swelling will subside, and after another six months there will be no trace of it.

    The most frustrating thing for many moms is the inability to sit. Feeding your baby standing or lying down is very inconvenient. But the health of the crumbs is more important, so you can endure a few weeks. If mistakes were made in the care of the perineum, then the risk of complications is likely.

    Complications after episiotomy

    Like any other surgical intervention, episiotomy can have complications. What to do if the seam has opened after an episiotomy, and what are the reasons for this? This can happen if a woman lifted weights, for example, carried a stroller with a child up the stairs, or sat down ahead of time. As soon as the first signs of a rupture appear, for example, the suture after an episiotomy hurts, you should immediately consult a doctor. You may need secondary suturing.

    Sex after an episiotomy

    In any case, after childbirth, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse for 6 weeks. After this period, you need to visit a gynecologist. If everything is in order with the stitches and the doctor gives the go-ahead, then you can remember your

    Most women who have had an episiotomy admit that they felt fear at first and that the discomfort will go away with time. For the first time, it is better to use a lubricant gel and spend more time. It is also worth experimenting with poses, choosing the right one. If the pain is unbearable, then you should stop and try in a couple of days. If the pain persists for several months and pulls the suture after the episiotomy, then you should consult a doctor for advice.

    Can I still have a baby after an episiotomy?

    Women who have undergone this surgery usually worry about whether a subsequent birth is possible? Fortunately, there is no ban on this. It must be taken into account that an episiotomy may be necessary for the second time. Sutures after episiotomy are not elastic. Therefore, midwives, in order to avoid tearing the old seam, make a neat new incision.

    In about half of the cases, the second and subsequent births pass without this intervention. It is necessary to tune in to a positive outcome of childbirth and carefully prepare for them. Having children is a must, despite the fear that episiotomy induces. Stitches after an episiotomy are such a small thing compared to the happiness that babies give!

    Childbirth is a natural process for the female body, which cannot be planned. Many women take this issue seriously and try to find out all the details in order to be prepared for any surprises. A gynecologist can reveal risky situations for the mother and child, but he will not be able to name exactly what complications this woman in labor will have.

    It is possible that it will be necessary An episiotomy is a minor operation during childbirth to help the baby come into the world. If you do not make a dissection, there will be a rupture of the perineum. A lacerated wound heals for a long time, with complications. The incision has smooth edges that are easier to fasten, which means that the rehabilitation process will go faster.

    An episiotomy is a small obstetric operation, performed at a time when the child is already close to “exit”, but cannot exit for a number of reasons. The doctor prepares for the operation while the woman in labor is resting from contractions. One blade of scissors is gently inserted into the perineum at a 45 degree angle. It is necessary that it touches the skin, which is already stretched from attempts and resembles parchment paper.

    As soon as the course of labor resumes, the doctor performs an incision. The woman in labor does not feel pain, her attention is focused on childbirth, so surgery does without general anesthesia.

    An injection of lidocaine or novocaine is given, but sometimes the situation becomes critical, and there is not enough time to give an injection. The cut is made instantly. After the baby is born, the perineum is sutured with surgical threads.

    Types of episiotomy

    Episiotomy is performed during childbirth so that spontaneous tissue rupture does not occur, because the direction of the laceration will be uncontrollable. There may be a prolapse of the pelvic organs, severe bleeding may open.

    In medical practice, during childbirth, one of the two types of gynecological operations:

    1. Standard type of dissection (anatomical) implies that the doctor mentally draws a line that starts from the buttock and ends at the back of the vagina, and makes an incision. Internal organs, nerve fibers, large muscles are not damaged. Bleeding may start but is easy to stop. This type of operation has one feature: if the incision is small, it can be extended.
    2. The second type is perineotomy.- differs from the first in the direction of the incision - from the vagina to the anus. There are several types of perineotomy - median-lateral, purely lateral episiotomy. Indications for carrying out is a special anatomical constitution of a woman: high or, conversely, low perineum. The height of the perineum is determined even before childbirth. Pregnant women with such features should be prepared for a difficult course of childbirth. This type of surgery is risky because it can damage the Bartholin's gland.

    Who is eligible for an episiotomy?

    An episiotomy performed during childbirth is a forced measure carried out in the name of saving the baby or trouble for the woman in labor. Dissection manipulation is performed only if there is a threat to the life of the child or the woman in labor.

    It is known from medical journals that 50 out of 100 women in labor undergo an episiotomy.

    There is no predisposition to episiotomy, but the reasons for the operation may be the following:

    Advantages and disadvantages of episiotomy

    Nowadays, a small surgical operation to speed up the process of childbirth is often performed. It is better for a gynecologist to make an incision than to look for some new way to help. The decision is made when the doctor sees that the child is in danger.

    And only some time after the birth of the baby, the young mother can realize the fidelity of the manipulation performed:

    • this operation did not affect the health of the child: he was born without injuries;
    • childbirth passed - the pain was forgotten.

    Gynecological manipulation has several disadvantages:

    • there is a risk of injury to the rectum, a new operation will be required;
    • may open bleeding;
    • when suturing, the woman in labor experiences pain:
    • for some time a woman who has given birth cannot sit;
    • the healing process is long, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements;
    • if the doctor's recommendations are violated, the seams may disperse;
    • poor-quality wound treatment causes inflammation of injured tissues.

    Is there an alternative?

    Episiotomy during childbirth does not rule out an alternative option. What is it: a new type of surgical intervention or following the advice of a gynecologist?

    We are talking about the fact that a pregnant woman should consciously prepare for childbirth:

    A woman should understand that it depends on her whether the child can be born healthy.

    How is an episiotomy performed?

    Episiotomy during childbirth: what is it, the incision technique is as follows:

    The operation is performed in the second stage of labor, when the skin and muscle tissues of the perineum do not stretch and prevent the appearance of the baby's head.

    How long do stitches take to heal?

    The process and duration of healing depend on the application technique, the materials used for stitching and the condition of the woman in labor. Vicryl internal sutures dissolve on their own with catgut.

    External staples, if there is no infection, the gynecologist removes after 5-7 days. In case of puffiness, physio-procedures (ultrasound, laser) are prescribed, which enhance microcirculation.

    Complete healing occurs in a month, although the woman experiences discomfort for six months. To prevent scar formation, after the wound has healed, it is recommended to use Contractubex gel for a month, which causes cell regeneration. After about a year, the seams will be practically invisible.

    Seam care: how and with what to process?

    In the maternity hospital, a midwife, who evaluates the appearance of the wound, performs a simple procedure for treating sutures with brilliant green. Sanitary pads, which need to be changed very often, also save. We should not forget about the "women's rule": change the pads "front - back."

    After a woman is discharged from the hospital, child care falls entirely on her, so she sometimes forgets about herself. And if you do not follow the recommendations of the doctor, the seams can become inflamed and disperse.

    To do without unpleasant consequences, you must independently care for the seams:

    The following are considered effective:

    The treatment of seams with ointments should be done carefully. In the room where the woman is being treated, there must be sterile cleanliness, otherwise an infection may be introduced.

    Intimate life after episiotomy

    Episiotomy during childbirth was uneventful. What is this - a signal that you can have an intimate life or abstain for a long time?

    Doctors advise not to resume sexual relations after 1.5 - 2 months. After this period, go to the antenatal clinic to make sure everything is in order. But, even if the seams were tightened without any complications, scars remained, touching which is painful.

    In such cases, they massage the adhesions or lubricate the problem area with any ointment with an anesthetic effect. In addition, the uterus is still in an injured state.

    It is possible that during sex she will be injured a second time. Intimate relationships are difficult due to vaginal dryness. This condition is possible due to the low amount of estrogen in the blood. The problem is solved by using gels and lubricants for intimate hygiene.

    You need to choose those that contain anti-inflammatory elements to eliminate the risk of infection in the genitals. A suitable ointment is Contractubex, which relieves inflammation and smoothes scars after surgery. The forces of the woman in labor are restored within 2 months.

    The uterus returns to normal, microcracks on the mucous membrane of the genital organs heal, wounds heal. From that moment on, a full-fledged intimate life of the spouses returns to normal.

    Does an episiotomy affect subsequent pregnancy and childbirth?

    After an episiotomy, complications may occur:

    • weakening of the immune system;
    • tissues and sutures after the operation are not elastic;
    • a new incision cannot be made in the same place.

    However, in gynecology there are many examples when the second birth took place without surgery. Of great importance is also the mood of the woman, her preparation for childbirth. So a mother who wants to give birth to a second baby needs to discard all fears and prepare her body for a new test.

    Possible consequences and complications

    An episiotomy was performed during childbirth. What is it: the beginning of rehabilitation or a long process of treatment? The first days after the operation are the most important, because the wound is healing intensively. If this time has passed without complications, then the stitches are removed for the woman in labor.

    However, there are several uncomfortable moments that an episiotomy brings:

    1. The operation causes pain, which is not felt immediately, but after the birth is completed. Painful sensations pass quickly, but if the woman in labor is highly sensitive, then they can last up to two months. In such cases, the doctor advises taking pills, such as paracetamol, ibuprofren, and putting anesthetic suppositories.
    2. Scars can hurt, and upon examination, the gynecologist does not see any pathology. In such cases, physiotherapy helps to help, which can begin two weeks after childbirth.
    3. Discomfort also increases the deterioration of bowel function. With a certain liquid diet, as well as the use of lactic acid products, unpleasant moments pass.
    4. Sometimes there is swelling, which will help to remove compresses or heating pads with ice.
    5. Bleeding may occur, caused by microcracks or divergence of the edges of the stitched tissue. In this case, a new surgical intervention will be required. To speed up the healing process, the doctor prescribes a visit to physiotherapy, heating with a quartz or infrared lamp.

    Within 2 weeks after the operation, the woman in labor should not sit to avoid pressure on the sutures. Helps out in such situations orthopedic pillow, round-shaped wasps with a hole in the center.

    Or you can use an ordinary inflatable ring. When the wounds stop hurting, you can begin to sit down. At first, you can sit down on one buttock, while the legs should be brought together. After a while, you can try to sit down in the usual way, but feeding the baby should be done lying down.

    What to do if the seam festered?

    Sometimes there is swelling of the perineum, which does not go away, then there is a seal, brown-green discharge with an unpleasant odor. The process began a long time ago, but many young mothers do not attach importance to this, in the hope that everything will pass.

    When the temperature rises, weakness sets in, problems with urination begin, the woman understands that it is necessary to immediately contact a gynecologist. In the department, specialists open the wound and wash it. The woman in labor is prescribed pills and injections of antibiotics to suppress the infection.

    The wound cavity can be disinfected with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. To speed up the healing process, the wound can be lubricated with Malavit gel, Levomekol, Solcoseryl ointments.

    What to do if the seam has come apart?

    It happens that after returning from the hospital, the seams begin to bleed. This is a sign that the seam is coming apart.

    This can happen for several reasons:

    • the woman in labor does not comply with the basic requirement: do not sit down for at least a week, because the skin is stretched and the wounds are exposed;
    • the patient takes on hard work around the house;
    • experiencing discomfort during defecation.

    Secondary suturing is painful because the skin is inflamed and small sutures can lead to a rough scar that will be uncomfortable later on.

    It is better if healing goes naturally. To accelerate the healing process of wounds and restore the skin, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the seam at night with Chlorophilipt, Traumeel ointment, which have a healing effect.

    How to relieve pain and speed up healing?

    Often, women in labor complain that the stitches hurt after surgery. It helps warming up with a red lamp, which can be done at home. Pain is relieved by ointments with an analgesic effect, such as Bepanten, Malavit.

    For quick healing of sutures, you must follow the advice given by the attending physician:

    A woman needs to follow all the recommendations for the daily care of sutures, they contain the hope for a quick healing of wounds. Those who have gone through such operations believe that nothing heals better than caring for a newborn. Doctors confirm that movement and an active life will contribute to the fastest healing.

    An episiotomy during childbirth is sometimes a necessity, and every expectant mother should know what this will bring.

    • any pregnant woman needs to prepare her body for childbirth;
    • on the Internet you can find a lot of literature to understand what the operation is;
    • if you think that it will be easier for the child this way, then you can endure pain at the moment when the needle touches the skin; no pain is felt when the incision is made.

    If you follow the seams, follow all the recommendations, then after a month there will be relief, and after 2 months - a complete recovery. Recovering to the delivery room, you need to believe that the birth will end successfully, and that a beautiful baby will be born and the mother will be healthy.

    Video: Episiotomy during childbirth

    What is an episiotomy:

    The girl will tell the story of her birth:

    Every woman who has gone through childbirth has not the most pleasant memories after this process. Recovery also does not bring much pleasure, especially if the woman in labor has stitches after. This result is obtained when the vaginal ring is cut during childbirth. Doctors "help" the baby to be born faster than he can do it on his own. There are many reasons for such actions of doctors, but the most important of them are:

    • the threat of rupture during childbirth of a large fetus;
    • pelvic presentation of the fetus;
    • incorrect placement of the head in the pelvis;
    • preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy;
    • bleeding and weak labor activity;
    • certain diseases of the internal organs;

    Episiotomy - good or bad?

    Modern doctors often use surgical methods during delivery in order to facilitate and speed up this process. But you need to know that after an episiotomy, careful care of the sutures is necessary, because the discharge from the wound and the vagina is abundant at first. Therefore, it is worth washing the stitches with warm water, and the doctor should tell you how to treat them after an episiotomy, but usually these are simple antiseptics (iodine or brilliant green). It is necessary to lubricate the seams at least twice a day with a sterile swab so as not to infect and prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria. It is impossible to say exactly how long the suture heals after an episiotomy, because in some women the wounds heal in one to two weeks, while in others this process can take several months. The same is true with the question of how long the suture hurts after an episiotomy - usually soreness and numbness at the site of the scar persist for some time after the sutures have completely healed.

    But in any case, episiotomy leads to rather unpleasant consequences, such as pain and discomfort when walking, burning during urination, pain during intercourse. In general, it is better to refrain from sex until the wounds are completely healed, because it often happened that women's stitches opened after an episiotomy.

    When the incision is re-sutured, the pain will be much stronger, and besides, you will have to relive all these torments again. So before you “appease” your husband, first think carefully about what would be better for you: endure the pain during intercourse and go to the doctor again so that he sews you up, or suffer a little more and recover faster.

    When can I sit down after an episiotomy?

    Recovery after an episiotomy does not come soon, the minimum period for wound healing is two weeks. During this period, it is best not to sit down, but when it will be possible to sit after the episiotomy, your doctor will decide after examining the wounds. The ban on sitting exists for a reason: it often happened that in women who sat down immediately after giving birth, upon returning to the ward, the seams on the bed instantly burst. This is a very unpleasant feeling, so you need to be attentive to yourself.

    You should not think about how the suture looks after an episiotomy. Modern doctors do everything carefully and, if you follow the rules for caring for sutures, then there will not even be a trace left at the incision site. In most cases, to make life easier for already busy new mothers, sutures are applied with natural threads, which dissolve themselves after a month, so women do not need to remove sutures after an episiotomy. Many doctors prescribe Contractubex cream after an episiotomy, which speeds up wound healing and helps fade scars.

    Plastic surgery after episiotomy

    In some women, it happens that the suture after the episiotomy becomes inflamed and as a result parted. It starts to bleed - in this case, the incision needs to be altered, but not everyone agrees to this, so they immediately decide on plastic surgery of the external, and at the same time internal genital organs. Plastic surgery is also indicated for those women whose seam turned out to be uneven, protruding and greatly affects the appearance of the genital organs and the quality of sexual life.

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