Home Flowers The state as an institution of the political system plan exam. "the state is the main institution of the political system." Forms of government and government

The state as an institution of the political system plan exam. "the state is the main institution of the political system." Forms of government and government

PLAN: 1. Introduction; 2. The state is the main institution of the society of the political system; 3. The concept of the term "state" 4. Basic theories of the origin of the state; 5. Signs of the state; 6. State sovereignty; 7. The main functions of the state: 8. Characteristic features and properties of the republic; 9. Types of republics and their features; 10. Modern republics 11. Modern monarchies; 12. Glossary; 13. List of used literature.

The modern state is a complex social education. On the one hand, it is a union of people in a certain territory who are subordinate to public authority. On the other hand, it appears as a set of bodies, each of which has power. The state is also characterized by a set of political relations based on dictates and obedience. Public political power organizes and controls the joint activities of people, regulates relations between social groups, strata of society and seeks to maintain stability and order. The protection of society and its management are the main goals and, at the same time, the mission of the state.

The concept of the term "state" The state is the central institution of the political system, on which other political forces of society depend, uniting its citizens by public-power relations and structures and possessing power, law-making and law enforcement features inherent only to it. The state is a political organization of a given country, which includes a certain type of regime of power, bodies and structure of government.

THE STATE IS THE BASIC INSTITUTE OF SOCIETY OF THE POLITICAL SYSTEM Basic institutions of society Political parties Religion State Basic institutions of politics Education Public associations Religious organizations State Production Family Religious organizations Mass media (mass media) The state is the main social institution of society, ensuring the safety of the functioning and development of society.

To regulate people's behavior, the state develops certain rules (legal norms). This is the third element of the state, which characterizes the form of activity of public political power. Adopted within the framework and on the basis of special procedures, these rules are put into the form of laws and bylaws (decrees, resolutions, orders, etc.). The most important regulator of social relations in a modern state is the law. This is the main normative legal act adopted by a legislative (representative) body or by way of a referendum (popular vote) to regulate the most important social relations (state building, rights, freedoms and duties of a person and citizen, civil, labor, family and many others) ... The law has the greatest legal force among other normative legal acts. It contains models of the behavior of participants in public relations and is designed for an indefinite set of use cases. The law is stable and durable. There are different types of laws: constitutional, ordinary, fundamentals

THE STATE IS THE BASIC INSTITUTE OF SOCIETY AND POLITICAL SYSTEM 1. Only the state legitimizes (legitimizes) political power in society. 2. Only public authorities have a monopoly on the development and application of the rule of law. 3. Only the mechanism of the state regulates the functioning of other institutions of politics within the framework of existing laws.

BASIC THEORIES OF THE ORIGIN OF THE STATE Aristotle Confucius Patriarchal theory (paternal) "The state is like a family, therefore the power of the sovereign over his subjects is as unconditional as the power of the father over children."

Thomas Aquinas Aurelius Augustine Theocratic (theological) theory "Any power and any state have a divine origin and must comply with eternal Christian standards."

Spinoza Hobbes Locke Voltaire Rousseau Contractual (natural law) theory "The state arises as a result of the conclusion of a social contract between rulers and subjects, according to which citizens agree to restrict part of their freedom, receiving in return from the authorities guarantees of ensuring fundamental and natural rights."

K. Marx F. Engels V. Lenin G. Plekhanov Materialistic (class) theory “The state is formed as a product of social inequality and a mechanism of political domination of one class that possesses property and power. over other classes lacking them. "

K. Kautsky Theory of Violence "The state always arises by force and is invariably built on coercion, first by the majority of the minority, and then vice versa." E. Fromm Psychological theory "The state comes from the difference between the psychological types of personalities of rulers, leaders and subjects-slaves, encouraged and limited by the authorities."

G. Spencer P. Sorokin Organic theory "The state arises as a natural mechanism for ensuring the life of society like the human body, in which each part provides vital functions."

SIGNS OF THE STATE Any state is characterized by: 1. The presence of a special administrative apparatus (public authority) and coercion (power structures) 2. Sovereignty - the supreme power within a given territory 3. The presence of its own territory and population (citizens) TAXES

SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATE Internal sovereignty: 1. Unlimited right External sovereignty: the definition of its own form of government and the form of government. 1. The right to exchange official representatives with other states: ambassadors and consuls. 2. The absolute right to create and use public authorities. 2. The right to have representation in interstate, international and regional organizations. 3. Monopoly right to issue and apply laws. 3. The right to conclude treaties with other sovereign states in all areas of joint activity. 4. Economic prerogatives (exclusive rights): drawing up and executing the state budget, collecting taxes, using the national currency and the currency of other countries.

BASIC FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE Functions of the state Internal functions External functions Organizational Protective Lawmaking State security Economic Representative Social Development of cooperation Educational

TYPES OF REPUBLIC AND THEIR SIGNS Criteria Presidential Mixed Parliamentary Procedure for electing the President Elected by popular vote Elected at a parliament meeting Procedure for the formation of the government The President forms the government under certain parliamentary control The government is formed by the president from representatives of the party that won the parliamentary elections and must receive a vote of confidence Government is formed by parliament from representatives of the party that won the parliamentary elections Responsibility to the President. Parliament cannot express a vote of no confidence in the government. Double responsibility: to parliament and to the president. A vote of no confidence in the government by parliament is impossible. Before the government. Parliament can express a vote of no confidence in the government as a whole or in one of its members. What entails the resignation of the government

CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES AND PROPERTIES OF THE REPUBLIC 1. As a rule, the limitation of the power of the head of state and various state bodies to a certain specific period, after which they resign (the principle of change). 2. The predominance of the principle of the election of the head of state and other supreme bodies of state power. 3. Collective government, built on a real or formal division of power according to its branches (depending on the political regime). 4. Responsibility of the head of state and other officials for their actions in cases determined by law. Republic - (from Lat. Respublica - public business) a form of government, which should be distinguished by the elective nature of the formation of the highest bodies of state power.

MODERN REPUBLICs Presidential republics Mixed republics China USA France Finland Brazil Kazakhstan Bulgaria Ukraine Parliamentary republics FRG Italy Israel India

MODERN MONARCHIES Absolute monarchies Saudi Arabia Qatar Oman Parliamentary monarchies Belgium Spain Sweden Dualistic monarchies Jordan Morocco Kuwait

GLOSSARY: Feudal lords (from Lat. Feudum flax) (bek dәuirі, feudalism) - an economic and social model in which the main social classes of people are feudal lords (landowners) and the peasantry economically dependent on them; the feudal lords are thus bound to each other by a specific type of legal obligation known as the feudal ladder. The republic (Latin res publica, "public business") (Republic, republic) is a form of government in which the supreme power is exercised by elective bodies elected by the population (but not always) for a certain period. Currently, out of 190 states of the world, more than 140 are republics. Positivism (Positivism) philosophical direction, proceeding from the fact that all genuine (positive) knowledge is the cumulative result of special sciences. Ideocracy, ideocracy (Ideocracy, Ideokration) - the power of ideas Dictatorship (from Latin dictatura - unlimited power) (Dictatorship, dictatorship) - the exercise of power in the state by non-democratic methods; authoritarian political regime (e.g. personal dictatorship)

LIST OF USED LITERATURE: 1. Kerimov A. D. Modern state: theoretical questions. - M.: Norma, 2007 .-- 351 p. 2. Political science: textbook / Ed. I. G. Dudko. - M.: Delo, 2007 .-- 424 p. 3. Political science: Dictionary reference book / M. A. Vasilik, M. S. Vershinin, L. D. Kozyreva. - M.: Gardariki, 2008 .-- 566 p. 4.http: // www. coolreferat. com / 5.http: // referat. resurs. kz / ref / gosudarstvo v politicheskoy sisteme obschestva

General Provisions

In the mind of any person, the state is those bodies, institutions, organizations that issue laws, establish a certain order and monitor its implementation, and if necessary, use force. The state determines our whole life: it sets the size of wages, scholarships, pensions, vacations, prices, taxes, etc. This is an everyday, everyday, common idea of ​​the state. Although it is correct, it is not complete. And society, first of all, is interested in what the state should be, and not what it already is. Why is it built this way and not otherwise, its functions correspond to the needs of the present, how to make it better and more humane?

The answer to all these questions can be obtained only as a result of a scientific analysis of the state.

Lecture plan

1. The nature, signs and functions of the state.

2. The structure of the modern state.

3. Civil society and the rule of law.

The nature, signs and functions of the state

State is the central institution of the political system of society. The main content of the policy is concentrated in its activities.

The very concept of "state" is usually used in two meanings. In a broad sense, it is a country, society, people located on a certain territory and represented by the highest authorities. In this sense, they usually speak of German, English, Ukrainian states.

In a narrow, proper sense, the term "state" means an organization that has supreme power over a certain territory.

The state has a number of features that help to reveal its sutta.

First, the separation of public authority from society, its discrepancy with the organization of the entire population, the emergence of layers of professional managers.

Secondly, sovereignty, that is, the supreme power in a certain territory. Unlike various organizations that have a certain power over people, the state has supreme power, the decisions of which are binding on all citizens.

Thirdly, the state should have a territory clearly bounded by the state border. The laws and powers of the state apply to people living in this territory. The state is built on a territorial basis.

Fourth, the state has a monopoly on the lawful use of force and physical coercion. It can not only restrict a person's freedom, but even physically destroy it. For this, the state has special means: weapons, the army, the police, the security service, the court, the prosecutor's office.

Fifth, the state has the exclusive right to issue laws and regulations that are binding on the entire population.

Sixth, the state prerogative is the collection of taxes and fees, which are necessary to obtain numerous civil servants and material support of state policy.

These features distinguish the state from other organizations and associations, but do not reveal its relationship with society and the factors underlying its emergence and evolution.

What are the reasons for the emergence of the state? In order to fully and reasonably answer these questions, it would be desirable for students to turn, among other things, to historical literature. We will try to answer this question from the point of view of various political science approaches.

So there are several points of view on the question of the reasons for the emergence of the state.

Most researchers agree that the state appeared as a result of the disintegration of the tribal system, the emergence of layers of professional managers and the gradual separation in their hands of administrative functions, power resources and social privileges under the influence of a number of factors. These factors include:

♦ development of the social division of labor, the allocation of managerial labor in a special branch. As a result of the development of the entire society and production, the emergence of a surplus product, the expansion of economic and external relations, society has a need to strengthen managerial functions and create state bodies for this;

♦ the emergence in the course of social development of private property, classes and exploitation. This point of view is substantiated in the most detail by Marxism, in the foreground in the activity of the state it puts the function of class oppression. Modern science does not deny the important influence of production relations and economic ruling classes on the state. But at that time its very appearance and existence are not associated with the emergence of private property and the emergence of classes. And the fact that at first the management was carried out directly by all members of the clan without specially authorized persons and institutions is explained not at all by the fact that society was free of classes, but by the insignificant volume and simplicity of social relations. Moreover, many states of the East arose and existed on the basis of the so-called "Asian" mode of production, the basis of which was public property and the absence of slaves;

♦ conquest of some peoples by others. There is a point of view according to which the state does not arise as a result of internal class stratification, as Marxism claims, but as a result of external and political violence, deepens social inequality and leads to the formation of classes and exploitation. The authors of this theory are F. Oppenheimer and L. Gumplovich. The influence of the conquests on the formation and development of the state does take place, but it should not be absolutized, overlooking other, sometimes more important factors;

♦ demographic factors. First of all, an increase in the number and density of the population, the transition of peoples from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle, the ordering of marriage relations;

♦ psychological factors. In this case, the state is seen as a product of the human mind, which was achieved under the influence of certain needs and emotions of a person. Some scholars believe that fear of aggression from other people, fear for life, freedom and property was a powerful motive for the creation of the state. Others put the human mind in the foreground, came to the conclusion about the need to create a special body - a state that is better able to ensure the natural rights of people than their traditional ones, in state forms of cohabitation;

♦ anthropological factors. They mean that the state form of organization is rooted in the very social nature of man. It arises as a result of the development of human nature and, with the help of law, introduces fair moral principles into people's lives.

Studies have shown that the state arises, develops under the influence of a number of factors, and the selection of any friend is almost impossible.

The history of the state is a complex and multifaceted process, mediated by many historical and regional features of each era, the specifics of local civilizations and other factors. Nevertheless, it seems possible to identify several main stages in the evolution of the state.

The first stage is the early stage of the formation of the state, where the remnants of primitive democracy are kept, republican and monarchical forms of government alternate. In society, there is a division into free and not free. At the same time, the free are divided into classes according to obvious desire into the ruling elite and subordinate lower classes, as well as semi-free citizens. Two functions of the state characterize this period. The organization of common affairs in a society of free and domination in relation to the enslaved.

The second stage is the Middle Ages and the beginning of modern times (XVI century). Strong despotic power remains, dominated by the relationship of domination and ownership. However, the process of the new political organization of society has gone far enough so far. The very concept of "state" appeared, and in the scientific literature - the concept of "republic". In the XVI century. the concept of the state is finally defined.

The third stage is the consolidation of monarchical and imperial forms of the state in the East, the completion of the formation of a national market, the linguistic and cultural consolidation of most countries. Activation of the idea of ​​civil society development. Creation and disintegration of multinational empires.

The fourth (modern) stage in the evolution of the state is marked by the expansion of federal and confederal processes, the struggle for and against such associations and the emergence of conditions for a new modern statehood. These conditions include: the deepening of the democratic process, the creation of the foundations of a civil society and the rule of law, the formation of dynamic mechanisms for stabilizing the state.

There is also another approach to the history of the development of statehood.

If we consider this process from the point of view of the peculiarities of the relationship between the state and the individual, the embodiment of rationality, the principles of freedom and human rights in the state structure, then only two global stages of its development can be distinguished: traditional and constitutional, as well as intermediate stages that combine the features of traditional and constitutional states. ...

Traditional states arose and existed mainly spontaneously, on the basis of customs and norms rooted in antiquity. The typical embodiment of such a state is the monarchy.

Constitutional stage in the development of the state is associated with its subordination to society and citizens, with the constitutional certainty of the sphere of state intervention, with the legal regulation of all state activities and the creation of guarantees of human rights.

Constitutional states significantly differ from traditional states in terms of means of formation, internal structure and functions.

Most modern states are built and operate on the basis of a constitution.

Constitution is a system of relatively stable rules fixed in a special document that determine the structure of the state, its organization, means of political will, decision-making, as well as the position of the individual in the state.

In modern democracies, constitutions usually have two parts. The first defines the norms of relations between citizens and the state, the rights and freedoms of the individual. The second part describes the nature of the state, the status of various authorities, the rules of relations between the parliament, the president, the government and the court, as well as the structure and functioning of the governing bodies.

The first constitutions were adopted in 1789 in the USA, in 1791 in France and Poland. However, a number of documents bearing the character of constitutional acts appeared even earlier - in 1215, 1628, 1679, 1689 in Great Britain.

The constitution is needed to regulate political life for a long period, but the real duration of their action in different countries is not the same. For example, France has already learned 16 constitutions, and the United States still has its first constitution in force, to which only 26 amendments have been made. However, the more than 200-year existence of the US Constitution does not mean that it has not undergone significant modifications in accordance with the requirements of the time. Constitutional innovations turned out to be here not so much in the adopted amendments as in the modification of the interpretation of a number of articles of the Basic Law by the Supreme Federal Court of America, vested with the right to make final decisions on the interpretation of the law.

The presence of a democratic constitution is an important indicator of the constitutionality of a state only if it is actually embodied in a state organization and is impeccably implemented by the authorities and citizens.

    The concept of the state. Theories of the origin of the state.

    The structure of the state.

    Signs of the state.

    Functions of the state.

5. Form of state: a) form of structure, b) form of government, c) political regime.

1. The concept of the state. Theories of the origin of the state.

In political science, the topic of the state is one of the most important both in content and in the structure of the training course. The state, both several millennia ago and today, is the main subject of political power, without, of course, encompassing other institutions of power. The state has an impact on the entire political life of society, the political system, the political behavior of a person, and at the same time is under the influence of the latter.

State is a system of institutions and organizations, the main task of which is the management of public affairs in order to preserve the integrity of society and ensure its development. The state usually solves this problem by adopting laws, decrees and other normative acts that are binding on the population 1.

The central category of political science - "polis" ("city-state"), which appeared over two and a half millennia ago in Ancient Greece, includes the concept of the state and is the starting point for the formation of other categories (for example, "politics"). It is no coincidence that it is present in the titles of the works of ancient Greek thinkers ("The State" Plato,"Politics" Aristotle); great European enlighteners ("Sovereign" N. Machiavelli, "On the spirit of laws" C. Montesquieu, "Ideas for the Experience of Establishing the Limits of State Activities" W. Humboldt); Russian revolutionaries ("State and Anarchy" M. Bakunina, "State and Revolution "V. I. Lenin), as well as modern political scientists - S. Lipset(USA), M. Hettich(Germany), domestic scientists - V. Nersesyantsa, V. Zorkina and other researchers of the state.

When starting to consider the first question, it must be borne in mind that the history of various states in the progressive development of mankind, as well as the reflection of this process in consciousness, theoretical thought, gave rise to many views, theories (concepts) of the emergence and development of the state.

1. Theocratic views (or theological, connected with theology), considering the state as a manifestation of God's will, as a need for a man created by God as a political being. From here in the Middle Ages the monarch, the king was seen as the messenger of a supreme being.

2. Patriarchal theory, she views the state as a large family created on the basis of the voluntary merger of small families under the auspices of the paternal authority.

3. Social contract theory. Prevailing in the 15th-15th centuries, it is described in the works T. Hobbes, J.-J. Rousseau... They continued to develop the idea of ​​ancient thinkers ( Plato, Epicurus) that the collision of people's interests, "passions" (feelings, temperaments) creates a threat to their existence, so people come to the realization that power is handed over to someone to protect everyone in order to ensure order and organization of public life.

4. Conquest theory, violence that arose in the nineteenth century. as a transfer of the ideas of Darwinism to human society. So, L. Gumplowicz, E. Dühring viewed the state as an organization of winners over the vanquished.

5. Socio-economic concept connects the emergence of the state with the social division of labor, the division of society into classes of economically dominant and subordinate. Yet Plato distinguished three classes of citizens: rulers, guards, artisans performing various functions in the state (rulers rule, guards guard the state, artisans work). The rulers have large property, artisans have small property, and the guards have no property. K. Marx, F. Engels, V. Lenin viewed the state as a result of the emergence of private property, its concentration in the hands of a minority and as the need of this minority to protect their economic domination. Representatives of this trend expressed the idea of ​​the withering away of the state, either as a result of the development of industry and science ( Saint-Simon), or destruction of classes ( K. Marx).

6. In addition to the listed theories, there are psychological theory explaining the origins of the state in human genius ( J. Bourdeau). Biopsychological approaches in the analysis of political processes are considered by modern political scientists R. Masters(USA), Lorenz(Austria) and others.

In modern political science, thought is becoming more and more affirmed. That among the factors influencing the emergence of the state, it is very difficult to single out any main one. Consequently, the origins of the state lie in a whole complex of factors.

In the section on the question Hello! Please help me draw up a DEPLOYED plan on the topic: "the state as an institution of the political system" set by the author Nastya Chirina the best answer is Work plan: The state as the main institution of the political system
1. Essence, main features and functions of the state. The reasons and conditions for its occurrence.
2. Forms of government and forms of government. The concept of the rule of law.
3. One of the medieval philosophers noted that the state is a body designed to suppress any injustice, except for the one "which it itself does." In modern states, many means have been invented to prevent injustice perpetrated by the state itself. List these remedies and briefly describe them.
A source:

Answer from AndreyMoskovsky[newbie]
The state is an instrument of coercion and management of the people .. The state as an instrument of the political system conducts foreign and domestic policy. Politics is a form of expression of economics. The stronger you are economically, the more powerful policies you can pursue.
The state has two main functions6
1) Create conditions for people to work well
2) Protect the people from external and internal aggression.
The question itself is not correctly posed: the state is not an institution of the political system, but vice versa. The state has political institutions to carry out its domestic and foreign policy. If states are part of some political organization or bloc, then this state becomes a part of this political institution (organization). It delegates a number of its powers there.

Answer from Dry[guru]
Open a philosophical dictionary and write off

Politic system - A complex, ramified set of various political institutions. Socio-political communities, forms of interaction and relationships between them. Implemented through political power.

2. Structural components

a) Institutional (state, political parties, socio-political movements.)

b) Regulatory.

c) Functional.

d) Communicative.

e) Cultural and ideological.

3.Interaction of the political system with the environment.

a) The impact of society on the political system and, as a result, impulses that induce the political system to respond to them.
b) The interaction of the political system on society and, as a result, political and administrative decisions.

4.Functions of the political system.

a) determination of the goals and ways of development of society.

b) organization of the company's activities for the implementation of the adopted programs.

c) distribution of material and spiritual values.

d) the formation of political consciousness.

e) control over the observance of laws.

f) ensuring internal and external security.

Political regime- it is a set of methods and ways of exercising state power and administration in the country.

2.The political regime is determined by:

    The level of development and the intensity of political and social processes.

    The state of the relationship.


    A variety of socio-political traditions.

dominant type of legitimacy.
3.The political regime provides:

    stability of political power.

    manageability of citizens.

C) achieving the goals of state policy.
4. Types of political regimes:


Democratic regime.

Democracy- ways of political organization of society, in which the people or their majority serves as the source and bearer of political and state power.

2. The condition for the existence of democracy:

    high level of socio-economic development.

    Variety of forms of ownership.

    A high degree of development of general and political culture.

3.Signs of democracy:

A) The people are the source of power.

B) Free elections.

C) Independent media.

D) Ideological diversity and pluralism.

E) Multiparty system.

F) Guaranteed rights and freedoms of citizens.

G) Takes into account the opinion of the minority.

H) High moral principles of society.

4.Dignity of Democracy:

A) Delivering society from despotism.

B) Creation of conditions for personal development.

C) Ensuring freedom of citizens and conditions for their prosperous and peaceful life.

5.Types of democracy:

A) Direct democracy.

B) Plebiscite democracy.

C) representative democracy.

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