Home Indoor flowers Cooking lasagna without béchamel sauce recipe. Classic lasagna with minced meat and béchamel sauce. How to make lasagna

Cooking lasagna without béchamel sauce recipe. Classic lasagna with minced meat and béchamel sauce. How to make lasagna

A huge scope for culinary experiments provides the hostesses with such a dish as lasagna. The recipe for cooking it at home is published below. These are selected options with different ingredients - with meat, poultry, vegetables, will diversify the menu.

According to this recipe, ground beef will become the basis of the filling for the discussed treat. It takes a pound. The rest of the ingredients: 14 sheets of dough, 420 ml of tomato sauce, onion, 70 g of Parmesan, half a packet of butter, 2 large spoons of flour, 4 tbsp. fat milk, salt.

  1. To make the sauce, flour is fried in butter. Milk is slowly poured into the resulting mass. After boiling, the liquid is cooked for 12-14 minutes until thickened. You can salt it to taste and season with white pepper.
  2. Minced meat is finely kneaded with a fork and fried with onion cubes. Next, it is poured with tomato sauce and stewed for about 20 minutes.
  3. Dough sheets are laid out in an oiled form in layers - sauce - meat filling - grated parmesan. They are repeated until the food runs out. The last layer will turn out to be cheesy.

The minced lasagna is baked in the oven for 25 minutes.

Chicken recipe

This most delicate and simple dish is prepared very quickly, and with its taste it will definitely delight both guests and family. Ingredients: 12 sheets of dough, 1 tbsp. heavy cream, chicken breast, half a pack of butter, 900 ml of milk, 3 large spoons of flour, 300 g of any hard cheese and 130 g of Parmesan cheese, a pinch of nutmeg, salt.

  1. Poultry fillets are cooked in salted water and finely chopped.
  2. Both types of cheese rub on a coarse grater.
  3. Chicken is poured into cream and simmered in a pan until the liquid thickens. You can immediately salt the mass to taste.
  4. For the sauce, flour is fried in melted butter (until golden), then hot milk is poured into the components. The ingredients mix well to prevent lumps from appearing.
  5. The sauce is seasoned with salt and nutmeg and then cooked until it thickens.
  6. The form is smeared with the resulting mixture. Next, the first sheet of dough is laid out on it. The layers will be as follows: dough - chicken - two types of cheese - sauce. They are repeated until the food runs out.
  7. Bake for 55 minutes in a very hot oven.

The finished dish is served with chopped herbs.

With the addition of mushrooms

You can diversify the traditional Italian recipe by adding mushrooms. You need to take a pound of mushrooms. The composition includes: a pack of sheets for lasagna (250 g), 600 g of minced chicken, onion, 380 g of hard cheese, 1 tbsp. sour cream, salt, 900 ml of milk, 4 large spoons of light flour, half a pack of quality butter.

  1. The chicken is boiled until tender and cut into small pieces.
  2. The finely chopped onion is sautéed until delicious golden brown. Next, the vegetable is fried with thin slices of mushrooms until the latter are ready.
  3. In a separate frying pan, pour the fillet pieces with sour cream. The mass is salted and stewed for 7-8 minutes.
  4. For the butter sauce, flour is fried, then milk is poured in, and the mixture is simmering until thickened.
  5. The products are laid out in the form in the following order: sauce - dough sheet - chicken with sour cream - sauce - grated cheese - dough sheet - mushrooms with onions - sauce - grated cheese.
  6. The last leaf is poured abundantly with sauce and sprinkled with cheese.
  7. Cook for 45 minutes in a hot oven.

You can serve lasagne both hot and cold.

Vegetarian lasagna with vegetables

For vegetarians, there is a separate easy recipe for the dish under discussion. Ingredients: 6 sheets of dough, half a jar of pitted olives, carrots, large Bulgarian pepper, 2 tomatoes, 160 ml of water, 2 large spoons of tomato paste, salt, 2 small. tablespoons of granulated sugar, a mixture of Italian herbs, ready-made béchamel sauce, 180 g of Adyghe cheese and 320 g of any hard cheese.

  1. Grated carrots, sweet pepper sticks and tomato cubes are fried in hot oil.
  2. When the vegetables have softened enough, you can salt them, sweeten them, add water, add tomato paste and Italian herbs. The mass will be stewed for 7-8 minutes.
  3. Each layer of dough is smeared with sauce, then poured over with a vegetable filling, sprinkled with a mixture of two types of grated cheese.
  4. The last one is decorated with halves of olives.
  5. Bake for 45 minutes.

If you wish, you can not fry the tomatoes, but simply cut them into thin slices and lay them on top of the vegetable filling.

How to cook from pita bread?

This type of lasagna can be called lazy. For the filling, take half a kilo of mixed minced pork and chicken. The rest of the ingredients: 3 sheets of pita bread, onion, garlic to taste, a glass of heavy cream, 2 juicy tomatoes, 230 g of grated cheese, half a packet of butter, 3 large tablespoons of light flour, a pinch of Italian herbs and nutmeg, salt.

  1. Minced meat with onion cubes are fried until appetizing.
  2. Skinless tomatoes are cut into cubes and sprinkled with meat. A glass of water is poured there. The mass is extinguished until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  3. Flour with chopped garlic is fried in butter. Cream is poured there. The sauce is cooked until thick and stirring. Then it is salted to taste and seasoned with spices.
  4. The cheese is rubbed on a fine grater.
  5. The first sheet of pita bread is laid out in a form greased with sauce. The filling, grated cheese and sauce again are distributed over it. The layers are repeated.
  6. Lavash lasagne is baked in the oven until golden brown.

It is enough to cook for about half an hour.

With minced meat, tomatoes and cheese

Tomatoes add juiciness to the filling. The main thing is to choose ripe meaty vegetables. Ingredients: 380 ml cream, pack of lasagna sheets (250 g), 90 g Parmesan cheese, 60 g butter, 40 g light flour, a pinch of nutmeg, salt, onion, 3 tomatoes, carrots, 1.5 tbsp. water, 370 g minced meat.

  1. First, all chopped vegetables are fried well in heated oil. Then they languish with minced meat already mashed with a fork. The mass is filled with water and extinguished with a minimum heating of the stove for 20 minutes.
  2. Bechamel sauce is made from butter, flour and cream. It is salted to taste and sprinkled with nutmeg.
  3. The cheese is rubbed with a coarse grater.
  4. The form must be greased with sauce so that the bottom of the treat does not dry out. Then the layers are alternated in the following order: lasagna dough sheet - minced meat with vegetables - cheese - sauce. The last row will turn out to be cheesy.
  5. Cook for 35-45 minutes at an average oven temperature.

Any mince can be used, but it is better to choose a mixed of two types of meat.

Pasta recipe with bolognese sauce

You can even use regular pasta cones to make lasagna. They need to take 270 grams. The rest of the ingredients: 2 onions, carrots, 680 g minced meat, 2 large spoons of tomato paste, salt, 3 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. cream, pinch a mixture of peppers and nutmeg, 60 g butter, 160 g hard cheese.

  1. For the red sauce, very finely chopped onions and grated carrots are sauteed until tender. Minced meat, mashed with a fork, and a little boiling water are added to the listed ingredients. Together, the products are stewed for a couple of minutes.
  2. Next, cubes of peeled tomatoes and pasta are laid out in a frying pan. The contents are salted, peppery and stewed until sauce is 25 minutes.
  3. For the white sauce, the flour is fried in butter and poured over with hot cream. Nutmeg is poured into the mass. The mixture languishes until thickened.
  4. Pasta is boiled until half cooked. Their first layer is laid out in a mold, greased with white sauce. Minced meat with vegetables, again white sauce and grated cheese are sent from above. Layers are repeated until you run out of food.
  5. Bake for 35 minutes.

The last layer must necessarily turn out to be a cheese one, which will eventually turn into a golden brown crust.

Home lasagne sheets - step by step recipe

In order not to buy a ready-made basis for the dish under discussion, you can make it yourself. Ingredients: 220 g light flour, small. a spoonful of salt, 2 chicken eggs, a large spoonful of olive oil.

  1. It is convenient to use a food processor in the process. With its help, all the ingredients are combined and mixed well for 15-17 minutes.
  2. The mass will turn out to be pretty steep and non-sticky. She will infuse warm with a towel for half an hour.
  3. The dough is divided into 6 pieces, which are rolled into lasagne sheets.

The workpieces should be very thin.

In a multicooker

Even a smart pot can be involved in preparing such a treat. Ingredients: 380 g minced pork, 2 large spoons of tomato paste and the same amount of flour, salt, 310 ml full-fat milk, onion, 80 g butter, lasagna sheet package, 170 g hard cheese, a pinch of pepper and nutmeg mixture ...

  1. Onions are fried in the baking program. After 5-6 minutes, minced meat is laid out to it. The mass is peppery and salted.
  2. Small cubes of peeled tomatoes are laid out for the listed products. The mixture is cooked to a sauce state. Then it is transferred to another dish, and the bowl of the device is washed.
  3. In the same mode, flour is fried in butter. There should be no lumps in the mass. When the mixture boils, milk is poured into it. The sauce is seasoned with nutmeg. The thickened product can be poured into another container. You don't need to wash the bowl.
  4. In a multicooker, the layers of the dish are laid out in the following order: lasagna leaf - white sauce - a mixture of vegetables and meat - grated cheese.

To taste, you can increase the amount of meat used, making the treat even more satisfying.

Lasagne recipe with sour cream and kefir sauce with step by step photos. Unfortunately, lasagne cannot be classified as a dietary meal, but I tried to make it lower in calories. The main feature of this lasagna recipe is the sauce. Usually lasagna sauce is made from butter and flour (béchamel sauce), I replaced it with a low-calorie sour cream and kefir sauce. The lasagna with sour cream and kefir turned out to be very tender, I am happy with the result. The calorie content of one serving of lasagna with sour cream and kefir sauce (283 grams) is 470 kcal, the cost of a portion is 49 rubles. The chemical composition of one serving of lasagne: proteins - 30 grams; fat - 26 grams; carbohydrates - 38 grams.


To prepare lasagna, we need (for 5 servings):

lasagna sheets - 200 grams; minced beef - 400 grams; onions - 100 grams; tomato paste - 150 grams; hard cheese - 150 grams; sour cream 15% fat - 200 grams; kefir 1% fat - 200 grams; garlic - 10 grams; sunflower oil - 1 tsp; salt, spices.


Peel and finely chop the onions.

Fry onions in a preheated pan with the addition of sunflower oil (1 tsp).

Add the minced beef to the onion, fry the mince together with the onion for 10-15 minutes under a lid over medium heat.

In a separate container, combine the tomato paste with chopped garlic, add salt, spices and a little hot water, mix until smooth.

Then add the cooked tomato sauce to the minced meat with onions.

Simmer the minced meat with tomato sauce over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Rub hard cheese on a coarse (or fine) grater. Of course, it would be more correct to use Parmesan cheese for lasagna, but if you don't have the latter, you can use a simpler cheese.

Now let's prepare the main sauce for our lasagna. As I already reported, béchamel sauce is usually prepared for lasagna, but it can be replaced. Sour cream and kefir sauce is not only less high-calorie, but it is also much easier to prepare.

To make a sauce from sour cream and kefir, simply mix the above products, add salt and spices to taste.

Pour boiling water over the lasagna sheets. Boiling over the lasagne sheets is optional unless indicated on the packaging.

Place the lasagna sheets in a baking dish. I used a 30 x 20 cm baking dish.

Put some of the minced meat with tomato sauce on the lasagna sheets. As a result, I got 4 layers of minced meat.

Top with sour cream and kefir sauce.

The next layer is grated cheese.

Repeat the layers a few more times.

Cover the last layer with lasagne sheets.

Lubricate the lasagna sheets with the remnants of the sour cream and kefir sauce, sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

We bake the lasagne in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Allow lasagna to cool for 10 minutes before serving. After that, slicing and removing the lasagne from the mold will be easier.

Product Product weight (gram) Price per kg of product (rub) Kcal per 100 g of product
Ground beef 400 280 180
Lasagne sheets 200 140 326
Tomato paste 150 140 92
Onion 100 30 41
Sunflower oil 5 80 900
Garlic 10 80 143
Sour cream 15% fat 200 120 158
Kefir 1% fat 200 50 40
Russian cheese 150 300 363

(5 servings)

1415 245 2353
A portion 283 49 470
Protein (gram) Fat (gram) Carbohydrates (grams)
A portion 30 26 38

An easy recipe for lasagging without Béchamel sauce step by step with a photo.

Lasagna without Bechamel sauce is suitable for those who do not like white sauce, and there are definitely people like that, for example, my friend. She avoids all dishes that have this sweet, delicate sauce.

Lasagna without Béchamel sauce is quite simple to prepare. You need to take a deep frying pan or a low saucepan with a thick bottom and make an eggplant-tomato-meat sauce. If it happens in the summer, take fresh juicy tomatoes, cut them into small cubes. The sauce needs to be boiled down a little so that it tastes like a single dish. Don't forget about spices. For example, you can add herbs to ricotta. The lasagna sheets are boiled for 3 minutes in boiling water and immediately sent to cold water to stop the process. But you can stack the sheets dry if you have enough sauce. Good luck and bon appetit!

Servings: 6-8

  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes, Lasagna
  • Complexity of the recipe: Uncomplicated recipe
  • Prep time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 h
  • Servings: 6 servings
  • Calorie count: 23 kilocalories
  • Occasion: For lunch

Ingredients for 6 servings

  • Minced meat - 600 gram
  • Eggplant - 1 Piece
  • Onion - 1 Piece
  • Garlic - 1 Clove
  • Tomatoes in their own juice - 400 Grams
  • Cottage cheese or ricotta - 500 Grams
  • Grated Parmesan - 0.5 Cups
  • Mozzarella - 100 Grams
  • Lasagne sheets - 12-14 pieces
  • Salt, pepper - To taste

Step by step

  1. Prepare food.
  2. Fry the eggplant with onions and garlic until soft.
  3. Add the minced meat, fry, stirring occasionally, until all the minced meat pieces have lost their red color.
  4. Pour the tomatoes and 1/1 cup of water into the pan. Add spices, boil the sauce for 7 minutes.
  5. Mix ricotta or cottage cheese with Parmesan, only 2 tbsp. l. Leave the parmesan on the lasagna topping.
  6. Put some meat sauce in the mold.
  7. Place a layer of boiled lasagna leaves on top of the sauce.
  8. Then half the cheese, half of the remaining sauce on the cheese, then the lasagna sheets and repeat everything again. Sprinkle the top layer with grated mozzarella mixed with parmesan.
  9. We bake lasagne for 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

Lasagna is an iconic example of traditional Italian pasta-loving cuisine. Therefore, do not be surprised if, when looking for lasagna dough, you find it in the pasta section.

Because lasagna is pasta in the form of wide strips, which are laid with various fillings and baked in the oven. The Italians call the finished dish lasagne al forno, which just translates as "lasagna cooked in the oven."

Today we will cook classic lasagne with béchamel sauce. The preparation will be divided into 4 independent parts:

  • kneading lasagna dough
  • making béchamel sauce
  • making bolognese sauce (minced)
  • baking lasagna

Yes, the dough can be bought at the store, the recipe can be simplified by taking, for example, not tomatoes, but only tomato paste. It will also turn out delicious, but not quite home-like.

This recipe is for those who love to cook and are thoughtful about the process.

Lasagna dough: homemade recipe

As I said, you can buy lasagna dough in the store, but today we are considering the recipe "inside and out" in more detail.


  • Flour - 600 gr
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons


1. Put the sifted flour into a bowl and make a depression in the middle.

2. Break eggs into this cavity and immediately add a pinch of salt.

3. And pour water there.

4. Now we take a fork and begin to mix the ingredients little by little and gently.

5. After the water is absorbed into the dough, add the olive oil and continue kneading the dough with a fork.

6. Mix the ingredients until they are combined into one total mass.

If the mixture is thin, then add a little flour (50 grams) to the desired consistency. If, on the contrary, the mixture is too thick and it is impossible to stir it with a fork, then additionally dilute it with water.

7. Having received a homogeneous mass, transfer it to the table and begin to knead it with your hands.

You need to knead long enough until the dough becomes elastic, resilient and does not stop sticking to your hands.

The finished dough should "rest" for 30 minutes at room temperature. That is, it needs to be postponed and not touched for half an hour.

8. Tear off small pieces from the rested dough and roll them onto plates with a rolling pin. We try to roll out the plates as thin as possible so that their thickness is no more than 2-3 millimeters.

9. Using a knife, cut out strips of a suitable size from the dough.

By size I will say this: in the form where the lasagna will be prepared, 2-3 strips should fit in a row with a wide side

10. And now there will be a little trick. We take a cutting board and cover it with cling film. We put ready-made dough plates on it and cover them with the next layer of film.

This is necessary so that the plates do not stick together.

The lasagna dough is ready and now you have three options for how to proceed with it.

  1. Prepare lasagne now.
  2. Freeze the dough for future use (for example, if unclaimed plates remain during cooking).
  3. Dry the dough and store it in the refrigerator, not in the freezer. To dry, lay the plates on the table and let them dry at room temperature.

If you chose the third option, then before using the dough you will need to boil it in boiling water for two minutes

We have finished with the dough, we proceed to the preparation of the minced meat filling.

The classic recipe for bolognese sauce with minced meat

Minced meat for lasagna is fried in combination with several products and it is called bolognese sauce. There are several options for this sauce, depending on what kind of pasta it is being prepared for. But a classic recipe that suits all dishes looks like this.


  • Minced meat - 500 gr
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Tomato paste - 70 gr
  • Tomatoes - 3 pieces
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp


1. Pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into a hot frying pan, wait until it warms up and put the finely chopped onion. Fry it for 3-5 minutes over medium heat (sauté) until it acquires a golden hue.

It is not necessary to take red onions, ordinary onions are also fine

2. Add the defrosted minced meat to the fried onions. It doesn't matter what kind of meat it is made from. The fatter it is, the fatter the lasagna will turn out to be.

3. Fry the meat until cooked. This will take about 15 minutes. Do not forget to stir periodically so as not to burn.

4. Add tomato paste to the well-fried minced meat and continue frying for a couple of minutes with constant stirring, so that the meat acquires a red hue.

5. The next ingredient, which will go after the pasta, will be finely chopped tomatoes.

They can be minced or chopped with a blender, but then they will lose their integrity and you will not feel the tomato slices when you eat the lasagna. I don't like that, so I recommend chopping the tomatoes finely.

6. Fry the tomatoes until almost all the moisture has evaporated.

7. After that, add salt, sugar, you can still half a teaspoon of sugar. Reduce heat to low, cover and leave to simmer for 5 minutes.

In the meantime, let's move on to making the béchamel sauce.

How to make béchamel sauce at home without lumps

Another important ingredient in classic lasagne is the bechamel sauce. Its preparation is much easier than the name.


  • Milk - 1 liter
  • Flour - 4 tablespoons
  • Butter - 70 gr
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


1. Put a saucepan on medium heat and melt the butter in it.

2. When the oil starts to sizzle, add flour to the pan and fry it lightly, stirring constantly.

As a result, dense lumps with dough are obtained.

3. Now we arm ourselves with a whisk or mixer and start pouring milk into the pan with simultaneous intensive whipping.

The better the whipping goes, the higher the guarantee that there will be no lumps left.

4. After making sure that there are no lumps left, add salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. You can grind the nut yourself, or buy it already ground.

5. Mix the milk well and wait until it evaporates. At this time, you must not stop stirring the contents of the pan, because the milk will constantly tend to curl up into lumps.

We are waiting for the moment when the mixture evaporates to a consistency at which it will not drain, but "slide" from the spoon

After that, remove the pan from the heat and leave the sauce to cool and infuse.

Classic lasagna with béchamel and bolognese sauce

So, all the components are ready, let's start assembling the lasagna. But before that, we need to prepare 2 more ingredients:

  • Finely chopped bell pepper - 1 pc
  • Cheese, grated on a coarse grater - 200 gr


1. We take a regular baking sheet and cover it with foil for baking in order not to suffer sweat when the time comes to wash it. Put parchment paper on the foil and put a layer of béchamel sauce on it, the size of the future lasagna.

2. Lay out the dough sheets. In this example, pre-frozen sheets were used.

If you are using a sauce that is still warm, do not be alarmed that the homemade lasagna dough begins to thaw right in front of your eyes. This is fine

3. Put the bolognese sauce and pieces of bell pepper on top of the plates.

4. Cover the top layer with béchamel sauce and repeat all layers: dough-bolognese-bell pepper. We repeat the procedure until the dough ends.

It is advisable to have at least four layers in climbing

5. When we reach the last layer of dough, grease it liberally with béchamel sauce, trying not to leave any open areas of the dough, otherwise it will dry out.

6. The final touch is the grated cheese that needs to be poured on top and which gives the lasagne the look we are all used to. Now add half of the cheese, and add the other to the finished hot dish.

7. We send the lasagne to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the dough hidden in the sauces is thoroughly soaked and baked. Don't be surprised if the lasagna spreads all over the baking sheet - it should.

8. We take the lasagna out of the oven, sprinkle it with cheese, wait for it to melt and it's ready. Can be sliced ​​and served.

Bon Appetit!

As you can see, the process of making lasagna at home, although quite long, is absolutely not complicated. So, if you are a lover of Italian cuisine, then you can safely start cooking.

Thank you for the attention.

Hello dear readers, welcome to the site!

Recently, I began to notice that in our life there is less and less room left for something sublime. The ordinariness gradually paints the world in black and white. The same thing happens with cooking - more and more often we cook something that can be done as quickly and easily as possible. Therefore, I suggest you change the situation and create something truly interesting, namely lasagna with minced meat and white sauce.

This dish has a poetic, in my opinion, name and came to us from Italy. The history of this culinary product is more than seven hundred years old. Having originated a long time ago, according to the official version in Naples, lasagna has spread all over the world and has earned the respect of culinary experts in many countries. The love for this dish is due to the fact that it is incredibly tasty and very beautiful, thanks to the combination of delicate sauce, juicy vegetables and minced meat, laid between the flour plates.

The cooking process is average in duration. Personally, I cannot classify this product as simple because of the large number of actions that must be performed to achieve the result. But do not be alarmed, I assure you that you will not be disappointed, but, on the contrary, will simply fall in love with lasagna. The main thing is to follow my instructions exactly, and everything will work out.

Now we proceed directly to the cooking process ...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 gr.

BZHU: 10/12/11.

Kcal: 193.

GI: Medium.

AI: high.

Cooking time: 35 minutes active + 45 minutes in the oven.

Servings: 9 servings, 270 g each.

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Lasagne sheets - 200 g (15 pcs).
  • Hard cheese "Russian" - 300 g.
  • Minced meat - 600 g.
  • Tomatoes - 300 g (3 pcs).
  • Garlic - 10 g (2 cloves)
  • Bulb onions - 100 g (1 pc).
  • Sunflower oil - 30 ml (2-3 tbsp).
  • Greens - 30 g.
  • Salt - 7 g (1 tsp).
  • Spices - 4 g. (1 tsp).

Bechamel sauce.

  • Milk 2.5% - 700-800 ml (3 tbsp).
  • Butter 72.5% - 100 g.
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 100 g (4 tablespoons).
  • Nutmeg - 5 g (1 tsp)
  • Salt - 4 g (1/2 tsp).


Let's prepare the ingredients. Wash the vegetables and herbs, remove the husks from the onions and garlic.

You can buy minced meat or cook it yourself. I used the second option, twisting 300 g of chicken fillet, 100 g of beef and 200 g of pork through a meat grinder.

Cut onions (100 g) into small cubes.

Fry the vegetable in a hot skillet with butter until golden brown, stirring occasionally.

At the stalk of the tomatoes we make a crosswise cut.

Put the tomatoes in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

Then we put the vegetables in cold water.

Using this method, you can easily remove the peel from the tomatoes.

Grind the prepared tomatoes into a homogeneous puree using a blender.

Remove the ready-made onion from the pan and put the minced meat (600 g) there, fry the semi-finished product for about 5-10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally to break large pieces and avoid burning.

Then add tomato puree and fried onions to the meat ingredient. Stir the contents of the pan and simmer for about 3 minutes.

Finely chop the feather onion and dill.

Add herbs (30 g) to the pan.

Sprinkle our filling with salt (1 tsp) and spices (1 tsp), then mix everything thoroughly and remove from heat.

Now let's start making the sauce.

Put butter (100 g) in a saucepan and bring it, heating, to a liquid state.

Pour flour into the butter and mix quickly with a whisk. Fry the mass for 1 min, stirring continuously.

Pour 1 tbsp of milk into a saucepan, shake the sauce with a whisk or mixer, breaking all the lumps. Cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes.

Then add the remaining milk (2 tbsp), nutmeg (1 tsp) and salt (1/2 tsp), mix, then bring the mass to a boil and heat until it becomes 15% sour cream.

In general, the preparation of the Bechamel sauce took me about 20 minutes.

We put the oven to warm up to 180 C and begin to assemble our dish.

Place the lasagna sheets (5 pcs) on the bottom of the mold.

Carefully read the method for preparing the flour ingredient on the package to find out if there is a need to boil it before using. I use sheets that do not require preprocessing.

Distribute 1/3 of the minced meat on top.

Sprinkle it over the entire surface of the future lasagna.

We bake our dish in an oven preheated to 180 C for 45 minutes.

We take the finished product out of the oven and let it cool slightly, making the portioning process easier.

Divide the lasagne into rectangles about 8x10 cm in size and serve with fresh vegetables and herbs.

When cutting, the cheese threads are pulled behind each piece. The dish turned out to be very juicy, tender and aromatic.

Bon Appetit!

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