Home indoor flowers The game is the most important direction of corrective speech therapy work. Features of using the game in the work of a teacher-speech therapist Preparatory games in speech therapy work

The game is the most important direction of corrective speech therapy work. Features of using the game in the work of a teacher-speech therapist Preparatory games in speech therapy work

RustleElena Gennadievna
teacher speech therapist
Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support "Open World"
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Working with children for more than a year, I increasingly notice that “everything new is a well-forgotten old”. When I worked in preschool institutions of the "Soviet" period, I always did not like that classes in kindergarten are held at desks or tables in a static position with raising a hand to answer, like at school. But we all know very well that the main activity of the child is play. Why do we forget about this when we start working with children? Yes, because it's easier. In order to organize a game and captivate children with it, you yourself need to become a child, but we are already “adult and smart”, and let them reach out to our level, and not we sink to them. This is where the misunderstanding begins.

The Kindergarten Education Program has been in existence for decades. When choosing games, the educator is required to take into account the tasks of the mental, physical, moral and aesthetic education of children. Depending on the age of the children, the type and purpose of the regime moment, the educator should be able to choose the appropriate didactic, mobile, plot-role-playing, building game or dramatization game.

And there is no need to “reinvent the wheel”, you just need to become a child yourself and infect your pupils with the game. And if you are a speech therapist, your games should be especially thought out. After all, speech pathologist children in most cases are intellectually healthy, therefore, their needs for play are the same as those of their peers. . On the other hand, they often differ from their peers. This difference can be expressed in motor disorders, in the presence of paresis, paralysis, general stiffness, impaired coordination and weakness of movements, and motor disinhibition.

The presence of a speech defect leads to changes in the mental sphere: the appearance of increased irritability, excitability, isolation, depressive states , negativism, lethargy, apathy, mental exhaustion, etc.

In our observations, we are becoming more and more convinced that the degree of painful fixation on our defect gives rise to a feeling of infringement in a child of varying strength, and this, in turn, determines his attitude towards himself, towards the team, and towards the assessments of the team. Ultimately, this whole set of relationships determines his actions and behavior. Features of the behavior of such children are also noted in their games.

According to the observations of speech therapists, they often lose the opportunity to work together with their peers due to the inability to express their thoughts, fear of seeming ridiculous, although the rules and content of the game are available to them. Violation of general and speech motor skills causes rapid fatigue in children in the game. Unbalance, restlessness , fussiness in behavior, speech fatigue make it difficult to include in a collective game. For example, in stuttering children, we observe shyness, difficulty getting into the game because of fear for their incorrect speech. But there are also reverse cases, when stuttering children in games are distinguished by unreasonably increased fantasy and uncriticality to their behavior.

All games used by a speech therapist in their work can be divided into 4 groups.

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I. preparatory games, designed to prepare the child's speech and hearing organs for the perception of the correct sound and for the correct articulation pattern necessary for its reproduction, i.e. games for the development of breathing and voice.

In the first place are games for the development of hearing. Hearing can be biological or verbal. The selection of games goes in a strict sequence: first, for the development of auditory attention, i.e. the ability to distinguish non-speech sounds by their sound-frequency properties. Then, for the development of speech hearing, i.e. the child's ability to distinguish people's voices, to understand the meaning of the speaker's phrase. And only after that follows the transition to the development of phonemic hearing, i.e. the ability to hear the constituent parts of a word.

To evoke the correct articulation pattern of the required sound, a coordinated, clear work of all the moving parts of the articulation mechanism is required: tongue, lips, lower jaw, soft palate.

Dramatization is very useful at this stage of the game. When children are invited to play the roles of various characters in a fairy tale ("Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear", "Teremok"). The child must portray the hero, changing the voice coloring of the speech, so that the rest of the participants in the game understand him. A good result is given by the game "Guess the voice ...". be the voices of animals, as well as the voices of children taking part in the game. You can guess which of the objects makes a given sound (glass, iron, wood, etc.). Using various musical instruments, you can organize outdoor games when the tempo of movement changes when the tempo of the instrument changes.

II. Games for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation is often carried out with children when the mechanical production of sound is difficult for some reason (the child has a gag reflex when entering the oral cavity, or simply rejection of penetration). This type of game is built on the imitation method. Here the child is offered a "journey" into the world, where there are many different sounds. This journey ends only when the child repeats all these sounds. An example of such a game is shown below.

“Mosquitoes fly in the sky, they squeak: “Z-z-z-z” (dad Mosquito), “Z-z-z-z” (Mosquito son). A car drove past, its tires rustling: "Shhhhh." The snake hisses under the bush. And the cockchafer buzzes: "W-w-w" and gives the children balloons. The balls deflated and whistled: “S-s-s-s” (big), “S-s-s-s-s” (small). The balloons must be inflated with a pump that also makes this sound.

Such "journeys" give a huge scope for the imagination of a speech therapist. Yes, the production of sounds with this type of work is delayed for a longer period than with mechanical production, but the result is more important to us. Some children do not accept the mechanical setting so much that they have a long-term fear of a speech therapist and difficulties in working on the development of speech.

III. Games to differentiate and automate delivered sounds. Currently, many specialists working in special kindergartens, schools and hospitals combine general education classes with correctional ones. When studying a topic, they select the text, taking into account the simultaneous fixation of the correct sound in the child’s speech, and on walks they turn on round dance games. In round dances, children, while repeating the words of the game together, must simultaneously with the correct pronunciation observe the rhythm and pace of movement, simultaneously using the organs of articulation and large motor skills. An example of such games is the role-playing game "Bus", which simulates riding in a bus.

In the middle of the room, several chairs are lined up in length. Between them is a passage for the conductor. Children sit facing forward along the bus. Driver ahead. The conductor sells tickets by asking who is going to which stop. The whole game is accordingly designed and prepared in advance. Depending on the speech therapy goals, to automate different sounds in words and phrases, the names of stops are selected: “Mushroom”, “Market”, “Boat Station”, “Meadow”, “Zoo”, “Center”, etc.

Passengers go each to their stop. On the road, the conductor is interested in the purpose for which each of them is traveling. (The driver quietly imitates the sound of the engine - prr). On the way back, passengers take their seats again. They are returning. There is an exchange of experiences. In addition to speech therapy tasks, the tasks of intellectual and moral education are solved along the way, as well as the development of ideas about the simplest natural phenomena and about the norms and rules of behavior in public places.

In conclusion, we note that the game is not an end in itself, but a means of influencing the child, a link in the general system of his upbringing. Therefore, the game, carried out with a correctional goal, must always maintain a positive charge on all aspects of the child's psychophysical development.

Huge positive results can be achieved with a close relationship between a speech therapist and a music director. With the correct selection of speech material superimposed on music with the addition of movement in a child, against the background of an emotional upsurge, all the mechanisms that develop his higher mental functions are turned on.

Since in practice, as a rule, we are dealing with various combinations of speech disorders in children, in each case, the choice of the necessary games for working with a child should be strictly individual.

IV. Games as an assistant to the socialization of the child in society.

Often, the child's success depends on how competently the teacher builds the speech pathologist's communication with peers. Dima D. is 4.5 years old. He was recently operated on (cleft lip and palate "cleft palate"). The work of a speech therapist has just begun (the first syllables began to appear), and he goes to an ordinary kindergarten. But the group he attends is one big “monolith”, where all are for one and one is for all. The teacher was able to organize a "peculiar" game. At first, the children went to her for an explanation of what Dima wants, and then it became interesting for them to guess what he was saying. The teacher in every possible way encouraged a positive result, so that by the end of the year the child gained authority among the children, and his speech became phrasal. And how deplorably events could develop if the teacher missed the moment of "accepting the child into the team." After all, the children could organize a completely different game, where Dima would become a laughing stock. It is these cases that help to understand the importance of our profession, and the great responsibility that parents place on us, entrusting their children to us.

Gera S. (severe form of dysarthria). After each successful lesson, the speech therapist gives the boy a sticker as a prize for good work. The child is hard given classes, he gets tired. One day, the boy's father looks into the teacher's office and embarrassedly asks to tell in which store she buys stickers. The speech therapist sees Hera behind the back of the parent and "joins the game." “Do you know,” she says, “that these are not simple stickers? Are they given out only to speech therapists to encourage children? And I have already been asked how Gera is doing and whether more stickers are needed. ” Dad makes "wide eyes" and does not understand what is happening. The winks of the teacher do not make any impression on him, he is puzzled. At home, the “game” is not supported, and the child soon loses interest in activities. And what would it cost parents to support a teacher? After all, no matter how good we are, for a child, the parent remains the most important authority. And here it is very important to organize a close relationship "teacher-child-parent", if one of the links in the chain falls out, the work will not give the desired result.

And I'll give you another example. Masha K. (5 years old) does not have thirteen sounds by the beginning of classes. Mom notes every lesson. Interested in the action of the game. Tells what games they come up with at home with dad. By the end of the school year, the child got up and automated ten sounds and three remained at the stage of automation in speech. But in this case, the work will be completed successfully, since the parent and child are interested in a positive result, and the speech therapist is only required to show them "which way to go."

Education for her child is just a game, the rules of which are observed only in the classroom. And if its rules are not transferred to everyday life, there will be no result. So it turns out that without learning how to play, you can’t teach the “little man” what you can do yourself. You can probably leave everything to chance. “No one played with us, and nothing, they grew up!” But we forget that we were allowed to “disappear” on the street in the company of neighboring children for several hours, where the first grader Sveta played school with us and taught us to “read”. Where grown-up guys laughed if we said something wrong, like a child. And at home, almost everyone had grandparents who, due to their age, spoke to themselves, giving us an example of the correct pronunciation. Today's children are deprived of this. Grandparents are forced to work to help children, and they live separately. Parents are constantly at work, and in the evenings, taking the child from kindergarten, they entertain him with watching cartoons on TV, and “at best” reading a fairy tale before bed. It is dangerous to leave one in the yard, and so many things have accumulated at home. So our children communicate with the "TV". And if you remember what percentage of children are now born with a developmental pathology, then it becomes completely sad.

I do not urge everyone to quit their jobs, move in with their parents and leave their children alone in the yard - the time is not right. But let's love and respect "little people" by communicating with them in their language through the game, gradually introducing them into adulthood!


1. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech. - M.: Labyrinth, 1996

2. Garkusha Yu.F. The system of correctional classes of a kindergarten teacher for children with speech disorders. - M., 1992

3. Nishcheva N.V. The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general underdevelopment of speech. - St. Petersburg, 2001

4. Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for the development of speech. - , 1983

Remember how the eyes of the kids light up, what an impatient expectation of something pleasant, joyful shines in them when you say: “And now, guys, we will play one interesting game!” one does not even need to be a subtle psychologist here to understand what an enormous and special place play occupies in a child's life.

Games are of great importance in the mental, moral, physical and aesthetic education of children. Significant material has been accumulated in the literature on preschool pedagogy and psychology, indicating that play is the main activity of a preschool child, one of the characteristic patterns of child development. The game as a form of child activity contributes to the harmonious development of his mental processes, personality traits, and intelligence.

Concerning the question of the influence of the game on the formation of all mental processes in a child, psychologist D.B. Elkonin quite definitely concludes: "Special experimental studies show that the game affects the formation of all mental processes, from the most elementary to the most complex."

The result of special studies and practical observations was that games in the system of modern upbringing of children are given one of the first places. In this regard, teachers are recommended to carefully select games according to their content, be able to properly manage them (even in cases of independent play of the child), take into account the relationship of children in them, and use games as an effective form of organizing children's lives.



The role of play in speech therapy work with children.

Remember how the eyes of the kids light up, what an impatient expectation of something pleasant, joyful shines in them when you say: “And now, guys, we will play one interesting game!” one does not even need to be a subtle psychologist here to understand what an enormous and special place play occupies in a child's life.

Games are of great importance in the mental, moral, physical and aesthetic education of children. Significant material has been accumulated in the literature on preschool pedagogy and psychology, indicating that play is the main activity of a preschool child, one of the characteristic patterns of child development. The game as a form of child activity contributes to the harmonious development of his mental processes, personality traits, and intelligence.

Concerning the question of the influence of the game on the formation of all mental processes in a child, psychologist D.B. Elkonin quite definitely concludes: "Special experimental studies show that the game affects the formation of all mental processes, from the most elementary to the most complex."

The result of special studies and practical observations was that games in the system of modern upbringing of children are given one of the first places. In this regard, teachers are recommended to carefully select games according to their content, be able to properly manage them (even in cases of independent play of the child), take into account the relationship of children in them, and use games as an effective form of organizing children's lives.

How are games used in speech therapy?

The need for serious correctional plans of the educator in his work with preschoolers through the game is obvious. The work of an educator in a correctional group requires the use of game techniques to a greater extent than in ordinary educational activities.

After all, the children of speech pathologists are in most cases intellectually healthy, therefore, their needs for play are the same as those of their peers. But they often differ from their peers. This presence can be expressed from the side of physical development in motor disorders, in the presence of paresis, paralysis, general stiffness, discoordination and weakness of movements, motor disinhibition. On the part of mental development in severe cases, we sometimes observe a rather significant lag as a secondary and temporary phenomenon.

Thus, it is possible to formulate two main tasks facing the educator in his work with preschoolers.

1. It is necessary to widely use games in correctional work, while remembering their significance in general as a means of physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children.

2. When conducting a game, it is necessary to take into account the possible behavioral features of children with various speech disorders.

The sequence of corrective work is the main principle that must be followed when selecting games for speech therapy work with children.

1. Preparatory games.

It is supposed to prepare the organs of speech and hearing of the child for the perception of the correct sound and for the correct articulation pattern necessary for its reproduction. In the first place are games for the development of hearing. The selection of games goes in strict sequence:

First, for the development of auditory attention, i.e. the ability to distinguish non-speech sounds according to their sound-frequency properties: “Where did they call?”, “Tell me what you hear”, “Quietly loud!”, “Who will hear what?”, “Blind man's buff with a bell”;

Then, for the development of speech hearing, i.e. the child’s ability to distinguish between people’s voices, to understand the meaning of the speaker’s phrase: “Guess whose voice?”, “Catch the whisper”, “Who is attentive?”, “Frog”.

After that, they proceed to the development of phonemic hearing, i.e. the ability to hear the constituent parts of the word: “Where is the sound”, “Who is more?”, “Who will come up with more words?”, “Telegraph”, “Tapping syllables”, “Changewords”.

Preparatory games include games for the development of breathing and voice: “Know the flower”, “Whose steamer buzzes better”, “Calm down the doll”, “Echo”, “Blizzard”, as they are necessary in corrective work with dysarthria and rhinolalia and can be useful in cases of impaired tempo and fluency of speech and various voice disorders.

2. Games for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation can be used as an attempt to call the correct sound after the preparatory games and exercises well mastered by the child. To automate and differentiate hissing sounds, such games as: “Silence”, “Forest is noisy”, “Little legs ran along the path”, “Beetles”, “Ringlet” are used. To automate and differentiate whistling sounds, games such as "Pump", "Owl", "Horned Goat", "Make No Mistake" are used. To differentiate hissing and whistling sounds, games such as “Whistling-hissing”, “Bees and mosquitoes”, “Ball” are used. To differentiate the sounds r, r, l, l, such games as: "Horse", "Airplanes", "Do you know these words" are used.

Work on the development of the lexical side of speech is an important section of speech therapy work. The child must recognize and understand the words that he hears, be able to select words for statements and use them correctly. To form the concept of “word”, games are held: “How many words”, “Who is this? What is this?”, “Look at the pictures”, “Who is doing what”.

Highlighting and naming the properties, signs of the object, naming the actions that the object can perform, the teacher simultaneously stimulates, activates the use of words of various lexical and grammatical categories: adjectives: “What is the same color”, “Vegetables”, “Guess what it is”; verbs: “Catch - tell”, “What are we doing”, “Who will think up more interesting”; numerals: "One - many", "Count further", "Hide and seek".

The work on the formation of a dictionary opens up the child the opportunity for the development of phrasal speech, since the ability to distinguish properties, features in an object and determine the actions that an object can perform form the basis for constructing statements about this subject. With the help of stimulating questions (“What kind of object is this?”, “What can it do?”, “How does it do it?”), You can build a fairly detailed statement. In the future, practicing in such constructions, children build statements and begin to use them independently.

Speech therapy work on the development of speech requires attention to the formation of the grammatical structure of speech. In this work, it is important to pay attention both to the connections of words and to the participation in the expression of these connections of service, including prepositions. The work uses such games as: "A small word", "What grows where", What word is missing, "Hide and seek".

Work on the proposal begins with an acquaintance with the concept of "proposal". The proposal has a linear extent. In games and exercises, this is emphasized and becomes clear when laying out a diagram from strips of paper. Concepts are fixed: beginning, end, first word, last word. In games, the emphasis is on making sentences and determining the number of words: “How words are friends”, “Which word is in order”, “Suggestions by pictures”.

The work on the proposal should include two directions:

Work on its deployment, distribution, filling and intonational design in accordance with the purpose of the statement. This work involves the use of such games as: "Shop", "Who loves what", "Birthday", "Whose tail". During these games, generalizing concepts are repeated and consolidated and the active vocabulary of children is replenished.

Work on synonymous replacements, restructuring of sentences expressing the same content. This work involves the use of such games as: "Make an offer", "Finish the offer", "Shop", "Who has whom".

It is especially important to pay attention to work with dialogues, retelling, compiling stories. When setting a model, children should be encouraged to look for different ways to convey a message on the same topic, to practice games like: “Continue the story”, “Make a story from the beginning”, “Make a story from the beginning and end.

When organizing speech games and exercises, you can be guided by the following recommendations:

Games should not be long in time (5-10-15 minutes);

They should be carried out at a leisurely pace so that the child has the opportunity to understand the task, consciously correct a possible mistake, and the teacher to help him with this;

The game should be lively, interesting, tempting for the child. Therefore, it should contain an element of competition, awards for successful performance, colorful and funny design;

The game can be part of a general education or speech therapy lesson or be carried out at one of the regime moments (on a walk, in moments of rest);

In the game, it is necessary to achieve the active speech participation of all children, while using physical activity;

In the game, children should develop the skills to control someone else's and their own speech and the desire to correctly and quickly perform a speech task, to encourage children's initiative;

During the game, the teacher is directly involved (the degree of his participation is determined by the speech capabilities of the children, the tasks and conditions of the game): during the game, he makes the necessary adjustments and amendments to the speech of the children, and in conclusion encourages all children, notes the most successful ones and promises a new one next time. variant of the game or a completely new game.

In each case, the choice of necessary games for working with a child should be strictly individual. At the same time, speech therapists, educators, guided by a speech therapy goal, should always keep in mind the educational and educational goals that each game carries: the development of observation, ideas, knowledge, skills, the correct attitude of the child to the team and to his place in it.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 16 combined type"

Types of games and their meaning

in the upbringing of children with speech pathology.

Speech at a methodical association

educators of correctional groups

Prepared by: Masina M.V.

Ruzaevka 2010


  1. Leonova M.A., Krapivina L.M. Obedient breeze: Didactic material on speech therapy. - M., 1999.
  1. Musova I. Speech therapy speeches. - M .: Tandem, 1999.
  1. Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. - M .: Vlados, 1994.
  1. Strakovskaya V.L. 300 outdoor games for recovery

children.- M., 1994.

  1. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Elimination of general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children. - M., 2004.

Game in the work of a speech therapist

The game is one of the most important methods of working with preschool children. The game teaching method contributes to the creation of an interested, relaxed atmosphere, the establishment of a communication situation that is psychologically adequate for the age. In play activities, the individuality of the child is revealed, feelings of collectivism and mutual understanding are formed, and the creative abilities of children develop.

A good, smart and entertaining game activates the attention of children, relieves psychological and physical stress, and ensures the perception of new material.

The game is our indispensable assistant in teaching a preschooler. So, learn by playing. But how exactly? How to choose the most appropriate game for a given lesson, for a certain stage of it? Of course, there can be no exact recipe for where, when and for how many minutes to include game material. One thing is important here, that the games help to achieve the goal. The number of them in the class should be reasonable. It is necessary to consider a phased distribution: at the beginning of the lesson, the game should help organize, interest the child, in the middle it should lead to the assimilation of the topic, at the end the lesson can be of a search character. But at any stage the game should be interesting, accessible.

In her works, N.K. Krupskaya repeatedly emphasized: “For children of preschool age, games are of exceptional importance: the game for them is study, the game for them is work, the game for them is a serious form of education.” A.S. Makarenko also attached the same importance to the game: “A child has a passion for the game, and it must be satisfied. It is necessary not only to give him time to play, but it is necessary to saturate his whole life with this game. His whole life is a game."

The literature on preschool pedagogy and psychology has accumulated significant material indicating that play is the main activity of a preschool child, one of the characteristic patterns of child development. The game as a form of child activity contributes to the harmonious development of his mental processes, personality traits, and intelligence.

Regarding the question of the influence of the game on the formation of all mental processes in a child, the Soviet psychologist D.B. Elkonin quite definitely concludes: “Special experimental studies show that the game affects the formation of all basic mental processes, from the most elementary mental processes to the most complex” .

How are games used in speech therapy?

The need for serious correctional ideas of a speech therapist in his work with preschoolers through the game is obvious. The work of a speech therapist requires the use of gaming techniques to an even greater extent than in ordinary educational activities. The presence of a speech defect leads to changes in the mental sphere, namely, to the appearance of such traits as increased irritability, excitability, isolation, depressive states, negativism, lethargy, apathy, mental exhaustion, a feeling of infringement, and so on.

Features of the behavior of such children are also noted in games. According to G.V. Kosova, they often lose the opportunity to work together with their peers due to the inability to express their thoughts, fear of seeming ridiculous, although the rules and content of the game are available to them. Violation of general and speech motility (this applies to dysarthria) causes rapid fatigue in children in the game. Unbalance, motor anxiety, fussiness in behavior, speech fatigue make it difficult to include in a collective game.

Peculiar behavior in the game in alalik children, in which actions with toys are not of a detailed nature, do not have a plan and purposeful actions. Their play in such cases is monotonous, imitative. More often they shift the toy from hand to hand, turn it around, examine it, without performing a play action with it. They drive the car for a long time and aimlessly, take off the dress from the doll, and then throw it aimlessly, scatter the cubes or randomly pile one on top of the other.

Characteristics of speech therapy games

In modern methodological literature on speech therapy in working with preschool children, various games are recommended. The authors of the methodological literature strongly recommend the use of games to correct incorrect speech in children. In many cases, examples of such games are given, which are modified versions of well-known games in preschool pedagogy, but often they are invented by the authors themselves. Attempts to create specific speech therapy games sometimes result in successful forms, but often they are far-fetched and uninteresting for children.

The term "speech therapy games" is very unfortunate, because such games are not listed in the nomenclature of preschool pedagogy. There are role-playing games, mobile games, didactic games, with building material, dramatization games, etc. The range of games depends on the form of their implementation, and not on the tasks they set. Therefore, it is more correct to talk about the use of well-known games in speech therapy work with children.

The practical material of the games is divided into three parts:

1. Preparatory games and exercises.

2. Games for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation.

3. Nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, counting rhymes.

The sequence of corrective work on the wrong sound consists of preparatory exercises, setting the sound with a certain technique, automation and differentiation of a new sound in isolation, in syllables, in words, in sentences and in independent speech.

1. Preparatory games presuppose the preparation of the organs of speech and hearing of the child for the perception of the correct sound and for the correct articulation pattern necessary for its reproduction. Therefore, games for the development of hearing are in the first place. But hearing is different: biological or speech. The selection of games goes in a strict sequence: first, for the development of auditory attention, i.e. the ability to distinguish non-speech sounds by their sound-frequency properties. Then, for the development of speech hearing, i.e. the child's ability to distinguish people's voices, to understand the meaning of the speaker's phrase. And only after that follows the transition to the development of phonemic hearing, i.e. the ability to hear the constituent parts of a word.

To evoke the correct articulation pattern of the required sound, a coordinated, clear work of all the moving parts of the articulation mechanism is required: tongue, lips, lower jaw, soft palate.

There are games for the activation of articulatory motor skills, but, unfortunately, there were very few such games.

Preparatory games can conditionally include games for the development of breathing and voice, since they are necessary in corrective work with dysarthria and rhinolalia, and can be useful in cases of impaired tempo and fluency of speech and various voice disorders.

2. Games for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation matched to various sounds and groups of sounds most often distorted in children. The onomatopoeia games available in this section can be used as an attempt to evoke the correct sound after preparatory games and exercises well mastered by the child.

In general, games are selected here to automate and differentiate various sounds in the accepted sequence.

3. Rhymes, rhymes, rhymes selected for the same sounds and groups of sounds as in the previous section. Repetition after a speech therapist or memorized nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, counting rhymes can serve the purpose of automating and differentiating certain sounds in children's independent speech.

They can be given separately from games, both independently and in a playful way.

Recommended games can be used to form the correct speech in children. Both for children with deficiencies in sound pronunciation (physiological imperfections, functional dyslalia), and for children with rhinolalic and dysarthria, first of all, games for the development of auditory attention, phonemic hearing, articulatory motor skills and, accordingly, the defect in the game for the formation of certain groups of sounds (their staging, automation, differentiation). Consolidation of the correct sound pronunciation in phrasal speech in children with dysarthria and rhinolalics can be carried out on the material of nursery rhymes, tongue twisters and riddles.

Games published in the books by M.F. Fomicheva “Educating children with the correct pronunciation”, O. Goletsyova and others “Games in kindergarten”, M.G. Gering, N.A. German “Educating the correct speech in preschoolers”, published by the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" and other publishing houses. Most of the games are reworked by the compilers. In the content of some games, the compilers changed the methodology in order to use them in speech therapy work.

Game techniques in speech therapy work

Increasingly, in the senior and preparatory to school group of kindergarten, children are diagnosed with OHP (general underdevelopment of speech). This is a systemic disorder in which sound pronunciation, phonemic perception, syllabic structure and sound-filling of words are disturbed, agrammatisms are present in speech. Children have a poor vocabulary, with a predominance of nouns and verbs. Coherent speech suffers, as well as deviations in the development of motor skills, both general and articulatory. As a result, children face difficulties in the learning process, they poorly learn the program material. In this regard, there is a need to use effective methods of teaching and corrective work that ensure the successful mastery of the knowledge, skills and abilities provided by the program for children, and the game comes to the rescue and the direction of corrective work becomes important. The advantage of the game and game techniques, in my opinion, is that they allow, on the one hand, to influence the child more actively. An accessible and attractive game situation in the classroom makes the cognitive process complete, while it is colored with positive emotions, which are so important for a preschooler. With the help of entertaining moments, a persistent interest in classes is maintained, the desire to learn new things and acquire knowledge and skills.

In my work, when conducting and making games, visual aids for them, I rely on the age-related characteristics of the perception and thinking of children, the level of automation of speech skills, the level of independence, speech experience, so that they are understandable and accessible to children. From experience, I can say that the game should be visually attractive and aesthetic. The number of allowances is best made according to the number of children in the subgroup involved.

For example: the game "Houses" - individual cards for determining the place of sound in a word; the game "Collect the beads" - for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, the game "Cups" - a guide for working on the air stream.

In my work, I want to dwell on some speech therapy games that I most often use in my work, as the most effective, at the stage of developing phonemic perception, teaching the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, automation and differentiation of sounds with children in the senior and preparatory groups for school.

Sound analysis and synthesis of syllables and words is one of the stages of speech therapy work. It causes the greatest difficulties in the learning process. It is this that creates in the future favorable conditions for the development of such operations as a clear separation of one sound from another, establishing the sequence of these sounds, determining the place of a sound, etc. having a good idea of ​​the difficulties that children will encounter in the process of mastering sound analysis and synthesis, I build all learning on game techniques, ensuring the availability of the material and the interest of children.

Word games facilitate the solution of such problems as the formation of correct sound pronunciation, the improvement of diction, the development of phonemic perception and coherent speech, the enrichment of the dictionary, the development of memory, imagination, attention, and communication skills.

By the time they move to the older group, children can pronounce many sounds (their articulatory apparatus is already ready to pronounce even the most difficult sounds). But it is still necessary to pay serious attention to the development of phonemic hearing and the articulatory apparatus of children, to teach them to distinguish sounds by ear and pronounce them correctly , c-h, s-sh, l-r). To this end, articulatory gymnastics is carried out at each lesson, as well as work to eliminate the shortcomings of sound pronunciation. Not all children clearly distinguish certain groups of sounds by ear, they often mix them up. This applies mainly to certain sounds, for example, the sounds s-ts, s-sh, ; sh-zh and others are not differentiated by ear.

To develop phonemic perception, the ability to listen to the sound of words, to establish the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, to differentiate certain pairs of sounds, children of this age are offered games aimed at selecting words with given sounds, or exercises in which you need to highlight words with given sounds. sounds from phrases, small poems.

The purpose of these games and exercises is to develop auditory attention and phonemic perception: to teach children to hear sounds in words, to differentiate by ear and in pronunciation some pairs of sounds (s-z, s-ts, sh-zh, ch-sch, s-sh, s = f, c-h, s-sh, l-r), it is correct to highlight the necessary words in phrases. For example, games:

"Who listens better?"

The speech therapist calls two children. He puts them with their backs to each other and gives the task: “I will name the words, and Sasha will raise his hand only when he hears words with the sound Sh. What sound? And, Katya will raise her hand only when she hears words in which there is a sound Zh. Once again, the children are invited to repeat who and when should raise their hand. Children count the number of correct answers.

In the seventh year of life, the sound pronunciation of children is not much different from the pronunciation of adults, although some children have shortcomings. Low mobility of the articular apparatus or deviations in its structure (for example, malocclusion) are the most common cause of pronunciation defects. Such children, as a rule, need additional speech therapy exercises. The teacher pays special attention to the development in children of a clear and intelligible pronunciation of words, phrases, the ability to differentiate by ear pronunciation sounds that are similar in sound or pronunciation: voiced and deaf consonants, hard and soft, whistling and hissing. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that children clearly and correctly pronounce isolated sounds.

The purpose of these games and exercises is to develop phonemic perception, elements of sound analysis: to determine the presence of a given sound in words, to highlight the first and last in words.

What sound is in all words?

The speech therapist pronounces three to four words, each of which has one of the sounds being worked out : fur coat, cat, mouse- and asks the children what sound is in all these words. Children call the sound Sh. Then they offer to determine what sound is in all the words below: beetle, toad, skis- AND; kettle, key, glasses–H; brush, box, sorrel- SCH; braid, mustache, nose- FROM; herring, Sima, elk- CL; goat, castle, tooth- Z; winter, vaseline mirror-3b; flower, egg, chicken–C; boat, chair, lamp–L; linden, forest, salt- L; fish, carpet, wing- R; rice, fortress, primer- R.

The speech therapist makes sure that children clearly pronounce sounds, correctly name hard and soft consonants.

Visual Games

When studying sounds, it is necessary to give their characteristics - a description of articulatory and acoustic properties. For children, these are absolute, invisible concepts. Therefore, visual support is needed in the form of graphic diagrams, symbols, based on which children can talk about any sound, compare sounds and visually see them.

Separately, I would like to dwell on games for the development of fine motor skills of hands. The uniqueness of these games, in our opinion, lies in the fact that they turn ordinary household items into exciting and useful toys. For children, this is both a learning process and an opportunity to get in touch with the wonderful transformations of familiar things: bottle caps - “skis” - can rush along a “snowy” path, restless bees live in a dumpling, animals in the zoo hid in cages - lattices for a sink. The actions performed by the child in the game are accompanied by quatrains or short poems. As a result, the game becomes more emotional. And for parents, these games are just a treasure. Firstly, they do not need complex inventory: everything is at hand. Secondly, parents do not need to seriously prepare and spend precious free time not on the game, but on preparing for it. Thirdly, these games do not need large rooms - you can even fit on the kitchen table.

It is necessary to start work on the development of fine motor skills from early childhood. Already an infant, you can massage your fingers, thereby affecting the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At an early and younger preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises, fasten and unfasten buttons, tie shoelaces, etc. And, of course, at the senior preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should be an important part of preparing for school. In my work I actively use the didactic manual "Lady Madam". (show)

Children love to travel. Therefore, we often travel with them: to the country of sounds, letters, syllables, to the country of kind words. Choose what you can travel on. Do you want to sail on a boat? Then draw, and the steamer will appear, shade it. What will we take with us on the road? Draw, select pictures, find the same sounds, letters in them, load them into machines: in red - vowels, in blue - consonants.

I widely use game physical exercises in the classroom. The greatest efficiency from them is achieved only when the form and content are diverse: health-improving and hygienic, rhythmic, imitative, motor-speech, elements of psycho-gymnastics. The most popular game physical training sessions with us are motor-speech. Children together read funny poems, rhymes and at the same time perform various movements, as if staging them.

In human activity, there are practically no such areas where speech would not be used. Speech is needed everywhere. This is a complex function, and its development depends on many points. The influence of others plays a big role here - the child learns to speak on the example of the speech of parents and teachers. Friends. Surrounding should help the child in the formation of correct, clear speech. It is very important that a child from an early age hears the correct, distinct sound, on the example of which his own speech is formed. If a child has speech defects, he is often subjected to peer ridicule, offensive remarks, and does not participate in concerts and children's holidays. The child is offended, he does not feel equal among other children. Gradually, such a child separates from the team, withdraws into himself. He tries to remain silent or answer in monosyllables, not to take part in speech games.

The task of a speech therapist, together with parents, is to convince the child that speech can be corrected, you can help the baby become like everyone else. It is important to interest the child so that he himself wants to participate in the process of speech correction. And for this, classes should not be boring lessons, but an interesting game. The desire of the child to participate in the learning process is determined by his interest in classes and the desire for a positive assessment from an adult. Therefore, the teaching adult should become a close friend for the child, always ready to help.

In my work, I adhere to the rule: do not go through the program, but seek to master it. Therefore, I give classes an easy, entertaining character, accessible to the perception of preschoolers. I avoid low assessments of children and always remember that a child should experience psychological security.

The proposed games each teacher can improve, supplement, find new options for conducting, based on their creative potential.

Exhibition of games used in the work of a speech therapist


    Bystrova G.A., Sizova E.A., Shuiskaya T.A. Logopedic games and tasks. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008. - 96s.

    Golovneva N.Ya., Ilyina M.N., Paramonova L.G. 365 test exercises and assignments to prepare for school. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

    speech therapy. Development of activities with preschool children: Issue 1 / Comp. O.V. Epifanova - Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2004.

    Flerova Zh.M. speech therapy. Series "Textbooks, teaching aids". -Rostovn / D: Phoenix, 2001. - 320s.

    Internet resource: http://logoped18.ru

Working with preschoolers.


Teacher speech therapist
GBOU d / s No. 000. Moscow

The formation of the correct pronunciation in children is a complex process, the child will have to learn how to control his speech organs, perceive the speech addressed to him, exercise control over the speech of others and his own.

The incorrect pronunciation of certain groups of sounds in the younger preschool age is quite natural and justified by the physiological characteristics of the formation of children's speech. But if a child pronounces sounds incorrectly or does not pronounce words clearly enough, then adults should definitely pay attention to this. If many speech anomalies are not corrected in a timely manner, they can cause the child to fail at school and affect the development of the personality as a whole.

The development of speech in preschool children is especially fast: quickly, like at no other age, the vocabulary is replenished, the sound design of words improves, and phrases become more detailed. However, not everyone has the same level of speech development: some already pronounce words clearly and correctly by the age of three, while others still do not pronounce certain sounds incorrectly enough. Often, missing sounds in young children, for example, can be obtained through exercises in holistic, coherent speech, with emphasized pronunciation of a defective sound by a teacher or parents, without special exercises.

Active imitation of adult speech comes to the fore from a very early age in the development of speech, which is a powerful factor in the development of speech. First of all, correct, distinct, smooth speech of others is necessary. Although the child at first due to general muscle weakness, and consequently, the weakness of the speech organs, in addition to the underdevelopment of the coordinating apparatuses of the psyche, the sound pronunciation is indistinct (babble), in no case should others speak to him in the same babble language. The constant correct speech of others will eventually cause the same correct speech in the child - for one earlier, for the other later.

Speech disorders are extremely diverse, and at the same time, each of them is a problem of the physical state of the body, mental development and maturity of the individual, character and temperament, social relationships, i.e. connection with the whole organism. Finding out the nature of speech disorders and their causes is the first step in speech therapy work. To what extent speech disorders are dynamic, speech therapy methods should be dynamic to the same extent.

The intelligibility and purity of pronunciation of sounds depends on many factors: on the anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus, on the child's ability to feel the movements of the organs of articulation, on the functional maturity of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex.

Functional immaturity of the speech areas of the cerebral cortex occurs in children prone to frequent illnesses; in such children, the assimilation of the sound pronunciation system is delayed. For a long time they do not know how to distinguish speech sounds and control their organs of articulation. Such children mix, replace and distort sounds.

In the early period of speech development, one should not be forced to repeat the same thing excessively: the nervous system gets tired, attention and interest disappear, and the child temporarily stops responding; sometimes frequent demands to speak lead him to a complete rejection of speech for a long time - to speech negativism. Therefore, the sound pronunciation of the child should always be associated with certain accessible and interesting content, preferably in a playful way.

The speech therapist needs to widely use games in correctional work, while remembering their significance in general as a means of physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. When conducting a game, a speech therapist must take into account the behavioral characteristics of children with various speech disorders. The game can be held as an independent, as a preliminary or reinforcing lesson, as well as a rest. . The child, being carried away by the game, trying to comply with its conditions as best as possible, does not notice that he is being taught. And this means that the process of mastering speech will proceed more actively, faster, overcoming difficulties is easier.

This paper provides exemplary games used in speech therapy work with children.

Preparatory games and exercises.

1. Gymnastics of general body movements.

"Movement is life".

Active movements not only strengthen the motor apparatus: it contributes to the neuropsychic development of the child. Games help to educate intelligence, observation, attention, imagination, quickness of thought, and the development of positive feelings. Active actions in the game help eliminate self-doubt, shyness, timidity.

When choosing games, it is necessary to take into account the age of children, their physical condition. The content of games, conditions and rules, as well as all movements must be age-appropriate.

At speech therapy classes, physical minutes, gymnastics of general body movements are held. Especially useful are outdoor games, if possible, with speech. Under the rhythmic command of the voice, music, gymnastics of the whole body and its limbs is performed.


1. Everyone clapped their hands together, more fun.

Legs, legs pounded, louder and faster.

We'll hit the knees, quieter, quieter, quieter.

We raise our hands up, higher, higher, higher.

Our hands spun, lowered again,

They circled and circled and stopped.

2. It is very difficult to stand like that, do not lower your leg to the floor.

And do not fall, do not swing, do not hold on to each other.

3. At first I will be small, I will snuggle up to my knees.

Then I will grow big, I will reach the lamp.

Children perform movements together with a speech therapist.

2. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Research has established that the formation of speech is closely related to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers. The development of fine motor skills is facilitated by individually conducted games and exercises for stringing pyramid rings, laying out mosaics, and sticks. At the same time, it is important to teach children to properly grasp objects with three fingers (thumb, index and middle).

In children with motor disorders of the speech apparatus, fine motor skills of the fingers also suffer, which is also one of the reasons for the later formation of speech sounds. The fingers are the second organ of speech. Purposeful work on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers accelerates the maturation of speech areas and stimulates the development of the child's speech, allows you to quickly correct defective sound pronunciation.


1. We will add the cams together,

Let's help our fingers

Unbend and rise.

Press finger to finger

Let's clench our fists again.

We bend, we bend

We clench our fists again.

2. This finger is dancing.

This circle draws

This finger deftly jumps,

Like a light, light ball.

And my little finger, baby,

Fingernail scratches like a mouse.

And my big, fat man,

He lay down on the side.

And now it's all right

Fingers do exercises.


Already from infancy, the child makes a lot of various articulatory-mimic movements with the tongue, lips, jaw, accompanying these movements with diffuse sounds (muttering, babble). Such movements are actually the first stage in the development of a child's speech; they play the role of gymnastics of the organs of speech in the natural conditions of a child's life. This outlines the path of artificial education of normal movements of the sound-producing apparatus in case of disorders.

On a speech therapy examination, many children have abnormalities in the structure and mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Violations in the anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus - if it is a shortened or short hyoid frenulum - will be corrected by a dental surgeon, and then, with the help of special exercises, a speech therapist will help to “stretch” it. With defects in the development of the jaws, a malocclusion is formed, with these anomalies, children should be referred to an orthodontist.

With violations of the motor function of the articulatory apparatus, subtle differentiated movements of the tongue, lips, jaw suffer, because of this, sounds, especially in the flow of speech, sound blurry. The driving dynamics are disrupted. The speed of switching from one articulatory movement to another is disturbed. And the clarity of the pronunciation of sounds depends on the switching speed.

Articulatory gymnastics not only improves the motor function of lagging brain systems, but also involves compensating brain systems in the work. The purpose of such gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements of the articulatory organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Preparation of the articulatory apparatus involves breathing exercises. Children should be taught to exhale for a long time, controlling its strength and duration. To do this, they are asked to inflate suspended strips of tissue paper, cotton balls, small floating toys in a basin of water, etc.

For example; the car hums for a long time: b-i-i; sharply: bi-bi; the girl quietly rocks the doll: ah-ah, etc.

Gymnastics of the organs of speech is first carried out by imitation together with a speech therapist, “conjugated”) and as a repetition after him (“reflected”) in front of a mirror.

By mastering the movement, it is carried out according to the verbal task of the speech therapist, first in front of a mirror, and then without a mirror.

The entire system of articulatory gymnastics can be divided into preparatory exercises and the main ones - those that are needed to set a certain sound.

Preparatory articulation exercises are static and dynamic.

1.Statistical:"SPATULA". Stick out a wide tongue, relax, put on the lower lip. Make sure that the tongue does not tremble. Hold for 10-15 seconds.

"TUBE". Stick out a wide tongue. Bend the sides of the tongue up. Blow into the resulting tube. Perform in slow motion 10-15 times.

2. Dynamic:"Swing". Stick out a narrow tongue. Stretch alternately to the nose, then to the chin. Do not close your mouth while doing this. The exercise is carried out at the expense of a speech therapist 10-12 times.

"CLOCK". Stick out a narrow tongue, move the tongue from corner to corner of the mouth at a slow pace. Repeat 10-15 times.


1. Games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing.

The concept of "sound culture of speech" includes not only the correct pronunciation, but also the distinct pronunciation of sounds, words, phrases, a good rate of speech, its volume, as well as speech hearing.

Correction of shortcomings in sound pronunciation in children begins with the formulation of an accurate, finely differentiated pronunciation of sound combinations, while at the same time they develop phonemic perception. Without a full perception of phonemes, without a clear distinction between them, their correct pronunciation is impossible. In case of violation of phonemic hearing, first of all, work on its development should begin.

Games for the development of phonemic hearing are built with a gradual complication of game and educational tasks. At the beginning, children are taught to hear, distinguish and identify the first sound in one word (the game "Define the first sound"), then the first and last sounds in a series of words (the game "Chains of words"). Next, the children determine any position of the sound in the word (at the beginning, at the end and in the middle) (game exercise “Find the place of the sound in the word”). Then the children practice in selecting words with a certain sound (games “Who lives in the house?”, “Collect a bouquet”), in differentiating more complex sounds (games “Who will collect things faster”, “Shop”).

When forming phonemic hearing, a child should develop ideas about the sound composition of a word, the ability to distinguish individual words in a speech stream, to hear sounds in a word and highlight them, to compose syllables, words and sentences. The development of phonemic perception is carried out in a playful way in frontal, subgroup, individual lessons.

A) Work begins on the material of non-speech sounds.


GOAL. Sound definition and vocabulary accumulation.

EQUIPMENT. Bell, bell, pipe, etc. and pictures with their image.

GAME DESCRIPTION. Children sit in groups in different places in the room, in each group there is some kind of sounding instrument. The leader is chosen. He is invited to close his eyes and guess where they called, show the direction with his hand and take a picture of the tool.


GOAL. Development of coordination of movements and sense of rhythm.

EQUIPMENT. Tambourine, tambourine, etc.

GAME DESCRIPTION. The speech therapist knocks the tambourine quietly, then loudly and very loudly. According to the sound of the tambourine, the children perform movements: to a quiet sound they walk on their toes, to a loud full step, to a louder one they run.

B) Speech sounds are gradually introduced that are correctly pronounced by children.


GOAL. Ear training.

GAME DESCRIPTION. Children stand in a circle, each holding a toy of some animal. The blindfolded driver must touch the child, and he makes sounds corresponding to his toy (meow, woof, mu, etc.). The driver guesses a friend.

C) Simultaneously with the production of any sound, games are used to distinguish and highlight this sound (by ear) in a series of sounds, in syllables, words.


GOAL. Isolation by ear of the sound "P" in a series of sounds.

EQUIPMENT. Checkboxes, etc.

GAME DESCRIPTION. The speech therapist calls a number of sounds: m, n, r, p. Children raise the flag only to the sound “r”.

D) You can use games and exercises aimed at the oral analysis of words. For example: children are invited to determine the place of the sound “t” in the word “CATS”, how many syllables are in the word, name the first syllable, second syllable, name the sounds of the first syllable, second, find in which syllable the sound “t” is located.

2. Special articulation exercises used in the production of sounds.

In parallel with the work on the development of phonemic perception, special articulatory gymnastics is carried out. The purpose of such gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements of the articulatory organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Only disturbed movements should be practiced, and only those that are needed to produce a certain sound. In the field of overcoming speech defects, articulation correction is the leading work.


GOAL. Activation of the tip of the tongue when producing the sound "P".

GAME DESCRIPTION. Children flick the tip of their tongue behind their upper teeth. The tip of the tongue should be raised straight without turning it. Click slowly and strongly, pull the hyoid ligament.

3. Formation of sounds. Automation and differentiation.

To automate and differentiate the set sounds, the speech therapist uses the usual sequence of fixing sounds in various combinations: in syllables, words, sentences, poems, stories. The most commonly used are various MOBILE and DIDACTIC games.


GOAL. Automation of the sound "Z".

GAME DESCRIPTION. Children stand in front of each other, connect their hands crosswise and reproduce, at the expense of the speech therapist, the movement of the saw along the log, pronouncing the sound “Z” for a long time. The speech therapist reminds children how to properly hold the tongue when pronouncing this sound.


GOAL. Automation of the sound "Z" in words and sentences.

EQUIPMENT. Pictures for the sound "Z".

GAME DESCRIPTION. The children are sitting at the tables. On the table at the speech therapist lies a stack of pictures, drawings down. Each child has the same paired pictures. The speech therapist calls one child and asks to take the top picture, show the children and say which picture he took. The one who gets the same picture shows it to the guys and says: “And I have a bunny in the picture.” The game continues until all the cards have been sorted. (By analogy, the game can be played using other sounds).


GOAL. Differentiation of sounds "S - Z".

EQUIPMENT. Pictures on the sounds of "S-Z". Pictures "Whistle" and "Call" for each child.

GAME DESCRIPTION. Children are given two pictures. One has a whistle, the other has a bell. Children take them. The speech therapist shows the children and calls the pictures, in the name of which there are sounds "C" or "Z". If the word has the sound “C”, then the children raise the picture with a whistle and say: s-s-s ..., and if the sound is “Z”, then with a call and say z-z-z ...


The timely formation of the grammatical structure of the child's language is the most important condition for his full-fledged speech and general mental development, since language and speech perform a leading function in the development of thinking and speech communication.

The formation of different aspects of the grammatical structure (syntax, morphology, word formation) of the language of a preschooler has its own specifics and takes place in stages.

Didactic games and exercises with grammatical content are an important means of stimulating children's language games, their search activity in the field of grammar.

In children with underdevelopment of speech, there is often a lag in the formation of the grammatical structure of the language. The main task of corrective education in relation to this section is to teach children to build simple sentences correctly, to observe the connection of words in phrases and sentences, and to correctly build complex sentences. Particular attention should be paid to changing the case forms of singular and plural nouns depending on the question or preposition, changing the grammatical forms of the person and the number of verbs, correct agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns, etc.


GOAL. Train children in the correct practical use of combining numerals with nouns.

EQUIPMENT. Pictures with vegetables drawn on them in different quantities.

GAME DESCRIPTION. Pictures with vegetables drawn on them are laid out on the table (one carrot, five carrots, four cucumbers, etc.). Children one by one approach the table, take any picture and say: “I bought one carrot”, “I bought four cucumbers”. The game continues until all the cards have been sorted out.


GOAL. Train children in the correct use of case forms of nouns with prepositions.

EQUIPMENT. Toys (doll, car, cube, etc.).

GAME DESCRIPTION. The toys are in different places in the room. Children sit on chairs. The speech therapist suggests making sentences about where the toys are. “There is a doll on the table. Next to the cupboard is a cube. There is a car under the table.


Continuing to work on speech development, the speech therapist, relying on the children's knowledge of the world around them and the dictionary already familiar to them, sets the following tasks: a) expand the vocabulary of children, drawing their attention to the shades of the meaning of words and some ways of word formation; b) activate the children's vocabulary. To this end, in the classroom, children are offered various games and exercises that develop the ability to notice common and different morphological elements of words, to establish the relationship between the meaning of words and their sound composition.


GOAL. Expansion of the active and passive vocabulary on the topic "Animals".

EQUIPMENT. Pictures depicting domestic animals and their cubs.

GAME DESCRIPTION. The speech therapist divides the children into two groups, distributes pictures of adult animals to one group, and their cubs to the other. The speech therapist says: “Cubs were walking on the lawn and got lost, find your mothers. Lost calf. Who is his mother? etc.


GOAL. Train children in the formation of words using diminutive - affectionate suffixes.

EQUIPMENT. Pictures depicting various animals and objects.

GAME DESCRIPTION. The children are given pictures. Everyone should name what is shown in the picture and how to call it affectionately. "Bench - bench, cat - cat, flower - flower."

When planning work with children, a speech therapist should think over and determine the place, role and connection of games with the content of classes, other methods of teaching and raising children. In the form of a game, the process of speech development proceeds faster and more actively, since the game is the leading activity of preschool children. In the game, the child overcomes difficulties easily, not noticing that he is being taught.

Games and tasks can be included in everyday activities with children at any stage of speech work. These games and tasks can precede classes, be included in the middle of classes, be in the nature of physical minutes, and can also be independent. In order for children to have an interest in games, a speech therapist must carefully consider the equipment for playing games, it must be bright, colorful. In conducting games, the educator plays a big role, since he has more opportunities to organize and conduct a variety of games. The speech therapist gives the teacher the task of what games to play with different categories of children.

Games are used to form correct speech in children and correct its various imperfections. For children with impaired sound pronunciation (physiological imperfections, functional dyslalia) and for children with rhinolalics and dysarthria, games for the development of auditory attention, phonemic hearing, articulatory motor skills and games for the formation of certain groups of sounds (their production, automation, differentiation) are recommended. This category of children will useful games for the development of breathing and voice. Consolidation of the correct sound pronunciation in phrasal speech in children with dysarthria and rhinolalics can be carried out on the material of nursery rhymes, tongue twisters and riddles.

Games are widely used in speech therapy work with stuttering children. It is in the game that one can most effectively carry out a corrective effect on the speech and personality of a stutterer. A variety of game situations, skillfully created by a speech therapist, encourage the child to free speech communication, divert his attention from the speech defect, and provide rich opportunities for targeted psychotherapy. The game has a beneficial effect on the general mental state of a stutterer, causes counter activity in him, affecting his interests, fantasy, and imagination. All this increases the efficiency of corrective work.

Speech therapists should always keep in mind the educational and educational goals that each game carries: the development of observation, ideas, knowledge, skills, the correct attitude of the child to the team and to his place in it.


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9.I. Lopukhin "Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement" "Delta"

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Tkachenko L.M.teacher-speech therapist MDOU "Nursery-garden No. 294 in Donetsk"

The game as the leading activity of a preschooler is of great importance for the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children with general underdevelopment of speech.

First of all, the cognitive development of children is carried out in the game, since the game activity contributes to the expansion and deepening of ideas about the surrounding reality, the improvement of attention, memory, thinking and the development of speech.

Games have an impact on the physical development of children. Games meet the needs of children for movements that become more precise and coordinated. It is also important for the development of articulatory motor skills. Therefore, it is especially important to use the elements of the game in articulation gymnastics (“The Tale of the Merry Tongue”).

During the game, the moral qualities of the child develop: courage, determination, honesty, goodwill. Due to the fact that most games are collective in nature, they contribute to the formation of communication skills in children, stimulate the child's need to speak correctly and beautifully, so that others understand him and want to play with him.

The formation of play activities in preschool age involves its organization by a speech therapist and educator. Moreover, the smaller the children, the more direct participation from adults should be in their games.

As for children with general underdevelopment of speech, along with the general influence of play on the entire course of their mental development, it has a specific effect on the formation of speech. Children should be constantly encouraged to communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using speech and improve it, enrich the vocabulary, grammatical structure, etc.

The development of children's speech is greatly influenced by games, the content of which is the staging of a plot, the so-called dramatization games. Round dance games and games with singing contribute to the development of expressiveness of speech and the consistency of words with movements (logo-rhythm). Such games also form an arbitrary memorization of texts and movements.

Role-playing game

One of the first forms of children's play activity is a role-playing game. Children with OHP, due to their characteristics, require significantly more adult participation in their play activities than normally speaking peers. They are unstable, so they cannot play collectively. Their interest in the game is unstable.

The role-playing game has a positive effect on the development of speech. During the game, the child speaks aloud with the toy, speaks both for himself and for her, imitates the hum of an airplane, the voices of birds, the voices of animals, etc.

During the game, the educator and the teacher-speech therapist talk a lot with the children, as a result of which the non-speaking child has a need for verbal communication. He wants to ask an adult about something, to tell him something. The teacher strongly encourages children to ask questions about a particular toy. Thus, in the role-playing game, the speech activity of children develops.

In role-playing games, children take on the roles of adults and reproduce their activities and relationships in a playful way. At the same time, they comment on their actions. The characters in the game appear by role-playing in one or another image of the child himself, the toy, or the surrounding children and adults. Initially, the play activity of children with OHP is individual in nature, since they do not know how to coordinate their actions with the actions of other players.

Teaching children a role-playing game must be accompanied by a story about the content of the actions: “Katya's doll wants to sleep. Where do we put the doll? Let's put Katya on the bed. Given that children with OHP have a sharply reduced understanding of addressed speech, it is necessary to monitor how much a child understands an adult. To this end, the speech therapist teacher (or educator) asks him to name or show the toys that are discussed in the game.

Playing with a toy and at the same time listening to a speech therapist, the child quickly and well remembers its name, imitating an adult. Showing how to play, all actions should be denoted by a word. An adult should give the child a sample dialogue with a toy. If the game is played for the first time, then it is necessary to “lose” the entire speech plot in front of the children.

A necessary condition for the successful development of children's speech in a role-playing game is the selection of a variety of toys. However, along with plot toys depicting real objects in a reduced form, children use in the game objects that are in the game objects that replace real ones (sticks, cubes, balls). With OHP, the child hardly masters the skills of using substitute objects. This adult should be shown that you can use a pencil instead of a thermometer, and a cube instead of soap. The use of substitutes in the game makes it necessary for children to rename the item, and then inform other players about it. Thus, a strong stimulator of speech development appears in the game on its own.

It is advisable to organize such games with children in which all children participate: "Doll Birthday", where everyone dances and sings; "Train", where all the children are passengers. In the game "Toy Store" children, having "buyed" a toy, then play with it; Moreover, the one who correctly asks the "seller" will receive the toy.

Developed plot-role-playing games should be used by a speech therapist teacher to update the child's speech means.

Along with role-playing games, games with rules are actively used at preschool age. These include didactic, mobile, dramatization games, games for the development of articulatory and fine motor skills, the development of expiratory strength and proper speech breathing, games for the development of phonemic hearing.

Didactic games

A special place in the correctional process in groups for children with OHP is occupied by didactic games. They broaden the horizons of children, teach them to highlight the properties of objects, find properties and differences in them, etc. Any didactic game develops attention, including to speech, observation, memory, quick wits.

At the beginning of the first year of study, it is advisable to conduct didactic games to distinguish (and then name) the colors, shapes and sizes of objects, to form numerical representations, to distinguish non-speech sounds. In the course of didactic games, the speech therapist develops children's speech activity, encourages correct answers, and cultivates endurance.

Didactic games are conducted by a speech therapist teacher with the whole group, with a subgroup and individually. Such games as "Find out who is talking", "Guess what I'm doing", "Tell me what it sounds", "How the bell sounds" are aimed at developing phonemic hearing, clarifying children's knowledge of color and shape, training in onomatopoeia. For children with OHP, games for the development of fine motor skills of hands are of great importance. These are all kinds of lacing, stringing beads, mosaic games, finger games (finger gymnastics).

It is useful to teach children to play lotto, dominoes and cut pictures. Such games are especially important to use for correcting sound pronunciation. At the stage of automating a certain sound. And also to consolidate the lexical theme. Children are happy to join the game, perform all the tasks of the teacher-speech therapist. Thus, correctional goals are better achieved, and the result of speech therapy work is more optimistic.

Outdoor games

In the system of correctional and educational work in the conditions of MDOU, outdoor games are given a large place. In outdoor games, children develop and improve coordination of movement. Which has a beneficial effect on the development of speech in children with OHP.

In the course of outdoor games, children learn to quickly and correctly navigate in space, reinforce the conceptsup, down, far, close.

When OHP with children, it is useful to conduct outdoor games with rhymed text, rhythmic movements (logarithmics ). Phonetic rhythm is a system of motor exercises in which various movements (body, head, arms, legs) are combined with the pronunciation of special speech material. The use of musical accompaniment in the classroom contributes to the formation of a steady interest in children in musical and speech activities, maintains a positive emotional attitude in children to logarithmic exercises, and therefore helps to achieve better results in learning, education and correction. In logarithmic classes, the following tasks are implemented:

    clarification of articulation;

    development of phonemic perception and phonemic representations;

    expansion of vocabulary;

    development of auditory attention and visual memory;

    improving general and fine motor skills;

    development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech;

    development of melodic-intonational and prosodic components, creative fantasy and imagination.

All exercises are carried out by imitation. Speech material is not previously learned. During the lesson, it is desirable that the children stand together with the teacher in a circle or sit in a semicircle. This arrangement allows the children to see the teacher well, move and pronounce speech material synchronously with him.

Games - dramatizations

Children have the ability to transform. This is used in speech therapy work for speech correction. In drama games, the skill of correct expressive speech is polished.

In the conditions of a speech therapy group, dramatizations can be carried out according to the following plan: preparation, selection of equipment, distribution of roles, the course of a dramatization game.

Preparatory work is necessary in order to familiarize children with the content of the material chosen for staging. The speech therapist briefly retells or reads the text in faces. The children, following the teacher, repeat only the words of the characters. Then, during the conversation, it is revealed what character traits are inherent in each character, what should be his manner of speech, facial expressions, gestures, gait.

For performances, it is necessary to select and manufacture certain equipment. It can be character masks. With the help of adults, children themselves make various details of the costumes; draw, color, cut out simple decorations from cardboard or thick paper.

By distributing roles, a speech therapist can take into account what kind of speech load is possible for children in a certain period of correctional work. Since the dramatization game is used to educate the correct speech, in the course of the dramatization, the speech therapist teacher constantly organizes the communication of children. During rehearsals, it is appropriate to remind children that they are artists, so they must speak clearly beautifully, pronounce all sounds and words correctly.


    Mironova S.A. The development of speech of preschoolers in speech therapy classes. - M., 1991.

    Edited by V. I. Seleverstov. Games in speech therapy work with children. - K., 1985.

    3. Vygodskaya I.G. Elimination of stuttering in preschoolers in the game. - M., 1984.

    Kartushina M. Yu. Logorhythmic classes in the Danish garden. - M., 2003.

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