Home Flowers The implantation discharge is brown. Implantation bleeding after conception. Video Dr. Elena Berezovskaya tells what implantation bleeding is and what it says

The implantation discharge is brown. Implantation bleeding after conception. Video Dr. Elena Berezovskaya tells what implantation bleeding is and what it says

Implantation bleeding is an early sign of pregnancy. It does not manifest itself in all women: only one in three out of ten is able to notice the discharge after egg implantation.

Knowing the symptoms and differences of such bleeding from cyclical monthly discharge, it is possible to identify the onset of pregnancy even before the delay.

The main difference is the timing and duration of the discharge. If bleeding began a week before menstruation and lasted no more than two days, this is one of the sure signs of pregnancy. The duration of your periods is much longer - from four to seven days.

The second difference is the amount of blood secreted. With implantation bleeding, it is insignificant so that a woman can notice only one or two drops of blood in the form of a small speck.

The third difference is the color of the bloody discharge. If the blood is light, not brown, this is one of the signs of pregnancy.

The fourth difference is pain in the uterus. With implantation bleeding, they are practically absent.

Implantation bleeding has several significant differences from regular (monthly) bleeding. You need to pay attention to the following points:

  • timing of discharge relative to the usual monthly schedule;
  • the number of secretions;
  • blood color with discharge;
  • the presence or absence of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the duration of the discharge.

The main symptoms of bleeding

Implantation, that is, associated with implantation (implantation) of the embryo, bleeding is a sign of normal pregnancy developing in the uterus. It has two main symptoms.

  1. The first is the period of the onset of discharge. It is quite easy to calculate it. With a normal monthly cycle of 28 days (lunar cycle) or 30 days, ovulation occurs on the fourteenth or fifteenth day. This is the middle of the cycle. At this point, the likelihood of conception is highest. It takes six to ten days for a sperm fertilized egg to enter the uterus.
    A woman should compare the day of the last sexual intercourse and the arrival of early regulations. If they began seven to five days before the monthly schedule, then such discharge can be considered one of the signs of a developing pregnancy. They usually last only a few hours, up to a maximum of two days.
  2. The second symptom is scanty, drip discharge of pinkish, slightly brownish, creamy color. Less often, saturated red discharge is observed, resembling regula in color. Their number is so small that it is not necessary to attach special importance to the color. Only the amount of released blood matters.

Symptoms of normal embryo attachment to the uterus and associated implantation bleeding are not limited to this. What else you need to pay attention to:

  • minor pulling pains in the lower abdomen, a bit like pain during menstruation;
  • a short-term decrease in basal temperature, lasting no more than a day;
  • weakness, dizziness, the appearance of a sharp negative reaction to odors;
  • tingling sensation in the area of ​​the uterus or breast, associated with the occurrence of inflammation at the site of attachment of the embryo to the uterus.
  • The appearance of spotting discharge three or two days before the date of the onset of menstruation, which is possible according to the schedule, is not a sign of implantation bleeding.

Symptoms of menstruation

Ordinary periods should be distinguished from implantation blood flow. Despite the similarity of individual symptoms, there are fundamental differences. You need to know exactly all the symptoms of menstruation in order to be able to distinguish them from the first sign of pregnancy.

Regulus symptoms:

  • swelling of the breasts, soreness of the nipples;
  • aching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which usually disappear on the second day after the onset of menstruation;
  • the initial and final phase of menstruation is accompanied by scanty, smearing secretions, while from the second to the fourth to the fifth day, profuse bleeding;
  • bloating;
  • weight gain as a result of fluid retention in the body;
  • mood swings, irritability, depression, tearfulness or aggression;
  • the appearance of pimples on the face, regardless of the woman's age;
  • headache or migraine-like conditions, often localized in the occiput, frontotemporal or orbital region;
  • increased urge to urinate.

It is important that the manifestation and severity of the described manifestations are of an individual nature, associated with the characteristics of physiology. Menstruation can be almost painless in some women and painful in others, be more or less pronounced depending on age, the presence of an intrauterine contraceptive, health status, season, etc.

The mechanism of implantation bleeding

What happens when a discharge appears? The mechanism of implantation bleeding looks like this:

  • a naturally or artificially fertilized egg completes its journey through the fallopian tubes in the uterus;
  • the future embryo is attached (implanted) to the uterine endometrium;
  • at the moment of attachment of a fertilized egg, the integrity of the endometrium is disrupted, damaging the blood vessels.

The cause of implantation bleeding is damage to the edematous blood vessels, prepared for the introduction of the ovum of the endometrium. It is not the ovum itself that damages the endometrial vessels, but a special tissue - the troboflast, which forms around it. As a result, a small amount of blood passes through the cervix into the vaginal area.

When to see a doctor

The length of time to see a doctor depends on the severity of the manifestations, the presence of concomitant symptoms, the profusion of bleeding. If it is implantation, then it is an absolute norm, it does not pose a danger to the health and life of a woman.

To make sure that the pregnancy has actually come, you can do an analysis for hCG - a special hormone, chorionic gonadotropin. The method allows you to detect pregnancy without reference to the timing of the arrival of menstruation, on the sixth to tenth day after a successful ovulation. However, in order to increase the reliability of the diagnosis, hCG should be done three to five days after implantation bleeding. During this period, the concentration of the hormone will become higher.

Early diagnosis is important if the woman does not plan to continue the pregnancy. With a desired, planned pregnancy, the expectant mother gets the opportunity to pay attention to her health in time and register for pregnancy as early as possible. This is true for women who have not been able to get pregnant for a long time or have undergone the IVF procedure.

Immediate medical attention is required if the bleeding is completely unrelated to the introduction of the embryo into the uterus. Abundant, pronounced discharge, which began before the next regulation, may be a symptom of a serious illness or pathology of pregnancy.

Vaginal bleeding that does not coincide with the symptoms of implantation and that began before menstruation requires immediate medical attention. The causes of pathological bleeding can be:

  • early miscarriages;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • endometriosis;
  • the debut of a sexually transmitted infection;
  • inflammation of the uterus or appendages;
  • trauma to the vagina after intercourse;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • overgrowth of a benign or malignant tumor of internal organs.

If a woman experiences pain with a tendency to intensify for several days, you should immediately go to the doctor, even if the bleeding is scanty.

A particular danger is caused by conditions accompanied by an increase in temperature, changes in the skin, and other symptoms.

Implantation bleeding and menstruation have a number of common symptoms. Despite this, it is quite easy to distinguish them from each other. This allows you to have an accurate understanding of the processes taking place in the body, and promptly respond to changes that are important for health.

What does implantation bleeding look like? Important understand the reasons his appearance. How to distinguish it from pathology or the onset of menstruation? In order to identify a possible problem in time, you should study all the nuances of this phenomenon.

First of all, you need to understand what is this phenomenon... It is difficult to call moderate, sometimes clot-like, pinkish, less often brown, bleeding.

However, this is the term used in the medical literature.

Is there always implantation bleeding? This phenomenon occurs in 20-30% of cases and causes panic among those who dream of becoming parents, because the appearance of blood characterizes a failed pregnancy. However, depending on the day after ovulation, discharge appears, on the contrary, it is possible to confirm the conception of a new life.

The reason for the discharge that began at the wrong time (and sometimes on time) is quite natural. The fact is that the egg, trying to attach to the wall of the uterus, injures the vascular wall of the villous epithelium or the mucous membrane of the cervix, thereby causing bloody discharge.

It's not your period!

It is known that those who had implantation bleeding often mistook it for the onset of menstruation and therefore did not attach importance to it.

Additional signs of pregnancy, and subsequently its incorrect term, became a surprise at the same time.

In order to distinguish the rate of embryonic attachment from the onset of menstruation or the appearance of a disease, you should know how long does it take implantation bleeding and on what day of the cycle occurs.

If the menstrual cycle is regular, then blood appears often on the 20-26th day of the cycle, which is equivalent to about a week or a few days before menstruation or after 6-11 days after ovulation and subsequent fertilization.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Ponyaeva. Graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and the Residency in Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics (2014-2016).

After the woman ovulates and the fertilized blastocyst has finished its journey through the fallopian tube, it tries to get into the lining of the uterus. In some, this process can cause minor bleeding, as a result of which appear. This is exactly implantation bleeding. Signs of this process are very similar to regular periods, so they can often be confused.

There are many different signs that indicate the onset of pregnancy. Implantation bleeding in a woman can also be one of them or a sign of development or other dangerous pathology. Therefore, if in doubt, seek immediate medical attention.

What is it

Implantation bleeding in a girl, what does it look like and why does it happen? It is worth understanding these issues in stages so that this process does not frighten you.

As already mentioned, after fertilization, the egg must complete its path through the tube and penetrate into the uterine cavity. It is at this stage that implantation bleeding can occur in a woman's body, which manifests itself in the form after ovulation, shortly before the onset of menstruation. Typically, a small amount of clots or small droplets may appear. This discharge does not in any way affect pregnancy and does not have any negative significance.

The color of blood during implantation bleeding can be different, it depends on the woman's well-being. As a rule, it is red, sometimes flesh-colored or even dark chocolate. But in no case should there be an unpleasant odor, since then this may be a sign of some kind of disease.

It is possible to distinguish implantation bleeding by other signs that relate to the composition and abundance of secretions.

Characteristic signs

Implantation bleeding, signs of which may indicate early pregnancy:

  • There may be a feeling of pushing, in part of the pubic zone. It is triggered by cramps in the uterus.
  • Pain may occur, but usually not significant.
  • There is a rise in the temperature in the vagina - up to 37.5. After a week, she can return to normal.
  • Sometimes a slight feeling of nausea may be present.

Since a woman's discharge during implantation bleeding may indicate the presence of various diseases, it is therefore necessary to be able to distinguish her symptoms from others.

How long can it last

Implantation bleeding, on what day after the onset of pregnancy can it start, and how long will it last? Probably, this question interests many women.

Implantation bleeding may appear somewhere on the 10th day after ovulation, while a simple menstruation, as a rule, occurs only after 14 days. This process depends on how quickly the fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity.

The duration for each woman is individual. But, as a rule, the process can last from a couple of hours to several days. In some cases, the duration of the process may be delayed, but this is considered a pathology. In order to exclude gynecological diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Sometimes a woman's bleeding may begin on the same day as her period. Then, the woman may not even know that she is pregnant, especially if the implantation bleeding will last for several hours.

Implantation bleeding and pregnancy test: what and why should you do when the probability of the test is most plausible?

After the bleeding has ended, it is best done on day 14. If done sooner, the results will not be accurate. In cases where the test is negative, you need to contact a specialist, as this may be a sign of some kind of disease.

Blood during artificial insemination and ectopic pregnancy

Implantation bleeding occurs in almost every 4-5 women and it does not matter which way of fertilization was performed. Therefore, do not be alarmed if you develop spotting during artificial insemination. The signs of implantation bleeding for this method are the same as for the natural one: without an unpleasant odor, the same shade, it may just be blood droplets or clots. If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, then she may also have blood clots, pain in the lower abdomen, fever and even vomiting.

A woman's implantation bleeding is a clear sign of an early stage of pregnancy. This process has its own parameters by which it can be distinguished from menstruation or some kind of disease. But if you are plagued by doubts, immediately contact the specialists who can help you in time.

Many women believe that the first manifestation of pregnancy is a missed period. However, in fact, there is another indicator that will determine the conception that occurred much earlier - implantation bleeding. This phenomenon is very similar to menstruation. Finding out what it is - implantation bleeding or menstruation is quite simple. You just need to know the main differences between these processes.

Is implantation bleeding the norm?

Implantation bleeding is a discharge that occurs due to the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall. This first manifestation of pregnancy often goes unnoticed due to its insignificance and similarity to menstruation. This is usually a pinkish, brown or scarlet discharge that may smudge or come out as a few drops without any external inclusions. It is not difficult to understand that this is implantation bleeding or menstruation, but since this very rare, but completely normal process for a healthy body does not occur often, some women do not even know about its existence.

Sometimes this phenomenon can be accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen, cramps and weakness. Women who lead observe a characteristic dip in the temperature curve on the day of implantation bleeding 6-10 days after the ovulatory phase. To confirm the onset of pregnancy on a home test, which determines the presence of conception by the level of the human hCG hormone), it is worth carrying out the procedure no earlier than a few days after the intended implantation. Before this period, the result may be erroneous. For accurate confirmation of pregnancy, it is better to take a blood test for hCG in a diagnostic laboratory.

The reasons for this phenomenon

The egg is fertilized by a sperm in the fallopian tube, after which the embryo is sent to the uterine cavity, where it must attach. This path takes up to 5 days and the process of attachment of the blastocyte to the wall of the uterus can take place for another 2 days. This contact is the first between the mother and her unborn child, therefore, any manifestations of pregnancy up to this point are excluded.

Implantation occurs while attaching to the uterine epithelium. To do this, it secretes special enzymes to penetrate the organ wall. Usually, the mucous membrane is ready for this process, and the implantation is asymptomatic, but sometimes microtraumatization of small vessels and capillaries occurs, which leads to the appearance of bloody discharge.

When does implantation bleeding occur?

Many women are interested in when to expect implantation bleeding, how long this phenomenon normally lasts, and how not to confuse it with menstruation. It usually occurs 8-10 days after the ovulatory phase, which ended in conception. Sometimes this period coincides with the days when menstruation comes.

But more often implantation bleeding occurs on the 22-26th day of the cycle. Therefore, many do not pay any attention to such discharge, taking them for the harbingers of menstruation. Physiologically, after implantation bleeding, menstruation does not begin, since the attachment of the blastocyte has already occurred, and the hormonal background in the body is already noticeably changed.

How long can implantation bleeding last?

So, we figured out what implantation bleeding is, on what day it occurs and why. The question arises: "How long should it last?" This is very important, since such knowledge will help to distinguish the norm from the pathology. The bleeding itself during implantation can last from several hours to 1-2 days. Physiologically, this phenomenon cannot be longer, since very minor damage to the capillary network occurs during implantation. If the bleeding occurred earlier than the expected menstruation, is abundant and lasts longer than a day, then there is a high probability of an arbitrary miscarriage at an early stage, hormonal disruption or other pathological phenomena.

What is the likelihood of encountering bleeding during implantation

It should be noted that implantation bleeding is not a pathology, but it is also quite rare. Only 20% of pregnant women noted the presence of such a phenomenon. This is probably due to the fact that it coincided with the onset of menstruation, was simply not noticed or was completely asymptomatic.

Bleeding during fetal implantation can also occur with an ectopic pregnancy. At the same time, according to statistics, women feel more discomfort than with normal attachment. What this is connected with is unknown, perhaps these are just subjective sensations. There are no reliable methods describing how to distinguish implantation bleeding during normal or ectopic pregnancy at home or by tests. For this, in any case, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound scan.

How to distinguish implantation bleeding from menstruation

So, it is extremely important to distinguish between these 2 phenomena. To distinguish implantation bleeding from menstruation, it is enough to know the main signs of the first - the time of onset, color, nature and duration of discharge, as well as general well-being.

  1. Time of coming. Implantation takes place 3-6 days before the onset of menstruation. Therefore, bleeding due to damage to the capillaries may occur shortly before the onset of the expected menstruation.
  2. Colour. Most often, discharge during implantation bleeding has a brownish or pinkish tint. Less often scarlet. The color of this discharge is significantly different from the shade of blood that is characteristic of menstruation.
  3. Character. Unlike menstruation, implantation bleeding is very scarce. Physiologically, a woman may not even feel this moment. It can be just a couple of drops of blood or It is also worth noting that implantation bleeding should not contain any inclusions, lumps, mucus, etc.
  4. The duration of discharge is distinguished by menstruation and implantation bleeding. How long this phenomenon lasts depends on the degree of damage to the capillary wall, but usually it does not exceed 1-2 days or even several hours, in contrast to menstruation, which normally last from 3 days.
  5. Implantation bleeding may not be accompanied by any other symptoms, but sometimes weakness and pulling pains or spasms are possible. These sensations do not last long, and they do not bring much discomfort.

To determine if it is implantation bleeding or menstruation, you need to carefully monitor your body and know all its features.

If the bloody discharge does not correspond to the signs of implantation bleeding, then there is a high probability that some pathological process is taking place in the body. This could be:

  • Myoma.
  • Endometriosis
  • Cancer of the ovaries, cervix, vagina.
  • A problem with the blood coagulation system.
  • Disorders in the thyroid gland.
  • Polycystic ovary disease.
  • Pathological conditions in the uterine mucosa.
  • Bleeding from an intrauterine device.
  • The threat of termination of pregnancy.

Typically, these conditions are accompanied by severe pain, nausea, dizziness, fever and general weakness. Also, bleeding can be caused by taking various drugs that reduce blood clotting, sedatives and antidepressants.

When you need a doctor's help

Sometimes the cause of discharge may not be implantation bleeding, but a pathological condition associated with pregnancy, hormonal disruption, inflammatory or other processes in the female body that lead to similar symptoms. Usually all signs are more pronounced. That is, it lasts longer, there are mucous or other inclusions, discomfort, pain and a pulling feeling in the lower abdomen are more pronounced.

If a woman is not sure if it is implantation bleeding or menstruation, then it is worth contacting a gynecologist for advice. Since timely treatment can save pregnancy in case of a threat of miscarriage, and in case of any diseases, accelerate the process of treatment and recovery.

Pregnancy does not always proceed according to the classical concepts. There are many nuances and features that can sometimes confuse a woman. It happens that pregnancy has come, and spotting during this period is interpreted as critical days. In fact, this is how implantation can proceed on the day of menstruation. What it is? Are there any signs by which you can distinguish such discharge from normal menstruation?

Read in this article

Implantation concept

Fertilization (fusion of a sperm and an egg) can occur anywhere in the internal genital organs, but more often it happens in the fallopian tube. After intercourse of cells, the developing embryo (during this period from the histological point of view it is customary to call it a blastocyst) moves gradually into the uterine cavity, where the "soil" has already been prepared for it. By this time, under the influence of sex hormones, the endometrium is growing. Figuratively speaking, its surface layer becomes loose and soft so that the blastocyst can attach to the wall of the uterus.

At the moment of "penetration", the integrity of the walls of small vessels can be violated, which causes bleeding of varying degrees of intensity. This is how implantation occurs before menstruation or a little later, it all depends on the woman's regularity. The process of strengthening the developing embryo in the wall of the uterus occurs from 6 to 15 - 20 days after conception. Simple arithmetic shows that implantation can occur exactly on the day of the expected menstruation, which misleads a woman.

Signs of implantation bleeding

Embryo implantation and discharge, as with menstruation, - this combination occurs in 1 in 20-25 women. This can be observed with the threat of miscarriage, also with non-developing, and some other conditions. Therefore, if any bloody discharge appears against the background of other signs of pregnancy (a positive test, nausea and vomiting, enlargement of the mammary glands, drowsiness, etc.), you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist can establish the cause of this phenomenon, take the necessary measures to preserve the developing embryo, not to the detriment of the woman's health.

Date of occurrence

Bloody discharge in 90% of cases of implantation bleeding comes a few days earlier than the prescribed menstruation. But this is only if the woman's cycle approaches 28 days.

If the period between critical days is longer, then daub may appear a week and a half earlier. Sometimes a woman normally has such discharge on the eve of menstruation, but then they gradually turn into normal menstruation, in contrast to implantation.

In the case when the duration of the girl's cycle is less than 26 days, it can be observed, and after that a similar daub. It is for these reasons that it is impossible to say exactly how many days before menstruation the implantation takes place.

The nature of the discharge

As a result of the attachment of the developing embryo to the wall of the uterus, small vessels are destroyed, which causes the appearance of bloody discharge. They can be bright pink, pale bloody, smearing dark brown.

Duration of discharge

In 90% of cases of pathology, the discharge lasts no more than one or two days. Sometimes at first they can be bright, and the next day they turn into brown smearing.

Number of secretions

If implantation occurs on the day of the expected menstruation, as a rule, by the number, a woman may suspect a pathology. In most cases, the discharge is insignificant, sometimes it is just "blood threads" or the only red spot on the underwear. That is why women do not always pay attention to such changes and do not turn to specialists in a timely manner. Abundant discharge, clots are not typical for implantation bleeding.

Additional symptoms

The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling or aching character indicates another pathology in most cases. When a woman's menstruation was always accompanied by discomfort and cuts, then if implantation occurs during menstruation, there will be no such manifestations.

Also, if conception has occurred, after a few days the girl may be disturbed by engorgement and an increase in the size of the mammary glands, and the nipples become sensitive. Sometimes nausea, changes in eating behavior, drowsiness and lethargy appear. All these are early signs of pregnancy, and, accordingly, the discharge is not monthly, but the result of implantation.

Also, if the expectant mother keeps a schedule, then she will immediately notice a stable increase in her above 37 throughout all days. The pregnancy hormone progesterone is responsible for this.

Causes of discharge

After fertilization, the blastocyst looks for a place for attachment in order to further form the chorion, and then the placenta. Every month, the endometrium inside the uterine cavity prepares for the upcoming event. In cases where conception still does not occur, its upper layers slough off and come out along with menstrual blood.

When the pregnancy has come, the endometrium, loose and full-blooded, is ready for the implantation of the blastocyst and takes it to itself. The developing embryo secretes special enzymes that "dissolve" deep into the attachment site. As a result, the integrity of the vascular wall is violated, most of it concerns the capillaries. As a result, a small amount of blood is released from the uterine cavity through the cervix to the outside.

How not to confuse with menstruation

Can implantation coincide with menstruation? Yes, indeed, in most cases this process occurs several days before the expected critical days or exactly on schedule.

In order not to confuse menstruation and discharge associated with the process of introducing the ovum into the endometrial layer, you should be careful about your own feelings. It is also recommended to keep a menstrual calendar, where every time the girl marks the days of sexual intercourse, the beginning and end of the cycle, as well as the nature and amount of discharge.

Some are interested in the question of whether there can be implantation after menstruation. Yes, if it happened on the eve of critical days. This can happen more often with a long or irregular cycle.

Then the menstruation goes on as usual, and a few days after them there are insignificant discharge, which a woman can take for residues. She learns about the pregnancy directly by the delay next month. As a rule, in such cases, there is always a breakdown in terms of ultrasound and menstruation.

In any case, if pregnancy is suspected, a test should be done. But at such a short time, it will very rarely show a reliable result. Therefore, it is recommended to take it if in doubt. It gives reliable results within 10 days from the moment of conception.

Embryo implantation after menstruation or on the eve of them is the process of the physiological course of pregnancy. Normally, it should not be accompanied by any, especially bloody, discharge. However, in about 5-10% of women during this period, a dubious pink or brownish daub appears, which cannot always be paid attention to, especially with a "non-ideal" cycle. Timely contacting a specialist will help resolve all problems and controversial issues.

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