Home Flowers Do-it-yourself inversion table drawing with dimensions. Take care of your health - make a do-it-yourself inversion table according to your own requirements. Step by step instructions on how to make an inversion table

Do-it-yourself inversion table drawing with dimensions. Take care of your health - make a do-it-yourself inversion table according to your own requirements. Step by step instructions on how to make an inversion table

The simple design of the simulator allows anyone to make a homemade inversion table for the spine with their own hands. However, to some extent this makes no sense, since it is easier to buy a ready-made model, since the cost of the simulator is very low.

1 Description and types of product

Inversion tables are designed for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular the spine. Best of all, they cope with degenerative-dystrophic pathologies (osteochondrosis, spondylosis), but they can also be used for more serious ones.

The effectiveness of such simulators has been proven by the scientific community, but there are still discussions about how effective this effectiveness is. Simply put, the effect of the simulator is, but often so insignificant that it has no significant effect on the disease.

If we talk about the safety of using the inversion table, then it is absolutely safe if you work with it correctly and when treating only those diseases for the treatment of which it was created.

1.1 In what cases and for what diseases is it used?

Inversion tables are used to treat and prevent about a dozen spinal column diseases. But you should immediately understand that in severe pathologies (ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis, arthritis), such simulators are not used (this is extremely dangerous).

Inversion tables are effective only in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  1. Moderate posture disorders (for example, with scoliosis of the first or second stage).
  2. Chronic spasm in the muscles of the back and, in particular, the neck.
  3. For the prevention of varicose veins of the lower extremities and congestive venous phenomena in the pelvic organs.
  4. General detraining of the body as a result of hypodynamia (sedentary lifestyle).
  5. Moderate disturbances in blood circulation and drainage of lymphatic fluid.
  6. Chronic stress (the device is used for relaxation purposes).
  7. Also, the simulator is effective in strengthening the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the back.

1.2 What effect does it have?

You shouldn't expect anything fancy from an inversion table. Although it is used to treat some back diseases, this simulator is ineffective as an independent method of therapy. For example, if a patient has a posture disorder, then the simulator will only partially help.

Why it happens? Because the inversion table treats existing problems (in this case, posture disorder), in no way affecting the cause of the development of this pathological condition.

Budget inversion table

This means that it is necessary to combine the stretching of the spinal column with other methods of treatment, including a change in lifestyle (if the previous one was the cause of the development of the disease). The entire therapeutic effect of inversion tables is achieved by reducing the load from the back and stabilizing the intervertebral discs.

In addition, the effect is also achieved by training the muscle corset, although classical exercise therapy is much more effective in this regard.

1.3 Contraindications

As with any other medical equipment, there are a number of contraindications to work on the inversion table. Violating them is extremely dangerous, since it is fraught with the aggravation of an existing disease and the development of secondary diseases (including in the form of complications of the primary one).

Contraindications for using the inversion table:

  • hypertension (second stage);
  • glaucoma (any stage);
  • arrhythmias (except for sinus tachycardia);
  • cerebral aneurysms and malformations;
  • cerebrosclerosis;
  • connective tissue pathology;
  • ischemic heart disease (during an exacerbation);
  • age-related dementia;
  • the presence of ventral vertebral hernias;
  • the presence of articular implants (prostheses);
  • invertophobia;
  • pregnancy in any trimester.

Inversion Table Classes

Before starting work on the inversion table, it is imperative that you consult a general practitioner.

2 Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

The main question people ask when deciding whether to buy an inversion table is how much does a good inversion table cost? Unfortunately, there are no universal prices for such products, the price varies depending on the model.

Budget versions of simulators designed exclusively for stretching the spine cost a little, usually about 8,000 rubles. There are also "middle" models, that is, "average". Such simulators are very durable, large in size and can be used for several exercises. On average, their cost is rubles.

Prices for the most expensive inversion tables vary widely. The "elite" models include simulators that cost both RUB and RUB (these are also available). They are extremely durable, have removable modules, are designed for heavy loads and for performing a variety of physical exercises (in addition to stretching the spine).

2.1 Models and specifications

There are a huge number of models of inversion tables, differing primarily in efficiency, size and freedom of action (on some, you can perform only a couple of exercises, on others, several dozen).

Home inversion table

The following models of inversion tables are considered the most popular and effective:

  1. DFC SJ model A budget model designed for users whose height does not exceed 196 centimeters. The price is 9990 rubles.
  2. Body Sculpture BI-2100 E. Designed for users whose height does not exceed 198 centimeters and weighs 135 kilograms. Price rubles.
  3. Oxygen Healthy Spine. Dimensions (assembled) 120x60x140 centimeters, maximum load - 150 kilograms. Price rubles.
  4. Hangs Up EP-960 model (mechanical). The weight of the table is 35 kilograms, the maximum load is 136 kilograms, the maximum height of the user is 198 centimeters. Dimensions: 114x71x147 centimeters. Price rubles.
  5. OPTIFIT ALBA model. Dimensions: 157 × 67.5 × 116 centimeters. The maximum user weight is 136 kilograms, the maximum height is 201 centimeters. The cost of rubles.

2.2 Inversion table (video)

2.3 How to do it yourself?

Many people, guided by a banal desire to save money, ask themselves the question, how to make an inversion table yourself? In fact, there should not be any special difficulties with the design of this simulator if you already have experience in such work.

To make a homemade inversion table, you will need a standard set of tools, namely:

  • pliers;
  • several screwdrivers (different sizes);
  • three to four durable rubber bands (centimeters);
  • bolts, screws, nails (depending on which model you are going to make).

Inversion table drawing

From the details, you will need several long and wide boards (from any durable wood), metal rods (to create supports), a wide piece of fabric (to create a pad under the back). With the help of all the listed tools and parts, you can make a simulator with your own hands, guided by the drawing attached to the text.

3 How to use the inversion table?

The table is purchased, prepared, and now the main question is how to use the inversion table? In fact, everything is very simple.

The first step is to adjust the height of the simulator, preparing it exclusively for your own body. If you have a height that exceeds the recommended in the technical characteristics of the table, refrain from using it, as this is fraught with injuries.

At first, stretch the spinal column by adjusting the minimum table tilt angle. For the first few sessions, an incline of 10 degrees is sufficient, but an overly painful slope for an unprepared person is dangerous.

In particular, if you start at too far an angle right away, you are more likely to develop severe dizziness or headache. The reason is simple - the vessels are not yet ready for such tilts of the body, and a sharp rush of blood to the head can cause similar symptoms.

Inversion table tilt adjuster

Perform stretching or exercise on the table very carefully and slowly, even if you have long been accustomed to using this apparatus. Any wrong movement can cause injury, fraught only with the aggravation of the course of the disease you are treating.

3.1 What exercises can you do?

The basic and basic exercise on the inversion table is a banal traction of the spinal column. This simulator was created for this very purpose. However, it can also be used for other back exercises.

For example, on the simulator, you can train the abdominal muscles, fixing the upper body, and, without lifting it a centimeter, lifting your legs up. In a similar way, you can train the back muscles to train the muscle corset (extremely useful for scoliosis and osteochondrosis).

But doing push-ups or doing exercises involving axial or rotational loads on the inversion table is not worth it. It is not intended for this at all, and such activities can lead to serious injuries (including "flying out" of the vertebra).

Working with dumbbells, barbells or weights on this simulator is not only meaningless (an ordinary bench is better for this), but also dangerous.

What is the inversion table used for?

The inversion table is designed to train the muscles and ligaments of the back, which has a beneficial effect on overall health and allows you to get rid of back pain. In addition, the inversion table improves regional blood circulation and improves the efficiency of the lymph nodes.

This simulator is used to treat a wide variety of back diseases, from commonplace osteochondrosis to such serious diseases as scoliosis. In some cases, an inversion table is indicated for a hernia.

Product description

The inversion table is used to treat a wide variety of diseases of the spinal column. Moreover, it can also help to strengthen the muscular corset and the ligamentous apparatus of the back.

The inversion table is a simulator that can be used independently and at home. Simply put, knowing the safety precautions and the rules for performing exercises on it, it can be used without a coach or supervision from doctors.

Despite the undoubted therapeutic effect of this simulator, it is not a panacea and in most cases is used only as an additional method of treatment to the main therapy. The reason is that it only improves the compensatory functions of the body and weakens the symptoms of diseases.

In addition, even in cases where the simulator is indicated for treatment (for example, with muscle tension or osteochondrosis), its use may be contraindicated in individual cases. Simply put, the inversion table cannot be used without first consulting a doctor.

Purpose: what and where is it used?

The inversion table is used as an auxiliary method of treatment for a relatively large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, its use is justified not only for the treatment of such diseases, but also for their prevention.

So the inversion table is used for:

  • treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine (for example, osteochondrosis);
  • relieving excessive muscle tension (here the device acts as a muscle relaxant);
  • prevention of varicose veins, scoliosis, osteochondrosis;
  • strengthening the muscle corset and ligamentous apparatus;
  • increasing flexibility and, accordingly, range of motion;
  • general relaxation and stress relief;
  • stimulation of microcirculation of blood in the back and flow of lymphatic fluid.

Despite the possibility of scoliosis prevention with the help of an inversion table, it is not only pointless, but also dangerous to use it with an already existing scoliosis. The fact is that those therapeutic exercises that are performed on such simulators are usually contraindicated in scoliotic disease.

Essence and advantages of application

The undoubted advantage of the inversion table is its autonomy. Simply put, the patient himself, without the supervision of a doctor and at home, can perform various necessary exercises.

In addition, a huge advantage of this simulator is that it can be done independently, and the process of manufacturing parts and subsequent assembly is within the power of even an inexperienced person in such things.

All the necessary drawings and even video instructions for making an inversion table with your own hands can be easily found on the Internet.

If we talk about the therapeutic effect that the inversion table has, then there is also a noticeable advantage of the device. The fact is that in case of inflammatory and dystrophic pathologies of the back, which are accompanied by pain, the simulator has a tangible effect already for 15 minutes of operation.

The pluses also include the fact that you can use the inversion table every day throughout your life, thereby reducing the risk of developing back diseases and eliminating symptoms (primarily pain) with existing diseases.

What exercises can you do?

There are at least two dozen exercises that are allowed to be performed on the inversion table even by an unprepared person. We will highlight the four most effective and popular of them, which can be used for almost any back disease (including a hernia of the spine).

These are the following exercises:

  1. Turn upside down and try to pull up your buttocks and hips as much as possible (at the same time). If it is impossible to perform such an exercise, you can simplify it by bending the legs at the knees.
  2. Secure your legs to a table and gently lift your upper body about one third. During lifting, hands should be fixed on the chest or under the head.
  3. Common squats can be extremely helpful. In the upside-down position, straighten your arms as much as possible and press them firmly at your sides. After that, bending your knees, try to pull your hands to your feet as much as possible.
  4. Neat rotations on the table are also very useful. Secure your legs on the simulator, then grasp the handrail, rotate the upper body 90 degrees, while keeping your hips and legs from the starting position. Repeat this exercise, but this time rotating in the opposite direction.

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

You can buy an inversion table in almost any online store of sports or correctional (rehabilitation) orientation. As a rule, such products are supplied disassembled with instructions for hand-made assembly.

There are also ready-to-use models (assembled), but they have an extra charge in the region of + 2-4%. Despite the increased cost of ready-made models, we recommend buying them, since improper self-assembly can lead to a lack of healing effect and even injury.

Prices for inversion tables vary from model to model. Budget simulators cost around 17 thousand rubles, while universal ones with various additional devices cost around 60 thousand rubles.

The toolkit for the simulator in the form of a system with fasteners costs about rubles, and inversion leggings cost about 11 thousand rubles. Additionally, you can purchase an exercise machine for stretching and therapeutic decompression, its cost is on average 14 thousand rubles.

Models and specifications

There are several dozen models of inversion tables that differ not only in size, but also in built-in functionality. As a rule, budget models are devoid of all additional mechanisms (for example, stretching or decompression devices) and are relatively small in size.

The following models of inversion tables are most popular:

  1. Trainer DFC XJ-I-06CL. The weight of the device is 27 kilograms, the dimensions are 146x78x159 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 150 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: rubles.
  2. Hang UPS EP-960 simulator. The weight of the device is 30 kilograms, dimensions are 211x69x150 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 136 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: rubles.
  3. Body Sculpture GB simulator The weight of the device is 5 kilograms, dimensions are 128x80x15 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 100 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: rubles.
  4. Trainer Optifit Alba NQ-3300. Device weight: 25 kilograms, dimensions 157x67.5x116 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 135 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: rubles.
  5. Exercise machine Verge Fitness Master. The weight of the device is 25 kilograms, dimensions are 150x65x120 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 120 kilograms. 1.5 year warranty. Cost: rubles.
  6. Hang Ups CONTOUR L3. The weight of the device is 35 kilograms, dimensions are 71x41x168 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 136 kilograms. 2 year warranty. Cost: rubles.

Inversion table (video)

How to do it yourself?

You don't need to build table legs yourself, it's much easier to buy them at any hardware store or at IKEA. The simplest legs (budget) will do.

Next, to create a tabletop, take a chipboard with a thickness of 3 centimeters. Chipboard of this size allows you to create a table with dimensions of 1.5 by 2 meters. If it is impossible to find a chipboard of this thickness, you can glue two chipboards with a thickness of 1.6-1.8 centimeters.

To do this, cut out two sheets of the required size. We take a self-tapping screw for wood (20 millimeters) and the sheet that will be below, we drill along the edge and in the middle. Select the diameter of the drill so that the self-tapping screws can fall through these holes without any problems.

With a thick drill over the holes made, make recesses for the heads of the self-tapping screws. After that, you need to grease the surface of the sheets with glue, which will then come into contact. Important: you need to smear every surface.

Now we fold the sheets and use self-tapping screws to tighten them. It is recommended to paint the chipboard after tightening (even if it is sanded or laminated). If necessary, repair minor defects on the chipboard with ordinary filler.

Now, to create stability of the table, you need to install the legs along its edges. Install them as close to the edges as is generally permissible. If you need a very large table, do not forget to install an additional fifth leg in the center of the table.

Drawings of a wood inversion table

I recently learned how to make an inversion table myself. A lot of information is published on the Internet about factory-made inversion tables. I drew attention to the Yalovitsyn swing, which are necessary for the successful development of the spine. Having figured out the design, I made with my own hands the drawings of the inversion table with the dimensions of the dimensions. The main material for the table was pine lumber - timber. Prepared the appropriate tool and purchased the necessary materials.


In my workshop I prepared the following instrument:

Materials (edit)

Based on the assembly diagram of the inversion table, I made a specification of the elements. To provide everything you need in a hardware store, I bought:

  • wooden beam 20 x 40 xmm - 1 pc .;
  • metal tube ø 8 mm - 0.2 m - 1 pc .;
  • abrasive wheel with grit P 220 - 1 pc .;
  • bolts and nuts М 6, 4 pcs .;
  • washers 8 pcs.;
  • braided polyamide cord 4 m;
  • steel tube ø 8 mm - 200 mm - 1 pc .;
  • cargo tape 50 mm wide - 2 m;
  • screws 50 mm - 20 pcs.

Yalovitsyn's therapeutic swing, judging by the reviews on the Internet, is intended for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (ODA). The design of the table is quite simple. When creating the project, the model made his own adjustments without diminishing the capabilities of the simulator for stretching the spine and relaxing the back muscles.

Step by step instructions on how to make an inversion table

  1. I sawn pine lumber with my own hands into the required lengths in accordance with the drawings and dimensions of the inversion table.
  2. The wooden slats were polished with a grinder with an abrasive wheel of grit P 220.
  1. I covered the assembly elements with furniture varnish PF 170 in two layers.
  2. I drilled technological holes in the places of future mating of structural elements.
  3. I inserted pieces of a metal tube into the holes.
  4. I connected the slats by hammering pieces of metal tubes into the holes with a hammer.
  5. I inserted bolts into the tubes, installing washers under the nuts.
  1. Fixing the head of the bolt with a wrench, tightened the nuts with a knob with a head.
  2. With nuts, he secured the pivot joints of the legs, levers and support planes of the table.

The use of such hinge assemblies ensures optimal safety for a person in any position of the table.

  1. I installed the cross bars, securing them with screws.
  2. I attached restraining cords to the legs of the simulator. I carefully drilled the ends of the cord with a drill to prevent the fibers from loosening.
  3. The cords were fastened with screws and washers to the legs of the table.
  1. For easy movement of the rear support frame, I fixed two hinges from below.
  1. In the lower part of the homemade table with screws, I fixed a row of loops from the lashing strap (three loops on both sides). These loops are needed for reliable fixation of the legs and feet during the implementation of medical procedures.
  2. Attached belts in the area of ​​the human hip joint.
  3. At the head of the bed, I installed a system of straps to fix the patient's chest.
  4. I glued rubber to the ends of the legs of the simulator. This will prevent the structure from sliding on the floor surface.

Cost of materials

  • wooden beam 20 x 40 xmm = 100 rubles;
  • metal tube ø 8 mm - 0.2 m = 20 rubles;
  • varnish PF 170 - 0.5 l. = 50 rubles;
  • abrasive wheel for a grinder P 220 = 50 rubles;
  • bolts and nuts М 6, 4 pcs. in stock;
  • washers 8 pcs. in stock;
  • braided polyamide cord 4 m = 60 rubles;
  • cargo tape 50 mm wide - 2 m = 30 rubles;
  • screws 50 mm - 20 pcs. in stock.

Total costs amounted to: 290 rubles.

Labor costs

The time spent on making an inversion table with your own hands according to the drawings is combined in the following table.

How to use the spine inversion table

A hernia of the spine (herniated disc) is the exit of the nucleus of the vertebral disc as a result of rupture of the tissues of the fibrous annular fibers. It can appear as a result of sharp and strong movements, when performing heavy physical exertion, when being in one position for a long time.

The main symptom of the disease is pain radiating (radiating) to the buttock, thigh, or to the shoulder or arm (depending on the location of the hernia), numbness of the extremities, changes in blood pressure may also develop.

The main method for diagnosing a spinal hernia is MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Treatment includes anti-inflammatory drugs, exercise therapy, and rest. Surgical treatment may sometimes be required.

One of the methods for treating a hernia of the spine can be inversion therapy using a special simulator - an inversion table, which is used as an orthopedic device in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

An inversion table is a special simulator that is used to treat spinal pathology.

What is the essence of this treatment method?

When using the inversion table, the patient is in the upside-down position. In this case, the spine is stretched, an increase in the distance between the intervertebral discs.

What are the benefits of using an inversion table?

  • Exercises on this simulator help get rid of pain, relax;
  • posture improves;
  • by increasing the distance between the vertebrae, the compression of the spinal nerves is eliminated;
  • the ligaments of the spine are strengthened, muscles are trained;
  • as a result of blood flow to the spine, its blood supply improves, more nutrients and oxygen are supplied to the tissues;
  • curvature of the spine is eliminated;
  • muscle spasms are relieved.

The inversion table is used to prevent varicose veins.


Diseases for which classes on the inversion table are contraindicated:

  • hypertension,
  • arrhythmia,
  • glaucoma,
  • cardiac ischemia,
  • senile dementia (dementia resulting from brain damage),
  • lesions of the arteries of the brain,
  • postoperative hernia.

Also, classes on the inversion table are contraindicated for pregnant women.

In case of hypertension, exercises on the inversion table are contraindicated.

Lesson rules

An inversion table is a table top with a tilt-simulating support, leg mounts and handrails to maintain balance. The duration of a training session on the simulator is 10 minutes a day, while with each session you need to gradually change the angle of inclination, starting from a position of a slight incline and gradually coming to the upside down position.

Exercises for a hernia of the spine

In addition to hanging upside down, you can also do the following simple exercises on the inversion table:

  1. Turning upside down, try to pull up the buttocks and hips. If this does not work, you can begin to gently bend your knees.
  2. Having secured your legs, raise your upper body by one third. In this case, hands should be placed on the chest or under the head.
  3. Squats are another effective exercise. In the upside down position, you need to straighten your arms and press them to your sides. Then, bending your knees, try to pull your hands to your feet.
  4. Inversion table rotations are very useful for a hernia of the spine. To perform the exercise, you need to fix your legs, turn upside down. Then, grasp the handrail with one hand and rotate your upper body 90 degrees, while leaving your hips and legs in their original position. Repeat the exercise, rotating in the opposite direction.

The described exercises help relieve pain in the spine, tone the weakened muscles of the lower extremities.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment

Despite numerous positive reviews from patients, doctors are skeptical about this method of treating herniated discs. According to orthopedists, the use of an inversion table is only an auxiliary method of treatment that allows you to relieve symptoms, but does not eliminate the causes of the disease, it is effective only in combination with other methods of treatment. In any case, you should not self-medicate. Before starting training, you should consult a doctor.

The use of an inversion table for intervertebral hernia

In modern methods of treating back diseases, the inversion table for a hernia of the spine has taken a fairly strong position as a means of treating this pathology. Despite the modern look and materials, the inversion table was invented back in the time of Hippocrates: the famous doctor turned his patients, suffering from intervertebral hernias, upside down, tying them to a special ladder.

Description of the device and scope

An inversion table is a device for performing exercises aimed at relieving pain in a hernia of the spine. The design features allow these exercises to be performed at various angles of inclination, i.e. upside down or downside down. Under such conditions, it is possible to regulate the load on the spine, which is precisely what has a therapeutic effect.

Tables come in various designs and are selected individually for a particular patient. When choosing a doctor, he is guided by the severity of the disease and the morphological characteristics of a person: his height, weight, physique.

The inversion table is made of lightweight but fairly durable materials. It is capable of supporting a person weighing 130–140 kg. In addition, the device can be folded into a compact size, which allows it to be stored in a relatively small room or even in a closet.

Due to the fact that the table can change the angle of inclination of its plane almost up to 180º, that is, it becomes almost vertical, it can be used to fully stretch the spine, not only with an intervertebral hernia, but also as a prevention of its appearance.

Reasons for the appearance of an intervertebral hernia

In order to have a complete understanding of how an intervertebral hernia is treated, you need to know the reasons that cause it. First of all, you need to understand that the hernia does not occur suddenly. Her education is a slow and gradual process that can take years. First, small cracks appear in the intervertebral discs, after which protrusion develops, and only then the hernia nucleus is formed. In severe cases, this very nucleus goes out into the gap between the vertebrae and presses either on the nerve roots, or on the medulla of the spine itself.

This whole process is accompanied by severe back pain, often reflected in the direction of the internal organs. So, with a hernia in the lumbar spine, the patient may feel pain in the lower abdomen, which is mistaken for renal failure or an attack of appendicitis. In addition, with a hernia in the lumbar spine, a person may have lower limbs failing or gait change greatly, reflecting back pain with each step.

The reasons for the formation of a hernia are:

  • weak muscles of the spinal frame;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • curvature of the spine caused by improper posture;
  • overweight person;
  • infection;
  • spinal injury;
  • violation of the patient's mental state against the background of chronic stress or psychological trauma.

Intervertebral hernias are treated in a variety of ways: medication, massage, spinal stretching or special gymnastics.

The inversion table allows you to use all these methods in a complex manner, with the exception of radical treatment - surgery.

Contraindications for the use of the inversion table

Despite the simplicity and effectiveness of treatment methods on the inversion table, there are a number of conditions and pathologies in which such therapy is contraindicated:

  • glaucoma;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • arrhythmia;
  • aneurysm of a vessel in the brain;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • advanced age;
  • the presence of prostheses in the joints;
  • invertophobia, fear of an inverted state.

In all these conditions, turning upside down on the table can worsen the situation and, in rare cases, be fatal. So you should consult your doctor before using the inversion table. There are 2 more categories of people for whom the use of the inversion table is contraindicated - these are pregnant women and children under 15 years of age.

For what other diseases is the inversion table indicated?

The inversion table is suitable not only for the treatment of spinal hernia. It can be used to treat the following conditions of the human body:

  • rachiocampsis;
  • muscle fatigue;
  • varicose veins in the lower extremities;
  • weak ligaments in the joints;
  • reduced skeletal mobility;
  • psychological stress, stress;
  • poor circulation;
  • stagnation of lymph.

There is also a whole list of diseases for which the inversion table will be useful, it is replenished all the time.


In conclusion, it should be recalled that all exercises on the inversion table are prescribed only by a doctor. He also monitors the correctness of their implementation and, if necessary, corrects the patient's actions. Only after the patient has mastered all the prescribed exercises, he is allowed to self-train.

Also, one should not forget that only complex treatment brings positive results. The course of therapy for intervertebral hernia includes not only exercises on the table, but also adherence to the daily regimen, proper nutrition, frequent walks in the fresh air, and rejection of bad habits. This is the only way to be cured without the risk of relapse.

Inversion is necessary for people who have problems with the spine.

Due to the simple design of this table, you can easily and easily perform various exercises in a cozy home environment.

At the same time, almost everyone can make it with their own hands.

The effectiveness of this simulator has long been proven by experts. Such tables are intended for the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Attention: in case of serious illnesses such as arthrosis and arthritis, the use of the inversion table must be extremely careful and under the supervision of specialists.

Inversion tables are effective for the following diseases and pathologies:

  • moderate posture disorders (initial stage scoliosis);
  • chronic spasms in the muscles of the back or neck;
  • as a prophylaxis for varicose veins on the legs;
  • for training people with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • chronic stress as relaxation;
  • to strengthen the muscles of the back.

Keep in mind, special miracles from the operation of the inversion table should not be expected.

Although it is used for the treatment and prevention of various pathologies, as a separate method of treatment, there is little effect from it. Since the simulator treats existing diseases, and does not in any way affect their cause of formation.

Therefore, training on the inversion table must be combined with other methods of treatment, for example, lifestyle changes.

You can buy a finished product in a store, or you can do it yourself. If you have little experience in making and assembling furniture items, you can resort to the second option.


Having made the decision to build a table for doing it yourself, carefully select the materials for it. This could be:

  • natural. It is different environmental friendliness, durability and high technical characteristics;
  • or chipboard. Possesses good performance, has a wide color palette, lightweight and comfortable in work;
  • MDF. Differs in excellent performance, ease of use and affordable cost.

reference: most often, chipboard or boards are used to make a simulator at home.

Drawing and dimensions

Before you start making a simulator, you need to make a competent drawing. Here the dimensions of the product, materials of manufacture, methods of fastening individual elements should be thought out. Keep in mind that it is from a well-designed project that will determine how effective and useful the lessons on it will be.

The sizes are selected based on the person who will use it.

Advice: Use the following dimensions 120x60x140 centimeters as a guide.


From instruments you need to prepare:

From materials you will need:

  • wooden beam;
  • metal tube;
  • abrasive wheel;
  • bolts and nuts;
  • washers;
  • braided cord;
  • steel pipe;
  • cargo wide belt;
  • screws.

How to do it?

After preparing the necessary materials and tools, you can proceed to the manufacture and assembly of the simulator. To begin with, according to the existing drawing, detailing is done products. You can do it yourself using a grinder and grinder, or you can order it from a specialized company. Please be aware when contacting a furniture manufacturing company you will receive completely ready-to-assemble parts with beveled sidewalls.

If you will be cutting out the product yourself, carefully draw a sketch of the future product on the surface. Further, the manufacture and assembly of the table is divided into the following stages:

After assembling the inversion table, to make it aesthetically pleasing and to extend its service life, the boards are covered with paints and varnishes.


The scheme itself implies implementation using various materials and finishes:

Useful video

A detailed description of the manufacturing process can be seen in the following video:


In conclusion, it should be noted that spending no more than 10 hours on making and assembling an inversion table with your own hands, you can perform various effective exercises for the musculoskeletal system at home.

In contact with

The inversion table is designed to train the muscles and ligaments of the back, which has a beneficial effect on overall health and allows you to get rid of back pain. In addition, the inversion table improves regional blood circulation and improves the efficiency of the lymph nodes.

This simulator is used to treat a wide variety of back diseases, from commonplace osteochondrosis to such serious diseases as scoliosis. In some cases, an inversion table is indicated for a hernia.

The inversion table is used to treat a wide variety of diseases of the spinal column. Moreover, it can also help to strengthen the muscular corset and the ligamentous apparatus of the back.

The inversion table is a simulator that can be used independently and at home. Simply put, knowing the safety precautions and the rules for performing exercises on it, it can be used without a coach or supervision from doctors.

Despite the undoubted therapeutic effect of this simulator, it is not a panacea and in most cases is used only as an additional method of treatment to the main therapy. The reason is that it only improves the compensatory functions of the body and weakens the symptoms of diseases.

In addition, even when the simulator is indicated for treatment ( for example, with muscle tension or osteochondrosis), its use may be contraindicated in individual cases. Simply put, the inversion table cannot be used without first consulting a doctor.

Purpose: what and where is it used?

The inversion table is used as an auxiliary method of treatment for a relatively large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, its use is justified not only for the treatment of such diseases, but also for their prevention.

So the inversion table is used for:

  • treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine (for example, osteochondrosis);
  • relieving excessive muscle tension (here the device acts as a muscle relaxant);
  • prevention of varicose veins, scoliosis, osteochondrosis;
  • strengthening the muscle corset and ligamentous apparatus;
  • increasing flexibility and, accordingly, range of motion;
  • general relaxation and stress relief;
  • stimulation of microcirculation of blood in the back and flow of lymphatic fluid.

Despite the possibility of scoliosis prevention with the help of an inversion table, it is not only pointless, but also dangerous to use it with an already existing scoliosis. The fact is that those therapeutic exercises that are performed on such simulators are usually contraindicated in scoliotic disease.

Essence and advantages of application

The undoubted advantage of the inversion table is its autonomy. Simply put, the patient himself, without the supervision of a doctor and at home, can perform various necessary exercises.

In addition, a huge advantage of this simulator is that it can be done independently, and the process of manufacturing parts and subsequent assembly is within the power of even an inexperienced person in such things.

All the necessary drawings and even video instructions for making an inversion table with your own hands can be easily found on the Internet.

If we talk about the therapeutic effect that the inversion table has, then there is also a noticeable advantage of the device. The fact is that in case of inflammatory and dystrophic pathologies of the back, which are accompanied by pain, the simulator has a tangible effect already for 15 minutes of operation.

The pluses also include the fact that you can use the inversion table every day throughout your life, thereby reducing the risk of developing back diseases and eliminating symptoms (primarily pain) with existing diseases.

What exercises can you do?

There are at least two dozen exercises that are allowed to be performed on the inversion table even by an unprepared person. We will highlight the four most effective and popular of them, which can be used for almost any back disease (including a hernia of the spine).

These are the following exercises:

  1. Turn upside down and try to pull up your buttocks and hips as much as possible (at the same time). If it is impossible to perform such an exercise, you can simplify it by bending the legs at the knees.
  2. Secure your legs to a table and gently lift your upper body about one third. During lifting, hands should be fixed on the chest or under the head.
  3. Common squats can be extremely helpful. In the upside-down position, straighten your arms as much as possible and press them firmly at your sides. After that, bending your knees, try to pull your hands to your feet as much as possible.
  4. Neat rotations on the table are also very useful. Secure your legs on the simulator, then grasp the handrail, rotate the upper body 90 degrees, while keeping your hips and legs from the starting position. Repeat this exercise, but this time rotating in the opposite direction.

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

You can buy an inversion table in almost any online store of sports or correctional (rehabilitation) orientation. As a rule, such products are supplied disassembled with instructions for hand-made assembly.

There are also ready-to-use models (assembled), but they have a mark-up in the region of + 2-4%... Despite the increased cost of ready-made models, we recommend buying them, since improper self-assembly can lead to a lack of healing effect and even injury.

Prices for inversion tables vary from model to model. Budget simulators cost around 17 thousand rubles, while universal ones with various additional devices cost around 60 thousand rubles.

The equipment for the simulator in the form of a system with fasteners costs about 15,000 rubles, and inversion leggings - about 11,000 rubles. Additionally, you can purchase an exercise machine for stretching and therapeutic decompression, its cost is on average 14 thousand rubles.

Models and specifications

There are several dozen models of inversion tables that differ not only in size, but also in built-in functionality. As a rule, budget models are devoid of all additional mechanisms (for example, stretching or decompression devices) and are relatively small in size.

The following models of inversion tables are most popular:

  1. Trainer DFC XJ-I-06CL. The weight of the device is 27 kilograms, the dimensions are 146x78x159 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 150 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: 14,990 rubles.
  2. Hang UPS EP-960 simulator. The weight of the device is 30 kilograms, dimensions are 211x69x150 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 136 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: 36,500 rubles.
  3. Body Sculpture GB simulator The weight of the device is 5 kilograms, dimensions are 128x80x15 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 100 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: 10,000 rubles.
  4. Trainer Optifit Alba NQ-3300. Device weight: 25 kilograms, dimensions 157x67.5x116 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 135 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: 11890 rubles.
  5. Exercise machine Verge Fitness Master. The weight of the device is 25 kilograms, dimensions are 150x65x120 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 120 kilograms. 1.5 year warranty. Cost: 16,000 rubles.
  6. Hang Ups CONTOUR L3. The weight of the device is 35 kilograms, dimensions are 71x41x168 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 136 kilograms. 2 year warranty. Cost: 50,000 rubles.

Inversion table (video)

How to do it yourself?

You don't need to build table legs yourself, it's much easier to buy them at any hardware store or at IKEA. The simplest legs (budget) will do.

Next, to create a tabletop, take a chipboard with a thickness of 3 centimeters. Chipboard of this size allows you to create a table with dimensions of 1.5 by 2 meters. If it is impossible to find a chipboard of this thickness, you can glue two chipboards with a thickness of 1.6-1.8 centimeters.

To do this, cut out two sheets of the required size. We take a self-tapping screw for wood (20 millimeters) and the sheet that will be below, we drill along the edge and in the middle. Select the diameter of the drill so that the self-tapping screws can fall through these holes without any problems.

With a thick drill over the holes made, make recesses for the heads of the self-tapping screws. After that, you need to grease the surface of the sheets with glue, which will then come into contact. Important: you need to smear every surface.

Now we fold the sheets and use self-tapping screws to tighten them. It is recommended to paint the chipboard after tightening (even if it is sanded or laminated). If necessary, repair minor defects on the chipboard with ordinary filler.

Now, to create stability of the table, you need to install the legs along its edges. Install them as close to the edges as is generally permissible. If you need a very large table, do not forget to install an additional fifth leg in the center of the table.

The main indications for using the inversion table are: PRESERVING GROWTH, STRETCHING THE SPINE - Most people lose from one to 15 cm in height during their life due to thinning discs. Like the body, discs are 90% water. The water content decreases by 70% by the age of 70. Being active on the inversion table will help to reduce the persistent decline in stature. BRAIN OXYGEN ENRICHMENT- Exercising on the inversion table helps to increase the supply of oxygen to the brain. This helps to revitalize the brain and maintain its functionality throughout life. PREVENTION OF VARICOSIS EXPANSION OF VENTS - Outflow of venous blood during exercise on the simulator from the lower extremities, thereby preventing its stagnation. This causes blood to circulate in the body more efficiently, reducing the risk of varicose veins. STRENGTHENING LONGS - Gentle stretching during exercise acts not only on the ligaments, but also on the connective tissue, and helps protect the practitioner from serious injury. REMOVING THE EFFECTS OF STRESS - Stress and tension can cause muscle cramps in the back, knees and shoulders, as well as headaches and other problems. Muscle tension can cause spasms and pain, and reduce oxygen supply and blood and lymph circulation. Rotating your body at least 25 degrees, even for a few minutes, will help relieve muscle tension and speed up the movement of lymph. There is a new supply of oxygen, so that stiffness and pain in the muscles disappears. PROGRESS OF EXERCISES - Adjusting the angle of inclination during workouts allows you to avoid sudden overturns of the Table. A gradual increase in the angle of inclination according to the method will allow you to achieve maximum results without injuries. WHAT EXERCISES CAN BE PERFORMED - click under the photo - MORE DETAILS. HOW THE BOATS OF THE LEGS ARE FIXED - first click DETAILS, and then click - ENLARGE. TRAINING RECOMMENDATIONS !!! Start slowly Change loads gradually Watch your body carefully Do not stop moving your body in the inverted position Use the inverter regularly Start slowly Start at an angle of 15-20 degrees. Stay upside down for as long as you feel comfortable, even for a few seconds. At first, let someone be with you. Climb slowly. Change the load gradually: Increase the angle only if you are comfortable; keep an angle of inclination of 20 degrees for a week or a little more. Increase the angle a little at a time. Many find 20 to 60 degrees to be sufficient. Add stretching and light exercises only after you get used to the new position. Alternate lifting the body for 30 seconds, and lowering it upside down for 1-2 minutes, repeating, if possible, 5-15 minutes. at an angle of 60 degrees or less. Stretches can be done with rhythmic swinging. Watch Your Body: Remember your body is unique and it will tell you what is good and what is bad. What is good for one person is not necessarily good for another, i.e. to you. Climb slowly: Dizziness will remind you that you climbed too quickly. Do not start exercising right after meals. Stop inversion as soon as possible if you feel nauseous. Inversion helps to get rid of motion sickness, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the middle ear. But it will take weeks or months. If you are using an inversion table and are experiencing some pain for the first time, lie face down on the table to relax your psoas. There must be an assistant next to you who will fix your feet to the table. Pain does not mean any serious pain, but if doing inversion worsens your well-being, you need to stop it and see a doctor. Everything must be done slowly and carefully, watching the muscles and joints. A gentle stretch and a short hold for the first time is the best thing that can help you, not hurt you. During inversion, the body should not remain at rest: Take breaks or rhythmic stretches during the inversion. Movement, not a state of rest, will stimulate blood, lymph and ligamentous activity even with a minimal increase in blood pressure in the vessels. Don't over-strain. Limit 1-2 minutes. between changes of tilt angles. Full inversion without movement should be limited to a few seconds. Regularity of classes. Additional photos: click MORE under the photo and then click ENLARGE under the photo on the 2nd page!

According to its idea, an inversion table is a board with an adjustable angle of inclination, lying on which, a person easily and safely changes the natural position of his body to the “unnatural” one, i.e. hangs upside down. This condition is called complete inversion and is believed to have beneficial effects on the body. It is useful for stretching the spine and relaxing. In this guide, we'll take a look at who can benefit from the inversion table, how to use it to reduce back pain, and how to exercise properly. You will find out if the purchase of the best inversion table for back pain is justified by the result, what the doctors say about it, and we will compose the Top 5 best inversion tables in terms of configuration and price.

How does the inversion trainer work?

Fans of inversion therapy point to the antiquity of this healing technique, which was allegedly used by Hippocrates 2500 years ago. However, real interest in inversion did not emerge until the late 20th century. Gymnast Christopher Harisson invented anti-gravity yoga - exercises on "hammocks" suspended from the ceiling. The gravity boots designed to hang upside down, which were used by the hero of the movie "American Gigolo", came into vogue.

At the same time, in the 1980s, an active study of the effect of procedures on patients with certain diseases began. Proponents of the inversion technique attributed broad healing properties to it: an increase in growth, treatment of varicose veins, an improvement in cerebral circulation and lymph flow.

Of course, the wider the list of indications, the more doubts arise about the effectiveness of the device, because one pill cannot treat everything. The test results did not really convince the skeptics. But there was evidence of side effects: blurred vision, retinal detachment, headaches, increased blood pressure.

So far, researchers have proven the use of the inversion table only for back treatment.

Scientific research and proven effectiveness

Sciatica patients have been able to avoid surgery by combining physiotherapy and inversion therapies, according to a medical article from James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough. The researchers divided patients awaiting surgery into two groups: the first group (13 people) was prescribed physiotherapy and an inversion simulator, and the second group (11 people) attended only physiotherapy.

After 6 weeks, it turned out that most patients from the first group (10 out of 13) no longer require surgical intervention, because their condition has improved significantly. The results of the examination of the second group were not so impressive: out of 11 people, only two did not fall under the scalpel of the surgeons.

Another study examined the effects of the inversion trainer on patients with chronic low back pain. Participants used the inversion table at different angles for 8 weeks. The group that used the machine at an angle of 60 degrees showed the best results: in these patients, the elasticity of the lumbar spine increased, pain and discomfort disappeared.

The inverted body position is believed to relieve stress on the spine, which suffers from the force of gravity and our evolutionary "habit" of upright posture. The pressure on the intervertebral discs decreases and the space between the vertebrae increases. As a result, lower back pain disappears.

The question remains, for how long. Skeptics believe that inversion tables rather than cure unpleasant symptoms. The simulator stretches the paravertebral muscles and ligaments, temporarily relieving muscle spasm, says expert Celeste Robb-Nicholson, M.D. Editor in Chief, Harvard Women 's Health Watch. According to the doctor, the benefits of inversion therapy in health improvement have not been proven, moreover, it has many contraindications (eye diseases, hypertension, heart disease, pregnancy). However, classes on the inversion table can still be recommended for the complex treatment of back pain under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

Summing up the words of the experts, it becomes clear that stretching on the inversion table will not cure the disease, but it can remove the symptoms, and therefore, reduce the intake of pain relievers.

How to Choose an Inversion Table: Factors and Features to Consider When Buying a Back Machine

As with the orthopedic mattress, the inversion table is individually selected based on your height, weight, health status and exercise needs. Here are a few points by which you can judge the quality of the inversion table.


  • Stable steel frame
  • Secure ankle braces (“open” in the form of foam cushions or “closed” - ergonomic)
  • Smooth swing mechanism
  • Rubberized corners and handles


  • Is there a tilt angle adjustment or mechanisms to help with inversion (electric motor, belts)
  • Large range of height adjustment (if you set your height 4 inches more than your real height, you can practice with a slight slope)
  • Extended rubberized handles for quick return to horizontal position


  • No pinch points, adjustable mounts
  • Soft headrest and the ability to adjust it
  • Having a lumbar cushion and a soft back, in case you will not practice hanging upside down (full inversion)

Top 5 best models

The best inversion table can go up to $ 3000. Expensive models allow you to adjust the angle of the table and combine the functions of a simulator for different muscle groups. We have selected the most interesting models in terms of price and functionality. There are no very expensive inversion tables - with an electric drive - but there are simulators that are popular and in demand among users at affordable prices from $ 150 to $ 329.

Budget table

The most budgetary inversion table with a cost of ~ $ 150. But this is the case when the word “primitive” in relation to the product does not mean bad, but reliable and easy to maintain. Hence the title of bestseller and more than 4500 reviews on Amazon.

The tilt angle of the simulator (from 15 to 85 degrees) is manually adjusted using a movable pin that is screwed into one of the five slots. Most inexpensive inversion tables do not have this feature and are only adjustable with a strap.

The adjustment system itself is hidden under a gray plastic box, so the design looks minimalist. This inversion trainer is designed for heights from 4ft-10in to 6ft-6in and weighs up to 300 lbs.

Despite its low cost, the machine is stable and durable. This is because its frame is made of steel, not plastic, as is the case with cheap counterparts.

On the Russian market, similar functionality is presented by the DFC SJ6100 model.

The best inversion device for back pain

Before us is a very similar model from the same Innova brand, but with an important addition for those who are looking for the best trainer for low back pain. The lumbar area is marked here with a special roller that supports the back and provides heating and massage. The outgoing vibration is rather weak, but perceptible, users write. The disadvantages of the product include the noise with which the massage pillow works. For this reason, some buyers eventually stopped turning it on and only use the inversion table itself. Other customers, on the other hand, fell in love with the pillow so much that they even adapted it for a shoulder massage.

The massage pillow is controlled by a remote control. It is fastened with Velcro, so it can be moved to other areas of the back if desired. The price for this simulator is still ~ $ 150.

On the Russian market, similar functionality is presented by the DFC IT002 model.

The lightest inversion trainer for back pain relief

Teeter has been making inversion tables for over 30 years and is FDA certified, unlike the competition. This is one of the market leaders, which is why the brand's products are often included in the reviews of the best inversion tables. According to a 2013 study by the University of Cincinnati School of Dynamical Systems, the Teeter Fitspine was the most popular in the under $ 400 price bracket.

Now Teeter inversion tables look different: the slippery material of the back, lying on which the person slid forward, was replaced with thin plastic with holes. This may have made the Teeter EP-560 more compact than the competition at 58 pounds. There are also multi-colored plastic elements in the lumbar area for acupressure and a removable plastic roller. The rest of the functionality of the Teeter EP-560 loses to more budget Innova models. So, there is no possibility to adjust the angle of inclination. The only thing that can be done is to fix the table at an angle of about 30 degrees with a strap. There is also no function for adjusting the headrest.

Overall, the Teeter inversion table looks light and high quality. The ergonomic ankle mounts received special praise from users. Teeter's Light Inversion Table is priced at ~ $ 329.

On the Russian market, a similar functionality is presented by the Body Sculpture model.

The heaviest and largest inversion trainer

Another famous brand among inversion tables. The peculiarity of IRONMAN Gravity 4000 is an extended soft backrest and increased carrying capacity. This is the most "hardy" machine in our Top: it can withstand weight up to 350 lb. The extended handles help you quickly return to a horizontal position. The soft lumbar cushion allows you to lie comfortably on the table if you are not practicing full inversion (turning upside down).

The backbone is not only made of steel, but also powder coated for added protection. Here, too, ergonomic ankle mounts, like the Teeter EP-560, while the cheaper models usually only have foam cushions.

In general, the quality of IRONMAN Gravity 4000 is not inferior to Teeter products and at the same time costs significantly less.

For a surcharge of $ 26, you can order a special mat for the exercise machine for better noise isolation. The cost of the exercise machine without an additional mat is ~ $ 199.

On the Russian market, similar functionality is presented by the DFC 75303 model.

Best Fitness Inversion Trainer

The model that claims to be the best inversion table, because it combines the functions of a home trainer and a table for back treatment. The sturdy steel structure can handle up to 220 lbs, with an inversion height range from 4 "10" to 6 "3". Pay attention to the assembled width (44 "x 29") as it may not be sufficient for large users.

Removable armrests and rubber grips allow you to train your biceps, forearms, chest, abdomen and upper back. This sports equipment, with its small dimensions (82 pounds), can replace several stationary equipment at once.

No doubt the idea is good, but the execution leaves much to be desired, according to some users. They note that the simulator is difficult to assemble and disassemble, so it cannot be stowed away somewhere after a workout. Chips appear on the plastic handles over time. Since inversion is only one of the functions here, and not the main component, it is difficult to adjust it perfectly - there is simply no fine mechanism for this. On the other hand, if the Conquer were more perfect, it would cost many times more. And so its current price of ~ $ 189 is almost half the price of the simplest table from the Teeter brand.

On the Russian market, similar functionality is presented by the DFC 75306 model.

Inversion Table Comparison Chart

Name Important characteristics Price
Innova ITX9600

Precise tilt angle function (15 to 85 degrees), soft adjustable headrest
Innova ITM4800

Same functionality as Innova ITX9600 + removable vibration and heated massage cushion
Teeter EP-560

Rigid plastic back, acupressure applicators, closed ergonomic leg mounts
IRONMAN Gravity 4000

Extended padded back, increased load capacity up to 350 lb, extended handles, closed ankle mounts
Conquer 6-in-1

Inversion table with simulator functions. Allows to train the biceps, forearms, muscles of the chest, back and abdomen

Benefits of inversion tables

All people sooner or later experience back problems. Sitting at the computer for a long time, driving a car, lifting weights - all this negatively affects the condition of the spine. The intervertebral space is reduced, and the spine itself is shortened, like a compressed spring. Due to pinching of the nerve endings between the vertebrae, a person feels pain.

That is why stretching works so beneficially: all tissues are straightened, it is easier for us to hold our back, and it is easier to breathe. In fact, the same effect arises as from yoga or stretching.

What back problems does the inversion table solve?

  • Back pain relief (proven)
  • Improved posture and flexibility (more yes than no)
  • Possible alternative to surgery (in some cases)

The inversion table really helps relieve pain in chronic back problems. For example, user Nicole writes in a review of the Innova ITM4800 inversion table: “Many years ago I had a car accident and since then I have suffered. I feel pain all the time. I recently met a new doctor and he recommended the inversion table due to the compression of my spine. After receiving the caudal epidural system, I started treatment. I felt a huge difference! I am gradually reducing the pain pills! I feel that my spine is lengthening and the pain is going away! ”

In addition to therapeutic functions, any inversion table acts as a fitness trainer. On it, you can do deflections, pull-ups on your hands (holding your hands on the stands of the inversion table), bends to the right and left, exercises for the press. There is one trick to increasing the intensity: set your height a couple of inches less than your actual height. If you do not need full inversion, the growth on the simulator, on the contrary, is set less than real. This way you won't be able to roll over without extra effort.

Frequently Asked Questions About Inversion Trainers

How to use an inversion table?

The algorithm for use is simple: lie down, fix your ankles at the bottom of the table, slowly lower yourself to a comfortable inversion angle, return to a horizontal position, lie down for a few minutes, return to a rack.

Before you lie down on the table, check if it descends smoothly enough. The table should be away from the wall so you don't hit your head. Be sure to wear sneakers during class, as other shoes do not fit well in the bindings.

During full inversion, you should hang freely on your feet without touching your back to the machine. Allow yourself to relax. In this position, you can also do crunches and other exercises.

How long can the inversion trainer be used?

This is the most popular and at the same time controversial question, because everything is very individual. There is a recommendation to observe the cycle: 30 seconds of inversion, 3 minutes of rest. However, you can increase the interval at your discretion, as long as it does not cause discomfort. The first time you are on the inversion table, do not turn upside down right away. Stop at a 60-degree angle and listen to how you feel. It is recommended to practice daily for 10-20 minutes. You can start with a two minute workout in the morning and evening.

Should I roll over completely?

It is believed that the maximum effect occurs if you do not touch the back of the simulator. You need to relax, close your eyes, to feel how the spine is stretched under the weight of your body.

However, each organism has its own “inversion index”. You should focus only on your well-being. For some people, complete inversion is a pleasant and fun state, while for others it is a real torture. The main rule is no sudden movements and extremes. At first, practice only slightly lowering your head and only then proceed to full inversion. If at this moment you feel pain, dizziness, nausea, come back urgently.

How do I check if the inversion method is right for me?

Before ordering a simulator, you can check the comfort of the method at home. To do this, you need to lie down so that the body is lower than the legs - the angle of inclination should be at least 25 degrees. It is believed that starting right away with a full inversion is wrong, and even a slight tilt has a positive effect.

Are there any side effects?

The upside-down position puts pressure on blood vessels, so blood pressure can rise. Some patients experience headaches.

Are there any contraindications?

The list of contraindications is large. First of all, this is hypertension, all eye diseases, obesity, the period of rehabilitation after a stroke, as well as injuries of the spine and brain. The use of inversion tables is not recommended for children and pregnant women. Growing above 6.6 feet is also a hindrance as you can hit the floor with your head.

In general, classes are contraindicated in diseases that may worsen due to pressure drop. If you have any chronic medical conditions, be sure to consult your doctor.

Final conclusions

We have found that the inversion table can be useful for back diseases such as sciatica, chronic low back pain, spinal stenosis, facet syndrome, degenerative changes in the spine. Inversion table exercises help relieve muscle spasms and relieve pain. It can also act as an exercise machine to help strengthen your abs and back muscles. However, as with other therapies, care is required with inversion. Check with your doctor to see if the inversion table is right for you, and do not start your workout at the maximum incline angle.

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