Home Flowers Why dream of planting flower seedlings. In a dream, plant flowers in the ground. Seedling colors

Why dream of planting flower seedlings. In a dream, plant flowers in the ground. Seedling colors

Green spaces in dreams are a wonderful symbol that denotes the spiritual world of a person, the flowering of his creative powers.

The sign promises health, a prosperous family life, finding balance in all spheres of life. Despite the fact that there are a great many gifts of nature, with the help of a dream book, you can quickly understand that through dreams it wants to convey to us the subconscious, why dream of planting flowers, trees or vegetables.

What does planting flowers in a dream mean?

All your plans will come true quickly if you dreamed of planting flowers that begin to grow rapidly and reach for the sun in a dream. The dream interpretation of planting bright for lovers foreshadows an imminent marriage, a happy family life, the birth of heirs.

  • Flowers were planted around their own home - harmony in family relationships.
  • In the greenhouse - there will be a chance to make your dream come true.
  • In a pot - stability in career growth.

Joyful events await a woman if she dreamed in a sleepy kingdom that she plants flowers beautiful and fragrant with wonderful smells. Plants just planted in the ground began to bloom - a loved one will present a surprise that will bring a lot of pleasure.

Planting trees and flowers (especially roses) at the same time is a brilliant career. The dream book calls to pay attention to the type of flowers that you dreamed of growing in a dream.

If in a dream you had to plant:

  • Roses - a dream promises happiness and prosperity in family life. If a guy dreamed that he was dropping a rose bush without thorns, the future wife will have a calm disposition.
  • Chamomile - health will be strong in the near future.
  • Forget-me-nots - long-extinct feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.
  • Gladioli - at the upcoming holiday you will be able to show off your abilities.
  • Tulips - very soon those around you will admire your noble deed. Planting a lot of bulbs in the ground is a sign of significant success in the service, in business.

Planting dug up flower bulbs is a good time to start new projects. Planting flowers in a loose and soft ground in a dream - you can easily overcome obstacles that hinder the development of your own business, the promotion of the project.

If the soil for planting turned out to be hard and rocky, the enemies are trying to harm you in every possible way. for flowers in dreams was clay and viscous - the dream book suggests that the help of strangers is needed to resolve the issue.

Vegetable patch

If in a dream you planted, then such a dream promises a happy fate, longevity. The dream interpretation predicts an eventful life if in a dream you had to plant an onion. I dreamed that onions occupied most of the garden - your hard work will bring well-deserved fame. Planting onions, cucumbers, tomatoes in a dream with friends - a brilliant career awaits you, respect of colleagues.

Transplanting plants or seedlings in dreams - significant changes will occur in life. You can change your place of residence, do another job, change your plans.

Seeing a young sprout in a dream is the beginning of something new, including new relationships, new projects. In a dream, the planted garden began to turn green quickly - to quick and positive results in the professional field.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus you dreamed of planting tomatoes and caring for them, then in reality your efforts will pay off handsomely. In a dream, tomatoes grew quickly - you will achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

To dream of a vegetable garden planted with tomatoes and peppers is a joyful event in the circle of witty people. The young girl dreamed that the tomatoes or cucumbers immediately bloomed after planting - to a happy marriage.

The meaning of sleep is also directly related to the size of the root crop. Planting potatoes large and smooth is an extremely profitable deal that you don't even have to fight for. In this way, management will decide to encourage you to continue to strive for career achievements. Planting small and medium potatoes in a dream - to excessive care for underage children.

If in a dream the landing took place during a blind rain, then the dream book portends pleasant changes in life, in the dark - you keep your desires a secret, trying to hide them from strangers. When planting potatoes, the bright sun was shining - to joyful events, and if the sun's rays made their way through the clouds - soon you will have to go through a streak of minor failures.

What does tree planting portend?

If the dreamer planted a young tree, and fruits appeared on it, then this is a bright sign that all innermost desires - even the most ambitious - will certainly come true. If this dream was dreamed of by a married woman, then it portends the appearance of children in the family. For an unmarried man, planting trees is a meeting with a woman with whom he wants a serious and permanent relationship.

Be sure to remember your mood as you disembark. You were happy with the process - a positive outcome of the work started, you were upset about something - changes in your life will not go as smoothly as you wish. Planting trees with parents - mutual understanding and harmony in family relationships.

In dreams it fell to plant:

  1. - the long-awaited move to a new apartment, an increase in living space. For a man, planting an apple tree with his son is a good sign to start a successful business in real life.
  2. Pear - fortunately on the family front. For a young girl, a dream promises a successful marriage, bathing in luxury. A particularly auspicious sign for people involved in trade. They will get even richer.
  3. Plum - there will be an opportunity to purchase an expensive item that you have dreamed of for a long time.
  4. Cherries - you will find out the news that will be remembered for a long time.
  5. Cherries - to wealth, abundance.
  6. Walnut - to win, increase profits. Planting hazelnuts is a prosperous business, a walnut is a profit, an almond is a happy life.
  7. Planting several fruit trees at the same time, for example, an apple and a pear - to prosperity, good health.

Did you see yourself planting trees in a dream? Sleep promises a long and prosperous life, as well as new prospects for professional growth. The more luxuriant the prickly trees were, the more stable your financial situation will be. Planting Christmas trees with cones is to wait for unexpected happiness. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

In a dream, did you happen to plant something in the ground? This is an excellent sign that reflects the successful implementation of your plans. Perhaps in later visions you will be able to follow how the sprouts develop and grow, which again indicates a positive trend.

Interpretation from the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Why do you dream that in a dream you happened to plant seeds? Basically, it is a reflection of your investing effort and resources without yet realizing whether the event will bear fruit.

The dream book advises to prepare in advance for the fact that what you have planned may end not in your favor or will not go exactly as you planned.

The vision invites you to take the position of an observer, but do not forget about active participation in it. This will help to develop an unbiased opinion about the world in general or a specific situation in particular.

Had a dream that you planted something in the ground? The upcoming period is ideal for any endeavors, but the dream book advises to get together as much as possible and ponder every step. You need to aim for success, but be prepared for any surprises.

It is best if in a dream you can trace the growth of a planted crop and see the end result. This will completely insure you in reality against unforeseen turns.

In any case, planting something in a dream is good. This is a sign of activity and efficiency, dedication and readiness for any surprises of fate.

Interpretation from other dream books

Why dream, that something happened to plant on collection of dream books... This vision prophesies joy, wealth, and health. Did you dream that you were planting vegetables? The dream interpretation believes that a rather difficult and thankless job has to be done. Another interpretation of the dream prophesies punishment for gross mistakes committed earlier.

Miller's dream book believes that such a dream guarantees an excellent harvest next year for farmers, private summer residents and farmers in general. Especially if the plot happened to be seen before the start of the next sowing season.

If the dreamer is in no way connected with the cultivation of the land and the cultivation of plants, then planting seeds or sprouts is also good for him. This is a hint: you need to be active in business, which ultimately will result in profit or career growth.

Chinese dream book claims that planting vegetables in a dream is good. This is a sign of a long and happy life. In the opinion the Wanderer's dream book to plant - literally means to grow your hopes. A more detailed interpretation and indication of the area of ​​activity depends on the type of culture.

Velesov dream book I fully agree with this interpretation and confirm that planting something is exclusively for good. In turn Tsvetkov's dream book claims that planting in a dream means waking up to improve one's own well-being.

Why dream of planting seeds in the ground

Did you dream that you sowed seeds? Soon, friends or acquaintances will need your wise advice. It is also an omen that you will get to grips with parenting.

The literal interpretation of the image reads: planting seeds means doing good deeds. So try in the near future, and in general always "sow" only good and light.

To understand why you dream of planting seeds in the ground, you need to take into account the quality and condition of the seed. If in a dream the change was, as they say, selective, then personal actions in reality will bring worthy results. For women, the vision promises the birth of several healthy and strong children.

But planting already sprouted seeds is worse. They promise disagreements in the house or team, which, however, will end in a hot reconciliation and help to rally even stronger. If you dreamed that you were planting flower seeds, then there is a chance that next weekend you will have a great time in a friendly company.

What does it mean to plant potatoes in a dream

Why dream that you planted potatoes? In reality, there will be an opportunity to arrange their affairs in the best possible way, which will help to realize an old dream. In general, planting potatoes in a dream is always to fulfill the desired.

Sometimes this dream hints: you will have to do a difficult and not very attractive business, which will later bring serious income. Did you dream that you were planting potatoes? You will surely receive a tempting offer soon. Moreover, it can be both about marriage and about work.

Planting trees - what does it mean

Initially, you need to take into account that the tree symbolizes the very life of the dreamer. Sometimes this is an eloquent reflection of an emerging situation. Remember this image. Perhaps, after a while you will dream about it again, but already a little older. By external changes it will be possible to judge the course of an event or the development of relations.

Why else is there a dream that you had to plant trees? This is a sign that you will make substantial profits and even become seriously rich. Did you buy tree seedlings in a dream? You will get unnecessary trouble, but planting them in a dream is a sign of well-being.

Plant flowers in a dream

Had a dream that you were planting flowers in your own or dream garden? In reality, do a wise and noble deed.

If you happen to plant flowers on obviously barren soil, and they bloom there, then you will achieve success thanks to difficult life experiences and personal dedication.

Planting flowers in the garden is an unpleasant incident, in a flower bed - a positive change. Sometimes the same plot predicts the purchase of a bright and expensive item or thing.

Planting in a dream - even more interpretations

To figure out why this plot is dreaming, you need to remember well what exactly you planted in a dream.

  • potatoes - a gift, good luck
  • tree saplings in general - fix the mistake
  • willow - be flexible
  • aspen - you will experience fear
  • oak - gain strength
  • pine - cleansing, spiritual growth
  • cedar - spirituality, health
  • palm - freedom
  • fruit tree (any) - the fruits of diligence
  • pear - patience
  • lemon - jealousy
  • peach - success
  • cherry - rest
  • plant root crops - abundance
  • seeds - wealth
  • indoor plants - understanding in the house

Do not forget that in a dream, each vegetable, flower and other culture has its own meaning. In addition, it is necessary to take into account personal experiences during landing, its features, weather and other details.

Planting flowers in a dream is a good sign of pleasant events. A dream with such a plot consists of two main symbols: flowers and earth. Flowers in a dream are the embodiment of the sensual principle in a person, his internal conflicts and contradictions. Therefore, it is not surprising that their people are loved and loved.

Floriculture in a dream promises a woman pleasant chores, acquisitions and a new round of love relationships. It can be a big purchase or a gift from a loved one. For a man, a dream in which he plants flowers with his own hands predicts an accident or breakdown. Elderly people see such a plot in a dream - for the arrival of distant relatives.

Planting flowers in moist black earth - for the harvest and improving the financial situation. Rooting flowers in yellow dry earth, reminiscent of sand, is a minor hassle or waste.

Planting withered, lifeless flowers - to quarrels and conflicts, which, as a result, will lead to tension in relationships with others. Listen to yourself and your mood, it's time to change something.

Planting flowers with buds in the ground is a pleasant trip or the appearance of new friends. Easy and quick results of a protracted case are also possible.

If newly planted flowers grow before our eyes and begin to bloom - to changes in life. For a married lady, this dream promises an addition to the family, for a young girl - the acquisition of a soul mate. Joy and new impressions for the widow.

And digging in paper or artificial flowers in a dream is an unkind omen. For the next three days, pay close attention to the signs of fate and try to listen to your feelings. A little trouble will happen, which will leave an unpleasant aftertaste for a long time.

Plant different varieties of flowers in the ground

Each flower symbolizes a different mood and mentality. Therefore, planting various varieties in a dream will be interpreted in different ways:

  • Roses - for love adventures or a change of partner.

  • Lilies - to jealousy and betrayal.
  • Pansies - to mild illness or loneliness.
  • Lilac - to parting or quick success in endeavors.
  • Wildflowers - to hard work that will take a lot of strength and energy.

Blue flowers promise calmness and regularity, red - passion, blue - a new hobby. Purple or lilac flowers indicate the need to move.

The place where the action takes place in a dream

If in a dream you plant flowers in a large and blooming garden or in the forest, then family happiness, prosperity and the strengthening of the clan are ahead. Sowing flowers by seeds - to the birth of a child in your family, possibly among close or distant relatives. Planting flowers in a cemetery is a sign of illness and anxiety.

If the place where you are doing floriculture is unknown or frightening - to drastic changes in life.

Flowers exude an unpleasant odor - to disappointment and resentment. Fragrance - to early love and unusual gifts.

If the general condition after awakening is bright and joyful, then planting flowers in a dream is a sign of prosperity, changes for the better and happiness in love. In order for sleep to be in hand, you need to try to buy some kind of room for your house that day. Then the likelihood that all the good things from a dream will come true will increase significantly.

Flowers. Admiring their beauty, you get a certain charge of vivacity, energy, mood. They are credited with divine origin, given as a sign of love, fidelity, planted in large numbers on flower beds, terraces, decorating our streets, houses and life in general. It is not uncommon to plant flowers in a dream. Why such an image is dreaming, we will find out in the dream books.

If you believe the symbolism, flowers are a symbol of love, youth, beauty, purity and innocence. They emphasize the frailty and brevity of life. The blooming flower encourages the realization of potential opportunities. Flowers on graves can testify to the joys of human life and its transience.

Planting flowers - for total updates in life for the better, success, achievement of goals and a holiday in the house. The creative process of planting gives a hint to the dreamer that thanks only to your work and desire, everything will turn out as you wish.

Everything is symbolic: the place of planting, the type of flower, your message and mood before work, and a very good sign - to see the result of labor, the beauty that you create with your own hands.

The girl is not a poppy: one day she will not fly

For a woman, a fertile period begins in life if she dreamed of planting a field of cornflowers and violets. This promises harmony in family life, career growth, a chance to fulfill a dream. Felt the fragrance of the petals - your beloved will present you with a surprise that you have dreamed of for a long time.

Planting rose bushes and fruit trees at the same time bodes well for your business success. Your competence and professionalism will draw the attention of the management. Promotions and salary increases are coming.

If you had to deal with tulips in a dream, expect admiring glances from your talented and noble deeds. Many bulbs stuck in the ground - to successful financial transactions and profitable operations.

Pink tulips have grown - a dream promises a particularly romantic date. I saw pink buds that had not yet blossomed - this promises an unexpected love adventure, which will turn your head very much and result in a wonderful continuation of the relationship.

Yellow tulips dreamed about betrayal, treason, deception. Do not be upset, you just need to be more careful and attentive with the people of your environment. Don't trust flattering new boyfriends and casual acquaintances.

Chamomile a whole front garden speaks of your good health in reality. Try to keep fit and avoid overeating to maintain a balance of power.

Forget-me-nots are ready for planting - a person from the past will appear in your life, perhaps long-extinct feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Gladioli promise great success surrounded by colleagues and new acquaintances in reality, you will be able to show off your talents, abilities and charm.

For men - where there are flowers, there are butterflies

Planting flower bulbs in a garden is a good period for the implementation of business ideas. If the land is loose and soft, nothing will prevent you from overcoming obstacles and barriers to the development of your own business.

Clay and stony soil - to delay the resolution of issues. Competitors and simply envious are trying to harm you; you will need the help of influential friends.

Passionate about transplanting seedlings - to grandiose changes in life. This may affect a change of place of residence, work or occupation.

I saw the fruits of my labor in the form of sprouts - an excellent reason to start something new. Now you have no equal, new relationships or projects - everything will work out in the best possible way. You will quickly achieve a positive result in any area.

Withered seedlings in a dream - this suggests that your plans are unrealizable or ideas are futile. You should think about what you are doing wrong in life.

We saw in a dream how the fruits of your labor are being trampled on - this unpleasant plot speaks of the evil thoughts of your opponents or ill-wishers. Your enemies have gone on the offensive and are determined to destroy you.

Planting flowers on the grave is a great sign, soon new dizzying prospects will open up in front of you.

And a wilted flower can bloom again. Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

For young people, be it a man or a woman, getting carried away with planting roses, daisies, lilies speaks of the desire to create a family and have children. You want to settle down somewhere and be engaged in coziness, comfort and ennobling at home.

The flower personifies the female image, therefore, for a man, a dream where you plant many beautiful plants speaks of your desire for intimacy with beautiful and sexy women. At the same time, seating with your own hands, without someone's help - to the personal triumph and reciprocity of your partner.


Gently digging peony bulbs into the ground, the roots of daisies speaks of your rebirth. The time has come for changes in views, values, and reflection on their actions. Your character will become more flexible and more meek. You are ready to do wise and noble deeds.

Watering scarlet tulips after planting is a financial reward. It can be a win at a casino, a lottery, or an expensive gift from an unexpected guest. Saw they dissolve - gain valuable insight into your competitors to help you out-compete.

Gustov Miller

Growing beautiful and juicy buds of roses, lilies, carnations shows the spiritual growth of a person, his talents, desire for realization. If the activity brings pleasure, this suggests that the dreamer wants to bring peace and goodness to people.

Change the pots for indoor plants to more spacious and bright ones - this emphasizes your desire to expand the house space and update the furniture. Save up financial resources, grandiose repairs are not far off.

All in the ground, tinker in the flowerbed - for a family feast and gifts, and plant on the square or in the park - for a memorable event, about which they will gossip for a long time.

A garden or a forest belt has interested you as a place for a future flower bed - get ready to meet nice people or wait for guests.

We decided to decorate the monument of ancestors - this dream reminds of your guardian angels, who will surely help you withstand all the trials in difficult times.

There was a desire to grow roses - a period of victories and prosperity is coming in your life. You feel the freshness and scent of the buds - this is a hint of closeness with your friend and your spiritual connection.

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Plants symbolize fertility, motherhood, vitality, representatives of the flora are depicted on state emblems, people have long believed in their supernatural power, considered talismans from troubles. Everyday life is associated with them, flowers, herbs, shrubs and trees accompany people all their lives, a person plants plants in a dream and in reality.

What if you dream of planting plants?

In order to understand why he dreams of planting plants, the dreamer needs to remember what crops he happened to plant, many dream books are convinced that planting seedlings and seedlings is identified with the dreamer's contribution to the future.

When in a dream a dreamer plants seedlings or seedlings, he immediately sees the result of his action, which means that his contribution to the future will be significant, therefore, in a dream, planting is a better sign than sowing seeds. A dream of this kind can be interpreted as a large offspring left by the dreamer, wealth earned by one's own efforts.

If a dreamer sows seeds in a nightly dream and does not see seedlings, it means that in reality he is engaged in useless affairs, wasting energy, time, material resources on unprofitable activities.

A negative symbol is burying the whole seedling in the ground, this is a sign that the sleeping person is burying his capabilities and talents in the ground.

China is home to more than 30,000 species of various cultures, including the famous "living fossils", the Chinese honor the traditions of plant growing. The most popular plants include bamboo, orchid, apple, peony, pine, chrysanthemum, daffodil, azalea, camellia, they are often identified with a person and his character.

The interpretation of the dream depends on what crops the dreamer planted, if in a dream he had a chance to plant potatoes, this means that he will be comprehended by big expenses and the dreamer will owe a substantial amount of money.

Planting cucumbers is a dream of finding peace of life, good luck in financial transactions, the birth of healthy children, family well-being, prosperity, success in various fields of activity. Planting tomatoes - fortunately, family well-being, soon a dreaming person will perform an unusual act, establishing relations between households, for single people planting tomato seedlings in a dream promises in reality a fateful meeting with his soul mate.

Planting apple tree seedlings is associated with moving, expanding living space, planting birch - to equip a family hearth in reality, cherries - to receive wealth, a large inheritance, oak - to long-term success, the tree symbolizes vitality and good health.

What portends?

If in a dream a person is planting flowers, it means that in reality he will have a stormy and eventful life, a promotion, and other pleasant events.

I dream of planting pot and balcony crops to receive an original surprise or a gift dear to my heart, to plant in a flower bed - to a fun family celebration. I had a chance to plant a flower in the forest - for the visit of noble guests, to plant flowers in the cemetery - the higher powers will help the dreamer to survive in a difficult period.

Planting flowers in a garden near the house means that the dreaming person has reached the age when it is necessary to marry, such a dream is interpreted as profit in the family, childbearing.

Planting flowers for a couple with a loved one is a good symbol predicting mutual love, it will be like in a fairy tale - to the grave, long-term and warm relations of the spouses will give the fruit of love - a healthy and beautiful child.

For everyone who planted plants and trees in a dream, the god of dreams prepares pleasant surprises; he cannot leave without gifts those who plant trees on his land; dreamers in reality await good turns of fate, a surge of vitality, happy changes.

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