Home Flowers How to quickly and without too much hassle to cook meat baked in the oven? How to bake meat in the oven

How to quickly and without too much hassle to cook meat baked in the oven? How to bake meat in the oven

Whole piece baked meat is a great solution for an everyday lunch, dinner or a festive feast. Such meat has a ruddy golden crust, appetizing appearance and excellent taste. Hot baked meat can be an excellent addition to main courses, and cold it will be a good base for savory meat salads or hearty sandwiches. Pork, chicken, lamb, veal or beef are suitable for preparing a snack.

To make the meat not tough, you need to choose certain parts of the carcass. The selected tenderloin should be soft, without veins, films, cartilage, and certainly three-dimensional. Set aside the flat pieces to grill the steaks. If this piece contains a small amount of internal fat, the baked meat will turn out to be more juicy and tender. Give preference to meat from young animals. If you are planning to bake veal, it is best to purchase roast beef (tenderloin from the back, located closer to the neck). When choosing lamb or pork, opt for a tender and juicy ham.

There are many ways to bake meat, and each of them is good in its own way, giving the dish new taste and aroma. To make the lean fillet more juicy and tender, it is recommended to bake it in foil, dough, grape leaves or culinary "sleeve". Do you want the meat to not dry out when baked in the oven or multicooker open? Create an additional layer of fat for it by stuffing it with lard, spreading its surface with vegetable or animal fat. You can also "wrap" the meat with a thin layer of lard.

Pay special attention to the preparation of meat: before baking it is greased with various spices, and sometimes marinated in a special solution. One of the important components of success is the choice of the correct temperature and time regime, as well as utensils for roasting a whole piece of meat.

If you are crazy about juicy pork with an appetizing golden brown crust, then the recipe for baked tenderloin in the oven is for you. This is a truly festive dish that is prepared in a hurry.

If you don't want to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, but at the same time you want very tasty meat, then pork and vegetables baked in the oven is a great way out! Minimum preparation time, simplest ingredients and a delicious dish.

Wondering how to surprise your guests? We offer a decent version of a festive dish - pork with apples in the oven. It is easy to prepare, it turns out unusual, aromatic, tasty and satisfying!

Meatloaf is a very rewarding dish in terms of cooking. Rolls can be made from the pulp of beef or pork, from any poultry fillet, and just from minced meat. And for the filling, any ...

The method of baking meat in milk is very interesting. Surprisingly, there is no smell of boiled milk, and the milk itself turns into a thick sauce that does not at all resemble boiled milk. With this method, the meat turns out ...

"Hedgehogs" are the same meatballs. But if rice is boiled in minced meat for meatballs until half cooked, rice is put raw in minced meat for hedgehogs. Oven-baked hedgehogs release rice "thorns" out.

Pork tenderloin in the oven is another dish that I consider to be one of my best recipes. It is easy to prepare, in just 50 minutes, and you get a delicious, beautiful, hearty and simply gorgeous meat dish.

Zrazy in the oven turns out to be incredibly delicate and airy. When it comes to minced meat, I recommend using a mixture of minced beef and pork. Chicken is also fine. The filling can be anything.

Oven chops with potatoes are a classic dish, a real find for any big holiday dinner! This is a dish in which both the main and the side dish are perfectly combined. It's simple and delicious!

Do you want to cook not only tasty, but also not very high-calorie dish? Then I bring to your attention the wonderful beef cutlets in the oven. Fragrant and juicy, they leave no one indifferent.

Cooking boiled pork in beer in the oven, although it takes time, is worth it. The boiled pork always turns out to be tasty, even if it is eaten cold. I share my recipe for boiled pork in beer in the oven.

This recipe for baked lamb in the oven will help those who got a huge piece of lamb, and it is not clear what to do with it. Use this simple recipe to cook your mutton deliciously.

Delicate and hearty pork schnitzel in the oven will be a wonderful everyday and festive dinner. I roast pork with onions and cheese. Very tasty.

I bake meat with garlic in the oven for a holiday or when I am waiting for guests, because the dish turns out to be unusually tasty, aromatic and beautiful. I'm sure you will like it too!

Pork ribs are a great lunchtime dish and a great snack!

Pies in the oven are a traditional Russian dish, a real flagship of Russian cuisine. Soft, tender and mouth-watering pies can be cooked in the oven with any filling you like.

If you have a pork cutlet with a bone, then I offer you a wonderful recipe for its preparation. Try it and see for yourself that the cutlet on the bone in the oven is simple, but incredibly tasty.

Oven chicken chops with tomatoes are often made by a friend of mine. Tomato and chicken is not a classic combination, but the chops are delicious. Want to try?

Pork ears in the oven are prepared as follows. First, they must be boiled until soft, and then baked in the oven with spices. The dish can be served hot or cold. Simple, tasty, cheap!

Oven chicken chops are a wonderful, healthy dish that cooks on its own. The workpiece can be put in the oven in advance and turned on half an hour before serving. Chops are delicious!

To make the meatballs soft and juicy, it is best to bake them in the oven with a fragrant gravy - that's what we'll do. So, the recipe for meatballs with gravy in the oven - read and use!

Beef ribs are a very tasty dish, which, among other things, is not difficult to prepare!

I sometimes cook beef chops in the oven. It is healthier than fried in a pan. And they are very tender and tasty. Try it yourself and you will see for yourself.

In the cold season, when the summer picnics have already ended, I cook beef steaks in the oven and remember the impressions of pleasant sunny gatherings in the summer cottage with friends.

I want to tell you about the benefits of baking cutlets in the oven and how to make them very juicy and incredibly tasty. I hope you find my recipe useful and you will appreciate it.

If for some reason you cannot eat cutlets fried in a pan, we advise you to cook the cutlets in the oven. They turn out to be no less tasty. The recipe for cutlets in the oven is also suitable for children.

Ribs are always very tasty, no matter how you cook them. I suggest a recipe for veal ribs in the oven. I get them very tender and juicy. And it's easy to cook. Try it yourself.

Oven burgers with gravy are a good alternative to fried burgers. They remain juicy, tasty and cook without excess fat, which makes them enjoyable for both adults and children.

Meatballs in the oven with tomato sauce are a hearty and tasty dish. Serve them well with buckwheat, potatoes, pasta and vegetables.

In order to cook an incredibly tasty and hearty dinner, you do not need a lot of ingredients and time, because today we will make excellent spicy ribs in the oven with you.

If you do not have the opportunity to go out into nature, surprise your family and friends with an oven-baked chicken kebab. It turns out to be no less tasty than a real shish kebab.

Today we will talk about cooking beef, which is a versatile product. Oven fillet of beef is a particularly tasty and sophisticated dish that will decorate any festive table.

Quite an unusual way of cooking meat, which is perfect for a delicious and hearty dinner for the whole family. The meat turns out to be very soft and juicy, with a light bread aroma.

Who among us doesn't want a barbecue in the middle of winter? When there is no way to fry a kebab over coals, this recipe for homemade kebab in the oven will come to the rescue. It tastes almost the same - try it!

Pork ribs is a great dish! The time spent on its preparation will be more than offset by the excellent taste of the cooked ribs!

The recipe for pork cutlets in the oven is for you. Delight your loved ones with a juicy and incredibly tasty dish: baked in the oven, they become even softer, and thanks to parsley, they acquire a spicy aroma.

Oven-baked ribs are a very tasty dish that will suit both everyday and festive tables. Here's how to cook it without much hassle.

Oven baked ribs with potatoes are a very tasty and satisfying dish that undoubtedly deserves your attention!

Meatballs with cabbage in the oven are very juicy and aromatic. I welcome in my kitchen all dishes with a high content of vegetables, especially those baked in the oven. Great dish for kids.

I bring to your attention a recipe for pork with garlic in the oven. The meat is tender, aromatic, spicy and very tasty. It can be served with a side dish or used for sandwiches.

Shashlik on skewers in the oven is a great solution for any festive table. This dish always surprises and delights guests. We will cook shashlik from pork marinated in pomegranate juice.

In this recipe, the problem is posed and successfully solved - how to cook pork kebab in the oven is much tastier than on charcoal. I know that this is possible, and now I will tell you what is needed for this :)

Pork with apples in the oven comes out juicy and aromatic. Baked apples are great for a side dish. And their scent, mixed with the scent of rosemary and onions, will drive all your neighbors crazy. Delight!

Kebab in the oven in a jar is very easy to prepare, but it turns out incredibly juicy and tasty. For cooking, we use a three-liter jar, and meat and marinade can be, in fact, any.

The recipe for baked pork chops with mushrooms, onions, cheese and tomatoes. Baked pork chops are a delicious dish that will surely please your family and guests.

Fried pork ribs in the oven is a fantastically tasty meat dish, a real delicacy that even a novice in the culinary business will have no difficulty in preparing.

Cooking T-Bon beef steak in the oven is serious business. The process is simple, but it requires adherence to some rules. T-Bon steak gets its name from the T-shaped bone that separates the meat.

I propose an incredibly simple and even minimalist recipe - a kebab in the oven in the sleeve. We will cook lamb, however, this recipe is suitable for cooking other meat or poultry.

I propose a classic recipe for pork with potatoes in the oven - an ideal decoration for a festive table, or just a great option to feed the whole family hearty. Home cooking as it is!

Your attention is a simple but very effective recipe for pork in the oven. Using this recipe, you can easily prepare a hot dish that you can safely put even on a festive table.

The recipe for cooking a leg of lamb baked in the oven will help you cope with a seemingly difficult, but very simple task in reality. The leg of lamb will be very juicy!

Meat on ribs, cooked in the oven, and even with vegetables - this is an incredibly tasty and satisfying dish, the aroma of which will not leave you and your household indifferent. Cooking!

Oven-baked lamb ribs are incredibly tasty! This dish is perfect for both everyday and festive tables!

Delicate meat with eggplant in the oven will be an excellent hearty meal and will not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

The classic recipe for meatballs baked in the oven is at your service! The time-honored, hearty, aromatic and very homemade dish is well worth the time and effort spent on it!

It's easy to cook beef kebab at home in the oven. But be careful, the beef must be fresh. Better to take veal in general. My sister shared this recipe with me and I like it!

Pork dishes can be served as an appetizer or as a hot dish with potatoes or vegetables. Pork can be baked in the oven in foil, sleeve or under a vegetable fur coat.

I think it will be interesting for you to learn how to cook chops in foil in the oven - a dish not for every day, but I have never succeeded in making meat more tender and juicier than according to this recipe. I advise!

An excellent dish, which, despite its name, has long become commonplace on any festive table in all countries of the former USSR and not only. But this did not make it less tasty at all.

Cabbage rolls are lazy in the oven

If you get your hands on good fresh pork, don't be smart and just cook a pork steak in the oven. Fortunately, the recipe is as simple as possible, and the result ... cannot be expressed in words!

Sometimes you really want just juicy and aromatic meat, while there is no time or opportunity to go out for a barbecue outside the city. Oven steaks, the recipe for which I am giving you, is a great alternative.

The easiest way to make meat that is incredibly soft and tender is to bake it in a pot. Today I will tell you how to make beef in a pot in the oven - minimum effort, maximum result!

Not everyone likes the long and tedious frying of cutlets in a pan, and there are not very many benefits from the oil that penetrates the minced meat, so an excellent recipe for cutlets in the oven is especially for you.

You bought a leg of lamb and don't know what to make from it? Don't reinvent the wheel: just cook a leg of lamb in the oven with this simple and proven recipe. You will not regret.

I will tell you the recipe for baked beef tenderloin, which is fried over an open fire and then baked! Prepare your favorite condiments and garnishes. Let's get started.

When roasting meat, you need to be able to find the right compromise. The fact is that very high temperatures fry the meat to a pleasant crunch, but also dry it out. If you overexpose meat in the oven in high heat, even the highest quality meat, it will turn into a sole. But you also want a crust! How to be? Follow the three steps below and you should be good to go.

Step # 1 - crust in half an hour

Let's start with the well-known theory that preliminary frying of meat is necessary in order to "seal" the juices in it, to prevent them from flowing out. This is a myth, dear friends. Practical experiments have long proved that this is not the case. In fact, the fried crust is needed to give the meat the flavor we all love. You can achieve a crust both before and after baking. But technically, it will be easier for you to first fry the meat, and then, by reducing the temperature, bring it to readiness. So, preheat the oven to 210-230 ° C. At this temperature, you need to hold the meat for 10 to 30 minutes. depending on the size of the piece. During this time, it will brown well. The exact temperature will depend on the size of the meat. If you are cooking a piece weighing up to 1 kg and with a small amount of external fat, preheat the oven to 210 ° C. For cuts weighing more than 1 kg, you need to preheat the oven to 220-230 ° C.

Step # 2 - cooking meat at lower temperatures

As already mentioned, if the meat is overexposed in extreme heat, it will become dry. That is why it is important to learn how to determine the required baking time depending on the size of the piece. This skill will definitely come to you with experience.
But there are basic principles that you can build on.
When baking a medium piece of meat at high temperature, it is necessary after 10-30 minutes. reduce it to 150-180 ° C. To make the oven cool faster, open the door for 30-60 seconds. It all depends on the piece, but in general it is preferable to set the temperature to 160 ° C and allow the meat to sweat longer.
A good piece of baked meat takes patience, but we promise you the effort will be rewarded! In addition, you will have time to go about your business. The subsequent simmering time can vary from a few minutes (as is the case with roast beef) to 4 hours if you have a very large piece of meat.
If the crust on the meat looks like it’s about to burn, cover the meat with a sheet of foil. In addition to the weight of a piece of meat and its thickness, roasting time depends on what kind of meat you like - fully cooked, pink inside or "with blood".
We put “with blood” in quotation marks, because the expression is figurative. There is almost no blood in the cut meat, there is juice, the red color of which is given by the protein myoglobin. Remember that only two types of meat can be undercooked: beef and lamb. Pork, veal, goat meat must be fried completely.

Table of estimated cooking time for meat in the oven

Knowing the weight of a piece of meat, you can roughly calculate how long it will take you to bake it. So, at a temperature of 160-170 ° C for a piece of meat weighing less than 5 kg for every 500 g, you will need:

Beef 20 min. 15 minutes. 10 min.
Lamb 20 min. 15 minutes. 10 min.

For meat weighing more than 5 kg for every 500 g at 160-170 ° C, you will need:
Completely cooked Medium cooked Blood
Beef 18 min. 12 minutes 9 minutes
Lamb 18 min. 12 minutes 9 minutes
Pork 25-30 min. It is forbidden! It is forbidden!

Step 3 - the meat is "resting"!

No matter how in a hurry, this step is mandatory. It is the observance of this last condition that will make your meat incredibly tasty and juicy.

When the meat has almost reached the desired temperature and is almost ready, do not rush to serve it to the table. Give him a "rest" and prepare yourself! Due to the residual heat, the piece will get another 4-8 ° C, and the juices will be evenly distributed inside it. The temperature of the meat will also equalize throughout the thickness of the piece. The meat should "rest" at room temperature, in no case in a draft. You can leave it in the turned off oven with the door open, but only if it cools quickly, otherwise the meat may dry out. The easiest way is to remove the meat from the oven and cover it loosely with slightly crumpled foil. Depending on the weight, the meat should "rest" for 10 to 30 minutes.

6 factors to consider:
1. Temperature of meat before cooking: the colder it is, the slower it will cook.
2. Cut shape and thickness: Narrow and long cuts of meat cook faster than short but thick cuts.
3. Amount of surface fat: The fat is a heat insulator, and the meat under the fat will cook more slowly but will be juicier.
4. Presence of bones: bones conduct heat faster than flesh, so meat on the bone cooks faster.
5. How many times the oven door has been opened: During this time, the temperature drops and the oven takes time to warm up to the desired temperature again.
6. Features of your oven.

What could be tastier than baked meat? Such a dish perfectly satisfies hunger, and it looks very impressive on the festive table. Various varieties of baked meat are found in all cuisines of the world. Let's remember, for example, English roast beef or East Slavic boiled pork. In our article, we want to talk about recipes for baked meat.

Which meat to choose for cooking?

If you are planning a piece of meat, then it is worth knowing some of the nuances. For baking in the oven, you can take any pulp, but certainly. Of course, the ham, shoulder and back are best.

As for the fat content of the meat, the choice is yours. Fatty, of course, turns out to be more juicy, it tastes more like stew. But completely lean meat is likely to turn out to be very dry. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the middle ground. Ideally, you should take meat with a layer of bacon.

It does not make sense to bake small pieces; it is worth preparing some other dish from them. If you want to cook meat baked with a piece, then you need to take more than a kilogram of the product, then the food will turn out to be very juicy and tasty.

Cooking secrets

Baking meat in one piece is not difficult at all. However, during the cooking process, you can dry it out, then it will become tasteless. In order to get a juicy quality product, experienced chefs recommend using their tips:

  1. Before cooking, the meat must be marinated for a couple of hours.
  2. During cooking, pork can be sprinkled with marinade, then it will be more juicy.
  3. For baking, you can add slices of bacon to the meat, and then discard them.
  4. Before baking, the meat can be slightly boiled, and only then sent to the oven.
  5. Modern housewives are now actively using sleeve and foil for cooking. Such simple devices help to preserve the aroma and juiciness of the finished dish.

Why foil?

Before proceeding directly to the recipes, I would like to say a few words about the wonderful kitchen accessory that modern housewives are actively using. It's about foil. It is thanks to her that you can cook many delicious dishes. The easiest way is to bake a piece of meat in the oven in foil. This modern invention also makes it possible to cook fish, vegetables, poultry and much more. In foil, the meat always turns out to be juicy and aromatic and at the same time well baked.

Metallic paper has several advantages, which explains its popularity. Firstly, with its help, it is possible to taste which is close to food cooked on a fire, grilled or in a Russian oven. Secondly, the use of paper significantly speeds up the cooking process. In addition, there are no unpleasant consequences such as grease droplets all over the oven surface. The foil does not oxidize at all and acts as a dish, but it does not need to be washed from fat. Agree that such an accessory should be in any kitchen in order to facilitate the work of housewives.

Foil can be used to cook any meat: beef, pork, lamb, chicken. But game is not cooked in metal paper. Pork meat, baked in a piece in the oven (recipes are given in the article), tastes like a stew, but at the same time there is absolutely no fat and the smell of frying. As a result, pork turns out to be incredibly tender, unlike fried pork.

The cooking time for meat depends on the temperature you set and the size of the piece. So, for example, at 200 degrees, a kilogram piece is cooked for about an hour and a half. The readiness of the dish is determined by the folds of the foil, which should turn black, since some of the juice of pork or other meat burns in them.

The main condition for the successful use of metal paper is the sealed seams, which should not let the juice through. During the cooking process, the foil will inflate and change shape, but at the same time it never loses its tightness. If you have not used such an accessory yet, we recommend baking a piece of meat in the oven in foil to appreciate all the advantages of this method.

The easiest recipe

This simple recipe lets you make delicious baked meat. Such a dish, of course, can be offered to relatives and even put on a festive table.

Ingredients: a kilogram of pork or beef, carrots, parsley and dill, onions, spices, vegetable oil, garlic.

Rinse a piece of meat well and dry it slightly. Cut the peeled carrots into pieces. Chop the garlic in thin plates, and cut the onion into half rings. When all the ingredients are prepared, using a sharp knife, make cuts in the meat, into which we put pieces of carrot and garlic. Then grease it abundantly with spices and salt.

We unfold a sheet of foil and put onions on it, then branches of greens and meat, after which we wrap everything with several layers of the same foil. We transfer the bundle to a greased baking sheet. Pour some water onto a baking sheet. Next, bake a piece of meat in the oven in foil. At 200 degrees, the dish will cook for about an hour and a half. After the specified time, it is necessary to unfold the foil so that the meat has time to brown.

Pork with lingonberry sauce

How to bake meat in the oven? Pork cooked in one piece with lingonberry sauce is delicious. Moreover, it has a pungent taste. Such a dish can take the main place at a festive feast.

Ingredients: pork tenderloin (two kg), lingonberry (1/2 kg), a mixture of peppers (tbsp. L.), Seasonings for meat, dry red wine (270 ml), honey (2 tbsp. L.), Ground cinnamon, sugar (1/2 cup).

Already by the ingredients it is clear that the dish will be prepared according to an unusual and original recipe. Meat baked in a piece in the oven will be spicy and tasty. In addition, its unique taste will be set off by the sweet sauce. Gourmets will appreciate this dish.

Before cooking, mix dry wine and honey in a deep container. The mass must be stirred so that it becomes homogeneous.

Peel and rub the ginger root on a very fine grater. We put it in a container of wine. Add your favorite meat spices and cinnamon to this. It is worth adding a little salt.

Wash the meat thoroughly before cooking and dry it with napkins. Next, we apply the marinade on all sides. After that, put the piece on the wire rack, under which we place the baking sheet. Initially, the oven must be warmed up to 200 degrees, cook the dish at this temperature for ten minutes, and then set the temperature to 160 degrees. Cover the pork on top with a piece of foil and bake for an hour and a half. About thirty minutes before the end of the process, the foil must be removed and then cooked without it. This will allow the meat to brown.

After cooking is over, take the pork out of the oven and cover it again with foil for fifteen minutes. In the meantime, we'll make the sauce. The juice that comes out during baking must be poured from a baking sheet into a saucepan. Also pour wine there. Next, put the saucepan on medium heat and boil the mass until 2/3 of the original volume becomes from it. The excess liquid should evaporate.

We sort out lingonberry berries and wash them. Some of them must be grinded with sugar using a blender until a homogeneous puree is obtained. We send the resulting mass to the sauce, and put the whole berries there. Thoroughly mix the mass and pour it over the meat baked in the oven in one piece.

Veal with citrus

Continuing the conversation about how to bake meat in the oven with a whole piece, we want to offer an unusual recipe for the dish. Baked veal with citrus fruits has a special taste. Wine and spices give it a very pleasant aroma. Such a dish can become the main one on the festive table.


  • 950 g veal;
  • lemon;
  • dry white wine (1/2 cup);
  • Orange;
  • one red and one white grapefruit;
  • garlic;
  • butter (35 g);
  • flour (3 tbsp. l.);
  • salt;
  • Red pepper;
  • sage leaves.

A little zest must be removed from the lemon and orange. We will need it in order to stuff meat with it. In veal, we make cuts with a sharp knife and put pieces of zest in them. We wrap the meat well with thread so that it retains its shape during cooking. After that, roll it in flour. Heat the olive oil and butter in the oven in a saucepan. We shift our veal into the same container and cook it until golden brown, not forgetting to turn it over from time to time. Add wine to this and wait until a third of it has evaporated.

Finely chop fresh sage leaves and garlic and mix with the remnants of the zest, add hot pepper to the mass. We send the resulting mass into a saucepan with meat. Cook the veal for about an hour. In the meantime, you can start preparing grapefruits. They must be peeled, divided into slices and all partitions removed. Next, fry the pulp in butter. By this time, the veal is ready. We take it out of the oven and remove the threads. Cut the meat into slices, put it on a dish and pour our own juice on top.

Cut the orange and lemon into cubes, chop the remaining sage greens and mix with the citrus pulp. Put all this mass on the veal, and place the pulp of grapefruit around it.

Meat baked in a whole piece in foil

Cooking is most convenient in foil. With it, you can very easily bake pork in the oven in one piece. At the same time, it turns out to be juicy and soft, since it is prepared in its own juice, because during cooking the moisture does not evaporate so much.


  • pork pulp (1.5 kg);
  • honey (1.5 tbsp. l.);
  • mustard (st. l.);
  • Bay leaf;
  • dry red wine (1/2 cup);
  • coriander;
  • garlic;
  • ground red pepper;
  • black pepper,
  • salt.

Peel the garlic and cut it into thin slices or slices, with which we will stuff the meat. Wash the pork, dry it and make cuts on its surface, in which we put pieces of bay leaf and garlic.

Now we make a mixture with which we rub the meat. In a small container, mix black and red ground peppers with salt. Apply the mixture to pork. After that, we apply a mass of mustard and honey to the meat. Sprinkle coriander on top of the pork.

Pour the prepared meat with wine, cover with cling film and send it in a saucepan to the refrigerator, where it will have to stand until the morning.

Now we just have to bake the pork meat in one piece in the oven. For this we will use foil. We wrap our piece in it, put it on a baking sheet and cook for about an hour and a half. After 50 minutes, the foil can be opened and then the dish can be baked in the open form. This will create a nice crust. From time to time, you can open the oven and pour the marinade on the meat, so that the dish will remain juicy.

The beauty of meat baked in one piece in the oven is that it can be served both cold and hot. The dish in any case turns out to be incredibly tasty.

Pork with vegetables

Speaking about how to bake meat in a whole piece in the oven, it is worth offering a recipe that allows you to immediately cook not only pork, but also a side dish.


  • pork neck (850 g);
  • onions (2 pcs.);
  • black pepper;
  • lemon;
  • hot peppers;
  • two tomatoes.

As a marinade, you must use onion, chopped in half rings, and freshly squeezed lemon juice. By the way, the juice can be replaced with dry white wine. Add pepper to the marinade. Transfer the meat to a container with lemon juice and onions. Pork should be marinated for at least three hours. After that, put the onion on a sheet of foil, put meat and circles of tomatoes, halves of hot pepper on it. We seal the seams of metal paper hermetically and send the pork to bake. The cooking time is 1.5 hours. Thirty minutes before the end, it is necessary to unfold the foil so that the meat has a beautiful appetizing crust.

Lamb with prunes

There are many recipes for baked meat in foil. Among them, you can find very interesting and unusual options. Lamb baked with prunes and carrots is very tasty. always add a special flavor to meat products. If you are his admirers, then you should definitely try this recipe.


  • lamb (0.8 kg);
  • carrot;
  • a glass of raisins;
  • the same amount of prunes;
  • dry red wine (3 tbsp. l.);
  • spices;
  • black pepper.

How to bake a piece of meat in foil? The recipe is surprisingly simple. Rinse the pulp and dry a little with paper towels. Next, we make punctures in the meat with a knife and put pieces of carrots in them. Put the steamed prunes on the foil, and lamb on it. Pour the raisins on top and pour over the wine. Next, we wrap the meat tightly in foil and send it to the oven. It is customary to serve lamb on the table hot. The advantage of such a dish lies not only in its amazing aroma and taste, but also in the fact that there is also a little garnish for the meat in the form of prunes and raisins.

Homemade boiled pork

A whole piece of meat can be used to make delicious homemade boiled pork. The most delicate delicious dish is prepared with cream and mustard.


  • pork ham (kilogram);
  • garlic;
  • heavy cream (one glass);
  • mustard (st. l.);
  • hot pepper (tsp);
  • salt.

We wash and dry the pork. Pierce the meat with toothpicks on all sides. Grind the mustard, cream, garlic and pepper in a blender. The result is a sauce similar to sour cream.

Put the pork on a sheet of foil and grease it with sauce. Next, we wrap the meat and send it to bake. At 200 degrees, the meat is cooked for a little over an hour. If you want a nice brown crust, you can unfold the foil a little before finishing cooking to brown the pork. We cut the finished meat only after it has cooled completely. As you can see, baking a piece of pork is not difficult at all; you don't need to have great culinary knowledge to prepare a dish.

Pork baked with apples

Such meat - baked in beer, with apples - will appeal to many. The original recipe will surely find fans among lovers of spicy dishes.


  • apples (450 g);
  • pork (950 g);
  • peppercorns;
  • half a liter of beer;
  • olive oil (3 tbsp. l.);
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • butter (45 g);
  • Bay leaf;
  • sugar (45 g);
  • dry white wine (165 ml).

For cooking, take a mold, lightly sprinkle it with vegetable oil. Put the onion cut into half rings on the bottom. Put chopped carrots there. Rub the meat with spices and add bay leaves. We put it in a mold, pour beer into it and bake for 1.5 hours.

Wash the apples and cut them into slices, after which we put them in a separate form. Sprinkle them with wine on top and sprinkle with sugar and then flour. Add chopped pieces of butter. We bake the apples for twenty minutes.

Put the finished pork on a dish and decorate with baked fruits. The dish turns out to be very beautiful and fragrant, it can be safely served on the festive table. Despite the fact that apples are baked separately, the dish has a harmonious taste. And the fruits are attractive. If baked with pork, they will completely lose their shape.

Baked shoulder

Pork shoulder baked in the oven with fennel is delicious.


  • pork shoulder;
  • olive oil (two tablespoons);
  • a tablespoon of fennel (seeds);
  • salt;
  • pepper.

The scoop can be baked in foil or in a mold. Rub the meat with salt, pepper and add. Next, wrap the spatula in foil and bake in the oven for 1.5 hours.

Pork with pineapple and orange glaze

Such an amazing dish can be prepared for a festive table. Its preparation must be started one day before. Spicy pineapples and orange peel give the dish a special charm.


  • a large piece of pork (about three kg);
  • can of canned pineapples;
  • olive oil (two tablespoons);
  • garlic;
  • chili pepper (five pcs.);
  • two onions;
  • ground allspice;
  • 12 sprigs of thyme;
  • Bay leaf;
  • cloves (two tbsp. l.);
  • rum (110 ml);
  • white wine (110 ml);
  • orange jam (three tablespoons);
  • nutmeg (two tablespoons);
  • brown sugar (st. l.).

The dish is prepared in several stages. First, the meat must be washed, covered with water and cooked for two hours, remembering to skim off the foam.

As a seasoning, we will use a mixture of our own preparation. Chop the garlic, onion, remove the seeds from the peppers. We transfer all products to a blender, add thyme, sugar, bay leaves, wine, rum, spices and grind until smooth.

Rub the cooked meat with the resulting mass and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Put the meat in a mold or on a baking sheet, add our seasoning. Sprinkle the pork on top with olive oil. You can add a little water to the baking sheet. Open canned pineapples and spread around the meat. We bake the dish for about an hour and a half. After that, pour the meat with jam and cook for another thirty minutes.

Neck in mushroom sauce

As a festive option, we suggest preparing an amazing dish - a neck with vegetables and mushroom sauce.


  • two red onions;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • pork neck (three kg);
  • sweet peppers (three to four pieces);
  • olive oil;
  • the stem of one leek;
  • two branches of dry rosemary;
  • dried porcini mushrooms;
  • oyster mushrooms (230 g).

We begin to cook eggplants in advance. We cut them into thin plates lengthwise, salt them, put them in a deep plate and send them to the refrigerator for about two hours. After a couple of hours, we take them out, rinse and dry with a towel.

Soak porcini mushrooms in warm water for half an hour before cooking.

Wash the pork neck and dry it with paper towels. We spread the meat on the board and make deep cuts with a very sharp knife, without cutting a couple of centimeters to the end. The pieces should be about three centimeters thick. As a result of such manipulations, the neck will look like an opening book. The meat must be well greased with olive oil and salt. After that, cover it with foil and leave it for a while.

Grease two salad peppers with olive oil and bake in the oven for ten minutes. Then we take out the vegetables and place them in an airtight bag or baking sleeve. After ten minutes, you can easily remove the skins, seeds, and stem. Cut the clean pulp into strips. Grind the zucchini into thin strips. Slice the leeks lengthwise. Next, we need a large frying pan, heat the olive oil on it and fry the eggplants, leeks and zucchini. Salt the mass a little.

Now you can return to meat again. Open the cuts and sprinkle them with chopped pepper. Next, put fried vegetables in each cut. In this case, you need to press them tightly so that the filling does not fall out.

Cut the carrots and the second part of the sweet pepper into cubes. We disassemble the oyster mushrooms into parts by removing the hard legs. Grind the pulp in the form of strips. Cut the onion into cubes.

Next, heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and transfer all the vegetables and mushrooms, then fry until tender. Add rosemary leaves and three tablespoons of liquid in which the porcini mushrooms were soaked. Bring the mass to a boil and remove it from the heat. Cover the resulting honeycomb with foil.

We take out the meat from the oven, take it out of the bag or foil, remove the twine from it and then bake it under the grill for another seven minutes. Serve the baked neck with sauté.

  1. Take pieces of meat without bones: tenderloin, sirloin, ham. What exactly to ask for your dish in the market or in the store, Lifehacker will tell you.
  2. Whole baked piece should not weigh more than 2–2.5 kg. Too large can burn at the edges without baking in the middle.
  3. It usually takes one hour to roast 1 kg of meat. But some meats take longer and the temperature needs to be higher. For example, beef is stiffer and more fibrous than pork, so a kilogram can be baked for an hour and a half.
  4. Use it to make the meat tender and juicy. For pork, mustard and honey are great, from spices - basil, garlic, hops-suneli. Beef goes well with sweet and sour sauces and Provencal herbs.
  5. Use ceramic tins or other heat-resistant dishes. When baking on a baking sheet, it is better to wrap the meat in foil or cover it with parchment.

1. French pork


French meat is an invention of Soviet housewives, which has nothing to do with French cuisine. Each family has its own signature recipe, here is one of the simplest and most affordable. The pork turns out to be very tender, and the potatoes are aromatic.


  • 1 kg of pork;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil, crushed
  • 200 g of hard cheese;
  • sunflower oil for lubrication.


Wash, dry and cut the pork into medallions about 1 cm thick. If desired, beat off the meat slightly. Rub each piece with salt and pepper. Let the meat sit for a couple of hours. If possible, let it marinate all night, but in this case, keep it in the refrigerator.

When the meat is cooked, peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices. Do the same with tomatoes. Cut the onion into rings.

Mix mayonnaise with basil. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Brush a deep baking sheet or baking dish with sunflower oil. Layer: pork, onions, potatoes, mayonnaise, tomatoes, cheese.

Bake for 60 minutes at 180 ° C.


When the meat is marinated, string it on wooden skewers. They should be about 20-23 cm long to fit into the jar.

Finely chop the remaining three onions, put them on the bottom of a three-liter jar and pour boiling water over. It is important that the jar is dry, without cracks or flaws. Add liquid smoke and place inside a skewer with meat. Fits about five to six pieces.

Seal the neck of the jar with foil. Place the jar on the oven rack. The oven must be cold. Then set the temperature to 220 ° C and bake for 1.5 hours.

Wrap the jar with a dry towel (wet glass may break), remove from the oven, place on a wooden cutting board and let cool slightly. Then remove the foil and carefully remove the meat skewers.

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