Home Flowers How to give yourself maximum pleasure. How to give real pleasure to a man. Extended Sexual Orgasm

How to give yourself maximum pleasure. How to give real pleasure to a man. Extended Sexual Orgasm

Pleasure can be delivered to a man in different ways. You can, for example, give him an intimate massage, which can be compared to the pleasure of making love. It is not for nothing that oriental massage techniques are so popular, because it was in the east that they knew a lot about massage.

The whole secret of this massage is to perform it using your entire body. To begin with, the man needs to be relaxed - put him on his stomach and sit on top, walk on his back with light strokes of the palms, paying a little attention to the hair growth zone on the head. The main thing is not to rush anywhere, but to perform all movements smoothly. Then you can walk along the back again, but do not jump from one place to another, tearing yourself away from his body. Your touch should never be interrupted.

Then you can move on to a more active massage of the coccyx. You can continue the massage using kisses and tongue. You can also use your hair for massage, if it is long enough for you. To do this, you need to tilt your head down, hang the hair over the man's back and run it all over his body. If you want to know how to please a man, remember that during the massage, special attention should be paid to his buttocks, which can be pinched, stroked, and also spanked.

Sexual pleasure

When you caress almost every millimeter of your partner's body, you can move on to his genitals, to which no man will remain indifferent. Moreover, when you pay attention to his penis, you should not immediately go to the classic blow job, which can quickly end with ejaculation. It needs to be fondled lightly as it is an intimate massage that can last for hours. You can use a light touch with the tip of your tongue. At the same time, do not forget to caress everything else with your hands that you can reach.

The scrotum and testicles need a special approach. Some men like to be squeezed harder and some don't. Therefore, it is better to use gentle touches of the tongue, lips, fingertips. Another erogenous zone is located just behind the testicles. We are talking about the perineum, under the skin of which the prostate is located. Further, the anus is located - a zone that is also saturated with nerve endings. Caressing this area can give a man great pleasure.

There is no limit to perfection in the art of giving pleasure to a man. Love your man and caress him, because touch is sometimes more than just sex. After all, exactly how you touch your beloved, and he you, reveals all the love and tenderness that you feel for a friend.

This opportunity to please your loved one should not be neglected.
A man is a strong being. During the day he works, earns money for the family, concentrates, mobilizes physically and mentally at work, no matter how difficult it may be.
And a home for any man is, first of all, a family hearth, tranquility, love of a woman and the opportunity to relax after hard work, to relieve sometimes enormous stress in a pleasant way.

Erotic massage technique.
It is recommended that both partners undress to a goal. The man lies down in bed on his stomach. And the woman sits on top of him and gives him a massage, first with light strokes on the back with her hands for 5 minutes. Then other parts of the body are connected - the chest, buttocks, labia. A woman should do such a massage with her whole body, then the effect of it will be much higher. Gradually, the intensity of movements and the proximity of bodies should be increased in order to translate erotic massage into intimacy.
After 15 minutes of such a massage, a man usually forgets about his problems, gets a good boost of vivacity and maximum pleasure, and is excited to continue intimacy. Then the man turns over, the woman stimulates his nipples with her tongue, you can also suck on the earlobe or even the entire auricle, chin, lower lip. All this will be foreplay before intimacy.

Attention: if you feel that the man is very tired and does not want further intimacy, we recommend, on the contrary, gradually reduce the intensity of such an erotic massage, turning into simple stroking with his hands, so that the man gradually falls asleep. In any case, the warmth of your body and your love for him will remain in his memory before going to bed.

This way to please a man with your hands means to masturbate him. There are situations when a man passionately desires intimacy, and a woman has critical days, or late pregnancy. But in such cases, you can also please your beloved man.
So, take the man's penis just under the head in one hand, gently but firmly. And make rhythmic movements with your hand up and down, moving the foreskin along the penis. At times, it is recommended to work with the mouth so that the man's pleasure rises to its maximum, and press the tongue on the frenum area to increase his arousal.

Attention: do not squeeze the penis strongly, do not over-stretch the skin of the foreskin when moving the hand to the base of the penis, since the nerve endings of the erogenous zones are pinched and a man's arousal may decrease.
In parallel, you can stroke your man with the other hand on the head (they love it), on the stomach, especially on the lower abdomen, or do the same stimulation (method four - see below). It is imperative for a man to tell how much you love him, what he is, and so on.

Important: as soon as the man begins to cum, continue to move for another 5 seconds, and then reduce the frequency of movements for the next five seconds and then stop. The moment of stopping is best determined when the man stops tense, stops emitting semen and relaxes sharply - at this moment you should stop.

Some men get incredibly strong, unforgettable pleasure when they have a prostate massage through the an-th hole.

Attention: beforehand, be sure to discuss this method with your man, maybe he does not want it?

Important: a man needs to perform an enema before undergoing this procedure. And for a woman - lubricate her finger in petroleum jelly or any cream so as not to hurt the man. And most importantly, a woman's nails should be cut short, otherwise you will simply damage the mucous membrane of your man's rectum and he will have to go to a proctologist.

The technique of anal stimulation of the prostate is simple: you lubricate your finger in petroleum jelly, first lubricate the man's anus with it and then gently insert it into the anus. The prostate is located anterior to the rectum, that is, between the rectum and the bladder. You can feel it - it looks like a round elastic nut under your finger up to about 2-3 cm in diameter.
The process of stimulating the prostate itself is also simple - we stroke it with a finger from the periphery to the center, not pressing hard on it (just not hard!). Such stimulation can give a man very strong, highest pleasure, especially if you combine this process with the second method, that is, with hand stimulation (masturbation).

To give your man the most pleasure in bed, you need to decide what position to choose and what mood your man has.

A) If you feel your dominance over a man, for example, when he is slightly tired after work, when you crave intimacy and he gives you the initiative, choose a position from above.

The man lies on his back. The woman is positioned on top, sitting facing the man's head. Sometimes women like to sit facing a man's legs, but in this case his penis is more tense and he gets less intimate pleasure.
So we are positioned from top to front.
You can also be in a deep squat, that is, not sitting on your knees, but standing on your feet in a squat and thus making movements with your pelvis. Many men are incredibly aroused by this position, and they can get immense pleasure in this way. But for a woman, such a position is quite difficult, since you have to control the location of the penis in the vagina, while straining the muscles of the legs in order to constantly be in a deep squat. What can you do, you have to train for a month - squat 20-30-50 times every day so that your man gets unforgettable emotions!

B) If you feel that a man looks like a lion, like a male, seeks to be on top, then your task is to show your weakness, your powerlessness, your subservience to your beloved man. If he moves, do not interfere with him, let him make any movements, because in this position he is your master. A woman is in a position lying on her back, she can lie flat in bed with her arms out to the sides and up, lifting her breasts, giving the man the leading role, and moan a little, showing how much the man arouses her. Or stand in a knee-elbow position so that the man is behind, and also give the man the opportunity to do everything himself. Do not drag out with an orgasm, just give your body to the rolling wave of orgasm, emotionally coloring his arrival.
You can be sure that a man in such a situation can get even more, just great pleasure than when you are on top. Indeed, in this situation, he, like a true male, like a lion, satisfied his female. He did it! He can! He - oh-ho-ho! In this case, psychological satisfaction and pride in oneself and one's strengths is superimposed on the physical satisfaction that occurs at the moment of ejaculation, and a man can receive truly maximum, unearthly pleasure. And who actually delivered it to him? His woman, that is, you.

How can you give a man maximum pleasure with a kiss? And is it possible at all?
In fact, men are not as sensitive to kissing as women. This is due to the fact that a man's erogenous zones on his body are not as sensitive, and there are not as many of them as in a woman. However, if a woman uses kisses as additional caresses during hand stimulation, during intimacy. being located on top, that is, dominating, this can only increase the excitement of a man and raise him to heaven. Only kissing in this case should be directly on the lips, you can slightly pull the man's lower lip or grasp both of his lips and slowly release them, then grab them again and gradually let go. If a man dominates, this is not necessary, since he simply will not like it. Let him dominate and be the master of the situation.

How to learn how to perform it correctly - you can read in detail here in this article - "how to give a man an unforgettable blowjob correctly." The recommendations in this article are tailored to the wishes of dozens of men, so heed the advice there.

Almost all men are naturally polygamous. That is, a man, like a male, seeks to make as many children as possible from different women (at least, this is what psychologists say).
The task of a woman in this case is not to be constantly the same, to change, to experiment, to dress in different open clothes, to bring a new zest to intimate relationships. This is especially true for men between the ages of 30 and 45, active men, seeking men, who have lived in a family for 7-10 years and are accustomed to their woman.
Don't let your man get used to you in bed! And then both he and you will get maximum pleasure from communication in bed.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind once again: a man can receive true, highest pleasure from you only when you love each other so much that you trust each other the most intimate dreams and secrets, believe

into each other, you cannot live without each other. It is in this case that a man combines all types of pleasures - both physical, that is, intimate, and psychological, mental, uniting together into an unearthly pleasure from intimacy with you.

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What if you fell in love with another guy?

At the very beginning of a relationship, it is quite easy to give pleasure to a man, since falling in love and the brightness of feelings, as well as their novelty, greatly enhance emotions and make lovemaking very pleasant. However, over time, the standard scheme begins to grow boring, so you need to switch to other recipes and methods in order to add variety to your intimate life.

How to please a man: video tips


Remember that men love with their eyes. This means that you can please your beloved one by dressing beautifully and very sexy for him. For example, why not try to meet your husband from work in very beautiful erotic lingerie or a translucent shirt? Stylish makeup and a wig can also be a good option - in combination with new clothes, this will help to realize one of the most common male erotic illusions - the dream of having sex with an attractive stranger.

If you have been forced to part with your beloved for a while, prepare to meet. Get a beautiful haircut, take care of your figure, update your wardrobe

Do not forget that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. For an enjoyable romantic evening, prepare light meals that your partner will love. This recipe is especially appropriate if you know that the man is tired and probably wants to relax a little and get away from his problems. Use stimulating foods to heighten the effect. Rest assured, this will help please the man.

Try to add a playful element to your lovemaking. Often men like it when a woman behaves in bed relaxed and even a little aggressive. Passionate kisses, search for erogenous zones, active caresses will help you prepare a man for sex and give him pleasure. However, you need to be able to play another role, allowing the man to conquer you himself.

How to give maximum pleasure to a man during sex

You shouldn't be limited to one pose. Try different options, choosing the one that best suits your situation. At the same time, you should try to find several positions that both you and your partner like and use them more often. The same applies to erogenous zones: kiss and stroke your partner's body, not stopping only at intimate places.

Men often like to see their girlfriend not only during foreplay, but also during sex

Do not shyly turn off the light or hide under the covers. Leave the lighting dim and let the guy look at you. Consider one more nuance: he may want to observe the process directly. You should not forbid him to look down, even if this confuses you a little. Remember, this can heighten arousal and help your partner have even more pleasure.

How to give your friend incredible pleasure
Do you want her to tell all her girlfriends about a fantastic night with you? Well, or at least I didn't tell them about a fantastically nightmare night with you ... Then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the rules of sex. Now you will at least know what they are!
1. Even with a minimum of effort, you can make her feel really crazy sex. Bring some flimsy little table to bed in advance and arrange on it the ceramic and glass items you most hate. Now it remains only at the right moment to violently shove the table so that all these mugs in the form of a cow with a handle and an ashtray "Hello from sunny Krasnoyarsk" loudly turned into a heap of fragments. As befits a passionate male, you will not pay the slightest attention to this disaster.
2. The lubricant should be applied to the penis, not stuffed into the vagina. In general, it is better to do this as discreetly as possible.
3. If you are in public, and you want to express the fullness of your feelings, bring the girl's hand to your lips and stick your tongue briefly into the gap between her palm and thumb. Attention: this super-intimate act is only appropriate for a woman with whom you have already had sex.
4. Never twist her nipples. She's guaranteed not to like it.
5. Before having sex directly, good tone recommends first caressing the girl for a long time with your fingers, tongue and the tip of the penis. How long should it take? About a couple of hundred years. Maybe a little more.
6. Before oral sex, you need to thoroughly wash what you are going to offer your partner. Especially if there is still some lubricant on it.
7. Carry her around the room - women love it. So they feel themselves to be gentle, fragile creatures under the reliable protection of strong male hands.
8. If the girl is very fat, do not try to take her in your arms, even if in the gym you can handle twice as much weight without any problems. Fat girls are not accustomed to such treatment - she will not be touched, she will screech with dreary horror.
9. By the way, about fat girls. Don't lie about her thinness. She herself knows very well how thin she is, and realizes that you hardly need urgent services of an ophthalmologist. Instead, stick with how you turn on from the abundance of curves and shapes, using the words "luxurious", "real" and "wow!" So let her mentally bring you into the category of perverts, but she will stop shyly hiding under the sheet.
10. A difficult, but most effective way to tease a woman: with one hand, press her against the wall (but without undue pressure), with the other unbutton everything that is unfastened, and push away everything that gets in the way. All this time, silently look the girl in the eyes, caressing her body with your fingers.
11. Legs! Kiss your feet! Bite, lick and massage them. It is not clear why so many sensitive sensors are crammed into women's feet, but such wealth is a sin to disappear without work.
12. If you get a hair in your mouth during cunnilingus, make sure she doesn't see you looking for it and spitting it out.
13. Light nibbling and sucking on the earlobes excites almost all women. Cheerful thrusting a wet tongue into the ear dampens 90 percent of them.
14. Warn her when the business is nearing completion so that she is mentally prepared for the fact that such happiness cannot last forever;
15. Sex will begin about 22 minutes after you - solely out of humanitarian feelings - offer to massage the head, back and shoulders, tired at work, of the poor thing.
16. Women appreciate when men are able to do well for them, using not only natural data, but also the achievements of science. But never get a vibrator without a box out of the nightstand: if women are still at the very least able to share with men, then she will look at a vibrator devoid of virginity shuddering with disgust.
17. Proper lighting in the bedroom is very important: oranges and pinks are much preferable to greens and blues. The former paint the skin in pleasant, cheerful tones, masking minor defects, while the latter are great specialists in turning impeccable beauties into anemic, suspicious stained creatures.
18. And if you have extremely blackout curtains, you can sometimes have sex in complete darkness. In pitch, hopeless and absorbing darkness, so that even the vague silhouettes of partners could not be seen. You have no idea how this liberates women.
19. Tickle her. Pinch your ass. Encourage her to smack you in the head with a pillow. Fussing like "we're eight" is sometimes the best pre-play.
20. Does she have a headache again and is she tired? Try the method that one of the readers shared with us in a letter: “And what do you think he did? indignant, then burst out laughing, and then could not resist and joined. " True, there is a suspicion that this trick is one of those that works only once.

There are almost no closed topics now. You can and should talk about sex. So we will start a conversation about how a woman can learn to enjoy sex and what to do if orgasm does not always come.

Lack of female orgasm is not a diagnosis

If a man does not receive sexual satisfaction, then he will have to seek medical help. But if a lady is sometimes unable to reach orgasm, then you should not treat yourself as a patient.

The absence of a female orgasm in itself is not an unconditional diagnosis, and if a woman does not enjoy sex, she herself can become the best assistant in this problem.

Everything in the world is programmed and planned by nature.

After all, if you mourn yourself, be silent and wait for mercy from the natural environment, then you may never know orgasm.

Why doesn't a woman reach orgasm?

Wondering why some women don't have orgasms and why a woman might not enjoy sex? The answers to these questions are surprisingly simple.

Orgasm must be wanted!

In search of a convenient way out of the situation, it is important to understand that the occurrence of orgasm depends primarily on the woman herself, on her desire to receive full satisfaction from intimate contact. No matter how simple it sounds, you need to want to get an orgasm.

Yes, there is nothing terrible in the absence of an orgasm, a woman enjoys just erotic caresses and passionate touches, you are pleased without an orgasm. But think for yourself whether you will be satisfied with life if you only eat unleavened dishes, if you do not know the full depth of the peak of pleasure. Why should the female orgasm bypass you?

No one will force you to get an orgasm, but if it exists, then you need to try to taste the desired joy. Only your desire will help start a conversation with a loved one, help you relax and be distracted.

Feminine fear in bed

Another reason for the lack of orgasm in women is fear. Fear constrains muscles and thoughts, interferes with emancipation. If you are afraid that you are vainly dreaming of reaching the desired end, that your body is not capable of the final outbursts, then your panicky thoughts will lead to what you are afraid of.

Try it first, and then you'll regret it. If you do not taste the pulp of the fruit, you will not understand its taste.

Leave your feminine fear behind you, in bed and love scenes it is not needed at all.

How a woman can learn to enjoy sex

Let's discuss the basics of how a woman can enjoy sex and how to learn to orgasm while doing it.

Erogenous zones and orgasm of a woman

In the question of how to learn how to get an orgasm for a woman, the first thing to remember is that the erogenous zones and the woman's orgasm are closely interconnected.

Get to know and discover all the points that are responsible for your libido.

Having recognized your erogenous zones, you can tell your lover about them, and he will not only have to guess, he will act the way you like.

It's easy to find out your erogenous zones - listen to yourself when your partner caresses you, remember what causes sexual excitement in you.

Do not hurry. Everything is achieved over time. Don't expect immediate results. The more you expect, the less you get. Just give yourself up to love joys, then you yourself will be surprised that you have waited for an enchanting peak.

Studying yourself as a loved one allows you to understand not only your desires, but also learn to understand the opposite sex.

Talk to your man about your sexual desires.

It is not enough to know all your erotic corners, you also need to tell your man about them. Yes, not everyone knows how to speak openly on intimate topics, but if you just keep quiet and endure, he will never be able to fulfill your desires.

Don't be afraid to talk to your man about your sexual desires. Otherwise, how will he guess what makes you tremble with pleasure during sex, and what hurts you or just nothing.

Your goal is to put the necessary information about your sexual preferences in the head of your beloved man, then you just have to completely relax and not think about what to eat for breakfast and how to get to work.

You need to open your femininity, and not expect that everything should be done by a man. Women and men exchange their energies in order to fill each other with strength.

Women's mistakes in sex

Some female mistakes in sex make it difficult to get an orgasm, and sometimes negate all the pleasure of sex.

Occasionally leave your favorite bed and take your sex games to more exotic locations to add intensity to the sexual relationship and to heighten the pleasure of sex.

You don't have to have sex in an elevator or car, you can just move to the bathroom or kitchen. So you diversify your intimate life and toss a pepper in a sexy dish.

Get rid of your female mistakes and delusions. To enjoy sex, do not think about how you look in bed. He is not up to looking at your wrinkles or fat folds. If he communicates with you, it means that you are his conscious choice, it means that he likes you, and he loves you all, and not piece by piece.

In moments of passion, a man is fixated on intercourse and his masculine abilities, and does not observe the size of your hips or breasts.

Feminine and sensual ladies bloom like buds in the sun. And those ladies who are convinced that their companions owe them something often remain dissatisfied and unloved.

Love and female orgasm

It is so arranged by nature that love and the female orgasm have a strong relationship.

Whatever advice is suggested to be followed or considered, but if your sex is far from love or at least affection and warm feelings, then it can often happen that intimacy ends without a female orgasm.

With love in a relationship, it is easier to talk about any topic, it is easier to relax and disconnect from everyday worries.

If a man experiences true love, then he himself will try to do everything to make his other half happy in sex.

Our whole life is a continuous teaching. Everything can be learned, even to enjoy sex. You may not be wondering what to do if orgasm is not always the case. It may be good for you even without an orgasm, but since a woman is given such joy, then you must definitely try such an intimate dessert and learn how to experience a female orgasm.

Think about what can hinder you, what mistakes you make, how you treat yourself and your man, and how you figure it out, then the gates of sexual paradise will open for you.

Other articles of our portal can also help you in resolving these issues, for example, about, and, just in case,.

And also, of course, watch our video channel for training and self-development on similar and many other topics. For example, we advise you to see how a man and a woman will learn to truly understand each other, as well as how you can really find out how many marriages you will have using the scientific approach in palmistry.

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