Home Flowers How to apply for a scholarship. A simple guide to applying for scholarships. Maximum scholarships

How to apply for a scholarship. A simple guide to applying for scholarships. Maximum scholarships

One of the most famous scholarships in the UK covers the cost of studying for a Master's degree at any UK university and also provides a monthly scholarship. An important requirement of the program is at least two years of professional work experience. In addition, graduates are required to return to Russia for at least two years after their studies have been completed.

An English language proficiency test is optional when submitting an application, but must be submitted by July 2017 (if the candidate is selected). An applicant for a scholarship must also present recommendations and select three universities in which he intends to apply. The presence of an invitation for admission to the university, received before the application for the scholarship, is encouraged, but is not required.

More than 40,000 people graduate from the Chevening program, many of whom today hold senior positions in business and politics.

2. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships (Switzerland)

The Swiss government provides scholarships to those who are planning to study in postgraduate or postdoctoral programs and already hold a master's degree. Selected candidates are exempted from paying tuition fees and will also receive a monthly stipend.

The program involves 12 Swiss universities, as well as government research institutes. Participants go through two stages of selection. First, shortlisted candidates are selected by Swiss diplomatic representatives in each country. The final decision is then made by the Federal Commission on Scholarships for International Students in Switzerland.

3. Westminster International Scholarships (UK)

The program is intended for those who have already received an offer of admission to any master's program (excluding MBA) from the University of Westminster or will receive it by October 14th.

The scholarship includes tuition, accommodation and tickets from the applicant's place of residence to London and back.

4. TU Delft Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)

Delft University of Technology provides international students with the opportunity to obtain scholarships (full or partial) to study in all of the university's master's programs. Applicants for an undergraduate scholarship must have a GPA of at least 80% of the maximum.

Applicants must first apply to study at the Delft University of Technology, and then fill out a special form in which they should explain their desire to study in this particular program, as well as describe the reasons why the university should provide a scholarship to them. Results are usually announced in mid-March.

5. Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)

The application procedure for the Leiden University Scholarship is similar to that offered by the Delft University of Technology. You must first apply for one or more of the university's master's programs. For programs starting in February 2017, the application deadline will be October 1.

Scholarship applicants must complete their Bachelor's program in the top 10% of their course. It is important to note that the scholarship program is only for non-EU citizens.

6. La Trobe Academic Excellence Scholarships (Australia)

The program covers between $ 10,000 and $ 20,000 for one year tuition fees and is designed for both undergraduate and graduate students. Citizens of any country, with the exception of New Zealand, can apply. The average score for the previous educational program must be at least 85% of the maximum.

7. AAUW International Fellowships in USA for Women (USA)

The American Association of Women in Universities offers scholarships ranging from $ 18,000 to $ 30,000 to pay tuition at American universities for women who are not US citizens. The preference is given to those candidates who have managed to prove themselves in the field of women's rights protection.

8. Icelandic Government Scholarships for Foreign Students (Iceland)

The Icelandic government awards 15 scholarships annually to students studying modern Icelandic. Applicants can study for both bachelor's and master's programs, but must complete at least the first year of university studies.

Applicants under 35 years of age are preferred. The scholarship covers study in Iceland for the period from September 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018.

9. Honjo International Scholarships (Japan)

The program, supported by the Ministry of Education of Japan, is intended for those who wish to study for a master's or postgraduate program at a Japanese university.

Applicants must begin to qualify for or receive an invitation from a university prior to applying for the program. Knowledge of the Japanese language is an important requirement for the scholarship to be awarded. All interviews, which are an integral part of the selection process, will be held there.

The competition is open to 1st and 2nd year students of full-time master's programs of universities participating in the program.

The winners of the competition are professionals in their subject or scientific field. They are creative individuals who are able to share the knowledge and skills gained, generate ideas, bring them to life and take personal responsibility for the result. These are leaders who are ready to unite a team around themselves and inspire it to achieve a common goal.

Amount of monthly scholarship - 20,000 rubles.

The competition is held in two stages. All applications undergo a preliminary technical examination, including a check for plagiarism.

First step- correspondence, based on a written application, including a motivation letter, an essay on the topic of leadership and a popular science essay on the topic of the proposed master's thesis.

Second phase- face-to-face, in the format of business games, interviews, case solutions and other group and individual forms of assessment.

The winners are 500 students, another 10 students are included in the reserve list.

Competition schedule

  • acceptance of applications: from October 15 to November 20, 2018.
  • examination of applications by correspondence stage: from 20 November to 14 December 2018
  • announcement of the results of the extramural stage: December 20, 2018
  • full-time stage: one day per period from January 22 to February 10, 2019
  • summing up the results of the competition with February 10 to February 20, 2019
  • announcement of the winners: no later than February 25, 2019

Schedule for the winners of the competition

  • conclusion of contractual relations with the winners: within 30 days from the date of the announcement of the results of the competition
  • accrual of scholarships: from February 2019 before graduation
  • placement of interim reports: within 14 days after the end of each semester / trimester / module (according to the individual curriculum)
  • placement of final reporting: within 30 days after graduation from the magistracy.

Participants about the program

Nikolay Olkhovsky, a graduate of the Chelyabinsk State University: “I became a Potanin scholar several times. Once, in my fourth year, in order to take part in the competition, I had to pass the theory of probability several times. I passed it, came to the competition and again became a scholar! This victory turned out to be more important, since I had to fight not with external factors and other contenders, but first of all with myself. In the fifth year of the master's program, when the format of the program was changed, I took part again. Along with the change in the program, my attitude also changed: I no longer went for a scholarship, but went with a specific project ”.

Vadim Kuroptev, a graduate of Petrozavodsk State University: “The scholarship program of the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation has left an indelible mark on my life. Victories in it are one of my main achievements, because in the entire long history of the participation of students of Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU) in the program, only I managed to become a five-time grant-holder of the Fund. In my opinion, this program is a great opportunity to prove to yourself and others what you are capable of, to learn a lot of new things, to acquire previously unavailable skills and abilities, and most importantly - to learn how to work in a team of goal-oriented people like you, to be able to captivate them with your ideas. ".

Desislava Medkov,graduate of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov: “I became a Potanin scholar four times. Competitive selections each time give a chance to test their strengths and are a model and the quintessence of what one has to face in real life in the process of interacting with people and management. "

Anna Kussmaul, a graduate of the Southern Federal University:“For me, the Scholarship Program is about people. The people who won, with whom I still keep in touch. People who want to achieve something in life. They are interesting, purposeful, with a sense of humor. "

For many students, the cost of higher education can seem prohibitively high without additional financial assistance. Scholarships allow you to make money for your education without worrying about having to pay for it. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are about to undertake a scholarship request.


types of scholarships

    Know what to look for. There are academic and sponsorship scholarships. Academic scholarships are provided by a college or university. Sponsoring scholarships are provided by various independent organizations and associations.

    • Contact the financial aid office of the institution you plan to join to gather more information about the scholarship the institution is offering.
    • Ask your school's facilitator for a list of potential scholarships. Many of the high schools put together a list of possible scholarships for their students who are interested in pursuing higher education.
    • Look for information online. Once you know what type of scholarship you can apply for, look for possible scholarships at local government, national, as well as international institutions.
  1. Look for scholarships that are academic merit-based. Academic merit is measured by the GPA and the standardized SAT or ACT scores.

    It might be worth applying for an athletic scholarship. There are many institutions known for their sports programs, but there are also several sponsored sports scholarships.

    Apply for financial assistance. The scholarship given to a student due to the existing financial difficulties is the most competitive. Applicants in some cases are required to provide proof that they live in low-income families.

    Look for service scholarships. These opportunities are almost always provided by private organizations. Some only require students to be active in their community, while others seek out students who provide individual services.

    Take the opportunity to receive a scholarship offered by special associations. These scholarships are only available to the children of certain employees, union members, or university activists. Large companies or national unions provide this opportunity much more often than smaller associations.

    preparation of your application

    1. Review all requirements carefully. While there are general rules for a scholarship request, each scholarship also has its own unique set of requirements. You must make sure you meet these requirements so you don't waste time making statements.

      • Make sure you meet the qualifications. Most scholarships require you to meet certain academic, athletic, financial, or character-based criteria. Some fellowships are also limited to specific fields of study, demographic groups, or geographic areas. Before you begin your application, you should consider these requirements to make sure you qualify.
      • It is important to understand all the steps involved in the application process. Most scholarships require you to complete an application form, write an essay, and provide letters of recommendation. Many scholarships also require you to send a statement, financial statement, college acceptance notice, or other reports.
      • Respect deadlines. There are many other students who are applying for a scholarship, so assessors who are considering scholarship candidates will not put other applications aside while waiting for yours. In other words, you must send your application before the deadline for it to at least be considered.
    2. Fill in the form. Make sure the form is complete and that the information you record is as accurate as possible. Most questionnaires will ask you to, at a minimum, write down your full name, contact information, and a record of your academic and non-academic activities.

      Write an essay. Not every scholarship requires applicants to write an essay, but many do. Some topics are defined by the organizations that provide the scholarship, but most essays are written on generally accepted topics.

      • "How will this scholarship help you improve your community / state / country / etc?" The scholarship sponsors who ask you this question are interested in applicants who are mindful of the needs of the community. Briefly describe how the scholarship will help you achieve your academic goals, and explain in more detail how you plan to use your education to make a difference in society.
      • "What are your short and long term goals?" This paragraph should demonstrate how motivated you are. Write the truth, not the answer that you think the sponsor will be interested in. When talking about short-term goals, mention your desire to go to college, study a subject that interests you, and gain practical experience through an internship. For long-term goals, write about what you will be doing after graduation ten years from now.
      • "Explain why your area of ​​expertise is important for modern society." Your answer should be convincing. Sponsors who offer the scholarship want to see applicants who are passionate about their subject, as they are more likely to continue to persevere than those who are indifferent.
      • "What do you think is the most important problem facing your community / state / country / world today?" This is another question aimed at understanding how students relate to the world around them. Try to choose a question that is relevant to the given society. Write about the problems that are relevant to your state, suggest ways of its development.
      • "How did you show your leadership skills in school and outside the classroom?" If you are a leader of a circle or an active participant in a community program, be sure to write about it. If not, write about more subtle manifestations of leadership, such as classroom behavior or examples of initiative on your part in everyday life.
      • "How do you plan to pay for your education?" In answering this question, you should try to maintain a balance by demonstrating your responsibility and your needs. “I don’t know” is a very bad answer. Explain your plan clearly, but make it clear that with the scholarship money you could get it done much faster.
      • "Who is your inspiration?" You must choose someone from your acquaintances, relatives or famous person. Describe the positive qualities of this person and write that you hope to cultivate these qualities in yourself.
      • Avoid overly sentimental responses. For example, your hero could be your mother, but if the only reason is that she always urged you to “do your best” and “reach the top”, then you will be difficult to take seriously. Be creative and sincere, but stick to a serious, academic tone.
      • Don't suck up to the sponsor. If the sponsor is a well-known chain of stores, you shouldn't tailor all your answers to this fact. Your character doesn't have to be the CEO or founder of the company, and your goal shouldn't be to “someday work for a great company like that.” You can show your sympathy and respect, but don't overdo it.
      • Avoid unrealistic answers. Don't answer serious questions like you're in a beauty pageant. If you were asked what you want to achieve with your education, then “world peace” is not an acceptable answer.
    3. Submit your grades. For some scholarships, you only need to indicate what your grades were. Scholarships that can be earned through academic achievement may request a high school transcript with your GPA and SAT and ACT test scores.

      • Your academic ability must be validated by your teachers and head teacher.
      • Characteristics can come from employers, pastors, or adults with whom you regularly interact.
      • Do not submit a testimonial from relatives or friends. Sponsors naturally assume that such characteristics may not be objective and, as a result, may not take them seriously.

When I was in high school, my mother kept telling me that I should try to get a scholarship. I didn't, and am now biting my elbows while still paying off my student loan. In addition to laziness, I was forced to abandon this venture by the thought that it would be too difficult and would require a lot of effort from me. And I will probably have to study much harder, I thought.

In fact, it is quite easy to apply for a scholarship if you follow the 4 easy steps in this guide.

1. Understand the papers

StudyQA advises to “create a separate file for each scholarship and sort these files according to deadlines” by preparing the following:

  • School certificate
  • Exam marks
  • Information about the financial situation in the family and the need for material assistance
  • A person who is willing to write a letter of recommendation for you

That way, if you stumble upon the perfect scholarship with a deadline approaching like an iceberg to the Titanic, you won't find yourself with a nose, not being able to get all the necessary paperwork on time. You will be ready.

2. Think about what is special about you

It becomes much easier when you know about what types of scholarships exist. According to the Federal Student Aid Society, there are several types of scholarships:

Merit-based scholarships: These scholarships are awarded based on a student's academic achievement and / or talent. Do you have an excellent GPA that sets you apart from other students? Are you an outstanding athlete or do you have incredible talent in any other area?

Scholarships for a specific group of people: Such scholarships are intended for a specific group of people, for example, for a particular people or for people whose parents have not received higher education. Do you belong to a special group?

Scholarships for those in need of financial assistance: Some scholarships are given to those who cannot afford to pay for their tuition. Does your family need financial support and can you prove it?

3. Consult the Best Online Scholarship Databases

You can get information about scholarships from a variety of sources, from a career counselor to a school bulletin board. However, don't stop there. You can find a huge variety of scholarships on the Internet. This information is also available on the website.

If you are a student or church member, it might be a good idea to find out if they offer scholarships. And don't forget to just google the internet for any scholarships that are right for you. For example, in the search box, you can enter "scholarships for the first child in the family", if you are, or "scholarships for writers", if you have a dozen amazing stories on your account.

Do not forget to regularly check the scholarship databases and repeat your Google request, because new scholarships appear literally every day.

4. Apply for new scholarships every day, every week and every month

Now the most "fun" stage is the application submission.

It is advisable to submit as many applications for various scholarships as possible. Some of them will take more time and effort from you than others. However, there are such scholarships, the recipients of which are selected at random and in order to become one of them, you do not need to do anything other than fill out a questionnaire with basic information about yourself. A tutor can help you with writing your scholarship essay. You can also arrange with a competent acquaintance that he will review the essay for errors before you send it. This way you can make sure your essay is okay and increase your chances of getting a scholarship.

It will be much easier to get one of the many scholarships if you prepare in advance (have all the necessary documents on hand and know what types of scholarships are right for you) and apply regularly.

There are a huge number of scholarships these days that are aimed at different groups of applicants (from graduates with excellent exam scores to those who can chew gum and ride a bike at the same time), so perseverance and work should pave a direct path for you to get one of them.

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