Home indoor flowers How to improve immunity for a 1 month old baby. The best way to boost immunity in a child. Proper sleep and wake patterns

How to improve immunity for a 1 month old baby. The best way to boost immunity in a child. Proper sleep and wake patterns

Many children are exposed to frequent diseases at an early age, so caring mothers try to use dozens of remedies to strengthen immunity. A disease is not always a weakened immune system; on the contrary, it is a signal that the body is fighting a harmful virus. Learn how to boost your child's immunity at 1 year old and older.

On health issues, be sure to consult with specialists. The first person to contact is a pediatrician. He will prescribe the necessary tests, give recommendations on taking medications. Sometimes it is necessary to consult an immunologist who will prescribe treatment, additional studies, if necessary, will tell in detail how to increase the immunity of a child. When to See an Immunologist:

  1. The child was exposed to SARS more than 6 times a year or complications appeared after the infection.
  2. Frequent, bronchitis.
  3. In diseases, the temperature does not rise (the body does not fight the virus).
  4. Allergy.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or armpits.

A few tips from immunologists on how to increase immunity in a child:

  1. Do morning exercises, sports, play outdoor games during the day.
  2. More vitamin C in the diet (ginger tea, honey, lemon). Purchase ascorbic acid from a pharmacy.
  3. Let's have more fresh berries, fruits, vegetables, greens.
  4. Temper children and go for a walk in any weather. Do a contrast shower, do not try to wrap the child up and teach him to drink cold drinks.
  5. Get seasonal vaccinations.

The multivitamin complex Doppelgerz ® Kinder Multivitamins for Children will help to fill the lack of substances necessary for proper growth and development of the child. It comes in the form of chewable lozenges with raspberry and orange flavors. For children over 4 years old, just one lozenge per day is enough, and from 11 years old, the dosage can be doubled. Course duration - 1 month.

How to increase immunity in a child with folk remedies

Natural treatment in order to strengthen the body's immune system effectively. The parent does not have to run to the pharmacy for expensive funds. How can I increase the immunity of a child with the help of traditional medicine:

  1. . Even the aroma of these vegetables helps to kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Finely chopped garlic or onions can be added to dishes, or spread around the house when peeled.
  2. Dairy products. Enriched with beneficial bifido- and lactobacilli that improve the intestinal microflora. Calcium contained in yoghurts, cheeses, sourdoughs, also helps to strengthen bones.
  3. Lemon. If you are not allergic to citrus, feel free to add a little lemon to your diet.
  4. nuts. Mix different types of nuts or one with honey, let's eat healthy sweets for the baby. Honey is also a great immune booster: choose buckwheat or linden varieties.
  5. Decoctions and fruit drinks. Rose hips, chamomile, currants, blueberries in drinks are very useful for promoting health and protecting against infections.

How to increase the immunity of a child after antibiotics

The use of antibiotics helps to cope with diseases, but this does not pass without a trace for the body. The protection of the immune system is reduced, the microflora of the stomach is killed, so the child's strength must be restored even after taking the drugs. What measures should be taken after a course of antibiotics:

  1. Consult your doctor about taking products that restore the intestinal microflora and the body's defenses. These are not only medicines, but also fermented milk products.
  2. Natural remedies are among the most effective. It:
    • decoctions and teas (lemongrass, rosehip, ginger,);
    • aloe;
    • lemon.
  3. Review the diet: give less foods high in fat, sugar, spices. It is better to balance the nutrition and use only the cooking or steaming process for processing. Dairy products, dishes should be on the menu more.
  4. Morning should start with exercises, and in the afternoon there should be outdoor games.
  5. Harden the child, do not avoid walking in the fresh air, visit the bathhouse.
  6. The removal of toxins is perfectly carried out by drinking plenty of water.

How to increase the immunity of a child of 2 years at home

Before you strengthen the child's immune system with the help of various means, eliminate stressful situations from his life. Also make sure your diet is balanced. Decoctions and infusions with a specific aftertaste cannot always be offered to the baby, he may not drink them at all. How to increase the immunity of a child of 2 years in this case? Healthy sweets will help you. Recipe:

  1. raisins, dried apricots, chop nuts;
  2. add some honey, lemon juice;
  3. stir, store the mixture in the refrigerator:
  4. three times a day, give the baby a teaspoon of this composition.

How to improve immunity in a child at 3 years old before kindergarten

Love is something that an adult parent can give to their child at any time, and it will be the best cure for infections. When a child feels cared for, warm, then the kindergarten is not terrible for him, he will not get sick, and stress is not threatened. Start the morning with a charge, be sure to give more vitamin C and fresh berries, vegetables, fruits. Alternate rest and active games, be sure to take a walk on a fresh vacation. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene, after each walk on the street, visit the toilet, teach children to wash their hands.

How to raise the immunity of a child at 4 years old after an illness

When the baby has been ill, his body is significantly weakened, and re-infection must be prevented. What will improve the condition:

  1. Ventilate the rooms in the house, carefully do wet cleaning, wipe the dust.
  2. Keep an eye on the hygiene of the child at home and on a walk, so as not to replenish the "reserves" of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  3. You need to drink more fluids, eat right, eat less sweet, fried, fatty, starchy foods.
  4. A good mood greatly affects the strength of the body's defenses, so use active games that your baby likes.

Video: how to increase the immunity of a child with homeopathy


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Dear readers, today we will talk about how to raise and strengthen the child's immunity. The problem, I think, is very relevant for many. Many of you are very worried about your often ill children, feed them with medicines, the advice of doctors does not always help, and sometimes it is not easy to find good doctors. As a result, the condition of the child remains at the same level or even worsens.

And today on the blog I want to present you an article from Marina Tamilova - a teacher, psychologist, a person of versatile hobbies and just a caring mother. I give the floor to Marina, who this time will share with you her personal experience in strengthening the immunity and health of her child.

Dear readers, in today's article I want to talk about what to do with a frequently ill child, and answer the question of why children get sick endlessly, and what to do about it. At the very beginning, I would like to note that if you are planning a pregnancy, but you know that your health is not all right, then it is best to prepare for childbirth in advance, because it is very likely that your baby will take all your viruses, bacteria in utero and pathogenic microflora.

This is much more serious than you think. For example, even such a seemingly trifle as thrush can bring a lot of trouble to the baby, starting with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and ending with pneumonia.

How to boost your child's immunity

Medicines and antibiotics. Do you give them to your child?

First of all, it is necessary, if possible, to exclude the use of drugs and especially antibiotics from an early age. If you want to boost your child's immunity, then try not to feed the baby with pills, and especially not to give antibiotics for preventive purposes. Some doctors like to prescribe them to be on the safe side.

It is impossible in our time to blindly follow the prescriptions of doctors, especially those taken from medical reference books. Every mother is now obliged to be competent in order to independently figure out how the doctor made the right appointment.

Unfortunately, this is the reality of our life. Many doctors do not care what will happen to your child, the main thing is that you buy an expensive and fashionable medicine. Of course, there are doctors “from God” who are in their place, and who have moral principles and the courage to go against the system, but there are not so many of them and, basically, they work in paid centers. Look for such a doctor if you have the opportunity. If not, stick to the course that the fewer drugs, the better. Strong medicines and operations are acceptable only when it comes to the life and death of a child.

Quality Probiotics

In other cases, prevention is needed. You know your child better than any doctor. Antibiotics are taken only for bacterial infections and do not affect viruses in any way, moreover, such a reception should always be accompanied by high-quality probiotics. Probiotics are preparations with beneficial bacteria that need to populate the intestines of the child, instead of those that are killed by antibiotics. The intestinal flora regulates the work of the immune system, and any antibiotics completely destroy it. That is why it needs to be replaced with something.

About greenhouse conditions and not only

From a very early age, a child should not be wrapped up, otherwise he will immediately fall ill when in contact with the cold. The baby needs to be introduced to different sensations and alternate cold and warm. Here, simple hardening techniques are suitable, as well as a mandatory visit to the pool and frequent home bathing. Try to organize it in such a way that it does not overwork at school, even if the modern education system scares you and you are worried about the future of the child. There is no need to force him to study until the night that it is simply impossible to learn in such quantity.

The child must be sure to get enough sleep and not be nervous.

Exercise stress

Physical activity is very important for children. It is best if the child will visit the pool from a very young age. Swimming children are much better developed, stronger and smarter than those who avoid water. Connect another sports section to the pool, at the choice of the baby. It is very useful to give the child a general wellness massage once every three months.

Air humidification. walks

What else can be said about boosting immunity in our children? Why does the children's season of diseases begin in the autumn-winter period? It's very simple: children stop being outdoors and sit in warm, dry rooms, where bacteria and viruses are free. The premises of many kindergartens, schools, and apartments do not meet the standards at all. Warm and dry air is contraindicated for often ill crumbs. They need constant moisture.

When the mucous membranes are moistened, their contents liquefy and easily exit the nasal passages, and do not go straight to the ears, causing endless otitis media and causing great suffering to the crumbs. In the autumn-winter period, it is often necessary to ventilate the premises and provide them with good humidifiers, and it is also useful for children to visit swimming pools and frequent home bathing is shown. And it is even better that the child is more in the fresh air, despite the fact that it is cold.

Home pool area made of sea pebbles

At home it is good to arrange a pool of sea pebbles. In the pet store you can buy smooth pebbles of small sizes. Set up a special corner at home. Where it will be convenient to arrange them so that you can pour warm boiled water over the pebbles with the addition of sea salt and a drop of vinegar. It is necessary that the baby three times a day walk barefoot on these sea pebbles for five minutes. Perfectly strengthens the body.

Vitamins for children to increase immunity

Every child needs vitamins for the normal functioning of the body. But children need natural vitamins for immunity. It is best to consume seasonal fruits in large quantities, as well as freeze or dry a variety of berries and fruits for the winter in order to have access to “live” natural food all year round.

Useful natural recipe for raising the immunity of a child

The following vitamin mixture is very useful:

  • raisins (1.5 cups);
  • walnut kernels (1 cup);
  • almonds (0.5 cup);
  • lemon (2 pieces);
  • honey (0.5 cups).

Pass raisins, nuts and lemon peel through a meat grinder, mix. Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons into it and pour the melted honey. And mix again. Put in a dark place for 2 days. Take 1-2 teaspoons one hour before meals. Of course, this recipe can be given to children if there is no allergy.

I also suggest watching the video material: Dr. Komarovsky. Strengthening immunity in children.

Strengthening immunity in children with folk remedies. Recipes

Medicinal herbs can become faithful assistants in increasing immunity in children. Chamomile, rosehip, calendula, mint teas are very useful for children. These teas can be given both before and after meals. Before eating, they will have a beneficial effect on the stomach, relieving spasms, and after eating, they will irrigate the mucous membranes of the mouth and wash away the bacteria left after eating. Rosehip tea can be given to the baby to drink during the day. Just 50 g of chamomile, mint and calendula tea three times a day is enough. And you can have more rose hips: as much as the baby asks.

It is very useful, if there is no allergy, to use honey, which contains a lot of useful substances. The egg shell promotes the formation of lymphocytes in the bone marrow. It is very easy to cook it. First you need to cook it, then dry it, separate the inner film and grind it in a coffee grinder. Every day, the child is given such egg powder on the tip of a teaspoon, along with a small amount of lemon juice.

Here's another great tool. You will need:

  • cranberries (1 kg);
  • 2 pitted lemons;
  • 1 glass of honey.

Mix all ingredients and you're done. It is recommended to use the remedy 3 tablespoons with tea up to 3 times a day.

It is impossible not to bring another vitamin infusion, which has proven itself in raising children's immunity and raising vitality. So, we need:

  • carrots (0.5 kg);
  • beets (0.5 kg);
  • raisins (handful);
  • dried apricots (handful);
  • honey (1 tablespoon).

Finely chop the carrots and beets, put them in a saucepan and pour boiling water over so that the vegetables are covered by 2 fingers. Simmer until the beets are tender, drain. Then add thoroughly washed dried fruits and boil again for about 3-4 minutes. Next, you need to add honey and insist in a cool place for 12 hours. For a month, you need to give this remedy to children half a cup 3 times a day. It is advisable to repeat every six months.

Frequently ill child. How to boost immunity

A very good remedy for boosting immunity in children is echinacea tincture. It is highly desirable to take several courses of this tincture twice a year, every 6 months. To determine an acceptable dosage for a child, it is best to consult a doctor.

Fish oil is also an excellent remedy. Please note that choosing fish oil or Omega 3 is better than the production of very reputable companies that value their reputation. These companies specialize in natural dietary supplements and refine their products. It is strongly undesirable to use cheap fish oil from pharmacies.

Give your child exclusively high-quality dietary supplements: all the seas and oceans on earth are contaminated with mercury.

So, let's sum up some results on how to raise the child's immunity:

  • the health of the child is the responsibility of the parents and you need to take it upon yourself even before the conception of the baby;
  • understand the intricacies of modern medicine and protect the baby's immunity from any intervention that can harm him;
  • gradually harden the child from an early age;
  • teach your baby to swim from birth for better development and health;
  • walk and move a lot;
  • massage regularly;
  • humidify dry indoor air;
  • ventilate more often;
  • use natural vitamins and only high-quality dietary supplements;
  • take care of the baby's nervous system, make sure that he gets enough sleep;
  • do not force to work around the clock;
  • have a good doctor you can trust;
  • remember that the less medication, the better.

I thank Marina for her thoughts and advice. From myself I want to say that I have tried so many things with my daughters. I have twin daughters, and when they were small, they often became infected from each other. And after one daughter underwent a two-year chemotherapy for onco-hematology, the liver was completely planted, there was no immunity, and it was necessary to restore it, I tried everything that was in my power.

And I am very grateful to our immunologist, a doctor from God, as I call her. She locally strengthened our nasopharynx, a sore spot in almost every child. In addition to medicines, I gave her peas, as we called them from “Happiness of Life”_ our Russian company was so wonderful. And we also did gargling with juices. Carrot day, cabbage day, potato day. A little juice and she always drank inside.

My daughter was vaccinated only with imported vaccines. The doctor ordered them in proven places. Only they were used.

I brewed oats for her - it helps to strengthen the immune system, and we cured a cough with it, which did not go away after chemotherapy. We drank oats for a long time. You can read about everything in the article Healing properties of oats

And she gave her herbs to drink, tempered, did a contrast shower. In moments of hardening, I want to wish everyone wisdom. If you have never tempered a child, do not start abruptly. It is a smooth, wise approach that will help improve the health and boost the immunity of the child.

In our situation, I had to leave work for a very long time, almost forget about myself, but it was necessary to raise my daughter and restore her health. And the second daughter was nearby, it was a healthy child. She had to do the same, but in a completely different way.

And, of course, there was and always is a lot of care and love from us. It is very important for the child to know and feel these moments. Do not pamper, but love!

I gave many recipes in the article How to increase hemoglobin Recipes are all useful for strengthening immunity.

To all of us wisdom and love for our children. Understand that everything is in our hands. If a child is often sick, do not despair, but study the literature, read everything on your problems, look for a good immunologist and use everything wisely.

And for the soul, we will listen today to Ennio Morricone. Cry of the Wind.

The benefits and harms of honey for the human bodyStrengthening immunity
Echinacea for children
Echinacea. Medicinal and beneficial properties. ApplicationBee perga for immunity - the secret of good health
Ginger with lemon and honey. Trio for immunity 


How to boost immunity in a frequently ill child?

Under the term "immunity" modern medicine means the immunity of the human body to infectious pathogens of various origins, to poisons and toxins released by them, as well as to any other organic substances that can be called foreign.

The work of immunity can be compared with a multi-stage complex mechanism. It is based on the simultaneous interaction of several systems: endocrine, nervous, metabolism and other processes occurring in the body.

The immune system in a child includes:

  • Bone marrow,
  • intestinal lymphoid formations,
  • thymus,
  • spleen
  • glands,
  • The lymph nodes,
  • appendix,
  • blood cells of bone marrow origin (monocytes, lymphocytes, etc.).

The body is protected by the immune system at two levels - cellular and humoral.

Types of children's immunity

Today, two types of immunity are known:


It is also called natural and is further subdivided into passive and active. This type of natural body defense is produced after prolonged contact with infection carriers.

In this case, the child does not get sick, that is, there is no infection as such. The passive form develops after the introduction of specially designed sera containing antibodies, and the active one becomes the result of the disease.


This type of immunity in a child is explained by heredity. For example, some people are born unable to contract certain infections from animals, such as toxoplasmosis, plague, and other diseases.

Importance of immunity for a child

Malfunctions of the immune system can provoke the development of a number of serious diseases. With a weakened immune system, the child is threatened by any disease known today. At the same time, all kinds of infections are still a great danger.

Children with a weakened immune system are especially susceptible to fungal diseases.

Crises of children's immunity

Modern doctors distinguish several periods of life when the state of the child's immune system can be regarded as critical:

First 28 days of life

The 1st period falls on the very first twenty-eight days of each baby. During this stage, the child's body does not protect its own immunity, but only the one that the mother passed on to him during development inside the womb.

This means that all 28 days the baby remains practically unprotected against viral infections, against which the mother's antibodies cannot. It is very important at this stage to continue breastfeeding.

4-6 months

The 2nd period overtakes at the age of four months and lasts approximately until the moment the baby is six months old. The cause of its occurrence is the destruction of antibodies received by the child's body from the mother.

At the age of 4 - 6 months, newborns often suffer from inflammation of the respiratory organs, food allergies, and intestinal infections. And it is during this period that it is imperative that the baby be given all the necessary vaccinations.

2 years

The 3rd period overtakes the child at 2 years. Doctors attribute this to the beginning of active knowledge of the world around the child. At this time, it is worth fearing atopic diathesis. Also, the baby may show congenital anomalies.

4-6 years old

The 4th period overtakes the child at the age of four to six years. The child already has an active accumulated immunity, formed as a result of vaccination, as well as infectious and viral diseases that were transferred to him.

At this stage, the emergence of a chronic form of various ailments is possible, therefore, all acute inflammatory processes occurring in the child's body should be treated not only correctly, but also in a timely manner.

12-15 years old

The 5th period overtakes children aged 12 to 15 years. Its main cause is the hormonal restructuring of the whole organism, as a whole.

Excessive secretion of sex hormones provokes a decrease in the size of the lymphoid organs. It is at this stage that the final formation of weak as well as strong types of immune system response occurs.

Which children have weaker immunity: risk groups

  1. In the vast majority of cases, those children who often come into contact with other children often get sick. For the most part, we are talking about kindergarten kids. Parents who have the opportunity should wait until the child is 3 years old and only then take him to the garden. An often ill baby needs to limit visits to crowded places, you should not take him to cinemas, shopping centers, or take him by public transport without special need.
  2. Children whose parents smoke also get sick much more often than their peers. The weakening of the immune system in such cases leads to a large number of complications.
  3. Premature babies are endowed with weak immunity from birth, which is quite difficult to strengthen. Babies born prematurely often get sick in the first year of life.
  4. Artificial feeding can also cause a weakening of the body's defense functions, since artificial feeding in most cases have a low level of immunoglobulin A, which is responsible for the immune properties of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nose, and intestines.
  5. Allergic reactions contribute to an increase in the incidence of otitis media, as well as sinusitis. Repeated infections in babies can be observed if chronic diseases of the organs located in the chest cavity, as well as the kidneys, have been found.

Signs of a weakened child's immune system

Even a child endowed with strong immune protection can periodically get sick. It's quite normal. How, then, to understand that the immunity of the baby is weakened?

It is necessary to consult a doctor and take a set of measures to strengthen children's immune protection if:

  • crumbs more than a cold more than five times a year;
  • the baby suffers SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza without fever. The fact that the body temperature does not rise, of course, makes life easier for parents, but this symptom is considered evidence of a strong weakening of the immune system, which means that the body cannot resist bacteria and viruses;
  • the baby gets tired very quickly, he is inactive, lethargic and depressed;
  • the child's spleen is enlarged.

How to strengthen the immune defense in a child?

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers knew a huge number of traditional medicine recipes that can strengthen the baby's immunity.

The most effective folk remedies include the following:

A mixture of milk and wild strawberries

Such a remedy can be given to a frequently ill child regularly, it is considered not only tonic, but also nutritious.

Walnut, honey, aloe and lemon

A mixture of four hundred grams of walnut, one hundred milliliters of aloe, juice of three to four lemons, and 300 grams of honey will help to quickly strengthen a weakened immune system in a baby.

This tasty mixture can be given to a child from two years of age in a course of two months, one teaspoon three times a day before meals. A second course, if necessary, can be carried out after a three-week break.

Blackberry Syrup

To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice from a thoroughly washed blackberry (1 kilo), add about 200 grams of sugar to it, mix well and cook for twenty minutes over low heat.

Daily intake of one or two tablespoons of syrup per day is enough to strengthen the child's immune barrier.

Lemon, honey and garlic

A composition prepared from three hundred grams of boiled water, one lemon, three tablespoons of honey and eight cloves of garlic will help strengthen the immune system in a child after antibiotics.

Garlic is kneaded in a jar and mixed with honey and half a chopped lemon. From the remaining half, the juice is simply squeezed out, the resulting mixture is poured with barely warm water.

Before use, this vitamin composition must be infused for about 24 hours, then it must be filtered through a thick gauze. Give the remedy should be in the morning and evening for a teaspoon.

Diverse food

Irritability, excessive fatigue and distraction of the baby, which indicate that the immune system is weak, may indicate a lack of vitamins in the body. Very often, this deficiency can be filled from ordinary products.

The diet of a crumb weakened by the disease should be as varied as possible. Most of all, foods containing vitamin C, such as pickled apples and sauerkraut, are responsible for the formation of immunity in a child.


To enable the baby's immunity to get stronger, parents should limit his time in crowded places, especially when various epidemics rage in the city.

Cleaning and ventilation of the premises

Of great importance in strengthening immunity is maintaining favorable conditions in the house where the child lives. If the baby is often sick, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning twice a day, ventilate the room before going to bed, and prevent the air in the apartment from being dry.

Walks in the open air

The body of the child must be fully saturated with oxygen. Parents should take their child out for walks in the fresh air several times a day, namely on the street, in the park, and not in shops or in the mall.

Proper sleep and wake patterns

When the immune system is weakened, the child must observe emotional peace. An excellent assistant will be the correct sleep and wakefulness: the baby should go to bed and get up at the same time, while the time for sleep should be at least 8 hours.

Physical activity and hardening

As for physical activity, it will be very useful if the child performs a set of simple exercises every day (a regular exercise at home is enough). Also, active outdoor games, morning exercises, swimming will be excellent means to increase immune protection.

Regular hardening procedures are also capable of significantly increasing the resistance to external influences on the child's body after an illness.

Vitamins and herbal medicines

If the vitamins that the baby receives with food are not enough for the full functioning of the immune system. The pediatrician may advise supplementing the child's diet with vitamin-containing preparations or vitamin complexes.

For example, those that are characterized by immunomodulatory properties and do not have a direct effect on the structure of the immune system, such as fish oil. Herbal preparations, for example, elixir of ginseng, echinacea, licorice, eleutherococcus, are also very effective.

Let us remind you once again that it is impossible for a baby to prescribe vitamins and, moreover, immunostimulating drugs on his own! Before buying them, be sure to consult your pediatrician!


An immunostimulant is a drug that is able to strengthen, stimulate and increase human immunity. Modern medicine actively uses such means in the fight against various bacterial and viral diseases.

A wide spectrum of action of immunostimulants allows not only to improve the functioning of the immune system, the whole organism as a whole begins to function more efficiently.

What are immunostimulants?
  1. Medicinal products of plant origin. They are considered the most effective, since there are practically no contraindications to their use.
  2. Preparations of microbial origin. They act like vaccines. Pediatricians prescribe this type of immunity stimulant in a set with other drugs, because it is forbidden to use them in their pure form. They have many contraindications.

  1. Preparations based on animal thymus are used when it is necessary to regenerate immunity links at the cellular level. Such medicines are used only under the supervision of a doctor, after an examination.
  2. Means that were obtained synthetically and endowed with antiviral action. They are also taken in the complex of drugs prescribed by the pediatrician.

Remember, immunostimulants of any category are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, in cases of severe weakness of the child's immune system confirmed by a medical examination!


Every caring parent wants their baby to be healthy and want their child to always have good immunity. But not always the child's immune system withstands the load. If there are frequent problems with the health of the child, then you need to take measures to increase immunity. But first you need to make sure that the violation of immunity is not congenital. Parents whose child often catches colds, gets sick for a long time, has poor appetite, assume that weak immunity is to blame and are looking for methods to increase it. But in childhood, such an ailment as congenital immunodeficiency can manifest itself. And if you start taking any preventive measures in order to raise immunity, then such actions can lead to undesirable consequences, which will not improve health, but rather, on the contrary, will aggravate his condition. Weak immunity of the child will be even more depleted and weakened.

  • Which vitamins are best for children

When should you visit an immunologist?

  • the child falls ill with colds more than 6 times during the year;
  • colds cause complications;
  • the child has an allergy;
  • there are rashes on the lips similar to herpes;
  • there were cases of purulent otitis media, pneumonia.

When for six months or a year the child constantly experiences health problems, then it is necessary to make an immunogram. It is best to do this procedure when the child is already 3 years old. After the age of three, the immunogram more accurately reflects the condition of the baby.

It is necessary to know exactly what type of immune system deficiency the child has: congenital or acquired. If an acquired immunity disorder is determined, then attention should be focused on special factors that help strengthen the baby's immunity. Do not give strong immunostimulants. A more subtle approach is needed here, because in childhood, immunity is more physiological than in adults. The children's body, according to the idea of ​​nature, must itself study all infections and learn how to deal with them. In childhood, many infectious diseases are faster and easier than in adults. It is known that it is better to get sick with such an infectious disease as chickenpox in childhood, then it is much easier to tolerate. Children are much easier to withstand and tolerate high temperatures.

When an examination is made and laboratory data are obtained, then methods of stimulating the immune system are best used purely physiological. This includes the daily routine of the child, tempering procedures, a healthy and balanced diet. If the immune system has been severely weakened for a sufficiently long period of time, then it makes sense to use immunomodulators or immune preparations for a replacement purpose. Now there are many immunomodulators that increase and stimulate the effectiveness of the immune system and help strengthen the body's resistance to various infections.

But parents should clearly and clearly understand that their child should not be subjected to various kinds of experiments with his body. You should not get carried away and hope for immunomodulators as a panacea for all sores. Such action drugs can be used only on the recommendation and under the strict supervision of a physician, and only after this is shown by medical research data based on laboratory tests.

Natural stimulants of the child's immunity

Stimulants from the nature of the immune system are the feeling of hunger and cold, as well as physical activity. Here, too, one should not get too carried away - it is unacceptable to starve a child, force him to freeze on purpose or engage in physical exercises to exhaustion. In no case should you go to other extremes - overfeed the child, wrap him too much and keep him warm, limit physical activity. Such actions often lead to a violation of immunity - the body relaxes and begins to react incorrectly, manifestations of allergies are possible.

The correct daily routine helps to increase immunity in a child.

The baby should not experience feelings of exhaustion and overwork. Children have a much faster metabolism than adults. The child becomes exhausted and weakens faster, but on the other hand, recovery is much faster than in adults. The system of excretory organs functions much better, is processed and restored faster and faster.

Healthy sleep strengthens the immune system of the child

In order for the baby to have a strong immune system, he needs to sleep twice a day. At the same time, night sleep should last longer than in adults. When a child sleeps, the processes in his body go faster and more productively, children grow better. Properly organized healthy sleep has a positive effect on the body's immune system and strengthens it.

Proper nutrition

A baby should eat more often than an adult, since his enzymatic system is not yet fully formed and his body is not able to absorb everything in one meal. For this reason, the child should not be given a lot of food, it is best when the child is given food in small portions, but several times a day. Food should be varied and contain the necessary vitamins and minerals for the full development of the child. The baby is constantly growing and he needs a balanced and proper diet. Strong immunity is inextricably linked with the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because up to 70% of immune cells are in the digestive system. From this it becomes clear what role proper and healthy nutrition plays in strengthening the immunity of the child.


Toddlers have many receptors located on the ears, palms of the hands and feet. When the receptors are irritated, they send an impulse to the brain, making it clear what the body, including the immune system, needs to do.

The essence of hardening in strengthening immunity

Many believe that the hardening procedure is an addiction to cold and frost. But it is not so. The essence of these measures is to force the mucous membranes to respond at the right speed to sudden changes in external temperatures. Trained tissues of the body do not allow the viral infection to penetrate inside.

How to temper a child in order to strengthen immunity?

The simplest option is a contrast treatment of the forearm zone alternately with hot and cold water - from the hand to the elbow and the zone from the soles to the knees. For cold we consider water with a temperature of +20 ° C, for hot we take a temperature of +35 ° C. This temperature range is the most acceptable and optimal for the child and should not cause him any discomfort. The rubdown procedure should be done every day for 5-7 minutes at any time, whether it is morning or evening. In the autumn-spring period, the duration of the rubdown procedure should be longer.

Such measures produce an increase in stress hormones. Hormones tone the blood vessels and bring the entire body into a state of combat readiness. Of course, the body cannot be in this state all the time. But such a tonic workout of the whole body will be very useful for people who are deficient in these hormones - they move very little, are lethargic, sleep too long and eat too much.

The psychological state of the child

The psychological impact factor is also of great importance, since the general emotional mood affects the immune system. Both positive and negative emotions are all stress factors for the body. A child needs to be constantly engaged, paid attention to him, to explain questions and phenomena that are incomprehensible to him. From an early age, a child needs moderate emotional stress, which further strengthens the immune system. It can also be called immune stimulation.

Setting on health will increase the immunity of the child

Do not panic and suggest to the child that a cold is an emergency event. You need to simply and calmly explain to the baby the body's reaction to a cold - why he has a fever, cough or runny nose. Such reactions are natural for a cold, but they will pass, and everything will be fine again. And in order to help the body overcome evil viruses, it needs a little help: drink herbal teas, potions, take inhalations, etc. The child needs to be made clear that nothing terrible is happening, a little patience and treatment - and he will be healthy again.


Folk remedies to increase immunity in a child

Many parents are concerned about the question: why does the baby often get sick, and how to raise the immunity of the child with folk remedies?

Currently, there are negative trends in the incidence of colds and respiratory viral diseases in children. At the same time, their frequency and duration increase during the year with the formation of the "often ill child" syndrome in the baby.

Why does the child often get sick

To answer the question: how to strengthen the child's immunity with folk remedies, you must first determine the causes of frequent episodes of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections during the year. These include external and internal factors that reduce the reactivity of the child's immune system.

Internal factors:

  • instability of functioning and immaturity of immunological reactivity of children of early and preschool age (up to 6-7 years);
  • congenital anomalies of the respiratory, digestive and immune systems of the body;
  • weakened local immunity and the gradual formation of chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx and oral cavity (adenoid vegetations, hypertrophy of the tonsils, caries, sinusitis);
  • undiagnosed dysbacteriosis and candidiasis;
  • untreated infectious diseases;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • intrauterine hypoxia and intoxication during fetal development;
  • prematurity.

External agents contributing to the increase in morbidity:

  • an increase in the infectious load on the child as a result of contact with a large number of people or the beginning of attending a kindergarten, school;
  • complicated infections and colds suffered in infancy;
  • poor environmental situation;
  • violation of sanitary standards or an uncomfortable microclimate in the room where the child is constantly;
  • uncontrolled use of drugs, homeopathic medicines and improper use of immunostimulating agents at home;
  • frequent change of climatic or time zones;
  • stress, prolonged psychological discomfort;
  • increased physical activity.

How to increase immunity in a child

Important points in reducing the incidence of colds, acute respiratory infections and frequent exacerbations of chronic foci of infection in children are:

  1. Eliminate the causes of common diseases.
  2. Strengthening immunity in various ways at home.

Consider how to raise the child's immunity with folk remedies by increasing the natural reactivity of the baby's immune system.

Important for the restoration of the protective forces of the child's body are:

  • complete, balanced nutrition of the child, especially in infants and young children (up to three years old) for the formation of the correct functioning of the body and the maturation of the immune system;
  • frequent walks with a child in the fresh air, creating a comfortable microclimate;
  • complete elimination of all stressful situations, increased physical exertion and other overstrains of the body;
  • full-fledged healthy sleep and rest - children who are often sick need to arrange an extra day off so that the baby can sleep and relax;
  • full recovery from colds and respiratory infections;
  • constancy and systematic conduct of general strengthening procedures;
  • elimination of uncontrolled and frequent use of any medicines and folk remedies (it is necessary to strictly observe the doses, frequency and duration of course therapy);
  • sanitation of foci of chronic infection.

You can increase children's immunity only if:

  • clarification and elimination of all causes of the child's illness;
  • systematic and correct implementation of all the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • course intake of herbal remedies in compliance with doses, frequency and duration of therapy.

Increasing immunity with folk remedies

To restore immunity at home, the following folk remedies are used:

  • infusions of anti-inflammatory, tonic herbs and herbal adaptogens;
  • propolis;
  • vitamin mixtures;
  • other methods (hardening, massage).

Propolis to restore immunity

Most often, propolis is used in the form of:

  • solutions for rinsing the pharynx after visiting a kindergarten or school;
  • additions to milk or vitamin mixtures and herbal infusions;
  • in adolescence, methods of resorption of a small ball of propolis are used during the initial manifestations of a cold.

The most effective way to increase immunity with the help of propolis in children is a course of taking propolis tincture with milk or herbal infusions. Daily dose of tincture - 1 drop for 1 year of a child's life.

The course of treatment is from 20 to 30 days, after application they take a break (at least a month), you can repeat the course 2-3 times.

Anti-inflammatory, tonic and immunostimulating herbs

You can restore immunity to a frequently ill child at home with the help of herbal preparations with a tonic, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Linden;
  • chestnut flowers;
  • Melissa;
  • calendula;
  • succession.

These medicinal herbs can be brewed separately or used in herbal preparations.

An effective infusion to increase immunity in children is prepared as follows:

  1. Take in equal parts Ivan-tea grass, linden, calendula and chestnut flowers, St. John's wort and lemon balm.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and leave for 5-6 hours.
  3. In the finished infusion, you can add honey (in the absence of allergies) and a few drops of echinacea tincture (1 drop per 1 year of life) or propolis.

Give a multivitamin drink to a child in the form of tea - a few small sips 3-4 times a day.

The following decoction also well stimulates reduced immune reactivity in children:

  1. Take equal proportions of linden flowers and horsetail.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Let stand until cool.

Take this remedy in a tablespoon 4-5 times a day for no more than 10 days.

The use of plant adaptogens

Any immunostimulating agents, including herbal ones, must be given to the child with caution, under the supervision of the attending physician.

Very effective means to increase the body's defenses are herbal adaptogens, the most popular of which are tinctures of the following plants:

  • peony;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • echinacea;
  • ginseng.

Important! The immune system of a baby up to 6-7 years old is immature, and instead of a stimulating effect, these plants can provoke a decrease in immunity.

These drugs are best taken by schoolchildren or adolescents - the doctor determines the dose and duration of therapy.

You also need to remember that Eleutherococcus and ginseng tincture can increase blood pressure and cause overexcitation of the nervous system. Therefore, these herbal remedies are contraindicated in primary arterial hypertension, mixed VVD and in the pathology of the nervous system. It is better to give these funds to children in the morning and afternoon, no later than 17 pm.

Peony root tincture, along with an immunomodulatory effect, on the contrary, has a calming effect. It should be taken at bedtime, observing the dosage of 1 drop of the drug for 1 year of the child's life. The duration of the course is not more than 14 days.

Also, an infusion of black currant leaves has an excellent immunostimulating effect. Pour a tablespoon of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours in a thermos, add lemon juice and honey. Drink as a tea 3-4 times a day for 14-20 days.

Nonspecific immunity at home increases the intake of biostimulants:

  • Chinese or Far Eastern lemongrass;
  • royal jelly of bees (apilactose) or apilquirit (bee jelly with licorice).

Courses are prescribed by a specialist after examining the child (immunograms) with local treatment of background and concomitant diseases. The course of treatment is 10 days, monthly, at regular intervals (20 days). The duration of therapy is from 3 to 6 months.

Vitamin mixtures

Hypovitaminosis, intestinal problems, anemia, asthenia are background conditions in frequently ill children that reduce the immune system and provoke further weakening of the body. Vitamin mixtures and decoctions improve metabolic processes, absorption, digestion of food, normalize sleep and appetite. These funds include:

  • rosehip decoction;
  • mixtures of nuts, raisins and lemons with honey;
  • aloe juice with honey;
  • cranberry juice;
  • decoction of oats and flaxseed;
  • a mixture of viburnum, blackcurrant and raspberry juices.

The most popular remedy for boosting immunity in children:

  1. Take a glass of walnuts, raisins, dates, half a glass of almonds, two lemons, 100 grams of aloe leaves (agave) - pass everything through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour the mixture with 300 - 500 ml of liquid honey, mix.
  3. Put in the refrigerator and leave for 2-3 days.
  4. Give the child a dessert spoon 2 times a day.

Another recipe for a vitamin mixture:

  1. Take half a kilo of cranberries, lemon and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Add two tablespoons of honey to this mass and mix well.
  3. Give the child a mixture of a tablespoon 2 times a day with tea.

Restoring immunity in a child is a difficult, but quite feasible task. The main thing is the systematic implementation of the recommendations of a specialist, the physical activity of the baby in the fresh air, proper balanced nutrition, massages, hardening, climatotherapy, the elimination of stress and the prevention of respiratory infections.

The child began to go to kindergarten, but spends most of the time at home - he is sick. The schoolboy does not get out of colds. “Probably weak immunity,” parents think and look for attentive doctors and suitable medicines. Pediatrician Yuri Staroverov talks in detail about "remedies for", but first he offers to deal with the causes of frequent colds.

There are children who very often endure colds, and in many of them the diseases are of a protracted nature (3-6 weeks). Over the age of 3 years, children who are sick more than five times a year are often considered sick, and over 5 years old - more than four times a year. In some of these children, the intervals between diseases do not exceed 1-2 weeks. These children get sick throughout the year, regardless of the season.

The state of health of the child is often inversely proportional to the degree of his excessive care. From the first days of life, it would seem that there is everything that the baby needs. A warm apartment, no drafts, warm clothes, walks only in good weather, when it is windy we cover his face with a scarf - but he is still endlessly sick. He wet his feet a little - snot, blew from the window - coughed.

The most common cause of such diseases is the loss of the child's innate ability and readiness to adapt to changes in the natural conditions of his life.

Causes of frequent colds

The reason is the artificial creation of greenhouse conditions for the child: only inadequately warm rooms, too warm clothes, only warm water, preventing contact with air movement. But it is impossible to grow a person in an incubator all his life. Sooner or later he will get caught in the rain, get his feet wet, face the cold wind. Moreover, the later, the worse the consequences, the more likely it is that he will get sick.

Usually these are children with reduced resistance, the reasons for which are different for each child. Along with increased sensitivity to the usual effects of environmental factors, it is important hereditary predisposition. Remember, didn’t you, parents, have equally frequent diseases in childhood? If they were, then this explains a lot, but should not discourage you. If this has passed with age, it does not mean that everything will end well for your child.

The predisposition can be expressed as: exudative, allergic, lymphatic. Chronic eating disorders, chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, obesity), diseases of the nervous system matter.

The cause of frequent morbidity may be a decrease in resistance against the background of vitamin deficiency in the body, on the background of anemia. There are many children who eat not quite rationally. For example, a child willingly eats flour products, sweets, but refuses vegetables, dairy products. After a while, it starts to get sick often. Violated vitamin balance.

Has the meaning prolonged exposure to adverse environmental factors. Let's say the family lives in an industrial area. Industrial waste, getting into the respiratory tract of a child, reduces the barrier functions of the mucous membranes and their resistance to infections. A similar mechanism of recurrence in children in families in which it is customary to smoke in the home. The child in such cases is a passive smoker.

Quite often, children who are often ill are treated with special diligence. However, taking certain medications (antibiotics, local hormonal agents) suppresses the immune response on a transmitted infection and reduces the resistance to infections in general, contributing to their recurrence. Of course, there are diseases in which the use of antibiotics is a salvation for the child. But their uncontrolled use can bring significant harm to the body.

Stress from school and kindergarten

Decreased immunity to infections is often due to psycho-emotional and physical overload and stress. Dads and moms would like to see their children in the future as outstanding personalities. However, do not try to send your child to both music and art school at the same time. The child will not stand it, while attending figure skating, tennis and a dance studio. At best, he will often get colds, at worst, neurotic reactions will appear.

Often, children often get sick when they start attending kindergarten. At the same time, parents "sin" on the conditions in the kindergarten, on the inattention of the staff. It also happens. But if only your child is often sick, then the problem is more likely in him - he is not yet ripe for being in a team. Immaturity may relate to his psychological unpreparedness for separation from the family (under stress, resistance to infections is suppressed). Or it may be related to the lack of hardening of the child. Conditions in preschool institutions, of course, are not Spartan, but they are not focused on “hothouse” children either. And finally, not all children by the age of 3 are ready to closely enter the children's team in terms of the degree of maturity of the immune system.

How to boost immunity

Treatment of frequently ill children should be primarily aimed at eliminating external causes of reduced resistance to infections. Numerous studies have shown that the stimulation therapy, which we will talk about now, it is possible to achieve a decrease in the frequency of diseases. But if a child continues to live in an ecologically unfavorable area, if he constantly breathes polluted air, if he is overloaded at school, or if he does not develop relationships with classmates, he will begin to get sick often again.

A nutritious and varied diet is of great importance. With frequent diseases in the child's body, the consumption of vitamins and minerals increases, which is not compensated by their content in food. Therefore, an obligatory component of the rehabilitation of frequently ill children is vitamin therapy, during which it is advisable to use multivitamin complexes enriched with trace elements.

The child's nonspecific resistance can be increased repeated courses of biostimulants: ginseng, eleutherococcus, Chinese or Far Eastern magnolia vine, leuzea, echinacea, immunal, apilactose (royal jelly of bees), apilikvirita (royal jelly with licorice), propolis (bee glue), linetol (linseed oil preparation), pantocrine (horn extract) deer).

Currently released polyvalent preparations, providing the formation of the protection of the child from a large number of pathogens of respiratory infections. These drugs include bronchomunal, IRS-19 (nasal drops), as well as combining the properties of vaccines and immunocorrector ribomunil (tablets or sachets with granules). These drugs are used for long (up to 6 months) intermittent courses. To achieve the desired effect, you need patience and diligence.

Specific vaccines have been developed to prevent some of the more severe colds. Such diseases primarily include pneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenzae and influenza.

The next line of treatment for frequently ill children may be the use of immunomodulators- funds that directly affect individual parts of the immune system. These agents include levamisole (decaris), prodigiosan, sodium nucleic acid, polyoxidonium, licopid, imunorix. For the same purpose, drugs derived from the thymus gland, one of the central organs of the immune system (taktivin, thymalin, thymogen) are used. Homeopathic remedies are also used to prevent colds. For example, recently the drug oscillococcinum has been popular.

In some cases, prolonged circulation of the virus in the child's body is possible. In this case, the doctor may prescribe for your child a course of antiviral drugs interferons (alfaferon, lokferon, viferon, roferon, reaferon) or agents that stimulate their formation in the body (cycloferon, amixin, ridostin, poludan).

Interference with the immune system requires caution. The choice of the drug that is optimal for your child, stimulating a specific weakened link in the immune system, the choice of treatment regimen, doses and duration of therapy courses should be made by the doctor. Your task is to be sympathetic to the need for strict implementation of his recommendations.

Good day, my dears! The season of colds is just around the corner, and therefore today it is important to take care of strengthening the immunity of the child, especially if he often gets sick with you. But first, let me tell you a little about my experience.

My daughter is three years old. She has been attending kindergarten for a year now. During this time, colds haunted her constantly, but she had a temperature no more than four times. Whether this is due to the Prevenar vaccination last year (against pneumococcal infection) or regular vitamin therapy, I cannot say for sure. Perhaps everything is in the complex.

Every year, with the onset of cold weather, I, like many of you, are concerned about the issue of increasing children's immunity. After all, we all want to spend as little time as possible on sick leave and lead an active and busy lifestyle. That is why I regularly give my daughter various probiotic complexes, fish oil, royal and drone jelly, propolis water tincture and vitamin and mineral preparations for children throughout the year.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child at 2 years old before kindergarten and during the adaptation period?

It is advisable to start strengthening the children's body in the warm season. As they say, you need to prepare a sleigh in the summer. After all, it is at this time of the year that there are enough natural vitamins in the form of fruits and vegetables.

It is best to send the child to the village or to the country for the summer. But if this is not possible, then take him at least on weekends to the river, where he can swim, sunbathe and breathe fresh air.

Rest in the village or in the country will help the baby take a break from daily contacts with a large number of city people. How to strengthen the immunity of a child outside the city? Let the baby run around in shorts and barefoot. Pour water into a special inflatable pool, and let it splash all day long.

Stay away from the child with mandatory feedings. Let him eat only when he asks, and as much as he wants. Use soap and washcloths only at the end of the day when you bathe your baby before bed at night.

If your baby is forced to spend the summer in the city, then start hardening him at home. Walk with him outdoors for at least two hours a day. In the open sun, he should spend daily 20-30 minutes.

After walking, wipe his feet with cool water. And after each bath, rinse the child with water 1-2 degrees cooler than bathing water. In summer, all windows in your apartment should be open around the clock.

We strengthen the immunity of a two-year-old baby with adenoids with frequent colds

Give your baby as many natural vitamins as possible. If the season of fruits and vegetables has passed, do not forget to feed the children's body with special vitamin and mineral complexes. Cook him a compote of frozen berries and dried fruits. In addition, regularly (preferably every day) give your child yogurt before bedtime. This will help maintain the good health of its intestinal microflora.

In addition, as you know, babies are prone to complications in the respiratory tract in the form of pneumonia and pneumonia. This vaccination reduces the risk of developing such complications during SARS.

And, of course, do not forget to give your baby as many positive emotions as possible every day, which contribute to maintaining good health.

How to increase the immunity of a 3-year-old child with frequent colds in the kindergarten?

On the forums, anxious moms very often discuss this issue. Like, if a child goes to kindergarten for a couple of days, he gets sick. And okay, if you get off with only a banal runny nose. But basically, he just gets sick in a new circle - with a temperature and the ensuing consequences.

And then these same mothers begin to look for miracle drugs that will protect the baby from viruses or become an effective prophylactic. And now they are already reading a lot of positive reviews about these medicines, running to the pharmacy and ... again they miss and throw away money in vain.

And the thing is that if a child is often sick, this does not mean that he has poor immunity. Because if the immune system copes with the disease without complications in a week, then everything is in order with it. And in this case, you don’t need to drag the baby to an immunologist and stuff him with interferons.

But if each ARVI ends with taking antibiotics due to complications in the form of pneumonia or pneumonia, of course, children's immunity has given a serious failure. And in this case, it is simply necessary to understand! After all, with a high degree of probability, you yourself have become the reason that the child's defenses do not work well.

Remember the last time you walked with him for two or three hours in a row in any weather? Do you only feed on demand or force you to eat? This is where you look for the cause of your baby's poor immunity. And it’s not at all necessary to stuff him with vitamins and immunostimulants in the hope that your child’s immune system will “change its mind” and begin to work as it should. All these preparations are only for your reassurance and enrichment of the producers.

Hardening rules to strengthen the immunity of a three-year-old baby

This procedure should be started and repeated only when the child is absolutely healthy. At the same time, hardening should cause him only positive emotions. If for some reason the break exceeded more than 10 days, the procedure must be started all over again.

For children from one to three years old, hardening should begin with washing with cool water (from 20 degrees), gradually bringing its temperature to 16 degrees. Every 3-4 days it is necessary to reduce the water temperature by 1-2 degrees. Next, move on to daily douche after walking before a daytime sleep.

For older children, it is recommended to start hardening by rubbing the face, neck, arms and chest with cool water. In the summer, you can immediately add dousing your feet after walking. Then you can move on to general dousing with a gradual decrease in water temperature.

A good tempering procedure is also daily gargling with cold water or sucking on pieces of ice (ice cream). Here, too, gradualness is important. If you started the procedure with water at room temperature, then in a couple of weeks it must be brought to 8-10 degrees.

The best way to increase the immunity of a child at 4-5 years old with frequent colds

At this age, as a rule, the baby's body is already well adapted to the kindergarten viruses, so it gets sick less often. However, if this does not happen, then, as we have already said, look for the reason in the organization of his lifestyle. Namely:

  • stop overfeeding and/or forcing him to eat;
  • feed only healthy and varied food;
  • regularly humidify and ventilate the baby's room;
  • at a minimum, feed the child medicines during his illnesses;
  • let's drink plenty of fluids throughout the day;
  • stop wrapping up the baby, dress him according to the weather;
  • walk more often and more;
  • if possible, drive to the pool and go out into nature more often.

Here, in principle, are all the secrets of strong children's immunity. Believe me, if you follow all these recommendations every day, you will only learn about colds and flus on TV.

How to strengthen the immune system of a six-year-old baby?

By the age of six, the child will be less sick, if before that you have not overdone it with strengthening his immunity. The fact is that by this age, the baby's immune system becomes more stable and perfect by itself. Therefore, now the main thing for you is not to spoil it with your overprotection.

First, organize his lifestyle in accordance with the above recommendations. Secondly, feed with vitamin and mineral preparations no more than one or two times a year and preferably only after past illnesses.

Before school, it is still desirable to teach the child to swim and instill a love for water hardening procedures. In addition, learn with him a set of breathing exercises, which will greatly help his body to cope with stressful situations faster (and there are many such at school!). Well, it is desirable in the morning to teach the baby to do exercises or run in the fresh air.

How to increase the immunity of a child after pneumonia and antibiotics?

For pneumonia and other bacterial diseases, antibiotics are required. But the subsequent course of vitamin therapy or probiotics is completely optional. Competent pediatricians are convinced that modern antibiotics minimally interfere with the intestinal microflora and certainly do not lower the concentration of available vitamins in the human body.

Another thing is that after antibiotic therapy, vitamin-mineral complexes help the child's body get stronger faster and, due to this, at least slightly reduce the risk of new acute respiratory viral infections in the near future.

However, the most important factors in strengthening the immunity of a child after suffering from pneumonia are the optimization of the lifestyle that parents should organize. And this means that it is better to feed the baby with healthy food when he is hungry than to take him to McDonald's and give him a vitamin at home.

It is advisable for the child to sleep with the window open and with the air humidifier turned on (if the air is dry at home). Do not forget to walk with him a couple of times a day for at least an hour. Well, if funds allow, regularly take the baby to the pool. Swimming perfectly tones the body and trains the immune system.

Dr. Komarovsky on how to strengthen the immunity of preschool children

Strengthening children's immunity should cover all aspects of a child's life and be systematic. The main components of a strong immune system are hardening, good nutrition, fortification of the body, maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora, a lot of positive emotions, as well as stopping wrapping the baby up and being afraid all the time that he will get sick.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that most children from the moment of birth have strong immunity. And the task of parents is not to spoil it: by overfeeding, wrapping, rare and short walks in the fresh air, and so on.

The immune system of the child, according to Komarovsky, is ready for cave life in non-sterile conditions, where a huge number of bacteria live. Many mothers, after the birth of a baby, begin to create almost sterile conditions for his habitat. However, in no case should this be done, so as not to create problems for the child at an older age.

How to increase the immunity of a child with folk remedies at home?

According to those who have recovered, the most effective way to strengthen children's immunity is a vitamin mixture made from dried apricots, raisins, raisins, walnuts and honey. Take each ingredient in equal proportions, grind them through a meat grinder and give your child one dessert spoon in the morning on an empty stomach for four to five weeks.

I also found this recipe on the forums. As the mothers who have tried it assure, it also improves the baby's immunity well and saturates his body with vitamins. So, take three tablespoons of dried rose hips and pour three cups of boiling water over them. Insist in a thermos for two hours.

For children from 6 months to a year, give no more than 100 ml of rosehip broth per day. From 1 to 3 years - 200 ml. At 4 and 5 years old, babies can consume 400 ml per day of a vitamin drink. Older guys can get up to 600 ml of berry broth per day.

Do you strengthen the immunity of your children in the autumn-spring period? If so, how? I would be glad if you share your experience and tricks in the comments. After all, we mothers want our babies to always be healthy. Good health to you and your babies! See you in the next articles!


Dear readers, today we will talk about how to raise and strengthen the child's immunity. The problem, I think, is very relevant for many. Many of you are very worried about your often ill children, feed them with medicines, the advice of doctors does not always help, and sometimes it is not easy to find good doctors. As a result, the condition of the child remains at the same level or even worsens.

And today on the blog I want to present you an article from Marina Tamilova - a teacher, psychologist, a person of versatile hobbies and just a caring mother. I give the floor to Marina, who this time will share with you her personal experience in strengthening the immunity and health of her child.

Dear readers, in today's article I want to talk about what to do with a frequently ill child, and answer the question of why children get sick endlessly, and what to do about it. At the very beginning, I would like to note that if you are planning a pregnancy, but you know that your health is not all right, then it is best to prepare for childbirth in advance, because it is very likely that your baby will take all your viruses, bacteria in utero and pathogenic microflora.

This is much more serious than you think. For example, even such a seemingly trifle as thrush can bring a lot of trouble to the baby, starting with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and ending with pneumonia.

How to boost your child's immunity

Medicines and antibiotics. Do you give them to your child?

First of all, it is necessary, if possible, to exclude the use of drugs and especially antibiotics from an early age. If you want to boost your child's immunity, then try not to feed the baby with pills, and especially not to give antibiotics for preventive purposes. Some doctors like to prescribe them to be on the safe side.

It is impossible in our time to blindly follow the prescriptions of doctors, especially those taken from medical reference books. Every mother is now obliged to be competent in order to independently figure out how the doctor made the right appointment.

Unfortunately, this is the reality of our life. Many doctors do not care what will happen to your child, the main thing is that you buy an expensive and fashionable medicine. Of course, there are doctors “from God” who are in their place, and who have moral principles and the courage to go against the system, but there are not so many of them and, basically, they work in paid centers. Look for such a doctor if you have the opportunity. If not, stick to the course that the fewer drugs, the better. Strong medicines and operations are acceptable only when it comes to the life and death of a child.

Quality Probiotics

In other cases, prevention is needed. You know your child better than any doctor. Antibiotics are taken only for bacterial infections and do not affect viruses in any way, moreover, such a reception should always be accompanied by high-quality probiotics. Probiotics are preparations with beneficial bacteria that need to populate the intestines of the child, instead of those that are killed by antibiotics. The intestinal flora regulates the work of the immune system, and any antibiotics completely destroy it. That is why it needs to be replaced with something.

About greenhouse conditions and not only

From a very early age, a child should not be wrapped up, otherwise he will immediately fall ill when in contact with the cold. The baby needs to be introduced to different sensations and alternate cold and warm. Here, simple hardening techniques are suitable, as well as a mandatory visit to the pool and frequent home bathing. Try to organize it in such a way that it does not overwork at school, even if the modern education system scares you and you are worried about the future of the child. There is no need to force him to study until the night that it is simply impossible to learn in such quantity.

The child must be sure to get enough sleep and not be nervous.

Exercise stress

Physical activity is very important for children. It is best if the child will visit the pool from a very young age. Swimming children are much better developed, stronger and smarter than those who avoid water. Connect another sports section to the pool, at the choice of the baby. It is very useful to give the child a general wellness massage once every three months.

Air humidification. walks

What else can be said about boosting immunity in our children? Why does the children's season of diseases begin in the autumn-winter period? It's very simple: children stop being outdoors and sit in warm, dry rooms, where bacteria and viruses are free. The premises of many kindergartens, schools, and apartments do not meet the standards at all. Warm and dry air is contraindicated for often ill crumbs. They need constant moisture.

When the mucous membranes are moistened, their contents liquefy and easily exit the nasal passages, and do not go straight to the ears, causing endless otitis media and causing great suffering to the crumbs. In the autumn-winter period, it is often necessary to ventilate the premises and provide them with good humidifiers, and it is also useful for children to visit swimming pools and frequent home bathing is shown. And it is even better that the child is more in the fresh air, despite the fact that it is cold.

Home pool area made of sea pebbles

At home it is good to arrange a pool of sea pebbles. In the pet store you can buy smooth pebbles of small sizes. Set up a special corner at home. Where it will be convenient to arrange them so that you can pour warm boiled water over the pebbles with the addition of sea salt and a drop of vinegar. It is necessary that the baby three times a day walk barefoot on these sea pebbles for five minutes. Perfectly strengthens the body.

Vitamins for children to increase immunity

Every child needs vitamins for the normal functioning of the body. But children need natural vitamins for immunity. It is best to consume seasonal fruits in large quantities, as well as freeze or dry a variety of berries and fruits for the winter in order to have access to “live” natural food all year round.

Useful natural recipe for raising the immunity of a child

The following vitamin mixture is very useful:

  • raisins (1.5 cups);
  • walnut kernels (1 cup);
  • almonds (0.5 cup);
  • lemon (2 pieces);
  • honey (0.5 cups).

Pass raisins, nuts and lemon peel through a meat grinder, mix. Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons into it and pour the melted honey. And mix again. Put in a dark place for 2 days. Take 1-2 teaspoons one hour before meals.
Of course, this recipe can be given to children if there is no allergy.

I also suggest watching the video material: Dr. Komarovsky. Strengthening immunity in children.

Strengthening immunity in children with folk remedies. Recipes

Medicinal herbs can become faithful assistants in increasing immunity in children. Chamomile, rosehip, calendula, mint teas are very useful for children. These teas can be given both before and after meals. Before eating, they will have a beneficial effect on the stomach, relieving spasms, and after eating, they will irrigate the mucous membranes of the mouth and wash away the bacteria left after eating. Rosehip tea can be given to the baby to drink during the day. Just 50 g of chamomile, mint and calendula tea three times a day is enough. And you can have more rose hips: as much as the baby asks.

It is very useful, if there is no allergy, to use honey, which contains a lot of useful substances. The egg shell promotes the formation of lymphocytes in the bone marrow. It is very easy to cook it. First you need to cook it, then dry it, separate the inner film and grind it in a coffee grinder. Every day, the child is given such egg powder on the tip of a teaspoon, along with a small amount of lemon juice.

Here's another great tool. You will need:

  • cranberries (1 kg);
  • 2 pitted lemons;
  • 1 glass of honey.

Mix all ingredients and you're done. It is recommended to use the remedy 3 tablespoons with tea up to 3 times a day.

It is impossible not to bring another vitamin infusion, which has proven itself in raising children's immunity and raising vitality. So, we need:

  • carrots (0.5 kg);
  • beets (0.5 kg);
  • raisins (handful);
  • dried apricots (handful);
  • honey (1 tablespoon).

Finely chop the carrots and beets, put them in a saucepan and pour boiling water over so that the vegetables are covered by 2 fingers. Simmer until the beets are tender, drain. Then add thoroughly washed dried fruits and boil again for about 3-4 minutes. Next, you need to add honey and insist in a cool place for 12 hours. For a month, you need to give this remedy to children half a cup 3 times a day. It is advisable to repeat every six months.

Frequently ill child. How to boost immunity

A very good remedy for boosting immunity in children is echinacea tincture. It is highly desirable to take several courses of this tincture twice a year, every 6 months. To determine an acceptable dosage for a child, it is best to consult a doctor.

Fish oil is also an excellent remedy. Please note that choosing fish oil or Omega 3 is better than the production of very reputable companies that value their reputation. These companies specialize in natural dietary supplements and refine their products. It is strongly undesirable to use cheap fish oil from pharmacies.

Give your child exclusively high-quality dietary supplements: all the seas and oceans on earth are contaminated with mercury.

So, let's sum up some results on how to raise the child's immunity:

  • the health of the child is the responsibility of the parents and you need to take it upon yourself even before the conception of the baby;
  • understand the intricacies of modern medicine and protect the baby's immunity from any intervention that can harm him;
  • gradually harden the child from an early age;
  • teach your baby to swim from birth for better development and health;
  • walk and move a lot;
  • massage regularly;
  • humidify dry indoor air;
  • ventilate more often;
  • use natural vitamins and only high-quality dietary supplements;
  • take care of the baby's nervous system, make sure that he gets enough sleep;
  • do not force to work around the clock;
  • have a good doctor you can trust;
  • remember that the less medication, the better.

I thank Marina for her thoughts and advice. From myself I want to say that I have tried so many things with my daughters. I have twin daughters, and when they were small, they often became infected from each other. And after one daughter underwent a two-year chemotherapy for onco-hematology, the liver was completely planted, there was no immunity, and it was necessary to restore it, I tried everything that was in my power.

And I am very grateful to our immunologist, a doctor from God, as I call her. She locally strengthened our nasopharynx, a sore spot in almost every child. In addition to medicines, I gave her peas, as we called them from “Happiness of Life”_ our Russian company was so wonderful. And we also did gargling with juices. Carrot day, cabbage day, potato day. A little juice and she always drank inside.

My daughter was vaccinated only with imported vaccines. The doctor ordered them in proven places. Only they were used.

I brewed oats for her - it helps to strengthen the immune system, and we cured a cough with it, which did not go away after chemotherapy. We drank oats for a long time. You can read about everything in the article.

And she gave her herbs to drink, tempered, did. In moments of hardening, I want to wish everyone wisdom. If you have never tempered a child, do not start abruptly. It is a smooth, wise approach that will help improve the health and boost the immunity of the child.

In our situation, I had to leave work for a very long time, almost forget about myself, but it was necessary to raise my daughter and restore her health. And the second daughter was nearby, it was a healthy child. She had to do the same, but in a completely different way.

And, of course, there was and always is a lot of care and love from us. It is very important for the child to know and feel these moments. Do not pamper, but love!

I gave many recipes in the article Recipes are all useful for strengthening immunity.

To all of us wisdom and love for our children. Understand that everything is in our hands. If a child is often sick, do not despair, but study the literature, read everything on your problems, look for a good immunologist and use everything wisely.

see also




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