Home Indoor flowers How is a natural pregnancy possible without tubes. How to get pregnant without fallopian tubes. How difficult is the operation

How is a natural pregnancy possible without tubes. How to get pregnant without fallopian tubes. How difficult is the operation

The female reproductive system has a very complex structure. Failure of at least one element leads to problems with conception and pregnancy. The fallopian tubes are an extremely important organ for the fertilization process, since it occurs in them.

If one tube is missing, the chances of a natural pregnancy are 50%. Pregnancy is impossible without fallopian tubes, at least naturally. But thanks to artificial insemination, the problem associated with obstruction or absence of fallopian tubes is completely solvable.

Briefly about fallopian tubes and obstruction

Directly in the fallopian tubes, the sperm comes close to the mature egg and fertilizes it. The fertilized egg is still in the tube for some time, until the embryo stage, after which it is sent to the uterine cavity. Fallopian tubes are located symmetrically to each other on both sides of the uterus and connect it to the ovaries.

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is a disorder that occurs quite often in modern society. According to statistics, with such a disease, the normal course of pregnancy is observed only in 5% of cases.

Ectopic pregnancy develops more often, which requires medical intervention and artificial termination. Otherwise, internal bleeding may begin and there is a possibility of rupture.

Ectopic pregnancy with rupture of the fallopian tube.

When diagnosed with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, at the initial stage, I prescribe drug treatment. But if a positive result is not achieved, surgery is necessary. You need to be aware that after a surgical operation to remove tubes, a woman will not have a chance of getting pregnant on her own. But there will also be a way out of this situation - a procedure with removed fallopian tubes.

Be sure to watch this useful video, a woman reproductive specialist talks about IVF in case of obstruction:


In some cases, for medical reasons, the pipes are tied to maintain the health of a woman. Also, such manipulation is performed at the request of women who do not want to have children. This manipulation leads to the fact that the chances of getting pregnant naturally are reduced to zero. When the desire to have a baby is strong enough, it is possible to carry out an IVF procedure for the bandaged tubes.

In this one-minute video, a doctor of the highest category, an obstetrician-gynecologist, talks about tubal ligation:

IVF with removed pipes

Is it possible to have IVF and give birth without fallopian tubes? Yes, it is possible, because in order to carry out the IVF procedure, the presence of fallopian tubes is not a prerequisite. This is because they are not particularly needed for artificial insemination. In addition, due to the lack of liquid, which is usually in them, it is easier for the embryo to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. And pregnancy comes faster.

The process of IVF without fallopian tubes is identical to the standard one. At the initial stage, the patient undergoes a complete medical examination, after which she is prescribed treatment (preparation).

IVF can give a positive result after the first procedure. Since the fertilized egg is immediately implanted into the uterine cavity, excluding the previous stages. In this case, it does not matter whether the tubes are completely removed or only one, the chances of pregnancy are absolutely equal.

Removal of fallopian tubes before IVF

Sometimes there are situations when you have to remove the fallopian tubes before IVF. Often, patients who are diagnosed with obstruction of the fallopian tubes are also diagnosed with hydrosalpinx disease (accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tubes). This factor has a significant impact on the onset of pregnancy.

Be sure to watch this informative video about hydrosalpinx removal:

Hydrosalpinx reduces the likelihood of a positive fertilization outcome by almost half.

There are times when several protocol procedures fail. Then the patients are advised to remove the tubes. This method will help the embryo to better retain itself in the uterine cavity. Women who have encountered this problem note that after the operation, the IVF procedure was crowned with success.

According to statistics, women who have opted for an operation to remove tubes become mothers in 60% of cases. Those who refused the operation - only in 25% of cases. That is, removing the tubes can increase the chances of pregnancy by 50%.

IVF without removal of fallopian tubes

Of course, the procedure of artificial insemination (IVF) is carried out without removing the fallopian tubes. The choice in this case remains with the patient. If the tubes are not removed, the focus of infection (hydrosalpinx) remains, it significantly reduces the chances of getting pregnant. Also, this factor can have a negative impact directly on the development of the fetus.

When to do IVF after surgery?

To the question: "When can IVF be done after removal?" difficult to answer. It all depends directly on the individual characteristics of each individual patient. On average, after surgery, the rehabilitation period lasts from two to six months. The start time of the next procedure is determined directly by the attending physician after the examination procedure.

The current level of development of medicine allows us to solve the problem of female infertility. Every woman has a chance to give birth to her child. And let it be impossible to get pregnant naturally with obstruction or removed fallopian tubes. Artificial insemination will help solve this problem and feel the joy of motherhood.

Finally, another short video from an experienced doctor:

Write in the comments if you removed the pipes before IVF or if you are just about to. How was the pregnancy? This will be very useful for those who are just deciding to take this step. Rate the article, share it on your social networks. Thanks for visiting.

In order to get pregnant, you need to have perfect health and reproductive system. However, as practice shows, not everyone can boast of this. In about 30% of women, organ removal was previously performed to avoid possible complications. And most often it is the fallopian tubes that are hit. Is it possible to get pregnant in the absence of fallopian tubes and how? Let's talk about it.

The role of the fallopian tubes in the female body

Every woman has two fallopian tubes - the right and the left. They perform the main function of transporting the fertilized gamete to the uterus. Through which tube (right or left) the egg will move depends on which ovary it was produced by.

Follicles appear on the surface of the ovaries at a certain period (at the end of menstruation), in which the ovum matures. After the latter has fully matured, the follicle bursts, the gamete is released and enters the fallopian tube, where it meets with the sperm and fertilization.

After that, the female reproductive cell is in the fallopian tube for about a week. It begins to divide and grow in size. All this time, the egg cell feeds on the liquid that is contained in it. And the fallopian tube creates all the atmosphere necessary for the further development of the gamete.

After long wanderings through the fallopian tubes, the egg still reaches the uterus, but already in the form of an embryo, ready to free itself from its protective shell and become completely dependent on the mother's body.

That is, only one conclusion can be drawn - the fallopian tubes are necessary for the fertilization of the egg and its further transformation into an embryo. And without them, new life cannot arise naturally.

Sometimes it happens that a woman has only one fallopian tube. This can be either a congenital pathology or acquired as a result of operations. However, the absence of only one fallopian tube is not an indicator of infertility. In this case, the occurrence of a natural pregnancy is possible.

Danger of pathology

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is very common and requires surgery. What is the danger of this pathology? And the danger lies in the development of serious complications.

As we said earlier, the fallopian tubes provide transport of the egg into the uterine cavity and facilitate the meeting of male and female germ cells. If a woman has this problem, pregnancy occurs in 5% of cases, since the meeting of the egg and sperm is difficult.

But even if pregnancy occurs, it does not go away without complications and, as a rule, requires surgical intervention (abortion), since its development occurs in the wrong place - the fallopian tube. And this occurs due to the fact that the sperm cell is very small in comparison with the egg and can pass obstacles in the form of adhesions. But the female fertilized gamete is not, therefore, the development of pregnancy occurs in the tube, which threatens it with rupture and severe internal bleeding.

This condition also leads to the development of infectious diseases that can be sexually transmitted. In addition, they can provoke inflammatory processes in the abdominal organs and lead to the need to remove them. An example of this is appendicitis.

Is there a need to remove the fallopian tubes?

This condition is a rather serious disease that leads to various health complications. However, there is no need to rush to give consent to the operation if the situation is not yet so severely neglected.

First, you need to undergo a course of drug treatment, and only in the absence of positive dynamics and a sharp deterioration in the condition, agree to the operation.

However, every woman should understand that by giving consent to the removal of the fallopian tubes, she decides herself to be a mother. She will not be able to get pregnant naturally. And if the patient does not have children of her own, but at the same time the operation is simply necessary, then it is still possible to fulfill her dream in the future. And this can be done only with the help of ART - IVF.

Lack of fallopian tubes and IVF

Most women who have undergone surgery to remove the fallopian tubes give up on themselves, believing that their dream will no longer work. However, they are very much wrong. And in vitro fertilization is confirmation of this.

The fact is that for the IVF protocol, the presence of fallopian tubes is not necessary, since they do not take any part in this process. Reproductive specialists need only healthy ovaries, which will produce eggs, and a good uterus, where ready-made embryos will be implanted.

Some doctors are even glad to be dealing with young women who have had their fallopian tubes removed. Strange, isn't it? However, this reaction is justified. The thing is that there is fluid in the fallopian tubes, which sometimes "flushes" the embryo from the uterine cavity, as a result of which pregnancy does not occur.

In the absence of fallopian tubes, such a situation does not arise, and as practice shows, pregnancy after the IVF protocol is observed in 60% of patients. And these are very high rates, given that in ordinary women after IVF, a positive result is observed only in 25%.

In addition, this very liquid contains accumulates various infectious agents, which is also not very favorable for the development of the future fetus. Therefore, do not worry about the lack of fallopian tubes. A woman has every chance of conceiving a child.

How is IVF performed in the presence of pathology?

IVF in the absence of fallopian tubes is carried out according to the standard scheme. First, the patient is fully examined, the presence of other diseases is revealed and their complete treatment is performed.

Next, hormonal drugs are selected that stimulate the ovaries - the production of a large number of eggs. With the help of ultrasound examination, the process of follicle maturation is monitored, after which the second stage of the protocol begins - puncture.

With this procedure, eggs are collected. This happens by puncturing the ovaries and sucking the fluid out of them. Well, after that, healthy eggs are fertilized and placed in a special environment, where they begin to divide.

On days 3-4, the woman is examined, and in the case of normal values, embryos are transplanted. And after all these procedures, the woman can only wait and believe in a miracle. If pregnancy occurs, the woman continues to be monitored by a gynecologist-obstetrician. If not, after 2 - 3 months you can try to conceive a child again using ART.

IVF in the absence of fallopian tubes: reviews

Kosenko Valeria, Moscow

I had my fallopian tubes removed about 3 years ago. At the same time, the rest of the organs of the reproductive system functioned normally for me. I decided on IVF. She got pregnant on the first try. In three months we expect a replenishment in our family.

Sidorova Natalia, Krasnadar

Due to the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy, the doctors sent me to an operation, where the fallopian tube was removed. But strangely enough, they did not find the second pipe. They said that I was born that way. In general, I remained childless and my husband and I came to the conclusion that we need to use IVF. And we didn’t regret it - now we have a healthy son who will turn two years old in a couple of months.

Obukhova Ksenia, St. Petersburg

But IVF did not help me to become a mother. Although the doctors assured me that in the absence of fallopian tubes, the chances of developing pregnancy are greater. I tried it several times - all attempts were unsuccessful.

Belyaeva Olesya, Krasnoyarsk

And I recently became a mother! Thank you very much for our modern medicine! I have already lost all hopes (for more than 6 years I tried to get pregnant, it didn’t work). But after my fallopian tubes were removed and I was offered IVF, the pregnancy came immediately! The baby was born healthy and on time.

Goncharova Milan, Minsk

If the fallopian tubes are absent, then this only increases the chances of conceiving a child with the help of IVF, since nothing "superfluous" gets into the uterus and the embryo is not washed away (my doctor told me so). She herself underwent an in vitro fertilization procedure - the result was positive.

Martynova Marina, Bratsk

I read many positive reviews about IVF in the absence of fallopian tubes. I decided to take this step myself. Unfortunately, it did not bring positive results for me. Pregnancy never came.

Is it possible to get pregnant without the fallopian tubes naturally, if both or one ovary are removed and is it possible to get pregnant if the fallopian tubes are ligated - read the answers of medical professionals.


The fallopian tubes are a kind of life path in a woman's body. They are two filament channels with an average length of 10-12 cm and a diameter of 5 mm. The inner wall of the tubes is covered with villi, which are used to move the egg during ovulation. The main task of these organs is to achieve pregnancy.

In some cases, they can be damaged or removed, which leads to significant difficulties. The woman herself will not feel their lack, but achieving fertilization in a natural way is impossible. But, is it possible to get pregnant without pipes? Yes, it is possible. For this, a special procedure is used - in vitro fertilization. It is recommended for all women with this problem, and successful fertilization is carried out in three cases out of five.

Like the fallopian tubes, the ovaries can be removed, thereby reducing the risk of successful fertilization. In the absence of two ovaries at once, pregnancy is impossible. If at least one functioning organ remains, then conception can occur. When removing, doctors assess the condition of both ovaries and fallopian tubes so that, in combination, one working organs can allow a woman to have children. With poor performance of one of them, the chance of natural pregnancy tends to zero.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is one of the most terrifying diagnoses while carrying a baby. If the disease is not detected in time, then serious complications may develop, up to and including death. Treatment of such a diagnosis is very painful, while leaving a serious psychological blow.

After an operation to eliminate the pathology, many women do not dare to have a child again for a long time due to the fact that they are afraid of a repetition of the situation. The question may also arise, is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy? According to doctors, such a diagnosis can significantly reduce the chance of successful fertilization. But despite this, subsequent pregnancy is possible, regardless of location.

First of all, you need to undergo a rehabilitation course that will allow the pipes to recover. In the first month, intimate relationships are contraindicated, and the minimum period for full recovery is six months. After that, you need to consult a doctor who will determine the state of the body and the possibility of further fertilization. For this, perturbation and laparoscopy are used. They also allow you to clean the tubes for the successful entry of the egg into the uterus and prevent the possibility of a recurrence of pathology.

Is it possible to get pregnant with obstruction of the fallopian tubes or if they are bandaged

Many women have problems with fallopian tube patency, which can cause a huge number of serious consequences. The most dangerous is an ectopic pregnancy, which is treated with an operation and does not allow for some time to become pregnant. Another factor may be the inability to ovulate correctly, which is why the girl is not able to have children.

Today, medicine is able to correct this situation. The use of hysterosalpingography, perturbation and laparoscopy allows you to clean the tubes and give a chance for successful natural fertilization. In special cases, when the situation is too difficult and it is impossible to conceive a child, IVF is used, which itself delivers the egg to the right place and fertilizes it. This operation requires careful planning for the possible occurrence of ovulation.

Some women deprive themselves of the opportunity to have children by tying the tubes. But, is it possible to get pregnant if the fallopian tubes are tied? This operation gives a 100% result of infertility, and exceptional cases occur for only three reasons.

In the case of a wrong operation. Poor quality work can give the egg the opportunity to enter the uterus and fertilize. The second situation is the fusion of both filaments, thereby creating a new path to fertilization. The latter case is the possibility that at the time of the operation the pregnancy has already taken place.

The fallopian tubes are one of the elements of the female reproductive system that transports the fertilized egg to the uterus. Pregnancy without tubes in a natural way is impossible, but it is quite acceptable, if you have at least one of them, or an artificial insemination procedure.

Functions and obstruction

They are a paired organ, located in the female body on both sides, symmetrically to each other, and connect the ovaries with the uterus. The egg cell matures in the follicle, and after reaching its maturity and rupture of the membrane, it penetrates into the fallopian tube, where it is fertilized with a sperm. Then, the cell divides and grows within a week, after which, already at the embryonic stage, it enters the uterine cavity.

The most common pathology is obstruction. With such a disease, normal pregnancy is diagnosed in only 5% of women. In most cases, an ectopic pregnancy occurs, requiring its artificial termination by surgery. Otherwise, rupture and internal bleeding may occur.

The initial treatment of obstruction is carried out with drugs, and in the absence of a positive result, surgical intervention is necessary. When deciding on an operation, it is important to understand that a natural pregnancy after removing the tubes is impossible. Then the only way to give birth to a child is the IVF procedure, in the absence of fallopian tubes.

Sometimes, due to medical reasons, or at the request of a woman, for example, during a caesarean section, they are bandaged. In this case, due to poorly performed manipulations, with a minimum, almost zero probability, the onset of a natural pregnancy is possible. But, if you want to give birth to a child, you can carry out the IVF procedure with bandaged tubes.

Artificial insemination in the absence of

For entry into the protocol, they are not a contraindication. After the removal surgery, the woman is left without tubes.

Can IVF be done without fallopian tubes? In in vitro fertilization, the presence or absence does not matter, since they are not involved in the procedure. To a certain extent, their absence contributes to a more successful introduction of the embryo. This is due to the fluid content that prevents the embryo from staying in the uterine cavity, which is why pregnancy does not occur.

IVF after removal of the pipes, is carried out in the same way as if there are any. The patient undergoes a full examination, tests, and based on the data obtained, treatment is prescribed.

If the cause of infertility is the tubal factor, IVF may be successful the first time or the second attempt, since the fertilized egg is transplanted directly into the uterine cavity, bypassing the previous steps. The positive chances of IVF with one tube are as likely to be as having two, or none at all.

Removal before protocol

It has been observed that among patients diagnosed with obstruction, the success of embryo transfer is not the same. Studies have shown that the hydrosalpinx disease plays a significant role in the outcome of the procedure, which, when the embryo is transplanted, almost halves the chances of pregnancy.

Do I need to remove tubes before IVF? If the patient has had several attempts at an unsuccessful protocol, then removing the tubes before IVF will solve the problem with embryo survival, in a positive way. Mothers who managed to get pregnant after repeated unsuccessful attempts, in most cases, note that this happened after the removal operation.

According to statistics, mothers who removed tubes before IVF were able to give birth to a child in 60% of cases, against 25% of women who did not agree to the operation.

When can IVF be done after removal? The recovery period from surgery is usually 2 to 6 months. For each patient, the time of entry into the protocol after the operation, the attending physician specifies individually.

Can IVF be done without removing the tubes? The decision to remove is made only by a woman. But, it should be remembered that the chance of a successful embryo transfer, after the operation, is much higher than before it, since the focus of infection is removed, which interferes with the normal development of pregnancy. This is especially true if a hydrosalpinx is diagnosed, because of which the risk of a negative result increases.

Today, almost every woman has a chance to give birth to her own child. Since cases of pregnancy in a natural way, in the absence of tubes, are impossible, you should pay attention to the procedure of artificial insemination. This is the only opportunity to experience the feeling of motherhood in such a situation.

Removal of the fallopian tube is an operation performed by many women at different ages. Sometimes doctors have to cut one and sometimes two tubes at once. Statistics indicate that from 3 to 12% of women go through the procedure for removing the appendages.

The general condition of the body, according to some experts, is not disturbed, because the fallopian tubes are only a transport system for the egg and sperm.

However, there are a number of scientific papers that prove the opposite point of view. The authors point out that irregularities in the menstrual cycle, hormonal disruptions and other problems with the female reproductive system occur most often in those patients who underwent removal of the fallopian tubes.

A salpingectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the fallopian tube. Another name for the procedure is tubectomy. During its implementation, one or both appendages are removed. The procedure can be carried out on a vital basis on an emergency basis. If nothing threatens the patient's life, then the tubectomy is planned.

Indications for salpingectomy:

    The growth and development of the embryo in the tube cavity. On an emergency basis, the procedure is carried out when the embryo ruptures the appendage and the woman's interior opens.

    If an ectopic pregnancy forms in the same tube for the second time.

    Pelvic adhesions that grow into the tubes.

    Ectopic pregnancy, which is not subject to conservative therapy (when the diameter of the ovum exceeds 30 mm). As for the conservative method of treating an ectopic pregnancy, it is implemented in order for a woman to become pregnant on her own in the future. In this case, the ovum is pushed into the ampullar part of the tube, or a salpingostomy is applied to it.

    The tube may be removed if the salpingostomy was unsuccessful and complicated by bleeding.

    With pronounced deformities of the fallopian tube in the background or salpingitis. The pipe is removed when its functionality cannot be restored.

    Formation of pyosalpinx (accumulation of pus in the lumen of one or both fallopian tubes).

    In vitro fertilization planning. In some cases, doctors insist on removing the fallopian tubes, arguing that IVF may be ineffective. The fact is that the reverse flow of inflammatory exudate from the tubes into the uterine cavity and "washing out" of the planted, but not implanted ovum is possible. In addition, if an inflammatory process occurs in the tubes, this can lead to a toxic effect on the embryo. Sometimes it happens that the implanted embryo begins to take root in the uterus, but after a while, due to inflammation in the tubes, the woman has a miscarriage. Therefore, if the patient has a hydrosalpinx for six months and she plans IVF, then the doctors insist on the preliminary removal of the fallopian tubes.

    The presence of hydrosalpinx in itself, without IVF planning, may be an indication for removal of the fallopian tube. This is especially true for those patients in whom the hydrosalpinx is impressive in size.

    A combination of hysterectomy (the operation is used for pathologies of the uterus, for malignant neoplasms of the ovaries, etc.) and tubectomy is possible.

Most often, the doctor decides on the possibility of removing or preserving the fallopian tubes after or during diagnostic laparoscopy.

How the fallopian tubes are removed: the essence of the procedure

There are two types of operations to remove the fallopian tubes: laparoscopy and laparotomy. Laparoscopic intervention is a priority, it has a minimum set of contraindications, does not require extensive incisions to gain access to the fallopian tubes, does not injure tissues and organs. In addition, the patients recover quickly after it, and the rehabilitation period itself is much easier than after laparotomy.

If there is a rupture of the tube against the background of an ectopic pregnancy, then this process is almost always accompanied by severe bleeding. The development of hemorrhagic shock and other complications, including death, is not excluded. Therefore, in such a situation, a woman can only have a laparotomy. In parallel, intensive infusion-transfusion therapy will be carried out. Only by performing an emergency operation is it possible to save a woman's life.

Stages of laparotomy:

    Introduction of general anesthesia.

    Execution of the incision: according to Pfannenstiel (transverse incision above the bosom) or incision of the anterior wall of the peritoneum, below the umbilical zone.

    Pumping blood that has entered the abdominal cavity. The blood is collected in separate vials to be able to be transfused in the future. However, autologous blood transfusion is available only if the patient does not have inflammation.

    Removal of the uterus and appendages in order to find the source of bleeding.

    The imposition of a clamp on the isthmic part of the epididymis, as well as on the mesentery. This will stop the bleeding.

    Cutting off the fallopian tube.

    Sanitation of the peritoneum and suturing.

During laparoscopy, the surgeon performs the same steps, but the blood pumped out of the peritoneum is not transfused to the woman.

If possible, the pipes are not completely removed, but partially.

Indications for resection of the fallopian tubes:

    The presence of adhesions only in a small area of ​​the fallopian tube.

    An ectopic pregnancy that has just begun its development.

    A benign tumor in one corner of the uterus.

The decision on whether it is possible to remove only part of the fallopian tube is made on an individual basis.

Contraindications to laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes

The laparoscopic method cannot remove the fallopian tubes if the following contraindications are present:


    Fallopian tube rupture with severe bleeding.

    Nervousness, irritability, tearfulness;

    Painful sensations in the region of the heart;

    Increased sweating;

    Congestion of blood to the upper half of the body.

Symptoms tend to intensify before the next menstruation, and they do not bother all women (they are observed in about 42% of cases).

Another 35% of patients, 2-3 months after removal of the epididymis, notice menstrual irregularities. During the ultrasound, they are diagnosed with an increase in the size of the ovary on the side where the fallopian tube was removed. Over time, it undergoes sclerotic changes, which are caused by a violation of the flow of lymph and blood.

There is also an alternation of normal menstrual cycles with disturbed ones. Possible decrease in the performance of the luteal body, cessation of ovulation. However, these conditions are rare.

On the part of the mammary glands, the following changes occur:

    The glands are rough in 6% of patients;

    The chest becomes larger due to diffuse expansion of the lobules in 15% of patients;

    The thyroid gland increases in size, its work is disrupted in 26% of patients;

    The development of the following symptoms is also possible: gaining excess weight, the appearance of hair on the body, the formation of stretch marks on the skin.

These symptoms are especially pronounced in those women who have undergone surgery to remove both appendages.

In the early rehabilitation period, a woman is shown the introduction of antibiotics, which allows to prevent the development of possible inflammation.

To minimize the risk of adhesion formation, the following measures are taken:

    Doctors try, whenever possible, to use a laparoscopic operation, which is characterized by minimal trauma.

    Before the end of the operation, absorbable barrier gels are injected into the abdominal cavity. For some time, they contribute to the fact that the surfaces of the organs are located at a distance from each other. This is a measure aimed at preventing adhesion formation.

    After the operation, the patient is raised the very next day.

    A woman is prescribed physiotherapy procedures: electrophoresis with iodine and zinc.

    Calm walking and other moderate loads prevent the formation of adhesions, or reduce the risk of their formation to a minimum.

    After the operation, the woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics, subcutaneous injections of aloe extract are made for 14 days. Perhaps the appointment of Longidaza vaginal suppositories.

    For 6 months after the removal of the fallopian tubes, it is imperative to take contraceptive drugs to prevent pregnancy.

    It is important to properly care for the postoperative sutures, which will prevent their inflammation. You need to refuse to take a bath, you should wash yourself in the shower. In this case, the seams must be closed so that no water gets into them.

    For a month after the operation, doctors recommend that patients wear slimming underwear.

    Intimacy is absolutely prohibited during the first month after the operation.

    You do not need to adhere to any special diet. However, you should temporarily exclude from your menu foods that increase gas formation in the intestines. Therefore, you need to give up legumes, whole milk, yeast baked goods and pastries, cereals, meat and carbonated drinks.

After the operation, a woman may experience bleeding from the vagina for several days. This is normal, especially when the tube has ruptured or the hematosalpinx has been removed. It is not worth considering spotting as a complication of the operation, since it is explained by the flow of blood into the uterus during or before the operation.

If the body quickly adapted, or there was a hormonal failure against the background of an existing disease, then a few days after the removal of the appendages, the woman may begin another menstruation. Moreover, this cycle may be longer than all previous ones. With minor blood loss, characteristic of standard menstrual bleeding, you should not worry about this. If the blood loss is significant, then uterine curettage and blood transfusion may be required.

The early onset of menstruation after surgery is rare, in the vast majority of cases, menstruation comes on time. Although it sometimes happens that the cycle is restored for at least two months. This is also not a deviation from the norm. If, 60 days after the operation, the cycle has not stabilized, then you need to consult a doctor. It is possible that the operation resulted in endocrine disorders that require professional correction.

Can you get pregnant without the fallopian tubes?

Without the fallopian tubes, a woman cannot naturally become pregnant. At the moment, doctors have not been able to develop an analogue of the fallopian tubes, although they have been trying to make them for many years. The first attempt to implant artificial appendages was carried out back in the 70s of the last century. However, it was not crowned with success, so it did not take root in medicine.

The only method that can help women conceive and carry a child without both fallopian tubes is in vitro fertilization.

If there is no fallopian tube, where does the egg go?

When both fallopian tubes are in place, they fimbria capture the ovum released from the ovary into the abdominal cavity, and gradually move it into the uterus. Also in the tube, the meeting of the sperm with the egg and its fertilization is possible. In the peritoneal cavity, the egg is able to exist for two days, after which it dies.

When a woman has one pipe missing, the following options are possible:

    Ovulation will not occur, the follicles will begin their reverse development. A similar situation is most often observed against the background of hormonal disruption.

    The egg cell will go out into the abdominal cavity, and after 2 days it will die and be destroyed in it.

    The ovum will float along the abdominal cavity, can reach the tube that has remained intact, and pass through it into the uterus.

Of course, it is much easier for the fimbria to capture the egg that is secreted by the ovary from the side of the healthy tube. If both appendages are removed to a woman, then the ovaries either undergo reverse development, or the egg cell will constantly die in the peritoneal cavity.

When can you plan to conceive after surgery?

A woman, after removing one fallopian tube, will be able to become pregnant on her own in 56-61% of cases. Moreover, this does not depend on the type of surgical intervention. Doctors point out that it is necessary to plan a pregnancy no earlier than six months after the operation. A number of experts recommend that a woman wait 1-2 years while taking oral contraceptives. During this time, it will be possible to normalize the work of the neuroendocrine system and the body will be ready to bear the child.

After removal of the fallopian tubes, 42% of patients develop infertility, and in 40% of cases, the ovaries stop working with the same strength. Moreover, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy is 10 times higher. Therefore, IVF is the only method that allows a woman to conceive a child after removing the fallopian tubes.

Is plastic of the fallopian tubes capable of replacing them?

Gynecological surgeons can perform surgery to repair part of the fallopian tube, calling this procedure fallopian tube repair. It is carried out after the removal of the deformed portion of the appendage.

As for the complete restoration of the fallopian tubes, this operation is not advisable. The fact is that a woman's own appendages have the ability to contract so that the egg can move along them and reach the uterus. After plastic surgery, the tubes lose their ability to contract, which means that fertilization will be impossible. Therefore, the operation is performed only when it is necessary to replace a small section of the appendage.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology was obtained at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development (2010). In 2013 completed postgraduate studies at N.N. N.I. Pirogova.

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