Home Flowers Which LED lights are best for schools. Basic requirements for street lighting. What is said about the use of LED lamps in educational institutions in the current Russian regulatory documents

Which LED lights are best for schools. Basic requirements for street lighting. What is said about the use of LED lamps in educational institutions in the current Russian regulatory documents

Since the 50s of the twentieth century and until recently, fluorescent lamps have been used in educational institutions without any alternative. LEDs, which only appeared at the beginning of the 2000s, firstly, could not compete with discharge lamps in terms of their luminous flux. Secondly, they were more expensive. And thirdly, they are not sufficiently studied to be allowed to be used in rooms where children spend the whole day. Since the advent of LEDs every 10 years, their efficiency has increased 20 times, while the cost, on the contrary, has decreased 10 times (Haitz's Law). The luminous efficacy of $ 0.08 LEDs is now 110 lm / W. A large amount of scientific research on the safety of new light sources has also accumulated. Now it has become possible to consider what characteristics LED lamps should have so that they can be used in educational institutions: schools, colleges, institutes.

Consider the lighting features of classrooms and auditoriums. If you imagine a classroom with rows of desks, full of pupils or students, what should be the lighting in it? Anyone can formulate the answer to this question if he remembers how he himself sat in class for hours.

Rice. 1. Lighting in the classroom.

Luminaires for educational institutions should:

  • Provide optimal and uniform illumination on the desks, tables, board of the teacher. With insufficient illumination, the eyes get tired, with excessive illumination they also get tired. People should be comfortable reading and writing, distinguishing between small details of textbooks.
  • Provide good color rendering, do not distort the colors of illuminated objects.
  • Be comfortable for the eyes, not dazzle even when looking directly at the lamp. Both adults and children, thinking, often move their eyes along the ceiling, this should not lead to short-term blindness and "bunnies" in the eyes.
  • Be the same color. Lamps or lamps of different colors cause an unpleasant feeling that "something is wrong", distracting.
  • Do not blink, pulse, hum or hum. A common situation with out-of-order fluorescent lamps is that they enter a cyclic mode or resonance, and it is difficult to concentrate attention.
  • Be safe when damaged. It happens that the energy of youth finds a way out in an unexpected direction. If the lamp breaks, they should not: pour out mercury, fly fragments, beat the current.
  • The specialist will need to add to the above that the luminaire must be energy efficient.

An LED lamp meets all the requirements, and in some respects it is even much better than a fluorescent lamp. But! An important clarification: not any LED lamp passes, but only a high-quality one! It is cheap, unreliable fixtures that harm both the LED general lighting theme and the eyes, causing concern. Unfortunately, the market is flooded with low-quality fixtures, and in order to make the right choice, you need to know what the fixtures are made of and how they work.

At one time, fluorescent lamps were also met with fears - there were doubts about the spectral composition of radiation, and about brightness, and about safety ... But, as a result, fluorescent lamps ousted incandescent lamps from the field of general lighting and dominated for 50 years. Now they are being replaced by new light sources.

LED luminaire device for general lighting.

The basis of an LED lamp is a light-emitting crystal or chip. It is he who, when current flows, generates radiation. The color of the radiation depends on the materials of the crystal. Most commonly used in general lighting fixtures are phosphor white LEDs: the crystal emits blue light, which causes the phosphor deposited on the crystal or the inner surface of the lens to glow yellow. We perceive the mixing of blue light from the chip and yellow from the phosphor as white light.

Rice. 2. The structure of a white phosphor LED brand Cree (USA).

Depending on the type and thickness of the phosphor layer, the LED can have a different color temperature of radiation: from warm white (2600-3500 K) to cold white (5000-8000 K). The smaller the peak in the left, blue part of the spectrum (this is the light from the crystal itself) and the greater the fraction of phosphor radiation (this is the right peak in Fig. 3), the more "warm" the light will be.

Rice. 3. Approximate view of the emission spectra of white phosphor LEDs (in relative units).

The lens of the LED allows you to remove more light from the crystal, redistributing its radiation in space, and also protects it from mechanical stress. To form the required luminous intensity curve (LSI), reflectors or secondary optics lenses can be additionally installed in the luminaire.

LEDs are placed on printed circuit boards made of aluminum, fiberglass, or getinax, resulting in LED strips. The rulers and the power source are interconnected and installed in the luminaire body.

Rice. 4. Type of LED ceiling light GALAD Junior 600 without diffuser.

What are the key points that characterize the quality of an LED light fixture?

1. Brand and type of LEDs.

The production of LED crystals is a high-tech process. By the method of organometallic epitaxy, several layers are grown in turn on a sapphire substrate, each of which has its own composition, and the thickness ranges from several micrometers to hundredths of a micrometer. Here, both the purity and quality of the raw materials, and the accuracy of cutting, and the thoroughness of the subsequent sorting by parameters (binning) are important.

Rice. 5. The structure of the crystal of the LED, indicating the material of the layers and their thickness. Crystal with contacts on a substrate.

Having bought a lamp with a fake or just a low-quality "no-name" LED, one cannot be sure of either its operational or lighting characteristics. Its luminous flux may be less than the declared one, it may have a different color temperature (which means, perhaps, a greater amount of blue light harmful to the eyes in the radiation spectrum), fail after a few months of operation. Mechanical defects are not uncommon in such products: sloppy soldered contacts, non-centered crystals, and the like.

Rice. 6. Defects of low-quality LEDs: the crystal is not in the center, the crystal is chipped, there are remnants of glue and conductive particles.

The LED crystal is extremely sensitive to overheating. With such defects, the crystal heats up unevenly, mechanical stresses arise in it and degradation occurs, which at best leads to a decrease in the luminous flux, and at worst - to the failure of the LED. The temperature of the crystal also affects the life of the phosphor: due to overheating, the phosphor and materials in contact with it diffuse into each other faster, and the radiation efficiency decreases. Naturally, a cheap phosphor is more sensitive to heat and degrades faster.

Proven LED manufacturers (Nichia, Cree, Osram, Lumileds, Seoul Semiconductor, Honglitronic, etc.) guarantee that all parameters are in compliance with those stated in the technical documentation, and their LEDs work as indicated in the passport. No nasty surprises.

2. System of lenses and / or reflectors, diffuser.

The light redistributing part should be thought out in the luminaire. By themselves, LEDs have high brightness in a small size. It is impossible to look at such light sources directly: excessive brightness, firstly, causes short-term blindness and "spots" in the eyes, which in itself is uncomfortable. And secondly, although the light of phosphor LEDs is perceived by us as white, it has a blue component in its composition, and you need to be especially careful with blue light. Studies have shown that it is the light of the short-wavelength part of the spectrum that is most dangerous for the retina and, when viewed directly, can cause damage to it. At the same time, it is important to mention that the vitreous humor of the child's eye is more transparent than that of adults; more blue light enters the retina. Therefore, children's eyes are especially vulnerable. Cold-white LEDs (more blue in the spectrum) should not be used in a lamp for children, and the brightness of the lamp should be as uniform as possible.

To reduce glare, you need a diffuser that will smooth and even out the brightness over its entire area. But one diffuser is not enough, the number, power and location of the LEDs also matter here.

Rice. 7. LED lamps: a). 4 bars of 8 LEDs and a prismatic diffuser b). 4 rows of 20 LEDs and a prismatic diffuser c). 14 lines of 14 LEDs each and a microprism-opal diffuser.

The fewer LEDs in the luminaire and the more powerful they are, the brighter they will be, and with any diffuser, the uneven brightness of the luminaire outlet will be great. Luminous points, stripes, or “crosses” will be clearly visible, depending on the type of material used. Therefore, the best option in terms of brightness uniformity would be a large number of low-power LEDs and a matte or opal diffuser.

3. Power supply unit.

LEDs are current driven. The higher the current, the higher the emitted luminous flux (see Fig. 7). The technical documentation for each specific model indicates the range of operating currents, subject to which compliance with all declared parameters is guaranteed.

Rice. 8. Dependence of the luminous flux (in relative units) on the current for a 0.3 W white phosphor LED.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers deliberately use cheaper low-power LEDs, but set an increased current through them, "overclock" them so that they shine brighter. At first glance, such a lamp will be indistinguishable from the "correct" one in terms of lighting characteristics. But the crystal of a low-power LED is not designed for high currents, the LED overheats, the number of defects grows in it - areas that do not emit light. The higher the temperature, the more the crystal degrades, and the faster the LED ends up. Instead of 50 thousand hours, such a lamp can serve, for example, only 2 thousand.

In addition, it is the circuit design of the driver that determines the coefficient of pulsation of the luminous flux of the luminaire, as well as its protection against power surges and high-voltage microsecond pulses.

What scientific research has been carried out on the topic of LED lighting in schools in Russia? What are their results?

In 2012, the first Russian demonstration and methodological resource room for LED lighting in schools was opened in the Phoenix Education Center No. 1666 in Moscow. The cabinet was created by the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center for Children's Health" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with the support of Rusnano, the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs and the Non-Profit Partnership of Manufacturers of LEDs and Systems Based on them (NP PSS).

Evgeny Dolin, general director of NP PSS (now APSS), in an interview with Energosovet magazine, spoke about the research carried out with the support of Rusnano: “First, adults were examined, and it was clearly established that if the parameters of the light environment corresponded to office lighting standards, the effect of LED lighting was nothing differed, and on a number of indicators was more positive than fluorescent lamps. People got tired less, labor productivity increased, and the time to “work in” the test task decreased. Then they conducted a survey at school in different age groups. There, the effect was so striking that there was no doubt that correctly created lamps with LEDs, assembled into a lighting installation under the guidance of professionals, give only a positive effect. At the end of the year in children, in the group trained under LEDs for 2 months, visual acuity increased in 80% of cases, and did not decrease, as is usually the case in spring, especially in adolescents. "

Rice. 9. The first in Russia demonstration and methodological resource room for LED lighting in schools, GOU Education Center "Phoenix" No. 1666.

Employees of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents SCCH RAMS under the leadership of Teksheva L. M. conducted a large-scale study at the Phoenix Education Center among students in grades 4-11 - 16 classrooms, 370 people in total. The research team consisted of hygienists, psychophysiologists, pediatric ophthalmologists, as well as doctors of diagnostic clinical medicine. The influence of two types of lighting, with fluorescent lamps and LED, on changes in the functional state of the systems of the child's body (psychoemotional state, mental performance) and the state of the visual analyzer was studied. Equal conditions were created in both offices: illumination level - 400 lux; ripple coefficient - no more than 10%; discomfort indicator - no more than 15 USD In this case, the correlated color temperature of the light sources was 4500 K in both cases.

Rice. 10. Light distribution used in the work of lamps with fluorescent (a) and LED (b) light sources and the relative spectra of their radiation (c).

According to the results of the study, when working in a classroom with LED luminaires versus lighting with fluorescent lamps:

  • There are higher quantitative and qualitative indicators of mental performance among primary school students, and among students in grades 5-11, there is also a significantly lower (2-2.5 times) prevalence of cases of pronounced fatigue.
  • In the majority of schoolchildren, in the course of classes, there is a lower prevalence of uncomfortable emotional states, and in younger schoolchildren, a lower prevalence of neurosis-like complaints is also noted.
  • More than 90% of participants in the educational process (students and teachers) rate the lighting with LED light sources as comfortable.
  • A comprehensive assessment of the state of vision and mental performance of students in grades 5-11 when working with computers showed that LED light environment effectively reduces the negative impact of computer load compared to luminescent.
Thus, studies have shown that LED lighting in classrooms, in comparison with fluorescent lighting, creates a more favorable light environment for the visual and mental work of students of different ages, their psychophysiological and functional state.

What is said about the use of LED lamps in educational institutions in the current Russian regulatory documents?

  • Official website of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow http://77.rospotrebnadzor.ru

    About the use of LED lamps in educational institutions

    In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 23.11.2009 No. 261-F "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", since 2010, LED lighting sources have been offered on the lighting equipment market of the Russian Federation, which have a number of advantages ... They are more economical, shock and vibration resistant. LED lamps have no gas filling, they hardly heat up, the service life can be up to 100,000 hours. Most importantly, these lamps do not contain mercury, which makes them safe in terms of environmental pollution.

    The conducted studies of LED lamps of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Institution of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences FSBI "Scientific Center for Children's Health" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with the participation of employees of the State Enterprise "Scientific and Technological Center for Unique Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences" and the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences showed the possibility applications of LED lighting and LED luminaires in residential and public buildings.

    In accordance with letter No. 01 / 11157-12-32 of 01.10.2012, the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing G. G. Onishchenko, when using LED lamps in general lighting systems in rooms in the educational process must correspond to a number of qualitative and quantitative indicators of lighting:

    1. The conditional protective angle of the luminaires must be at least 90 ° to limit the glare of LED lamps.
    2. The overall brightness of the luminaires should not exceed 5000 cd / m2. It is impossible to use luminaires with open LEDs for general lighting of premises. Lighting fixtures should include effective diffusers that reduce the overall brightness to the required values.
    3. The permissible uneven brightness of the outlet of the luminaires Lmax: Lmin should be no more than 5: 1.
    4. The color correlated temperature of white light LEDs should not exceed 4000K.
    5. It is not recommended to use LEDs with a power of more than 0.3 W in lighting installations.

    In the passport data, as well as on the packaging and marking of the lamp base, information on the power value, overall brightness, brightness unevenness along the luminaire outlet and the value of the color correlated temperature must be indicated.

  • Thus, the state officially supports the distribution of LED lamps and lamps and permits their use in educational institutions in plain text. There are only a number of requirements that the luminaire must meet. And all these requirements are absolutely logical and are aimed at creating comfortable, high-quality lighting in classrooms.

    However, among the current state standards there is a set of rules SP 256.1325800.2016 “Electrical installations of residential and public buildings. Design and installation rules ”Updated edition of SP 31-110-2003 (Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2016 No. 602 / pr). Subsection 5.3.7 of this document states: “For general lighting of preschool, school and vocational education institutions, as well as in the main functional rooms of medical and preventive institutions, fluorescent (including compact) lamps and incandescent lamps, including halogen lamps, should be used. The use of LED light sources in these rooms is not allowed. "

    The presence of conflicting regulatory documents complicates the implementation of LED lighting in educational institutions. Now the lighting community is actively discussing and trying to resolve this conflict.

    What kind of Russian-made LED lamps are suitable for use in schools and other educational institutions?

    1. Lamp GALAD Junior was specially designed for general lighting of schools, education centers, colleges and higher education institutions.

    Luminaire GALAD Junior:

    • meets the requirements of GOST-R-54350-2015 for lamps for children's institutions;
    • complies with SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions";
    • meets the requirements of the letter of the Head of Rospotrebnadzor G.G. Onishchenko dated 01.10.2012 No. 01 / 11157-12-32 "On the organization of sanitary supervision over the use of energy-saving light sources."

    Rice. 11. Lamp GALAD Junior 600 LED-35 / P / M / 4000

    GALAD is a leading manufacturer of lighting products and is part of BL GROUP, Russia's largest lighting holding. Luminaires under the GALAD brand are produced at two large Russian factories: the Likhoslavl plant of lighting products "Svetotekhnika" (LZSI) and the Kadoshkinsky electrical engineering plant (KETZ). GALAD products use LEDs from Cree, Nichia, Osram, Honglitronic and power supplies of our own design, Helvar, Argos, Mean Well. Before going into serial production, the new model of the luminaire is tested in the testing centers of the holding, and after entering the market - in independent laboratories.

    In October 2016, the GALAD Junior 600 LED-35 / P / M / 4000 luminaire was tested according to the program of independent research. Checked and showed full compliance with the characteristics stated in the catalog.

    Confirmed characteristics for GALAD Junior 600 LED-35 / P / M / 4000

    The declaredMeasured
    Luminous flux, lm3150 3164
    Power, W35 35,6
    Power factor0,98 0,98
    Luminous efficiency, lm / W90 88,9
    Nominal value Тсв, К4000 4000
    Color rendering index, Ra> 80 83,5
    Ripple factor of luminous flux,%2 0,4
    Dust and moisture protection, IP20 -
    Service life, years10 -
    Warranty, years3 -
    Pace. range, ° С+1…+35 -
    Voltage range, V198…264 -
    Body materialPowder coated sheet steel
    Diffuser typeOpal microprism

    In the Testing Center of VNISI, the luminaire was examined according to the parameters of the uniformity of the brightness of the outlet, and also passed all tests for compliance with the requirements specified above.

    Rice. 12. View of the switched on luminaire GALAD Junior 600 and visualization of its overall brightness

    Measured performance for GALAD Junior 600

    Thus, according to the test results, the luminaire fully meets the conditions of Russian regulatory documents and can be recommended for use in educational institutions.

    In 2016, domestic-made lamps GALAD Junior LED were installed in the machine knitting room of the Tvorchestvo Center for Out-of-School Education of the Samara City District. It is attended by children aged 7 to 18 years old, and children with disabilities and disabled people - up to 23 years old. In the machine knitting room, teachers are also trained; master classes are often held there as part of events at the city, regional and national levels. Both students and teachers are happy with the new lighting. They especially emphasize the good color rendering of the luminaires, which is especially important when working with a wide variety of colored yarns.

    Rice. 13. Lamps GALAD Junior 600 in the machine knitting room of the Central Military District "Creation", Samara.

    2. Lamp GALAD Vector designed to illuminate chalkboards in educational institutions.

    It is installed on special brackets above the board. The line of LEDs (each with less than 0.2 W power) is completely hidden from view. The reflector is designed so that all the light hits the board, creating an even floodlight on the board.

    Rice. 14. Lamps GALAD Vector LED-20-4000.

    Specifications for GALAD Vector LED-20-4000


    1. Studies show that lighting with high-quality LED luminaires is not worse, but on the contrary, in many ways much better than luminaires with fluorescent lamps.
    2. At the level of state standards and norms, the use of LED lamps in educational institutions is allowed if they meet a number of conditions.
    3. There are lighting devices on the Russian market that satisfy the full list of these conditions, and the process of replacing outdated lighting systems with modern and efficient ones is already underway.

    Oshurkova E.S.

    1. Retinal damage induced by commercial Light Emitting Diodes (LED), Imene Jaadane, Pierre Boulenguez, et al.
    2. Potential danger of illumination with LEDs for the eyes of children and adolescents, P.P. Zak, M.A. Ostrovsky, "Svetotekhnika" No. 3, 2012.
    3. Problems of the reliability of LEDs, IV Vasiliev, A.T. Ovcharov, T. G. Korzhneva, https: //alternativenergy.ru/tehnologii/321-neispravnosti-svetodiodov.html
    4. About LEDs, safety and regulatory framework. Interview with E. V. Dolin, "Energosovet" No. 6, 2013.
    5. Hygienic aspects of the use of LED light sources for general lighting in schools, V. R. Kuchma, L. M. Sukhareva, L. M. Teksheva, M. I. Stepanova, Z. I. Sazanyuk, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and adolescents SCCH RAMS, Moscow, "Hygiene and Sanitation" No. 5, 2013.
    6. Comparative hygienic assessment of lighting conditions with fluorescent lamps and LED light sources in schools, L. M. Teksheva, "Svetotekhnika" No. 5, 2012.
    7. The first in Russia resource room for LED lighting of classrooms was opened, March 12, 2012, http://www.rusnano.com/about/press-centre/news/75766
    8. Comparative hygienic assessment of lighting conditions with fluorescent lamps and LED light sources, L. M. Teksheva, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, SCCH RAMS, Moscow, 2010.
    9. GALAD Junior 600 LED-35: test results of a luminaire for educational institutions (Oct. 2016), "LUMEN & Expertunion",


    Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations



    2.4.1. Daylight Educational, educational and production, recreational, residential and other premises with a permanent stay of students have natural light.

    Without natural light, it is allowed to design:

      shell, washrooms, showers, toilets at the gym;

      showers and restrooms for staff;

      storerooms and warehouses (except for rooms for storing flammable liquids);

      radio nodes;

      cinema and photo laboratories;

      book depositories;

      boilers, pumping water supply systems and sewerage systems;

      ventilation and air conditioning chambers;

      control units and other premises for the installation and management of engineering and technological equipment of buildings;

      premises for storing disinfectants.

    Luminaires for educational rooms

    Lamp power 36 W, 4500 K, 3200 lm, recessed.

    Luminaire power 38 W, 5000 K, 3450 lm, built-in / overhead.

    Lamp power 36 W, 4000 K, 3800 lm, built-in / overhead. Option - emergency block.

    Lamp power 33 W, 4800 K, 2900 lm, IP54, recessed The main system of natural lighting in classrooms is left-sided. The direction of the main light flux should not be in front and behind the students. If the depth of the classrooms is more than 6 meters, a right-side illumination is required.

    In educational and production workshops, assembly and sports halls, lighting systems are used (side - one, two - and three-sided) and combined (top and side). The choice of the lighting system is determined by the nature of the visual work, the dimensions of the room and equipment, the peculiarities of the light climate, etc. For workshops with great depth - the best systems should be considered two-sided side and combined (in one- and two-story buildings).

    The direction of light from the side windows to the work surface, as a rule, is left-handed. In locksmiths and lathes, the direction of light from the side windows to the right (this ensures the least shading from the body of the worker and the bulky left side of lathes). In classrooms, the natural lighting coefficient (KEO) should be 1.5% at a distance of 1 m from the wall opposite to the light openings, in technical drawing rooms - 2.0%. In a sports hall with side lighting - 1.0%, with top and combined lighting - 3.0%. In educational and production workshops and workplaces of students at enterprises, KEO is provided in accordance with the characteristics of visual work in accordance with the requirements for natural and artificial lighting. In rooms specially designed for work or industrial training of adolescents, the standardized value of KEO is increased by one category and must be at least 1.0%. The unevenness of natural lighting in educational and industrial premises should not exceed 3: 1 (the ratio of the average KEO value to the smallest one within the characteristic section of the room). The orientation of the windows of classrooms should be on the southern, southeastern and eastern sides of the horizon. The windows of drawing rooms, drawing rooms, as well as the kitchen area can be oriented to the northern sides of the horizon; the orientation of the computer room is north, northeast. The brightness ratio in the field of view should not exceed 3: 1 - between the notebook and the table surface, 10: 1 - between the notebook and the wall; 1: 3 between chalkboard and wall and 20: 1 between skylight and wall. For painting and finishing the surfaces of the interior and equipment of classrooms and training and production workshops, diffuse-reflective materials of a light range of colors should be used: the ceiling and the upper part of the walls, doors and window frames are painted white, the walls - in light yellow, light blue , light pink, beige, light green colors with a reflection coefficient of at least 0.6 - 0.7; tables - in light green and natural wood colors - with a reflection coefficient of at least 0.5; blackboards - in dark brown or dark green colors with a reflection coefficient of at least 0.2; floor - in light colors with a reflection coefficient of 0.4 - 0.5.

    Luminaires for school corridors and utility rooms

    Luminaire power 15 W, 5000 K, 1750 Lm, built-in / surface-mounted, IP30. Option - emergency block.

    Lamp power 18 W, 4000 K, 2100 lm, built-in / laid on.

    Lamp power 32 W, 4000 K, 2800 lm, IP40, consignment note. Option - emergency block. In classrooms, fluorescent lighting is provided (allowed by incandescent lamps). Fluorescent lamps LB should be used, lamps LHB, LETs can be used. Do not use fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps in the same room.

    For general lighting of classrooms (classrooms, classrooms, laboratories), fluorescent lamps should be used: ЛСО02-2х40, LPO28-2х40, LPO02-2x40, LPO46-4х18-005, other lamps of the type given with similar lighting characteristics and design can be used ... In classrooms, fluorescent lamps with ballasts (ballasts) with a particularly low noise level are used. The required number of lamps and their placement in the room is determined by lighting calculations, taking into account the safety factor in accordance with the requirements for natural and artificial lighting.

    In classrooms, luminaires with fluorescent lamps are placed parallel to the light-carrying wall at a distance of 1.2 m from the outer wall and 1.5 m from the inner one. The blackboard is equipped with spotlights and illuminated with two LPO-30-40-122 (125) lamps located 0.3 m above the upper edge of the board and 0.6 m in front of the board towards the class.

    Provide for the separate inclusion of lamps or their individual groups (taking into account the arrangement of educational and technological equipment). Working artificial lighting in training and production workshops and at enterprises are designed two systems: general (uniform and localized) and combined (local is added to the general). When performing work of I-IV categories in the room, a combined lighting system should be used. The illumination of the working surface created by general lighting fixtures in the combined system must be at least 10% in accordance with the requirements for natural and artificial lighting.

    For general lighting in a combined system, mainly fluorescent lamps should be used, regardless of the type of light source for local lighting. For local lighting, fluorescent or incandescent lamps should be used. Illumination levels for certain types of work performed by adolescents are presented in Appendix 1. The choice of a light source should be made taking into account the characteristics of visual work, the level of illumination, the requirements for color discrimination in accordance with the requirements for natural and artificial lighting. For general and local lighting of industrial premises with specific environmental conditions (dusty, wet, explosive, fire hazardous, etc.), lamps are used in accordance with their purpose and lighting characteristics. The unevenness of lighting (the ratio of the maximum illumination to the minimum) should not exceed 1.3 for works of I - III discharges with fluorescent lamps; with other light sources - 1.5; for works of IV - VII categories - 1.5 - 2.0, respectively. For industrial premises in which work of the I-IV categories are performed, it is necessary to provide for the limitation of the reflected gloss. Dust cleaning of general lighting fixtures should be done at least 2 times a year; replacement of burnt-out lamps - as soon as they fail. Students are not involved in this work. Defective and burnt out fluorescent lamps are collected and stored until delivery in places inaccessible to students.

    Lamp power 18 W, 4000 K, 2100 lm. It is mounted on a vertical surface using brackets.

    Do you have any questions about coverage of educational institutions? Call us, we will be happy to answer all your questions.







    The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare informs that in accordance with the Federal Law of 23.11.2009 N 261-FZ "On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" from January 1 2011, electric incandescent lamps with a capacity of one hundred watts or more, which can be used in alternating current circuits for lighting purposes, are not allowed for circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation. From January 1, 2011, it is not allowed to place orders for the supply of electric incandescent lamps for state or municipal needs, which can be used in AC circuits for lighting purposes.

    For the organization of general and local artificial lighting in public areas, it is recommended to use fluorescent and LED lamps as light sources.

    On the Russian market, there are models of compact fluorescent lamps (hereinafter referred to as CFLs) from more than 40 manufacturers, which differ in power, light characteristics, shapes, service life, size, price. The consumption of energy-saving lamps in the Russian Federation is constantly growing. The import of compact fluorescent lamps reached 107 million units in 2011.

    In connection with the development of modern energy-efficient light sources, including LEDs and lighting devices based on them, it is necessary to ensure hygienic lighting standards in institutions of general and primary vocational education and in children's health organizations.

    The most pressing issue in the use of CFLs is still the problem of their disposal and safety of use. Each such lamp can contain up to 3 - 5 mg of mercury, which is in an aggregate state in the form of vapors. Careless handling of used lamps is a hazard. A ruptured or damaged lamp bulb releases mercury vapors that can cause severe poisoning.

    Currently, lamps using Amalgam technology are produced in the Russian Federation. In the composition of such a lamp, mercury is not in pure form (liquid and / or vaporous state), but in the form of an amalgam - a chemical solution of mercury in another metal, i.e. in a solid state of aggregation. When the amalgam is heated to 60 ° C and above, mercury vapors are released and participate in the lamp glow. Such a technological solution excludes the ingress of mercury vapors into a room with room temperature if the integrity of the glass flask is violated.

    In addition, CFLs are commercially available that are made in a silicone circuit over the lamp. The silicone gasket protects the tube and the bulb, acting as a drop shock absorber and limiting the spread of mercury.

    To minimize contamination of enclosed spaces in case of damage to CFLs, it is recommended to use lamps made according to the specified technologies.

    In addition to compact fluorescent lamps, LED lighting sources have been offered on the lighting equipment market of the Russian Federation since 2010, which have a number of advantages. LED bulbs are economical and have 80% less energy consumption than incandescent bulbs, and have high shock and vibration resistance. LED lamps have no gas filling, they hardly heat up, their service life can reach up to 100,000 hours. These lamps do not contain mercury, which makes them safe in terms of environmental pollution.

    In order to determine the possibility of using LED lighting and LED lamps, the Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the RAMS Institution of the Scientific Center of Children's Health of the RAMS with the participation of employees of the State Enterprise Scientific and Technological Center for Unique Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy The studies of the psychophysiological effects of LED lighting and LED lamps on the human body were carried out in architecture and construction sciences.

    The studies carried out have shown the possibility of using LED lighting and LED lamps in residential and public buildings.

    In this regard, educational authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, educational and children's health organizations, design organizations should be notified of the possibility of ensuring the hygienic standards of illumination established by SanPiN "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for conditions and organization of training in educational institutions ", SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of the educational and production process in educational institutions of primary vocational education "and SanPiN 2.2.1 /" Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings ", in institutions of general and primary vocational education, as well as in children's health institutions, through the use of LED light sources and lighting devices based on them, subject to a number of conditions.

    When used in general lighting systems in public buildings and in the educational process, LED luminaires must comply with a number of qualitative and quantitative indicators of lighting.

    School LED lamps from the manufacturer with a guarantee of up to 6 years.

    1. The conventional protective angle of the luminaires must be at least 90 °. This parameter imposes requirements on the design features of lighting fixtures to limit the glare of LED lamps and is measured with a protractor and a square.

    2. The overall brightness of the luminaires should not exceed 5000 cd / m2. Due to the fact that the overall brightness of open LEDs is extremely high, it is impossible to use a luminaire with open LEDs for general room lighting. Lighting fixtures should include effective diffusers that reduce the overall brightness to the above values. The specified parameter is measured by a luminance meter.

    3. The permissible uneven brightness of the outlet of the luminaires Lmax: Lmin should be no more than 5: 1. It can be estimated after measurements with a luminance meter, as the ratio of the maximum measured brightness to the minimum.

    4. The color correlated temperature of white light LEDs should not exceed 4000 ° K. You can estimate the color temperature of an LED source by marking on the base or packaging of the lamp.

    Color temperature is the temperature of a black body (Planck's emitter) at which its radiation has the same chromaticity as the radiation of the object in question. It determines the color tone (warm, neutral or cold) of the space illuminated by these sources.

    In the passport data for luminaires with LEDs intended for installations of general and local lighting in institutions of general and primary vocational education, information on the size of the overall brightness, the unevenness of brightness along the outlet of the lamp and the value of the color correlated temperature should be indicated.

    Also, it would seem that there are no clear instructions on the mandatory introduction of LED light sources in educational institutions and in the program "On energy conservation and energy efficiency", approved in 2010. You can verify this yourself:
    https: //docviewer.yandex.ru/? url = http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.minenergo.gov.ru% 2Fupload% 2Fdocs% 2Fee% 2Fb612746a17 ...

    Well, since there seem to be no clear regulatory documents, the LED industry immediately began to aggressively promote all its products to schools and universities, kindergartens and boarding schools, praising and proving economy and energy efficiency in every way.

    Some of the leaders of educational institutions are in no hurry to replace lighting with LED, someone is waiting for clear explanations or orders from government agencies, and someone is already forced to change lamps due to the expired life of the current lighting, and often without a clear and a transparent system of requirements, puts in its institutions something that in fact does not correspond even to the currently approved standards.

    How to determine which LED lighting fixtures are allowed in educational institutions?

    Let's turn on the logic and read the current sanitary rules and regulations more thoughtfully in order to predict changes that will more correctly regulate the use of LED lamps in educational institutions when the Ministry of Health finishes all work on the next amendments to the current SanPiN.

    What specific types of current LED luminaires most closely match the requirements for lighting schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions today?

    To do this, it is enough to disassemble in more detail each sub-item of the corresponding SanPin.

    A number of today's LED lighting manufacturers are limited to the first point for this:
    7.2.1. In all premises of a general education institution, levels of artificial lighting are provided in accordance with the hygienic requirements for natural, artificial, combined lighting of residential and public buildings.
    That is, they receive a general CU certificate, which combines the previously used Certificate of Conformity and the Hygienic Certificate. And with this document they are trying to prove to school principals that, they say, everything is in accordance with the norms.

    But in fact, not all fixtures are actually suitable for classroom and auditorium lighting.
    To do this, it is enough to carefully study the other points of SanPin.

    For example, literally the following point should be analyzed with great care:
    7.2.2. In classrooms, the general lighting system is provided by ceiling lights. Provides fluorescent lighting using lamps according to the spectrum of color emission: white, warm white, natural white.
    Luminaires used for artificial illumination of classrooms must provide a favorable distribution of brightness in the field of view, which is limited by the discomfort indicator (Mt). The indicator of discomfort of the general lighting system for any workplace in the classroom should not exceed 40 units.

    1) Color emission spectrum indicated in this paragraph is very vague. What this is connected with at the moment is easy to guess - most of the current SanPiN inherited the text from an earlier version, since there was no more specific classification for fluorescent lamps.
    Now, with the advent of LED counterparts and the variety of their color rendering, it is worth noting that in this case, LED lamps with a light color from 2700K to 5000K should be used. It is this color temperature range that is usually referred to the values warm white(2700K-3500K), White(4000K-5000K), natural white(3500K-4500K).

    What is the reason for this?
    This range is closest to natural light in the daytime, and is comfortable for eyesight.
    If a softer and more comfortable warm white (2700K-3500K) is more recommended for installation in preschool institutions, then all others (from 3500K to 5000K) are recommended for installation in school classrooms and university classrooms.
    This is directly related to the peculiarities of human perception - the warm-white color of the glow has a calming, pacifying effect on us, is associated with coziness and comfort, and natural white increases efficiency, perception, and tones up brain activity.

    It should be noted that there is another variation - cold white(over 5000K). This glow is the brightest and most contrasting, but increases fatigue and, with prolonged exposure during the day, has a depressing effect on a person. That's why luminaires with a color of more than 5000K are not recommended for educational institutions.

    2) Also a very important parameter - color rendering index Ra... It is not directly mentioned in the SanPiN itself (since this indirectly refers to clause 7.2.1), but there is a clear gradation of premises according to the characteristics of visual work. It is said about it in a rather old, but valid document SNiP 23-05-95, to which this SanPiN refers:
    And, according to the table from this document, luminaires in the premises of educational institutions must have an Ra index> 80.

    3) Another extremely important detail - discomfort indicator Mt... This is a criterion for evaluating an uncomfortable gloss that causes unpleasant sensations with an uneven distribution of brightness in the field of view. The discomfort indicator (M) characterizes the degree of inconvenience or tension in the presence of point sources of increased brightness in the field of view.
    That is why all lighting devices (or light sources) in rooms for long-term stay of people have a matte protective shell. In the case of incandescent lamps, these are frosted shades, in the case of fluorescent lamps - directly the bulb of the lamps themselves.

    Thus, in order to comply with the specified indicator, all LED light sources in the premises of educational institutions must also be hidden behind a matte diffuser, since the point brightness of LEDs is not comfortably neutralized by other types of diffusers (prism, microprism, crushed ice, etc.).

    4) Indirectly, the indicator of discomfort should also include ripple factor... It characterizes the relative depth of illumination ripple (in%) at a given point in the room when the lamps are powered from the AC mains. Uncontrolled pulsation of illumination leads to an increased risk of injury when working with moving and, in particular, rotating objects, as well as to visual fatigue. In the norms of Russia, for most visual work, it is established Kp value not more than 20.

    As for LED light sources, they all operate on constant voltage, and the ripple factor of LED lamps, as a rule, is related to how well the driver (lamp power supply) converts alternating current into direct current. In the vast majority of cases, ripple factor of LED luminaires<5% ... Therefore, this criterion can be practically neglected when selecting lamps for educational institutions.

    So, let's summarize.

    According to the current regulatory documents, LED lamps should be used in preschool, general education and higher educational institutions, which, in addition to the necessary and sufficient values total luminous flux, power, degree of protection, dimensions and overhead installation method, correspond to the following parameters:

    1) Color of light: 2700K-3500K - for preschool institutions, 3500-5000K - for general education and higher educational institutions.
    2) Diffuser type: opal, matt or milky white
    3) Color rendering index Ra> 80
    4) Ripple factor< 5%

    Often, when choosing a luminaire, the question of the diffuser material also arises. The regulatory documents do not contain any instructions on the material of the diffuser for the luminaires., installed inside the premises of educational institutions, therefore, the choice of the material of the diffuser is left to the discretion of the management of the educational institution.

    Different materials have different light transmittance and wear resistance, but In most cases when the question comes down to the cost of the product, the choice falls on cheaper materials, such as lighting polystyrene or polyacryl(PMMA). In cases where is necessary durability of the diffuser to mechanical damage - we can use a more expensive one polycarbonate.

    Project coordinator,
    Zhivorykin A.N.

    Currently, there are regulatory documents and Federal Laws, both prohibiting and permitting the use of LED light sources for lighting school classes. But, in the near future, this collision may be eliminated.

    The use of LEDs is permitted in:

    SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions" (as amended on November 24, 2015). In accordance with 7.2.2 of this SanPiN:

    "7.2.2. In classrooms, the general lighting system is provided by ceiling lamps with fluorescent lamps and LEDs. Illumination is provided with the use of lamps according to the spectrum of color emission: white, warm white, natural white. "

    SP 52.13330.2016 SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting. Put into effect for voluntary use on May 8, 2017 by Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of November 7, 2016 N 777 / pr. In this fundamental regulatory document, there is no prohibition on the use of LED light sources for lighting schools.

    The use of LEDs is prohibited:

    SP 251.1325800.2016“Buildings of educational institutions. Design rules ". This set of rules permits the use of LED luminaires only with a remote phosphor.

    SP 256.132500.2016“Electrical installations of residential and public buildings. Design and installation rules ". In this code of practice, LED light sources for illuminating schools are prohibited.

    At present, changes are being made to these sets of rules to bring their requirements for lighting schools in accordance with the requirements of SP 52.13330.2016.

    SanPiN 2.2.1 /"Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings." In accordance with 3.1.5 (paragraph 5) of this SanPiN: "Discharge lamps and incandescent lamps should be used in preschool, school and vocational education institutions, as well as in the main functional rooms of medical and prophylactic institutions."

    In accordance with 1.4 and 1.6 SanPiN 2.2.1 /

    "1.4. Compliance with the requirements of these sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities engaged in the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of buildings.

    1.6. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the implementation of these sanitary rules is carried out by the institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation. "

    Thus, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision has the right to prohibit the educational process in general educational institutions in which LED lamps are installed, despite the fact that there are regulatory approvals.

    Currently, in some schools, LED lamps are installed, despite the existing prohibitions. In the case of using LED lamps in schools, it will not be superfluous to coordinate the adopted technical solutions with the regional department of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, so that their representatives would give official permission for non-compliance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 /

    SP 52.13330.2011"SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting".

    The Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of February 10, 2017 N 86 / pr "On amendments to some orders of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation" says:

    "Clause 2 of the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of November 7, 2016 N 777 / pr" On the approval of SP 52.13330 "SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting" shall be stated as follows:

    "2. Since the entry into force of SP 52.13330" SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting "shall be recognized as not subject to application SP 52.13330.2011" SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting ", approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development Of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 N 783, excluding items SP 52.13330.2011"SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting" included in the List of national standards and codes of practice (parts of such standards and codes of practice), as a result of which on a mandatory basis compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 N 1521 (hereinafter referred to as the List), is ensured, until the appropriate changes are made to the List. "."

    Thus, in the specified List so far there is 7.18 of the set of rules of SP 52.13330.2011, in accordance with which:

    “7.18 The choice of light sources by color characteristics for public, residential and auxiliary premises should be made on the basis of Appendix I, taking into account 7.3 and 7.4.

    In preschool institutions, school and vocational education, as well as in the main functional rooms of medical institutions, fluorescent (including compact) lamps and halogen incandescent lamps should be used.

    In other public areas, the use of halogen incandescent lamps for general lighting is allowed only to meet the architectural and artistic requirements. "

    That is, prior to the replacement of the set of rules of SP 52.13330.2011 by SP 52.13330.2016 in the specified List, the use of LED lamps in schools is a direct violation of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures", adopted by the State Duma on December 23, 2009 and approved by the Federation Council December 25, 2009.

    In the set of rules of SP 52.13330.2016, which came into force on May 8, 2017, LED lamps in schools are not prohibited. But in 7.3.1 there is a ban on the use of LEDs in preschool educational institutions and in the main functional rooms of medical and preventive institutions.

    Considering that the set of rules of SP 52.13330.2016 will eventually replace the set of rules of SP 52.13330.2011 in the List of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which mandatory basis compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" is ensured, then in the coming years the use of LED lamps in kindergartens and in the main functional rooms of medical and preventive institutions will be prohibited at the level of the Federal Law.

    Defending the possibility of using LEDs in schools, they often refer to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 898 of 08/28/2015.

    In the Government Decree No. 898 of 08/28/2015, there is no prohibition on the use of fluorescent lamps in educational institutions (schools).

    According to this Resolution (4 paragraph of clause g)): “a ban on the purchase of luminaires for double-capped fluorescent lamps with a G13 base, except for cases when lighting in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations establishing requirements for artificial and mixed lighting cannot be applied LED light sources ".

    In accordance with the sanitary rules and regulations of SanPiN 2.2.1 /, as noted above, discharge lamps and incandescent lamps should be used for school and vocational education institutions, as well as in the main functional rooms of medical and preventive institutions.

    In the Government Decree No. 898 of 08/28/2015, there is a prohibition on:

    Purchase of double-capped fluorescent lamps with a diameter of 26-38 mm with a calcium halophosphate phosphor and a color rendering index of less than 80 with a G13 cap;

    A ban on the purchase of non-electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps;

    A ban on the purchase of luminaires for arc fluorescent mercury lamps.


    Problems in the use of LEDs in schools, apparently, will begin after the removal of restrictions on their use in regulatory documents. In fact, soon the set of rules of SP 52.13330.2011 will be replaced in the List of Mandatory Documents by SP 52.13330.2016. And only SanPiN 2.2.1 / will be a prohibitive document. But in the near future, it may be amended accordingly.

    Presumably, this SanPiN will include specific requirements for LED lighting in terms of color temperature, maximum LED power, etc. And many already installed LED lighting installations in schools may not meet these requirements.

    It is worth paying attention to the standard of the Association of Manufacturers of LEDs and Systems Based on them STO.69159079-01-2017 “LED lamps. Requirements for technical and operational parameters ". This standard formulates many of the requirements for LED luminaires for schools and it is highly desirable not to use luminaires with parameters inferior to the recommendations of this document.

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