Home Flowers In which case they get up at the labor exchange. Conditions of registration at the labor exchange. What are the conditions for applying to the labor exchange, and who can be recognized as unemployed

In which case they get up at the labor exchange. Conditions of registration at the labor exchange. What are the conditions for applying to the labor exchange, and who can be recognized as unemployed

In the conditions of the economic crisis, more and more specialists are in the status of temporarily unemployed. Maintaining work experience, gaining access to hot vacancies, taking vocational retraining courses - all this is today possible thanks to employment centers. The site's personnel portal learned what documents are required when registering with the labor exchange, what is the amount of monthly unemployment benefits and what threatens those who illegally receive money from the state.

What to do if you are unemployed

Even the most qualified specialists are not insured against job loss. If this fate has not escaped you, then you should not bite your elbows and burn your work book on a ritual bonfire. The most reasonable solution in this situation is to contact the employment center. If you submit documents within two weeks from the date of dismissal, then your work experience will not be interrupted.

“Registration takes place in two stages. At the first contact, a citizen is registered in order to find a suitable job. From this moment, the employment service takes measures to find a suitable job for him. Information on the availability of vacancies, on the level of professional training, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and work experience of a citizen is obtained from the register of employers looking for employees, ”comments Anton Shanov, a leading lawyer of the INTELLECT-S Group of Law Firms.

Those who have registered with the CPC must visit the institution at least twice a week, inform the inspector about how the job search is progressing, and also consider the vacancies offered by the center.

Pregnant women can also register with the CPC. Expectant mothers, within 10 days from the date of paperwork, must be offered a choice of at least two vacancies in accordance with the qualifications. If the proposed options for work do not satisfy, then the temporarily unemployed pregnant woman is assigned an allowance, which will be charged up to the 30th week of pregnancy. After this period, the pregnant woman goes on "maternity leave". This means the termination of the payment of unemployment benefits.

How unemployment benefits are calculated

As long as you are temporarily unemployed, the state pays you unemployment benefits. Its minimum size is 850 rubles, the maximum is 4900 rubles per month. Several factors affect the amount of the benefit.

If you worked 26 weeks or more before dismissal, then the amount of payments should be 75% of the average monthly earnings. At the same time, the amount of the allowance cannot exceed 4900 rubles.

If you were laid off due to a layoff, then the amount of the monthly benefit will be as follows:

  • the amount of average monthly earnings is paid within the first three months from the date of registration with the CPA,
  • 60% of the average monthly earnings - paid from 4 to 7 months of stay at the labor exchange,
  • 45% of the average monthly earnings - paid from 8 to 12 months.

The minimum amount of the benefit is calculated for those whose work experience is less than 26 weeks.

Documents to be provided to the unemployed

Before visiting the inspector of the employment center, do not forget to collect the documents:

  • Passport;
  • Certificate of income for three months of work;
  • Military ID (for men);
  • Education documents (certificate, diploma);
  • Labor book;
  • Insurance pension certificate;
  • Birth certificates of children;
  • Certificate of registration or divorce;
  • Details of the bank account to which you will be charged monthly payments;
  • People with disabilities can provide an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued in accordance with the established procedure and containing a conclusion on the recommended nature and working conditions.

“If a citizen belongs to the category of those experiencing difficulties in finding a suitable job, then he can present documents confirming this,” emphasizes Anton Shanov.

  • Refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • Citizens dismissed from military service, as well as their family members;
  • Single and large parents raising minor or disabled children;
  • Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl and other radiation accidents and disasters;
  • Citizens aged 18 to 20 with secondary vocational education and looking for work for the first time.

If the applicant has not previously worked or does not have a specialty, then he is obliged to present the following documents:

  • passport;
  • education document;
  • an individual rehabilitation program (applies to people with disabilities).

Who cannot register at the labor exchange

According to Article 3 of the Federal Law "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation", unemployed are considered to be able-bodied citizens who do not have a job or earnings, who are in search of work, who are registered with the Employment Center, and are ready to start fulfilling their labor obligations at any time.

If the employment services were unable to provide a suitable job for a registered citizen within 10 days from the date of registration, then the person is assigned the status of an unemployed.

There are categories of citizens who cannot be recognized as unemployed, which means they do not have the right to register at the labor exchange. These are citizens who receive old-age pensions, who have twice refused the training courses of the CPC, as well as convicted and sentenced to correctional labor.

How long can I be registered and receive benefits?

An unemployed person cannot be removed from the register at the CPA after a certain period of time, but there is a fixed period for the payment of unemployment benefits.

“The total period of payment of unemployment benefits to a citizen cannot exceed 24 months in total for 36 months,” says Anton Shanov.

If a citizen refuses a suitable job, then his status as an unemployed person may end.

When selecting vacancies in the CPC, they provide for the following:

  • The proposed job must be suitable for a citizen, taking into account the specialty, position, type of activity, level of education and qualifications, experience and work skills.
  • The amount of earnings on the proposed job must not be lower than the average earnings of a citizen for the last three months.
  • The job is offered based on the transport accessibility of the workplace. The maximum distance of a suitable job from the citizen's place of residence is established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In the absence of a suitable vacancy, unemployed citizens can be offered:

  • referral to work in a related specialty;
  • referral to participate in paid community service;
  • participation in job fairs;
  • vocational guidance in order to choose a profession, employment and training;
  • referral to temporary employment of unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job, unemployed aged 18 to 20, with secondary vocational education, looking for work for the first time.

If a person registered at the labor exchange found a job and hid this fact from the inspector of the employment center in order to further receive unemployment benefits, then he is threatened with administrative liability. The offender will need to pay a fine and return all illegally received payments from the state. The maximum punishment is arrest for up to four months.

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Able-bodied citizens who do not have earnings and who are registered at the labor exchange are recognized as unemployed. A citizen who is dismissed from work or looking for it for the first time receives unemployment benefits. In order to become a labor exchange in 2018, you must provide documents. A citizen registered as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure can receive unemployment benefits.

What documents are needed to enter the labor exchange 2018? Collecting papers for the Employment Center is not difficult. A list of them can be viewed on the official website of the labor exchange or get information from its employees.

Registration at the labor exchange for the first time

For registration, you need a work book and a certificate from the previous place of work for the last three months. In addition, a certificate from the pension insurance fund.

IMPORTANT: these documents are not required for citizens who apply for a job for the first time. That is, these citizens have never worked in their lives.

In addition, in order to register for the first time, you need a TIN, a passport and an educational document. Sometimes employees of the labor exchange require additional documents. It all depends on who applied for employment. For example, for persons with disabilities, this may be a medical certificate, for redundant workers - an order appropriate to the case.

After submitting all documents, employees of the labor exchange, in accordance with article 3 of FZ 1032-1, have the right to analyze the submitted documents by means of the necessary requests within eleven days. Based on the results of consideration of the documents, a decision is made.

In case of a positive answer to the citizen, a personal file is opened, a registration card is filled in, an order is issued to recognize him as unemployed. The citizen signs a consent for his personal data to be processed. After consideration of the documents and the consent of the labor exchange for a citizen to obtain the labor status of an unemployed person, the citizen in this capacity is entered into a special database.

IMPORTANT: If the diploma was received by an applicant in the near abroad, a notarized translation into Russian is required. Diploma insert is not required.

Terms of cooperation with the labor exchange

You can join the labor exchange if there are certain conditions in the interaction of employees of the Employment Service and a citizen in need of work:

  1. A citizen receiving unemployment benefits must come to the Employment Service twice a month.
  2. Exchange employees offer vacancies that correspond to the professional training of a citizen. If the vacancy interested him, he must come to the employer for an interview within three days.
  3. Within 12 months, an unemployed citizen must decide on the vacancies offered to him and choose a suitable job for himself.

Who cannot turn to the labor exchange for help?

Certain citizens cannot apply for the status of unemployed, which means that they do not have the right to seek help from the employees of the labor exchange. These include:

  • pensioners;
  • adolescents under 16;
  • arrested and convicted persons;
  • citizens who first registered on the exchange, did not study and do not have a classification, but from the proposed training, nevertheless, refused twice;
  • citizens who did not appear for re-registration of unemployed status twice without good reason.

IMPORTANT: The law in article 3, part 4 says that these persons, when eliminating the obstacles that have arisen, can be registered with the employment service again. In addition, citizens who have been paid the allowance in full, but have not found work, can also re-register.

Registered citizens, in accordance with article 3 of the law, must come to the labor exchange in order to receive new proposals. This must be done at least twice a month. Citizens cannot refuse two vacancies offered to them and suitable for their qualifications. Moreover, it does not matter what kind of work is offered by the employees of the labor exchange: temporary or permanent. Applicants must have good reasons for refusal, which are listed in article 4 of FZ 1032-1. Employees of the labor exchange cannot offer job seekers to job seekers that do not match the qualifications of the job seeker. According to article 4 of FZ 1032-1, a job seeker may be offered a job that meets the following requirements:

  • not too far from his place of residence;
  • with accessible transport links;
  • position and work that does not contradict the medical indications of the applicant;
  • position and qualifications for work correspond to the education received by the applicant.

Thus, registration at the labor exchange is the right to apply to it for any citizen who, for certain reasons, has lost his job. In addition, the category of citizens who apply for a job for the first time is taken into account. Registration on the exchange will provide financial assistance in a difficult situation in which citizens find themselves in the event of loss of work. Registration on the stock exchange makes it possible to receive state aid, which is expressed in the payment of unemployment benefits.

The amount of the allowance is determined taking into account the average salary for the last 3 months. In the first 3 months, a citizen receives 75% of the previous earnings, in the next 4 months - 60%, after - only 45%. The labor exchange enables the citizens who have applied not only to receive financial assistance in the form of unemployment benefits, but also to take part in public works, which are specially organized for the unemployed and paid for by them. The retraining courses organized by the exchange are an excellent opportunity for those citizens who want to master new professional fields.

The labor exchange was created for the selection of jobs for those who do not have one. There are many vacancies here in the specialties for which potential employers apply. If you lose your job, lay off, get pregnant, you can stand at the labor exchange. Anyone who stands on the stock exchange receives a statutory benefit if he is not yet employed and is actively looking for work.

Does it make sense to register at the labor exchange

Should I go to the labor exchange? Undoubtedly, yes, since when looking for a job, if a citizen is not registered, no one will pay him unemployment benefits. In the case of registration by the employment exchange, an allowance is paid, which depends on whether the person resigned of his own free will or was laid off, etc. any reason.

Even the smallest allowance will help a person to have funds for food, rent and use of public transport while he is looking for a job. Upon employment, a citizen is removed from the register, and the allowance is no longer paid to him.

Even if a person was fired, he is still entitled to the minimum allowance. But on condition that he did not succeed in two weeks after registering at the labor exchange.

How can you register at the labor exchange

How to join the labor exchange? Unemployed persons are registered. They can be considered only people of working age who do not have a permanent income and work. In this case, an unemployed citizen must be registered with the employment service as not working at the moment.

How long after dismissal can you join the labor exchange? It is advisable to do this within the first two weeks. Registration takes place on the day of application, if all supporting documents are available. But the status of unemployed can be assigned only after 11 days after the submission of papers. During this time, you are obliged to offer:

  • several options for work (permanent or temporary);
  • community service options if there is no suitable vacancy;
  • retraining in a specialty or courses to improve their qualifications.

At the same time, exchange employees cannot offer work if it is impossible to get to it by public transport (for example, outside the city). The referral issued by them, which is not confirmed by the employer, will also be invalid. Employees of the labor exchange cannot invite citizens to come for a referral more often than once every two weeks if there is no suitable vacancy.

When registration at the labor exchange is not possible

They cannot register a citizen at the employment exchange as an unemployed person if:

  • it works;
  • studies;
  • in military service;
  • has not reached the age of 16;
  • retiree;
  • convicted and sentenced to imprisonment or is on;
  • provided false documents.

Registration documents

Documents to the labor exchange for registration:

  • passport;
  • insurance certificate;
  • employment history;
  • documents on completed education, including on the completion of courses;
  • 2-NDFL certificate;
  • statement.

The application is filled out directly at the labor exchange, on a specially provided form, which is issued on the spot.

Suitable job

How to join the labor exchange to find a suitable job? Such work under the legislation of the Russian Federation is one that is suitable for a certain person. It must be equal to the previous one according to the conditions that were valid in the last place where the citizen worked. The only exception is community service. In addition, the vacancy must be suitable for health reasons. It is also necessary that it can be reached by public transport. The maximum permissible distance from home to work is 50 km.

Moreover, the above conditions are taken into account, even if the citizen:

Unemployment benefits

The period and the amount of payments are influenced by the length of service, the reasons for dismissal and the conditions of the previous work. Basically, the benefit is calculated on the basis of average earnings. But there are also some exceptions.

The minimum allowance is received by those who are employed for the first time, have not worked for more than a year, or are fired with violations. But at the same time, if they live in any region of the Far North, then they have an additional accrual coefficient. Also, additional funds are credited to Chernobyl victims.

Set payments are made throughout the year. For those who are dismissed for violations or start working again after a long break - six months. If during the first payment period a citizen does not find a job, the payment period is extended for the second period, but cannot exceed two years. The payment is made twice a month.

How to join the labor exchange for a second term? To do this, they undergo re-registration, in which you also need to appear on the exchange twice a month with the necessary documents. In case of non-attendance at the institution, the payment stops or stops for 3 months.

Amounts, suspension and refusal to pay benefits

Those who have lost their jobs for the first 3 months are paid 75% of the average three-month salary. The next four months - 60% each. The rest - 45% each, but not less than the minimum allowance.

Payments are terminated when:

  • employment;
  • retraining or advanced training;
  • failure to appear at the employment exchange for more than a month;
  • receiving benefits for false documents;
  • imprisonment;
  • the appointment of a pension;
  • refusal of a citizen from benefits on personal application;
  • death of a citizen receiving benefits.

The suspension of payments for 3 months occurs when:

  • two independent refusals from the proposed work;
  • refusal from community service or referral to training a profession;
  • appearance at re-registration in a state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • for violation of discipline;
  • violation of the terms of re-registration;
  • termination of training in the direction of the labor exchange on an unauthorized basis.

How to register when downsizing

How to join the labor exchange if a citizen has been laid off? To do this, he will need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • employment history;
  • 2-NDFL certificate for the last 3 months.

Information is obtained from the personnel department of the former work. At the same time, it is reported for what purposes it was required. You need to apply to the exchange within 2 weeks after dismissal. Directly at the labor exchange, an application is written to recognize a citizen as unemployed on a special form. All documents are recorded, and copies remain at the labor exchange. After 10 days, an answer is given. The inspector who supervises this citizen will offer vacancies in the specialty. Referrals are issued to the employer, who may refuse to work. In this case, after two weeks, the inspector must issue new directions for which it is necessary to obtain the consent or refusal of the employer.

What payments are due to a laid-off employee

With the reduction and subsequent registration of a citizen at the employment exchange, he is entitled to payments equal to the average monthly earnings until he gets a job. But the paid period cannot be more than two months from the date of dismissal. In exceptional cases, by decision of the labor exchange, the employee may retain the payment for the 3rd month.

The above option is possible only if, after the citizen was fired, he was registered at the employment exchange within 2 weeks, but he was never employed. But the allowance will not be paid if, for the period of the job search, the citizen is still listed in some enterprise.

What documents for the labor exchange do you need to provide to the reduced person? This is a work book that must be issued to him within three days, a passport and a 2-NDFL certificate for the last 6 months. If a citizen registers within 2 weeks after the layoff, then he will be able to receive benefits at the employment exchange for a whole year.

How to register with the employment exchange during pregnancy

If a citizen was dismissed, then it is necessary to go to the labor exchange for registration within 2 weeks immediately after the dismissal. If a woman has not previously worked, then she can register before reaching 30 weeks of pregnancy. Until this date, the benefit at the labor exchange is paid in accordance with the general conditions. Registration takes place on the day of application.

Also, on general terms, within two weeks, she will be offered two options for vacancies or community service. If the goal is not to find a job during pregnancy, then you can study for another specialty for free. In this case, it would be ideal for a woman. But at this time it is not paid, since a scholarship is provided for this option. But if a woman’s vacancy was not found, then she will be registered as unemployed, with the payment of benefits.

It must be remembered that registration at the labor exchange for unemployment is possible only up to 30 weeks of pregnancy. After this period, it is necessary to provide the inspector at the exchange with a certificate from the antenatal clinic. Then the woman is removed from the register, and she goes on maternity leave. There is no unemployment benefit during pregnancy and childbirth, so it may not be worth talking about the "interesting situation" until the deadline. To receive benefits after 30 weeks, you must already contact the social security authorities.

How to join the labor exchange in 2019? What are the sizes of payments at the labor exchange? What do you need to register and what documents you need. We will consider these and other issues related to registration with the CPC in this article.

About the registration procedure and the documents required for this

It is often very difficult for a person who finds himself out of work to look for it on his own, therefore, the question of how to register with the employment service, the so-called labor exchange, worries many unemployed. The main condition for listing on the stock exchange is that you do not have a job at the moment. To register, you need to contact the territorial employment center, which is located in your area, city or village.

The Employment Law classifies as unemployed those citizens who are able-bodied, do not have a job, have registered with the CPC, are looking for a job and can immediately start it. The state pays benefits to the unemployed who are registered with the employment authorities until they find work and are employed. What documents are needed to enter the labor exchange?

Registration with employment authorities is carried out upon the provision of the necessary documents:

  • work book of the unemployed (after dismissal should be in your hands);
  • certificate of average earnings that were paid to an unemployed person at the enterprise (if a citizen gets a job for the first time, this item can be skipped);
  • a certificate that confirms the registration of the Federal Tax Service;
  • passport;
  • documents on education (taking into account the documents you have provided confirming your professional training, the exchange employees will look for a job corresponding to your specialty).

Another document that may be required in this case is an extract from the personal medicine of the insured citizen. Knowing what documents are needed for the labor exchange, you will save your time and quickly be able to register at the labor exchange.

Additionally about registration for unemployment

Thinking about the question of how to enter the labor exchange, you also need to know about the responsibilities that a citizen will have in connection with registration with the employment authorities. These duties include, first of all, the need to regularly, twice a month, visit the employment service on the day and time assigned to you by the employee of the employment center. Such visits should not be negligent, because in case of late attendance, the CPC may terminate the payment of unemployment benefits or reduce its amount.

Receiving information about an existing or opened vacancy, in accordance with his qualifications, a citizen must visit the company proposed to him in order to pass an interview. He is given three days to visit the enterprise from the moment the information about the vacancy is received. If a registered unemployed person during the year does not want to accept any of the vacancies offered to him, then any one will be considered suitable for him, even if it does not correspond to his qualifications.

Speaking about how to register for unemployment, one cannot fail to mention the categories of citizens who cannot be considered unemployed:

  • children under 16;
  • old age pensioners;
  • persons who refused to study more than twice, at the suggestion of the employment center (such training is offered to persons who do not have qualifications and have not worked before);
  • convicted to undergo correctional labor;
  • other persons who are not named in Part 3 of Art. 3 of the Employment Law.

What is an electronic labor exchange?

Considering all the nuances associated with registration with employment agencies, one cannot but mention the existence of electronic labor exchanges located in the regions. The purpose of their creation is exactly the same - to help citizens find work. At the moment, they do not exist in all cities, but only in the largest of them.

An important nuance of their work is that it will not work here to register. To do this, in any case, you need to visit the employment service, but when looking for work without applying for benefits, you can fully rely on them. You can familiarize yourself with the vacancies that are offered directly on the exchange website.

Such sites also contain other useful information about the seminars and courses that will be held by the city's CPC. These activities, as a rule, are free of charge and do not require any expenses from unemployed citizens. On the same site you can find all the useful information regarding registration.

Registration of a pregnant woman

Of course, you can join the labor exchange for a pregnant woman. The law does not provide for any restrictions on this matter. After applying to the stock exchange, the woman will be offered 2 jobs, in accordance with her qualifications, if they do not arrange her, then she will be registered, assigned the status of unemployed and assigned an allowance. will go on maternity leave and the benefit will be suspended.

How much do they pay on Moscow stock exchanges

Payments at the labor exchange in 2019 will change:

  • the minimum unemployment benefit is 1,500 rubles;
  • the maximum payment on the exchange is 8,000 rubles.

How much is paid at the labor exchange for unemployment in 2018-2019 depends on the length of service for the last year. The reasons why you were fired also have an impact on the amount of unemployment benefits.

The payment mechanism is as follows:

  • within the first 3 months after registration, the unemployed will receive 75% of the average earnings;
  • after that, within 4 months he will receive 60%;
  • the next 5 months he will receive 45%.

There are various regional allowances charged on payments. The amount of the allowance should not exceed the maximum amount established by the Government.

Muscovites receive a supplement to the allowance, the amount of which is 850 rubles. In addition, the Moscow unemployed are compensated for half the cost of a monthly pass for travel in public transport.

Every unemployed person has the right to receive a monthly allowance, as well as assistance in finding a new job and retraining. To do this, you need to register with the employment center, which is also called the labor exchange. How to do this is described in detail in the article.

Labor legislation guarantees the right to receive benefits, as well as to promote employment for almost all citizens:

  • quit for any reason;
  • educated and not previously employed.

Moreover, in all cases we are talking about capable citizens who have turned 16 years old. Therefore, only categories such as:

  • minors under 15 years of age inclusive;
  • citizens who already receive old-age or seniority pensions;
  • convicts;
  • persons who are already registered and at the same time have refused to participate in the training program 2 times or more (provided that they do not have qualifications, and before that they have not worked anywhere).

A citizen can register at any time, literally the next day after dismissal. The only condition for this is the absence of any official work (including part-time employment, combination, etc.). It is important to understand that a person is entitled to receive benefits and other types of support only after officially obtaining the status of an unemployed.

If a citizen was dismissed by way of downsizing, he must register no later than 14 calendar days from the date of dismissal.

Get unemployed status: step by step instructions

The sequence of actions begins with the fact that the person receives the status of unemployed. To do this, there is only 1 way: a citizen must personally contact the employment center at the place of residence. The address can be preliminarily specified in open sources.

Step 1. Collecting the necessary documents

Basic documents include:

  • passport;
  • all documents on education (certificate, diplomas).

These papers are provided by persons who have been trained and have no formal work experience. If a citizen has already been employed earlier, he also brings:

  • work book (original);
  • a salary certificate for the last 3 months.

It is important to understand that this document has nothing to do with the 2-NDFL certificate, which is usually submitted to confirm income. Employers often confuse these papers, so a citizen has to return to his former place of work again in order to get exactly a salary certificate. Its form is approved at the local level (usually by the labor department under the Administration) and looks like this.

The document must be drawn up correctly, since it is the employees of the employment center who check it especially carefully. As a result, according to the data of the certificate, the amount of unemployment benefit is calculated, which is formally set as a percentage of the previously received earnings. However, current legislation sets the limits for this monthly benefit:

  • at least 850 rubles;
  • maximum 4900 rubles.

Therefore, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the unemployed receives exactly 4,900 rubles a month.

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real Estate Expert

If the employee has previously been assigned a disability group, a rehabilitation program will also be needed. It is developed by doctors and social workers.

Step 2. Applying: Sample and Methods

Together with the specified package of documents, the citizen also submits the original of the application, the form of which is issued on the spot. This document consists of several sections and is in the form of a data collection questionnaire:

  1. Full name and other personal information.
  2. Education.
  3. Conditions at the last place of work.
  4. Wishes to a new place of work.

Step 3. Waiting: timing

As already mentioned, the applicant can contact the employment center at any time, as soon as he quit. Official assignment of unemployed status is possible no later than 11 calendar days from the moment all documents were submitted. At the end of this period, the representative of the employment center must issue 2 orders:

A citizen must familiarize himself with these documents personally and put his signature, date, decoding of the signature (surname, initials). In addition, you must provide the details of the bank account (card) where the benefit will be received.

Next steps: the rights and obligations of the unemployed

Along with receiving a compulsory monthly allowance, a citizen has the right to:

  • providing information on vacancies that correspond to the received education and / or work experience, qualifications;
  • assistance in organizing interviews with potential employers;
  • retraining according to professional retraining programs;
  • receiving psychological assistance, adaptation to the labor market.

All these services are provided free of charge and without restrictions. At the same time, an unemployed person can independently select options for a new job; in the event of employment, he immediately loses the right to unemployment benefits.

It is possible to receive services both directly at the employment center and online on the State Services portal, where you must first confirm the data of your documents (the procedure is free). Then, in the service catalog, select "Work and employment", click on the appropriate section and follow the prompts of the service.

On the other hand, a citizen also has a number of responsibilities:

  1. Twice a month, he must personally visit the employment center (days and hours of reception are discussed individually). During the visit, options for employment, wishes for a new job are discussed. Failure to appear or late arrival may become grounds for reducing or completely stopping the payment of benefits (except for good reasons).
  2. It is also necessary to arrive for a consultation after receiving notification and the appearance of a potentially suitable vacancy.
  3. Another important point is that a new job must be picked up as quickly as possible; an unemployed person is given a maximum of 12 months in order to accept an offer from an employment center (or find a place on his own).

The allowance is stopped due to various reasons - failure to fulfill the conditions of the employment center, moving to another district / city / region, getting a new job.

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