Home Flowers Alyona Starovoitova's Keys to Mastery to Rewrite Birth. Alena Starovoitova - What do spiritual practices “threat” you with. From a professional point of view, this path looks like this

Alyona Starovoitova's Keys to Mastery to Rewrite Birth. Alena Starovoitova - What do spiritual practices “threat” you with. From a professional point of view, this path looks like this

The spring equinox is a truly unique day when the energy of the Universe gains incredible strength.

On this day, every person can send a message to the Universe and improve their lives, this is a time of renewal and awakening. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity if you want to start life from scratch.

After all, the spring equinox is the most suitable time for this.

Moscow time, the spring equinox in 2019 will take place on March 21 at 00.58 o'clock.

At these moments relative to the Earth, the energy of a person changes like water in a vessel in which they put electric wires and applied voltage.

Thus, the human body is filled with strength and heat, therefore it is important that both the water and the vessel are clean, respectively, on the eve of the holiday, fasting, washing the body, cleaning the home, and, most importantly, the purity of thoughts that are consistent

On this day, light and darkness are divided equally. In ancient times, when there were no calendars, spring was determined by the sun.

It was believed that it was from this day that updates in nature begin: the first spring thunder, the swelling of buds on trees, the violent germination of greenery.

What should be done on the Day of the vernal equinox and how best to meet it?

On this day, get up at dawn, take a shower, cleanse your body and thoughts, tuning in to the subtle vibrations of the rising sun.

It would be ideal to conduct such a practice in the fresh air, in a suburban area or on the shore of a reservoir.

You can sit in a comfortable position for meditation and at home, facing east.

This is necessary to bring some intermediate result.

Look at the balance of your energy bodies, the balance of the 4 Elements, how the interaction with the Higher aspects is going on, lay down the program for the next period.

And then just listen to the Earth, that layer of consciousness that you reach.

During this meditation, you are given a great opportunity to honestly assess your capabilities and energy state.

Having expressed your respect, you can ask for his blessing, make a wish or energize the talismans.

Important so that desires are your true ones, echoes the true nature of your essence.

What should be done on the Day of the vernal equinox and how best to meet it?

For those who cannot get out of the house for any reason, you can try the ritual.

Circle of Fortune

To perform the following ritual, you will need several branches of trees or shrubs.

Their number is not so important, and you can determine it yourself.

The main thing is that there are enough branches to create a small circle around you.

Or rather, so that you can stand in a circle made up of these branches.

By the way, it is not necessary to cut fresh branches from trees.

You can take broken or frozen in the snow.

Believe me, even in such seemingly lost "wreckage" life is still glimmering, and the natural force is no less than that of their "growing brothers".

After you have the necessary “branch-toolkit” in your hands, you can begin ...

On the day of the spring equinox, at any hour convenient for you, retire to an apartment or a separate room. Dress warmly and open the windows, turn on the lights everywhere, open the water taps. If you cannot manage the whole apartment, then at least turn on and open everything that is possible in the room.

Thus, you activate the favorable energy of your home, which is a reflection of yourself.

Spread the branches on the floor in the shape of a circle with the words: " Branch to branch, the circle of luck is strong"

Then stand in your circle, close your eyes and imagine yourself a successful and happy person, imagine the fulfillment of your most cherished desires and say:

« Good luck ahead. Luck behind. Good luck come with me

This completes the ritual. Gather the branches and place them in a pretty vase of water.

From now on, your life will change for the better!

And when the first green leaf appears on the branches, your dream will come true!

Equinoxthis is such a phenomenon in the astronomical sphere, when the center of our star of the Sun crosses the celestial equator, which divides the sphere of the sky into 2 identical hemispheres. On this day, the duration of the light part of the day is equal to the dark part. After this day, daylight hours arrive in the Northern Hemisphere and begin to wane in the Southern Hemisphere. We have an astronomical spring.

Most recently, we saw off Maslenitsa, thereby meeting spring. But in fact, spring, from an astronomical point of view, comes only in equinox day. That is, on the day when the sun passes from the southern hemisphere to the northern and with its direct rays illuminates exactly half of the Earth.

The spring equinox symbolizes the rebirth, renewal and death of the past, the transition to a completely different level, this is a kind. In some countries, the traditions of celebrating the New Year on the day of the vernal equinox are still preserved, since it was believed that with the onset of astronomical spring, a new natural year logically begins.

When is the spring equinox

Equinox - night equals day

The vernal equinox is also called the solstice, that is, the rotation of the sun from winter to spring. A similar solstice, only with the transition from summer to autumn, occurs in September. Between these events, two more equally significant and mystical events take place - the winter and summer solstice - in December and June, respectively. When will the equinox be in spring?

The spring equinox occurs on March 21 plus or minus one day, adjusted for leap years. The exact time of the offensive for 2019 is 01:58 Moscow time. And this is the starting point for the arrival of astronomical spring, which will continue until June 20-21. From this day (June 21) until September 22-23, there is an astronomical summer. Therefore, for those who complain that June is cold, summer has not yet begun! It will only start on June 20-21! The earth under the rays of the sun will already warm up well and become really warm.

So, we note that this year the spring equinox will occur on March 21 at 16:15 Moscow time. And in the next seven years, by a happy circumstance, it will also be March 20, adjusted for the time of day:

2018 March 21 16:15
2019 March 21 21:58
2020 March 21 03:50
2021 March 21 09:37
2022 March 21 15:33
2023 March 21 21:24
2024 March 21 03:06
2025 March 21 09:01

On this day, the sun is at its equilibrium apogee, the force of its rays is maximum, which provides a large energy potential that can be used for your own purposes. The day of the equinox has a special magic. Since the time of paganism, people have noticed patterns, they believed that not only spring begins on the equinox, but also excellent conditions are created for various rituals and rituals to improve life.

What can you do on the day of the vernal equinox to improve your life?

The great energy potential of this day cannot be ignored. And since the spring equinox symbolizes renewal and liberation from the old, it would be appropriate to spend:

  • Cleansing your home. If you didn’t do this in the corridor of eclipses, then it’s better than the day of the equinox, you won’t find various applied programs and planted or fed “roommates” in the form of entities, plasmoids, clots and evil spirits to cleanse your living space from negative energy.

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  • Purification of one's own biofield. The energy of this day will allow you to get rid of the energy burden and get a charge of vivacity and mood for the future.
  • Physical cleansing of space. It implies not only energy, but also general cleaning on the eve of the equinox or on the day itself. Moreover, capital, you need to thoroughly “woolen” your wardrobe and all things for not being used. At the expense of things: if you haven’t touched some clothes for a whole year, haven’t found where to go in it, or have simply grown out of it - don’t hope, a similar future awaits it. So why then keep it in your closet - get rid of it, let in something new in its place. This also applies to other things that you have not used for a very long time.
  • Carry out rituals for the fulfillment of desires. The spring equinox has a huge energy potential that can be used in many ways. Correctly made wishes on this day are fulfilled quickly and most accurately.

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Rituals for the Spring Equinox

Purification ritual on the day of the equinox

The purification ritual is best done on the very day of the spring equinox, but if for some reason this is not possible, then it can be done on the days closest to the equinox.

Its essence is in cleansing from negative energy, resentment, regrets, as well as putting things in order in the emotional and spiritual spheres of your life. Since only in this way can the wind of good changes be let into it, and this wind will not hurt anyone, because every person, regardless of his position in society, life, has something to change for the better. In addition, this cleansing ritual can be performed along with other rites and rituals.

First you need to clean your space and workplace from physical dirt. You can do this on your own or with the whole family involved.

At the moment when you are dusting, vacuuming, mopping or sweeping the trash, imagine that with every movement with a rag or brush you free your space not only from physical dirt, but also cleanse it and yourself from negative energy, diseases, negative emotions. , failures and misfortunes.

Before cleaning, you can fix on a piece of paper everything that you want to get rid of, including bad habits, some kind of bindings and programs, then burn this sheet on a metal tray and flush the ashes down the toilet. After this procedure, you can proceed directly to the general cleaning of the premises. This step will help you launch your intention and facilitate the process of releasing from the problems listed on the sheet.

After cleaning, it is recommended to thoroughly ventilate the room and fill the space with positive energy by spraying flavored herbal infusions, essential oils, and incense sticks. Airing your home on the equinox is an invitation to clean new energy into your home.

Purification of the biofield and soul

Equinox is the right moment to cleanse your biofield, aura. To cleanse your energy fields and soul, you can apply such a ritual. It is quite simple, but very effective. Unless, of course, you know how to ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself.

During the spring equinox, you need to make an individual list in which you indicate all your grievances and claims against specific people. It can be both barely familiar people, and relatives and friends. If the list is very large, then select the most important moments for you, there should be no more than 10 of them. Since you cannot consciously work out more than this number purely physically.

Write them out on a separate sheet of paper and methodically ask each offender for forgiveness for the harm done to your soul, mood, and forgive him yourself. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness and forgive from one person so many times until you feel that the problem, in general, is not worth a damned egg or that you should not carry these “stones” of resentment in your soul. That is, you need to ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself until you feel some kind of release-relief. After this ritual, you will notice in later life how your relationship has changed. Remember that from the next day after the equinox, a new period of life begins, a kind of New Year, and that's how it will be, it depends on you. In order for everything to work out, you need to correctly complete the ritual.

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After you have worked through each offense and offender, the list must be burned. This is a symbol of confirmation of spiritual purification. The ashes should also be flushed down the toilet. And then wash yourself with clean water. It is best to take a shower and stand under running water for 10-15 minutes. Water is the best element on Earth, which is able to remove everything bad and carry it away.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires on the equinox

Equinox is not just a day equal to night, it is a special period when you can Make a wish and put it into action. To make your plans come true and dreams come true, follow the instructions for making a wish.

First, prepare a safe space. Retire in a room where no one will disturb you. Turn off all appliances, including a computer, telephone, TV, or other household appliances that are in this room. You can only leave the player, tape recorder or laptop to play music. For the ritual on the day of the equinox, the fulfillment of a wish will require calm, relaxing music. Choose the one that is familiar to you for relaxation.

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Before make a wish on the equinox think about what you really want. Imagine your desire in all colors (the most realistic), but as if it has already been fulfilled, and you are already using its gifts, having what you dream about. That is, if you want a new house, meet a life partner, a fur coat or something else, imagine yourself the owner of this.
Imagine that you are living in a new house. Or you meet an interesting young man whom you love and he loves you.

Attention, you should choose one wish. It is impossible to imagine that you are in a new house with a loved one who does not have a soul in you and gives you a beautiful fur coat! Choose one wish! Which is the most important to you.

After you have imagined that what you dream about is yours, analyze how you feel in that new reflection of yourself. How you behave, what you think, how it has made your life easier and what emotions you experience. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail.

If you can’t imagine in the smallest details (in principle, this is not so important, and not everyone can visualize their emotions and feelings), try to feel positive from what you have received, this energy of pleasure and happiness that should overtake you, in your opinion, when you have what you want.

Now imagine a pink sphere in front of you - the size and brightness depend only on your imagination. Let it be a sparkling sphere of small size, which is easy to place in your hands. Inspect this sphere for integrity and evenness, feel with your hands. When you are convinced that the sphere is ideal, place the image of the desire you have imagined in this sphere.

On the day of the equinox, all portals in the universe are open. If you send there what you dream about, then it will definitely come true in the near future.

And now mentally (you can help with your hands), launch your sphere with desire into the sky, watch it as it rises up, flies along an endless energy channel to the very center of the Universe. Watch her until she is completely out of sight.

As soon as it hides in the sky, it means that your desire has been accepted in the Universe. If at this moment some light appeared before your eyes, then you can easily and joyfully sigh -because your wish will surely come true. If the sphere did not manage to rise so as to hide, you still need to work hard on it and launch it the next time. Apparently this desire is too heavy, you are not ready to get what you are thinking about.
Make a wish a day the vernal equinox- a tradition since pagan times. People have long understood and realized the peculiarity of this period and have learned to use the magic of the day to improve their lives, to get what they want.

The day of the vernal equinox is an important milestone in the change of seasons, as well as the astronomical beginning of spring. On March 20-21, there comes a moment when the lengths of day and night are equal.

According to an astronomical point of view, it is from this day that you can safely start counting the onset of springtime.

Numerous folk legends, signs, customs, traditions, mystical beliefs, natural processes and other curious phenomena are associated with this day. This is a great opportunity to cleanse yourself of negative energy and regrets, put things in order in the emotional and spiritual spheres of life, let the wind of good changes into your life, and open yourself to a new life.

What Not to Do

On this day, you can’t sort things out, start conflicts, because this can completely destroy relationships. Emotions of anger and aggression will lead to the appearance of energy of destruction in life, so they should be avoided.

It is impossible to be bored on the Day of the vernal equinox in any case. Otherwise, you will spend this year in gloom and misfortune. It was believed that the more joyful and cheerful this day is, the better the whole year will pass.

What should be done

They say that one's own thoughts on this day influence what will happen to a person in the near future. Therefore, you need to think only about the good and make positive wishes.

On the day of the spring equinox, you should plan your future. You need to do this on paper. There are several rules that you should follow: formulate your plans clearly, down to the smallest detail (for example, if you want a car, then indicate the name of the brand); make your plans in a positive way (mentally imagine that you already have what you want) put down the date by which you would like to achieve what you want.

On this day, the house should be cleansed of negative energy. For this, burning candles, sprinkling with holy water, fumigation with herbs are used. Be sure to clean the house, remove garbage and get rid of unnecessary things.

You also need to cleanse your body. You can simply take a shower or soak in a hot bath with fragrant foam. Very important: on the day of the vernal equinox, you can prolong your youth! All cosmetic procedures will affect the skin and beauty especially strongly. Therefore, it's time to make a mask for the face and hair.

It is also good to honor the ancestors, have fun, meet the renewal of nature, go to visit and give others a positive mood. Great if you have the opportunity to bake. Treats are given to close people, friends and are taken as a gift to ancestors.

This day is a unique moment that helps to correct accumulated mistakes, forgive the most difficult offenses and receive forgiveness ourselves.

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The spring equinox 2019 is an important day in the calendar, because it marks the astronomical beginning of spring. We talk about when the vernal equinox is in 2019, what rituals are customary to perform on this day, and what signs exist on the day of the vernal equinox.


  • What date is the spring equinox 2019

The spring equinox 2019 falls on March 20, 23:58 Kyiv time. When the Sun moves from the southern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the northern hemisphere, the day of the vernal equinox comes. Precisely March 20, 2019 day and night will have the same duration. This is due to the fact that the two hemispheres of the hemisphere will be illuminated by the Sun exactly half.

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  • Spring Equinox 2019: Rites

For our ancestors, the Spring Equinox was a real holiday. And for some nations, the holiday is still an integral part of culture today. In Iran, for example, the New Year is celebrated on the Spring Equinox.

Let's go back to our ancestors. Spring festivals were very fun, accompanied by rituals that called for the fertility of the land and the well-being of people.


All rituals were aimed at activating vital energy, calling for longevity, and in general were similar to the Easter rituals of Christians.

Ritual of kindling fires

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The Slavs respectfully greeted the Sun. For them, this is the highest deity, which was supposed to be met solemnly, with bread and salt. In honor of the Sun, a magnificent feast was arranged and bonfires were burned - an association with the heat of the sun. These bonfires were necessarily lit from the sun: the beam was caught in a magnifying glass or in a lens made of precious stone - and directed to a pile of brushwood. Only such a bonfire truly preserved the energy of the sun and could bestow it on people.

Fire, according to our ancestors, had tremendous power and could cleanse the human aura - so everyone wanted to jump over the fire and change their fate for the better.

Also, on the Day of the vernal equinox, as well as on Easter, they painted eggs, which were called “crayons”. Only the colors were red or yellow - in honor of the Sun.

  • What can and should be done on the Day of the vernal equinox:
  1. Take care of cleaning. Everything that is no longer useful to you must be taken out of the house. Thus, we will get rid of unnecessary energy and make room for something new.
  2. Write a list of everything you've been excited about this year and burn that list.
  3. Forgive past wrongs. It's time to let go of the negativity and your life will definitely change for the better!
  • What not to do on the day of the vernal equinox:
  1. You can’t be angry, because thoughts are material.
  2. You can not quarrel and conflict.
  3. You can not think about the bad and do the bad.
  • Spring equinox 2019: signs

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They say that if the weather is bad on the Spring Equinox, then the next 40 days will be cloudy and cold.

If it is warm on the day of the vernal equinox, then the frosts will no longer return.

The day of the spring equinox was a great holiday for our ancestors. This is another reason to praise the Sun and admire the perfection of nature. Gather your friends and have a lot of fun, for example, making a forecast of what the weather will be like.

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Already today, March 20, a significant event will be observed in the Russian Federation and around the world - the Day of the vernal equinox. As you know, it is on this holiday that the day becomes equal to the night. Our ancestors believed that the Spring Equinox is a magical time during which rites and rituals can be performed. How was this holiday celebrated in ancient times?

Our ancestors awaited the arrival of spring with great trepidation. The celebration of spring was filled with an important sacred meaning of the victory of light over darkness, the awakening of all animals, birds and plants and the birth of a new life. It is noteworthy that not only the Slavs celebrated the Day of the vernal equinox, but also other peoples of the world. So, the Egyptians erected a proud Sphinx to point to the Sun on the Day of the vernal equinox. Why did people in ancient times love and revere this holiday so much?

Meanings of the Spring Equinox

Before proceeding to the celebration of the Spring Equinox, it is necessary to understand what it is connected with and why it arose. Nowadays, the vernal equinox is seen more as a scientific event, which is quite simple to explain. So, it is believed that on this day the Sun crosses the equator and moves from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern.

Starting from the day of the spring equinox, the night begins to shorten and the day to increase. It is at this time that astronomical spring is celebrated. From an astronomical point of view, it is on the Spring Equinox that the New Year begins, because the Sun enters the constellation Aries, which is considered the first in a row. Since ancient times, they believed that the Day of the vernal equinox is the holiday during which you can fulfill your cherished desire.

In addition, the vernal equinox is the day of the year when the night becomes equal to the day. That is, the Sun remains in the sky for 12 hours. It is noteworthy that from a scientific point of view, the day still turns out to be a little longer than the night, because the rays are refracted, but the difference is so small that ordinary people are used to not paying attention to this inaccuracy.

It is noteworthy that the astronomical spring does not have a fixed date. In ancient times, it was customary to celebrate the Spring Equinox on March 21, but in the modern world, the date of the holiday is constantly changing. The spring equinox can fall on any day between March 19 and 21. This is due to the fact that the day does not actually last 24 hours, but a little less, so the date is constantly shifting.

After, in a leap year, the situation levels off thanks to the 29th day in February. Thus, the Spring Equinox Day is celebrated on March 19 after a leap year and on March 21 in a leap year. In other years, it can fall either on the 19th or the 20th. In 2019, the Spring Equinox Day will take place at 21:58:25 hours UTC-0 (Universal Coordinated Time).

Spring Equinox Traditions

The spring equinox was celebrated by many peoples of Europe, so each country has its own traditions. So, if we take into account European paganism, people worshiped the ancient German goddess of spring, Ostara. In Europe, it was customary to dye eggs on the Day of the vernal equinox, and to bake buns. Interestingly, our Easter tradition of painting eggs came from here.

The later Slavs called the day of the vernal equinox Magpies. People believed that on this day birds returned from warm lands, and 40 birds, that is, 40 species, were supposed to return. To celebrate the holiday, the people baked cookies in the form of larks. Such cookies were considered ritual, so they should have been in every home.

If we move forward a little in history, the Slavs began to celebrate our Maslenitsa on the Day of the vernal equinox. In those days, the main god for people was Yarolo - the God of the Sun. It was believed that only he could save the Earth from eternal winter, so noisy festivities were held in honor of his awakening. The day of the spring equinox among the people celebrated the awakening of the forces of Yarila.

To honor Yarilo, people baked cakes that resembled the Sun in shape. A little later, the tradition of baking pancakes appeared. Among the people, people believed that winter is also a Goddess who wears large horns. On the day of the vernal equinox, Yaroli allegedly cut off the horns of the Goddess of Winter, thereby depriving her of her strength. To help Yarila cope with Mara, people sang and danced for days on end, because they believed that this would help God become stronger.

Of course, they did not forget to guess on the Day of the vernal equinox. Guessing was accepted for fate, children, weddings and so on. In principle, this tradition has been preserved to this day. The main tradition was the burning of an effigy. People thus honored the Goddess of Winter and gave her a courteous funeral. It was customary to throw into the fire all things that cause negative thoughts.

Rituals for the Spring Equinox

The day of the spring equinox was very revered among unmarried girls who aspired to get married. They believed that the day of the vernal equinox is a wonderful opportunity to tell fortunes and learn about the fate of their betrothed. Since the Slavs celebrated Maslenitsa on this day, all fortune-telling was tied to pancakes. For example, among girls it was important to bake pancakes. If the first pancake turned out to be good, she will soon get married, and if it is bad, she will not see marriage in the near future.

Married girls also guessed, but not for the betrothed, but for the sex of the child. It was believed that whoever takes a pancake first from the table will be born. An interesting divination existed in dreams. It was believed that on the Day of the vernal equinox, prophetic dreams are dreamed, but in order to find out your fate, it was necessary to prepare in advance. So, each girl had to put the following items under the pillow:

  • two aces (of spades and of diamonds);
  • club ten;
  • key;
  • ring (only not a wedding ring);
  • a crust of bread;
  • willow branch;
  • piece of pie.

After that, the girl had to sleep on all the “good” and guess in the morning. The future had to be judged by what the girl dreamed about. You had to remember your dream as accurately as possible, because only then it was possible to get the true results of divination. The girls deciphered their dreams like this:

  • if there is a ring, then there will be a wedding soon;
  • if any card of a spade suit, then to trouble;
  • if the key, then to success in work;
  • if a pie or a cake, then soon there will be luck and joy;
  • if bread, then success at work;
  • if any plant, then this is good unexpected news;
  • if a diamond card, then expect enrichment;
  • if a club card, then expect a move.

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