Home Flowers Digging graves sizes. Why are they buried at a depth of two meters? Standard grave sizes

Digging graves sizes. Why are they buried at a depth of two meters? Standard grave sizes

Why are they buried at a depth of two meters? June 1st, 2017

There is one phrase in English that translates to "6 feet down." When people say it, they mean death or funeral. But hardly anyone wondered why dead people are buried exactly at a 6-foot depth (2 meters).

This tradition dates back to 1655, when all of England was devastated by the bubonic plague. During these terrible years, people feared the spread of infection, and the mayor of London issued a special decree that regulated how to deal with the bodies of deceased people in order to avoid the spread of infections and infections.

It was then that it was decided to bury the graves to a depth of 6 feet (2 meters). Many people doubted that this was the right decision, because the infection, first of all, was carried by insects, and not by dead bodies.

Be that as it may, this standard has remained to this day.

In the United States, for example, the depth standard varies from state to state. In many cases, this is 18 inches. It turns out that the authorities of some states believe that one and a half meters is quite enough. But there are also cases when dead people are placed at a depth of 4 meters: this is done so that there is space on the surface for other dead people. Usually this procedure is applied in the case of relatives and close people.

2 meters depth is considered the most common standard today. Deeper than this can cause problems, for example, in New Orleans, where there are many underwater streams. Moreover, there were cases when coffins, buried too deep, were pushed out of the bottom of the soil.

In the UK, for example, people adhere to the very standard that was adopted several centuries ago. It is clear that the reason is quite different. Special services urge people to take precautions: coffins must be buried to such depths that animals cannot dig a grave and expose a body or coffin.

First, there is a compromise. You must not bury too close to the surface, so that the corpse, for example, would not be dug up by animals, so that it would not be exposed in heavy rain, etc .; and digging too deep is lazy and difficult.
However, in the modern English-speaking world, "six feet" is more of an idiom than a real rule. The dead are buried at different depths, depending on local conditions and customs.

Some associate this directly with church customs. The ground for burials in Christianity is sanctified, and only its upper three meters are “sanctified”. Therefore, the desire to bury the deceased precisely at such a depth is associated either with a historical habit or with religious beliefs.

We meet in the literature examples of how suicides, mummers (then it was considered sinful) and other unworthy people tried to bury either behind the fence of the cemetery, or below the level of three meters.

Among other things, you can push off from purely pragmatic approaches. In our latitudes, the depth of freezing of the earth is up to 180 cm (just 6 feet). Above this level, the water in the soil freezes in winter and melts in summer - it expands and contracts. Accordingly, everything that is at insufficient depth moves and staggers. Below the level of freezing, the dead are somehow calmer. Coffins will last longer.

Since ancient times, people have been burying their dead. Accompanied by the mourning living, the dead leave for the land from which they came. Funeral rites were present in all cultures, although at times they had significant differences. One of the most widespread methods of burial was and remains burial in earthen graves.

In addition to the ritual burial, it also has important practical significance. Having said goodbye to the soul, the body loses its vitality and begins to decay rapidly. This process poses a serious danger to living people, cadaverous substances released during decay can be deadly.

It is even worse if the death was caused by an infectious disease. Terrible epidemics, which claimed thousands of lives, were often caused by the opening of old graves and the release of dormant pathogens there.

How to carry out the burial ritual correctly? What depth of the grave will allow you to comply with all the requirements of the ceremony and prevent possible dangers to the health of living people?

The depth of the excavation of the grave is determined by several factors. The grave must reliably protect the body from erosion by groundwater, natural disasters (for example, landslides), tearing by animals. Consequently, it cannot be located either too deeply, where it will be threatened by ground water, nor too superficially.

The first of the Russian rulers who realized the need to form and observe some sanitary rules that determine how deep the grave should be was Peter the Great. In 1723, by the highest decree, he ordered to dig graves to a depth of at least 3 arshins, which is just over 2 meters in the modern system of measures.

By such a command, the ruler hoped to prevent possible epidemics, and, as time has shown, he was right. Failure to comply with the decree, the poor condition of the cemeteries led to the plague in 1771. Alexander I introduced punishments for "funeral crimes" - non-observance of the norm of the depth of the grave.
But the problem did not disappear, cemeteries and space for them were sorely lacking. Burials of new dead in old graves were the norm. Only at the very end of the nineteenth - early twentieth century, the situation began to change, clear instructions were developed, it was determined to what depth the grave was dug and how cemeteries were arranged, and serious control over the implementation of these instructions was created.

The depth of the grave according to sanitary standards
The arrangement of cemeteries is stipulated in detail by federal law and local government regulations. All rules are based on clearly formulated and time-tested and time-tested standards of sanitation and ecology.

What determines the depth of the grave for a person?
- Earth.
The deceased returns to the ground, and the depth of the grave will largely depend on its properties. Two meters deep, the soil must be dry and light, allow air to pass through, otherwise a cemetery on such land cannot be built.
- Water.
The body must be protected as reliably as possible from contact with groundwater. This is necessary in order to avoid contamination of water with products of putrefactive decomposition of organic substances. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to locate cemeteries in areas where groundwater is more than two meters in depth from the surface of the earth. It is the properties of the soil and the level of standing of groundwater that must be guided by determining the depth of the grave in each specific area.
- Natural disasters.
It is logical to ban the arrangement of cemeteries in areas prone to frequent landslides and landslides, flooding, in swampy areas.
- Culture and religion.
Some religions have clear prescriptions for every stage of the life of believers, including for the construction of the grave and burial. Of course, they must be observed in strict accordance with the requirements of sanitation, otherwise serious problems cannot be avoided.

The depth of the grave is in accordance with GOST.
There is GOST R 54611-2011 - these are household services. Services for the organization and conduct of funerals. General requirements
All circumstances affecting the grave itself and ensuring sanitary safety were carefully revised and formalized in the form of a federal law. It is called "On Burial and Funeral Business", and all actions in this area must be coordinated with him.

  1. The maximum depth of the grave pit should be no more than 2.2 meters. Further immersion threatens with close contact with ground waters. Depending on local conditions, the depth may vary, but the distance to groundwater in any case should be at least half a meter.

  2. The minimum depth in accordance with the law is one and a half meters (measured to the lid of the coffin).

  3. The measurements of the grave pit are at least 2 meters long, 1 meter wide, 1.5 meters deep. The sizes of children's graves can be reduced. The distance between the burial pits should not be less than a meter along the long side and less than half a meter along the short side.

  4. A slab or an embankment must be installed over the grave. There are also certain requirements for it, so it should be no more than half a meter in height. The embankment is an additional protection of the grave from the effects of surface water; it should protrude beyond the edges of the grave pit.

  5. If the deceased is buried in a sitting position, it is necessary to ensure that the layer of earth above him is at least one meter thick, including the grave embankment.

  6. In exceptional cases, the devices of mass graves are dug to a depth of at least two and a half meters (when burying coffins in two rows). The bottom of the grave pit, of course, should not reach the groundwater level by at least half a meter. The upper row of the burial is at least half a meter apart from the lower one.

Compliance with the rules for the arrangement of cemeteries and a certain depth of digging of graves ensures the sanitary safety of the population and should be carried out everywhere.

Clause 10.15 of the Recommendations "On the procedure for burials and maintenance of cemeteries in the Russian Federation" MDK 11-01.2002 contains a table:
when burying a coffin with a body, the depth of the grave should be set depending on local conditions (the nature of the soil and the level of standing of groundwater); in this case, the depth should be at least 1.5 m (from the surface of the earth to the lid of the coffin). In all cases, the mark of the bottom of the grave should be 0.5 m above the level of the groundwater table. The depth of the graves should be no more than 2-2.2 m. The overburden embankment should be arranged with a height of 0.3-0.5 m. From the ground surface. ...

In the sanitary rules SanPin 21.1279-03, which became invalid since the introduction of SanPiN 2.1.2882-11, in section 4 "hygienic requirements for the organization of burials and the rules for the operation of cemeteries" clause 4.4 established that when burying a coffin with a body, the depth of the grave should be established depending on local conditions (the nature of the soil and the level of standing of groundwater), not less than 1.5 m.

In the new SanPin 2.1.2882-11, this norm is not specified. So all the graves are dug according to the recommendations from clause 10.15 "On the procedure for burials and the maintenance of cemeteries in the Russian Federation" MDK 11-01.2002.


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Sooner or later, every person has to experience the pain of losing a loved one. In the Orthodox religion, it is customary not to a person, but to bury him in a cemetery. But surely few people thought about why the dead are buried at 2 meters. It should be noted right away that this is a world standard, but it may vary slightly in one direction or the other depending on the region.

The history of the standard

In English, there is the phrase "six feet down." It means death or funeral, because exactly 6 feet means 2 meters. This tradition dates back to far in 1655. There were a large number of deaths in England at that time due to the plague disease.

For this reason, people were very afraid of the infection, which spread very quickly. To protect the population from infections, London's measures issued a decree to carry out burials exactly 6 feet. That is why they are buried two meters, because from such a depth, according to the measure, the infection cannot spread. Many people disagree with this opinion. But be that as it may, such a tradition has survived to this day.

Why is buried at a depth of 2 meters - modern version

Of course, modern people try to adhere to traditions regarding the digging of grave pits. But as mentioned above, its depth may vary slightly depending on the region. This is due to the fact that each region has different climate conditions. After all, it is very important during burial to choose such a depth of the grave in order to maximally protect the body from underground waters and from the animals not to dig a hole and torment the body.

The depth of the grave depends on the following factors:

  • Earth. It should be light and airy, breathable and dry. Otherwise, it is impossible to equip a cemetery on land that does not meet the standards.
  • Water. The body should be protected as much as possible from the ingress of groundwater into it. First of all, this is done in order to avoid contamination of water with products of putrefactive decomposition of organic substances.
  • Natural disasters. It is not allowed to equip a cemetery in areas where landslides, landslides and flooding are frequent.

According to GOST standards, the grave pit should have a length of 2 meters, a width of 1 meter, and a depth of 1.5 m to 2.2 m. Which pit the cemetery workers will dig depends also on local conditions. The main thing is that the standards are not violated.

The Lord is always with you!

Burial rituals of the dead in different cultures and religions are sometimes not similar to each other. According to the tradition of giving the body to the ground, the depth of the grave is maintained in the same way: not less than 1.5 meters.

Legislative regulation of the digging of graves

The loss of a loved one is always associated with sorrowful efforts to bury his remains. The human body after death begins to decompose, turning into a threat of infection. Therefore, it is important to carry out the burial ritual in compliance with sanitary standards. The federal law "On burial and funeral business", adopted at the legislative level in 1995, is regularly updated and supplemented. But there are sections that have remained unchanged for many decades. They regulate the size of burial areas, their remoteness from settlements.

Such a process as digging a grave and its size is specified in the Recommendations “On the procedure for burials and the maintenance of cemeteries in the Russian Federation” MDK 11–01.2002. According to the standards, it is necessary to dig a grave to a depth of at least 1.5 m and no more than 2.2 m from the coffin lid. Deeper digging can provoke contact of the buried with the underground aquifer, which is fraught with their subsequent infection and spread of infection. Shallower depth is not safe due to soil leaching and weathering. We must also take into account the threat of digging up the remains of wild animals.

Parameters of the last refuge

Seeing off a loved one on their last journey, they take care in advance that his last refuge meets all standards. The depth to which the grave should be dug is only one of its parameters. The width and length of the burial are also regulated by the rules: 1.5 m and 2 m, respectively. The interval between the burial pits is clearly spelled out: during burial, it is necessary to retreat from neighboring burials at least 1 m along the long side and at least 0.5 m along the short side. Digging a hole, performing a burial ritual and filling the coffin with the deceased with earth is only part of the individual burial arrangement.

It is also important to place a slab or mound over the grave.

Since the earth in the place of the buried grave settles over time, it is necessary to prevent a large amount of surface water from entering the burial pit, so that over time there will be no erosion of the soil and exposure of the coffin or the remains in it. For this purpose, an embankment with a height of no more than 0.5 m is equipped, which necessarily protrudes along the perimeter beyond the boundaries of the grave. In the future, the relatives of the deceased usually fence it around the perimeter with a stone flower girl or lay it out with slabs.

How to dig a grave for custom rituals

In some denominations, traditions prescribe that the body of the deceased be interred in a sitting position. This tradition is inherent, in particular, to Muslims and Buddhists. In a multi-confessional state with freedom of religion, there are standards for such situations.

It is necessary to dig a grave for burial of the body while sitting so that above the corpse the thickness of the earth is at least 1 m, taking into account the burial mound.

Sometimes there is a need for mass graves. In such cases, the rules provide for exceptions, stipulating the possibility of burying bodies 2 levels deep. But at the same time, it is not allowed to dig a grave at the level of occurrence of groundwater.

Their horizon should be at least 0.5 m from the bottom of the pit. The same distance must be maintained between the burial floors. The grave dug in such cases must be at least 2.5 m deep, taking into account compliance with all standards. landslide zones.

Why is the grave 1.5 meters deep?

The burial ritual dates back thousands of years. Barely realizing the danger posed by a decaying body, society streamlined the funeral business, determining where and how to dig the grave. In Russia, the first progressive step in this direction was taken by Peter I, who determined by his decree the depth of the grave at three arshins (slightly more than 2 m). The norm was spied on in Western countries. In England, it was installed in 1655 and was 6 feet.

Another Russian ruler, Alexander I, went further, introducing in 1808 a punishment for violating the rules of burial, introducing the definition of "funeral crime" into use. This step was pushed by the plague epidemic of 1771, provoked by widespread unsanitary conditions. The fact is that in winter, when it was difficult to dig a grave because of the frozen earth, in many regions the deceased were barely covered with earth. The spring waters washed away the burial sites, and the infection rapidly spread throughout the surrounding area.

Can the cemetery be moved?

The digging of old graves with the aim of burying new remains in their place was common in those years. Often, the relatives of the deceased, in order to save money on the burial, buried the body on their own in already existing graves. The digging of graves in the places of old burials was prohibited simultaneously with the decree of Alexander I on strictly maintaining the depth to which the grave must be dug. The emperor assigned the responsibility for observing the rules to the clergy. In 1896, the heads of church parishes were recognized as officials personally responsible for the size of the grave and the condition of the parish graveyards.

The punishment was financial - a fine of 1 to 5 rubles, but too ardent violators could be subject to arrest for a period of 3 to 7 days.

The ban on the demolition of cemeteries is valid to this day. The law "On burial and funeral business" states that if, in exceptional cases, it is required to move the cemetery to another place, recreational activities at the site of former burials can be carried out only after 20 years. The only possible solution for such places is the placement of green spaces. Any construction, especially residential, is strictly prohibited.

How deep should the grave be? What do denominational funeral rites say about this? Are there norms at the legislative-executive level?

Peter 1 - dig a grave at least 3 yards

The initiator of the adoption of laws regulating the burial process in Russia was Peter I. He decided to dig a grave with a depth of at least 2 meters (3 arshins). The topic attracted the attention of the innovator tsar shortly before his own death in 1725 - the first decree on the funeral was adopted in 1723.

At this time, the Russian Empire was going through a period of formation, and many areas of everyday life, where previously they were guided only by traditions, customs of ancestors, communal rules and common sense, were subjected to standardization and legislative definition.

The publication of the decree was intended to reduce the mortality rate from mass diseases and pestilence. The years have shown that these fears were not in vain. Although Russia did not have a chance to survive the plague epidemics that destroyed more of the population in Europe in the 14th and 17th centuries than wars, medicine and health care were then available to few, and most epidemics developing from rotting remains were generally impossible to cure.

Plague of 1771 in Russia. One of the reasons is poor arrangement of cemeteries.

In 1771, a terrible plague broke out in Russia. Among the reasons for the pestilence was non-observance of the Petrovsky decree and poor arrangement of cemeteries. And, although epidemiology then existed only in its infancy, the task was to analyze the factors that influenced the rapid spread of the epidemic.

Alexander I introduces punishment for the grave of the wrong depth

Therefore, Alexander I already established legislative responsibility for "funeral crimes" - for anyone who digs a grave of the wrong depth. It is clear that in rural cemeteries this norm could not be observed very strictly, but with the introduction of punishment, the state authorities have the opportunity to control the burial procedures - moreover, even to carry out reburials if the conditions are violated.

Lack of space in cemeteries in Moscow and large cities

The problem made itself felt: people were faced with a shortage of accessible sites in cemeteries. Of course, in the vast expanses of the Russian Empire, the situation was not as dire as in Victorian Britain, where multi-tiered crypts were arranged, but still the factor of urban crowding made itself felt. Families often buried the deceased in the graves where they had already been buried. Because where the cemetery land cost money, it was forced to do so by the high cost and the desire to save money.

Emergence of burial instructions

Only at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. the most significant shifts began to occur: the state offered intelligible instructions, determined the exact rules - what is the depth of the grave, how to care for the cemeteries, and, more importantly, how to control all these regulations. The creation of such instructions put the Russian Empire on a par with other civilized states, whose governing bodies were ready to prosecute the living, but prevent the dead from causing new deaths.

Earth and Water

What factors affect the coffin in the grave? As the main one, obviously, they single out the properties, soil characteristics of the land to which the deceased is betrayed. It may seem that "a couple of meters of soil from above will press any coffin, there is nothing to think about", however, such delusions have more than once led to disastrous outcomes. The grave soil should not be too dense for air to pass through. But if the soil is too light, then a grave depth of 2 meters is the minimum required.

Up to 2 meters or 6 feet down

The next factor that must be taken into account is the relationship between land and water, or, more precisely, the layer of soil water characteristic of a particular area.

A system of thin canals, penetrating the fertile soil layer down to the clay base, is responsible for the autumn-spring circulation. In most latitudes on the territory of Russia, the cold penetrates into the thickness of the earth up to about 2 meters ("6 feet down"): above this mark, the soil water turns into ice in winter and returns back to the liquid phase in summer, as a result of which the soil seems to "pulsate ", shrinks and increases in volume.


It is easy to imagine what happens to a coffin that is not placed too deeply: they shift, move from place to place, collisions of small stones, etc. This is not critical until cavities are formed in the ground, washed out by water, or the streams of water do not corrode the surface of the coffin (if the flowing volume of water is very large), or even completely turn it underground. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to bury the deceased below the freezing line of water, this prospect will in any way secure his refuge.

Groundwater protection

The flesh of the deceased should not be exposed to underground waters, otherwise rotting organic matter can spread the infection over a long distance: groundwater drainage systems can stretch for tens of hundreds of kilometers. In contrast to the countries of the European Union, in Russia the control over the observance of the burial norms is not so strict, especially in the villages.

Therefore, in our legislation, it was decided to establish admissibility standards for the allocation of plots for cemeteries - so that they would be immediately built only where epidemiological risks are minimal.

In particular, tough restrictive measures affected territories, the soil of which is capable of retaining water in a layer up to 2 m from the soil surface (especially swamps), as well as territories where landslides / avalanches / mudflows / flooding occur. And, although these norms exclude entire sectors of potentially vacant territories located at the transition from middle to northern latitudes and forest-tundra, their implementation prevents thousands of deaths every year.

To summarize, the soil / ground characteristics and the height of the retained water should be the primary factors in any region where the question of how deep the grave should be is being decided.

Grave depth according to GOST

To date, the development and detailing of norms in the funeral industry, in particular, specifying the features of the grave to be dug, compliance with sanitary conditions, etc., have been consolidated into one federal law called "On Burial Funeral Business". Although on the ground it can be supplemented by other normative acts, it is with its text that the procedures carried out during the burial should correlate. Here are the main excerpts related to the issue under consideration:

  • You cannot dig a grave deeper than 2.2 m (maximum): a deeper hole increases the risk of groundwater being brought to the surface. The characteristics of the soils of a particular area allow this value to be varied, however, the groundwater layer should not be closer than 1.5 m. - this is the minimum, and the corresponding value is measured to the top of the coffin.
  • The minimum of the grave in length / width / depth is 2/1 / 1.5 m, respectively. If we are talking about a grave where a child is buried, smaller sizes are permissible. There is also a minimum distance at which one grave should be located relative to the other: between the long sides it is at least 1 m, between the short (ends) - at least 0.5 m.
  • In order for the burial site to be identified as such, a memorial plaque / mound must be placed. The latter also has a maximum height (no higher than 0.5 m.), And at the same time - since it protects the burial from water flowing over the surface - should be wider than the grave itself, go beyond the boundaries of the rectangular area.
  • It is permissible to bury the deceased in a sitting position; in this case, the minimum soil thickness above it is 1m. (incl. embankment).
  • When it comes to mass graves, coffins can be placed in 2 rows; then the minimum depth is 2.5m. The minimum distance between the lower level of the grave and the water layer has been reduced: to 0.5 m. The top / bottom rows of coffins must also be separated by a minimum of 0.5 m in height.

Every person in life is faced with a load of problems and responsibilities. The death of a relative can become another problem. After all, everyone ever dies, you need to treat this with understanding.

The deceased relative must be buried. But how to do that? From the point of view of jurisprudence, this is a rather difficult question. Let's go in order.

In this article, we will look at what to do after a person dies and how to minimize all the hassle.

What is funeral in jurisprudence?

It would seem that these are such banal things that do not require explanation even to a child, but in fact, this is not so. There is a legal side to the funeral process, which is nevertheless simply necessary to interpret.

It is important to understand! Jurisprudence defines almost every nuance of this issue, except, of course, religion and its religious practices. And already from the point of view of jurisprudence, the funeral process is the collection of documents on the legal death of a person and the burial of the body. Note that the part in which all the necessary papers for burial are compiled is important for jurisprudence.

This is not to say that the legal side ignores the terms of burial. The legislation of the Russian Federation defines many conditions and standards for the burial of the body.

Funeral rules?

In the funeral process, as in any other process, there are rules. There are quite a few of them, especially when you consider not only legal, but also religious rules.

Religious rules are established by the church of the faith that a person professed during his lifetime. They are not prescribed anywhere as a normative legal act. But the legal rules are controlled by the legislation of the Russian Federation, but, of course, they do not violate a person's religious faith.

That is, it turns out that legal and religious rules have such a complementary chain.

First, let's take a look at the rules of jurisprudence. The legislation of the Russian Federation annually tightens the rules for the burial of bodies, since even in such a nuance the number of fraudulent schemes is growing. The tightening concerns specifically the allocation of land for the burial of the body. They were provoked by fraudulent schemes, the essence of which was the sale of land. It happened that on a large territory there was only one grave, and the rest of the site was sold by scammers. Since before the innovations all the cemetery territories belonged to the administration of these cemeteries, their management acted as fraudsters.

It is important to understand! According to the new legislation of the Russian Federation, no more than 4 m 2 will now be allocated for the site; two graves can be formed on such a territory. The related burials did not pass the changes either. Now no more than 11 m 2 will stand out on them. Of course, the Government of the Russian Federation will adopt new changes, but this is all in the future, and at the moment the standards are the same.

In addition to such standards for the size of graves, we recall that this site is designed not only for burial, but also for a table and a bench. In theory, it is not required, but the vast majority of people adhere to this rule. If relatives do not consider it necessary to put a table and a bench, then the place remains empty, you can even plant flowers. It is strictly forbidden to do a second burial of the body on this site, arguing that this is why the place is empty. Single grave and is calculated per person. This is the rule.

Grave standards?

Even in the formation of the grave, the RF law defines the exact structure.

It takes a long time to notify the cemetery management about all the nuances of this case, they are all the same.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation determines that the depth of the pit should be at least 1.5 meters, but not more than 2.2 meters. The height of the embankment above the ground should not exceed the size of half a meter.

There are some errors in such standards, which are determined by the peculiarities of the local relief and soils, which is why the administration of the territory should warn about such moments on its own.

Family burials?

Standard graves still do not require a deep explanation, so let's move on to family burials.

A related burial is a place in a cemetery, strictly on the territory of which the bodies of relatives and families are buried. That is, in this place all people are relatives of each other, there are no strangers.

From the side of the law, this aspect requires enormous legal attention, which it actually receives.

Family burials have been popular since the Middle Ages. It is known that earlier people were buried only in this way. The bodies of relatives were buried right in their residential area behind the house. Wealthy people created crypts and large memorials for their families. And now it is still common in Russia.

Related burial is one approach to body burial. Let's consider all its advantages.

  • It is known in advance where the body can be buried.
  • There is no need to worry and buy a land plot in a cemetery, taking on all the complex legal manipulations of buying.

Also, besides this, there are certain conditions.

  1. Absolutely any cemetery in Russia can allocate a territory for a kindred grave.
  2. For the burial of a body in a family grave, the desire of the deceased himself or the desire of relatives is necessary.
  3. For burial, a mandatory factor is the permission of the cemetery administration, which must be formalized in writing. In fact, this is pure formality, since the administration has no authority to refuse this.

There are also rules for this type of burial. In this case, we are looking at legal rules.

  1. Relatives themselves choose the type of burial. It can be burial in a coffin or the burial of an urn as a result of cremation.
  2. A family grave is created only for close relatives - grandmothers, parents, children. To do this, you need a document confirming the relationship. If a person is in a different degree of kinship, then it is not allowed to bury him in a family grave.
  3. In order to bury the second body in this grave, it is necessary to withstand the sanitation period, which lasts 15-20 years. It is determined for each region.
  4. The cemetery management is obliged to prepare and develop a burial plan immediately after the collection and provision of all the necessary papers by their relatives for such a mournful procedure.
  5. The department also checks the territory for sanitary readiness for a new burial.
  6. At such a funeral, relatives are also entitled to state compensation.

The aspect of the term of sanitation is becoming obscure. The sanitary term is the time after which it is allowed to bury the body in the same grave. In fact, this term applies only to coffins, the urn after the cremation of a person can be buried at any time, because there is no sanitary term for it.

This period is necessary for less harm to nature. The cemetery administration will categorically prohibit burying a coffin with a human body before the deadline, you don't even have to try to ask. This is contrary to all norms and rules, and their violation provides for legal liability.

The question also arises, how to acquire a plot for family burial? It's actually pretty easy. At the moment, there are auctions that sell territories specifically for family burials. That is, you do not need to buy several plots at once and supposedly connect them. This is terribly inconvenient and would not be a family burial.

Many large cities even operate electronic services and sites on the Internet offering such funeral services. Their main advantage lies in the convenience and comfort of use, you do not need to go somewhere for the sake of registration of the site.

Burial papers?

Even such a procedure requires a clear set of papers. Of course, each method of burial requires its own bouquet of documents, but we will consider a standard package for the usual case. The usual case means the burial of a person in a coffin accessible to all.

  • Stamp death certificate. This document is very important, it is issued by the MFC department after the relatives present the death paper.
  • Passport of a relative who took over the entire organization of the funeral.
  • A written contract with a funeral company that provides the necessary funeral services. It is also better to provide a receipt for payment of these funeral services.

The whole procedure is filled with legal aspects. For the most part, they manifest themselves in the documents, since each step requires its own documents. The papers are even needed to take a person out of the morgue and get the necessary document about his death.

It is important to understand! That is why in such a question it is recommended to immediately contact a lawyer or hire a legal representative, and shift all problems with the funeral to a ritual agent. This is necessary because sometimes it is very difficult for a person to get together in this grief, and the documents require utmost attention.

Also, after the death of a person, it is necessary to remember that he left an inheritance, which can be given to you by law or by will. To defend the property and take possession on time, it is also better to use the services of a lawyer who can provide advice. If there are any frightening controversial moments, then there is no need to wait, go straight to a lawyer.

Funeral services?

In connection with the high development of our society, a person is helped by various services that make his life easier. The ritual service is no exception. Sooner or later, everyone dies at some point and it is difficult for relatives to get used to this idea, but it is still necessary to bury a person by organizing a funeral and receiving all the documents. And all this in about a couple of days. It is difficult for a person who has not yet strengthened from grief to cope with such a task, so he hires a ritual agent to organize the funeral.

A ritual agent is a person who takes on all the responsibilities of education and funeral administration. This is a rather complicated procedure and has many constituent elements.

Each city has its own ritual service that helps people. Help includes moving the body, making a coffin and a monument, etc.

All funeral services provide a standard list of services:

  1. Coffin.
  2. Wreaths.
  3. Funeral organization.
  4. Crosses.
  5. The movement of the body on their transport.
  6. Monuments.
  7. Clubs.

There are even so-called elite ritual services that can take on a little more than other services. They provide the service of choosing a beautiful place in the cemetery, musical accompaniment of the body. In addition, the ritual agent, at the request and desire of the client, will undertake the organization of the commemoration in a cafe or restaurant, of course, for a separate profit.

A separate aspect is the prices of such services. On average, it turns out that everything is not so expensive. For example, the average price of a coffin is about 3,000 rubles. In this case, it all depends on the materials of manufacture. As for the monuments, it is the same here, it all depends on the material. The cheapest monument is a metal tombstone; on average, its price is about 2,000 rubles. A monument made of granite costs 10,000 rubles; it is also the most expensive tombstone.

Each service has a different price list. They are very high in Moscow and large cities. Known offices that ask for the manufacture of a coffin 30,000 rubles. Note that it is not made of silver, but still made of wood.

How to choose a funeral service?

In principle, choosing a ritual service is quite simple, if you approach this aspect wisely. Small towns and villages hardly have a wide range of services. Most often it happens that one ritual service serves the entire territory of the city.

In large cities, there are many funeral services that provide various services in this area. Some even work in tandem, pointing towards each other.

Usually, they provide a standard package of services. There are no problems with the choice of such an organization. In big cities, people can even ask the price and choose the option that suits them on the budget. Many services are even independently engaged in the manufacture of the monument. But if they do not have such an opportunity, then they independently agree on this with their in any case existing partner.

Funeral options?

This question is very interesting, because every day new technologies come into our lives. Let's take a look.

  1. In the first place, of course, we will put the standard method of burial - burial in the ground. Burial in the ground tolerates religious nuances, since there are different faiths and each has an individual way of burying its person. The method has been used for a long time.
  2. Green graves are a method that was introduced quite recently. We resorted to this method, since the funeral of people becomes just a murder for the soil. The green method is to bury the pipes in the ground with minimal clothing. A tree is planted at the head of the bed, growing due to natural fertilization, which is a person.
  3. Biodegradable capsules. The human body is placed in a special rapidly decomposing shell and buried in the ground, a tree is planted at the head.
  4. Cremation is the second most widespread and popular method. In special buildings - crematoria, the body is burned at high temperatures, and then relatives are given an urn with the burnt ashes of their loved one. And the relatives decide on their own what to do with her further.
  5. Burial in water. The body was placed in a boat or on logs, and after their destruction, it ended up in the water. Further, predatory fish decided the fate of the corpse.
  6. Mummification. The result of this method is every third person is evident in a real example - Lenin. His corpse was mummified after death, and it is still kept in a Moscow museum.

Dead man's passport?

A bit of a loud name. It will be about the electronic passport of the grave. Burial passport - a document confirming the right to burial on the territory of the cemetery. It is issued by the administration of the cemetery where the grave of the deceased relative is located. The burial passport insures against illegal re-burial in one grave and the seizure of a plot; it is needed when registering family graves.

The document looks like a simple plastic card that contains all the information about a particular section of the cemetery, that is, burial. For example, registration number, exact size of the lot, date, date of burial. Also, the electronic map has information about people whose bodies are resting on the territory under consideration. Moreover, there is information about the person responsible for the site.

RF legislation?

As we already understood, the legislation of the Russian Federation exercises control in the funeral business. For this, the only Federal Law of the Russian Federation was issued.

In addition, with regard to specifically graves and burials, they are guarded by the Administrative Code and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. More specifically, the law controls all manipulations that can be carried out on monuments. For their destruction and desecration, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has prepared whole criminal articles for vandals, which automatically imply criminal liability.

There are also Standard Rules for the Construction and Maintenance of a Cemetery. They were formed back in the USSR and since that moment they continue to operate successfully in Russia.

Recall, if it is difficult for a person to deal with and take on such responsibility, then you can hire a legal trustee, with whom there will be much less paperwork. This person will take care of all legal and ritual problems. He is much better at this because he knows the whole point from the inside.

Important! For all questions about the funeral business, if you do not know what to do and where to go:

Call 8-800-777-32-63.

Or you can ask a question in any pop-up window so that a lawyer can answer and advise you on your question as quickly as possible.

Burial lawyers, and lawyers who are registered with Russian Legal Portal, will try to help you from a practical point of view in this matter and will advise you on all issues of interest.

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