Home Flowers Who switched to electronic cigarettes. Consequences of the electronic cigarette: the truth. "Safety" of e-liquid

Who switched to electronic cigarettes. Consequences of the electronic cigarette: the truth. "Safety" of e-liquid

The most important positive points from switching to e-cigarettes:

  • First, most often the symptoms disappear after about a week. Headaches go away on their own, and it is very easy to deal with pain and dryness in the throat;
  • Secondly, the sinuses are cleared, which helps to improve the sense of smell and the disappearance of shortness of breath. You will begin to notice subtle odors that you weren't able to smell when you smoked. But there is also a drawback, because you will begin to notice those smells that it would be better not to notice;
  • Thirdly, the "morning cough" simply disappears. Naturally, this will take some time;
  • Fourth, your breathing will be clear and deep as your body is ridding itself of toxins. Dizziness is often noted due to increased oxygen consumption. This is especially true if you have been smoking for a very long time. Therefore, even positive changes can cause discomfort;
  • Fifth, when using an electronic cigarette, the suffocating smell of smoke disappears from hair and clothes, in the car and at home.

But in fairness, it is worth noting that when switching to the use of electronic cigarettes (RARE!) The following consequences are also possible:

  • Sore throat and dryness. Some e-liquids contain propylene glycol (PG) as a humectant. When inhaled, it settles on the back of the throat, contributing to the active evaporation of moisture, which wets the mucous membrane. For this reason, after sleep, pain in the throat may be felt. In this case, the following may help: drink a glass of water before bed and drink more fluids throughout the day, use mouthwashes, suck on hard candies, and drink fluids with honey. All this contributes to the retention of moisture in the throat and mouth;
  • The appearance of acne. Many note that when switching to electronic cigarettes, acne appears on the face. Thus, the body gets rid of toxins. If you simply give up cigarettes, the symptoms will be similar;
  • hiccup. This phenomenon is very common among smokers and lovers of chewing tobacco. It is due to the absorption of nicotine by the gastric mucosa. Hiccups are rare among pipe and cigar drinkers, as the smoke is not inhaled or swallowed by them. When smoke is inhaled, part of it enters the stomach. And the nicotine in smoke is what causes hiccups;
  • Lethargy, nausea, headaches. These are classic symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. When using electronic cigarettes, a smaller dose of nicotine enters the body, which causes these symptoms. Nicotine withdrawal lasts an average of a week;
  • Muscle cramps and pain. These symptoms may not occur in everyone. They are due to the presence of propylene glycol, which is a component of most liquids and cartridges for electronic cigarettes. When broken down in the body, it turns into lactic acid. The same process can be observed after intensive training. Lactic acid needs to be removed from the body, for which sometimes it is enough to increase the daily intake of fluid consumed. An alternative is to use liquids based on glycerin (VG);
  • night sweats. Rarely, but still, some people who have switched to electronic cigarettes complain of profuse night sweats. In most cases, this is caused by an individual intolerance or allergy to propylene glycol. The way out is to use commercial liquids based on glycerol. You can also cook them yourself;
  • Diarrhea. This symptom is also common among those who have an individual intolerance to propylene glycol. The way out of this situation is similar - the transition to the use of liquids based on glycerin;
  • Cough. This problem is typical for those who quit smoking or switch to the use of electronic cigarettes. The intensity of the cough and its duration will depend on how many cigarettes per day you smoked and smoke even when switching to vaping. Even if you don't plan to use e-cigarettes, you will still have a cough. In this way, the body cleanses the body of toxic substances that you consumed with regular cigarettes, such as tar. Cough may appear some time after switching to electronic cigarettes, and in some cases immediately. The duration of the cough varies, but in most cases the morning cough disappears within about a week. In some cases, it can last up to a month;
  • Ulcers that occur in the mouth. This phenomenon very often occurs in those who have quit smoking. According to statistics, it affects two out of five. The situation can be aggravated by nicotine consumed through the mouth. For example, those who chew nicotine gum complain of pain in the mouth. Therefore, after smoking an electronic cigarette, rinse your mouth. Water will wash away the remnants of nicotine from the mucous membrane, which will prevent tissue damage and pain;
  • Slurred speech, dizziness and rapid heart rate. These are all symptoms of a nicotine overdose. This is due to the fact that many people overestimate the amount of nicotine in a regular cigarette and underestimate the amount of nicotine in e-liquids. The phenomenon in which the pulse quickens, slurred speech is less common is more common. But all this is a consequence of an overdose of nicotine. Therefore, try to reduce the amount of nicotine in the liquid or simply reduce the frequency of use of electronic cigarettes. In some cases, the onset of symptoms has been noted with the consumption of low doses of nicotine. It is worth noting that replacing the propylene glycol fluid with glycerin fluid can solve this problem;
  • Heartburn. In some cases, heartburn may occur. Why this happens is not completely known. Heartburn appears a few weeks after the start of smoking electronic cigarettes and disappears after about a month. Most likely, heartburn is a consequence of the restructuring of the body after quitting smoking.

However, the absence of tars and carcinogens, despite all the risks, clearly outweighs in favor of electronic smoking! It's definitely worth a try.

If you have already tried, but you still can’t switch to an electronic cigarette, then my personal experience may come in handy. We all understand how harmful smoking is, and now there is a way to reduce the impact of the harm of tobacco smoke at times. No tar, impurities, instead of smoke, steam - everything is great. Well, there are, of course, disadvantages, but they are not comparable to the bouquet of poisons in a cigarette. Of course, people have a special individual intolerance to glycerin vapors or polypropylene glycol. There is only one thing to throw completely. But if this is normal, then there are still a number of reasons why it is not so easy for some (like me, for example) to switch to an electronic cigarette so immediately.

So, like many others, I also came to the conclusion that it is necessary to switch to soaring. Although at times I was engaged in cleansing the lungs with various herbal teas, I still understood that the invention of the new age would radically solve the problem. At that time, I bought a cigarette "Egoshka". A day of passage was set. I finished smoking the last pack and here it is - an electronic cigarette filled with a pleasant aroma was waiting for me on the table. I smoked it non-stop, sitting in front of a laptop screen all day. But somewhere in the soul lurked a dream about the usual. I didn’t understand why, when I get nicotine and completely imitate smoking, I still reach back to the usual one. As a result, (probably like many others) I began to combine electronic and analog cigarettes, and later the miracle of technology broke down and I returned to the old way without regret. In addition, combining smoking with vaping resulted in headaches, since I was using twice as much nicotine. In general, after six months, I decided to repeat the experience with the transition to an electronic cigarette. But in this case, everything happened again.

Quite often, smokers ask themselves the question of how to switch to electronic cigarettes in order to less harm their own health, because it's no secret that classic cigarettes cause tremendous harm to the smoker's body. Well, this is a fairly relevant question, to which we will give an exhaustive answer today.


Many smokers engage in sincere self-deception by telling themselves that classic cigarettes are not that bad after all. Of course, this is not true. High blood pressure, persistent shortness of breath, bad breath, and the likelihood of cancer of the larynx and lungs are all detrimental effects of tobacco smoking. Awareness of these issues and risks is the first step towards switching to e-cigarettes.

Unlike classic cigarettes, electronic cigarettes do not harm the human body, because of the main circumstance - you inhale not the smoke that is formed during the combustion process, but steam. What does this mean? Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to understand. Inhalation of steam, this process is also called "soaring", can be compared with inhalation. In addition to steam and nicotine, nothing enters your body. Moreover, if you choose nicotine-free e-liquids for vaping, then this process can be safely called 100% harmless.

Now consider ordinary cigarettes, why are they harmful to humans? This is facilitated by one single factor - the presence of the combustion process when smoking. In the process, a mass of substances toxic to the body of the smoker is formed, which he inhales along with the smoke:

Believe me, this list can be continued indefinitely. Switching from regular cigarettes to electronic cigarettes will change the situation dramatically. By quitting tobacco smoking, you stop delivering to your body countless toxic substances that shorten life.

Of course, we do not claim that the electronic cigarette is completely harmless. Indeed, in the process of vaping, you inhale nicotine with steam, provided that you have chosen a nicotine-containing vaping station, and this is undoubtedly poison.

However, do not forget that it is not nicotine that causes the greatest harm to health, but toxic substances that are formed during the combustion of tobacco.

The above information partially answers the question of whether it is worth switching to electronic cigarettes, however, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The main advantages of electronic vaping

Switching to an electronic cigarette is a fairly harmless way of smoking, eliminating the ingress of harmful elements, substances and resins into the body.

To be honest, until now, there have been no laboratory clinical studies in the world that would confirm the safety of the composition of vaping refills. However, it is worth emphasizing that Western companies that produce vape liquids assure that only the following substances are present in their fillings:

These substances, except for nicotine, are harmless to the vapers. Also, if you are not addicted to nicotine, you can use nicotine-free vape liquids with different smells and tastes. This process will bring only pleasure without health consequences.

The transition from conventional classic cigarettes to electronic will provide additional benefits, in addition to the above. Consider the most important of them:

  1. No effect of passive smoking. After all, everyone knows that in addition to inhaling smoke, a smoker also engages in passive smoking, which harms health even more. In addition, when a person smokes tobacco, those around him are forced to inhale the toxic smoke.
  2. Smoke effect. Surely, many people do not like that after smoking their hands, clothes and hair smell unpleasantly of smoke. This can be avoided by using electronic vaping devices.
  3. It's incredibly convenient. Forget matches and lighters. Now this is not needed. To start “soaring”, it is enough to bring the vape to your lips and puff on a pleasant and rich vapor.

Vapers around the world have realized all the advantages of electronic cigarettes - this is an excellent replacement for the usual tobacco.

It doesn’t matter at all why this or that smoker switched to electronic vaping, the main thing is that he finally did it and realized the beauty of this process.


To date, the variety of electronic cigarettes can shock a novice vaper. Many are lost in such abundance, and cannot understand what device they need. Well, this is a solvable problem, which is not as scary as it seems at first glance.

The first thing to understand is that the principle of operation of various devices for electronic smoking is the same - the liquid, falling on the heated coil, turns into saturated steam, which the vaper then inhales.

Distinctive features of various vapes is their design feature. You can choose both a “fancy” model, with a control unit and additional settings, and a simple mechanical mod.

The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing is the evaporation system that is convenient for you personally and the battery capacity. It is also worth paying special attention to vape filling liquids.

If you have chosen a nicotine-containing refill, in this case, pay attention to the strength parameter. It is necessary to choose a liquid only from a trusted and high-quality supplier.

Get ready for change

Those who switched to electronic evaporators are waiting for pleasant changes, of course, for the better.

First of all, the ritual of smoking will change. Now there will be no need to leave the enclosed space every time you want to take a puff. You can vape at home, at work or in a public place. After all, as you know, steam does not leave an unpleasant odor.

Every time you want to relax and enjoy a thick smoke, there will be no need to “flash” a lighter in front of your face in order to set fire to tobacco. The very manner of smoking will change, and your image will become more attractive.

Be prepared to change the nature of the puff. It must be done smoothly and slowly. Leave nervous and quick puffs in the past, now it's useless.

In addition, it is worth talking about the external changes that will occur after quitting tobacco:

  • the skin will acquire a natural shade, as carbon dioxide will no longer enter the blood;
  • yellow teeth will significantly lighten, the smile will become more expressive;
  • shortness of breath will disappear, a surge of additional strength will appear;
  • over time, the choking cough that torments smokers throughout the day will disappear.

Fight stereotypes

Get ready for the fact that in the company of smokers you will become a real white crow. Most likely, friends and acquaintances will start to let out sharp witticisms at you: they say, a real man and vape are incompatible things, smoke a real cigarette with us.

There is only one way out of this situation - it is necessary to remind “real men” that it is not yellow teeth, not tobacco stink from the mouth and not a cigarette in their hands that make them beautiful, but the right decisions that relate to their health and longevity.

Always be smarter than your surroundings, do not follow the crowd, be guided by your own, correctly made decisions, and point out to others their delusions and wrongness.

Aversion to cigarettes is inevitable

Many sociological studies have confirmed that 98% of vapers, after giving up tobacco, eventually begin to experience an undisguised disgust for the process of smoking. This is due to one single factor. Over time, the body of the steamer is cleared of harmful substances with which, with the help of smoke, he rewarded himself for many years. As a result, at the subconscious level, an irresistible incentive appears to give up classic cigarettes.

Experimenting is great

Be sure that electronic vaping will not bore you even with time. After all, you can constantly experiment, changing the taste of steam and its saturation. You can also start using other devices used by professional vapers to achieve a more concentrated and rich taste.

In addition, even if you have tried all commercially available vape refill liquids, you can do it differently, as experienced vapers do - invent new flavors by mixing different refills. It's incredibly interesting. For example, by mixing the taste of tobacco and coffee, you will get a unique taste of steam.

We hope you have realized all the advantages of electronic cigarettes, in comparison with classic ones. We can definitely say that it has never been so easy to stop smoking tobacco. Take care of your health and the people around you.

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  • Sore throat, dryness. By inhaling propylene glycol, which is a humectant, the moisture that wets the oral mucosa is evaporated. At times, after sleeping, you may experience an unpleasant sore throat for the same reasons. Remedy: drink plenty of fluids, gargle with a special liquid, drink a glass and more water before going to bed. Drinking a liquid with honey helps well, it keeps moisture in the throat and mouth.
  • The appearance of acne. There is a category of people who are literally “sprinkled” after giving up tobacco in favor of electronic cigarettes. This suggests that the body is adjusting to a new mode of operation and thus removes toxins. This often happens when you stop smoking altogether.
  • Lethargy, headache, nausea. Such annoyances are nothing more than symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. In the case when you sharply reduce the dose of nicotine, there are so-called symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Fortunately, they usually pass after a few days, a maximum of a week.
  • Cramps, muscle pain. It happens that when switching to electronic cigarettes, unpleasant muscle pains occur. This is due to an excess of lactic acid, into which propylene glycol is converted. There is no need to be afraid, this substance is produced in the human body and naturally, for example, during training in the gym. An increase in fluid intake will help solve the problem. By the way, those who use liquids based on glycerin do not suffer from such a problem.
  • Diarrhea. The problem is exclusively those who develop intolerance to propylene glycol. To eliminate this trouble, you should switch to e-liquid, which is based on glycerin.
  • Excessive sweating at night. This is another symptom in people who are allergic to pylene glycol. Most often, in order to rule out problems associated with propylene glycol intolerance, these people prepare the liquid themselves.
  • Cough. This is perhaps the most common problem among smokers. Whether you are switching to vaping or quitting altogether, coughing clears the body of toxins such as tar. In people who have switched to vaping, a cough can occur both the next day and a week or more later. The duration of the cough is also individual: for someone it goes away in the first week, for someone - after a month.
  • Heartburn. Another symptom of the restructuring of the body. Disappears on its own in about a few weeks.
  • Hiccup. Common among smokers and those who otherwise use tobacco (chewing tobacco). The cause of this phenomenon when smoking is believed to be the ingress of smoke from cigarettes into the stomach. As you know, part of it enters the lungs, the other part into the stomach. The last one causes hiccups.
  • Ulcers in the mouth. Many people go through this. On average, two out of five people experience mouth sores. It's all about nicotine, which remains in the mouth and affects healthy tissues, causing pain. Get into the habit of rinsing your mouth with plain water every time you smoke an e-cigarette. It will wash away excess nicotine.
  • Dizziness, rapid pulse, slurred speech. Such symptoms occur in case of nicotine overdose. Often novice vapers, overestimating the nicotine content in conventional cigarettes, underestimate its content in e-liquids. This usually happens at the beginning. The most common symptoms are palpitations and dizziness. However, there are times when a person's speech deteriorates and becomes slurred. Solution: reduce the nicotine content in the cartridges or smoke less often. It happens that these measures do not help. Then the replacement of PG with VG saves.

But not all the moments that arise after the transition to electronic smoking are negative. Let us give examples of what changes in health occur in a person for the better.

  • Breathing becomes clear and deep. The body, being cleansed of toxins, begins to breathe much deeper. Sometimes the influx of oxygen affects a person in such a way that he even begins to feel dizzy. Fortunately, it passes quickly.
  • The sinuses are cleared - it's great! The annoying shortness of breath disappears, the sense of smell is aggravated. The world appears on the other side - you again feel the smells to the fullest!
  • Goodbye morning cough! Cough in the morning just disappears, and it gets much better.
  • No tobacco smell. The suffocating smell of tobacco smoke will no longer touch your hands, hair and clothes. Your home will no longer smell bad.

What harm can be from using an electronic cigarette, and is it possible to quit smoking without its help? Let's figure it out together.

What is an electronic cigarette?

An electronic cigarette is an electronic device intended for inhalation that serves as a replacement for conventional cigarettes. The device can be used not only for the purpose of smoking nicotine, but also for inhaling aromatic vapor.

During smoking, steam is formed due to the fact that a special liquid applied to the heating element evaporates. This creates the illusion of tobacco smoke. This device can be made in the form of an ordinary cigarette or have a completely different bizarre shape. Most often, the process of smoking electronics is called vaping or vaping.

Electronic cigarettes in mass consumption

To date, all smokers have the opinion that the electronic cigarette is an excellent replacement for tobacco products. An increasing number of people are trying to quit smoking by switching to vaping. For many, this is the easiest and most effective way to quit smoking tobacco products. But it is worth knowing a few important points:

  1. Advertising of electronic cigarettes is prohibited in the world, as it is illegal to use slogans such as "Electronic cigarette will not harm you", "Electronic cigarettes are your opportunity to quit smoking quickly", etc.
  2. These products are internationally equated with tobacco products.

Why do many people choose electronic devices? Sometimes it may seem that this is really the easiest and most harmless way that humanity could come up with. But it is worth remembering about the consequences of an electronic cigarette, because everything is good in moderation.

While vaping, a person is out of control: he can do it in public places, smoke a huge number of times a day, any way and anywhere. And so do almost everyone, because there will be no harm! But further we will prove to you that the abuse of the device can lead to very serious consequences.

Consequences of an electronic cigarette

An important place in the popularity of these devices belongs to a huge variety of flavors. People who might never start smoking try electronic devices and can't stop smoking because there are so many flavors to smoke! And why not try it all? And then there will be "favorites" that you will always indulge in.

Summing up the article, I would like to say that the profits of global companies are built on millions of broken or crippled lives. Advertising will always convince us that everything is “cool”, but you should think and be aware of the risk. The consequences of an electronic cigarette can be very serious, and you will not be able to present anything to the manufacturers, because all the information about the dangers of vaping is in the media, and no one forced you to buy cigarettes by force.

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