Home Flowers Who is the author of the exam in social studies. Ege in social studies. General USE figures

Who is the author of the exam in social studies. Ege in social studies. General USE figures

In addition to the main disciplines, students can take additional ones, which they choose on their own, and the results in which they will need for further admission. Social studies belongs to one of these subjects.

In 2018, the social studies exam will not structurally change, the block with the test part will continue to be excluded.

The number of retake attempts has been increased to 3. This option is suitable for those students who did not score the passing number of points or are not satisfied with the exam results. This change is due to the fact that there is a need to create a more acceptable psychological atmosphere.

An important change in the project will be the fact that now students will speak more during the exam, rather than write. A similar innovation will affect the humanities, in particular social studies. Time to pass the social studies test will be 235 minutes.

Very important changes await students in relation to violations during the exam. If the examiner finds things that are not allowed in the exam, then he gets the opportunity to retake only the next year.

As for violations on the part of teachers, then a fine will be issued in the amount of from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

In general, social studies is a fairly popular subject among graduates, since it is precisely this subject that is needed in a number of prestigious universities.

The structure of assignments for the 2019 exam in social studies

The structure of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies of 2019 will be presented in two types of thematic tasks. The types differ in the complexity and type of answers. A general description of the structure of the task is given below:

  1. The first category includes questions that require one-word answers.
  2. The second includes questions that need to be answered in detail.
  3. The last assignment is an essay on one of the proposed topics.

Essay in the Unified State Exam in Social Science 2019

The most difficult task in the Unified State Exam in social studies is considered to be an essay. For the correct completion of this task, the student can receive from three to five points... The most important thing when performing this task is to properly structure the content of the text, as well as try to avoid common mistakes.

It is important when writing this assignment to reveal the meaning of the selected statement. If the meaning is not revealed or is not revealed correctly, then the answer is already evaluated in zero points.

It is very important to present the correct arguments to support your reasons. If the student has supported his arguments with actual examples, then he will definitely receive a good score for completing the assignment.

In order to cope with such a task, you must remember about essay plan:

  1. Selected quotation is given.
  2. The problem, voiced by the author, is determined, and its relevance is substantiated.
  3. The meaning of the quote is revealed.
  4. Own point of view is voiced.
  5. Arguments of a theoretical nature are presented.
  6. Theoretical arguments are supported by practical examples.
  7. The conclusion is drawn up.

If you strictly adhere to such a plan, then all the requirements for writing an essay will be met and the grade for the essay will be high.

Categories of those taking the exam in social studies

Some citizens cannot take the exam. This is agreed by Rosobrnadzor. The following persons are allowed before the test:

  1. Those who took the exam in previous years, however, did not receive the desired result.
  2. Students looking to improve their performance.
  3. Students who fail the test or receive negative marks in a number of disciplines.

How to become a participant of the Unified State Exam 2019?

To get on the exam, you need to make an application at the place where the test is organized. The application contains a list of disciplines in which the exam will take place. Such documents can be submitted to the admissions office of the school, to the municipal authority of the entity where the Unified State Exam will take place, to the admissions offices of universities.

The deadline for submitting an application, for children who want to take the USE ahead of schedule - until February 1, and for those students who want to take the exam later - until December 1.

Early examinations in social studies in 2019

In social studies, it is necessary for those students who cannot pass the test in a timely manner. There are various reasons, ranging from being drafted into the army, by the Olympics and up to a regular move.

In such a situation, the exam is passed ahead of schedule and the undoubted advantage is that the student will not miss the deadline, will be able to pass the exam and then submit the documents to the university. The early USE also has drawbacks. It is very difficult to prepare for the exam without interrupting your studies. It is natural that hasty preparation will not bring good results.

Additional information about the exam 2019

On the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, it is allowed to bring a gel or capillary black pen, a passport. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a list of subjects and aids that are allowed to be used on the Unified State Exam is designated. In social studies, it is not allowed to use reference books, manuals, collections.

According to this order, it is prohibited to bring cell phones, tablets, and other electronic computing devices to social studies. It is forbidden to use methodological and reference manuals that are not allowed in the exam.

If a student brings something similar to the Unified State Exam or performs actions that can be qualified as an attempt to write off, then he will be removed from the exam and a note will be made on the Unified State Exam answer form. The student will be allowed to retake only in a year.

The passing score in social studies in 2017 was 42 points, it is not planned to change it in 2018. The scale of the transfer of points is used for the calculation.

If the exam rules are violated by the organizers, for example, less time is given, then the examiner has the right to file an appeal. A complaint for this reason must be filed on the same day, after leaving the audience.

Also, a similar right arises when the examinee does not agree with the total amount of points earned by him. In such cases, the objection shall be filed within two working days from the moment of acquaintance with the results of the exam. You can dispute the results even if there was a technical failure when checking the exam.

In the event that there were no violations on the part of the applicant, the organizers give the student the opportunity to retake the exam. If there were such violations, then the student will be denied on the complaint.

After the results are calculated and checked, the graduate receives a certificate of the established form, which indicates the results in all subjects, except for those for which a sufficient number of points has not been scored.

This certificate is required when submitting documents to universities and is valid for 4 years.

How to prepare for the 2019 USE in social studies

For a good exam, of course, you need to prepare. The training specification varies. You can take online trial tests in a subject. Also, in preparation, it will help great demo version of the FIPI Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019... Others will use ordinary textbooks.

These benefits include the following:

If a student uses online tests to prepare for the exam in social studies, then he may well pass them using a computer and the Internet. The advantage of such preparation is that there is no need to attend any additional classes or lectures, it is enough to go to the official website and take the exam online. There are also drawbacks to such training, the student will not know the theory, but only single answers, which is unlikely to allow him to write an essay.

Also, for preparation, you can use a service such as demo version of the exam in social studies 2019... These are the materials of previous exams posted on the FIPI website.

Using demonstration materials is considered a very good preparation method. KIM codifier based on such materials, the same was used that was used to draw up the main tasks for the exam. The use of such materials will help students familiarize themselves with the procedure for passing the exam, the basic rules, and also form a list of topics that need additional training.

It is very important for both children and their parents to remember that there is no need to be afraid to take the exam. To avoid unnecessary psychological stress and trauma, the teenager himself needs to set goals correctly and maintain a healthy way of eating and sleeping, and parents should try to create that comfortable microclimate that is so necessary for a teenager in a stressful situation, which, in fact, is the USE.

Statistics of passing the exam in social studies for the past years

The share of participants who did not receive the minimum score in 2018 decreased in comparison with the previous year by 3.8% and amounted to 13.8%. The number of students who received the maximum score of 142 people, in 2016 there were only 59.

Exam Schedule

The early stage of passing the exam in social studies in 2019 is being specified.

The main stage of passing the exam in social studies in 2019 is being specified.

There is an opinion among schoolchildren that social studies is the simplest subject of the exam. Many people choose it for this very reason. But this is a delusion that leads away from serious preparation.

How to start preparing the Unified State Exam in Social Studies?

1. Learn theory.

For this, theoretical material is selected for each task, which you need to know and take into account when completing the task. There will be questions with a philosophical bias (man and society) and sociological (relations in society). Remember that there are only 8 topics: society

  • human
  • cognition
  • spiritual sphere (culture)
  • social sphere
  • economy
  • politics
  • right
  • The codifier in social studies will indicate on what topics the survey will be in the tasks. Each topic has many small subtopics that you should pay attention to when studying.

    To obtain a high result, the examinee must confidently operate the basic concepts and terms. Analyze the information provided in the form of graphics. Work with text. Competently reason within the framework of the problem posed, concisely express your thoughts in writing.

    Important tip: when preparing, you should not use materials and manuals for 2016 and earlier, as they have lost compliance with the updated assignments.

    2. Study well the structure of tasks, the system of their assessment.

    The exam ticket is divided into two parts:

  • Tasks from 1 to 20, requiring a short answer (word, phrase or number);
  • Tasks from 21 to 29 - with a detailed answer and mini-essays.
  • The assessment of the Unified State Exam assignments in social studies was distributed as follows:

  • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 10, 12 tasks.
  • 2 points - 4-9, 11, 13-22.
  • 3 points - 23-27.
  • 4 points - 28.
  • 6 points - 29.
  • You can get a maximum of 64 points.
    The minimum must be 43 total points.

    Pay special attention to the criterion for evaluating USE tasks with a detailed answer in social studies.

    3. Solving the tasks of the exam in social studies.

    The more test tasks you complete, the stronger your knowledge will be. Tasks are formed on the basis of a demo version from the FIPI in social studies. Solve full options and thematic online tests with answers, at whatever stage of the study of the theory you are. By registering on the site, check and analyze your mistakes and keep statistics in your personal account, so that later they will not be allowed on the exam.

    Formula for success in the exam

    High scores on the exam = theory + practice + systematic repetition + clearly planned time for classes + desire / will / hard work.

    Get ready. Try. Strive for success! And then you will succeed.

    Unified State Exam 2018, Social Studies, 14 options, Typical test tasks from the developers of the Unified State Exam, Lazebnikova A.Yu., 2018

    Unified State Exam 2018, Social Studies, 14 options, Typical test items from the developers of the Unified State Exam, Lazebnikova A.Yu., 2018.

    The authors of the assignments are leading specialists who are directly involved in the development of methodological materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials for the exam.
    Typical test tasks in social studies contain 14 options for sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2018. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information on the structure and content of control measuring materials in social studies in 2018, the degree of difficulty of the tasks.
    The collection provides answers to all test options, detailed criteria for assessing the tasks of Part 2 and provides samples of forms used on the exam to record answers and solutions.
    The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, as well as high school students for self-preparation and self-control.
    By order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, textbooks from the Exam Publishing House were approved for use in educational institutions.

    Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the empirical methods of scientific knowledge.
    1) Experiment; 2) observation; 3) measurement; 4) questioning; 5) analysis; 6) generalization.
    Find two terms that "fall out" of the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

    Choose the correct judgments about the functions of art and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
    1) Art, like religion, performs a compensatory function.
    2) The functions of art include self-realization of the creator of a work of art.
    3) The aesthetic function distinguishes art from other ways of knowing the world.
    4) The value-orienting function of art is manifested in the creation of norms and rules of creativity.
    5) The communicative function of art is associated with the use of works of art by the media.

    Free download the e-book in a convenient format and read:

    Unified State Exam 2018, Social Studies, Simulator, Lazebnikova A.Yu., 2018

    Unified State Exam 2018, Social Studies, Simulator, Lazebnikova A.Yu., 2018.

    Thematic tests in social studies are focused on preparing secondary school students for the successful passing of the exam.
    The authors of the manual are leading experts who are directly involved in the development of USE assignments and methodological materials for preparing for the exam.
    The book contains many thematic tasks for practicing each element of the content of the exam in social studies, as well as diagnostic and control options for exam work.
    The unique training methodology created by the developers of the exam will help students learn how to properly formulate work, identify assessment criteria, focus on the wording of a number of tasks and avoid mistakes associated with inattention and distraction on the exam.
    You can use the proposed test items both in the classroom and at home.
    The book is designed for one academic year, but if necessary, it will allow you to identify gaps in the student's knowledge in the shortest possible time and work out the tasks in which the most mistakes are made, just a few days before the exam.
    The publication is intended for social studies teachers, parents and tutors, as well as high school students.
    By order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, textbooks of the Exam Publishing House are approved for use in educational institutions.

    State D established a presidential republic. What additional information supports this conclusion? Select the correct positions from the list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
    1) the head of state is elected in a popular election
    2) there is a proportional electoral system
    3) the president performs representative functions
    4) the prime minister is appointed by the president
    5) the president has legislative initiative
    6) the president is the commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces

    Which of the following applies to the constitutional obligations of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
    1) declare your income
    2) take good care of natural resources
    3) pay legally established taxes
    4) testify in court
    5) determine their nationality
    6) participate in socially useful activities.

    Elizbar Zakaraya - USE-2018: Social Science. Task 28. Plan

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    Description of the book "Unified State Examination-2018: Social Science. Task 28. Plan "

    Description and summary of "Unified State Examination-2018: Social Science. Task 28. Plan ”read free online.

    USE-2018: Social Studies. Task 28. Plan

    Olga Alexandrovna Yakushenko

    Irina Igorievna Kucherova

    Elizbar I. Zakaraya

    © Olga Alexandrovna Yakushenko, 2017

    © Irina Igorievna Kucherova, 2017

    © Elizbar I. Zakaraya, 2017

    Powered by Ridero Intelligent Publishing System

    Section I. Man and Society

    1.1 Natural and social in man

    Plan # 1: "Biological and social in man", "Man as a product of evolution", "Natural and social in man", "Man as a biosocial being", "Man as a result of biological and socio-cultural evolution", "Man and his nature"

    1) The concept of "biosocial".

    2) Theories of human origin:

    - theory of paleovisite (space).

    3) Differences between humans and animals:

    - purposeful and deliberate activity;

    - the ability to make tools.

    4) Biological in man:

    - anatomy and physiology (bone, muscular, nervous systems);

    - physiological (natural) needs;

    5) Social in a person.

    6) Interrelation and mutual influence of biological and social in a person.

    Plan number 2: "Personality in modern society", "Personality in the system of social relations", "Personality as a subject of social relations"

    1) The concept of "personality".

    2) Individual, individuality, personality.

    3) Factors influencing the formation of personality:

    4) The need for the process of socialization.

    5) Stages of socialization:

    - primary (family, relatives, friends);

    - secondary (school, professional activity, etc.).

    6) Types of social relations:

    7) Models of interaction between the individual and society:

    8) Personality and society, interconnection and interdependence.

    Plan number 3: "Man, individual, personality"

    1) The concepts of "man" and "individual".

    2) Differences between humans and animals:

    - the ability to transform the world around;

    3) The concept of "personality".

    4) Factors influencing the formation of personality:

    - environment (nature);

    5) Psychological portrait of personality:

    - emotions and feelings.

    6) Man as a biopsychosocial being.

    1.2 Worldview, its types and forms

    Plan number 4: "Worldview and its role in human life", "Worldview, its types and forms"

    1) The concept of "worldview".

    2) The structure of the worldview:

    - values ​​and ideals.

    3) The main stages of the formation of a worldview:

    4) Historical forms of worldview:

    Plan number 5: "Spiritual values ​​as a component of the spiritual culture of society"

    1) The concept of spiritual culture and spiritual values.

    2) The structure of the spiritual culture of society:

    3) Classification of spiritual values:

    - subject (scientific truths, cultural heritage);

    - the values ​​of consciousness (ideas about morality, justice).

    4) Types of spiritual values:

    5) Basic spiritual values:

    6) Spiritual production - the activity of people to create spiritual values.

    Plan # 6: "The inner world of man", "Man as a spiritual being"

    1) The concept of "inner (spiritual) world of a person."

    2) Components of the human spiritual world:

    - memory, knowledge and experience;

    - emotions and feelings;

    3) Basic life values ​​of a person:

    - family, love, children;

    - friendship and communication;

    - health and physical development;

    - self-realization and spiritual growth.

    4) Forms of worldview:

    5) Worldview as the basis of the human spiritual world.

    Plan # 7: "Human Being"

    1) The concept of "being".

    2) Aspects of being:

    - the surrounding, material world;

    - the inner world of a person, his consciousness.

    3) The main forms of being:

    - the existence of the processes of nature, as well as things produced by man;

    4) The purpose and meaning of human life.

    Plan number 8: "The purpose and meaning of human life"

    1) The concept of "the purpose of life."

    3) The concept of "the meaning of life."

    4) Three time dimensions of the meaning of life:

    5) Concepts of the meaning of life:

    6) The meaning of the purpose and meaning of life in human activities.

    Plan number 9: "Cognition as a type of activity", "Cognition is the process of spiritual mastering of the material world by a person", "Cognition"

    - empirical (sensory knowledge);

    3) Sensory cognition:

    4) Rational cognition:

    5) Types of cognitive activities:

    6) The value of cognitive activity in human life.

    Plan # 10: "The variety of ways of knowing the world", "Is the world cognizable?", "The problem of cognizability of the world"

    1) The concept of "knowledge".

    2) Levels of knowledge:

    3) Types of cognitive activities:

    4) Philosophical directions in relation to the process of cognition:

    5) Forms and types of knowledge:

    - practical (industrial, political, pedagogical);

    - spiritually practical or unscientific (everyday, artistic);

    - theoretical (scientific, non-scientific, philosophical).

    6) The role of knowledge in human life.

    Plan number 11: "Cognitive activity", "The role of cognitive activity"

    1) The concept of "cognitive activity".

    - theoretical (rational knowledge).

    4) Features of everyday knowledge:

    - reliance on everyday experience;

    - passed down from generation to generation (folk wisdom).

    5) Features of scientific knowledge:

    - striving to obtain reliable knowledge;

    - strict proof of scientific facts;

    - consistency and verifiability;

    - a large system of scientific knowledge, which is stated in certain terms, concepts, theories and hypotheses;

    - the use of special material means, such as instruments, instruments and other scientific equipment.

    6) Features of social cognition:

    - the subject and the object of cognition coincide - this is society;

    - society is constantly changing, so knowledge about it quickly becomes obsolete;

    - social relations are complex and often contradictory, there is a high probability of inaccurate knowledge.

    7) The need for cognitive activity in human life.

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    Are the answers to the Unified State Exam Social Studies 2018 leaked?

    Social studies is one of the most popular elective subjects on the exam, but at the same time one of the most controversial. It is with this direction that the largest number of disapproving responses from examiners is associated.

    On the one hand, this situation is due to the fact that the certificate in social studies is accepted by a huge number of various universities in the country. On the other hand, it is this subject that is often chosen by graduates who, before the start of the graduation campaign, could not decide on their future specialty and often did not bother preparing for exams.

    So, let's try to understand the most important issues of concern to the graduates of the 2017-2018 academic year, namely:

  • Is it really necessary to pass social studies?
  • When will the USE in the subject take place in 2018?
  • What's new expected in KIMs for social studies?
  • How to properly prepare and get a high score in social studies?
  • Who needs to take the Unified State Exam in Social Studies

    The most popular combination of the Unified State Exam "Russian language + mathematics + social studies" opens up a wide range of areas for the future applicant. With high scores in these subjects, you can compete for budget places at faculties:

  • pedagogy;
  • psychology;
  • economics;
  • sociology;
  • management;
  • service;
  • personnel management;
  • state management;
  • commodity science;
  • business informatics;
  • economic security.
  • Please note that in order to enter a number of the listed areas, a prerequisite is passing the USE in mathematics of the profile level! You should check the information on the official website of your chosen university.

    If the points gained will not allow you to enter one of the best universities in Russia, you can consider the prospect of studying in colleges, which also accept graduates of 11 grades on the basis of the results of a unified state exam.

    When will the exam in social studies be held in 2018

    To date, only the preliminary dates for the USE 2018 have been announced.

  • Those eligible for early passing of the exam can be guided by the start date of the preliminary stage of the exam - 03/21/18.
  • The main exam session starts on May 28 and should end by July 9, 2018.
  • Additional numbers for social studies tests will be announced after the start of the school year.
  • All the news related to exams for the 11th and 9th grades can be found on the pages of our site!

    Answers to the exam social studies 2018

    This year, schoolchildren will have to take the Unified State Exam in Social Studies on June 14. The exam is traditionally in the top of popular subjects among graduates - its results are required for admission to a significant number of humanitarian specialties.

    With so many "competitors" many are worried about their results - they want to gain more coveted points in order to enter the budget. And to try to find ready-made solutions for the USE in social studies in such a situation seems to be a completely logical idea. We tell you what exactly such answers can offer and where to get them.

    What tasks will require answers

    Like many other exams, the Unified State Exam in Social Studies consists of two parts. Both include questions that test the knowledge of schoolchildren in various aspects of society. The spectrum of the humanities, on which questions are proposed, is quite wide: law, economics, jurisprudence, sociology, political science, philosophy and more.

    Find answers to two types of tasks - 20 with a short answer and 9 with a detailed one. Short answers mean choosing the correct answer from several suggested ones, establishing correspondences, inserting missing words. In fact, they do not contain much information. To use ready-made answers in this case would not even be suspicious - the personal understanding of the subject cannot be calculated by one word or number.

    The situation is more complicated with the second part of the exam - detailed answers and mini-essays. It is not safe to use the ready-made answers in this part. And the "cost" of tasks in points is quite high. So even if there are answers, you will have to work a little over them in order to adequately state the thought suggested to you and show an understanding of the essence of the problem.

    Where to look for ready-made answers to the exam in social studies

    Finding the right answers to the Unified State Exam in Social Studies can take a lot of time. What is the reason? It is quite simple - following the endless links, you will most likely come across requests to register, send money or do something else in order to get the coveted answers.

    Is it possible to somehow skip this stage and immediately find the right source of answers to the exam? Unlikely. Almost all people who offer you an easy route to high scores are scammers. The leak of data on the exam is monitored very strictly, so there is no chance to get really real answers.

    In this situation, the best advice is not to waste time, money and nerves trying to find ready-made answers to the exam, but to try to better prepare for the exam.

    Possible Changes to 2018 Social Studies Tickets

    Since the cardinal changes introduced in 2017 were successfully tested and received a lot of positive feedback from both teachers and the examinees themselves, we can expect that the format of the tickets for 2018 will be very close to the one that was handed over in the previous season.

    You should not be guided by the materials and manuals for the USE 2016 and earlier in preparation, since they do not correspond to the new CMMs. Last year, the following significant changes were made to the structure of tickets and tasks themselves:

    The purpose of the demo version of the USE 2018 in social studies is to enable any USE participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of future CMMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity.

    The above criteria for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer, included in this option, give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.

    Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 in social studies from FIPI with answers

    Item Download demo
    Social Studies Unified State Exam 2018 Demo + Answers
    Codifier download
    Specification download

    Changes in the Unified State Exam in 2018 in social studies in comparison with 2017

    The grading system for assignment 28 has been revised. The maximum score has been increased from 3 to 4.

    The wording of task 29 has been detailed and the system of its assessment has been changed. The maximum score has been increased from 5 to 6.

    Maximum primary score for completing all work increased from 62 to 64.

    The examination paper consists of two parts, which include 29 tasks.

    Part 1 contains 20 tasks with a short answer.

    Part 2 contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer.

    The answers to the tasks of part 1 are a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers.

    The tasks of part 2 (21-29) require a complete answer (give an explanation, description or justification; express and argue their own opinion).

    3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted for the performance of the examination work in social studies.

    Table 1

    Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination work

    Part of work Number of tasks Max. primary score The percentage of the maximum primary score for completing the tasks of this part of the maximum primary score for all work, equal to 64 Job type
    Part 1 20 35 54,7 With a short answer
    Part 2 9 29 45,3 With a detailed answer
    Total 29* 64 100

    * The last (29th) task of the work consists of five alternative tasks.

    In each variant of work in tasks 21–28, five thematic blocks-modules are presented in total.

    Alternative task 29 concludes, directing the examiner to write a mini-essay on one of the five suggested topics.

    Topics are set in the form of short statements by representatives of public thought, politicians, scientists and cultural figures. In some cases, the statements are aphoristic in nature. Each topic-statement conditionally correlates with one of the basic sciences of the social science course (topics in sociology and social psychology are combined into a common block), however, graduates have the right to disclose it in the context of any social science or several sciences.

    This task tests a wide range of skills, in particular, to reveal the meaning of the author's judgment, to involve the studied theoretical positions of the social sciences, to independently formulate and concretize their reasoning with examples, to draw conclusions.

    The purpose of the demo version of the USE 2018 in social studies is to enable any exam participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of future CMMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity.

    There are documents that regulate the structure and content of CMM - codifiers and specifications.

    Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 in social studies from FIPI with answers

    Item Download demo
    Social Studies Demo + Answers
    Codifier download
    Specification download

    Changes in KIM 2018 in social studies compared to KIM 2017

    The grading system for assignment 28 has been revised. The maximum score has been increased from 3 to 4.

    The wording of task 29 has been detailed and the system of its assessment has been changed. The maximum score has been increased from 5 to 6.

    The maximum primary score for completing all work has been increased from 62 to 64.

    Duration of the Unified State Exam 2018 in Social Studies

    The examination work takes 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). The approximate time allotted for the completion of individual tasks is:

    1) for each of tasks 1–3, 10 - 1–4 minutes;

    2) for each of tasks 4-9, 11-28 - 2-8 minutes;

    3) for task 29 - 45 minutes.

    Total tasks - 29; of them by type of tasks: with a short answer - 20; with a detailed answer - 9; by difficulty level: B - 12; P - 10; AT 7.

    The structure of the KIM USE 2018 in social studies

    Each version of the examination work consists of two parts and includes 29 tasks that differ in form and level of difficulty.

    Part 1 contains 20 tasks with a short answer.

    In the examination paper, the following types of tasks with a short answer are proposed:

    - tasks for choosing and recording several correct answers from the proposed list of answers;

    - the task to identify the structural elements of concepts using tables;

    - the task to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets;

    - an assignment to define terms and concepts appropriate to the proposed context.

    The answer to the tasks of Part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers written without spaces and separating symbols.

    Part 2 contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer. In these tasks, the answer is formulated and written down by the examinee independently in an expanded form. The tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates with the highest level of social science training. The results of the tasks of Part 1 are processed automatically.

    The answers to the tasks in Part 2 are analyzed and evaluated by experts on the basis of specially developed criteria.

    Russian language and mathematics. According to the data of previous years, almost half of the graduates (49%) take social studies. And this is not surprising, since the USE in social studies is necessary for admission to all humanitarian specialties.

    In fact, the subject of "social studies" includes information on various aspects of society, studied within a whole class of humanities: economics, jurisprudence, philosophy, sociology, political science and, to some extent, history.

    The version of the KIM USE in social studies has undergone minor changes. The developers revised the difficulty of tasks 28 and 29, which is why the maximum primary score for the entire test increased from 62 to 64.

    Assessment of the exam

    Last year, in order to pass the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, at least for the top three, it was enough to score 19 primary points. They were given, for example, when the first 13 items of the test were completed correctly.

    It is not yet known exactly how it will be in 2019: we need to wait for an official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of the primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score has increased from 62 to 64, it is very likely that the minimum score may also change slightly.

    In the meantime, you can focus on these tables:

    The structure of the exam

    In 2019, the USE social studies test consists of two parts, which include 29 tasks.

    • Part 1: 20 tasks (No. 1–20) with a short answer (choose the correct answer from the proposed ones, establish a correspondence between the elements of the two sets, insert the missing word in the text);
    • Part 2: 9 tasks (№ 21-29) with a detailed answer (answers to questions, mini-essays).

    Preparation for the exam

    • Go through exam tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in complexity and structure to real exams conducted in the corresponding years.
    • Download demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and take it easier. All proposed tests are developed and approved for preparation for the exam by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all the official versions of the Unified State Exam are being developed.

    The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be encountered in the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones on the same topic.

    General USE figures

    Year Minimum USE score Average score Number of people who passed Not passed,% Qty
    exam time, min.
    2009 39
    2010 39 56,38 444 219 3,9 34 210
    2011 39 57,11 280 254 3,9 23 210
    2012 39 55,2 478 561 5,3 86 210
    2013 39 56,23 471 011 5,3 94 210
    2014 39 55,4 235
    2015 42 53,3 235
    2016 42 235
    2017 42 235

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