Home Indoor flowers Who is the record holder for long-liver among mammals. Which animals have the longest lifespan? Ming Dynasty Clam

Who is the record holder for long-liver among mammals. Which animals have the longest lifespan? Ming Dynasty Clam

Birth, growing up, aging ... This is the usual way of things. Some representatives of the flora, however, can boast of a very long life. In captivity, many animals can easily outlive their wild counterparts, while others perfectly while away their days in their natural environment. And if a person lives on average 70 years, then other species can boast of a much longer time allotted to them for existence. What are these types of centenarians? Let's try to figure it out. Before you is a rating of 25 representatives of the living world, going on a record for the number of years lived.

Tuatara in a terrarium

This type of lizard lives only in New Zealand. The population is growing extremely slowly, so that the tuatara may soon become extinct. On average, individuals live 60–70 years, but some individuals can reach 200 years of age.

Domestic cat

Born in 1986, Scooter. Now he, as you might guess, is 31 years old. The representative of the Siamese breed is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest living cat. The second place is taken by a pet, which is 26 years old.


Bluey with the master

The oldest specimen of Bluey, a male Australian shepherd dog, lived for 26 years. On average, dogs live 7 to 15 years.


The old woman has a positive character and a kind disposition.

Previously, the oldest person living on Earth was Emma Morano, but at the age of 117 years and 137 days she passed away. Now the list of living centenarians is headed by Nabi Tajima (Japan). She was born on August 4, 1900.

Shein and the daughter of its owner

Shane, a 51-year-old horse, lives in Essex, UK. As its owner says, everyone in Shane's family was long-lived. Despite the fact that the horse suffers from arthritis, his health can be envied.

Larry at the aquarium

A lobster named Larry was captured in 2016 and placed in the Maine Aquarium. Scientists managed to find out that the age of the crustacean was 110 years.

Bowhead whale

Not so long ago, a whale was caught near Alaska, on the neck of which traces of a harpoon were found, dating back to 1880. That is, the whale by that time was already old enough to survive the attack of the whalers. He witnessed the American Civil War. Oceanologists believe that some individuals can live longer than 200 years.

Flavio, the long-lived tiger

The oldest tiger lives at the Florida Zoo. He used to be a circus animal, but conservationists managed to save him. The big cat's name is Flavio. This year he turned 26.

Koi Hanako shortly before his death

A koi named Hanako was the largest carp in Japan. She lived to be 226 years old. The strange thing is that no carp before her lived that long. Usually koi live for 50 years. Scientists have never been able to unravel the mystery of Hanako.

Shark in the wild

This type of shark can be safely called a long-liver. One shark caught lived for over 400 years. Perhaps the genes of the polar predator contain the gene for longevity, which is so necessary for humanity.

Tish, the oldest goldfish

The oldest goldfish is 43 years old. Her name is Tish.

Elephant heroes and the Japanese military

The oldest elephant is an individual that lived in the Taipei Zoo, Taiwan before the war. During the fighting, he helped Japanese soldiers transport valuable cargo. He was captured by the Chinese troops in 1943, where he was shot at the age of 86. On average, Indian elephants live no more than 50 years.

Arjun on vacation

Arjun is the oldest captive lion. He is 26 years old. Most of its species live up to 16 years.

Jonathan at the beginning of the twentieth century

Jonathan, the oldest turtle, is now 186 years old. His home is the Seychelles. Many scientists believe that this species of turtle can easily live up to 200 years.

Bear # 59 a few months before death

The oldest wild bear died in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, at the age of 39. As shown by the sensor, clubfoot number 59 died of old age.

Pointe, a long-lived primate

In the zoo of the city of Perth (Australia), lives an orangutan named Poin. He is 60 years old.

Mooja after lunch

Mooja is the oldest alligator. He even survived the bombing of Belgrade during World War II. The exact age of the reptile is unknown, but scientists are leaning towards 80.

80 year old bird

The oldest member of the species is now 83 years old and lives in the Adelaide Zoo.

Shell of Ming, the oldest clam

This bivalve mollusk was born in 1499 and died in 2006. Employees at Bangor University still cannot find an explanation for this phenomenon. Common flying fox from southern Siberia

The oldest representative of the species was found in Siberia. At the time of the discovery, she was 41 years old, which is almost 10 times higher than the norm.

Granny on the hunt

"Granny" or J2 is a female killer whale that is over 100 years old.

Individual of the species Turritopsis dohrnii

The species Turritopsis dohrnii can reveal to us the secret of immortality. Individuals of this species reproduce with the help of eggs, but under critical conditions they simply rejuvenate their cells. In theory, jellyfish can live for several millennia.

Nameless long-lived frog

The oldest frog lives in the New Zealand Zoo. She is 37 years old. Most of her relatives do not live to be 13 years old.

Little Mom with Christmas gifts

The oldest member of the species is considered to be a chimpanzee named "Little Mom". She is 74 years old. She lives in Palm Beach. Its relatives usually live up to 50 years.

Our planet is still full of white spots and unknown species, so one can imagine that we are waiting for new discoveries of long-lived animals that can help us humans live much longer. After all, this is what humanity has been striving for since the beginning of time, right?

Jeanne Calment is a French citizen with the longest (documented) life expectancy. The date of her birth is February 21, 1875, the date of her death is August 4, 1997, that is, the Frenchwoman lived 122 years and 164 days.

Is it possible to argue that a person - the longest living creature on the planet? No, there are enough animals in the world that have lived much longer than Jeanne Kalman. Here are the top 5 Earth centenarians, Time magazine's version.

5. Jellyfish of the genus Turritopsis

This type of jellyfish goes by itself in the ranking of centenarians. Its representatives can move from a state of maturity to a state of infantilism, in other words, return youth. These jellyfish have a regular life cycle, but after maturation and mating, they return to their original polyp state. This process is called "transdifferentiation" and is associated with the "readjustment" of defective cells into new cells. Maybe these jellyfish are the key to the elixir of youth.

4. Elephants and parrots

On average, large parrots live for 50-70 years, and cockatoos are considered centenarians among parrots. Since 1925, the San Diego Zoo has kept a cockatoo, which arrived there as an adult bird, and he lived until December 30, 1990. And some individuals of the owl parrot from New Zealand lived up to 90 years of age.

Elephants do not lag behind parrots, they live up to 70 years.

3. Red sea urchins and giant turtles

Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, aka red sea urchin (although its color ranges from pink or orange to almost black) from the echinoderm class lives in the Pacific Ocean.

The spherical body of the sea urchin is entirely covered with sharp thorns, which can grow up to 8 cm. These thorns grow on a hard shell that protects the hedgehog. According to research work by Thomas Ebert of the Oregon State University Department of Zoology, the oldest red sea urchins are about 200 years old.

Advaita, a 250-kilogram giant tortoise that lived in the city zoo of Kolkata (India), was the longest-living turtle in the world. The age of the animal, according to various estimates, ranged from 150 to 250 years.

2. Bowhead whales

The bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) is a stocky, dark colored whale without a dorsal fin. In length, it can grow up to 20 meters, and loves to eat, "fattening" up to 100 tons and is second only to the blue whale in weight.

It lives exclusively in fertile arctic and subarctic waters, which makes it different from other whales that migrate to feed or reproduce.

Bowhead whales live up to 200 years, and genes have been found in their genomes that repair damaged sections of DNA.

1. Bivalve molluscs Arctica islandica

One of the species of edible molluscs, it lives in two oceans - the Arctic and the Atlantic. Also known by several different common names, including Icelandic cyprin and black clam. These ocean dwellers live exceptionally long lives. One of the two found samples (he was named Min) lived for 507 years, the other - from 405 to 410 years. To determine the age of the clam, the researchers drilled through the shell and counted the number of layers.

- 34, ordinary monkeys - over 20 years old, cats - 23 years old, dogs - 22 years old.

These statistics have not been averaged and refer to individual animals, and not to the characteristics of a particular species.

For mammals, the following pattern is characteristic: the larger they are, the longer their lifespan. So, a two-ton elephant with a very high probability will live up to 70 years - knowing the average weight of a mammal, you can accurately predict its maximum age. However, this rule also has its exceptions, since a person in this situation would have to live no more than 30 years. Here another law is already at work - with the same body weight, it is precisely those mammals with a larger brain that live longer. In this case, slow aging is explained by the fact that the large brain controls all the vital functions of its owner more efficiently.

Unconditional record holders

Among land mammals, the elephant has been repeatedly recognized as the longest-living animal, the average life span of which is usually 60 to 90 years. True, only a few representatives of this species survive to the venerable 90 years of age, differing in enviable health and stunning thickness of the skin.

Scientists believe that elephants owe such a long life to their vegetable diet and a very measured, unhurried existence.

What is the longest-living mammal on Earth? The record holder in this area is considered to be the bowhead whale, or polar whale, which can live to a deep 130-year old age. Whales are the largest animals in the world - they can grow up to 35 meters in length and weigh 150 tons. Newborn whales reach 7 meters in length and consume about 7 buckets of milk per feeding.

However, if we consider not only mammals, then the oldest long-liver is the common Moorish turtle, which lived 152 years and, according to some biologists, has all the chances to quietly "creak" up to a record 200 years. At the same time, its relative, the royal turtle that lives in America, can live up to 123 years.

There is no single answer to the question of which animal is a long-liver. The fact is that in certain niches of the animal kingdom there are their own long-livers: among mammals - some, among reptiles - others, among fish - others.

Bowhead whale

The bowhead or Arctic whale is found in the oceans and oceans of the Northern Hemisphere. Its average life span is 40 years. Nevertheless, some lucky ones manage to live for more than 200 years.

Scientist Ned Rosell of the Alaska Science Institute described in his article a bowhead whale, which he said was 211 years old. Today it is known for certain that this age was not described accurately, with errors. However, in any case, this whale was from 177 to 245 years old, which is not so little.

In principle, there is nothing surprising here. Ice water and stable food - marine plankton - help such whales to survive well. If he does not become a victim of a whaling, he can live a long and happy life.


Records for life expectancy among reptiles are considered. One of these long-livers is a turtle named Advaita. She died back in 2006 at the age of 150 to 250. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine more precisely the age. In addition, the history knows the elephant turtle by Garietta, which lived 175 years.


These fish are rightfully considered to be long-livers. In length, they reach two to three meters. They live both in sea waters off the coast of North America and Eurasia, and in ordinary lakes and rivers. Two years ago, a 125-year-old sturgeon was tagged by staff at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Its weight was 108 kg.

Red sea urchin

The hedgehog is another long-liver in the animal kingdom. This creature lives in relatively shallow waters, the depth of which does not exceed 90 m. You can meet the red sea urchin near the rocky shores of the Pacific Ocean. Contrary to its name, this animal may not always be red. The hedgehog can be either pink or black.

The hedgehog's body is round and covered with a hard shell. Sharp 8-centimeter needles grow on it. It is curious that the oldest representatives of this animal species live up to 200 years.

How long do elephants live?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Nevertheless, elephants are considered to be long-lived among mammals. The question is, what is the exact duration of their life. According to some reports, it is 150-200 years old, but this information is not officially confirmed anywhere. It is possible that a certain elephant that lived such a period of life was included in the statistics. The official lifespan record for these animals is 60 years.

The Frenchwoman Jeanne Louise Kalman, who was born on February 21, 1875 in Arles, then still part of the Third French Republic, and died on August 4, 1997, is considered to be the most long-liver in all known history. Her total life expectancy was 122 years. How was the life of the famous Frenchwoman?

A brief history of the life of Madame Kalman

Zhanna Louise was a fairly late child, since she was born when her parents were already under 40 years old. She had an older brother, François, who also lived a lot, dying at the age of 97 in 1962. The Kalman family belonged to the class of the Arles bourgeoisie. The French woman's father was engaged in shipbuilding, and her mother was from a family of hereditary millers.

Documents have survived to this day, according to which Jeanne Louise was listed as a minor, after she studied in Arles, then at school, and then at a secondary school in her hometown.

According to Kalman's recollections, one day she saw Van Gogh who came into a nearby shop, who was buying something there and seemed to her "dirty and poorly dressed" and "terrible as a mortal sin, he had a disgusting disposition, and he smelled of booze."

Jeanne Louise got married at the age of 21 to a merchant and owner of her own store, Fernand Nicolas Kalman, after which the future long-liver healed a fairly prosperous life and was given the opportunity not to work. The couple had only one daughter, who, unfortunately, died of pneumonia at a fairly young age.

Ms. Kalman ended her life. After 110 years, reporters, biographies and historians very often came to her, who sought to document the life of Jeanne Louise.

What was the lifestyle of a long-liver

Madame Kalman has never led a completely healthy lifestyle. She smoked for 95 years and gave up this bad habit only in the 117th year of her life after a serious operation. It is true that Jeanne Louise did not smoke very much: only two cigarettes a day.

Another habit of Mrs. Kalman was chocolate, which she ate 1 kilogram a week, washed down with good dry red wine. Jeanne Louise called the main reason for her long life a good mood and a very positive outlook on her surroundings, as well as a large amount of olive oil and fresh fruits in the diet.

Like almost all centenarians who stepped over the 115-year mark, Kalman did not suffer from obesity, in her youth and mature years she was actively involved in sports - she played a lot of tennis, rode a bicycle and fenced until she was 100 years old.

Jeanne Louise also spent a lot of time outdoors, preferring fresh air to gatherings at a party. By the way, researchers who have studied the life of Mrs. Kalman found that 68 of her relatives lived much more than average, having crossed the 90-year mark, but did not reach the 100th anniversary.

Life expectancy of people depends on many factors: diet, lifestyle, place of residence, medical capabilities, genetic data. On average, a person lives for about 70 years, but there are also individuals who have been or are on earth for much longer. They are considered to be centenarians.


"Keep your heart calm, sit like a turtle, walk like, sleep like a dog" is the motto of a Chinese long-liver named Li Qingyun. He was born in 1677. After living for 256 years, he died in 1933. Eyewitnesses claim that he looked about 50 years younger than his biological age. According to him, he managed to survive to this age thanks to a balanced diet and physical education.

At 70, Li Qingyun was so physically fit that he managed to become a martial arts teacher in the Chinese army. In addition to the fact that the man was very responsible for organizing his nutrition and maintaining physical shape, he was fond of medicinal herbs from an early age - he independently prepared various infusions and decoctions. Their use contributed to a significant overall strengthening of the immune system.

Jeanne Louise Kalman, the longest-living woman, was born back in 1875 in France, died on August 4, 1997, having outlived her children and grandchildren. She lived for 122 years and 164 days. Information about her is carefully documented in scientific papers.

Of the officially recognized long-livers men, Shigechio Izumi is considered the record holder. He was born in 1865, died in 1986, having lived 120 years and 237 days. This unique person also set another record - in labor activity. Work experience - 98 years. However, some scientists question the date of birth of Sh. Izumi, calling the real age of the long-liver - 105 years.

Currently, a huge number of centenarians live in the world - people over 90 years old, but there are regions in which there are most of them. For example, Japan. There are about 50 thousand people in this country who have survived the centenary. It is interesting to note that of this number of centenarians, 87% are women. In general, in Japan, the average life expectancy is 86 years.

Unique personalities are registered in the Guinness Book of Records. Misao Okawa from Japan is noted among the living there. She is 115 years old. Now she is the oldest woman in the world.

The oldest living man in the world will soon be 116 years old. His name is Jiroemon Kimura. He also lives in Japan. It is interesting that during his long life he managed to find three centuries.


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Long-livers are usually called people 90 years and older. As of June 2014, the oldest living woman on the planet is Misao Okawa (116 years old), of the men - Sakari Momoi (111 years old). There are many verified centenarians, whose age is confirmed by documents.


Frenchwoman Zhanna Kalman is recognized as the absolute record holder in. She was born on February 21, 1875 on August 4, 1997, having lived 122 years and 164 days. During Kalman's life, scientists have repeatedly tried to solve the riddle of her longevity. The record holder herself is convinced that the secret is in an active lifestyle. At the age of 85, Zhanna Kalman began to fence, and until her centenary she traveled a lot. It is curious that Jeanne was an inveterate smoker. This bad habit accompanied her 95 years of life. At 117, the old woman quit smoking due to an operation. In 1965, when Jeanne was 90 years old, her last heir passed away. She sold her apartment to 47-year-old lawyer François Raffre. Before Kalman's death, he was obliged to pay her a certain amount. The lawyer was convinced that the old woman would not last even five years. In 10 years, he would have paid the full cost of the apartment for sure. However, Jeanne not only lived much longer, but also outlived François Raffret himself, who died at the age of 77.

The Guinness Book of Records contains the name of a woman who lived for 132 years. However, her age remains in doubt, since the birth certificate of Antisa Khvichava from Georgia was lost. To fix the record for life expectancy, experts had to raise the archives, where they found data that Antisa was born when Alexander II was sitting on the imperial throne. Until the age of 85, Antisa Khvichava worked on a collective farm, ran a household. She gave birth to one of her youngest children as she was preparing to celebrate her 60th birthday. Until the end of her life, Antisa retained a clear mind. At 130, she played cards, allowed herself a glass of vodka a couple of times a year and asked her family to teach her how to use a computer.

On March 26, 1805, Shirali Muslimov was born in Azerbaijan, who was destined to live a very long life - 168 years. For one hundred and fifty years of his life, he worked as a shepherd. Shirali was married three times, and the third time he took the lady down the aisle when he was 136 years old. His wife was 57-year-old Khatum-Khanum. The lovers have been married for 47 years. There was also another long-liver in Azerbaijan, known throughout the Soviet Union. Mahmud Eyvazov was born in 1808 and lived for 152 years. He himself argued that only those who do not drink, do not

The life span of a person depends on a whole complex of factors: these are environmental conditions, and a way of life, and psychological characteristics. The inhabitants of Monaco, Macau and the Japanese live the longest in the world - their secret lies in proper nutrition, absence of stress and well-developed medicine. Scientists have found that married people live longer than bachelors, that creative people tend to have a longer life span, that prudent and cautious people often live to old age.

Long-lived nations

Monaco has the highest life expectancy, with this tiny Mediterranean boasting that, on average, its inhabitants live to be 89 years old. This is explained by a number of reasons: firstly, the state pays great attention to the development of medicine, and every resident of Monaco has access to high-quality and timely treatment; secondly, Monegasques eat right - they eat a lot of vegetables, cheeses, dairy products; thirdly, the standard of living in this country is very high, people are less prone to stress and more calm.

The inhabitants of a small country in Southeast Asia, Macau, have lived on average for 84 years. This state thrives on the gambling business, most of the proceeds from which goes to the development of medical centers. Macauans also eat well: they eat a lot of fish and vegetables.

The Japanese are in third place in terms of life expectancy. Okinawans boast excellent health and activity that last until death. And they die here on average at 83 years old. The Okinawan diet, which is recognized as the main cause of longevity, is gaining popularity in many countries. Its rules are simple: lots of fish and seafood, rice and vegetables, no overeating.

Long-lived people

It is not difficult to conclude that the longest living people live are those who receive quality medical care, adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, and are less likely to be stressed. But scientists have added to this list after some research. So, it turned out that happily married men, on average, live longer than single or divorced men. This rule does not apply to women: for divorced women, the average life expectancy is the same as for married women.

Representatives of creative professions and people who continue to do their favorite work after entering retirement age live longer. Basically, this also applies: according to the results of the study, it is the male sex who tends to become depressed when he loses his job. It is not easier for a woman to find other occupations for herself.

Contrary to popular belief, optimists do not live longer than pessimists: moreover, they tend to overestimate their capabilities and underestimate caution, which is why they are more likely to become victims of accidents. It has also been proven that educated people, on average, have a longer life expectancy, as they pay more attention to their health.

In terms of life expectancy, people are inferior to many representatives of the animal world. Many of them live longer than a century, and some of them all five hundred years.

Bivalve mollusk of the species Arctica islandica

Today, these molluscs are considered the longest-living animals on Earth. Studies conducted in 2006-2007 at the Bangor University of Wales on the shells of several molluscs showed their maximum age - more than 500 years. The oldest specimen, named Ming, was 507 years old.

Giant turtle

Giant turtles are land reptiles endemic to the island of Aldabra (Seychelles). These turtles are some of the longest-lived animals on Earth. In captivity, they live on average up to 150 years.

The record holder of the same age among the turtles known to science was a 250-kilogram turtle named Advaita (Skt. "The only one"), who lived in the Calcutta Zoo. At the time of her death, she was 256 years old.

Turtles are not only centenarians, but also some of the most ancient animals. The fossil remains of turtles are over 220 million years old. The question of their origin is still considered controversial. Most scientists assume that the Permian cotylosaurs were the tortoise predecessors.

Koi carps are also called brocade carps. It is a domesticated decorative subspecies of common carp. A koi carp can be considered a fish that has passed 6 selection selections. After all the selection stages, a certain category is assigned to it. There are more than 80 koi breeds in total, they are divided into 16 groups.

The world learned about the longevity of koi in 1966. During his radio talk, Japanese doctor Komei Koshihara told the story of the Hanako carp. When Komei was born, a beautiful fish was already living in a small pond near his house. Years passed, the boy went to study. Every time he returned home, the large 70-centimeter fish still swam in the pond. Koshihara asked his grandmother how long Hanako has lived here. According to my grandmother, the fish was at least 100 years old.

As an adult, Komei Koshihara decided to find out Hanako's age. He asked his friend Masayuki Amano, who worked at the fish farm, to help with this. An analysis of Hanako's scales showed that Hanako is the oldest known carp. At the time of the check, he was 217 years old. The fish died in 1977 at the age of 226.

European pearl mussel

The European pearl mussel is currently on the verge of extinction. Earlier, these molluscs were the object of the fishery for the extraction of mother-of-pearl, but today it has become unprofitable.

The fact that the pearl mussel could be of great interest to gerontologists became known only in 2000, when the Russian researcher Valery Zyuganov established that the pearl mussel, which lives in Europe and North America, lives 210-250 years, and holds the record for longevity among all known freshwater invertebrates. animals.

For pearl mussels, the phenomenon of negligible aging is characteristic, that is, the rate of their aging is difficult to statistically distinguish from zero within a single sample. Also called negligible aging is the phenomenon of "non-aging" - the lack of correlation between age and the likelihood of death.
Interestingly, the phenomenon of negligible aging is also observed in people who have lived to be 90-100 years old. After reaching this age, their chance of living to each next year does not diminish over the years. It was also noticed that all people who have lived up to these years are genetically similar to each other.

Red sea urchin

Sea urchins are amazing creatures. These are the most "many-legged" representatives of the animal world. Moreover, they use their numerous needles as legs, the number of which can reach a thousand. In addition, sea urchins have a spiral intestine and a unique organ in its structure - the Aristotelian lantern, consisting of five pyramidal outgrowths, resembling drills in shape. Inside each outgrowth there is a sharp tooth.

Sea urchins are one of the most ancient creatures on Earth. They lived on the planet during the Paleozoic era. At the beginning of the 19th century, scientists believed that sea urchins did not live long - about 15 years, but recent studies of sea urchins give startling results. It turns out that red sea urchins can grow and develop throughout their lives without showing signs of aging. These creatures have lived for over 200 years. And it is unclear how much they could have lived if they had not had natural enemies in the ocean, from which hedgehogs have to run away on their thorns.

Clam Guidak

The Guidak clam looks pretty weird. It consists of a shell, small relative to the size of the body, and two long fused siphons, which can reach one meter in length. "Guidak" from the language of the Indians is translated as "digging deep". This is the largest burrowing mollusk in the world, so this name is quite justified.

Guidaki are centenarians. Their average life expectancy is 146 years, but scientists have found a 160-year-old individual. Guidak have almost no natural enemies in nature, in addition, they have a slow metabolism, this provides Guidacs with longevity. Sharks and sea otters can inflict damage on the mollusk, as well as humans - Guidak meat is eaten in China and Japan.

Molluscs are diluted by external fertilization. During their more than a century of life, female Guidaks throw about five billion eggs.

Bowhead whale

We couldn't do without whales in our rating. Whales are the largest animals on our planet and yes, they are long-lived. The bowhead whale is the longest living vertebrate. The average life span of mammals of this species is not so great - 40 years, but some representatives live for more than 200 years.

Whales are also interesting in that they develop, grow and reproduce all their lives, and the intensity of these processes does not diminish with age. Whales are of interest to gerontologists because even the oldest whales show no signs of aging when examined. That is, whales, like some other animals (such as, for example, mole rats) do not grow decrepit.

There is still no exact answer to why whales die. Interestingly, whale age can be determined by the protein content in the lens of the eye. Its cloudiness is the only indicator of whale aging. Scientist Vladimir Skulachev, who has been engaged in gerontology for many years, believes that it is possible that the whales go blind, and then they simply break.

While we are looking for the secrets of longevity, there are creatures on our planet that have lived for over a hundred years. And there are even immortals.

1. George, a huge lobster that weighs about 9.1 kg. George is approximately 140 years old. In 2008, he was caught off the coast of Newfoundland, then sold for $ 100 to a restaurant in New York. However, in 2009, under the influence of the animal welfare society, he was released back into the ocean.

2. Tuatara Henry residing at the Southland Museum, New Zealand, recently celebrated his 115th birthday. Just imagine that Henry was born in the 19th century.

Despite his advanced age, in 2009 Henry became a father.

3. Guidaki is a species of marine molluscs considered to be the largest burrowing molluscs. In addition, guidaks are also long-livers: their average life expectancy is 146 years, and the age of the oldest found individual to date is 168 years.

4. This is Jonathan, 182-year-old giant tortoise from St. Helena. "He's practically blind, has lost his sense of smell, but he still has good hearing," says a local veterinarian. At 182, Jonathan may be the oldest living thing on the planet.

This is Jonothan in the 1900s

This is Jonothan now.

5. Grier is an 83-year-old flamingo that until recently lived at the Adelaide Zoo. Grieter entered the zoo in the 1930s, but unfortunately was put to sleep in January 2014, when his condition deteriorated sharply.

6. In the cold dark water at a depth of 600 meters, time flows slowly. Hoplostet is a species of deep sea fish known to reach sexual maturity by age 20 and can live up to 150 years. The oldest hoplostet was born in the year when serfdom was abolished in Russia.

7. Red sea urchins live an average of about 200 years and live in shallow waters off the west coast of America. Red hedgehogs attracted special attention of scientists after a mark dated 1805 was found on one of them.

8. Cockatoo Cookies last year it was 80 years old. He was caught in Australia in 1933 and transported to the United States, where he lives at Brookfield Zoo.

9. A mollusk named Min, caught on the Icelandic shelf, according to the first assumptions, lived for 400 years. When re-analyzed, scientists have determined its age at around 507 years.

10. Bowhead whales can live up to 200 years. The average life span of this species is about 40 years. However, some individuals can live up to 211 years, which is a record among vertebrates.

11.Grenny, 103, the oldest known killer whale, is the matriarch of the killer whale community. She was born the same year as Ronald Reagan.

12. Advaita - a giant 250 year old turtle from the island of Aldabra. Unfortunately, Advaita died in 2006. It was very popular with tourists and attracted many visitors to the city zoo of Kolkata.

13. Turtles are well-known centenarians. This is 176-year-old Gariette from the zoo in Queensland (Australia). It is believed that Gariette was personally found by Charles Darwin in 1835 on one of the Galapagos Islands. Gariette died in the same 2006.

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