Home Indoor flowers Modeling on the theme of a rocket in the preparatory group. Collective work on modeling "Space travel" for the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics in the preparatory group for school (photo). Word game "Say the opposite"

Modeling on the theme of a rocket in the preparatory group. Collective work on modeling "Space travel" for the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics in the preparatory group for school (photo). Word game "Say the opposite"


- Independent play activity. Games according to the wishes and interests of children.

Target: develop the ability to perform play actions in play exercises, play on themes from the surrounding life. To acquaint with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults. Stimulate the development of interest in joint games with adults and children, a positive response to the offer to play.

- Collective and individual conversations with children

: "What objects make life comfortable"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the purpose of objects that make life convenient, to establish a connection between the object and the benefits from its use.

- Working with children on sound culture of speech(didactic games to consolidate the sound in words) "Guess what sounds like"

Target: To acquaint children with the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them.

Story toy games

preparation for breakfast, canteen duty.

Didactic exercise "Who will wash their hands correctly."

Shifts in a natural corner: watering plants.


Strengthen the ability to be on duty in the dining room: wash your hands, put on an apron, put napkins, a bread bin on your table, lay out spoons to the right of the plate. Participate in cleaning the dishes after meals.

Walk 1

- Observation behind the snow

Target- to form an idea of ​​the properties of snow;

to consolidate knowledge about a seasonal phenomenon - snowfall; develop

sense of beauty.

- Outdoor games (throwing)"Throw it on."

Target: improve coordination of movements.

Outdoor play Run to the flag.

Target: to teach to perform actions strictly according to the signal of the educator. To develop children's attention, the ability to distinguish colors. Exercise in running and walking.

Elementary household labor

Target: Get the kids interested in keeping our site clean.

Draw snow tracks.

-Ind.work Vocabulary work(games like "Find the word") "Frog and frogs"

Target: Develop the speech attention of children.

Returning from a walk(self service)

Reading fiction

Gianni Rodari "What color is the craft?"

Target: Continue to develop an interest in fiction.

Strengthen the ability to listen carefully to works, answer questions about the text.

canteen shifts

Strengthen the ability to be on duty in the dining room: wash your hands.

Preparing for lunch, lunch

Preparing for sleep, sleep

Strengthen the skills to neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep № 14

hygiene procedures.

Afternoon snack

GCD, additional education, leisure

Musical development.

Walk 2

Research activities. Something in the box

Target: to acquaint with the meaning of light and its sources (sun, flashlight, candle, show that light does not pass through transparent objects.


"What's gone"?

Target: Development of visual memory.

Outdoor games

Outdoor play

An outdoor game "Little white bunny is sitting"

Target: teach children to listen to the text and perform movements with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text; bring joy to children.

Returning from a walk(self service)

Form the ability to carefully remove shoes.



Work in the corner of the book (looking at the book, talking about the content, about writers, about illustrators, repairing a book in the presence of children or together with them)

Repair books.

Consideration of thematic folders and conversations on their content, consider thematic pictures of animals and their babies.

Role-playing games (formation of role-based relationships)


Target: to teach children to classify objects according to common characteristics, to foster feelings of mutual help, to expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce understood “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.


to develop cognitive and speech activity of children.


expand and consolidate children's knowledge of professions.

Encourage children to talk about the work activities of professions they are familiar with (doctor, hairdresser, educator, cook, teacher)

Expand the vocabulary of children through nouns (names of objects - tools of labor of various professions)

Develop auditory attention, the ability to guess riddles.

To cultivate respect for all work and the desire to work.

Integration of educational areas:

speech development, cognitive development, communication development, physical development.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal, visual, practical, playful.

Vocabulary work:


Using ICTs to display pictures depicting people of different professions.

A package with items for different professions. Ball

Preliminary work:

reading poetry, looking at pictures, reading stories about professions, excursion to the kitchen, medical office, laundry, observation, conversation.

Individual work.

Sofia J. Sofia B-zkr, sounds of zh-sh.

Course of the lesson:


Guys, today a parcel for children was brought to our kindergarten, but it can only be opened if you guess the riddles.

(Children guess riddles.)

Who in the days of illness

All the most useful

And heals us all

Sickness? (Doctor.)

Mom will cook soup

For kids from different groups,

Deftly fashion cutlets

And cut the vinaigrette.

And with such a skillful mother

I am the most well-fed! (Cook)

Mom does her hair

Cuts bangs.

Hair dryers, scissors, combs

On her shelf. (Hairdresser)

Mom has on the counter

Dolls, balls, pins,

Shoes on the right, fabrics on the left,

Cups are on display.

Mom is like a queen

In our store! (Salesman)

Well done guys, you did the job. Our package has opened. There are so many different things here!

These items are needed by people of different professions.

Finger game "Professions"

There are many noble professions,

(Connect the fingers of your right hand with your thumb.)

Both useful and pleasant.

(Connect the fingers of your left hand with your thumb.)

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Seller, miner, builder ...

(Consecutively connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb.)

I don't name everyone right away,

(Open and close the jaws.)

I suggest you continue.

Guys, do you know who needs these items? Let's name them and try to determine what they are for.

The doctor needs a thermometer, a syringe, and pills.

The cook needs a pan, a board, a stove, food.

Hairdresser-scissors, comb, hairdryer, mirror to cut hair, comb, dry.

For the seller - scales, cash register, food, money to weigh, punch a check, sell in a store, pay.

For the teacher - books, blackboard, chalk, globe to teach children.


Children, and I also have a ball. Who needs it?

To the footballer. Let's play with the ball.

Ball game "Who is doing what?" The teacher names the profession, the children - the action.

A doctor treats, a cook prepares, a pilot flies, an artist draws, etc.


Children, we have a lot of fruits and vegetables in our kitchen, let the boys choose vegetables for the soup, and the girls - fruits for the compote.

The game "Cooks" is being held


Well done guys. Today you learned a lot, and this package also contains a surprise for you - delicious cookies that the chef has prepared for you.

Bottom line.

What professions have you met?

What do you want to be when you grow up?


Group: 2nd junior TOPIC: professions Date: 29.01 - 2.02.2018


1. Expansion of ideas about the work of adults, the conditions in which it is carried out (people working in kindergarten (nanny, educator, cook), labor actions of adults: go to the store, clean the apartment, throw out the garbage, keep order, participate in the improvement territories adjacent to the house, etc .; equipment, tools and materials necessary for people of different professions).

2. Fostering a value attitude towards one's own work, the work of other people and its results (any thing was created by the work of many people. Personal and business qualities of a working person)

Final event: Date of the final event:

Responsible for the final event:

Day of week






Monday 29.01


“What is good, what is bad” conversation. Respect for others.

did. The game. What parts does the plant consist of?

expand the understanding of indoor plants, familiarize with parts of plants; develop the ability to show and name the stem. Flower, leaf

morning exercises. Giants.

caregiver help. Learn to say hello, thank for help)

development of skills for correct and careful attitude to plants

corner of nature. Houseplants.

illustrations on the topic.

story games hospital, shop,

cutlery. Dishes.

involve parents in familiarizing children with safe traffic rules.

Artistic aesthetic development "Bus for friends" application

Objectives: 1. We continue to teach children to reshape objects.

2. Encourage to search for an independent solution (make a circle of two halves).

3. We form the ability to independently determine the shape of objects on a new topic.

4. We develop visual coordination.

5. We develop the ability to plan work.

6. We consolidate the ability to use glue and a brush, carefully stick the paper.


work of adults. Observing the work of the chauffeur. Conversation "What does the driver carry, how does he drive?"

under. and "ON the highway"

to form positive emotions, activity in independent motor activity:

labor activity. Snow removal.

grocery machine.

toy steering wheels.

shoulder blades. Ice cakes.


before bedtime

reading poetry. Examining illustrations. Riddles on the topic.


conversation about the work of the driver.

what cars are for.

did. and “Where is the steering wheel in the car?

did.i Find an extra item.

conversation what the seamstress is doing.

plot = role-playing game "Chauffeur - passengers" to form the ability to interact in plots with two characters.

development of the skill of establishing contacts with peers.

help in the correct selection of items.

develop cultural and hygienic skills; expand ideas about healthy and wholesome food; form labor skills through assignments; develop the ability to listen to a nursery rhyme.

conversation: "What cereals do you know?" name the cutlery.

pictures with images of machines.

subject pictures. Wrench, screwdriver, hammer, pump, needle scissors. Saw an awl.

visually illustrative material.


monitoring the road.

exercise for the development of fine motor skills. Draw a car in the snow.

Day of week



Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security

Tuesday 31.-01


conversation about kindergarten, its teachers.

did. The game "Who came to be treated to doctor Aibolit"

develop an interest in the world around you in the process of reading.

morning gymnastics complex.

assistance in developing courtesy skills.

assistance in practicing speech skills.

develop cultural and hygienic skills; expand ideas about healthy and wholesome food; form labor skills through assignments; develop the ability to listen to a nursery rhyme.

conversation: "What cereals do you know?" name the cutlery.

pictures of animals

pictures illustrations on the topic.

Directly educational activities

FEMP teach to compare two equal groups of objects by means of application to denote the results of comparison with words for many, equally, as many. Continue introducing the triangle. Learn to name and compare it with a square

physical Development. according to plan nat. instructor.


examining a bush, comparing it with a tree.

to form ideas about the main parts of the shrub; to educate a respect for the plant world.

labor skills. Cover the bushes with snow.

encourage self-fulfillment of an elementary assignment.

game "Find your color" "Run to the flag"

develop physical qualities, enrich motor experience

assistance in practicing speech skills.

shoulder blades.

multicolored flags.

shrubs, trees on the site.

shoulder blades.

multicolored flags.

Work before bed


conversation on questions:

why do we need toys? What kind of toys are there? Distribute toys as intended.

develop the ability to consider toys, name their shapes, colors, structures;

exercise with balls: “We go to the store for balls, roll the ball, hide the ball on the kitten. who is the most accurate? Let's put the balls in the basket.

syuzh.rol.i. game "At the doctor's" conversation.

teach to name toys, correctly distribute them into groups;

development of motor skills

to educate cultural and hygienic skills, labor skills and knowledge of elementary rules of behavior at the table; develop the ability to set the table for dinner

play corner construction details, transport. Dolls are animals.

balls, baskets, hoops.


Observation Conversation: Which Sky? What's the weather like? What time of day is it7 what was the sky in the morning?

game exercise "Knock down the pins"

to strengthen the physical health of children; improve physical activity.

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security

Wednesday 31.01


conversation about kindergarten workers: “Who treats us in kindergarten? Who is feeding? " develop the ability to call the names and patronymics of kindergarten workers in kindergarten; and their role

Did. and "Transport" on what comes to kindergarten? What car rushes to the sick? Going to put out the fire?

to expand the understanding of modes of transport;

foster a value attitude towards the work of adults and its results

conversation about animals.

What body parts does the animal have?

what is the name of the animal?

show your head, legs, tail, ears.

morning exercises.

helping to develop courtesy skills.

mastering the rules of handling animals.

to expand children's understanding of the health benefits of eating milk porridge; develop listening skills. Understand the content of the nursery rhyme

pictures depicting different types of transport.

corner of nature animals.

Directly educational activities

FTSKM. You swim, swim! Objectives: to acquaint children with the properties of materials buoyancy); to form the ability to experimentally you; and its ability to float on the water form the concept of the dependence of quality and its ability to float; develop children's interest in a joint with an adult and an independent name


watching the sun.

Does the sun rise in every place in the morning? Is it sunny or cloudy today? Does the sun hide behind clouds and how does it warm?

continue to shape the concept of the signs of winter.

Train, little engine game steam engine, what did you bring us as a gift?

bird watching bird feeding.

development of motor skills

balls, birds, dogs


before bedtime

reading poetry. Examining illustrations. Riddles on the topic. Finger games.


family story:

my name is ... I live with my mother. Dad. Sister. My mother's name is ... my mother works ...

form family affiliation. Develop the ability to call your first name, last name, names of family members. Talk about yourself.

independent play activity examination of the sample building game teremok for nesting dolls.

chatting cold to the trees in winter. How can we help them?

syuzh.rol.i. and. a family.

working out speech skills.

develop the skills of networking with peers.

to form elementary skills of behavior at the table; teach children to thank the cooks for cooking.


building details: bricks prism plate.



under. and sparrows and a cat.

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security

Thursday 1.02


games: What does it look like? Rolling - not rolling

to form elementary mathematical concepts to develop the ability to compare a circle and a triangle. Learn to draw conclusions.

conversation about animals.

morning exercises

help in comparing geometric shapes and objects in the picture.

to form Ph.D. skills of correct behavior at the table during meals6 eat with a closed mouth, do not talk while eating. Develop an interest in listening to nursery rhymes.

circle, triangle, pictures, roof of the house, clown hat, herringbone, sun. Ball, plate.

Directly educational activities

Speech development. Sound r.p. P, Pb

D / and the Fair purpose 6 to exercise in a clear pronunciation of the sounds of p. P with the help of d / and encourage children to enter into dialogue, use words with the sound of p. P.

physical Development. according to plan nat. instructor.


conversation: which sky?

what is the weather? If the wind blows, what happens to the clouds?

to form the ability to distinguish the weather. Associate it with the state of the sky to expand vocabulary.

pod. and Train to form the ability to walk and run one after another in small groups.

labor activity filling the ice path.

practice speech skill.


before bedtime

reading poetry. Examining illustrations. Riddles on the topic. Finger games.


game Collect items of hairdresser (doctor, policeman) in the basket

expand the understanding of professions.

conversation How does an accordion sound?

What movements are needed for this?

muses. Did.i Let's play cap and stick.

storyline game. In the shop. Conversation.

help in facilitating the grouping of pictures on a specific topic.

to educate an aesthetic taste when setting the table.

pictures: hairdresser, doctor, policeman, cook, syringe, thermometer, whistle, rod, saucepan, frying pan.

cap, stick, rattle, tumbler, children's accordion, wooden mallet.


snow observation.

did. Games. “Catch the mosquito. Who will throw the next snowball "ball"?

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security

Friday 3.02


did. and "Pick a patch for the carpet" to form elementary mathematical representations

morning exercises.

assistance in the selection of geometric shapes for the holes.

to form the simplest habits of behavior while eating; develop the ability to listen to the nursery rhyme, memorize it and answer questions about the content of the nursery rhyme.

paper mats with round and square holes. Squares triangles, circles, sized holes.

the influence of the family on the development of the child.

Directly educational activities

thin Esthete. development of music according to the plan of muses. Leader.

"Artistic creation" (drawing)

Topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed. Let's help the driver. "

continue to teach how to draw objects of a round shape, figuratively reflect simple objects in drawing with pencils, hold the pencil correctly with three fingers, paint over the drawing without going beyond the boundaries.

to expand children's understanding of the main professions.


observation of a birch tree. It is necessary to protect the birch and other trees, bushes, do not break, do not knock on the trunk with a shovel.

labor activity.

joint activities at the kindergarten site. a conversation about the properties of snow while sweeping.

under.and. Sparrows and a cat

help in explaining incomprehensible words in a poem; assistance in learning a poem.

develop work skills.

shoulder blades


before bedtime

reading poetry. Examining illustrations. Riddles on the topic. Finger games.


conversation about exercise equipment.

did.i Name, what is it?

to form positive emotions in children.

design of furniture for toys.

develop the ability to correctly name the parts of a building set, build furniture for dolls from them; cultivate hard work.

storyline game. salon.

development of motor skills.

cultivate a respectful attitude to bread.

physical Equipment.

building kits.


conversation on questions: what do trees have? Which tree has more snow?

Scenario for conducting organized educational activities

Theme:"Professions" / junior group /
OO"Cognitive development"
(Formation of a holistic picture of the world)
Types of children's activities: communicative, motor, cognitive - research.
Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, physical development.
Children's age: second junior group
Forms of organization: subgroup
- to expand knowledge about the world around;
- to expand the knowledge of children about the professions of people;
- to consolidate the children's vocabulary at the expense of words denoting the names of professions, tools, action verbs;
- develop coherent speech, the ability to respond with complete, widespread sentences;
- develop memory, attention, thinking.
- foster respect and love for kindergarten staff;
- arouse interest in the work of adults of different professions;
- to form in children realistic ideas about the motives and results that drive people in work;
- arouse respect and the desire to imitate adults, to work conscientiously.
Methodological techniques: examination of object pictures, the didactic game "Who is doing what?"
Material: pictures with images of the professions of a doctor, cook, teacher, hairdresser, seller, artist, seamstress, janitor; toys: hammer, adjustable wrench, screwdriver, scales, fruit basket, hair dryer, combs, scissors, phonendoscope, syringe, heating pad, newspapers, magazines, postman's bag.
Equipment: screen, projector, laptop. Educator: Guys, tell me, where do your parents go every day?
Children: to work.
Educator: why do people go to work?
Children: answer.
Educator: Do you all know where your parents work?
- Where, Sonya, does your mother work? By whom?

And you, Andrei, where and by whom does dad work?
- Well done, you already know well where your parents work. I suggest you guys take a trip to the country of Professions. But in order for us to get there, we need to solve "Who is doing what?" I call a profession a, you indicate what a person does in this profession.
A doctor heals, a teacher teaches, a salesman sells, a builder builds, an artist draws, a seamstress sews, a writer writes, a cook cooks, a hairdresser cuts a haircut.
- Well done, you are all ready and I invite you to a very comfortable house, come in, take your seats. People of different professions work in this house. Guess my riddles who they are:
1. He in the morning in our dining room
She makes soup, compote and porridge. (Cook)

2. Early in the morning to exercise
We hurry to the hall in order.
Doing it with desire
Physical education.(physical education instructor)
3.I play with babies
I spend all my days with them.
I never get angry
On the tricks of the guys.
I go for a walk with them,
I put them to bed.
And of course I love
I am my profession. (Educator)

4. I need these things:
Hammer, screwdriver, pliers,
Key, file and hacksaw,
But dexterity is most needed. (Locksmith)

5. If your ear hurts,
if the throat is dry.
Don't worry and don't cry -
After all ... (doctor) will help you

6. Rakes snow with a shovel,
sweeps the yard with a broom,
you guys guessed it
who keeps track of cleanliness? (janitor)
- You have guessed all my riddles. Where do all these people work? Yes, this house is called a kindergarten. What other professions are there in kindergarten? (Junior educator, speech therapist, music director, methodologist, caretaker, manager, locksmith, watchman).
- Yes, a lot of people work in kindergarten. What kind of people working in kindergarten should be? (Caring, kind, affectionate, attentive, loving children, patient, smart, skillful).
- Yes, these qualities are possessed by people working in kindergarten. And we continue on our journey to the street "Unnecessary items".
I offer you different professions: hairdresser, locksmith, salesman, postman, doctor. Choose any for yourself. On the table I have different items - helpers - choose items for yourself to help you work.
Hairdresser - hairdryer, scissors, comb.
Locksmith - hammer, adjustable wrench, screwdriver.
Doctor - phonendoscope, syringe, heating pad.
Seller - scales, basket, groceries.
Postman - magazines, newspapers, postman's bag.
- Make a proposal about a person in your profession (children make sentences and explain why they need these items, with a little help from a teacher).
- Let's say thank you to the subjects that help the professionals to work, and we will continue the journey. To the street "Portnyh".
- They sew it correctly with a needle and thread. Let's play the game "Needle and Thread". Some of you will play the role of a needle, and the rest of the children will be a long thread, standing up to each other, holding hands. The needle will lead us from corner to corner, and the thread should not break. And who will be the needle, we will determine with the help of a counting rhyme.
“On the golden porch sat:
Tsar, prince, king, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor -
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Do not delay
Kind and honest people! "
- Liked. Well done.
- Children, and which of you will tell where we were now? What were we doing there? What do you remember the most? What did you like? What is a profession?
This is a work to which a person devotes his whole life, therefore, the profession should bring joy to both the person and people.
You are all great. Thanks.


Theme: « Professions. Instruments».


Day of week

Integration of educational







Morning exercises

(complex No. 2


Conversation on "Good Manners for Babies"

Purpose: creating conditions for the formation of a benevolent attitude towards others

Musical game "This is how we can" - to teach children to perform movements to music, sing along. Develop a sense of rhythm, interest in musical and artistic activities

Observing the work of a teacher in a corner of nature.

"Spraying plants"

Purpose: to enrich the idea of ​​children about the operations of caring for indoor plants, about the work of adults. To teach to provide the teacher with all possible help.

Place a selection of plot pictures on the topic "Professions" in the book corner

Purpose: to consolidate the names of professions and actions that are performed by them.

Chatting with parents about the child's health on weekends.

Theme: Examination of the painting "Children are having lunch"

Purpose: To form visual perception and understanding of life-close subjects depicted in the picture, develop the ability to listen to accompanying text and explanations, expand an active vocabulary: plate, cup, saucer, eat, wipe, hold.

2. Cognitive development (familiarization with the environment-2 subgr.)

Theme: “Who is helping us? (About the nanny.) The game "Who is doing what?"

Objectives: to form ideas about the work of adults and to foster a respectful attitude towards it; learn to name the actions depicted in the plot pictures, answer questions, name nanny assistants and their purpose, enrich vocabulary

Preparing for a walk


Observation of the seasonal phenomenon - hoarfrost, frost. Purpose: to form an idea of ​​frost as one of the states of water.

Reading the poem "There are trees in hoarfrost ..."

Labor: Collecting stones at the site - continue to foster the desire to participate in labor.

PI "Let's find a fungus." - to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of children; develop attention, monitor the correctness of the task

Individual work: developing light running in one direction.

children's rake, cubes for

outdoor games, toys for playing with sand, dolls, dressed for the weather, carriages for dolls, cars.

Returning from a walk

Practical exercise "Boots". Teach children to help the caregiver put boots on the shelf to dry. Form a respectful attitude towards things. Train yourself to perform self-service responsibilities

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Reading of I. Tokmakova's poem "Kasha". Purpose: to acquaint children with the poem.

Physical education . №13 (1.2 podgr.)

Objectives: To learn to jump in length from a place, to consolidate throwing into the distance from behind the head, to promote the development of a sense of balance and coordination of movements; develop attention, the ability to run quickly.

Continue observing the frost, note that when the sun warmed up, the frost melted, turned into water droplets. - To consolidate the idea that when the sun is shining, it is warm outside, develop observation.

P.I. "The sun and the rain." - learn to walk and run scatteringly, without bumping into each other.

P.I. "From bump to bump."

Goals: continue to teach children to bounce on two legs.

Children play on their own with sand. Remote material: l sacks, cubes and molds for each child for playing with sand, a doll, cars.

Preparation for supper, supper.


S.R.I. "Kindergarten". Purpose: to arouse children's interest in the game. To form the ability to maintain the storyline, to perform individual game actions. Awaken interest and respect for the work of the educator.

Didactic game "Professions". Purpose: to teach children to recognize a profession by description.

Place coloring books on the theme "Tools" in the activity corner - To consolidate knowledge about tools. Develop an interest in drawing.

Group: 1 junior group "Sun", educator: N.V. Chesnokova

Theme:« Professions. Instruments».

Target: To acquaint with the world of professions (doctor, salesman, policeman), their features, tools of labor. Understand the importance of their work. Foster a love of work in adults

Day of week

(Educational activities in times of security)

Integration of educational


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents / social partners.





Morning exercises

(complex No. 2


Observing the nanny's labor while washing the dishes after breakfast. Purpose: To reveal to children the sequence of performing labor operations. To foster respect for the work of an assistant educator, a desire to help her.

"Phonetic charge".

Purpose: To acquaint children with the purpose of tools: hammer, drill ...

Exercise "Spoon by spoon" - to form a Ph.D. in children, teach how to hold a spoon correctly, eat carefully. Encourage self-reliance.

Exercise "Let's help the nanny."

To develop elementary labor skills and abilities; foster a desire to help adults.

Offer children the board game Lotto "Professions"

develop memory, attention, perseverance.

1Music ... (according to the plan of the music director)

2.Drawing (-2 podgr.)

Topic: "Let's decorate an apron for a nanny"

Objectives: To continue to acquaint children with gouache paints, to teach how to hold a brush correctly, to dip it in paint, to rhythmically apply strokes to the workpiece. Form the ability to decorate an object.

Preparing for a walk

Practical exercise "Obedient buttons". - Form self-service skills, teach children to fasten large buttons, help each other. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Insect watching. Tell that when autumn comes, all insects hide from the cold (in the trunks of old trees, in stumps, in the ground, etc.)

Purpose: To develop interest in the living world, observation, to learn to establish connections between the weather and the behavior of insects.

Hood. word : riddles about insects.

P.I. "Spider" - to teach to walk in a circle, holding hands, to repeat the words of the game.

DI. "Who is buzzing like"? train children in onomatopoeia for insects.

Individual work I / U "Catch a mosquito"

Purpose: to exercise children in jumping in place

Independent games for children with portable material:

Buckets, toys for playing with sand, dolls dressed by

weather, strollers for dolls, cars.

Returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

I.S. "The doll Masha is having lunch." - to acquaint children with models of cultural behavior at the table, to teach how to hold a spoon correctly, bend over a plate.

Reading fiction:

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief".

Rise, air, water procedures

Gradual rise. Wellness exercises after sleep, air baths, hardening procedures. Purpose: to promote the smooth awakening of the child's body after sleep; evoke a kind emotional mood.

Preparing for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea

To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, the ability to hold a spoon correctly, and eat neatly.

Theme : Game "Find the same object" Purpose: To form in children the simplest methods of establishing the identity and color difference of homogeneous objects, to foster interest in classes.

Preparing for a walk, a walk.

Continue observing insects. Purpose: to clarify the content of the concept of "insects".

Labor - cleaning the site from debris - fostering the desire to help adults.

P.I. "Flight of the bees" - to teach to run all over the site, yielding to each other.

O.V.D. I / U "Who is faster to the flag"?

Purpose: to improve running technique.

Preparation for supper, supper.


S.R.I. "Let's give the doll some tea." Purpose: to teach the correct name of the dishes. Develop the ability to perform an action. To give an idea of ​​the rules of safe table behavior. Continue to educate children about babysitting.

Karine I, Hussein A. propose to D.I. “Pronounce it correctly.” - fix the names of professions, correct sound pronunciation.

Games with building material "House" -

to acquaint with the new part "prism", to enrich the sensory experience of children, to acquaint with the profession of a builder.

Group: 1 junior group "Sun", educator: N.V. Chesnokova

Theme:« Professions. Instruments».

Target: To acquaint with the world of professions (doctor, salesman, policeman), their features, tools of labor. Understand the importance of their work. Foster a love of work in adults

Day of week

(Educational activities in times of security)

Integration of education

linen areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents / social partners.





Morning exercises

(complex No. 2

from 15 to 30



Di. "Who works in kindergarten?"

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the professions of people working in kindergarten, to foster respect for the work of adults.

Finger gymnastics "We are guys are masters". Purpose: to develop the speech of children, fine motor skills of the hand.

Exercise "Spoon by spoon" - to form a Ph.D. in children, teach how to hold a spoon correctly, eat carefully. Encourage self-reliance.

Zakhar S, Nazar S. suggest the game "Lacing".

development of fine motor skills, coordination, attention, memory, speech development.

Examining the illustrations "Tools".

Purpose: to develop visual perception,

enrichment of the vocabulary of children.

1. Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech. (1 subgr.)

Theme: The game. "Pictures and riddles". Objectives: To form in children the articulation of vowel sounds, to develop onomatopoeia, the desire to answer the teacher's questions. Cultivate attentiveness while playing.

2. Development of speech (2 podgr.)

Theme : “What is the chef doing? Game "Find objects for the cook" Objectives: to teach to listen carefully and observe, to form the ability of children for dialogical speech; learn to answer questions with words and sentences consisting of 3-4 words; activate the dictionary on the topic; foster a respectful attitude towards the work of the cook.

Preparing for a walk


Observing the work of the janitor - to continue to acquaint children with the work of adults, to show the importance of their work.

Labor. Collecting leaves - helping the janitor - supporting the desire to help adults.

Reading the poem "The janitor will get up at dawn ..."

An outdoor game "Catch me" - to teach to run in a certain direction.

Individual work. Jumping forward.

Role-playing game "Bus" to consolidate the skills of behavior on the bus.

Independent games for children with portable material: steering wheels, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars ..

Returning from a walk

Practical exercise "Boots". Teach children to help the caregiver put boots on the shelf to dry. Form a respectful attitude towards things. Train yourself to perform self-service responsibilities

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with cultural patterns at the table, to teach how to hold a spoon correctly, bend over a plate.

Reading fiction

K. Chukovsky "Aibolit" - to acquaint children with a new work.

Rise, air, water procedures

Preparing for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea

To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, the ability to hold a spoon correctly, and eat neatly.

Physical education : №14 Objectives: To learn to walk in pairs in a certain direction, throw the ball far from the chest; train to listen carefully and wait for the signal to start movements; develop quickness, dexterity.

Preparing for a walk, a walk.

Observation "Sky in the evening" - to draw the attention of children to the evening sky, to form initial ideas about the different parts of the day, to teach to name the time of day.

P.I. "Day - night" - to train children in dexterity, running.

Reading A. Pushkin "The sky was breathing in autumn .."

DI. "What is the sky"? - learn to select relative adjectives.

Games are fun with turntables. Purpose: to enrich the motor experience of children, to contribute to the prevention of nervous tension.

Preparation for supper, supper.

Objective: To continue teaching how to wash your hands before eating.


S.R.I. "Shop" - to expand the knowledge of children about the profession of the seller, to bring up a polite and respectful attitude to the work of the seller, to activate the dictionary.

D / and "Who needs what" Purpose: to exercise in the ability to name things necessary for people of a certain profession.

Search activity: “What is for what?” -

Develop logical thinking, consolidate knowledge of the subjects of labor.

Group: 1 junior group "Sun", educator: N.V. Chesnokova

Theme:« Professions. Instruments».

Target: To acquaint with the world of professions (doctor, salesman, policeman), their features, tools of labor. Understand the importance of their work. Foster a love of work in adults

Day of week

(Educational activities in times of security)

Integration of educational


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents / social partners.





Morning exercises

(complex No. 2


Conversation "The profession of a cook".

Purpose: to acquaint children with the profession of a cook, his work processes, with helpers. Consolidate knowledge of tableware.

Finger gymnastics "Cook compote".

Purpose: to develop the speech of children, fine motor skills of the hand.

Conversation with Sasha P, Vary K. on the topic: “Who do my parents work with? »Purpose: to develop the speech of children, interest in the professions of parents.

Games with children's musical instruments.

Purpose: to acquaint children with musical instruments, their sound. To form an interest in musical and artistic activities.

Consultation "Clothes for children to walk".

1. Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech. (1 subgr.)

Theme: Game "Who heals us?" Objectives: To contribute to the perception of a plot picture that reflects a situation familiar to the child, to develop visual perception: to notice additional details in the picture, to understand elementary cause-and-effect relationships; foster love and respect for the work of adults.

2. Development of speech (2 podgr.)

Theme: Poem by N. Syngaevsky "Assistant".

Objectives: to acquaint with the content of the poem "Assistant"; to teach to listen to the text without visual accompaniment, to answer the teacher's questions; enrich and activate speech; foster a desire to help adults.

Preparing for a walk

Practical exercise "Obedient buttons". - continue to develop self-service skills, teach children to fasten large buttons, help each other. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Target to the vegetable garden. Recall what the children saw at the beginning of autumn, what changed with the onset of cold weather. Purpose: to form an idea of ​​changes in nature in late autumn.

Making a riddle about snow. Work : collect garbage from the site. PI "The sun and rain" - to learn to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other, to act on the signal of the teacher.

O.V.D. And / y. "From bump to bump." Objectives: To continue teaching bouncing.

Research activities:

"Soil condition depending on temperature." Purpose: to identify the dependence of soil condition on weather conditions.

Returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with cultural patterns at the table, to teach how to hold a spoon correctly, bend over a plate.

Reading to children B. Zakhoder "Are all works good?" Purpose: to acquaint with the poem, expand children's ideas about the world of professions.

Rise, air, water procedures

Gradual rise. Wellness exercises after sleep, air baths, hardening procedures. C: to promote the smooth awakening of the child's body after sleep; evoke a kind emotional mood.

Preparing for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea

To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, the ability to hold a spoon correctly, and eat neatly.

Music (according to the plan of the music director)

Preparing for a walk, a walk.

Weather observations, compare morning and evening weather. Purpose: to teach children to observe, compare; develop memory, speech.

P. and. "Day-night" Purpose: to acquaint with the rules of the game, to teach to act on the signal of the teacher.

P. and. "Take care of the subject."

Purpose: to teach to act and navigate on a signal, to develop dexterity.

Independent games at the request of children

Purpose: to develop independence in choosing a theme for the game

Preparation for supper, supper.

Objective: To continue teaching how to wash your hands before eating.


S.R.I. “Let's prepare dinner for dolls” - to teach children to select toys, substitute items. To form an interest in the game actions of peers, to teach how to play together.

Demid K, Diana R. propose the game "Professions" - to learn to recognize a profession by description.

Sculpting "Treats for dolls" - Learn to transfer the selected object in sculpting, using previously learned techniques; give children the opportunity to feel like chefs.

Group: 1 junior group "Sun", educator: N.V. Chesnokova

Theme:« Professions. Instruments».

Target: To acquaint with the world of professions (doctor, salesman, policeman), their features, tools of labor. Understand the importance of their work. Foster a love of work in adults

Day of week

(Educational activities in times of security)

Integration of educational


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents / social partners.





Morning exercises

(complex No. 2


DI. "Who is on the photo"? Target: reinforce children's ideas about the work of kindergarten staff.

Exercise "Spoon by spoon" - continue to form a Ph.D. in children, teach how to hold a spoon correctly, eat carefully. Encourage self-reliance.

The exercise

"The doll Masha is combing her hair" - to form a c. D., teach children to comb their hair. To form the desire to be neat, to bring up neatness.

Offer the children a board game: "Find a pair."

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to determine the purpose and function of objects. Develop memory.

Medical consultation sisters "Prevention of influenza and ARVI".

1. Games-classes with building material (1 subgr.)

Theme: Game "Gate" Objectives: To continue to teach how to make the simplest overlaps, connecting two parts to the third. Develop fine motor skills, coordination of both hands, steady attention. Activate the active and passive vocabulary of children (gate, tired, flew, sat down pee-pee). Educate accuracy (teach how to put cubes in a box).

2.Modeling (2 podgr.)

Theme : "Sticks for the roof" Objectives: To continue to acquaint children with plasticine and its properties, to teach how to roll the plasticine between the palms in straight movements; admire the finished product.

Preparing for a walk

Practical exercise "Obedient buttons". - continue to develop self-service skills, teach children to fasten large buttons, help each other. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Observing rowan berries. Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with trees, their structure:
clarify the idea of ​​children that rowan berries are not only beautiful, but also very useful.

Labor: picking berries and branches of mountain ash for handicrafts, feeding birds - fostering respect for birds. P.I. "1,2,3 - run to the tree"! - exercise in running, orientation in the surrounding space.

DI. "Find a tree" - fix the names of the trees.

O.V.D. "Throwing cones at the target with the right and left hand" - to develop accuracy, eye.

Independent games of children with portable material.

External material: shovels, buckets, doll, scoops.

Returning from a walk

Practical exercise "Boots". Foster a desire to help the caregiver put boots on the shelf to dry. Form a respectful attitude towards things. Train yourself to perform self-service responsibilities

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with cultural patterns at the table, to teach how to hold a spoon correctly, bend over a plate.

Reading to children V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" Purpose: to acquaint with the poem, expand children's ideas about the world of professions.

Rise, air, water procedures

Gradual rise. Wellness exercises after sleep, air baths, hardening procedures. C: to promote the smooth awakening of the child's body after sleep; evoke a kind emotional mood.

Preparing for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea

To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, the ability to hold a spoon correctly, and eat neatly.

Games-lessons with didactic material (1 part)

Theme: Play "Assemble the Pyramid" Objectives: Encourage children to complete a chain of sequential actions. Carry out a choice of objects ("Choose the largest of all", focusing on a large value. To acquaint children with the intermediate size of objects corresponding to the concepts of "large", "smaller", "small". To educate attentiveness and accuracy

Preparing for a walk, a walk.

To continue observing the trees and shrubs of the site - to consolidate the concept of "tree", "bush".

P.I. "A bear in the forest ..." - to consolidate the ability of children to perform movements in accordance with the text.

DI. "Compare" - to learn to find branches of different lengths and thicknesses.

Independent games at the request of children

Purpose: to develop independence in choosing a theme for the game

Preparation for supper, supper.

Objective: To continue teaching how to wash your hands before eating.


Kh.B.T. Working together with the nanny to clean the group

Purpose: to teach how to get satisfaction from putting cleanliness and order; foster a positive attitude towards work

DI. "Tell me a word" - to develop logical thinking, attention, memory; learn to pick up words in rhyme.

Watching the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" - to bring joy to children, to help maintain a good mood.

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