Home Indoor flowers Lev David Gorbunov. Father of Roman Trakhtenberg: All his inheritance passed to a chronically greedy woman. Name and awards

Lev David Gorbunov. Father of Roman Trakhtenberg: All his inheritance passed to a chronically greedy woman. Name and awards

Five years after the death of Roman Trachtenberg, passions by his inheritance continue to rage. RUB 100 million according to the will went to Lev David - the son of the showman's first wife Elena Romanova. Apartments and cars had to be divided in court, but the decisions have not yet been implemented.

Roman Trakhtenberg died of a heart attack on November 20, 2009 during a live radio broadcast of the Trakhty-Barakhty show. His parents, Lev Glebovich and Tatyana Lvovna Gorbunovs, are organizing an evening in memory of their son in the St. Petersburg cafe-club "Hali-Gali". Daughters-in-law and grandchildren are not expected. StarHit learned how the ex-wives and children of the scandalous TV presenter, who would have turned 46 in 2014, live today.

Unexpected help

Two weeks ago, 77-year-old Lev Glebovich received a letter from Germany: "As a representative of the Jewish nation that suffered in World War II, you are entitled to compensation - 2,550 euros." After the death of his son, he had already suffered two strokes - too much excitement. He and his wife had to erect a monument on the grave of their son themselves: the daughters-in-law did not participate and did not come to the opening. Later, the courts ignored the payment of part of the inheritance by the Gorbunovs. And this year, the grandchildren - 24-year-old Sergei and 19-year-old Lev David - stopped communicating with them. In general, one cannot expect help from anyone. So the money from Germany did not become superfluous. “I got them and laughed: for so many years I have not been able to“ knock out ”at least something from Roman's ex-wives, but Germany took care of me!”

The Gorbunovs, as before, live in St. Petersburg. Their apartment today resembles a museum with portraits of their son on the walls. Lev Gorbunov's book "The Heiress and Heirs of Roman Trakhtenberg" will be released soon. “This will be the last thing I will do,” says Lev Glebovich. - There is no more strength, the whole soul has been wept out for the son. " He already has about 20 letters from bailiffs: they cannot find the widow of his son Vera Moroz in any way. By a court decision, she, the Gorbunovs and David share the LEXSUS LS460, Suzuki SX4 and Subaru Tribeca cars. The Gorbunovs' share is 1.5 million. But to this day they have not received any money. Vera has all the cars, and she is in no hurry to get rid of them. And he is not hiding from the bailiffs. Lives in Moscow, works as a doctor at the RNTSRR (Center for X-ray and Radiology). Two years ago she married a colleague Konstantin Rebrikov, took his last name. “As far as I know, Vera is doing well. I learned from a lawyer that she had recently given birth to a child, ”says Ifrah Abramov, a member of the Jewish community of St. Petersburg, to StarHit.

Yes, and the common-law wife of Trakhtenberg, Elena Romanova, as friends say, also found a new love.

Housing problem

The showman's father has repeatedly tried to improve relations with his grandchildren. He is especially worried about the senior, 24-year-old Sergei Semenov. Roman found out about him two years before his death, dragged him to Moscow, bought an apartment here. “Serezha got married two years ago. A year ago, Lenya and his wife Anya were born, they brought him to St. Petersburg, showed us his great-grandson. But we didn't communicate anymore. They are afraid to anger Lena, because Seryozha's apartment is in her name. I offered my grandson to defend the property by inheritance, but he was rude, said that he was not going to go to courts: they say, Lena already allows him to live in an apartment. She does not think that the statute of limitations will expire - the time when he can still lay claim - and she will kick him in the ass along with his wife and son, ”Lev Gorbunov worries.

The youngest grandson Lev David changed his phone number, and the grandfather does not know that he is studying in the United States. “David entered the American University of Maryland,” classmate Andrei Birg tells StarHit. “Sometimes he comes to St. Petersburg on vacation.” Lev Glebovich says: “I found David on social networks, tried to communicate, but he deleted the page. There is no more connection. "

But two girls, Trakhtenberg fans, come to visit the Gorbunovs. “Both are in love with Romka. One dedicates poetry to him, can you imagine? Another went to law college - she says to help us get what is required by law. "

The only thing that the parents still managed to sue was the share (25%) right to two Moscow apartments: they were divided between them, Trakhtenberg's two ex-wives and David. Sergei does not participate in the inheritance section. He works, lives on a salary and understands that nothing will shine for his son Leonid, if there is no goodwill from Elena and David.

Recently, the husband and daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko finally resolved the issue of the actress's inheritance. Antenna found out if the disputes in other eminent families were settled.

What they shared: a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, a land plot and a house in the Moscow region, two cars: an Audi 4 and a Volvo (a gift from her husband to Lyudmila Gurchenko on her 75th birthday), personal belongings.

In fact, the division of real estate as such took place in September 2011, six months after the departure of Lyudmila Markovna, when her husband Sergei Senin and daughter Maria Koroleva received certificates of inheritance rights in their hands, explains Senina's lawyer Yulia Kaigorodova. - Another thing is that the property was divided on paper, which turned out to be extremely inconvenient for both parties (since the actress did not leave a will, the real estate was divided according to the law in the appropriate shares. - Approx. "Antenna"). Maria Borisovna was entitled to a ¼ share in a three-room apartment on the Patriarch's Ponds (where the actress lived for the last ten years with her husband - note "Antenna") and ½ share of a dacha in the suburbs. For some time, there was an oral agreement between Senin and the Queen on the procedure for using real estate. So, the husband gave the actress's daughter the keys to the dacha, and he continued to use the apartment. In June 2015, the parties met and officially signed a barter agreement: Sergei Mikhailovich exchanged his half of the dacha with Maria Borisovna for a share in the apartment. Since a share in an apartment is more expensive than a share of a summer residence, we determined the amount of additional payment, part of which has already been transferred to Maria Koroleva. The heirs sold two cars that no one used after the actress left.

Furniture and decoration

As for the things that belonged to Lyudmila Markovna ... - continues Yulia Kaigorodova. - There was no conflict between the parties, except for the only situation related to the break-in of the apartment (in February 2014, Maria Koroleva with a television group came to the house of Lyudmila Gurchenko without warning, when the actress's husband refused to let uninvited guests in, they broke the door and continued to shoot reportage. - Note. "Antenna"). I am convinced that the act did not come from Maria Borisovna. It's just that there were unscrupulous people nearby who provoked a scandal for the sake of the plot. A little later, Maria Borisovna and Sergei Mikhailovich met, in the presence of lawyers, they discussed the details for several hours and agreed on everything. After that, Maria Koroleva, at the invitation of Sergei Senin, came to her mother's apartment to discuss exactly what things she would like to own.

It is important to note that the actress's inheritance is not as large in monetary terms as the rich imagination suggests. I even heard such a fantastic version: allegedly among the pieces of furniture in Lyudmila Gurchenko’s house there was a Napoleon ottoman, taking into account the fact that there is not a single ottoman in the apartment at all. There are some fairly antique pieces of furniture, but these are not the kind of antiques that cost a lot of money. The furniture in the dacha, though not ancient, but from the point of view of history, is precious because it was the property of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Together with the house, she was inherited by the daughter of the actress. As for jewelry, Lyudmila Markovna wore mostly expensive, but nevertheless, jewelry that was chosen with wonderful taste. The most valuable diamond earrings were donated to Maria Borisovna for use along with jewelry, bijouterie, accessories, garments, and fur coats.

Name and awards

Maria Koroleva received a service from her famous grandfather Boris Pilnyak, a trophy mirror brought by her second grandfather, Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko, in 1945 from Germany, albums with her children's photographs, and so on. A separate question arose about the awards of Lyudmila Markovna and her father. Their heirs decided to leave them in common ownership. The rest of the things that are in the apartment were transferred to Sergei Senin. He is now creating a museum. The parties also agreed that they have the right to use the name of the actress without agreement with each other.

Perhaps the necessary papers would have been signed earlier. But, according to the lawyer, since it was about an additional payment for an apartment, it took time for Lyudmila Gurchenko's husband to collect the necessary amount.

We are glad that we have reached the home stretch, ”Koroleva's lawyer Araz Mirzabekyan confirmed to Antenna. - Documents on real estate are now at the stage of state registration. The heirs have no disputes.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov, actor

Inheritance: a house on Rublevka, two cars, apartments on Komsomolsky and Olympic avenues, bank accounts, copyright and related rights.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov died in April 2012. A month before the death of the actor, his wife Irina committed suicide. The couple did not have children, as well as direct heirs. In addition, Porokhovshchikov did not leave a will.

By the decision of the court, everything was received by Shalva Barabadze Jr., Porokhovshchikov's half-brother on the father's side, - says lawyer Sergei Zhorin. - Although Alexander Shalvovich saw him only once, we crossed paths in the metro. Formally done according to the letter of the law. But in fact ... Relatives along the line of Porokhovshchikov's mother - Alla Dmitrieva and her daughter Natalya, who had been caring for him all their lives, did not receive anything. They are the heirs after Barabadze. The latter promised that they would share the inheritance with Dmitrieva, distribute everything in an honest way. But this remained at the level of words. Alla, of course, was upset, but did not enter into litigation.

Porokhovshchikov's relatives and friends know that the real father was not Barabadze at all, but Shota Shonidze. His mother told him about this before her death. There is also documentary evidence of paternity, albeit indirect: signed photographs, an interview with Alexander Shalvovich. So Shonidze's children could also claim property. However, in order to confirm the relationship, the body had to be exhumed and DNA tested. But they did not take this controversial step.

Irina's brother, Vladimir, did not get involved in the battle, although the apartment on Frunzenskaya was bought by their parents. But since his wife passed away before Porokhovshchikov, all her property passed to him, and after his death - to Barabadze.

The Barabadze family, in turn, took this matter seriously. They even wanted to sell Porokhovshchikov's house on the Arbat - a mansion that his great-grandfather had built. But they soon realized that this was impossible, since the building belongs to the city. Alexander Shalvovich simply rented it in the mid-90s for 49 years, invested money in it, and restored it. Now this house looks different than during the life of the actor: the windows are broken, the walls are dilapidated, and homeless people have settled inside. To prevent permanent looting of the mansion, the Property Department installed metal bars on the windows.

The lease was drawn up for a non-profit organization, which consisted of only two people: Irina and Alexander Shalvovich. In accordance with the law, membership is not inherited, and the organization ceased to exist after the death of the spouses. However, the lease has not yet been terminated. Moreover, it was prolonged by an unknown person, allegedly a representative of the same non-profit organization. I would very much like to know who he is and for what purpose this is being done.

Juna Davitashvili, healer

Inheritance: a floor in a mansion in Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky lane in the Arbat area, an apartment in a nearby entrance, about 500 paintings, jewelry, two golden crowns, each weighing 3 kg and costing $ 100,000, as well as Juna medical devices.

The famous healer died a month ago, she did not leave a will, so the question of her inheritance remains open. Juna had no direct heirs - her half-brothers and sisters died many years ago, her only son Vakhtang died in a car accident on December 3, 2001. Since then, the healer has led a reclusive lifestyle. Of the relatives, Juna has thirteen nephews left.

Let them prove which of them is closer. In fact, there is doubtful kinship by blood. After the death of her mother, little Juna was given to the family of her uncle, her father’s half-brother, ”Valery Kamshilov, a close friend of the healer, told Antenna. - There, as she said, she felt like Cinderella, her relatives did not really like her. But when she moved to Moscow, everyone immediately remembered her. She helped most of her relatives move to the capital. But in recent years, they have hardly spoken. Juna held a grudge against her family. And her life was divided into two parts - before the death of Vakho and after.

I wouldn't be surprised if Juna has a grandson or granddaughter. Vakhtang was a prominent lad. I also noticed that at the funeral, in the most conspicuous place, a wreath suddenly appeared with the inscription: "To June from her grandson." I don’t understand who it is from.

Some people mistakenly assume that Juna owned the entire mansion (which is 1200 sq. M.). In fact, she rented the first three floors - about 500 thousand rubles a month. The penthouse on the fourth was built on by herself, and it belonged to her son Vakhtang. However, after his death, the apartment was transferred to the International Academy of Alternative Sciences "Juna". They also expressed a desire to take her devices for further study. Juna dreamed of opening a public museum in the mansion after her death. But let the relatives "saw" the apartment in the next entrance. Although I know that it has already been passed on to one of Djuna's acquaintances, an Assyrian. During his lifetime, the healer issued an official power of attorney for him, for which she received an advance payment - several tens of thousands of dollars.

As for jewelry, her hands were always in rings, and she constantly changed them. At one time, Juna often traveled abroad. She brought diamonds and jewelry donated to her from there. She donated some of them for the construction of the Assyrian temple. I don’t know how much the rest cost. Plus she has two crowns. She is the Queen of Assyria. One crown is hers, the other is her son

Valery Zolotukhin, actor

Inheritance: an apartment on Taganka and non-residential premises in Moscow.

The actor, who passed away in 2013, did not leave a will either. The inheritance was shared by his official wife Tamara, sons - from their first marriage, 46-year-old Denis and 10-year-old Ivan from actress Irina Lindt.

- Everyone thinks that Valery Sergeevich was very rich, but this is greatly exaggerated, - says Irina Lindt. - We left the apartment in which he lived with Tamara Vladimirovna (Zolotukhin provided his son Denis with housing during his lifetime). And the room in Mitino, in which we lived, remained with Vanya. It's about one room from a non-residential fund, which I also had to buy out. When Valery Sergeevich died, she was sold at an auction. There is no real estate abroad and in Altai. There was a small amount left on the accounts, which was divided, and the creative legacy. Copyright holders - Tamara Vladimirovna, Denis and Ivan.

Lyudmila Zykina, singer

What they share: a car, shares and securities, a three-room apartment on Kotelnicheskaya embankment, jewelry worth more than $ 4 million.

The singer passed away six years ago, and litigation over her property continues to this day. Despite four marriages, Zykina did not have children. The inheritance went to her nephews, the offspring of her half-brother Alexander, who died in 2001.

“Initially, there were four applicants: Sergei, Ekaterina and Georgy Zykiny, as well as Tatyana Patrusheva,” says lawyer Yevgeny Balelin. - But the latter could not prove her kinship. The singer's property has already been sold.

But with the famous collection of Zykina's jewelry, the situation is more complicated. After the death of the artist, some of them were found at the dacha of Lyudmila Georgievna's assistant Tatyana Svinkova. They were seized and attached to the materials of the criminal case. At the moment, the fate of the collection is unknown, although the case has not been closed, the investigation has only been suspended. And Ekaterina Zykina filed a lawsuit against her brother.

“Investigators have estimated the jewelry at more than $ 4 million, and Ekaterina demands that she be reimbursed for her part - about 90 million rubles,” Balelin clarifies. - She suggests that the brother sold the jewelry - possibly at auctions. In addition, in 2013, the woman gave her brother 15 million rubles - her share from the sale of the apartment, to the memory fund that he created. After that, Sergei ended his relationship with his sister, and the foundation - its existence. Georgy Zykin is involved in the process as a third person. The meeting is scheduled for the end of July.

Roman Trakhtenberg, showman and TV presenter

What they share: two apartments in Moscow, an apartment in St. Petersburg, Lexus LS460, Suzuki Sx4 and Subaru Tribeca cars.

Roman died on November 20, 2009. He was 41 years old. Back in 2005, he wrote off all the property to his son Lev-David - his child from his first civil marriage with Elena Romanova. When Trakhtenberg died, his lawful wife Vera Moroz found out about this document and challenged it in court. Other relatives soon joined in. As a result, the proceedings lasted five years, and the parents Lev and Tatyana Gorbunov, the son of Lev-David (his interests were represented by his mother Elena Romanova) and the widow Vera Moroz were recognized as heirs.

We were given 25% each in three apartments: one in St. Petersburg and two in Moscow, the rest does not concern my wife and me, - the showman's father Lev Gorbunov tells Antenna. - But we cannot get there: there are no keys. I heard that other owners have already merged Roman's apartment on Komendantsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg with the neighboring three-room apartment.

At some point, it seemed to me that the nightmare was about to end. Lev-David's lawyer suggested an option: my wife and I will be given one apartment in Moscow along with furniture and one memorable thing, and all the rest of the property will become the property of the grandson. We gladly agreed. But, alas, the matter did not go further than the proposal.

In addition, Elena Romanova, the mother of Lev-David, had to pay all legal costs, which is 170 thousand rubles. My wife and I still have not received a penny and do not even have a single thing in memory of our son.

But Roma also had an official wife. Vera owes us 500 thousand rubles in court. But we didn’t expect anything from her either. As long as I'm alive, I will fight to the end.

Mikhail Evdokimov, comedian, politician

What they shared: a house on Rublevka, an apartment on Begovaya, a garage box, a car, non-residential premises, an apartment on Arbat, land and two houses in Altai.

After the death of the comedian and governor of the Altai Territory Mikhail Evdokimov in 2005, it turned out that he lived in three families. In addition to his legal wife Galina and the eldest daughter Anna, for 17 years he had a common-law wife Nadezhda Zharkova, who gave birth to his daughter Anastasia. And in recent years, the model Inna Belova with her son Daniel (the boy was born in 2005). Inna did not take part in the division of the inheritance. Maybe partly because Evdokimov did not give his son his last name. And Nadezhda Zharkova defended the interests of her daughter and for six years sued Galina Evdokimova. She wanted to get a part of what was recorded only for Mikhail - a little over a million dollars. Nadezhda told Antenna: “If Galina Nikolaevna had acted wisely and in 2006 decided the issue of inheritance, as I suggested, then there would have been no courts. But she wanted us to give up everything. " In the end, the official and common-law wives signed an amicable agreement, according to which the illegitimate daughter Nastya got a house on Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway. For the past four years, Nadezhda has been quietly repairing it.

Mikhail's mansion in his native village of Verkh-Obskoye now officially belongs to his widow Galina Nikolaevna, - says Evgeny Zalesov, fellow countryman Evdokimov. - She comes here on short visits. For example, at an evening in memory of Mikhail, at festivals dedicated to him. True, this year she lived here with her daughter Anna and grandson Misha for several months. Galina Evdokimova inherited another house in Belokurikha according to her will. But it is unfinished - no windows, no doors, absolutely unsuitable for life. While it is standing in this form, I do not know whether it will be completed.

How else was the inheritance divided?

Iya Savvina (1936-2011)

Inheritance: two apartments in the center of Moscow and a house in the Kostroma region.

Among the heirs is the actress's son Sergei, who suffers from Down syndrome and is under the care of her second husband, actor Anatoly Vasiliev.

The case went through all the instances, it was done according to the law, there are no problems, - Anatoly Isaakovich answered the question of Antenna.

Alexander Abdulov (1953-2008)

Inheritance: a dacha in Vnukovo, an apartment in Moscow on Gilyarovskogo Street, a house in Valdai and several cars.

The applicants for the property were the widow of Abdulov Yulia Miloslavskaya (in 2007 she gave birth to the actor's daughter Zhenya) and mother Lyudmila Krainova. All property went to the widow of the actor. After a while, Lyudmila Alekseevna received money from her share of the inheritance from Julia and, together with her eldest son Robert and his wife Albina, left for her homeland in the village of Konokhovo, Ivanovo region. Several years ago, Robert died, and now Albina is looking after the actor's 94-year-old mother.

Vladislav Galkin (1971-2010)

Inheritance: a five-room apartment acquired shortly before leaving in the center of Moscow, a foreign car and money.

All this went to his wife, actress Daria Mikhailova. At the time of his death, Vlad no longer lived with his wife, but he had not yet officially divorced.

Vladislav's mother, screenwriter Elena Demidova, and his adoptive father, actor Boris Galkin, received nothing. As the press reported, Daria did not share with her husband's parents, citing the fact that she needed to put her daughter, born in a previous marriage with actor Maxim Sukhanov, on her feet. According to Vlad's friends, Daria sold the apartment she inherited from her husband.

Mikhail Kozakov (1934-2011)

Inheritance: one-room apartment in the center of Moscow and manuscripts.

As the last wife of Kozakov, Nadezhda Sedova, said in an interview (Mikhail divorced her shortly before his death), the actor made a will five times. However, he left everything to Zoya, the youngest daughter (from Anna Yampolskaya). According to relatives, the actor loved this daughter especially strongly, because she reminded him of his mother. Yampolskaya now lives with her family in Israel. In an interview, she announced her intention to sell the apartment and send money to the education of children - Zoya and Mikhail.

Lyubov Polishchuk (1949-2006)

Inheritance: an apartment in the center of Moscow.

The actress is survived by her mother, husband, artist Sergei Tsigal, and two children: actor Alexei Makarov, from a previous marriage, and Marietta Tsigal-Polishchuk. An apartment in the center of Moscow has become a bone of contention.

Roman Trakhtenberg is a famous Russian showman, TV presenter and radio host. Roman Trakhtenberg also gained fame as a director, actor, voice actor and writer. In addition to creativity, the showman paid attention to science and defended his Ph.D. thesis in cultural studies. Also, Roman Trakhtenberg was known as a hoaxer who told the press fables about his own origin, family and life. Part of Trachtenberg's inventions still find various interpretations in the Internet community.

During his bright, but short life, Roman Trakhtenberg managed to be known as a notable hoaxer and an inborn showman.

The name itself, which this person actively used in everyday life, is a semi-invention. Roman Lvovich Gorbunov was born in September 1968 in an intelligent Jewish family. Mom Tatyana Lvovna worked as a dentist. Father Lev Glebovich Gorbunov was an artist. Parents divorced when their son was barely a year old. Roman himself denied the paternity of Lev Gorbunov and called the sexologist and psychotherapist Lev Moiseevich Shcheglov his own father. After the death of Trakhtenberg, Shcheglov denied this information, calling it a hoax.

Later, my mother got married a second time. Roman Gorbunov, when he grew up and began to actively express himself, took the name of his stepfather, Trakhtenberg, as an artistic pseudonym. Roman used his real surname in exceptional cases. The press also considers the story about the stepfather to be a hoax, and the pseudonym of Roman Gorbunov is completely invented.

At the same time, Roman Trakhtenberg assured that his own dad was none other than a professor, psychotherapist, sexologist and rector of the Institute of Psychology and Sexology Lev Moiseevich Shcheglov, well-known in St. Petersburg and the country. It is noteworthy that the latter disowned his "kinship" with the "son", calling him an invention of the showman.

It seems that Roman Trakhtenberg's admission to the St. Petersburg choreographic school, in which he allegedly studied for 2 years, is the same invention. Later, the school was assured that this fact was not confirmed by anything. But Roman's classes in the theater of youthful creativity, which worked at the palace of pioneers, really were. The performances of the young Gorbunov in the children's choir formed at the Leningrad radio and television are also confirmed.

After graduating from school, Roman Trakhtenberg entered the university. He chose the Faculty of Philology, but studied there for only 2 years. After the expulsion, the guy was taken into the army. After serving, he decided to get a higher education and entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Culture. I chose the faculty that was closest in spirit - directing. Here he learned to organize theatrical forms of leisure. After graduating from studies, Roman Gorbunov in 1999 managed to defend his Ph.D. degree on cultural studies.


In the early 1990s, Roman Trachtenberg tried to go into business. At the same time, he worked at the Institute of Culture, where he taught club directing to students. But Roman could not live gray and imperceptibly. An excellent sense of humor has always distinguished him from the crowd, making him the soul of any company and the center of everyone's attention. Where Roman Trakhtenberg appeared, anecdotes and humorous impromptu flows flowed like a river. Therefore, in 1993 the artist-nugget became one of the troupe of the popular in St. Petersburg cabaret "Art Clinic". And also Roman Lvovich headed the "Formal Theater".

In 1997, Roman Trakhtenberg was appointed art director of the fashionable St. Petersburg cabaret "Hali-Gali". Here he also served as director and entertainer. The first party held by Trachtenberg on the stage of this theater-cafe is the tattoo festival. The novel managed to realize exactly what was required of him - to become a brutal and scandalous TV presenter with an excellent sense of humor.

The fame of Trakhtenberg, a brilliant showman, talented improviser and charming mystifier, grew rapidly. Trachtenberg began to fill up with interesting offers. One of them, to work as a radio host on the popular radio Europa Plus, was accepted by the showman. For four years Trakhtenberg worked as a radio host and hosted the entertainment program "Novel without end".

In 1999, Roman Trakhtenberg also showed himself as a scientist. The showman defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of cultural studies at the Academy of Public Relations. Trakhtenberg's specialty was applied culturology, and the topic of his research was "The revival of traditional culture by means of folklore."

In the early 2000s, Roman Trachtenberg's cinematic biography began. But at first, the artist appeared in the cinema only as a voice-over. The project turned out to have a scandalous connotation: it was the porn film "Luka Mudishchev". Nevertheless, this experience came in handy, and soon Roman realized himself as the author of an audiobook of anecdotes. Roman Trakhtenberg also recorded his own performances of songs, fables and even fairy tales.

In 2003, Roman Trakhtenberg moved to Moscow. The showman lived in two capitals, wandering between them constantly, because in St. Petersburg he had a family and business.

The showman appeared on the screen. Roman Trakhtenberg acted as a TV presenter on the Muz-TV channel. His programs were called "The Next" and "Money Does Not Smell." Roman Trakhtenberg's career on radio continued to develop. Since 2005, Roman Trakhtenberg has hosted the author's program on Russian Radio.

From 2003 to 2008, the talented artist got the opportunity to organize his own show programs. In his native St. Petersburg, the showman opened the "Trachtenberg Cafe".

Roman Trakhtenberg on the set of the film "The Path of the Male"

Roman's career also developed in the cinema. Already in 2003, the artist appeared on the screen, but only in a cameo role in the series "Lines of Fate". In the same year, Roman Trakhtenberg starred in the action-packed film "Russian Special Forces". Also, the showman received cameo roles in 2004 in the TV series "Game without rules" and the full-length film "Fight without rules". In the TV series "Happy Together" and "The Way of the Male", as well as the film "The Guest", Roman Trakhtenberg received cameo roles.

After several supporting roles, Trachtenberg was offered to play the central characters in the films Generation P and Star Pile.

Roman Trakhtenberg also continued his own career in scoring, but later the showman chose less scandalous projects. Roman Trakhtenberg has voiced characters in The True Story of Red Hat, The Winner, Noah's Ark and Monkeys in Space. In addition, Roman Trakhtenberg gave his own voice to the character in the Russian translation of the British musical tragicomedy Rock Wave.

The last place of work of Roman Trakhtenberg was radio Mayak. Since 2008, Trakhtenberg has hosted the popular "Trakhty-Barakhta Show" here. Elena Batinova became Roman Trakhtenberg's co-host.

Personal life

For the first time Roman Trakhtenberg got married when he was a student at the St. Petersburg Institute of Culture. The marriage proposal was accepted by a girl named Elena Romanova, with whom the TV presenter studied together. In this happy marriage, Roman Trakhtenberg had a son, Leo-David. The couple lived together for 14 years, until 2003.

As the artist admitted, family life cracked at the seams after moving to Moscow. In his own autobiographical book, Roman wrote that he had a mistress in the capital. Because of her, the marriage collapsed. Soon the nimble beauty robbed the enamored showman and left.

Roman Trakhtenberg's personal life changed when the TV presenter met a young 19-year-old student Vera Moroz. They got married. In this marriage, the artist lived until the end of his life.

2 years before his death, Roman learned about the existence of his son Sergei, who was born before his marriage to Elena Romanova. Trachtenberg not only recognized his son, but also bought the young man an apartment in the capital.


Roman Trakhtenberg passed away on November 20, 2009. The showman's death became sudden. Trachtenberg died at 41, literally live, during the release of his own show program.

As it turned out, the cause of death was a heart attack. The forensic medical examination established that the cause of sudden death could be a cardiac anomaly. Perhaps the heart could not stand the rapid weight loss of Roman Trakhtenberg. It is known that in a month and a half the showman lost an unprecedented amount - 32 kilograms of weight.

The artist was buried in accordance with Jewish traditions in the Jewish section of the cemetery in memory of the victims of January 9 in St. Petersburg.


  • 1993 - "Art Clinic" cabaret
  • 1993 - "Formal Theater"
  • 1997 - cabaret "Hali-Gali"
  • 2000 - porn film "Luka Mudishchev"
  • 2000-2004 - author's program "A novel without end"
  • 2003-2006 - author's entertainment program "Money Doesn't Smell"
  • 2003-2006 - author's entertainment program "Next"
  • 2003 -2008 - "Trachtenberg Cafe"
  • 2008 - "Show of Trakhty-Barakhta"

the site spoke with the father of showman Roman Trakhtenberg, Lev Glebovich Gorbunov, about the reasons for the death of the artist.

On September 28 this year, the famous showman, TV and radio host Roman Trakhtenberg would have turned 48 years old. The ratings of his TV shows ("Money Doesn't Smell", "Next") and radio programs broke all records. Even those who condemned him for rude jokes also listened to him: “I am not a standard. It's just that not everyone is able to see a pearl in a dung heap. For such people I am a monster, a boar, a monster. "

Roman Gorbunov was born into the family of dentist Tatyana Lvovna and cultural worker Lev Glebovich. The media wrote that Roman's parents divorced when he was about a year old. And until the age of 18, he bore the name of his stepfather Trachtenberg.

- We never got divorced! - denies 80-year-old father - Soon it will be 50 years, as my wife and I live in perfect harmony. There was no one in our family with such a surname. The novel liked to embellish a lot.

Trakhtenberg passed off the famous psychotherapist and sexologist Lev Moiseevich Shcheglov for his dad.

- We had a negative attitude to the work of Roman, so he did not want to reveal his real parents and invented legends. In an interview, Shcheglov was asked if it was true that he was Roma's father. The doctor denied everything. They wrote that the son was hiding his real parents, because he did not love us and supposedly he had some strange relationship with his mother. They also said that he studied at a choreographic school ... I laugh out loud. This is another of his ideas. He was always plump, what kind of dancing could we talk about!

After leaving school, Roman entered the Faculty of Philology at Leningrad University. In 1987 he was drafted into the signal troops. After demobilization, he did not begin to recover, but entered the Krupskaya Institute of Culture at the faculty of directing theatrical forms of leisure, defended his dissertation and became a candidate of cultural sciences.

In the 90s, Trachtenberg worked as an artist in a cabaret, taught club directing, hosted a radio show. Popularity came to him in 2003, when programs with his participation began to appear on MUZ-TV.

- I always told him: “What kind of creativity is this ?! My ears are curled up into a tube. It is impossible to listen. " He was embarrassed when he was seen on TV. I always waited for him to blur out something bad.

Roma often invited us to his "Trakhtenberg-cafe", where he arranged his own shows, - continued Lev Glebovich. - He told jokes, gave condoms to the winners. In our family, the word "condom" was something of a shame. The son kept trying to persuade me: "Never mind, you will eat at my place, and when the program starts, you will leave." Once we agreed. When they arrived, they did not know what to choose from the menu, and the son ordered fish. A young waiter approached us. I looked closely at his apron and saw in the middle, sorry, a drawn male genital organ. We were very embarrassed. When he opened the dish, a flame blazed from there to the ceiling. We almost lost our minds.

Little Roman has always been in the spotlight / personal archive of Lev Gorbunov

Trachtenberg can be called a real star. No one was indifferent to him: he was both loved and hated.

- Roma had many fans. Once I came to the workshop, something needed to be fixed. There was a receiver and there was a transmission. I muttered with displeasure: "A-ah, and here he is." The mechanic asked: "Who is this?" My answer is that my son. He was surprised and did not take a dime. And there were many such stories.

Lev Glebovich claims that Roman was very generous and lent huge sums to friends that no one returned.

- I remember that on my 70th birthday he brought many flowers and gave a huge amount of money. Honestly, I was stunned. Once for the birthday of his friend's wife he gave her a fur coat.

Anyone could envy Trachtenberg's rapid popularity, but in his personal life he constantly failed.

- When Roman introduced us to Lena Romanova, she caused us ... disgust. He introduced us to her, and she didn't even turn her head, tried her best to show her arrogant love. I didn't want to marry Roma, I was waiting for the prince on a white horse. In 1996, Leo-David was born to them. When he was five years old, we took him to the dacha, learned poetry with him. Once Lena told us: “Shame on you! Could you teach your child to write and go to the toilet correctly? " I was shocked! She raised him, not us. I don't understand how my son married her at all. At first, she may have loved him, she needed it. After all, she herself is from Moldova, graduated from the institute, and no one picked her up, so she squeezed into his soul. He somehow registered it at home. Then they began to disagree. It became known that Lena had someone, and Roma, too, could not be alone in Moscow. Once, on the way to the dacha, I noticed her car. She stopped in front of a barrier and a man got out of the car. When I asked my grandson if my mother had someone, he said that he was only a family friend. When I said all this to Lena herself, she denied it.

The future artist tried to be in the first roles / personal archive of Lev Gorbunov

At that time, Roman Trakhtenberg had a close relationship with radio host Marina Gladka.

- He wanted to return to Lena. They even traveled abroad together. Roma left her 500 thousand rubles. Then an angry one came to us: “Can you imagine what a viper! I gave her money, and after that she demands to pay for her trip to Egypt! "

After parting with Elena, the showman began to look for a wife via the Internet.

- Once Roma called and asked us to come to Moscow. He said that he was dating a girl Vera. Her parents will come to get acquainted, they must be reassured so that they do not faint from what they saw (he meant himself. - Author). And we went to him. They seem to be decent people, but they did not meet us very well. In general, Vera jumped into his bed almost on the second day. He helped her graduate from medical school. Then I told her that, they say, it's time for the baby. She denied: "Roma does not want to." He dressed her like a queen, but it seems to me that they did not have love, he needed company. She herself was very simple, she understood and knew little in life, but she was pretty. He needed a young body, and there was nothing to love her for. In this regard, he was the most unfortunate person and was very worried. The heart could not stand it all.

Two weeks before his death, the radio host felt that he would soon die.

- Tanya complained to Roma that it was already hard to work. Suddenly he blurted out: “Quit your job immediately. I thought of everything in advance. You are secured for life. "

Vera Rebrikova (Moroz) could not claim part of the inheritance for herself / Gennady Usoev

Literally two hours before his death, Trachtenberg said on the air that he would very much like to die on stage. These words turned out to be prophetic: "Tomorrow I will go on stage in the play and say:" Goodbye, dear audience. " Imagine how many people will come to the funeral! "

“Roma never complained about his health,” his father recalls. - He left very unexpectedly. I needed to renew my driver's license, and I went to the traffic police. To pass the time, I turned on my player and got on a show with Lena Batinova at Mayak. And suddenly she said: "Something Romochka felt bad, went to the window, breathe a little and will return." Nothing skipped a beat. Suddenly Vera told me: "Roma is in the hospital." At this time, my wife came home from work, found out about it and became not herself. Then I called his driver and he said: "Roma is dead." My pipe fell out of my hands. He passed away on November 20.

The actor's life was cut short at the 42nd year. He was buried in the Jewish section of the cemetery in memory of the victims of January 9 in St. Petersburg.

- All the inheritance passed into the hands of Lena (3 apartments in Moscow, 4 in St. Petersburg, a cottage in the Leningrad region, gold coins, statuettes, jewelry and cars. - Auth.), Despite the fact that we are entitled by law to 25%. Vera (she married her colleague and became Rebrikova, works as a doctor in Moscow at the Center for X-ray and Radiology. - Auth.) Has a car that Roma gave her. Lena hired a lawyer. I saw him once and said to his face: "You are a prostitute!" Roma wrote it all out of anger. When they had disagreements, he said, they say, everything, I'll die soon and leave everything. I wanted to scare her, but she did not even give money for the monument. She said in the press that she didn’t mind helping, but she didn’t like my version of the tombstone, she wanted a cheaper one. But the money is not hers, but Roma's! She never worked in her life. If you saw what she wanted to put on, you would be horrified: some two cobblestones!

Lev Glebovich did not see his grandson Lev-David for about 7 years.

Lena Romanova moved her mother from Moldova to Roman's apartment / Lev Gorbunov's personal archive

- Nobody did it. My father was in Moscow, Lena was building her personal life. She is a chronically greedy woman. I never talk about women like that, but there is no other way about her. At the age of 5, Lev-David was smarter than at 15. I remember entering the train with him, he could stand in the middle of the car and say: “Comrades, close the windows! You can catch a cold. " All in Romka. Now I don’t know how he’s doing, and I don’t really want to.

Few people know that Roman Trakhtenberg has an illegitimate son, Sergei.

- Lena, apparently, also threw some bone to him so that he would be silent. In one of the programs they took DNA and proved that Sergey is our grandson. I told him that part of the inheritance will now be assigned to him. But he replied that he would not go to the courts. For some reason he doesn't want to communicate with us. Unfortunately, we do not have special feelings for him, because we did not know him. I don't remember his mother's name. I know she was a house painter. They met Roma, had an affair, then she left. A few years later her father came to us and said that Roma had a son. Of course, no one knew about it. They didn't claim anything. It is very difficult for us, the elderly, as we were left without grandchildren. It is good that the youngest son Sasha (42 years old, a dentist by education. - Author) has two daughters.

Of course, Roma's departure turned out to be a mystery. One day after a TV show, a woman came up to me: "Don't you think the diet is to blame for the death?" Allegedly, a sharp weight loss of 30 kilograms negatively affected his health. I think that Roma could have been poisoned. There were always many envious people around who needed his money ... The soul still hurts. The further, the more.

The Savelovsky court of Moscow on Thursday recognized the will of showman Roman Trakhtenberg (Gorbunov) on the inheritance of all his property by his son Lev David Gorbunov as legal, RIA Novosti reports, citing court press secretary Yevgeny Vorobyov. According to him, the court dismissed the claim of Vera Moroz, who doubted that the will was really written by her husband.

Moroz claims to be Trachtenberg's widow. She asked the court to declare the will illegal, and also to recognize her as the heir to the showman's property. However, the court dismissed her claims. Since the court read out only the operative part of the ruling, the reasons for such a decision are still unknown.

The press secretary said that Lev David Gorbunov (Photo: news.es-pmr.com) appealed to the court with a counterclaim, in which he indicated that Vera Moroz was a former member of their family, and therefore did not have the right to inherit property. According to the plaintiff, Moroz does not fulfill Trakhtenberg's will, including continuing to live in the apartment he inherited.

“The court ruled to fully satisfy the demands of Lev David Gorbunov, oblige Vera Moroz to stop using the apartment and give the keys to the apartment to the heir. In case of non-fulfillment of the decision - to evict Vera Moroz, ”said the representative of the court.

In December, experts confirmed the authenticity of the will.

At the same time, the 16-year-old heir filed a counterclaim against the claims of his stepmother, the second wife of the TV presenter, 26-year-old Vera Moroz. He asked the court to evict the woman from the apartment on Leningradsky Prospekt and transfer him all ownership rights to real estate.

An affair with Vera Moroz Photo: rumodel

According to Newsru.com, after the death of Trakhtenberg, his second wife, 26-year-old Vera Moroz, doubted the authenticity of the document. She, like the showman's first wife Elena Romanova, began to claim the inheritance. A handwriting examination was recently appointed in the Savelovsky court, the purpose of which is to establish whether the will was really written by Trakhtenberg's hand. Now graphologists have confirmed the authenticity of the signature on the will.

Farewell ceremony with a showman in St. Petersburg. In the foreground - Vera, his father Lev Gorbunov, mother Tatyana Lvovna and son Lev David Gorbunov Photo: eg.ru

After himself, Roman Trakhtenberg left: 3 apartments in Moscow, 4 apartments in St. Petersburg, a cottage in the Leningrad region, a cafe in the center of St. Petersburg, a chest with gold coins, gold statuettes and jewelry, cars.

The mother of Trakhtenberg's first wife told reporters that recently before his death, he repeatedly repeated that he wanted to return to his first wife Elena and his son.

Part of the inheritance was also claimed by the father of the famous showman, who claimed that he needed 450 thousand rubles to install a worthy monument, the sketch of which he developed himself. At the same time, Trakhtenberg's first wife stated that she did not understand what Lev Gorbunov wanted: “He came up with a sketch of the monument, but I have a different vision of the monument. We haven’t come to a consensus. I conceded, saying that I could bet my own version, but he asks me for money. Why?"

According to the newspaper, the money for the monument, which now stands in the cemetery in memory of the victims of January 9, was allocated to the Jewish community by Elena, secretly from Trakhtenberg's parents, since they do not accept help from her.

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