Home Flowers The best color combinations for signage. What background to choose for a shop sign. Effective store sign

The best color combinations for signage. What background to choose for a shop sign. Effective store sign

In order for an advertisement to bring results in the form of increased profits and the number of customers, it must be the right color. Psychologists say that the right color invites a person to action and challenges him. As for the shades of lighting, they affect the mood and should emphasize all the advantages of the proposed product, and hide the disadvantages.

Thanks to psychological research, it was possible to find out that too low illumination does not arouse interest in a potential visitor and tire his eyesight. Based on this, when ordering a sign, you must pay due attention to the lighting and choose sources of bright light.

Color affects the perception of the weight of the offered product, room temperature and an estimate of the distance of the object. For example, orange, yellow and red colors visually increase the volume of an object and bring it closer. Black, purple, blue and cyan - visually reduce the subject and move it away. If you need to make a choice, then it is better to take these parameters into account.

The perception of color is also influenced by the emotional state of a person. Only in this way can one explain the fact that a person reacts violently to some colors, and becomes indifferent to others. Such patterns of perception were discovered by Max Luscher in the middle of the 20th century. As a result of the tests carried out, he was able to find out that colors shape human emotions.

How to choose a background for your store sign?

In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to study the semantics of color well.

Red color sets a person up for decisiveness and can cause a strong desire to commit a certain act. He quickly enough attracts attention to himself and is able to fix the gaze of passers-by on the sign. This color has a certain sexual connotation and should be taken into account, especially if you are going to advertise products aimed at men. With red, the main thing is not to overdo it, because its excessive use can cause aggression and irritation on the subject of advertising.

Orange color personifies optimism and invigorates. In ancient times, it was considered the color of health and creativity. It is better to use it to decorate the background of a store sign with children's goods or medicines.

Yellow adjusts to communication and openness. It helps balance emotions and calm anxiety. Yellow color is constantly used in their signs by advertising and PR agencies, as well as travel companies.

Green color removes all the acuteness of feelings and has a relaxing effect on others. It is used to design advertisements and signs for pharmacies, water treatment shops, health and environmental centers.

Pink color enhances feelings and makes a person more attentive to others. The range of application of this color is quite wide: from perfumery advertising to the services of marriage agencies and family centers.

Blue adjusts to more lofty feelings, friendly affection and platonic love. This color personifies harmony and emphasizes the connection between a person and the universe. The scope is not limited, the main thing is to choose the right colors and shades.

Blue color helps to concentrate on the most important and several elements of blue will attract attention no less effectively than red. In addition, it should be noted that blue does not cause aggression or negative emotions.

Purple is the color of inner concentration, it helps to abstract from the outer vanity. Violet has been scientifically proven to stimulate the brain and facilitate creative tasks. Therefore, if your store or company offers a unique product, then this is the perfect color for the background.

Black color helps to concentrate on solving an important task. Loneliness and isolation from the outside world are associated with this color. It is rarely used in printed advertising materials. When it comes to signage, this is a versatile solution for a modern and stylish backdrop.

White personifies openness and willingness to accept everyone as they are. It does not carry any negative emotions, but if there is too much of it, then a feeling of neutrality is created. In combination with white, it is necessary to use bright accents that will emphasize the advantages of the product.

Thanks to her, the maximum effect is achieved - the product, product or service does not go unnoticed.

This psychological technique has a positive effect on the future potential client or buyer of the advertised product.

An advertisement made with high quality and professionalism must have catchy color picture, catchy font and text. Only then will it be possible to achieve a certain success. Advertising objects can be in the form of a sign or poster, a billboard or a billboard. Light installations are also used for this, which are placed on the corners of buildings, on sidewalks, along the road. In evening time overlook such advertising very difficult.

For a sign to be remembered, it must:

  • have a bright font color
  • should be easy to read
  • be original
  • stand out from the crowd

For advertising posters that can be found on the territory of Russia, the usual Times or Arial font type is used. The size of the letters depends on the size of the entire poster used. According to experts, handwritten type is not suitable for outdoor advertising. It is used for writing leaflets and letters.

Highly strong influence influences the psychology of the future potential client color combination letters and the main background of the poster.

As an example:

  • the background of the poster is green and the letters are white;
  • yellow background and green letters;
  • yellow letters on a black background.

Some color combinations unsuitable for outdoor advertising:

  • black background and blue or purple letters;
  • blue or purple background and black letters.

Color combinations are considered neutral:

  • white background, blue letters;
  • blue background and blue letters;
  • blue background and purple letters.

Statistics show that perception deteriorates in the following sequence (note that for advertising, the order is usually the opposite, as it is necessary to attract attention):

  • black letters on yellow background
  • black letters on white background
  • yellow letters on black background
  • white letters on black background
  • blue letters on white background
  • white letters on blue background
  • blue letters on yellow background
  • yellow letters on blue background
  • green letters on white background
  • white letters on a green background
  • brown letters on white background
  • white letters on brown background
  • brown letters on yellow background
  • yellow letters on brown background
  • red letters on white background
  • white letters on a red background
  • red letters on yellow background
  • yellow letters on red background

Aggressive and non-aggressive "color combinations

According to psychologists, there are “aggressive” and “non-aggressive” color combinations.

“Aggressive” combinations cause a surge of negative emotions in the consumer, and, as a result, negative perception of information from an advertising poster.
For example, a poster advertising a double boiler that uses red and black colors will be remembered for a long time, but it will not cause a desire to buy this technique.

Example two: a ripe peach, depicted on a light background, looks very appetizing, and a dark background will make it tasteless, despite its ripeness.

The "aggressive" combinations include: red, black, purple, brown.
Neutral colors: blue and white.

Always measure your results

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is imperative to test the results from each advertising material.
It may sound banal, but in most cases outdoor advertising DOES NOT WORK!
Before ordering a banner, billboard or other advertisement, think about how you will analyze its effectiveness.
Always consider the cost of your ad and what kind of results it has brought.
It is commonplace to measure how many visitors to your store or office before and how many after. What percentage of them were converted into buyers.
Introduce deadline elements, this greatly increases the return, for example.

Flowers are not essential items. It is possible to live without them; they are acquired not to satisfy a vital need, but exclusively at the call of the soul. It is good that in the culture of most countries, including ours, the idea that the gifts of flora is a luxury that is not worth spending money does not prevail. Traditionally in Russia, flowers are considered a proven key to a lady's heart; a great way to show respect to a colleague, teacher, boss; an impeccable, always appropriate gift and an opportunity simply available at any time to cheer yourself up, your beloved.

Russian flower market in figures

According to estimates by Global Research Consulting, the volume of the Russian flower market in 2015 amounted to 1.77 billion pieces of flowers. However, the so-called "gray imports", as well as the plants grown in domestic individual farms, did not fall into the field of view of all-knowing statistics. Official imports make up 82% of the domestic flower assortment. The main suppliers of fragrant beauty are the Netherlands, China, Kenya, Israel, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, Colombia and Ethiopia.

Thus, our floristic market is in reality much more significant than can be judged by official data, and Russia is one of the largest consumers of flower products in the world.

The profitability of the local flower business in financial terms is still slightly decreasing due to the weakening of the national currency - in 2015 the market volume did not exceed two and a half billion dollars, decreasing by 27% compared to the previous year. However, people will never stop buying flowers without even having sufficient funds. There is a reason for this, and buying a bouquet for no reason is a proven way to open the door to a holiday in your life. Consumer habits of Russians have noticeably changed: now you don't have to wait for February 23 or March 8, September 1 or an anniversary: ​​flowers began to be given without reference to the event, but simply as a sign of affection and respect.

BusinesStat analysts are confident that a temporary decline in profitability is not a hindrance to sales growth. For 2019, experts predict the sale of two and a half billion flowers to Russian consumers.

If in 2010 the cost of one Russian for flowers was 808 rubles, in 2016 this amount almost doubled: to 1,529 rubles. According to forecasts, in 2017 every Russian will approximately spend up to 1,713 rubles on bouquets, in a year - 1,919 rubles, and in 2019 - almost 2,200 rubles.

In terms of pieces, the growth in flower consumption looks like this: in 2010, a resident of the Russian Federation bought an average of 11 copies of flowers annually. In 2016 - 16 pieces, in 2017 - 18. It is assumed that in 2018 the Russian's house will be decorated with eighteen flowers during the year, and in 2019 - twenty.

Addresses and appearance of selling flowers in the capital

The large number of flower shops is a consequence of the high profitability of sales and the relatively low cost of entering this business.

According to research by Eventus Consulting, retail flowers are most often sold in pavilions and stalls (70%). However, there is a trend towards an increase in the share of specialized stores. In some regions, shops account for 20%, and in large cities flower boutiques are becoming fashionable.

In Moscow, the main "meeting point" for sellers and buyers of delicate goods is the Riga market, which supplies the owners of floristic shops and small wholesale intermediary traders serving stalls in sleeping areas.

The location of a flower shop directly affects its profitability. When analyzing the business map of the area surrounding the outlet, you can predict the likely contingent of buyers. The most advantageous location of the flower shop is the intersection of active human flows. The presence of an entertainment center, school, supermarket nearby is an excuse for visiting the store by idly strolling curious people living in the neighborhood. The presence of a number of business centers and enterprises will enrich the salon with a solid clientele capable of large orders on the eve of national and corporate holidays.

The cyclical nature of the flower business

The cost of flowers for the consumer exceeds the purchase price by two - three and a half times. This is on weekdays. On holidays, the figure is higher. The bill for a bouquet on the "red days of the calendar" increases by ten percent, and sales grow 8-10 times.
The stereotype about the maximum turnover on the eighth of March holiday, when almost all the fair sex are presented with fragrant gifts, is not entirely true. Most of the flowers are sold the day before, March 7th. If the bouquets are for ladies colleagues, school teachers or college teachers, they are handed over before the weekend. In total, Muscovites buy about thirty million flowers for International Women's Day. The income on these days is comparable to the income of merchants for 3 - 4 regular months.
Valentine's Day is another holiday for florists, when a bouquet or a basket can be supplemented with symbols: a heart, a soft toy and significantly raise the price.
On May 9th, many institutions are eager to honor veterans with flowers (especially the traditional red carnation).
September 1st again gives flower sellers the opportunity to dramatically increase sales.

The role of signage for flower shops

Since the consumer has unlimited choice: the capital is full of flowers, the task of the store sign is to attract the attention of a potential client, lure him into this particular salon and push him to buy.

Respectable flower shops are open until late, or even around the clock, because in many cases bouquets are needed just closer to the night, when the time comes for love dates, romantic dinners, and theatrical premieres. It is due to the frequent binding of the activity of a flower salon to twilight that a sign without illumination is money down the drain.

The sign of the flower shop should unambiguously represent the product and distinguish the outlet from the number of nearby establishments. She is obliged not only to inform about the product, but also to create the anticipation of the holiday. Often, in addition to letters, the sign contains floristic images: to evoke the corresponding associations.

  1. Volumetric letters.
  2. Logos.
  3. Lightboxes.
  4. Panel brackets.
  5. Pavement signs.
  6. Arrows.
  7. Showcase stickers.
  8. Printing products: booklets, postcards, leaflets, flyers, business cards.

VOLUME LETTERS are a widespread type of outdoor advertising, the most demanded and effective. Constructed from such letters, the inscriptions "Flowers", "Flora", "Flowers for beloved mother" and the like immediately make it clear what the store is rich in. The inscription can act as the only decorative accent and informative source, but more often it is included in the composition, collected from several types of outdoor advertising.

Our habitation in three-dimensional space is due to the self-evident fact that we see three-dimensional objects around us, casting shadows. The human eye perceives 3D objects better than flat ones. That is why volumetric fonts have almost universally ousted their two-dimensional counterparts from advertising use.

Types of volumetric letters

  • not light;
  • with internal direct glow;
  • with internal direct and lateral glow;
  • with open dynamic backlighting by LEDs on the front facade;
  • with backlighting on the back side (can be used for flat letters as well).

As a light source, in most cases, LEDs are used, which by a wide margin prevail over their outdated predecessors (fluorescent and neon lamps) in many respects: economical consumption of electricity, brightness of radiance, duration of operation, safety, environmental friendliness, resistance to atmospheric phenomena.

LIGHTBOX - a light box with internal LED illumination.

BRACKET PANEL - one of the types of light box lightbox. It can be one-sided or two-sided. This structure is attached to a wall or mast.

STENDER (in common parlance "passing" or "spotting") is a portable compact mobile structure, which is located on the sidewalk near the advertised object. It contains information about the store and, in most cases, a directional arrow.

The role of a pillar sign for the flower business can hardly be overestimated. The buyer is not obliged to wander in search of a store. If the point of sale is located away from transport and pedestrian arteries, be sure to take care of the signs. These are pillars and / or arrow-shaped signs with a name and other information that will lure real buyers planning to buy flowers into a pavilion lurking in the courtyard.

The presence of a pillar allows you to influence the human flows that existed before the opening of the flower shop, and redirect people in the right direction. The aforementioned arrows on the walls of houses perform the same role, and they must be placed correctly: at points that are visible to most passers-by. In case of good neighborly relations with the owners of nearby establishments that are not competitors (restaurants, shops of a different profile), you can place a pillar or sign in the premises of another businessman.

There is an option to go further along the path of cooperation and organize partner sales with representatives of related businesses, placing pillars and even product samples in beauty salons, clubs, restaurants, event agencies, and interior design studios.

STICKERS ON THE DISPLAY CASE - an additional accent in the decoration of the store. Floral and geometric ornaments, ornate lace patterns are a distinctive feature of advertising for flower salons. These elements are most often present on display glass, rhyming with the general design style.

PRINTING PRODUCTS - business cards, postcards, leaflets, flyers. This is an additional way to attract customers by distributing products from promoters. The printing area also includes road advertising designed for drivers: information sheets on poles, signaling the proximity of the store.

Printing products are widely used during the salon's promotions. The flyer offered to potential buyers, according to proven advertising practices, includes:

  1. An offer is some kind of tempting trick for a thrifty buyer: a promise of gifts, a crossed out old price.
  2. Limitation (deadline) - the buyer is frightened by limiting: either by time or by quantity. Time limitation - information that a favorable price offer fits into the framework of just a few days. Limit on quantity - the message that there are fewer and fewer “inexpensive bouquets”.
  3. The call to act immediately, that is, to buy promotional products (call to action).

The decoration of the leaflet is kept in the general style of the store's design.

Our company takes into account all the above rules for optimizing the trading process, organizing advertising campaigns for its clients. Famous brands Tsvetochny Ryad, Tsvetysh.RF, Flo Fresh Flowers, My Flowers are among our satisfied customers.


Tsvetochny Ryad is a chain of flower supermarkets that has existed since 2012 and cooperates with trusted suppliers. In Moscow, the number of round-the-clock stores of the chain has reached thirty-eight, deployed in different districts.
With the help of professional florists, the buyer can compose and decorate a unique bouquet according to his preferences. In addition to cut flowers at low prices due to wholesale purchases and optimized logistics, shops offer plants in pots, postcards, and soft toys.
One of the priority directions of the brand is floral arrangements for the wedding ceremony. This is the bride's bouquet, the decoration of the banquet hall, and flower arrangements on the tables. You can order in the "Flower Row" not only wedding decoration, but also decoration with flowers of any solemn event or holiday. Regular customers receive a discount card with a savings of 5%.
To decorate the stores of the Tsvetochny Ryad chain, we used the advantages of red, which is traditionally considered a symbol of love and passion. Red in combination with contrasting white is the "highlight" of the salons. The design of the sign is sure to emphasize the 24-hour opening hours of the stores. The entrances to most retail outlets are decorated with giant stylized images of red, white and purple tulips, wreaths surrounding the doors. The chain's logo - a Provence-style cart filled with multi-colored field and garden flowers - makes the brand recognizable from afar.


The Tsvetysh.RF retail chain has been doing well on the Moscow market for a whole decade. Flowers reach the buyer in two ways: by courier delivery of a bouquet ordered on the Internet, selected from the range on the website (within the Moscow Ring Road for free), or by self-pickup methods from one of twenty-three salons of the city. Both the site and the salons provide services around the clock. Qualified florists make elegant compositions, the bouquet can be supplemented with a soft toy, postcard, souvenir.
For regular customers who have registered on the site, a cumulative system of discounts up to 30% is provided. Among the current promotions - a certificate as a gift when purchasing a bouquet for a haircut or manicure from a partner - the federal network "Point of Beauty".
Our company has decorated the offline stores of the Tsvetysh.RF network with advertising products. The signs use the brand's signature shades - soft lilac and white. Above the inscription with the name of the store, like the rising sun, there is a logo: a semicircle of a stylized lilac chamomile.


The network of flower shops Flo Fresh Flowers has been operating since 2007. Since then, it has become a leader in sales of fresh bouquets and flowers by the piece, decorative accessories for decorating floral arrangements, soft toys and postcards. Specializes in round-the-clock delivery.
When decorating the salons, we used the classic color combination of scarlet and white. The emphasis in the sign was on the first part of the name: Flo. The reason for maximizing the font size of this short word is to make it easier for potential buyers to remember the brand name. The other two words - Fresh Flowers (fresh flowers) - are too long and incomprehensible for people who do not speak English. But Flo - an abbreviation for the Latin word Flora (collection of plants) - is laconic and biting. Red and white window stickers in the form of delicate long-stemmed flowers and butterflies were also widely used.


The flower base "My Flowers" has been on the market since 2012. It supplies fragrant goods not only to wholesalers, but also to those purchasing at retail. In the presence of the buyer, florists collect elegant, inexpensive bouquets. The assortment also includes handmade designer gifts and house plants in flowerpots.
When designing this outlet, we used design developments that have positively proven themselves in the design of signboards for the Tsvetochny Ryad chain stores. The entrance is decorated with the same bright figured structure with large stylized tulips. This is where the similarities end: other corporate colors have been used - purple, ultramarine, white and deep pink. The logo in the form of a large flower is placed on the bracket panel, and its reduced version in three copies is present on the sign above the volumetric letters.

The catchy and stylish design of flower shops, made by our specialists, is the key to successful promotion and business prosperity. For the "recruitment" of buyers, the most important thing is the "bait" in the form of effective advertising made by our specialists.

Have you ever thought about the fact that each color means something and causes certain reactions in people. You may not even notice it, but when you see yellow, red, blue, or any other color, different zones are activated in the brain that make you react in a certain way to what you see.

Very often the "right" colors are used in advertising to achieve the desired effect. If you want to draw the attention of a potential buyer, then use a bright red, if you want to relax, then blue or green. There is even a whole science - the psychology of color, which determines the influence of certain colors and their shades on a person's perception of reality.

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In this article, we will talk about how to apply colors in advertising, and how to make it, advertising, making the most of the play on words, sounds and all kinds of color schemes.

The right color in your ad can boost your sales dramatically.

Red in advertising sets the buyer up for decisive action. We are sure that you have noticed that red colors are used during the season of discounts and sales, as well as in order to convey some urgent and very important information to the buyer. As psychologists note, the red color causes a strong desire to perform some kind of action. This color attracts attention better than all others, fixes it on the desired object.

The psychology of color asserts that the semantics of red seem to say: “Don't pass by, pay attention. Act for the sake of acting: thoughtlessly, quickly, decisively, boldly. "

Red also has a certain sexual vibe and is often used in erotic advertisements. You should also use red in ads that target men. For them, it has always been iconic. Apparently, the male brain perceives and concentrates especially clearly on this spectrum of colors.

But do not overestimate the possibilities of red: it will be effective if used in moderation. Highlight a small text or part of an ad, and this will be enough to attract attention. At the same time, if there is a lot of red, it can cause some kind of disgust, irritation, or even aggression.

Orange in advertising helps the buyer to get a surge of vitality, sets them up for optimism and joy. Our ancestors believed that orange gives health and develops creativity. Experts note that this color is best used in advertising of medicines, goods for children, as well as various services that are related to the healthcare sector.

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The psychology of color notes that orange gives vigor and activity, but at the same time leaves a person in a calm state. This is its characteristic distinguishing feature from the red color, which also gives strength, but at the same time excites and excites.

Yellow in advertising adjusts to communication and sociability. Psychologists note that yellow is very sociable and open, therefore, it is best used in advertising of goods of a similar type. He also betrays calmness and balance to violent emotions, calms down anxiety, makes a person feel calm and comfortable. Yellow is associated with warmth and joy, conveying the same emotions to those who look at it. Surprising fact: this color is able to "endow" many objects with intelligence. Therefore, advertising of modern gadgets is performed in yellow colors, or all kinds of its shades.

This color goes well with red, creating an interesting fusion that attracts a person's eye for a long time. The Shell logo is a good example, and all of their promotional items are in these colors.

But do not forget that yellow is also used in a completely different interpretation. This is the color of risky and dangerous situations. It is on the cars of gas services and rescuers, on signs of radiation and all kinds of warning about threats. Tractors, bulldozers, heavy work equipment are also marked in yellow. If your ad is related to something like this, then feel free to take this particular color as a basis.

Green in advertising relaxes and softens, relieves and soothes a person. Green is associated with nature. He is very good at advertising various natural foods, medicines, skin care products. Green is often used in advertisements for hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, health centers, etc.

What else do we have green besides nature? That's right, dollars. Therefore, this color can be used in advertising of various financial institutions, affiliate programs, ways of selling and making money. In addition to the fact that it is not intrusive and relaxing, green also provokes a desire to try something new, to experience something that you did not know before. It is not for nothing that banking companies use dark green colors - Privat Bank (Ukraine), Sberbank (Russia), Rosselkhozbank (Russia), etc.

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It goes well with blue and white. It is the palette of these colors that is used in advertisements for all kinds of products of natural origin.

Pink color in advertising associated with romance and relationships. It is the advertising of products of this direction that should be accompanied by pink flowers and its shades. The psychology of color notes that pink enhances the senses, making us more tender and affectionate. The advertising spectrum where you can use this color is very wide: from beauty salons, advertising of perfumes and cosmetics, to marriage agencies and family centers.

Blue color in advertising also adjusts to feelings. Of course, it works differently than pink, and is aimed more at platonic, spiritual relationships. This color is associated with the sky and water, with purity, calmness, smooth movement and development. A very nice and neat color, the correct use of which can be very beneficial.

Also, blue is associated with spiritual development. Therefore, it will be appropriate to use it in advertising for various centers of spiritual development, yoga courses, some esoteric lectures and meetings.

Blue color- the most optimal option in advertising. First, he's not irritable. It is the color of water and can be looked at for hours. The most visited sites on the Internet (the same social networks) are based on blue. It attracts attention like red, but unlike the second, it will never cause irritation and anger. A very loyal color. It is even difficult to delineate specific spheres where you can use blue colors. They are ideal for advertising products that must be associated with reliability and credibility. Many companies use blue in their logos and corporate colors. Blue and its shades are best used by airline companies, airports, air conditioner and ventilator manufacturers, breath fresheners, mineral water, seaports and travel companies.

Blue goes well with white, and this is perhaps a win-win option. If you want to combine blue and some other color in your ad, then you need to be very careful so as not to create a repulsive effect. A good combination of blue and red is the US flag. But this, as it seems to us, is an exception to the rule, rather than a pattern. Blue is good on its own, and skillful use of it will bring many benefits.

We recommend reading:

Purple color in advertising it is not often used, but it should be given due attention. The psychology of color tells us that purple carries inner harmony and focus. It helps to go deeper into yourself, abstracting from everything unnecessary and disturbing for you at the moment. Another important detail is that purple stimulates those areas of the brain that are responsible for creativity and development. And it is no coincidence that creative people choose the purple color as the basis. Experienced marketers advise using this color in product advertisements that emphasize novelty and creativity, or when advertising is aimed at creative people. A few purple elements are enough, and your message will be perceived in the right way.

Black in advertising do not come across very often, and there is a completely logical explanation for this. For all people with a normal psyche, black is associated with something dark, gloomy, sad. He makes you plunge into yourself, experience not entirely joyful feelings. Therefore, try not to make your ad dark, do not overload it with black colors. Of course, there are world famous brands that use this color in their logos and commercials, but this is most likely an exception to the rule. And if a brand is known all over the world, then it can afford non-standard solutions.

We recommend reading:

White is the exact opposite of black. It carries in itself openness, light, purity. But don't forget that this is a completely neutral color. Although he will never cause irritation or negative emotions, it will be very difficult to convey the necessary message with the help of a white man. As a rule, inscriptions and drawings are depicted on a white background, which are aimed at ordinary familiarization, without further active actions. Using white in advertising, you will not be able to focus on something specific, to prioritize correctly. Although combined with red, white gives a great effect and incredible results. Many inscriptions about discounts, promotions and sales are made on a white background in red letters, or vice versa.

That, perhaps, is all that we wanted to tell. Now you know more about the psychology of color, and you can correctly use the right shades in your advertising. Always experiment, match colors, look for the best solutions, and watch the reactions of people. Good luck!

Or, on the contrary, to evoke negative emotions in them? We will talk about this in our article.

When the customer of the sign fills out the brief offered to him by the manager of the advertising and production company, he is obliged to indicate his color preferences. It should not be forgotten, however, that colors appeal directly to human feelings, not logic. As you know, each tone or shade of a certain color evokes a number of associations in the subconscious of people. Let's try to analyze how the ideas for choosing the color of the sign are born and how the chosen color scheme can affect the overall effectiveness of the advertising structure.

Free choice

There are times when the client gives the designer complete freedom of choice, but they are quite rare. Such situations, as a rule, occur when it comes to the design of large complex objects, or when the client fully trusts the professionalism of the contractor and relies on the experience of the manufacturing company or design bureau.

Compliance with corporate style

The choice of the color scheme of the sign according to the existing corporate standards of the customer is one of the most common solutions. At the same time, one should always be careful when approaching design findings implemented in the corporate style, since what is good on a business card may look extremely unattractive on a signboard or may not be approved at all. For example, not so long ago at one of the exhibitions I had a chance to talk with the owner of a flower shop, which is located on the Garden Ring. According to the new corporate style of this salon, black and white colors have become the trademark for it. But Moskomarkhitektura did not approve the draft of a black-and-white signboard for them, pointing out the excessive "mourning" of such colors.

The power of red

The next option is to simply choose red. As is known from psychology, it is red that is the most noticeable color for the human eye. I think about 30% of signage is in this color. Another reason for its popularity is the fact that red neon is cheaper to manufacture than any other glow tube. It is commendable that business owners want their sign to be visible from long distances, but remember that this color is simply unacceptable for some types of business. Red is the color of anxiety and danger, which symbolizes aggression and struggle. It is not suitable for pharmacies, restaurants, dry cleaners, post offices and other service businesses. But meanwhile, it goes well with the image of entertainment establishments, nightclubs, cinemas, shopping centers, car dealerships. Wherever fun and pleasure awaits a person, this color is perfect. In some cases, derivatives of pure red, such as cherry or red-orange, can be used to avoid negative impact of red on the audience.

Competitive environment

When designing a new signboard, one of the most significant points is the analysis of the situation in the place where the advertising structure is supposed to be installed. The sign should clearly stand out against the background of the surrounding objects. This can be achieved in several ways, for example, to make the advertisement brighter than the adjacent signage, to make it in a different color, or use the original manufacturing technology or creative design.

Fashion factor

An important aspect that must be taken into account in the design of advertising and informational design of an object is the fashion for signs. When several blue signs appear in the city at the same time, other customers gradually begin to use this color. Such observations were made by me during many trips to cities.

Feelings from color

Now let's look at the effect of different colors on the psychological state of a person. Moreover, this influence is brought up in us by the cultural environment in which we were brought up and in which we live. As noted, colors refer to feelings, not human logic. It has been reliably established that each color stimulates the birth of certain associations in the subconscious of a person. Each of the flowers in different countries of the world personifies the following feelings and concepts:

  • Red: in America - love, in China - kindness, holiday and good luck, in Russia - high activity, aggression and struggle, in India - life;
  • yellow: in America - prosperity, in Russia - sunshine and separation; in Syria - mourning and death, in India - splendor, in Brazil - despair;
  • green: in America - hope, in China - a luxurious life, in India - peace and hope;
  • blue: in America - faith, in India - truthfulness, in China - mourning (along with white);
  • blue: in Russia - night peace;
  • purple: in India - sorrow and consolation, in Brazil - sorrow;
  • White: in America - purity and peace, in China - meanness, danger, mourning; in Europe - youth;
  • black: in America - danger, test, in China - honesty.

Psychologists have established that all colors have additional properties inherent in them by nature or attributed to the way in which they are used. Some medical, physiological and psychological characteristics of color are shown in the table.

According to the degree of impairment of perception, color combinations are arranged in the following order: blue on white; black on yellow; green on white; black on white; yellow on black; white on black; green on red; red on yellow; white on blue; red on white; blue on yellow; orange on black; yellow on blue; orange on white; white on green; red on green; brown on white; white on brown; brown on yellow; yellow on brown; yellow on red.

Usually it is recommended to use no more than two different colors for the sign, which, however, can be varied due to their related shades. This relationship creates a sense of color consistency and does not irritate the eyes. If the perception efficiency of a black-and-white image is taken as 100%, then the efficiency of a two-color image increases by 20%, and a multi-color one - by 40%.

Another technique that works great is to attract people's attention through the form given to the object of perception. In particular, highlighting one element over others is an effective way to attract attention. Such an element, regardless of its spatial position, becomes a place for concentration of attention, automatically drawing attention to information located in its immediate vicinity. In signboards, this can be a single letter, highlighted in color, or simply inverted. It can be a character, volumetric element, or an image.

Having an idea of ​​the wide possibilities of various colors, the question remains, how to implement all these color solutions? The main assistants are neon and colored light-scattering films. These technologies allow realizing the most diverse in complexity and originality color solutions and at the same time ensure reliable and efficient operation of the sign for years to come.

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