Home Flowers Small inscriptions. Tattoo with an inscription on the arm with translation. Beautiful female and male tattoos in Latin. Women's inscriptions for tattoo on the collarbone

Small inscriptions. Tattoo with an inscription on the arm with translation. Beautiful female and male tattoos in Latin. Women's inscriptions for tattoo on the collarbone

Everything is very cool! Fast, beautiful and in general there are no words how you like everything! :) Success and good mood always, always, always !!!

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Master Pavel! This is really a master of his craft !!! Everything went calmly and almost painlessly! This was my first tattoo, but I am sure that I will come again and will definitely recommend your salon to my friends and acquaintances! Smile! ;)

Thank you very much to the salon and the master! The tattoo turned out very beautiful, I did everything neatly, quickly and efficiently.

Thanks to the administrator for helping me choose the font for the inscription and the place of application. I have already done my second tattoo, I will come again!

The benevolent attitude of the master. Excellent result. I was very pleased. The atmosphere in the salon is very homey and pleasant. Master Vasily is a real professional. Thank you very much!

I really like the attitude of the master towards clients. The master is a true professional. I have done 5 works for him and am very satisfied. Very polite and attractive female receptionists. Thanks to the entire Tattoo Times team. I will definitely come back to your salon!

Impressions - super! I would like to say a huge thank you to master Alexey for the excellent quality work! The salon is very comfortable and positive, I'll be back in a week!

The master is super! High quality and beautiful tattoo. Practically painless. A lot of positive emotions. The master suggested where it would be better to apply this tattoo.

Thanks a lot! I will definitely come again.

The master is a professional in his field. I am very glad that I got to him!)

I really liked the work of master Alexei. He is very responsible and delicate in his approach to his work and the process of tattooing was easy and quick. In the future, I will contact your salon. thanks a lot

You are best

I liked Master Alexey very much, as it was very comfortable. Very friendly and cheerful. I hope that when I decide on another tattoo, I will definitely get to him. The Mexican rules! :)

Huge sincere "thanks" to the wonderful master Dima! Dima understood exactly what I want: he drew a wonderful sketch in accordance with all my wishes, helped to determine the size and place of tattooing. The carrying was practically painless. The result is even better than my expectations! I sincerely advise everyone to Dima for his professionalism, calmness and confidence. And the main thing is understanding!

I liked the master very much for his professionalism and sociability. Will definitely come back to this salon again!

I was very pleased with the work of the master. The work was done quickly, efficiently, accurately and practically painlessly. In the future, I am ready to cooperate with this master.

I really liked it in your salon, you are extremely friendly and positive, everything is beautiful!

All super! Everything is amazing!

Everything was great. Very satisfied.

I got a very good impression of your salon. Quality of service, attention to the client. The administrator helped me choose the font, determine the size of the inscription. And of course, the very execution of the work left only pleasant impressions. Thank you Tatu Times!

The entire staff of the salon is very friendly and helpful. They helped me decide on the pattern. The master works very professionally. Absolutely sterile and safe, which was extremely important for me. This tattoo was my first but definitely not the last. I will also be happy to come and recommend the salon to my friends. I want to say to all the staff and Dima in particular, thank you so much for helping me decide on this step and enjoy the procedure and the result!

I liked the master very much. Friendly atmosphere, fast and painless work!

A good approach to people, very friendly with good taste and a rich imagination master. Nicely greeted by the administrator. Good quality salon.

If you are looking for something feminine and graceful, then we have collected the most beautiful tattoos for girls. There are no vulgar drawings with shadows and penumbraes that resemble granite monuments. There are no aggressive images with fangs and claws. There are no painted roosters and peacocks. Our collection is light, sophisticated and unusually beautiful.

Strength in weakness

Beautiful and delicate tattoos for girls can have hundreds of options. A tattoo is something sacred, the meaning of which cannot be explained. Before choosing something, think: what symbol, animal, image or pattern do you represent?


Floral motives are quite popular among girls. Fashionable princesses often want to put something cute and graceful on their young bodies. From the whole variety, you can choose the following elements:

  • roses;
  • lavender;
  • water lilies;
  • lotus;
  • lilies;
  • peonies;
  • laurel;
  • lilac;
  • Clover;
  • flowers on thin stems;
  • intertwining twigs.

Such ideas are chosen by girls with a unique feminine principle, who are able to see beauty in small details.

Remember, the fewer lines on a tattoo, the more harmonious it looks. Dotted space doesn't always look great.

Women's tattoos with flowers can be seen in the photo:

Birds and Animals

If you know your totem animal that guards you or you just like some kind of predator, reptile or even a cat, then this option is for you. On your body, you can depict any animal that is close to you in spirit:

  • Tiger;
  • dog;
  • panther;
  • penguin;
  • heron;
  • turtle;
  • owl;
  • Fox;
  • peacock;
  • flock of birds.

Among girls, cats, foxes and owls are especially popular. The drawing can be schematic or volumetric (completely filled in). Also often choose a tattoo with polygons (triangles).

Let's look at women's tattoos with animals in the photo:

Zodiac signs

Zodiac sign tattoos are an imperishable classic that is so popular with strong-willed Aries, stubborn Taurus, versatile twins, sincere cancer, royal lions and pedantic maidens. Here are the scales xs: like it or not. But passionate scorpions, lucky archers, intelligent Capricorns, mysterious Aquarius and delicate fish will definitely like it.


In this category, fantasy can take off on a limitless flight. Beautiful small tattoos for girls with inscriptions can be anything: lines from songs, words, quotes, mottos, mantras, #myyyuyu alwayssomnoy, #hugged, #onligadkenjajmi. Choose whatever you like, as long as you like it.

Aesthetics corner

Where can beautiful tattoos for girls be located? Wherever! When choosing a sacred space, you should listen to your heart, but remember that some employers strictly look at tattoos and do not welcome them. It is best to choose a place that can always be covered, well, so that the parents do not see.


If you have long hair, the tattoo is almost never visible behind your ear. You can always hide it by loosening the curls. Or open if you tie a ponytail or braid. But the thought that you have a little message on your body will warm you up.

The best ideas for women's tattoos behind the ear and on it can be seen below in the photo:


The sexiest place for a girl is her collarbone. The most delicate and delicate designs can be placed in two depressions on both sides.

Beautiful and small tattoos for girls on the collarbone can be seen in the photo:

Palms and fingers

The back of the hand is a wonderful canvas for a woman's tattoo. Even in ancient times in the East, girls decorated their hands with mehendi and applied marvelous weaves. Why not transfer your design to this part of the body?

The story with tattoos on fingers came to us from the USA. You shouldn't impersonate this with the zone and the convicts. Let's think that the best and cunning mafiosi decorated their fingers with letters and inscriptions. By the way, for hundreds of years of the existence of the mafia, few of them were caught. So feel free to decorate your fingers.

Remember that tattoos on your fingers will wear off quickly. They have to be updated from time to time.

In the photo you can see examples of beautiful small tattoos for girls on the palms and fingers:

Your wrists are as fragile as crystal

A chic option for those who constantly want to admire their beauty. Thin wrists may show:

  • flowers;
  • animals;
  • Houseware;
  • stars;
  • space;
  • phrases;
  • sweets;
  • bracelets;
  • and much more.

They always get into the frame and make their owner stand out. Beautiful tattoos for girls on the wrist can be seen in the photo:


There is where you can roam. Tattoos look great on the shoulder, forearm and slightly below. Images can always be hidden with a blouse, shirt or sweater. And if you wish, put on a sleeveless T-shirt and demonstrate your beauty to the whole world.

Beautiful tattoos for girls on the arm can be seen in our collection in the photo:


A tattoo on the ribs is a direct child under the heart. The sacred drawing can be filled in the intimate area, where not everyone can get. But in the summer, in a separate swimsuit, you can open your body and show off. But, just in case, take a piece-piece swimsuit so that the mother doesn't know about anything, otherwise you can sleep in the photos from the rest.

The most beautiful tattoos in the world for girls on the ribs can be seen in the photo:


The back is rarely open, and the owner himself never sees his tattoo from behind. But photographs with a graceful design can turn out to be just excellent. If you decide to wear a dress with an open back to a celebration, then be prepared for enthusiastic shouts: “Wow! You have a tattoo! What does it mean? "

Examples of tattoos on the back are shown in the photo:


Hip tattoos are quite popular in 2018. More and more girls are choosing this place for the picture. You can always stroke the stretcher, admire the pattern and take wonderful pictures. Most often, flowers or animals are depicted on this body.

Beautiful tattoos for girls on the thigh are demonstrated in the photo below:


A foot is a great option for those who want but don't know where to get a tattoo. On the leg, the pattern is not always visible. At any time, you can hide it with socks, tights or high shoes.

In the summer season, with ballet flats or sandals, the image will look luxurious. The length of the foot suggests some kind of stretching pattern from heel to toe. Most often they choose a scattering of stars, twigs of flowers, a flying flock of birds or a million hearts.

Beautiful tattoos for girls on the leg can be seen in the photo below:

Best Women Tattoo Ideas

We have collected the best female tattoos for you. Beautiful tattoos for girls: flowers, inscriptions, animals and much more can be seen in our photo ideas. Scroll, enjoy, save and choose!

Currently, tattoos made in the form of a phrase in English are very popular. This trend is not accidental, because the English language has a rich history, unique features and characteristics, and it is also widespread and understandable anywhere in the world.

Modern English was formed over 1000 years ago by the fusion of two languages ​​(ancient Anglo-Saxon and Norman French). Over the past millennium, this language has conquered the whole world. Now it is used as a native or second language by about 700 million people on earth, and it is also the official language in 67 countries. It is impossible to imagine any corner of the planet where an English-speaking person could remain incomprehensible.

Without a doubt, people who choose phrases in English for a tattoo are bright and open personalities who boldly declare their beliefs and principles to the whole world.

The meaning and meaning of tattoos done in English

Today, English is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, with approximately 800,000 words, four times more than Russian.

An incredible number of synonyms makes this language very informative, allowing you to fit your favorite philosophical thought or life credo into a very precise and succinct phrase. However, you need to be careful when choosing an inscription for a tattoo; when translating an expression, it is best to turn to reliable and trusted sources.

A feature of English speech is a large number of polysemous words, an incorrectly selected translation of which can radically change the original meaning of a favorite phrase.

It is interesting! The most polysemous word in the English language is the word “set”, it can be used as a noun, adjective and verb and has more than 50 meanings, depending on the context and form of use.

Themes for lettering in English

A lively and flexible English language is constantly in development, having been born many centuries ago, it has absorbed the styles and forms of every era experienced.

Having set the goal of choosing a phrase in English with translation, you can easily find your favorite beautiful saying belonging to Shakespeare or Winston Churchill's sarcastic thought, John Lennon's call for peace, or a dark aphorism from Tim Burton's films. The choice of topics and styles of statements is endless, everyone can find something that reflects precisely his inner world.

Did you know? William Shakespeare introduced many of the words used in everyday speech to this day. The words "addiction" (dependence), "eventful" (filled with events), "cold-blooded" (cold-blooded) belong to the writer's fantasy. In addition, the word "eyeball" (eyeball) has become an anatomical term and is actively used in modern medicine.

Styles of tattooing in English

A large selection of phrases and expressions belonging to people from different countries, eras, estates belonging to various fields of science, politics, culture, art and pop, opens up inexhaustible possibilities of stylistic tattoo design.

Fancy monograms or simple graceful lines, good old gothic or simple typography, sophisticated floral designs or modern graffiti. The chosen phrase in English will tell you which style to use.

You can come up with your own philosophical thought, and a professional tattoo artist will help in choosing a font and decorative design, you can use ready-made templates from the catalog, you can supplement the saying with any image.

The location of the tattoo-lettering on the body

The location of the tattoo primarily depends on the wishes of the customer himself. Some people like to have tattoo images on the most visible and open places: on the forearm, wrist, neck, chest. Others prefer to apply the image in such a way that, if desired, it can always be hidden under clothing: on the shoulder blades, on the back, feet, in the lumbar region.

It happens that the application of any inscription in English is more of a sacred meaning, in this case people choose images that are small in volume and place them on the body in such a way that tattoos are invisible even in summer open clothes. Before starting to apply a tattoo, its stylistic solution, volume and location are discussed with the master. A professional in his field will always select and suggest the best accommodation option.

A tattoo on the body is a very important and responsible decision. A beautiful and high-quality image will delight its owner for many years, while an unsuccessful tattoo is very difficult to remove from the body. To achieve the best result and excellent image quality, there are some rules to follow.

Subject to all the above rules, your favorite phrase in English will delight the eye for a long time with deep meaning and good quality of performance.

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