Home Flowers Margarita gymnastics. Wedding of Margarita Mamun and Alexander Sukhorukov: exclusive report HELLO! Sports career of Margarita Mamun

Margarita gymnastics. Wedding of Margarita Mamun and Alexander Sukhorukov: exclusive report HELLO! Sports career of Margarita Mamun

Even before the official end of the individual all-around in the rhythmic gymnastics Olympic tournament, it became clear that Margarita Mamun, who performed with all the apparatus of the first of the ten participants in the final, won the gold medal.

This was clear to everyone, except for the athlete herself, who completely concentrated on the competition and her performance, and her personal trainer Amina Zaripova, who specifically asked to be kept in the dark about the intermediate results. She is an emotional person, and therefore did not want to be nervous, and even more so not to excite the gymnast.

The fact that her teammate, three-time absolute world champion Yana Kudryavtseva dropped her mace at the end of her program, Mamun found out only after the end of the competition. Margarita unmistakably completed the exercises with a hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon and scored a winning 76.483 points. Yana Kudryavtseva received "silver" (75.608). "Bronze" went to Ukrainian Anna Rizatdinova (73.583).

The happiest day

Margarita's coach Amina Zaripova is a multiple world champion, but she was left without a medal at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. Zaripova has not the most pleasant memories associated with those Games. But after the awards ceremony, she had a golden student award hanging around her neck. Their common dream came true.

Before the start, I told Rita that exactly 20 years ago in Atlanta I went out to open the all-around, just as she will open the competition in Rio. I told her that she should do everything in her power so that she would not be hurt that day, ”Zaripova admitted to reporters. - I still remember that day, and these memories are not very good. So I asked Rita to speak in such a way that she would wake up and think of the final day as one of the happiest days of her life.

Coincidence, confluence of circumstances - who knows, but in the all-around qualification Mamun also made a mistake in the exercise with clubs. Errors literally sink into impressionable Rita's memory. But they tried to disguise this unkind sign: in the final, the gymnast changed her leotard and the ribbon on the clubs in order to start the tournament from scratch and complete the program cleanly. About "gold" then did not even think.

Rita and Yana are very different. Rita is so soft, sincere. Yana, as a true athlete, does not pay attention to bad omens or superstitions. Yana is a fighter and athlete with a capital letter. I treat her and her coach Elena Karpushenko with great respect and love,” said Amina Zaripova. - Honestly, I didn’t believe in this gold medal, we always lost a little to Yana.

Without envy and anger

Margarita, talking to reporters, struggled to find words to describe her condition. But Rita's eyes, as Amina Zaripova wanted, shone with happiness. Even the tricky questions about how the second number of the team became the champion, she answered with a smile.

All this time I tried not to think that I was in second place. I just went out on the carpet, worked and tried to fulfill my maximum. And at the last training camp before the Games, the coaches cheered me up a lot. They told me that there is no need to doubt, you need to believe in yourself, because I am one hundred percent ready.

In addition, this castling in the conditions of fair competition will not affect friendly relations with Yana Kudryavtseva.

We have this kind of sport. You went out, did the exercise, and if you made a mistake, you can only blame yourself. On the carpet, we fight only with ourselves, - said Rita. - The main thing is that in the end Russia should have "gold" and "silver". This is how our coaches raised us. We try to keep the bar. There is no envy or anger. On the contrary, we always support each other. We train together in Novogorsk, we go to competitions together. We are native people. Therefore, our congratulations, hugs, tears, everything comes from a pure heart.

Tears of happiness

Yana Kudryavtseva really had tears of joy at the fact that everything was over. But there were also tears from resentment when the athlete was waiting for the assessment after the clubs. In rhythmic gymnastics, the price of a mistake is very high. After the hoop and the ball, Kudryavtseva was the first, but one loss of the subject immediately put an end to all champion ambitions. The audience gasped, Kudryavtseva closed her eyes for just a second. She scored only the fifth sum of points. But she came out in the tape and again showed an impeccable performance. At the age of 15, Kudryavtseva became the youngest absolute world champion and successfully defended this title for another two years. Well, at the Olympics she will have to take a second attempt. Now she is only 19, and in Tokyo she will again have a chance to win Olympic gold.

I am very happy with "silver", it is like "gold" for me. And I cry because I'm glad that everything is over. Of course, there is a slight disappointment, because we expected a different result. But let's be content with what we have. After all, there might not have been an Olympics in my life, given the last difficult year, injury and leg surgery after the 2015 World Cup, ”Kudryavtseva noted. - True, immediately after the maces I managed to cry from frustration. I started to show character, they say, I won’t go to perform anymore. But the coach was able to calm me down, bring me to my senses. She said that we are no longer fighting for the gold medal, that we need to let go of the situation, smile and perform for our own pleasure.


Already after the signing of this issue of "RG", Russians Vera Biryukova, Anastasia Bliznyuk, Anastasia Maksimova, Anastasia Tatareva and Maria Tolkacheva, who perform without a spare this season, fought for victory in group exercises. In qualifying, the girls showed only the second result, yielding quite a bit to the Spaniards.

Margarita Mamun tried to give them some champion energy: "Girls need to get together emotionally and physically. Become a single whole. Then everything will work out."

In the final, the Russians, under the guidance of senior coach Tatyana Sergaeva, presented a program with five ribbons and an exercise with six clubs and two hoops.

Group exercises

Russians Vera Biryukova, Anastasia Bliznyuk, Anastasia Maksimova, Anastasia Tatareva and Maria Tolkacheva (head coach Tatyana Sergaeva) won a difficult victory in group exercises at the end of the Olympic competition in rhythmic gymnastics. And even though the girls showed only the second result in qualifying, yielding quite a bit to the Spaniards, in the final stage they still managed to get ahead of their main rivals - 36.233 points against 35.766. "Bronze" for girls from Bulgaria. The indicated results are the sum of two team exercises: completed programs with five ribbons and with six clubs and two hoops.

Prepared by Ilya Trisvyatsky

The gymnast at the age of 22 won all possible titles. She became a seven-time world champion and a four-time European champion, and at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro she beat the favorite of the tournament - a compatriot and friend, becoming the owner of a gold medal. In September 2017, Margarita married a swimmer and ended her professional career soon after. talked to the gymnast about Bengali roots, love of football and life after sports.

"Now I can eat cake even at 12 o'clock at night"

How do you like the first months of free life? What are you doing now?

It can only be called a free life relatively - I have practically no time, I do all the things that ordinary people do: first I prepared for the wedding, now I’m head over heels in repairs, I implement various projects with the media and new partners, I constantly travel around the world with author's master class. It takes a lot of time - in fact, all the free time. But I like it, because I used to live at the base in Novogorsk, and now I have so many new things!

Tell us about a new project.

One of them is the New Year's show “For Sport! City of the Future”, in which I take part, it will be held on December 28. In the center of the performance is the story of a young gymnast and robot Tespian. They, and with them the audience, will have to pass tests that will take place against the backdrop of futuristic scenery. It will be very beautiful!

What does your daily routine look like - sports have not been abandoned?

I try to keep in shape by running errands ( laughs). I do workout at home every day. In addition, I conduct master classes for children several times a month and always work for them at full strength.

Do you allow yourself something that was not possible before?

I can’t say that I deny myself something. I used to be able to eat something unhealthy on Sundays once every two weeks. Now I can eat a cake even at 12 o'clock at night, but when I can, I don't feel like it anymore.

“All my life I will remember the Olympics in Rio”

Why did you choose gymnastics?

When I first saw Alina Kabaeva's performances on TV, I asked my mother to take me to gymnastics. Now I understand that I made the right choice, because this is a very beautiful sport.

Did your parents force you to study?

I chose this sport myself, so my mother had to force me only when I had some difficulties. Several times there were moments when I wanted to quit everything, but my parents did not follow my lead. When I started to take a break, because it was very difficult to stretch and physical training, my parents took a tough stance. Now I am very grateful to them for this.

At the debut World Championships in Kyiv in 2013, you were considered the main favorite, but in the final exercises with the ribbon made a mistake and eventually became fifth in the all-around. What happened?

I can still take that championship as an asset: I became a two-time world champion (in exercises with a ball and clubs - approx. "Tapes.ru"). Yes, everyone was expecting a medal from me in the all-around as well, but these were my first starts of such a level, and it turns out that I was not 100% ready, especially psychologically.

Which tournament do you remember the most?

The first trip abroad - to Belgium. I remember almost every detail of that trip - probably just because it was the first in my childhood! And, of course, all my life I will remember the Olympic Games, which cannot be compared with anything.

Let's talk about supervised work. How tough is she?

Irina Alexandrovna is a rather tough mentor, but she can also be soft and understanding. Sometimes she allowed me to rest during a workout, and at other times she could say: until you do two clean runs or do one or another element perfectly, you won’t leave the gym. And the next day, she could almost by force send her home to rest after a difficult lesson. Thus, she tempers willpower, brings up the inner core. When you work with her, you give your best two hundred, three hundred, and even a thousand percent. It requires all those emotions that you have to show later on the carpet.

In general, it was the work with Irina Alexandrovna and Amina Vasilovna Zaripova that gave such a result: I became the Olympic champion Margarita Mamun. They instilled in me perseverance, patience, taught me to overcome myself. It all helps me now, outside of sports.

Remember the cycle of preparation for the Olympics. It was difficult?

The pre-Olympic cycle is different from the usual training. It started with us somewhere in January 2016 and affected everyone - coaches, doctors, athletes. We understood that our fate would be decided in the summer, a huge burden of responsibility lay on us. There was more training, competition and no free time. A month before the Games, we flew to Brazil. Trained from morning to night, brought the program to perfection. There were also complete imitations of the Olympic finals - training, warm-up, change of swimsuits, performances. Irina Alexandrovna was not with us at that time, but she was constantly in touch by phone - she controlled everything remotely.

What, besides the victory, was the Olympics in Rio remembered for?

I will remember those Games all my life. Moreover, now there are only positive moments in my head, although there was a lot - at least the story of poisoning (before the final, Margarita got poisoned, but still went to the carpet and won a gold medal - approx. "Tapes.ru"), after which I physically seemed to roll back six months ago. In short, those camps were generally the most difficult camps in my life.

Did you like Brazil?

I didn't have time to see Brazil. From the Olympic village, we went to the facilities under escort. All of us, including representatives of the federation, were asked not to walk around the city unaccompanied. Actually, I saw only Olympic objects. Unfortunately, it was not possible to get to the statue of Christ the Redeemer. But my husband says that the main thing is the medal, and we still have time to see Rio!

“My Bengali level? I remember a few words and can count"

By the way, about my husband. How did you meet him?

Sasha is also an athlete - a swimmer. He participated in three Olympics and won a silver medal in Beijing. Where else could we meet, if not at competitions! This happened in 2013 at the Universiade in Kazan, which also became a very memorable start for me, primarily because it took place in our country: there was incredible support from everyone around - fans, volunteers, organizers.

What was your most memorable date?

The most memorable and at the same time the most long-awaited date was the meeting after four months of separation, when I came to Sasha in the USA.

How did Alexander propose to you?

Sasha wanted to propose back in Rio de Janeiro, but decided that Brazil should be remembered for me by Olympic gold. As a result, my husband knelt before me at the Olympians' Ball, which took place at the end of the year in Moscow.

How did your parents meet?

In Astrakhan, at the university. Mom was born there, and dad came to study on an exchange (Margarita's father - Abdullah Al Mamun, a marine engineer, originally from Bangladesh - approx. "Tapes.ru"). First, dad flew to Moscow, and from there he was sent to Astrakhan. But they could have gone to Murmansk, for example. So it was fate.

Have you been to your father's home? Do you know Bengali?

Was. As a child, I traveled often, but when I started to train seriously, it became more difficult. It's too far to fly - about 25 hours with two transfers. The last time I was there was ten years old. But I hope to return there. I learned Bengali as a child, now I remember only a few words and can count.

What traditions did you inherit from your father?

My parents and I celebrated all Muslim and Christian holidays. As such, there are no traditions, but sometimes I cook something national. Well, the Eastern upbringing, of course, had an influence on me.

“I can come to coaching at any time”

In the summer, you said that you were ready to become the coach of the Russian national football team. According to you, Cherchesov's wards train less than Viner's pupils. Were you kidding?

Yes, there’s not even much to comment on here, everyone already knows the ratio of results and rewards in our football and in rhythmic gymnastics, for example. It was a joke statement, but for some reason everyone took it seriously.

Are you interested in football? As a pupil of CSKA, do you support the army team?

I'm not a big football fan. My husband loves hockey, I like tennis, figure skating. Of course, I support CSKA, I follow the results in all sports.

What are you planning to do now?

I plan to enjoy the moment. Until recently, I could not live for today. The years of a sports career were one big groundhog day: from competition to competition, from weekend to weekend. And I just enjoyed the end result. Now I want to be a good wife and realize myself in something new. I have a lot of ideas and plans that we are building with my team, but it's too early to announce them, let it be a little secret. Most of the ideas are related to rhythmic gymnastics. This is my favorite sport and I really want as many people as possible to love it as much as I do.

Have you thought about trying yourself as a coach?

In early September, 21-year-old gymnast, Olympic champion Margarita Mamun married 29-year-old swimmer Alexander Sukhorukov. About first love, the test of time and a sports family - in the material.

There is a crowd in front of the entrance to the Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow: cars line up, dressed passengers rush to the doors. “Are you at the wedding of Alexander and Margarita?” the porter asks. “You go to the second floor, to the banquet hall.”

There are still 15 minutes before the start of the celebration. The musicians are silent, the waiters are circling around the lobby with glasses of champagne. Loud laughter is heard on the stairs, and a flock of beauties in evening dresses flies into the hall - gymnasts, bridesmaids. A moment later, the groom's friends enter - swimmers, comrades in the Russian team. Many guys and girls know each other: they met at training camps and international competitions. They hug, exchange news and remember the Universiade in Kazan in 2013. This is where the bride and groom met.

I remember that I liked Rita right away. I was the first to write to her on the social network: "When are you performing?" I wanted to cheer for her

Alexander told in an interview with HELLO!. Since then, he has always supported Margarita.

I won thanks to Sasha. Specially tried in training to work out faster and run away on a date,

Margarita remembers with a smile.

Sasha became her first love, and he himself had not had a serious relationship before. After the Universiade, they lived in different cities for a year: Rita - in Moscow, Sasha - in Los Angeles. In separation, they talked for hours on Skype, wrote long letters to each other, which they still carefully keep.

Alexander Sukhorukov and Margarita Mamun Alexander after marriage registration, September 8, 2017

After the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship, Rita flew to Sasha in America - a 13-hour flight to spend two days together. And at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, the most important in Rita's career, Sasha's support turned out to be invaluable.

Then, at the Olympics, I did my strangest coaching act, ”recalls Margarita’s personal mentor, Amina Zaripova. - A few days before the performance, Rita got poisoned, she had a temperature under 40. In the hospital, she was prescribed a huge list of medicines, but at the exit from the building I tore it up and told Sasha: “Take a taxi and take her away from here. For Rita, the main medicine is you". Perhaps this was not entirely correct, but it helped: next to her beloved, she recovered faster and then performed well. After all, back in Rio I decided to make an offer to Rita, ”Alexander says about that time. - But then I thought that I should give her the opportunity to enjoy the victory.

Returning from Brazil, the lovers began to live together, and Alexander made an offer in December - at the Olympic ball. Solemnly getting down on one knee at the sight of cameras and cameras, he asked Rita to become his wife.

Especially for the celebration, the bride chose a dress from Alena Akhmadullina Atelier. "Margarita and I settled on a classic wedding silhouette and color. The dress is made of exclusive French lace with jewelery adjustment of the pattern during assembly and fit. But, of course, the most important thing is Russian-style embroidery, which took three kilograms of pearls and 150 hours of manual work," said Akhmadullina

They had been preparing for the event for a month and a half. We organized everything with the ONE SGM team, which manages Margarita's affairs, and a partner, the Samson Bouquet Flower House, who took care of all the decorations. And the holiday was made family, for the closest. When Rita and Sasha as husband and wife finally appeared in the banquet hall, the guests could only admire. She is small, thin, graceful, in a dress by Alena Akhmadullina Atelier, sitting on the figure; he is tall, handsome and fit. Both have been waiting for this day for four years.

All my life I dreamed of seeing this loving look from my son, - said Alexander's mother, Svetlana Vasilievna. - Sasha and I have a strong connection with each other, even strangers notice this. When I found out that he was going to get married, I cried. The son was surprised: "Mom, you don't like my bride?" On the contrary, I really like Rita. I just realized that my boy has grown.

The newlyweds with Alexander's parents - Svetlana Vasilyevna and Nikolai Vladimirovich

Newlyweds with Margarita's mother - Anna Yurievna When the photo session with the newlyweds began, the guests lined up in a row to get a memorable shot.

Sorry, but I'm out of line. As a parent, - Rita's mentor, Amina Zaripova, jokingly remarked.

Ritula was lucky, - commented the mother of the groom. - All people have one mother, and she has three: her own - Anya, personal trainer Amina Zaripova and the main mentor - Irina Aleksandrovna Viner-Usmanova. She grew up before their eyes.

Personal trainer of Margarita Mamun Amina Zaripova. “But at first I didn’t like Sasha. But when I looked at their relationship, I saw sincere and strong feelings,” she said
The visit of Irina Viner-Usmanova was a pleasant surprise: she is a rare guest at public events, and she had hundreds of students over the years of her career, so no one expected that the mentor would come to congratulate her ward. But Irina Aleksandrovna arrived. In a floor-length red dress, with a tiara on her head, she entered the banquet hall.

Of course I came! - deliberately solemnly exclaimed Viner. And then she turned to her fiancé: "There are many Olympic champions, but there is only one like Rita. She has not only a gold medal, but also a golden character, my dear, keep her like the apple of your eye."

Irina Alexandrovna was also one of the first to congratulate the newlyweds.

Today is an important day for Rita. Next to her are her friends, mother, brother. I know that her dad is also here in this room (Margarita's father, Abdullah Al Mamun, died in 2016. - Ed.). Before the performance at the Olympics, it became known that Rita's father had two days to live. I asked her mother not to tell the girl anything about his condition until she performed. I remember I told her: "Everything you do today is for dad. Dedicate this performance to him." And we won! It turned out that Rita's dad also managed to look at his daughter's number and was very happy for her.

From the side of the bride, her gymnast friends were present at the wedding, including Ekaterina Se-tei-kina, Ralina Rakipova, Alexandra Ozhi-ga-no-va--Merkulova, Elizaveta Nazarenkova
The groom's "team" included his fellow swimmers, members of the Russian national team The rest of the guests' congratulations were conditionally divided into "from those on the water" (Sasha's teammates and coaches) and "from those on the mat" (gymnasts and Rita's mentors). All the guests invariably agreed on one thing: these two were very lucky with each other.

The newlyweds prepared a romantic dance for those present to the song Time To Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli.

Alexander Sukhorukov and Margarita Mamun in A LA RUSSE Anastasia Romantsova dress

And then Alexander presented a musical surprise that he had prepared especially for his beloved: together with the soloist of the WeCanBand group, he performed the song "Master and Margarita" by rapper Basta and singer Yuna. The guests joked: "The song is definitely about them. He is an honored master of sports in swimming, she is Margarita, a lucky coincidence."

And now what my girlfriends have been waiting for all evening, - Rita shouted joyfully, taking the bride's bouquet from the table. - Ready?

The unmarried waited. The former gymnast, and now vice-president of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics Tatyana Gorbunova, caught the coveted bouquet.

Oh, sorry, not me, - sadly remarked the six-year-old daughter of Amina Zaripova and Alexei Kortnev, Aksinya. - This is all because they are tall and flexible.

However, a minute later the girl forgot about her disappointment and began to dance with the bride and groom to the song "Eyelashes", which was performed by the Brothers Grim group.

Margarita Mamun is a Russian gymnast who won gold at the 2016 Olympics in 2016, a seven-time world champion, winner of international sports competitions and rhythmic gymnastics championships.

Childhood and family of Margarita Mamun

Margarita was born on November 1, 1995 in Moscow. The athlete's father is a marine engineer Abdullah Al Mamun, originally from the Republic of Bangladesh. He died of cancer in August 2016. At the very beginning of the 90s, he came to the Soviet Union to study and met his love at the Astrakhan Technical University - Anna, Margarita's mother.

The girl has dual citizenship, and thanks to her Bengali roots, fans gave her the nickname “Bengal Tigress” (another, more affectionate one is “Mamunya”). Until the age of 10, she often traveled to her father's homeland - in Bangladesh, she was impressed by the bamboo thickets and lotus plantings, the ubiquitous cows and chickens that the locals started as pets.

Mamun started doing rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 7 - the Olympic village was located not far from the house where the girl's family lived. Before that, she did not do figure skating for long, but stopped because of her mother - Anna was afraid that her daughter would fall and break on the ice.

By today's standards, 7 years is a rather late age to start classes (4 years is considered the ideal age), but the baby was met halfway. And, as it turned out, not in vain. The gap in skill between peers and the distrust of the coaches only spurred the purposeful Rita.

Sports career of Margarita Mamun

In 2005, 10-year-old Margarita took part in the Miss Valentine Cup gymnastics competition held in Estonia. In subsequent years, the girl once played for the Bangladesh team (at the championship, which was not held under the auspices of the International Gymnastics Federation), but then she always represented only Russia.

In 2006, a promising girl decided to connect her life with professional sports. Amina Zaripova, Honored Master of Sports in artistic gymnastics and wife of musician Alexei Kortnev, became the girl's personal trainer.

In 2011, Mamun became the champion of Russia in the all-around and apparatus exercises. In October 2012, Margarita again became the absolute champion of Russia, and then performed at the Aeon Cup club world championship, where she took 4th place in the individual all-around.

In 2013, the gymnast again received the title of champion of Russia and automatically became the leader of the Russian team. Then Mamun participated in her first European Championship in Vienna. Margarita's team, which also included Daria Svatkovskaya and Yana Kudryavtseva, received gold medals.

In the summer of 2013, at the Kazan Universiade, Mamun received a gold medal in the apparatus exercise and in the individual all-around. The girl again showed brilliant results at the final stage of the World Cup in St. Petersburg, and at the World Championships in Kyiv and at the Aeon Cup in Japan

2014 was no less successful for the young gymnast - the all-around championship at the Moscow Grand Prix, a three-time winner at the Grand Prix in Thiers, a “silver” place at the World Cup in Stuttgart, 4 medals in Minsk - and this is not the whole list. Margarita's only failure that year was her performance at the European Championship in Baku - the girl made three unfortunate losses and took only 5th place in the all-around.

The following year, Mamun again proved to the world that she is a real champion - gold, silver and bronze medals at all stages of the World Cup. The girl also confirmed the absolute leadership at the Japanese Aeon Cup and excelled at the World Championships in Stuttgart.

Margarita Mamun at the Rio Olympics

Having traditionally started 2016 with numerous victories at international tournaments and championships, the girl went to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Margarita Mamun with maces. Grand Prix 2016

Irina Viner-Usmanova became Mamun's mentor in the national team. On August 20, 2016, Margarita took the "gold" in the individual all-around, ahead of her main rival and friend, Yana Kudryavtseva, who was awarded the silver medal. The 20-year-old athlete scored 76.483 points in 4 exercises (hoop, ball, club and ribbon).

Margarita Mamun in Rio at the Olympics

The victory was given to Rita at a double cost - in Rio she began to dehydrate, the temperature rose to 39 degrees. Because of the treatment, she had to forget about training for a week.

“Of course I'm happy. In general, I was calm. As Irina Viner says, she kept the Olympic calm "

After the end of the Olympics, for her high achievements in sports, Margarita received the Order of Friendship and the Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth". After the Olympics, the girl took a short vacation to rest and recuperate.

Death of Margarita Mamun's father

Returning home with a medal, Rita was met by fans and parents. Her father held her award in his hands and was moved to tears. And two days later he was gone.

As coach Mamun later said, the father of the Olympic champion was slowly dying from a serious illness (according to information from open sources, it was oncology). When Rita flew to Rio de Janeiro, the doctors gave Abdulla Mamun about two days to live. He lived for another two months - he witnessed his daughter's victory, albeit on TV, and met her, congratulating her on the greatest achievement in the life of an athlete. Otherwise, it is difficult to call it a miracle. On September 8, 2017, the lovers signed at the registry office in Barvikha. The date was chosen for a reason: their romantic relationship began on the 8th, on December 8 the Olympic ball was held, at which Alexander proposed to Rita, and they submitted an application to the registry office on August 8, that is, 08.08.

Rita's wedding was attended by her entire team - doctors, first coach, Irina Viner-Usmanova, physiotherapists and, of course, friends and relatives. Mamun considers Basta's song "Master and Margarita", which was performed by her husband during the celebration, to be the most touching wedding gift. Margarita and Alexander spent their wedding month in the Maldives.

Margarita Mamun now

After the Olympics, Mamun became the ambassador of the Italian brand Intimissimi in Russia. The girl said that she, who grew up in a Muslim family, has clear boundaries, but she still happily accepted the offer from a well-known company.

Margarita Mamun - about life after the end of her sports career

She officially ended her sports career at the age of 22. It cannot be said that this is very early - gymnasts mostly say goodbye to sports at the beginning of their 20s, or even earlier, however, in the case of the owner of the gold medal in Rio de Janeiro - 2016, for some reason I would like to hope that this story will still have continuation.

However, Mamun nevertheless left gymnastics, and the farewell turned out to be somewhat crumpled.

Having thoroughly celebrated her triumph at the 2016 Games, the athlete announced that she was taking an indefinite break: she wanted to emerge from the endless cycle of grueling training, recover from injuries and finally take up her personal life.

In early September 2017, during the World Championships in Pesaro, Italy, Mamun spoke about her career for almost the first time in a year, giving fans a timid hope of returning:

“For the first time I watch the World Cup, and do not participate in it. For me, this is very unusual, but still there is jitters, as if I should go out and perform now.

I haven’t left the team yet, I haven’t made official statements, I’m still in the Russian national team and anti-doping agencies also come to me in the morning ( laughs).

For now, I'm just restoring my back. I didn’t make statements, because I haven’t decided for myself whether I continue or not. Yes, it is possible that I will still perform at the next World Cup, ”R-Sport Mamun quoted then.

However, on September 8, the gymnast played a wedding with her 29-year-old swimmer, whose main achievement is the Beijing 2008 silver medal in the relay. A possible return to training has again been postponed indefinitely.

On November 1, Mamun celebrated her birthday and, apparently, after that she finally realized that by the 16-hour classes at the sports base in Novogorsk, her soul no longer lies. Three days later, the head of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics (VFCG), Irina, in a conversation with reporters, announced that the Bengal tigress would not return to big sport.

Margarita herself did not post a farewell post in any of her social media profiles, although she sometimes receives updates several times a day. It seems that her fans are more worried about the completion of one of the most important stages in Mamun's life than she herself.

“I liked the post, and there were tears in my eyes ... Rita, happiness and good luck to you,” writes Alina Divakova in the largest VKontakte group dedicated to the gymnast.

Some of the fans, on the contrary, rejoiced at the end of the frightening uncertainty around the career of their idol.

“Well, finally, Viner-Usmanova said this, and people can calmly speak out without fear that they will throw tomatoes at them.

judiciously noted Marya Markelova.

It is easy to understand why Mamun does not want to return from the comfortable life of a fashion model advertising famous brands of underwear, clothing and cosmetics, to the daily work of a “galley slave”, as Viner-Usmanova sometimes characterizes her pupils.

Starting gymnastics at the age of seven, she worked tirelessly every day and at the age of 11 she made a conscious decision to go into professional sports. To become a leader in the team of the head of the WFHG, where there is almost more competition than in international competitions, is a rather bold goal, but the daughter of a Bengali engineer decided that she could do it - and she was not mistaken.

In 2012, after the end of the career of the incredible Evgenia, the main views of fans of this elegant sport were riveted on Mamun - and she did not disappoint.

In 2013, the girl won the national championship for the third time and officially joined the Russian national team, and Viner-Usmanova immediately called her the leader of the national team.

After that, Mamun won gold seven times at the world championships (both in the team and on individual shells - ball, mace, ribbon, hoop) and conquered the European championship four times. The main peak remained - the Olympic Games.

However, by 2016, the Bengal tigress had a serious competitor in the national team - which was two years younger than her. Mamun's star began to fade slowly, and her younger competitor was already approaching the Games in Brazil as the main favorite. Gritting her teeth, Margarita continued to work hard - already without the annoying attention of fans and the semi-official title of "Kanaeva's heiress". Perhaps this is what helped her not to lose her head at the right time.

As a result, at the main starts of the four-year period, it was Kudryavtseva who lost her nerves: she made an unexpected loss in an exercise with clubs, which decided the fate of gold.

Mamun did not allow herself a single mistake in all four exercises and became the Olympic champion, pushing her opponent to second place.

More Bengal tigress did not please her fans with performances at official competitions and will never do this again. However, the athlete’s connection with fans has become, perhaps, even stronger: she conducts master classes ...

Participates in the show...

Filmed for glamor magazines ...

Attends social events.

It remains only to wish Margarita good luck in her new, social life, as well as in building a family hearth with Sukhorukov, who, according to media reports, also ended his sports career this year.

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