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For every man, regardless of age, the size of the penis is important. Even in situations where a woman directly says that everything suits her, representatives of the stronger half often continue to doubt.

Fortunately for men, today there are a wide variety of methods that can enlarge the penis by several centimeters without surgery. Many men confirm the effectiveness of these drugs. One of the most popular remedies is Titan gel for men.

Composition of Titan gel

According to real reviews of men, Titan gel is an absolutely safe and effective tool that helps to increase the length of the penis. There are many useful components in its composition, therefore, with proper use, the drug cannot harm. Titan gel includes the following components and substances:

  1. Protein and amino acid hydrolysates. These substances in a man's body act in a relaxing manner on the tissues of the penis, making them more elastic and capable of stretching.
  2. Thistle... Thistle extract promotes increased testosterone production in the male body. This has a beneficial effect on a man's sexual function and potency.
  3. Goryanka... The components of this plant have a positive effect on male potency.
  4. Elastin... Such a substance significantly increases the receptivity of receptors on the skin of the genital organ.
  5. Poppy... This component is a natural potency stimulant.
  6. Lichen extract. This plant significantly improves blood microcirculation, providing blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis.

After examining the composition of the Titan gel, you can see that its main part is made up of natural ingredients. Thanks to this, the gel has practically no contraindications and side effects.

Benefits of Titan gel

If we take into account the reviews of doctors and men who have used Titan gel, a number of advantages can be distinguished, which are not only guaranteed by the manufacturer, but also confirmed by patients. The positive characteristics of the cream include the following:

  1. In addition to increasing the size of the penis, men also note an increase in potency when using this gel.
  2. Gel Titan has no contraindications other than individual intolerance to the components of the product.
  3. The cream does not cause side effects if the correct dosage is observed.
  4. It is very simple to use Titan gel, the preparation contains detailed instructions.
  5. The first results appear already after a month of using the gel.
  6. The new dimensions of the penis are maintained even after the use of Titan gel is discontinued.
  7. Gel Titan passed the necessary clinical trials, due to which it was noted that 96% of the men participating in the experiment received the desired length of the penis.
  8. Gel is a certified product that is recognized as absolutely safe.
  9. Many men who have undergone treatment with Titan Gel have noted significant improvements in sexual function.

Thus, to summarize, we can say that Titan gel is an absolutely safe and effective drug that has passed clinical trials. The effectiveness of this drug is primarily confirmed by numerous positive reviews.

How to use Titan Gel?

Titanium cream is used for external use only. It is necessary to apply a small amount of gel to the skin of the penis, and then rub it in with gentle massage movements. You need to carry out the procedure once a day, before bedtime. It is advisable to choose a specific time at which the procedure will be carried out.

The course of treatment with Titan gel is at least four weeks. As a rule, the effect appears after completing the whole course. You can not take long breaks in treatment. It is imperative to rub in the cream every day. One package of gel is just enough for a month. Do not wait for the result after the first dose. During this period, only an improvement in potency and an increase in erectile function is possible, however, an increase in the size of the penis will occur later.

Does Titan Gel help everyone?

Like any other medicine, Titan-gel cream cannot help absolutely all men. The fact is that the body of each person reacts in its own way to the components of the product. Therefore, in some, the effect is excessively strong, while in others it is subtle. Of course, most men notice positive changes after using the gel, however, this is not a guarantee for everyone.

Before starting to use Titan gel, it is recommended to study the composition of the preparation in detail. So you can determine if the gel can cause an allergic reaction, or simply evaluate the effectiveness of the product for your body. According to the results of the study, the scheme of changes after applying the cream is as follows:

  1. On the tenth day of using the cream, the receptors located on the head of the penis become more receptive, providing more sensuality to the man during intercourse. The length increases by 1-2 centimeters.
  2. On the twentieth day, the duration of intercourse increases markedly.
  3. On the thirtieth day, there is an improvement in sexual function, a man's erection becomes more persistent and long, the length of the penis increases by 4-5 centimeters.

For some men, the scheme for using Titan gel may be slightly different. Sometimes representatives of the strong half have to go through two courses to achieve the desired result, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Where can you buy Titan Gel?

You can buy Titan gel today only on the official website. If you see a product on drugstore shelves or in stores, for example, in sex shops, then most likely these are just fakes. Titan gel is a certified safe product, the quality of which is confirmed by documents. If you come across Titan gel in retail stores, you should ask the seller for documents before buying.

The purchase of a counterfeit entails a great danger due to the fact that the composition of such funds is not known and has not been tested in clinical trials. Accordingly, not only should you not expect a result from a non-certified drug, but you should also worry about maintaining your health.

It is best to purchase Titan gel from official representatives who work directly with manufacturers and can guarantee the quality of the product. As a rule, you can check the quality by looking at reviews from real buyers. The average cost of a Titan-gel package is only 900-1000 rubles. This can be considered another advantage over other penis enlargement methods.

Typically, the drugs used for this purpose are much more expensive. The same goes for special devices, for example. Penile enlargement surgery is a very expensive method, although it guarantees one hundred percent results.

Contraindications to the use of Titan gel

The only contraindication to the use of Titan gel is individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to some components of the cream. That is why, before you start using the gel, you need to make sure that the product does not cause an allergic reaction.

  1. To do this, firstly, you must carefully study the composition of the cream before use. If the gel contains any components that can cause allergies, it is better to refuse to use Titan gel.
  2. Secondly, you can apply a small amount of cream to the elbow bend area and leave for 1.5-2 hours. If after this time on the skin does not appear irritation, rash or itching, you can use a cream. If such signs appear, then the use of the cream should be discarded.

In addition, you should temporarily refrain from using the cream if a man has inflammatory and infectious diseases on the skin of the genital organ.... For example, they can be. Particular attention should be paid to various manifestations on the skin of the penis, for example, redness, rashes, ulcers and various formations. It is not recommended to use the cream during this period. It is better to first get rid of the disease, and only then proceed to enlargement of the penis.

If there are any peculiarities in the structure of the penis, it is better to first consult a doctor.

Titan Gel cream has a complex effect, and also helps men fight problems with potency. In its composition, it contains exclusively environmentally friendly substances, and therefore rapidly conquers the modern market.

The composition of this tool includes the following components:

Beneficial features

The ointment has the following beneficial characteristics due to its multifaceted composition:

Similar results can be achieved only if you strictly follow the instructions and use the gel on a regular basis for at least a month.

The average price of the gel is 990 rubles, but it may depend on where you buy it. The manufacturer strongly recommends ignoring any offers that do not come from the official website, because resellers may deliberately inflate or underestimate the cost of the drug in order to attract attention.

The quality of the gel will directly depend on how much the gel costs. For dealers or unofficial intermediaries, the product may have a completely different composition, and therefore a different cost.

Where can I buy

You can order titanium gel on the manufacturer's official website, as well as from official resellers in your region. To do this, it is enough to fill out the appropriate form on the website, and as soon as possible the store managers will contact you to clarify more detailed information.

In order not to be tormented by thoughts, a divorce or a really purchased product, it is better to purchase the product exclusively from trusted sources. Only the official website has all the relevant certificates and licenses for the sale of this medication.

Another place to buy titanium gel is at a pharmacy. However, here the cost can be several times higher, and finding a remedy in a pharmacy at the moment is a rather difficult task. The manufacturer has not yet established work with pharmacy chains.


Titan gel has almost no contraindications, with the exception of some:

  • Forbidden to use by children under 18 years of age;
  • People with individual manifestations of allergic reactions.

In general, the manufacturer claims that the use of the product has the same effectiveness at any age of the buyer.

Instructions for use

The instructions for using this gel are quite simple, and the use of the product itself does not require a lot of time. You need to follow the following steps:

Testimonials of doctors about Titan Gel

Reviews of Titan Gel for Men may differ depending on which audience is leaving reviews. Experts adhere to a predominantly positive point of view, although many of them are still skeptical about the use of penis enlargement products. Below we present some of the expert reviews so that you can see for yourself:

Vladislav, sexologist

In my practice, there were many cases when patients wanted to simultaneously get rid of problems with potency and enlarge the penis, but until that moment I had not come across a remedy that would be equally effective for solving these two problems.

However, titanium gel solved this problem for me once and for all. It allows you to effectively combine treatment and penis enlargement procedure. Thus, after using this remedy, patients notice not only improvements in well-being and potency, but also the elimination of their main complex.

As a specialist, I should note that any problems of the reproductive or urinary system disappear without a trace in a fairly short period of time - in just 30 days. However, I also additionally recommended that you strictly adhere to the instructions for use of the product.

Unfortunately, in my practice there was a patient who interrupted the course of treatment for several days, after which he had to start the course again and even re-order the remedy due to a lack of the previous one. I recommend that you carefully follow the instructions and do not overdo it in your quest to increase the length of the penis. "

Sexual life plays an important role in the coexistence of a married couple. If problems appear in bed, a man seeks to solve them with the help of medications. Titan Gel is considered one of such widespread and demanded drugs. The instructions for use describe how to use the product correctly.

An interesting fact is that the cream not only allows you to diversify sexual intercourse, but also helps to increase the penis by several centimeters.

The composition of the product

The drug is available in the form of a gel. The composition includes natural ingredients that will not bring any harm to a man's health. The active element is the Horny Goat Weed, which is responsible for the state of potency. Thistle stimulates the male body to produce testosterone. The substance elastin increases the sensitivity of the penis. Maca is natural. The active ingredients in the gel are amino acid and vitamin hydrolysates. Before starting therapy, the instructions for use should be studied for the Titan Gel. Some men may experience an allergic reaction to one or another component.

If the dosage is observed, the drug "Titan Gel" does not cause side effects. The instructions for use describe how to use the medication correctly. All components have a natural base, which allows you to safely apply the cream to the penis. The drug does not contain chemicals and hormones. The gel helps to improve the functioning of many body systems. After undergoing therapy, men feel self-confidence, their general condition improves, and their mood rises.

How to use "Titan Gel" for men correctly

The medication is intended for external use. Titan Gel should be applied only to the penis. The instructions for use describe in detail what the drug is intended for and how to use it correctly. It is necessary to apply a small amount of the gel to the penis at night. The drug is gently rubbed in with massage movements. To get the result, you need to use the product within a month. A package of Titan Gel is enough for one course of treatment. The instruction indicates how much cream to use at one time.

During the period of therapy, you should not take breaks, otherwise the effectiveness of the use of the cream will be reduced. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to start using the product again after two months. But it should not be applied several times a day. An excellent result can be achieved if the instructions for use are studied for the Titan Gel before the therapy. The photos of the patients who have been treated are impressive. To improve the effect, special gymnastics, described in the instructions for the drug, will allow.

Does the drug help everyone

Do not assume that "Titan Gel" will help all men, without exception, to enlarge their penis. Everything is purely individual. But a positive effect in the form of quality improvement is worth expecting.

The unique composition of the drug helps to increase the potency of the stronger sex. Sensitivity also increases when using Titan Gel. The instructions for use describe all the positive results that should be expected after undergoing therapy.

When the first result appears

At the initial stages of using the drug, it may seem that the therapy is not at all effective. However, within 10 days after the start of the application of the gel, the penis increases by one or two centimeters. Changes noticeably Within a month, erectile sexual function is normalized in those men who had previously had problems.

You should not use the cream in an increased dosage in order to achieve a more tangible result. The rules for applying the product are described in the instructions for use. "Titan Gel" is really effective, if you do not neglect the recommendations.

Where to buy gel

A quality drug can only be purchased in licensed stores or pharmacies. On street stalls, it will be possible to buy a low-quality fake, which will bring great damage to men's health.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the cost of the product. The price of a quality gel will be at least 1000 rubles. The original drug can also be purchased at online pharmacies. Here the tool will cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

Reviews of andrologists about the preparation "Titan Gel"

If you believe the reviews of experts, this tool really effectively improves the quality of sex life. At the same time, the gel is practically harmless due to its natural composition. Adverse reactions can occur in men prone to allergies. Before using the product, you should consult your doctor. Instructions for the use of "Titan Gel" for men indicates that it is advisable to abandon therapy only for those of the stronger sex for whom sexual life is undesirable for a number of reasons.

After applying the cream, there is a significant growth of the cavernous and spongy bodies of the penis. The very skin of the penis becomes elastic. If you believe the results of the survey, in two courses of treatment you can achieve an increase in the penis by 8 cm. The most effective remedy is for patients aged 18 to 35 years. After 40 years, the preparation "Titan Gel" for men is less effective. The instruction does not describe contraindications and side effects. However, it is still better to consult a doctor before starting therapy.

Benefits of the gel

"Titan Gel" for men will help to significantly improve the quality of sexual life. Thanks to this, many manage to bring family relations to a radically new level. Urologists also speak well of the product. It is believed that by lengthening the penis, some serious pathologies can be avoided. It is no coincidence that the gel is widely used in medical practice.

The effectiveness of the cream is fully researched and proven in the laboratory. Titan Gel is absolutely harmless. The instructions for use also describe the gymnastics that should be done after applying the drug to the penis. Thus, the effectiveness of the therapy will increase even more.

A full sex life helps to prolong youth. The man feels cheerful and confident. Therefore, it is worth using "Titan Gel" at any age. But first, it is still better to consult a doctor.

What to use with the gel

There are many more tools that can improve the potency of men. Popular, for example, is "Taoist tea", which contains herbs that help enhance erection. During the period of therapy with "Titan Gel" you can also use this drink. It is completely harmless. Men who are prone to allergies should pay attention to the composition.

Khimkolin Gel is another popular natural remedy for enhancing erection. The herbal preparation improves blood microcirculation. Thanks to this, the erection comes faster, and the intercourse becomes longer. It is advisable to use the product after undergoing a course of therapy with Titan Gel. The possibility of combining several medications is worth discussing with your doctor.

Titan gel cream is used as a means to enlarge the penis, restore potency and erection. Whether it really helps with violations in the genital area, what is its composition and where it should be acquired, we will tell in this article. Titan gel cream has a natural composition that enhances blood flow, improves skin elasticity, and some of the substances are natural aphrodisiacs. However, doctors and consumers leave mixed reviews about the drug. Experts believe that in case of serious violations of potency, this remedy is ineffective. You can buy Titan gel cream on the manufacturer's website, this will avoid counterfeiting.

Titan gel is a new product recently launched that promises men enlargement of their penis in record time. Are there real customer reviews on the Internet about this tool, or are most of them a scam or a PR move of the advertising campaign of the tool? What does the manufacturer promise and how to use Titan Gel correctly? Are these ointments safe to use? Let's consider these and other questions in more detail.

What the manufacturer guarantees

The manufacturer of the Titan gel cream guarantees that with regular use of the product, the man will see the effect in the form of an increase in the penis by about four centimeters. The cream should have a positive effect on the duration of intercourse and potency in general. Let's study the description of Titan Gel and determine what is included in its composition:

Lichen juice (increases blood flow to the skin).

Triethanolamine (emulsifier).

Horny Goat Weed (stimulates attraction).

Peruvian Maca (aphrodisiac, but must be taken orally).

Thistle extract (wound healing agent, eliminates wrinkles, stimulates testosterone production).

Wheat protein hydrolyzate (smoothes, protects the skin).

Elastin (improves skin elasticity).

As we can see, the composition is a mixture of natural ingredients. It is rather difficult to explain the benefits of the presence of some of them, but if you read the opinions of buyers, you can find statements about the positive impact on the intimate life of a man. It remains unknown to what extent the responses about Titan Gel are real, whether it really helps or not.

The manufacturer claims that the effect of using Titan Gel depends on the individual characteristics of the male body. Be sure to use the ointment to enlarge the penis regularly and in courses, because natural ingredients act gently and gradually.

The opinions of buyers are unanimous in one: the composition of Titan gel is safe, hypoallergenic, does not cause redness or irritation on the skin. You can buy the ointment without fear of side effects.

How to apply

The use of the drug is quite simple and does not require any special skills from a man. How to use Titan Gel for maximum effect? According to the instructions, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Apply Titan gel to the erect penis.
  • Massaging, distribute it along the entire length of the organ.
  • Wait 10 minutes.
  • According to the instructions, after that you can start intercourse.

It is recommended to apply Titan gel once a day at about the same time. The ointment can only be used as an external agent. The opinions of doctors and customers indicate that the composition of Titan Gel allows you to use it as a lubricant during intercourse.

The manufacturer warns that you cannot take long breaks from using the product, otherwise the man will not notice any effect. It is necessary to repeat the course of treatment in a couple of months. It is important to regularly use Titan gel, how to use it, you can watch the video.

Dosage and ordering

How much does a promising remedy for men cost? On average, the price of a tube is 1000 rubles. According to customer reviews, the duration of using one tube is about a week. This means that the course of treatment will require at least 4-5 tubes of Titan Gel.

Titan Gel cream is not sold in stores and pharmacies, it can only be ordered on the supplier's website. In this case, it is necessary to beware of unverified fly-by-night sites, as there is a risk of purchasing fake products. According to reviews, some people have verified that in the end you will have a completely different ointment in your hands. You need to be careful and careful when ordering.

Medical opinion

On the official website of Titan gel, there are reviews of doctors, which confirm its effectiveness for the health of men and an increase in the penis. However, in other sources it is not possible to find any expert opinions or references to the medical research of the cream. Doctors who have studied the information about the ointment draw the following conclusions:

  1. Due to its natural composition, with regular use, the gel is able to increase potency.
  2. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  3. Increases the duration of intercourse.

However, the size of the male member is genetically laid down, therefore, one should not count on an increase in the penis by several centimeters per month. The cream is safe and does not cause any side effects. But if a person has serious problems in the intimate sphere, one should not rely on miraculous remedies, but turn to a specialist for serious treatment and examination.

Titan gel is a male intimate cream, which, according to the manufacturer, is able to improve erection, enlarge the penis by at least 4 centimeters and, in general, have a positive effect on the health of men. In addition, it can be used as a lubricant. The method of application is very simple: apply once a day with massage movements on the penis. The minimum application period is a month. The composition of the cream is safe, does not cause allergies and irritation on the penis.

To date, there are no reliable medical studies and medical reports confirming that the penis will significantly increase in size as a result of the use of Titan gel. Real customer reviews most often indicate that it is good as an intimate lubricant. If a person uses it regularly, the cream causes an increase in blood flow to the penis (which gives a short-term effect of increasing it) and has a beneficial effect on the skin. At the same time, buyers note the effect of increasing potency.

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