Home indoor flowers Is it possible to meet a Finnish man often. The most attractive Finnish men. - an absolutely real sketch from the life of a Finnish couple. And if it’s bad weather outside, it’s wonderful to sit in your house by the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket, watch TV, read

Is it possible to meet a Finnish man often. The most attractive Finnish men. - an absolutely real sketch from the life of a Finnish couple. And if it’s bad weather outside, it’s wonderful to sit in your house by the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket, watch TV, read

What are Finnish men like? Four "subspecies" of Finnish men. Finnish men are most "sexy" between the ages of 20 and 40. A Finnish man will wash, iron, and clean the apartment. Every second Finnish man is either a hunter or a triathlete. What is so attractive about Finns?

What are Finnish men like? Very different: calm and jealous, beautiful and not very good, drinkers, stingy, generous, jokers, etc. As in all other countries, they are different.

Conventionally, the Finns can be divided into four ethnic groups: Savolaks, Karelians, Hämalai and Pohjalais.

Savolaks are humorists by nature, and any phrase in their conversation will have some kind of pun or joke in it.

Karelians are sensitive and frank, it is easy to cheer them up and make them laugh, and in moments of sadness they begin to sing or play songs.

The people of Hämäläy are so talkative that sometimes it becomes annoying.

Pohjalaians are clumsy, stubborn and very constrained.

A Finnish site that specializes in men's health conducted a survey among 3,200 women to find out their opinion of men in Finland. The survey revealed the following facts:

Approximately four out of ten men in Finland drink alcohol on a weekly basis.

Every tenth man in Finland drinks alcohol every day.

Seven out of ten are most worried about work and money, and one in five is chronically short of time.

Finnish men devote quite a lot of time to raising children, and you can very often meet a father walking with a child or playing sports with him. If a woman is prone to romance, then she will miss this in a relationship with a Finnish man. The Finns themselves joke that a Finnish man does not kiss and does not talk about love much. One Finnish woman said that on her wedding anniversary, after five years of marriage, she asked her husband if he loved her. To which he replied that when they got married, he told her about it, and if something changes, he will definitely notify her.

Another married couple with 30 years of married life was asked what is the secret to the strength of their union. To which they replied that a loan from a bank and a joint debt. It is much easier to pay for the house and other things together.

Once a Russian wife almost left her Finnish husband because of flowers. On her wedding anniversary, her husband brought her a bouquet of roses. However, the wife only recently moved to Finland, and all this time she was sitting at home with the child, and she did not go to language courses and rarely went to shops.

So she was unaware that bouquets in Finland are sold only with an even number of roses, for example, ten or six pieces. Of course, Finnish men are not familiar with the color code, so if red roses are not available, he can easily purchase yellow ones. However, the man did just that.

Later, the woman complained in tears that her husband did not understand her, as she interpreted a bouquet of 10 yellow roses like this: “Die already, I have another one.”

Compared to Eastern and Russian men, Finnish men flirt and compliment women much less. Flirting here in general can be very dangerous, especially at work. Finns have a much longer personal space than Russians, and if a resident of Russia can let a person close to him by about half a meter, then in Finland personal space is about a meter. If you come closer, the Finn will immediately begin to back away.

As a rule, Finns are rational, patient and calm. However, if the Finn still lost his temper, then even a shootout may begin. Finland is in second place in the world in terms of the number and availability of legalized firearms. Every second man in Finland is either a hunter, or a triathlete, or simply enjoys shooting. And in the Finnish newspapers very often there are reports of shootouts motivated by jealousy.

But what is so attractive about Finnish men?

The main quality that is most valuable in family life is reliability. As a rule, if a Finnish man says that he will do something, then it will be done just in time. Owning a home is a pride for a Finn, so any breakdown or malfunction is immediately. The Finns clean the snow in the yard themselves, they also mow the lawn and remove the leaves in the fall. Finns clearly know their duties around the house and even do some of the "women's" work.

Such qualities of Finnish men, of course, are very valuable.

“What are they, Finnish hot guys? Are they really dumb?" - a student friend asked me when I first visited Finland. I tensed. Are they dumb? Stupid! But in its own way, in Finnish. In fact, this is not stupidity, but hypertrophied shyness. It is extremely difficult for a Finnish guy to be the first to approach a girl and start to glue her (even if he is not too sober). And if the girl herself does not take the first step, she will never know that she has sunk into the soul of this blue-eyed fair-haired handsome man. This is perfectly used by experienced Russian young ladies who meet Finns in St. Petersburg and Vyborg bars, immediately take the reins of government into their own hands, powder their brains on inexperienced Finnish men, quickly put them to bed, and marry them in a couple of months.

Most often, Finns from the provinces, not spoiled by female attention, come across in such networks. Of course, in big cities - Helsinki and Turku - everything is a little different. There are real dandies here who know their worth. Here you have a haircut according to the latest fashion, and a trendy coat, and a scarf matched to the color of the boots. Most likely, this "prince" works in some international corporation, in addition to Swedish (the second state language of Finland) and English, he also speaks excellent German or Italian. When some of our compatriots, eager to “marry the European Union”, get acquainted with such young people and are eager to win them over, from the outside it is often clear to the naked eye: girls, you do not reach their level. Come back when you improve your English.

The victory of optimism over experience

“Russians? Very beautiful,” says 42-year-old Eric dreamily, and immediately adds: “But very dangerous, very.” For several years in a row, Eric has been traveling to Vyborg, looking for his ideal wife. Periodically starts novels, but as soon as the matter is gaining serious momentum, he immediately reels the bait. "What if she cheats on me?" he insists. Finnish men love to tell horror stories about the cunning of Russian women. How a “friend of my friend” brought a Russian beauty to Finland, got married, groomed and cherished, and she, having waited for an official residence permit, disappeared without a trace, lost in the European expanses.

I don’t know what kind of mysterious charm we, Russian women, have, but even after a divorce from our fellow tribesmen, hot Finns again step on the same rake. They go to Russia again and bring themselves another wife. Such perseverance and the victory of optimism over experience are simply amazing!

Besides us, Finns marry Thais and Filipinas. A Finnish friend of mine brought a woman from Thailand with a child who is five years older than him. He honestly admits to his friends: “Well, yes, she is ugly, but in bed she does things that the Finns never even dreamed of ...” Meanwhile, independent Finns, in pursuit of similar exoticism, go to Turkey and Egypt for love pleasures - and give birth to children from Muslim macho.

Ideal dads

If a Finn had that same love with a Russian woman and everything grew together, then you have to make serious decisions. And much more serious if he had love with his compatriot. After all, people without EU citizenship cannot live in Finland as a common-law wife or husband. So, you need to enter into an official marriage. In a sense, this is an advantage for foreign brides and grooms. Finns, meanwhile, complain that their men do not marry them at all - they live for decades in a civil marriage, while making joint children and property.

Children for Finns is a painful topic. Not because there they are taken away in packs from Russian mothers (as someone who has read news about interethnic marriages might think). But because if a Finn has a child, then he treats him extremely reverently and no longer imagines life without him. Finnish dads, on a par with mothers, change diapers, wipe snot, dress, walk, take them to classes in circles. Even if a divorce happens, Finnish dads never forget about their offspring and continue to take an active part in their lives just as actively. In Finland, children of divorced parents very often live in two houses: a week with their mother, a week with their father, and everyone is happy. It is difficult for us with our (to put it bluntly, not from a good life!) mentality “Whoever the bull jumps, but the calf is all ours” to get used to it - in Russia, when a child is divorced, by default, they leave the child with the mother, implying that the father takes care of everything still doesn't want to. Hence the misunderstanding: if a Russian woman divorces a Finn, she is sure that the children are her property, and considers herself entitled to take them out of the country. Finnish dads are not ready for such a move, to put it mildly. In general, there is only one conclusion: it is necessary to negotiate on the shore. If you decide to marry a foreigner, carefully read the legislation in advance, including everything related to divorce and the “section” of children.

Long happy life

Finns remain incorrigible romantics all their lives - but only if it does not concern the contents of their wallet. Be mentally prepared: even during the period of courtship, no one will open the door in front of you, they will not bring flowers for a date, and in a restaurant and in a cinema you will very likely have to pay for yourself. But if the Finn has already fallen in love, then for life: these men rarely cheat and leave the family.

If personal life doesn't work out, Finns of all ages look forward to starting new relationships. For example, the dating section of the newspapers is filled with "I'm looking for you" ads. And no one is embarrassed that the bride can be under 70 years old, and the groom under 80. Even such old men light up at dances “for those over 40” - they are organized during the summer months throughout Finland. It happens that these dances end with sex, which turns into a long life together.

… My friend from St. Petersburg has been married to a Finn for more than ten years. Not to say that she loves him madly, but at the same time she feels very comfortable with him. “He never climbs into my soul, calmly lets one go on trips, never asks where I was late,” she explains. - And you know what? He is such a lover as you will not find in Russia during the day with fire. Gentle, attentive, he always asks me which position I like best, what I want more ... That's why we have been together for so many years.

Do you also consider yourself a connoisseur of any country? Have you studied the local men and the peculiarities of national romance from A to Z? Write to us at[email protected] – you might be our next erotic-geographical expert!

According to the latest summer rating, Finnish women consider 6 Finnish men the most attractive and desirable: 1. Elastinen(Elastinen) - musician, rapper. The universally recognized favorite of women in all polls.

So, in a recent poll, it was presented to choose from 45 candidates voted for him unanimously - 6,575 votes.

2. Tommy Liimatainen (Tommy Liimatainen) - recording studio director Hype Records' (Hype


3.Mikko Koivu

hockey player, center forward "Lviv".

4. Mikko Leppilampi - a young and promising actor, now also a singer.

5. Aku Hirviniemi (A ku Нirviniemi ) is also a young actor.

6. Michael Monroe - singer, musician. Unusually popular person in the country. His women appreciate for amazing sexual energy.

This is when I was young:

this is a couple of years ago, now the singer is 52 years old

And this is Finnish humor:

As the survey showed, Finns value cordiality, gentleness, responsibility and the ability to bypass "sharp corners" in a man.And the most desirable male trait that causes attraction is romance.

However, how many people have so many opinions. Many women I know did not agree with this state of affairs, it was decided to conduct their own "private" survey.

In total, 60 Finnish women expressed their opinion, we agreed to expand the geography and take a look at all the famous men.

It revealed:

the undisputed favoriteJohnny Depp. He is out of competition, he is like good wine, only more beautiful with age

Next, the "brilliant five":

1.Ville Valo ( VilleValo) - "a man with an angelic face and a devilish look."

And here, at home.

2. Jonne Aaron ( JonneAaron group Negative( Negative) - I like the "pronounced Scandinavian appearance" 3.Sir Chrismus ( SirChristus, real name JukkoMikkanen) - musician, guitarist

4. Lauri Yulonen (LauryYlö nen). By all accounts, he has a specific Scandinavian appearance, "lavishly spiced with feathers in his head."

He has an unusually sexy voice, for which the Finns forgive him for his short stature.

5. Lorenz Beckman ( Lorenz Backman) is an actor, a model of elegance and aristocracy.

and here he is, together with the fins, "celebrities" - in the sense of popular divas

Also selected were:

6. Valteri Filppula (ValteriFilppula) is a Finnish ice hockey player. (It is also presented in the thumbnail of our article)

7. Kimi Raikkonen is a Finnish racing driver.

8. May Chemical Romance (MyChemicalRomance), Gerard Way is an American, he was voted by a lover of emo style)

According to the contract, it is not photographed separately, it is, of course, in the center

9. Michael Hutchence - Australian singer, musician, who tragically died in 1997.

10. Rupert Friend is a British actor and screenwriter. 11. Paul Newman - American actor, director, producer. Died in 2008. 12. Mikael Ranlund (MikaelGranlund) - Finnish ice hockey player
13. Jim Morrison was an American singer, poet, songwriter, lead singer of The Doors, died 1971. 14. Billy Armstrong is an American musician, singer, guitarist, songwriter, and record producer. 15. Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) - vocalist, died in 1994.

In general, you noticed, Finnish hockey players are very sexually attractive to Finns.

And of course, let's not forget, the famous Finnish dance group was not included in the list. hunks They are also out of competition. The most coveted, the most desired.


Well, that's probably enough...

The Finns are also very proud of the fresh news that the famous Perez Hilton has now chosen a 21-year-old as her boyfriend Rivera Viiperi whose mother is Finnish.

An interesting thing is the rating. When the debate about who the sexiest and most charming of the famous men died down, it turned out that, in fact, my Finnish female respondents for their loved ones would like a muscular dark-skinned brunette, 175-185 tall! Here is Lauri Ulyonen for you.)

Finnish women love to travel to Madeira, where romance is easy, and are increasingly marrying Asians and blacks. Apparently in retaliation to them, or maybe for some other reason, but Finnish men are happy to look towards dark-eyed brunettes, long-haired, ruddy and, preferably, with a thin waist and lush hips. As a small survey showed, apart from Russian, or rather Slavic-Eastern (this is out of competition) beauty (Ukrainian, Polish, Moldavian), Jewish, Spanish, Caucasian and Asian beauty is highly valued here.

In this "situation" it is interesting to look at examples of female beauty in the understanding of the Finns - men. About those whom men called immediately, without thinking, "on the machine" read in the next issue.

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for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Did you know that in Finland children can listen to dinosaurs playing heavy metal, men can drag their wives to win beers, and mayors can be thrown into the water for special merit? In this article, we will tell you what else the Land of a Thousand Lakes is famous for, in addition to Nokia and the Moomins.

We are in Adme.en found the most intriguing facts about Finland that will amaze even those who have managed to visit this amazing country.

1. Parking for dogs at shops

2. Saber for doctors

Finns are one of the most reading nations in the world. With a population of just over 5 million people, the country's residents annually borrow over 67 million books from libraries alone. Here, private libraries can be found even at gas stations. And the most amazing thing is that in some large libraries you can borrow not only books, but also musical instruments, sports equipment and even sewing machines.

4. Dogs for reading

There are guide dogs around the world that help blind people, and in Finland there are also special “reading dogs” that help children learn the difficult Finnish language more easily.

5. The language of the elves

Finnish is one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn, but J. R. R. Tolkien was so inspired by it that he took its grammar as the basis for creating the Elvish language. It is worth noting that the Finns have 40 synonyms for the word "snow", but there is not one to say "please". But there are a lot of funny words that are not found in other languages, such as kalsarikännit, which means "to drink in your underwear." Also in Finnish there is no future tense familiar to us.

6. Bonus for returning from vacation

To encourage employees to return from vacation, Finnish companies pay an additional bonus when a person returns to work after a holiday. No one hides their income, because in Finland you can easily find out how much your neighbor or acquaintance earns, if you just call a special number.

7. The penalty depends on income

9. Marketing for introverts

Finns sometimes like to spend time alone, so there are bars in the country where you can drink alone (Drink alone), and shops even have special baskets for single shoppers (Sinkkukori).

10. Beer drinkers

The average Finn drinks about 85 liters of beer a year; for comparison: in Russia this figure is 58 liters of intoxicating drink per person. Not surprisingly, in Finnish shops you can easily find special promotions for buying 1,000 beer bottles at a time.

11. Houses for student parties

Almost every big university in Finland has its own "party houses" that students can rent for free to host any event, including those with a lot of alcohol. They look like ordinary residential buildings with a huge living room, several rooms and their own sauna.

12. Coffeemania

Finland ranks 1st in the world in terms of consumption of coffee drinks. Every year, the average Finn uses 12 kg of instant or ground coffee to make his favorite refreshing drink. For comparison, an Italian needs only 5 kg of coffee beans per year.

13. Helsinki is the most honest city in the world

According to the results of one unusual experiment, which was conducted in 16 cities around the world, the capital of Finland was recognized as the city with the most honest residents. The study was that 12 wallets were scattered in all major world capitals, which contained the following: a phone number, a family photo and some cash. As a result of the experiment, 11 out of 12 wallets were returned to their owners in Helsinki, while only half were found in other countries.

14. Saunas everywhere

For 5 million people in the country, there are about 2 million saunas - there are even more of them than cars. Every major company and government agency has saunas for their employees, and even inmates in a Finnish prison can visit a sauna once a week. And, perhaps, the most original place where you can not only take a steam bath, but also have a bite to eat is the sauna in the popular

Finnish man in detail

PIvo, fishing, sauna?Ormovie,wine,casino? And it would be bettereg, racing and guitar!

A typical Finn's morning starts with a mug (2-4)coffee, reading a newspaper or news on TV . The evening is more varied. Someone has a sofa-TV-Internet. Someone in the gym or for a run, someone to drive motorcycles or take a walk with a pet for 2-3 hours. If there is a child, then in the evening the obligatory “daddy time”. On Fridays, many head to the bars right after work. Most often, combining the pleasant - a mug (2-4) of beer, with the useful - billiards, a sports match on the big screen, or a karaoke bar. On Saturday they can sit with friends in some oriental restaurant - Asian cuisine, Mexican and Indian cuisine is at a premium. Finnish men love it spicy. Also required on weekends.sauna.

An additional sauna can happen at least every day - in the morning, before work, and in the evening after work.

In summer, of coursecountry house - where they go for the weekend to go fishing in silence by the lake, contemplating the surrounding and so close beauty of their native land.


Hobbies of Finnish men are known all over the world: every second Finn is either a guitarist or a racer. Everyday calmness and slowness breaks out with "incendiary hobbies": motorcycles, hard rock and sports. Finnish boys seem to be immediately born on skates, skis and clubs in their hands. And of course, water sports, running and climbing are typical hobbies of Finnish men.

Oh my god, what a man!

How much to weigh in grams?

A Finnish man does not sigh in the moonlight, does not strew rose petals on your way, but he is quite capable of rock serenades with a guitar. And most likely, he will offer you a romantic trip to nature.

They talk little about love - why? After all, the Finn does not throw words into the wind, if he once said that he loves, then he will definitely let you know if he changes his mind. If that happens at all.
There is no need to expect temptations from a Finnish man, flirting is a completely incomprehensible concept either by mind or body. The descendants of the Vikings are also not trained to compliment women. But your "prince" will not compose fairy tales, and a fork for noodles from the ears will not be needed.

Yes, Finnish men rarely give flowers, but only because Finnish women have not bothered to properly motivate them. Show once how immensely happy you are with the aroma and flowery appearance - run around the apartment with a vase, rearrange, admire, put your hand to your heart - and he will drag you the entire flower shop in his teeth. In general, northern men are completely devoid of creativity, slow-witted, but very accommodating. One has only to “show in pictures” what you want, on what days, in what quantity - and voila: rose petals, a coat served, coffee in bed.

Striptease, cruise, any whim.

Finnish men rarely take the first step. But not because they are indecisive, just because real men let the woman go forward, inviting her to “speak out”, well, what a Finnish woman wants, a Finnish man gives her.

They really appreciate a good hostess, but if a woman doesn’t have time, it’s okay! A wonderful, hardy Finn is very unpretentious in everyday life:
If there is no food, he goes to the store, cooks, feeds everyone. Recently, Finnish men have a fashionable hobby - cooking classes. They willingly spend their leisure time at the stove. He won’t hysteria about the dust on the TV either: he won’t notice, or he will clean himself. In general, the broad-shouldered Finnish macho buzzes around the house like a bee, rumbles like a vacuum cleaner and sizzles like a cutlet in a frying pan. In addition to these minor features, the Finns have a rare quality for men - not to pay attention to the appearance of a woman and not to notice her age, for example, a difference of 7 years “in favor of the wife” is generally considered the norm.

www.kvps.fi www.hs.fi

I I decided: I’ll put a gift for my husband on February 23 under the Christmas tree in the living room th. And then she's been without attention for a month.

If among the readers there are still women who have not fallen in love with Finnish men, then after the next paragraph even their stony heart will tremble.

The house is a pride for a Finn, so any breakdown or malfunction is repaired immediately and there is no need to ask. If he cannot, he will check how the specialist will do it. The lawns near the house are cut, the snow is removed, the windows are washed, the Christmas tree is taken out in early January. And in general, the Finn is “for” diversity: moving furniture is not a question, updating the paint on the walls is a joy.

And most importantly, Finnish men give a feeling of peace, reliability. They enjoy the routine of life, and do not require a constant holiday.

And as an incredible bonus, they completely share “female happiness”:

dress warmly
And in the silence of the alleys
We will go hand in hand
Walk before bed

- an absolutely real sketch from the life of a Finnish couple. And if it's bad weather outside, it's great to sit in your house by the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket, watch TV, read, talk and hold the hand of a loved one.

There is of course one "but".
A man, even a Finnish "racer and roqueR”, at home is prone to serenity and inactivity. Therefore, if a woman does not make an effort, almost the entire household and raising children will fall on her shoulders. Finnish ladies call such sloths “sofa potatoes”, finding which in their house they ruthlessly throw them out the door, in the sense of getting divorced. In Finland, it is not customary to literally kick men out of the house.

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