Home Indoor flowers Describe the rosehip plant. Rosehip cinnamon, or cinnamon rose. Useful properties of rose hips

Describe the rosehip plant. Rosehip cinnamon, or cinnamon rose. Useful properties of rose hips

Rose hip(lat. Rosa) is a genus of wild plants of the Pink family. It has many cultural forms, bred under the general name Rose. At the moment, more than 350 species are known (according to other sources, 150-250). Usually erect shrubs, less often lianas, sometimes low tree-like forms or almost herbaceous plants.

The stems and branches are usually spiked (hence the name).

Leaves in most species are pinnate, with paired stipules (very rarely simple and without stipules), contain 5-7 leaves, falling, less often evergreen.

Flowers are single, sometimes two or several, usually pale pink, 4-6 cm in diameter. There are forms with flowers showing signs of doubleness. Blossoming, usually in May - June.

The fruit is oval or ovoid-spherical, red, orange, purple-red when ripe. The color is due to the high content of carotenes. In many species of rose hips, fruits are high in vitamin C, which makes them valuable for medicine and a healthy diet. The fruits usually ripen in September-October.

Vitamins and bioactive substances in rose hips: vitamin P (rutin), B1, B., K, carotene, seeds - vitamin E. In addition, the fruits contain flavonol glycosides kaempferol and quercetin, sugars - up to 18%, tannins - up to 4.5%, pectins - 3.7%, organic acids: citric - up to 2%, malic - up to 1.8%, etc.; lycopene, rubixanthin, essential oil, a significant amount of potassium salts, leading trace elements - iron, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.

Rosehip fruits contain about 10 times more ascorbic acid (1.2 g / 100 g) than black currant berries, and 50 times more than lemon. Rosehip fruits have phytoncidal and powerful bactericidal properties. They are high in antioxidants.

Tinctures, syrups, decoctions of rose hips are used in medicine for liver diseases, vitamin deficiencies, colds and many other diseases.

Rosehip harvesting

Fruits are harvested during their ripeness period, when they acquire an orange-red color, from late August - early September until frost; it should be picked carefully, by hand, in canvas or other mittens, directly from the bush, and only whole bright red, unspoiled fruits, when they are still firm, trying not to crush them. Overripe fruits become juicy, soft and harder to harvest. Freshly picked fruits must be dried immediately.

The fruits are dried in well-heated ovens, on iron sheets or nets. To dry a large number of berries, nets with berries are placed on bricks in 2-3 rows, but it is necessary to ensure that the air has free access to all the berries and that the berries do not burn. They can be dried in fruit and vegetable dryers at a temperature of 80-90 ° C, and in the southern regions - in the sun. Dry rose hips are orange-red, sour-sweet taste, odorless.

If you have a summer cottage, and you want to breed a rosehip, then it is better to plant it in the fall. And for normal fruiting, it is better to plant two or three types of rose hips blooming at the same time. Rosehip begins to bear fruit in 3-4 years. The fruits can be dried, and in winter they can be brewed and drunk 1-2 glasses a day, like a multivitamin drink.

Rosehip application

Infusions from the roots of rose hips and fruits have long been used in folk medicine in the case of liver and gastrointestinal tract diseases. In case of stomach catarrh (gastritis) with reduced acidity, an infusion of 3 tablespoons of rosehip berries per 1 liter of water is used, 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Rosehip fruits are a multivitamin remedy with a predominance of vitamin C - ascorbic acid, they have phytoncidal and powerful bactericidal properties.

In Chinese medicine, rosehip root is used as a digestive aid and as an antihelminthic. In Tibetan medicine, fruits are used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis, neurasthenia, atherosclerosis.

Petals of cinnamon rose hips when chewed or in the form of jam are used for arrhythmias to strengthen the muscles of the heart.

Infused, delicate rosehip petals yield rose aromatic water. Popular in cosmetology.

Rosehip oil or oil extract is a derivative, the therapeutic effect of which is predetermined by the complex of vitamins contained in the fruits. Has a general strengthening effect, enhances tissue regeneration and synthesis of hormones, takes part in carbohydrate and mineral metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties. It is often used externally for trophic ulcers, certain diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

Rosehip fruits are used in the form of infusion, syrup, extract, powder, in the treatment of diseases caused by a lack of vitamin C and some other vitamins in the body. Rosehip fruits are useful for patients with diabetes mellitus to enhance physical and mental performance, relieve fatigue, overwork.

The drink obtained as a result of steaming rosehip leaves improves gastric motility, and the decoction of the roots is used as an astringent and strengthening agent for gastrointestinal diseases, for kidney and gallstone disease. Rosehip seed oil is used as a choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

The liver will be much healthier if you drink a decoction of rose hips several times a year with monthly courses.

Cooking rose hips

vitamin infusion

20-25 g. Of rose hips pour 500 ml. boiling water (you can use a thermos). Let it brew. Take 100 ml. half an hour before meals, 2 times a day (be sure to strain before use). Store the prepared rosehip infusion for no more than 2 days.

Dried rosehip decoction

  • 100g dried rose hips,
  • 1l of water
  • 5-10g of honey (sugar).

Crush the fruits, remove the separated hairs, pour the rest with water, boil in a sealed container for 5-7 minutes, let it brew for 2-3 hours, strain through several layers of gauze. To improve the taste and medicinal qualities, honey is added.

Rosehip decoction with lemon juice

  • 20 g dried rose hips,
  • 20 ml lemon juice
  • 150 ml of water.

Rinse the fruits, add hot water, boil for 10 minutes. Let it brew and strain. You can add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Pour in lemon juice.

Rosehip syrup

  • 1kg rose hips
  • 1kg sugar
  • 6 glasses of water.

Rinse fresh fruits, separated from seeds, thoroughly in cold water, then remove hairs, grind in a meat grinder. Pour over water and boil for 10 minutes, add sugar and continue to cook for 15-20 minutes. Strain through a sieve and bottle.

Rosehip drink with blueberries

  • 3 tbsp dried rose hips,
  • 1 tbsp dried blueberries,
  • 3 tbsp honey,
  • 5 glasses of water.

Mix the crushed dry rose hips and blueberries, pour boiling water over, leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain the broth. Pour the pomace again with boiling water. Combine both broths, add honey.

Vitamin teas:

  1. Rose hips and black currants (can be dried) are brewed like tea.
  2. Equal parts of rose hips and rowan fruits are brewed (they can be pre-frozen).

Rosehip wine

  • rose hips - 1 kg,
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - Z l.

Thoroughly peel ripe, non-frozen rosehips, rinse in water. Remove seeds and pour into a 5 liter jar, pour over chilled sugar syrup. Cover the jar with a loose cloth and place in a warm place for 3 months. Shake the jar from time to time. After 3 months, strain the juice, pour it into bottles, cork tightly and put it in the basement or in a box with sand. The longer the wine stands, the tastier and stronger it is.

Rosehip Pastila

Rub 5 kg of wild rose, peeled from seeds, add 4 kg of granulated sugar and 5 fresh egg whites. Beat the mixture in a blender. The whipped mass should be foamy, loose and should not flow. The mass is transferred to flat glass baking sheets, placed in the oven and dried for 20 minutes, allowed to cool and sprinkled with powdered sugar. This delicacy will delight you all winter.

Rosehip treatment (traditional medicine):

1. For chronic hepatitis of various etiologies, take 0.5 tablespoon of rosehip roots and the same amount of barberry roots and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat (preferably in a water bath for 30 minutes). Take 100 g before meals.

2. With heavy menstruation, it is advised to take a decoction: take bird knotweed - 20 g, cinquefoil goose - 40 g, yarrow -20 g, rose hips (fruits) -20 g, ordinary oak (bark) - 20 g. Take 1 glass of broth 3-4 times a day.

Rosehip (dog rose, dog rose, rooster berries, svoroborina, etc.) are long-lived shrubs. The age of individual plants reaches 400 years. They have exceptional adaptability to various environmental conditions.

Rosehip plant description

Rosehip is a shrub with even or slightly sagging curved branches, reaching a height of 1.5-2 m. In common people, a wild rose is also called. It grows in the latitudes of the temperate and warm climate of the Northern Hemisphere.

Leaves are small, oval, tightly fused with the base of the petiole. The flowers are solitary, but can be collected in lush inflorescences, emitting a fragrant sweetish aroma.
There are also shrubs with semi-double or double inflorescences. The flowering time of rose hips, temperate and cold zones, is short - late spring-mid summer. Fruits begin to set only in the third year of the shrub's life. Fruits ripen by early September. The fruits turn dark purple in color and hang from the branches until the beginning of winter.


All wild roses and species of rose hips (Rosa) bear bright red or orange, or brown, purple, almost black berries. A charming sight in autumn and winter in terms of garden design, however, not all types of rose are equal in fruit quality.
The most valuable (in terms of the content of nutrients) are the following types of berries:

Rosehip rugose, or Rugosa rose (R. rugosa) has the sweetest fruits in comparison with other rose hips. It is a widespread plant that has long been successfully naturalized throughout Europe and America.
Rugosa rose fruits are easy to process, rich in vitamin C and sugars. According to connoisseurs of rose hips, the fruits of the rugosa rose have the best taste, a bit like cranberries.
The shrub of wrinkled rose hips grows strongly, giving a lot of root growth. It is very decorative in the garden with its large orange-red fruits and beautiful foliage that turns yellow in autumn. In spring, the shrub is completely covered with fragrant flowers, pink or white (Alba form). Bred attractive varieties of rose rugosa with simple and double flowers.

Rosehip Cinnamon, or Rosehip May (R. cinnamomea, R. majalis), as well as its varieties are considered very valuable due to the high content of vitamin "C" and medicinal properties. The fruits of the shrub are large, rounded, red in color. The plant is widespread in central Russia, as well as in northern and central Europe.

Dog rose, or dog rose, or canina rose (R. canina) has the most medicinally valuable fruits. The berries are very large, round or oval in shape.

Decorative rose hips - Hybrid Musk Roses with dense semi-glossy foliage and burgundy young shoots - have red berries. Recommended varieties: Buff Beauty, Felicia, Penelope.

Rose Moyesi (R. Moyesii) comes from China. The fruits are large, deep red. The ornamental variety "Geranium" with bright red flowers and berries is recommended.

Rosehips originating from North America: wild rose hips (R. woodsii var. Ultramontana), wild rose (R. gymnocarpa), Californian rose hips (R. californica), Rosa spithamea and other species.

Medicinal properties and application

The medicinal properties of wild rose as a medicinal plant were known in Russia as early as the 17th century. Even then, wild rose berries were highly valued and released for treatment by special permission only to noble people. Rosehip is a multivitamin plant and its fruits surpass other medicinal plants in terms of the content and variety of vitamins. You will start looking for the rose hips growing nearby and you will soon see that the rose hips are different: with dark red and pink flowers - this is a cinnamon rose, and with pink and white flowers - dog rose. In the cinnamon rose hips, most of the fruits are rounded, or even slightly flattened, and in the dog rose, the fruits are mostly oblong.

Dog rose is less rich in vitamin C.
Rosehip fruits are used for medicinal purposes. They are harvested from the end of August to September, when they acquire an orange-red color, but are still hard. The fruits are harvested by hand in leather or canvas gloves. The harvested fruit must be dried immediately. They are dried in the sun or in dryers at a temperature of 80 C, spreading out in a thin layer and stirring often. The shelf life of the berries is 2 years.

Rosehip is a multivitamin remedy, a "piggy bank" of vitamins. Rosehip contains pectins, sugars, tannins, organic acids, fatty oil, flavonoids, vitamins A, B1, B2, E, K and P, ascorbic acid, carotene, glycosides, kaempferol and quercetin, salts of manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.

Rosehip is used as an astringent, fixing agent, prescribed for liver diseases, malaria, urolithiasis, colds. In Tibetan medicine, rosehip was used for pulmonary tuberculosis, neurasthenia, neoplasms. Rosehip is widely used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes for scurvy, bleeding, anemia, dystrophies.

Rosehips are used as a general tonic during the recovery period and in infectious diseases. The fruits are used for the treatment and prevention of colds, hypo- and vitamin deficiencies, with general fatigue and influenza infections.

Rosehip is prescribed for nephritis, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer disease, acute and chronic diseases of the liver, intestines, hemorrhagic diathesis, bleeding, hemophilia, adrenal insufficiency and hyperthyroidism. Rosehip berries give a good result in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Traditional medicine advises the use of rose hips for the treatment of headaches, osteoarticular pain, bone fractures, sluggish healing wounds, skin diseases.

Rosehip seeds inside the fruit have a choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
A decoction of seeds is used for urolithiasis, salt deposits.
The decoction of the roots has astringent, choleretic and antiseptic properties. The decoction of the roots is drunk for malaria and as a good crushing and dissolving stone remedy for kidney stones.

Outwardly, rosehip seed oil is used for abrasions and cracks in the nipples of nursing mothers, trophic ulcers of the legs, dermatoses, bedsores. This oil is used in dentistry: for stomatitis and gingivitis.

Outwardly, I use achene oil for burns, dermatitis, after X-ray irradiation.

Rosehip infusion is used for diseases of the kidneys, bladder and liver, and especially for stone diseases of these organs, as well as for all diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Rosehip plant. Photo

Rosehip plant. Photo: Antonio Foncubierta

Dog-rose fruit. Photo: Emilian Robert Vicol

Infusion of fruits increases the outflow of bile, stops or weakens bleeding, stimulates the function of the gonads, reduces the fragility and permeability of capillaries carrying blood. The infusion of berries also increases the regeneration processes of bone and soft tissues, accelerates the healing of burns, frostbite and wounds. The pulp of the fruit exhibits a slight laxative effect on the body.

Rosehip leaves steam has a good effect on the stomach: soothes stomach pains, improves its motor function. The same tea for diarrhea reduces the number of urge to stool and leads to "neutralization of gases."

The infusion of the leaves has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect and is used for gastrointestinal diseases.
Infusion of fruits weakens the development of atherosclerosis, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases and has a tonic and tonic effect.
Infusion of berries is used for anemia, weakness after debilitating diseases and a general decline in the body's strength. Infusion of fruits is also taken for intestinal or stomach ulcers, stomach catarrh with low acidity, for diseases of the kidneys, liver or bladder.

An infusion of fruits and a decoction of crushed seeds in German folk medicine are used internally for bladder and kidney stones, and infusion of fruits - for vitamin deficiencies.

In Tibetan medicine, rosehip is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, atherosclerosis and neurasthenia.
Rosehip fruits - used for making infusions, extracts, syrups; rosehip syrup - prescribed to prevent vitamin deficiencies; "Holosas" - used for hepatitis, cholecystitis; "Carotolin" - used to treat trophic ulcers, eczema; rosehip oil - used for bedsores, trophic ulcers, dermatoses.

Video: Rosehip
Rosehip in the garden

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Rose hip has long been included in the set of a traditional healer as a plant, indispensable for the treatment of many different ailments. Rosehip benefits associated with its richest chemical composition.

Differently rose hip they are also called: wild rose, chiporas, thorns, terpigus.

Rose hip

List of diseases and complications in the fight against which rose hip able to provide help impressive: hypovitaminosis and avitominosis C and P, acute and chronic infections, nephritis and atherosclerosis, acute and chronic diseases of the liver and intestines, stomach ulcers, hemophilia, bleeding, as a powerful agent that adsorbs poisons, radioactive substances and anticoagulants, for treatment hyperthyroidism, pneumonia and bronchial asthma, cholecystitis and hepatitis of various forms, stomatitis and gingivitis, bedsores, trophic ulcers, dermatoses and many others that are difficult to treat with traditional methods of ailments.

The active substances that make up the rose hips contain half of the periodic table. There are sugars and pectins, tannins and several types of organic acids, falavonids (querticin, isoquerticin, rubixanthin, lycopene, astragalin, hyperoside ...), ascorbic acid, vitamins B1, B2, P, K and PP, carotene, catechins, arumin, xanthophyll, vitamin E, iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium and magnesium salts. In order not to tire the reader, we have indicated only a part of the most valuable trace elements - the building blocks of which a healthy and fully functioning organism is built.

Rose hip- a plant represented by a huge number of species. About 40 species of this valuable shrub grow on the territory of Ukraine alone. Mostly, rosehip varieties differ little from each other, therefore, one of them, popular among the people and among gardeners, can be taken as a basis in the description cinnamon rosehip(Rosa cinnamomea L.)

Brief description of rose hips

Tall (up to 3m) perennial shrub. Belongs to the Rosaceae family. Possesses a powerful root system. Rosehip root goes into the ground vertically, to a depth of 2 - 3m. The horizontal roots have a branched structure and are 5 to 40 cm long.

Rosehip stems are vertical, often arcuate, in the lower part are completely covered with sickle-shaped needle-like thorns. The main shoots have sparse thorns, and abundant on the peduncles. Branches are ligneous, green or reddish-brown.

The leaves are spiral-shaped, odd-pinnate, with stipules attached to the stem, glabrous, sometimes with few hairs, green or bluish tinge, 8-10 cm long.

Rose hips have the correct shape and are collected in paniculate and corymbose inflorescences, sometimes solitary, bisexual. The color of the petals is white or white - pink. Number of petals - 5. Sepals length - 20 - 25mm.

Rose hips- hypanthium, orange - red, oval, sometimes spherical. The fruits are formed due to the growth of the receptacle. The inner walls of the fetus are dotted with short, stiff hairs. Blooms from late May to July, fruits ripen by September - October.

Rosehip breeding passes by seeds, rooted cuttings and root suckers. Rosehip is artificially propagated by vegetative means.

The most valuable oil is obtained from rosehip seeds, containing saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols and carotenoids. Rosehip oil it is used externally as an effective remedy for wound healing, as well as in dentistry and many skin diseases.

Rosehip infusion used as a means of increasing immunity and improving the activity of the cardiovascular system.

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Rose hip- rosa l.
Family Rosaceae - Rosaceae

11 species of rose hips grow in the Far East, but only 5 of them can reasonably be considered sources of vitamin C; others still need to be studied.

An important source of vitamin raw materials is the needle rose (R. acicularis Lindl.). This is a shrub, sometimes reaching 2 m in height, with reddish shoots with numerous small thin thorns. The leaves of a compound leaf have an ovoid or elliptical shape, glabrous above, glabrous or thin-hairy below, numerous deep teeth along the edges of the leaves. Blooms from May to July; fruits ripen in August-September. They are red, elongated or pear-shaped, sometimes tapered at both ends. The content of vitamin C in them can exceed 200 mg%.

Distributed in Primorye, Amur region, on the Okhotsk coast, Kamchatka, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Industrial harvesting of many fruits of this plant is possible in the northern regions of Primorye, in the Khabarovsk Territory, the Amur, Sakhalin and southern parts of the Magadan regions.

Spiny rosehip is a very polymorphic species. Several species are now described under this name.

The species Sikhote-Alinsky rose hip (R. sichotealinensis Kolesn.) Has been distinguished from the species of wild rose. It is a small shrub with drooping branches covered with numerous thin thorns. The leaves of a compound leaf have several large teeth in the upper part. The large orange-red fruits of this plant reach 1.5 cm in diameter. The Sikhote-Alinsky rosehip grows in high mountainous areas, and therefore its fruits can hardly be an object of industrial harvesting. However, the possibility of using its fruits as a source of vitamin C should be taken into account by members of expeditions working in the growing zone of this species.

Daurian rosehip(R. davurica Pall.) Is the most promising species for industrial harvesting of fruits, since this shrub usually forms thickets. Its thin, rigid branches are covered with red-brown or black-purple bark with large, slightly curved spines. The leaves consist of 7 oblong leaflets, glabrous from above, pubescent downward. The edges of the leaves are serrate. Blooms in June-July; fruits ripen in September. They are red, spherical or somewhat elongated, reaching 1.5 cm in diameter. Distributed in Primorye and Amur region.

Korean rosehip is close to this species.(R. koreana Kom.), Characterized mainly by the absence of pubescence on the lower surface of the leaves, color of flowers and smaller fruits up to 7 mm in diameter. Grows in South Primorye. Due to the low prevalence and small size of the fruits, the plant is unsuitable for industrial harvesting.

Rosehip is a valuable vitamin carrier.(R. rugosa Thunb.) Is an erect or almost spreading shrub, the height of which ranges from 30 cm to 2 m. The shoots of this shrub are densely pubescent and covered with a large number of thorns of different sizes. Young spines are also pubescent. The leaves of a compound leaf are glabrous and strongly wrinkled from above due to depressed veins that protrude on the velvety lower surface. Blooms from mid-June to autumn frosts. The first fruits ripen in September. The fruits of the wrinkled rose hips are round or bulbous-flattened, large - their diameter often exceeds 3 cm. The wrinkled rose hips grows off the coast of Primorye, along the coast of the Tatar Strait, the Amur estuary and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, as well as in Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. Sometimes along river valleys it rises from the sea into the interior of the continent.

The briar rosehip (R. amblyotis C. A. M.) can apparently also be attributed to the number of vitamin carriers. It is an erect shrub, sometimes reaching 2 m. The stems are densely branched in the upper part. Young shoots are red-brown, with few thorns. Thin leaves have a dull green color on top. Their lower surface is densely pubescent. The diameter of orange-red spherical or pear-shaped fruits reaches 1.5 cm. The distribution zone covers the northern regions of Sikhote-Alin, the lower reaches of the Amur, Sakhalin, Kamchatka.

Rosehip Kamchatka(R. kamtschatica Vent.) Is considered to be a hybrid between needle and wrinkled rose hips. Outwardly, it is very close to the stupid rosehip. It differs from it in thicker young branches with a large number of thin thorns. The shiny, slightly wrinkled leaves are larger than those of the blunt rose. The fruits are also larger. It grows on the Lower Amur and the Okhotsk coast, Kamchatka and in the southern regions of the Sakhalin region.

Rosehip Murray(R. marretii Levl.) Can also be attributed to vitamin raw materials. It has much in common with the rose hips. It differs from it in narrow-lanceolate leaves about 3 cm long, slightly pubescent below. Large globular fruits ripen in October. The growing zone covers the Kuril Islands and the southern regions of the Sakhalin region.

The Yakut rosehip (R. jacutica Juz.) Is a shrub very similar to the daurian and blunt-pointed rosehip. It differs from them in the absence of pubescence on the leaves, and from the Daurian dog rose - and in greater height. In addition to Yakutia, it is found on the Okhotsk coast.

Maksimovich's rosehip (R. maximowicziana Rgl.) And thin-legged rosehip (R. gracilipes Chrshan.) Grow in the southern regions of Primorye, are relatively rare, and their fruits contain little vitamin C.

The generally accepted criterion the value of rose hips as a source of medicinal raw materials is the presence in them of a sufficiently large amount of ascorbic acid. Meanwhile, in addition to this substance, rose hips usually contain riboflavin, carotenes, vitamins E and K, substances with P-vitamin activity, organic acids, sugars, flavone glycosides, pigments, pectin, tannins and some other substances.

Especially often rosehip preparations are used for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis. In addition, they, like other multivitamin preparations, are successfully prescribed as adjuvants for diseases in which the body's need for vitamins increases. It is most rational in all such cases to use rosehip preparations supplied to the pharmacy network (concentrate, extract, syrup, etc.). The fact is that the preparation of liquid rosehip preparations at home is often accompanied by the destruction of vitamin C, although the taste of the product is preserved.

To preserve the vitamin From destruction, an infusion of rose hips in a ratio of 1 tablespoon to a glass of water should be cooked in an enamel bowl, under a lid. After boiling for 10 minutes, the preparation is left in a cool place for a day, without removing the lid from the pan. In a day, the resulting infusion may not contain vitamin C.

"Holosas" is intended for the treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder. It is prepared from different types of rose hips, including those that are relatively poor in vitamins.

Approved for use also karatoline and rosehip oil. Karatolin is an oil extract from the pulp of a plant fruit containing carotenoids, vitamin E and linoleic acid. It is used externally in the form of dressings for trophic ulcers, eczema, atrophic changes in the mucous membranes and some types of erythroderma.

Rosehip oil is obtained by extraction with an organic solvent of powdered seeds. The preparation contains fatty acids, including linoleic and linolenic acids, vitamin E and carotenoids. The oil is intended for external use with cracked nipples in nursing mothers, with bedsores and trophic ulcers, dermatoses. Rosehip oil is also used in the form of enemas - in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

Rosehip preparations are widely used. in folk medicine. The use of infusion of fruits for anemia, general loss of strength, some diseases of the stomach and intestines, diseases of the liver, kidneys, and bladder is described. For malaria and kidney stones, a decoction of rosehip roots is used. In addition, for urolithiasis, a decoction of plant seeds is used: 1 tablespoon of crushed seeds is boiled in a glass of water, then insisted for 2 hours. Take it in a quarter of a glass 3-4 times a day before meals. With the weakening of the muscles of the legs in folk medicine, sometimes foot baths with a decoction of rosehip roots are used.

Harvested ripe fruits dried in dryers at a temperature of 80-90 ° or at the same temperature in ovens, for which special sieves should be used. Of course, when drying in the oven, it is necessary to leave openings for the flow of fresh air; the pipe can be completely closed only at the end of the drying process so that hot air containing a lot of moisture can freely escape. It is impossible to allow not only burning the fruit, but also from excessive drying. Properly dried rose hips should only break in the fingers, not grind into powder. Usually, the fruits dry well in 1 day. If for some reason this does not happen, you should dry them on the stove. Fruits are freed from sepals only after drying. During harvesting, this cannot be done, because raw fruits, devoid of sepals, spoil rather quickly.

Rose hip(lat.Rōsa) - a genus of plants of the Rosaceae family

Rosehip description

Rosehip is Latin for Rosa. Belongs to the genus Pink, the Rosaceae family. There are up to 400 species. People call rose hips: wild rose, forest pinch, thorn. The rose hip took its name because of the presence of sharp thorns from here and the spine.

Rosehips growing on the territory of our country are mainly shrubs. But some specimens of these species, reaching an age of several hundred years, grow into whole trees. We have several types of rose hips - these are wrinkled rose hips, needle rose hips, cinnamon rose hips, dog rose hips and several other species.

Many of them are characterized by a high content of vitamin C in the "fruits" (or rather, in an overgrown receptacle). However, until now, the main types used for blanks for the production of vitamin C concentrates are mainly the following 2 types:

a) Spiny rosehip (R, acicularis L i n d 1.) is a low, strongly spiny-spiny bush. The flowers are pink or reddish. Fruits are red, very varied in shape. It grows mainly in spruce forests, along forest slopes and edges in the subzone of coniferous (northern) forests of the forest zone. In the pulp of dry "fruits" the amount of vitamin C is indicated from 4.3 to 7.2%, and it is noted that in the "fruits" of wild rose, common in the northern and eastern parts of the forest zone, the amount of vitamin, as a rule, increases.

b) Cinnamon rosehip, common rosehip (R. cinnamomea L.) is a short, sparsely prickly shrub. The flowers are pale or dark red in color. Fruits are small, orange or red fleshy. It grows in forests, shrubs, meadows and especially in large masses along river valleys throughout the forest and forest-steppe zone of Russia. The pulp of dry fruits contains vitamin C from 2.5 to 14.5%. At the same time, this species, like the needle rose hips, has the same geographical dependence with respect to the vitamin content.

Rosehip properties and uses

Rosehip fruits are the most important vegetable source of ascorbic acid, carotene and other vitamins (b, vitamin p, vitamin k), and the fruits also contain sugar, pectin and tannins, citric acid.

Rose hips are widely used in medicine and the vitamin industry. Vitamin preparations are made from them in the form of pills, tablets, extracts, infusions and powders. Rosehip is very widely used in folk medicine.

It is used in the treatment of kidney, liver, cholelithiasis and kidney stones.

Used in the treatment of the bladder, in the treatment of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers. Decoctions, infusions, tinctures are made from rosehips.

Rosehip tea is used to boost immunity. Rosehip fruits have phytoncidal and powerful bactericidal properties. They are high in antioxidants. Rosehip oil is used to treat burns, trophic ulcers and various dermatitis.

Rosehip preparations have a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism, the functions of the bone marrow, liver, and gallbladder. It is recommended to wash your face with a decoction of rose hips to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Rosehip seed oil contains essential fatty acids that are essential for healthy skin. It has an antioxidant effect, improves skin structure, has a regenerating effect and prevents skin aging.

Collection and drying of rose hips

Only ripe and unspoiled rose hips should be picked. Harvesting usually begins from late August - early September. And they continue until the onset of frost. Frost-touched "fruits" contain a fairly large amount of sugar. At the same time, they lose almost 50% of vitamin C. "Fruits" are cut off by hand or cut with scissors without stalks. They are placed in a portable container, being careful not to wrinkle or damage them. In damaged areas, rotting begins to develop rapidly, "fruits", mold and become unusable.

Drying of the harvested "fruits" should be started immediately after harvest. In case of mass harvest, having a cool, protected, well-ventilated room, freshly harvested "fruits" can be stored for up to 2 days. It should be dried in a well-heated free-standing Russian oven or in any fruit and vegetable dryer at a temperature of 80-100 °.

It is necessary to do so that air freely penetrates to all layers of the decomposed "fruits", mix the fruits more often and make sure that they do not burn. Such fast drying makes it possible to preserve most of the vitamins in dry "fruits". With prolonged drying, almost all vitamins are destroyed. Well and quickly dried "fruits" of rose hips retain their orange-red or bright dark-red color. The walls of the "fetus" break when expanded. In the dried "fruits", immediately after drying, it is necessary to separate, on the top of the "fruits" the remains of the flower cup.

Rosehip recipes

1) Alcoholic infusion rosehip to normalize blood pressure

We take half a liter of vodka of 40 degrees, add one hundred grams of rose hips to it (the fruits must be carefully chopped). We keep it in a dark place for a week. We take 20 drops three times a day before meals.

2) With otitis media(ear infection)

We brew the rosehip flowers tightly, mix with carrot juice and drip into the sore ear.

3) Classic decoction

5 pp. chop dried berries, add water, boil for 10 minutes. This drink needs to be insisted for 2-3 hours for all the healing properties to pass into the water. Drink like regular tea or juice, adding honey or any juices to taste.

Rosehip contraindications for use

Despite the fact that rose hips have been used since ancient times, this plant has its own contraindications... Uncontrolled use of rose hips can lead to malfunction of many organs in the body.

Contraindicated in high acidity(rose hips contain a lot of vitamin C - although it is a vitamin, it is still acid).
Any rosehip preparations are categorically contraindicated for people prone to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
If you are a core, treat the use of rose hips also carefully. With inflammation the inner lining of the heart (endocarditis), as well as for some other heart diseases, do not take rose hips in large quantities.

If you have high blood pressure, do not take rosehip alcoholic tinctures. Such drugs are just recommended for hypotensive patients. And to lower blood pressure, you should take only aqueous rosehip infusions. It is not recommended for hypotonic patients to take an aqueous infusion.
If you drink rosehip preparations for a very long time, this can negatively affect liver function... You may even face non-infectious jaundice.

Do not forget to consult with your doctor.

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