Home Indoor flowers The basic rules of a healthy diet are summarized. Nutrition guide for health and weight loss, menu options. Proper nutrition rules

The basic rules of a healthy diet are summarized. Nutrition guide for health and weight loss, menu options. Proper nutrition rules

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Nutrition Guide for Health and Weight Loss, Menu Options

Proper nutrition is a diet that contributes to the normal functioning, development and renewal of body cells. This concept does not establish strict restrictions on the formation of the menu for every day, but only indicates the principles that help to eat healthy, varied and healthy. Therefore, not all diets can be attributed to PP.

For additions and comments, the site thanks Lilia Karpusevich @lily_karpussevich - President of the National Association of Nutritionists and Nutritionists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Lilia is a professional nutritionist of the elite category, food coach. Experience in the field of fitness over 8 years, in the field of nutrition for over 5 years.

Key principles

Most people sooner or later think about changing their eating habits. There are many reasons for this: girls dream of getting rid of subcutaneous fat on the sides and hips, men - from the "beer belly", and professional athletes use diets to "dry" the figure for the competition.

There are also those who are forced to turn to nutritionists for serious nutritional illnesses. All are united by one thing - the desire to solve their physiological problems. To achieve this, we recommend that you adhere to the principles listed below.

Competent approach

In organizing a healthy diet, the main thing is gradualness and the correct psychological attitude. You shouldn't aim for hard restrictions and rejection of your favorite foods.

Lilia Karpusevich: “Rule number one! PP is not a diet, but a change in dietary habits and lifestyle! "

At first, you should not even think about calculating the calorie content of the menu. Start simple. For example, use small cookware. So you "accustom" the stomach to small amounts of food.

Divide your daily diet into 3 main meals and 2 snacks, or 5 equal meals. Eating a fractional meal will help you cope with intense hunger.

At the same time, gradually reduce your intake of sweets. For example, put in tea not 3 tablespoons of sugar, but two; do not eat a whole piece of cake at a time, but half. Thus, you will not feel left out and soon get rid of "gluttony".

Approach physical activity carefully. Your task is to smoothly "turn on" the body into an active lifestyle, and not exhaust yourself on the simulators. If fitness is not available, do simple weight loss exercises at home. But do not rush to immediately twist the hoop at the waist or jump rope. Jumping will put a dangerous strain on your joints if you are overweight. Start small:

  • walk more, walk in the park;
  • use stairs instead of lifts.

At the gym, do some light cardio workouts:

  • exercise on a stationary bike, ellipse;
  • walk along the path.

Estimated Calorie Counting

Don't worry, you don't have to calculate the exact calorie intake for each serving. On the Internet, you can find food calorie tables. Compare your daily ration with the data found and calculate the excess.

In order not to be mistaken, first determine the individual calorie requirement. To do this, we recommend using the Mifflin-San Geor technique. The counting scheme for women is as follows:

  • multiply your own weight by 10;
  • add your height multiplied by 6.25 to the resulting value;
  • subtract 161 and age multiplied by 5 from the resulting figure;
  • multiply the total by 1.2.

Example: we determine the daily calorie requirement for a woman - weight 70 kg, height 170 cm, age 30 years:

(70 × 10 + 170 × 6.25 - 30 × 5 - 161) × 1.2 = 1742 kcal

For convenience, use a calculator and fill in your data:

The coefficient "1.2" denotes physical activity. In the given example, it is minimal (sedentary work). If you play sports, the ratio will be different:

  • low activity - 1,375 (light exercise, workouts 1-3 times a week);
  • average - 1.55 (intensive training, 3-5 times a week);
  • high - 1.725 (intensive daily training);
  • extreme activity - 1.9 (strength sports, hard physical work, daily training).

For men, the formula is different:

  • multiply the weight by 10;
  • add the growth multiplied by 6.25 to the resulting value;
  • subtract the age multiplied by 5 from the resulting figure;
  • add 5;
  • multiply the total by 1.2 (or another factor that works best for you).

Example: male, age 32, weight 80 kg, height 193 cm, 5 intense workouts per week:

(80 × 10 + 193 × 6.25 - 32 × 5 + 5) × 1.55 = 2869 kcal


So, you have calculated the individual calorie requirement. What's next? For fast weight loss, reduce this value by 20%. The final figure will be a guideline for you in building a diet.

The correct combination of BZHU

An important principle of a healthy diet is balance. That is, the menu should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Do not exclude any of these nutrients from your diet. But, in order to achieve various goals, one should correlate the BJU in different ways:

  • Slimming. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to limit your carbohydrate intake. They are primarily deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat with a lack of physical activity. Recommended ratio for fat burning: proteins - 30%, fats - 25%, carbohydrates - 45%.
  • Gaining muscle mass. Athletes are known to need more calories for muscle recovery and growth. This means that their diet should mainly consist of carbohydrates. The recommended ratio in this case will be as follows: proteins - 20%, fats - 30%, carbohydrates - 50%.

Lilia Karpusevich: “Muscles grow on carbohydrates. It is necessary to regularly replenish glycogen stores at the expense of carbohydrates. If we increase our protein intake, the body will still convert the excess into glucose for energy. "

Professional bodybuilders use the extreme ratio of BJU to prepare for performances - 60/20/20, respectively. But such a scheme is contraindicated for ordinary people and novice athletes.

Eating plant foods

Fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs should be in the diet with any type of food (in the absence of medical contraindications) in order to saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. The fiber in these foods improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, herbal products stimulate intestinal motility and improve digestion, which contributes to the regular elimination of harmful substances from the body, helps in losing weight and improves overall human health.

Eat at least 400 grams of fresh vegetables and fruits a day.

Cooking rules

It is not only the quality of the products that is important, but also the way they are prepared. Considered harmful: smoking, frying, deep-frying. If you want to be healthy and beautiful, steam food (for example, in a multicooker), bake or boil. You can grill occasionally.

Eat plant foods raw. If you subject vegetables and fruits to heat treatment, some of the nutrients will be destroyed. However, do not leave the seasoned vegetable salads the next day. Cook small portions at a time.

Lilia Karpusevich: “If you have stomach problems, it is better to stew or bake. For example, thermally processed tomatoes and apples reduce the concentration of acids, which is suitable for erosive gastritis and cholecystitis. "

Menu options for the week

Each person has a preference for food. Therefore, there are many examples of menus. We offer two options for a weekly diet: the first - balanced - for people who want to eat as healthy as possible; the second - dietary - for athletes seeking to reduce body fat.

Diet plan for weight maintenance and health promotion

1 - breakfast, 2 - lunch, 3 - afternoon tea, 4 - dinner.


  1. Oatmeal porridge, cheese and butter sandwich, tea.
  2. Vegetable soup, beef cutlet, green salad.
  3. Casserole with 2 eggs and cauliflower.
  4. Boiled chicken fillet, baked vegetables.
  1. Muesli with milk, apple.
  2. Vegetable soup, potato casserole with minced meat.
  3. Cottage cheese with raisins.
  4. Boiled chum salmon, salad of vegetables and herbs with oil.
  1. Millet porridge, dried fruits.
  2. Chicken soup with noodles, pilaf with meat.
  3. Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and honey.
  4. Stuffed cabbage rolls with minced meat.
  1. Scrambled eggs from 3 eggs, black bread, pear.
  2. Chicken noodle soup, goulash.
  3. Cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.
  4. Fish balls, cucumber and tomato salad with sour cream.
  1. Barley porridge, sandwich with cheese and butter, tea.
  2. Ukha, navy-style pasta.
  3. Curd casserole with raisins.
  4. Baked red fish, stewed vegetables.
  1. Muesli with milk, pear.
  2. Ukha, roast pork and potatoes in pots.
  3. Sweet cakes, tea.
  4. Baked chicken with spices, stewed vegetables.


  1. Scrambled eggs from 4 eggs, toast with butter - 2 pieces, tea.
  2. Meat pie, tea.
  3. Cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.
  4. Pork cutlets, fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

Lilia Karpusevich: “We choose whole grain bread. It is high in fiber, which lowers the glycemic index and saturates for a longer period. "

Weight loss athletes weekly meal plan

1 - breakfast, 2 - snack, 3 - lunch, 4 - snack, 5 - dinner.


  1. Oatmeal with milk, green apple.
  2. Meat broth, boiled fish, green salad.
  3. Natural yoghurt with fresh fruit pieces.
  4. Steam cutlets, stewed vegetables.
  1. Two toasts with butter, protein of 2 boiled eggs, tea.
  2. Vegetable salad with sour cream.
  3. Pilaf with chicken.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole.
  5. Boiled chicken fillet, stewed cauliflower.
  1. Muesli with milk, pear.
  2. A handful of nuts.
  3. Boiled pink salmon, baked vegetables.
  4. A glass of kefir, a handful of dried fruits.
  5. Stuffed cabbage rolls with minced meat.
  1. Scrambled eggs from 3 eggs (1 yolk), ham sandwich, tea.
  2. Fruit salad with yogurt.
  3. Vegetable soup, steamed pork cutlets, green salad.
  4. Cottage cheese.
  5. Vegetable and seafood salad with vegetable oil.
  1. Milk omelet, orange.
  2. A glass of natural yogurt.
  3. Beef goulash, vegetable stew.
  4. Kefir, banana.
  5. Baked red fish with broccoli and asparagus.
  1. Cheesecakes with raisins and sour cream, tea.
  2. A glass of milk, oatmeal cookies.
  3. Beef stew with rice, vegetable salad.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole.
  5. Braised liver, fresh vegetable salad with butter.


  1. Rice porridge with milk, toast with butter and cheese, jelly.
  2. Orange, apple.
  3. Durum wheat spaghetti, boiled cod.
  4. Cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.
  5. Boiled beef, stewed vegetables.

Lilia Karpusevich: “Low-fat dairy products increase insulin. This hormone promotes the accumulation of fluid in the adipocyte (fat cell) and prevents fat burning. Therefore, it is better to choose milk 3,2-5%. The fatty component in this case acts as an inhibitor. "

Tip: while on a diet, make yourself a little indulgence once a month: a slice of pizza, your favorite dessert, etc. This will make it easier for you to tolerate restrictions.

Harmful products

Now let's figure out which products you can refuse to speed up weight loss and improve your well-being. Note that the list presented below is of a recommendatory nature and is needed only for a general guideline. If, for example, you can't imagine life without sweet coffee in the morning, replace sugar with a natural sweetener. Or, instead of fast food hamburgers, make delicious sandwiches at home.

  • Sweet carbonated drinks. These products contain dyes, flavors, preservatives that negatively affect the gastric mucosa. In addition, "soda" contains a huge amount of sugar.
  • Snacks (chips, croutons, French fries and others). Snacks like these are cooked with a lot of fat, so all the body can get is carcinogens, extra calories, excess fat and salt.
  • Fast food. Most fast food dishes are based on white bread, dubious meats, and fatty sauces. And all this is flavored with a lot of flavor enhancers and salt. Naturally, with such a combination, there is no question of any benefit to the body.
  • Sausages. The chemical industry has long learned to pass off substandard leftovers from meat production as a natural product. Therefore, most often you get ground cartilage and skins under the guise of sausage or ham.
  • Mayonnaise. This sauce is mainly composed of fats, vinegar and salt, which is bad for digestion.
  • "Quick" lunches - soups, mashed potatoes, noodles, which are enough to pour boiling water for readiness. Such food is not suitable for a healthy diet, as it contains low-quality ingredients and a set of chemical additives.
  • Sugar, white flour products. We recommend that you gradually abandon confectionery. The combination of sweet and starchy foods enhances the negative effect on the figure.
  • Packaged juices. It has been proven that such drinks practically do not contain essential vitamins and, in fact, are sweet "water" with a fruit aroma.
  • Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks, when abused, destroy the internal organs of a person. And the first to suffer are the gastrointestinal tract and the liver. In addition, alcohol is very high in calories, which is reflected in the figure. Scientists are allowed to drink a glass of good red wine at dinner, but not more than 1-2 times a month. And when working on fat burning, it is better to completely eliminate alcohol.

Lilia Karpusevich: “Sugar from carbonated drinks is quickly absorbed due to carbon dioxide. This adversely affects the work of the pancreas and contributes to the appearance of cellulite in the beautiful half of humanity. In sausages, unscrupulous manufacturers use dehydrogenated vegetable fats, dyes and preservatives. This leads to the development of cholesterol plaques in the vessels and allergies, up to the point of intoxication. Alcohol consumption lowers testosterone levels in men, which increases the risk of infertility and impotence. Also, alcoholic beverages contribute to muscle catabolism in both sexes and an increase in subcutaneous fat tissue due to hidden calories, reducing fat burning to zero. For comparison: 1 ml of alcohol - 7 calories, 1 ml of oil - 9 calories. "

Be wary of muesli. On the one hand, it is a healthy product consisting of cereals and dried fruits. On the other hand, many manufacturers often add sugar and chocolate to the composition, which greatly increases the calorie content of the dish.

  • Don't starve yourself. Eat an apple or some nuts. When losing weight, be careful with nut mixtures - in one handful of 350 calories - this is one meal.
  • Drink plenty of water. The liquid helps to cope with hunger and removes unnecessary substances from the body.
  • Instead of soda, make freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice. But do not get carried away if you are losing weight. There is no fiber (cake) in fresh juices, respectively, you drink pure sugar, and these are extra calories. One glass of fresh orange juice - 250 calories
  • Swap coffee for green tea or chicory.
  • Eat a variety of foods. A diet of chicken breasts and vegetables will quickly get bored.
  • Keep a diary where you will record your weight loss results. Visual indicators will be an additional incentive.
  • Check the ingredients in the store. Avoid substitutes, preservatives, sweeteners, flavor enhancers.
  • Replace confectionery with honey and dried fruits (but no more than 30 g per day).
  • Don't be afraid of spending too much on your diet. You can create an inexpensive and affordable diet that fully meets the needs of the body.
  • Get creative. Cooking shouldn't be about boiling. Try to make even the simplest dishes tasty and unusual.
  • Take up sports like bodybuilding. You will have another reason to eat right. Choose workouts to your liking, you will not be able to do something that does not bring pleasure for a long time.
  • If you work in an office and don't have the opportunity to go home for lunch, bring a vegetable salad in the lunch box and a bottle of clean water.
  • Allow yourself to relax a little during the holidays. Eat a slice of cake or your favorite pizza. You won't get better from this, but you will feel much better.
  • Drink a glass of cool water half an hour before meals. This will reduce the feeling of hunger.

It can seem like sticking to a healthy diet is extremely difficult. In fact, it is just a fear of something new. It is believed that, in order to achieve success in any business, it is necessary to leave the zone of personal comfort and start acting in a different way. So, do you want to be healthy, beautiful, fit? All in your hands! Start eating right, you will soon notice tremendous changes in your life!

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Improper nutrition is the main problem of extra pounds. Unfortunately, they do not come alone, but also bring various diseases with them. Gastritis and cholecystitis, metabolic disorders, skin and cardiovascular diseases, problems with the central nervous system, it is not for nothing that they say that a person is what he eats. But more often than not, we think about what we put on our plate only when our favorite dress stops buttoning. All other problems are usually attributed to external factors and treated exclusively with medication. What is proper nutrition? How to start your journey to health and longevity? Let's take a closer look at this issue today.

The urgency of the problem

It would seem that today supermarkets are simply bursting with variety. You can choose only the most useful and delicious products for yourself every day. And doctors are faced with the fact that the problem of excess weight is becoming more acute every year. Maybe it's the lack of information? But it seems like the media are constantly trumpeting about what proper nutrition is. Where to start - it is this problem that becomes a stumbling block for most people. You need to somehow reshape your menu, get used to cooking without excess fat, reduce portions and increase the number of trips to the dining room. And there is not enough time. And here we are again, after running half-starved all day, we take a pack of semi-finished products in the store, while promising ourselves that from tomorrow everything will change.

You are not on a diet

And indeed it is. Diet is a short-term and rather serious restriction of the diet. At the same time, after completing the course, a person begins to make up for lost time and eat sweets with redoubled energy. So diets are to blame for all our troubles? Of course not. Any of them should be developed by a nutritionist, taking into account the tasks set. Moreover, after the end of its term, it is extremely important to switch to proper nutrition. Where to begin? It is logical to assume that with the compilation of the menu.

Regime is the foundation of health

The fast pace of life makes us more and more abandon the preparation of homemade food. When to go grocery shopping and stand for hours at the stove, when you just barely have time to cook store-bought dumplings? Then we have to slightly change the wording written above. Where does proper nutrition begin? From the regime! You need to eat at least 5 times a day, in small portions. You need to have breakfast an hour after waking up, and dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime. Strictly adhering to a generally accepted schedule is not necessary, especially if you get up very early or, conversely, late. Distribute meals throughout your waking hours.

The main incentive

Not everyone knows how to eat right. And sometimes people, after reading hundreds of books, still continue to go to fast food cafes. What is the first thing to understand? The mental and physical condition of a person depends on what he eats. There is a direct link between diet and longevity. It has been proven that bowel cancer is directly related to long-term consumption of fatty foods with a minimum of vegetable fiber.

Therefore, you need to analyze your diet and completely redraw your shopping list. Good nutrition involves the use of fresh food and minimal heat treatment, and this can only be ensured if you cook yourself. Therefore, you will have to carve out an hour in the evening for cooking the next day, and take something useful to work with you.

Useful products: what is included

The question has already set my teeth on edge. Yes, everyone knows that you need to eat fish and lean meat, vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals. The body also needs dairy products. But we are faced with the fact that the stores sell frozen meat soaked in antibiotics, cottage cheese and cheese made from palm oil, butter, in which there is one margarine, although this is not indicated on the package. How to eat properly if all foods are loaded with chemistry?

Indeed, the question is complex, but there is a way out. Try shopping at weekend fairs. Here, farmers bring vegetables and fruits grown in their garden plots, as well as fattened and slaughtered animals with their own hands. Correct, healthy eating begins right here, not in supermarkets.

Balanced diet

No matter how useful certain foods (for example, apples) are, they cannot replace all others. Your body needs to get all the fats, proteins, and carbohydrates it needs. This is another reason why eating healthy and eating properly is considered to be very difficult. Just imagine endless tables in which the composition of this or that product is described, what is combined with what and what is not. But our goal is not to bother with numbers, but to explain in an accessible way how to combine products in the right proportions.

Golden rules

Every day we should eat 5 food groups per day. These are meat and eggs, offal, cereals and grains, vegetables and fruits, milk and dairy products. Moreover, they should not enter the body all together. Ideally, each of the five meals will include one food from each group.

You need to learn how to distribute food in the daily diet. For breakfast, it is preferable to choose cereals, grains or dairy products. Meat products and fresh vegetables are ideal for lunch. Choose a light but hearty meal for dinner. These are fish or dairy products, stews, or lean meats. Fruit is best for snacking.

Only the first step is difficult

What is, it becomes more or less clear. Now let's look at this from a practical point of view. Nutritionist's advice on how to start a healthy diet will help us. What is the main thing in the process of eating? It's fun. If you don't like the food, then most likely you will quickly give it up. Therefore, first of all, look among the healthy products for those that you love the most.

Eating well at home begins when you choose to buy less starchy foods and sweets and more vegetables and fruits. You can complete the structure yourself. Olive oil instead of mayonnaise, veal rather than pork or lamb, whole grain breads together with buns. Note that you are not on a diet, you do not need to immediately adjust yourself that you will no longer be able to afford your favorite foods and dishes. It's just that their consumption should be reduced. If it is chocolate, then let it be expensive, with the maximum amount of cocoa. If the pie is of its own production, with fruit, with sour cream, and not with margarine.

The first step in transitioning to a healthy diet is understanding what you are currently putting in your mouth and how it will be processed by your body. Instead of watching TV and mindlessly stuffing chips into you, try to imagine this buttered potato slice oozing fat right into your stomach. How modified fats and salt clog your blood vessels, cause obesity. Believe me, soon you yourself will not want to touch the chips. So, gradually a person painlessly refuses store-bought dumplings and sausages, sweet soda and much more.

Moving on to compiling the menu

It will be most convenient to immediately schedule what you will cook in the next few days, and based on this, purchase products. Now you will have a useful basket and a clear plan for serving your family. When compiling a menu, it should be borne in mind that the needs of a woman, a man and a child can be very different. The ingredients for proper nutrition are the healthy foods that we have already discussed above. Now let's think about what can be prepared from this.

The diet for the modern woman

Do not forget that this is the basis, the backbone. We will give you a sample of proper nutrition for a woman. The menu can change based on how active you are.

Traditionally, we start on Monday. For breakfast, boil 200 g of oatmeal in water. Add one apple, a teaspoon of honey and 50 g of cottage cheese. For lunch, a serving (250 g) of soup. Today it can be cheese and vegetable salad. For an afternoon snack 1 banana, and in the evening 200 g of shrimp and a few cucumbers.

The second day starts with 200 g of porridge. Buckwheat is an excellent choice. Banana and persimmon for lunch. For lunch, 250 g of soup. For a change, you can cook from dried mushrooms, 100 g of steamed cutlets and a little rice. For a second snack, a cabbage salad. And in the evening, treat yourself to a vegetable casserole by adding 200 g of fish or mussels to it.

A sweet breakfast is the key to a good mood, so prepare 150 g of banana-curd casserole and 20 g of dried apricots. Second breakfast - 100 g of natural yogurt. For lunch, 250 g of soup and stewed vegetables. For an afternoon snack, 2 loaves of bread with jam, 1 apple and kefir. For dinner, 250 g of chicken breast and 100 g of vegetable salad.

How do you like the menu? Proper nutrition for a woman is not necessarily boring and hungry. Once a week, you can indulge in one forbidden dish, be it a sandwich with mayonnaise, a kebab, or a cake with cream.

Nutrition for a strong half of humanity

If a woman needs more fermented milk products, then a man needs more meat and cereals. Protein must be present in sufficient quantities, otherwise muscle mass, as well as the heart, begins to suffer. Therefore, proper nutrition for men necessarily includes meat and fish. In short, a man needs to eat carbohydrates for breakfast, proteins for lunch, and complex carbohydrates for dinner again. Let's look at an example of one day:

  • Breakfast - whole grain porridge with milk, fresh fruit, green tea. Or scrambled eggs with tomatoes and basil, cereal bread, fruit and yogurt.
  • Second breakfast should be regardless of the workload. This is a boiled egg or cottage cheese, bread, tea, yogurt.
  • Lunch is the main meal. You can opt for lean meats with rice and vegetable salad. Lentil soup, cottage cheese, and bread are an alternative. Or borscht, salmon and fresh vegetables.
  • An afternoon snack should also be required. This is a salad of vegetables, fruits and nuts.
  • Dinner - baked potatoes and shrimp salad, fresh fruit. In addition, it can be beef liver and cauliflower garnish, grain bread.
  • Before going to bed, kefir and fresh fruit.

Again, nothing complicated. Proper nutrition for men does not imply a hunger strike, rather the opposite. A varied diet allows you to keep all organs and systems in order.

Do not forget that this is not a short-term diet, but proper nutrition. Recipes, menus - it's better to think over everything in advance in order to go to the store with a ready-made list. If there is something that you cannot live without, then write these foods out on a separate list and distribute them evenly throughout all days of the week.

Cooking is also a whole science. Avoid fatty, rich broths. Better vegetable soup and a separate piece of stew. Fried, flour, sweet - this is also a forbidden group. You can treat yourself to a pie once a week, but not more often. It is best to stew, boil or simmer food. The diet should contain a large amount of raw vegetables and fruits. The portions should be small. If you get hungry, it is better to have a few nuts or water with honey on hand. For example, 200 g of boiled chicken and 1 large cucumber is a completely normal dinner.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


The desire to lose weight makes you try a variety of diets, which differ in menu and effect on the body, but the basics of proper nutrition for weight loss, according to nutritionists, are still more effective. You can observe them as much as you like. Eating well is more of a lifestyle than a diet. It will help you not only get rid of extra pounds, but also change your attitude towards food. How to lose weight, principles, schemes, sample menus and recipes can be found below.

What is the right nutrition for weight loss

Food is a necessity, but today it has been turned into a cult, which is why many have problems with being overweight. Proper nutrition is not just another type of diet, but a properly selected, balanced menu, consisting of healthy, but tasty products. Such a diet provides the body with all the vitamins necessary for health, helps to replenish energy costs and regulate all organ systems.

The principles of good nutrition for weight loss

Any organism, be it women or men, is individual, but the principles of proper nutrition have a number of foundations that must be adhered to. This list includes:

  1. Servings. For weight loss, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food eaten at a time. It should not exceed 200-250 g.
  2. Water. Liquid is also part of the diet, it helps to lose weight by removing toxins and toxins. The optimal drinking regime for the day is 2-2.5 liters.
  3. Last meal. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime, but this is a light snack, not a full dinner.

How to start eating right to lose weight

Any changes are often difficult - this also applies to food. The main condition in the instructions on how to switch to proper nutrition for weight loss is gradualness. By gradually introducing new menus and principles, you can more easily transfer changes and not lose motivation. To make it easier, you should even keep a diary where you write down allowed and prohibited foods, a meal plan and basic recommendations.

Weight loss diet

Foods in the basics of proper nutrition for weight loss are divided into several groups. The classification depends on their content and effect on the body. In general, a fractional diet of proper nutrition for weight loss should include:

  1. Proteins. This is the basis of the diet. Due to their lack, the skin condition worsens, and the metabolism slows down. There is a lot of protein in fish, meat, cottage cheese, eggs. The norm is 1.5-2 g of protein per kilogram of its own weight.
  2. Fats. Their use should be reduced, but not completely ruled out. The basis is 0.5 g per kilogram of body weight. Fats should be healthy - omega 3,6 and 9. They are found in fish, olive oil, seafood.
  3. Carbohydrates. The main enemy of losing weight is fast carbohydrates. They are the basis for sweets, pastries, white bread, potatoes, cakes, pastries. Slow ones, on the other hand, are useful. These are rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals. The daily allowance is 3 grams per kilogram of body weight for men and 2.5 grams for women.

What is not allowed

The very first thing that is advised to give up the basics of proper nutrition for weight loss is chocolate and other sweets. After eating them, after 1-2 hours you are hungry again. Other prohibited foods for PP:

  • alcohol;
  • fried in oil;
  • smoked meats;
  • salty;
  • fat meat;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup and sauces;
  • dried fish;
  • crackers;
  • crisps;
  • sausages, sausage, ham;
  • bouillon cubes;
  • dairy products with sugar - yoghurts, sweet curds;
  • soda, sweet drinks;
  • sugar;
  • pasta;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • juices in boxes;
  • coffee.

Allowed Products

Be sure to include vegetables and fruits in the basis of the diet. The latter will help you replace your usual sweets. It is better to exclude bananas and grapes from the diet - they are too high in calories. Apples, citrus fruits, pears, on the contrary, have a low energy value and perfectly satisfy hunger. In addition to fruits and vegetables, there are other permitted foods with proper nutrition:

  • low-fat cheese;
  • eggs, preferably protein;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • buckwheat;
  • oat groats;
  • coarse bread;
  • berries, fresh or frozen;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • milk and fermented milk products with a low-fat base - kefir, natural yoghurts, cottage cheese;
  • oils - butter, olive, rapeseed;

Nutrition scheme for weight loss

A delicious breakfast is the main principle. By abandoning it, you condemn yourself to overeating in the evening. The diet plan for weight loss completely excludes hunger, so there should be from 4 to 6 meals per day. To be full, you need to eat often, but little by little. The best option is after 3-4 hours. The food program has the following calories per meal:

  • breakfast - 30%;
  • lunch - 30%;
  • dinner - 20%;
  • snacks between meals - 25%.

Menu pp for a week for weight loss

Many different combinations can be made from the basis of the permitted foods, so your diet will not be monotonous. For convenience, it is better to think over the diet for a week in advance, and then stick to it. As a basis, you can take the PP menu for weight loss, presented in the table:

Oatmeal with dried fruits

Vegetable salad, fish broth, baked fish, fruit drink or juice

Yoghurt with fruit

Buckwheat with vegetable salad

Baked apple with nuts and honey, green tea

Cabbage and cucumber salad, vegetable soup

Handful of dried fruits

Mushroom salad, baked potatoes

Toast with honey, one fruit, a cup of tea

Light meat broth, a slice of bread, tea

A glass of kefir

Stewed vegetables, chicken breast, compote

Omelet with vegetables, juice

A glass of yogurt

2 potatoes, seafood salad, tea

Curd casserole, green tea

Broccoli stewed with beef, vegetable salad

Goulash with mashed potatoes, juice

Oatmeal with honey and nuts, water

Vinaigrette, boiled chicken breast, compote

Portion of cottage cheese

Baked fish, vegetable salad, juice

Vegetable salad, omelet

Bonn soup, water

Any fruit

Chicken cutlet with buckwheat, tea

Weight Loss Nutrition Recipes

In addition to using approved products, it is important to observe the basics of their processing at home. All recipes, with proper nutrition for weight loss, use three options for how to cook dishes - boiling, stewing, baking or steaming. So food retains most of the nutrients it contains. In addition, without oil, carcinogens harmful to the diet are not formed. If you use it, then the olive is better.

What do they eat for breakfast

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 168 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

According to the basics of proper nutrition for weight loss, in the morning you can allow yourself something sweeter, because you will have time to spend the calories eaten during the day. In addition, even desserts with the right diet can be healthy if prepared in a special way. For example, curd casserole. This healthy breakfast recipe is very simple and inexpensive, but it turns out delicious and nutritious.


  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • semolina - 2 tablespoons;
  • sweetener - 1 tablespoon;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Pour semolina with milk, leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Salt eggs, add sweetener to them, beat.
  3. Combine the egg mass with milk, add mashed cottage cheese.
  4. Transfer the resulting mass into a greased form, send for 35 minutes to an oven heated to 180 degrees.
  5. Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  6. Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  7. Calorie content: 117 kcal.
  8. Purpose: for tea / for dessert / for breakfast.
  9. Cuisine: Russian.
  10. Complexity of preparation: easy.

One of the healthy desserts in proper nutrition is a baked apple. If you are tired of eating this fruit in its pure form, then be sure to find out how to cook it in the oven. The baked apple is softer. To add a sweet taste, it is supplemented with vanilla, powdered sugar, cinnamon or honey. In small quantities, they will not affect the calorie content of the dessert base.


  • apple - 4 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • honey - 4 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the apples thoroughly, cut each core so that the bottom of the fruit remains intact.
  2. Put a spoonful of honey in each fruit, then sprinkle with cinnamon on top.
  3. Send in the oven for 20 minutes. The optimum temperature is 180 degrees.

What can you eat for lunch

  • Cooking time: 45 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 30 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Lunch recipes are more satisfying. The best option is considered to be soup, for example, a special Bonn soup for burning fat. The instructions on how to cook it include only vegetables. If you want a more satisfying dish, then just use a not very fatty broth instead of water. The fat-burning properties of the soup are due to its ingredients, which have a negative calorie content.


  • cabbage - 1 fork;
  • onions - 6 pcs.;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • celery - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse all vegetables thoroughly and chop in a convenient way.
  2. Put water in a saucepan on fire.
  3. After boiling, first add cabbage and onions, cook for 10 minutes, then add the rest of the vegetables.
  4. Simmer the dish until the ingredients are soft.
  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 107 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / diet lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Another option for lunch is meat with some kind of side dish. Beef with broccoli is very tasty. It is better to take meat in the form of fillet or minced meat - they are easier and faster to cook. In addition to broccoli, you need carrots with onions and peppers. It turns out not just meat with vegetables, but very tasty goulash with gravy, so this dish can be served with any kind of cereal.


  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • ground black pepper, salt - to taste;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • beef - 500 g;
  • broccoli - 300 g;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the beef, cut into small slices, send to a skillet with butter, fry for a couple of minutes.
  2. At this time, peel the onions and carrots, chop them finely, put them with the meat, cook the vegetables until soft.
  3. Sprinkle with flour, add water to cover the ingredients.
  4. Simmer over low heat for about 1.5 hours.
  5. Add chopped broccoli and peppers 15 minutes before the end.

What to eat for dinner

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 1 person.
  • Calorie content: 143 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner / dietary dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

The ideal diet dinner for weight loss is a salad. There are a lot of options for such a dish, so you can use a new recipe every day. It is very simple and quick to prepare a mushroom salad. In addition to them, you only need a little lemon juice and vegetable oil for dressing. You can use any mushrooms. More often fresh mushrooms are taken.


  • black pepper to taste;
  • fresh mushrooms - 143 g;
  • vegetable oil - 10 g;
  • lemon juice to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the mushrooms, peel, then boil in slightly salted water for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Then let them cool and chop finely.
  3. Season with pepper, add oil and lemon juice, stir.

The following salad recipe is unusual in that it is based on vegetables with a negative calorie content. This means that the body spends more energy on their digestion than it receives. As a result, a calorie deficit is formed, due to which weight loss occurs. The salad itself is budgetary and light, satisfies hunger for a long time. It consists only of fresh and juicy vegetables.


  • parsley to taste;
  • cabbage - 500 g;
  • celery - 4 stalks;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • olive oil - a little for dressing;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • cucumber - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the vegetables, then chop and mix as required.
  2. Season with oil and lemon juice, add herbs, stir.

Good afternoon, dear site visitors. Probably, each of us understands that proper nutrition is an important foundation for acquiring a healthy body, but unfortunately, not everyone pays due attention to this.

And in this article I want to convey to you in detail that in fact, a balanced diet is not only healthy, as most people believe - this is the only plus, but also delicious.

Correctly selected recipes and food combinations will allow you to choose a tasty and healthy menu for yourself for a week or a month. From this article, you will understand which foods and dishes should be excluded from your diet in order to heal your body.

You will also receive practical advice from nutritionists for weight loss or muscle growth.

It has been actively promoted in the society in recent years. And it is not surprising, because, unfortunately, more and more people need to adjust their weight, improve and cleanse the body. This article will tell you what are the principles of proper nutrition, what should be adhered to, what to limit, and what to completely abandon.

1. What is proper nutrition and how to eat right

To stick with proper nutrition, follow all the recommendations and be able to develop a menu for yourself, decide on a list of products, you must first determine what proper nutrition is.

- it is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle, which ensures the normal development, growth and vital activity of a person, helps to strengthen the body and prevent various diseases.

It should be noted right away that it is not some kind of exhausting diet, strict restriction or temporary measure. As a rule, people who embark on this path do not leave it, but adhere to the recommendations for proper balanced nutrition in the future.

And this is quite understandable, since it is aimed at a long-term correction of his diet, a person simply manages to become akin to his newly acquired habits, and does not abandon them. In addition, if this system is abandoned, all the pleasant "bonuses" of its use will disappear: loss of excess weight, good mood, lightness, vigor in the body, improvement in the state of the body.

The diet of proper nutrition includes the following points:

  • Proper nutrition does not allow starvation, it always presupposes the opportunity to have a full and tasty snack, choosing what is more to your liking.
  • The rational nutrition system always and everywhere allows you to find something to eat, preventing embarrassing situations (for example, at a party).
  • The basics of proper nutrition imply freedom of choice and the absence of rigid categorical prohibitions.

2. Principles of Good Nutrition - 7 Ways to Improve Health

To master proper nutritional regimen you do not need to use complex formulas for calculating calorie intake, but just follow some recommendations and adhere to an established plan.

To understand how to eat right, it is worth considering the following principles:

It should be noted that no need to drastically change your diet, this, as a rule, returns to the previous regime after a while. Rational nutrition will become the norm if you introduce all the changes gradually without experiencing internal opposition to the new rules.

3. List of foods for proper nutrition

Such a list will help you figure out how to eat right:

All of the above products are easily digestible. But there is also a category of hard-to-digest foods that also need to be included, but in moderation, on the menu. These are: chocolate, strong coffee and tea, seasonings / spices, salt and sugar.

4. Diet of proper nutrition + menu for the week

Observing the diet when proper nutrition, you need to develop a menu, adhering to the following principles:

  1. Fruits don't go well with anything, but are a separate meal. Due to its quick digestibility, such a snack is allowed even 1 hour before lunch / dinner.
  2. Different proteins don't mix(for example, fish and milk).
  3. Protein foods are not compatible with carbohydrates(potatoes or cereals are not suitable for meat, eggs, cheese, nuts). But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the combination of, for example, meat and potatoes (I am sure that for many this will be almost impossible). You can simply eat meat with boiled potatoes or baked meat instead of fried potatoes.
  4. Cabbage is a great addition to fats(it inhibits the action of fats, leading to a slowdown in the secretion of gastric juice).
  5. High carbohydrate foods(beans, potatoes, bread) do not go well with sour foods.
  6. Proteins and fats are not compatible(like butter and cheese, eggs and sour cream).
  7. Starch intake per meal should be moderate(so, do not eat potatoes or porridge with bread).
  8. Whole milk consumption should be kept to a minimum.
  9. Green vegetables stimulate the body, so it is a wonderful base for any dish.
  10. Large amounts of oil or acid inhibit protein absorption.

How to eat right will be prompted by the following menu for the week:

Proper nutrition for pregnant and lactating mothers

The diet of proper nutrition for a future and nursing mother should not be distinguished by a quantitative increase, but by high-quality products and harmless cooking methods. It must be varied so that the child receives all the necessary elements in the womb, and the mother's body is not depleted from the fact that all valuable substances leave with milk.

Below I suggest you familiarize yourself with the video in more detail: How to eat right during pregnancy.

Balancing nutrition for women who have already given birth can be a little more difficult due to the appearance of colic in the tummy and allergies in the baby, as well as the desire to return to the woman's previous form.

Proper nutrition for children

Due to the constant growth of the child, the diet must include a sufficient amount of protein. The high mobility of babies makes the metabolism in the body very fast, which is why children cannot stand it for a long time without food. Therefore, snacks are an essential part of their diet.

From an early age, it is worth teaching a child to consume little salt, and to prefer natural confectionery sweets - this is sweet, tasty, and also incredibly healthy. And also it is worth instilling in the child the correct drinking regimen.

Proper nutrition for weight loss

A balanced diet, of course, is an assistant in, but the process of losing weight can only be achieved by reducing the number of calories consumed relative to the expended. Refusal of alcohol and simple carbohydrates (cake - ice cream), fragmentation in nutrition, reduction in portions, physical activity should also take place.

For muscle growth, the menu should directly consist of half of proteins, of carbohydrates and fats by 30% and 20%, respectively. Carbohydrates are best eaten after strength training (unlike muscle building requires reinforcement after exercise) and in the morning.

You should drink more water than usual - about 3-4 liters. The feeling of hunger should not be experienced at all, so even at night you need to eat 200g of cottage cheese.

6. What products should be discarded

To know how to eat right, you must definitely give up foods from the prohibited list. Such food does not bring any benefit, but it does much harm: a deterioration in physical condition (and morally after such food there is nothing to do, but only want to lie down to sleep), the development of serious diseases (diabetes, stomach ulcer, heart attack, etc.) , weight gain, loss of attractiveness of skin, hair, nails.

In a word, such products are the enemies of the body, with which, without hesitation, you need to part.

Harmful products include:

  • purchased sauces (ketchups, mayonnaises, etc.);
  • refined sugar, butter, coffee, cocoa;
  • salinity, smoked meats, fried, preservatives;
  • instant products, finished meat products (sausages, etc.);
  • white flour products;
  • alcohol.


At first glance, proper nutrition seems like an incomprehensible science, but with the right attitude and a gradual transition to a healthy diet, all the rules are learned, and they quickly become a habit. Therefore, be patient, comprehend the science of a healthy lifestyle, stay healthy and beautiful!

And in conclusion, I would like to provide you with "Recipes for proper nutrition" for watching a video. Enjoy your viewing!

Eating the right diet will help you stay healthy. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, which must be supplied with food, are important for our body.

You should start taking care of your body, its youth and health by changing your lifestyle. Get rid of the habit of smoking, do not abuse alcohol, make a rational mode of work, rest and sleep, start exercising and physical activity on a daily basis, and most importantly, review your diet. At this stage, you will have a question, what is proper nutrition, what foods can you eat and what are the rules for eating?

IMPORTANT: A well-balanced diet turns out to be several times better than eating fried and other improperly prepared foods. This will help not only improve your body, but also make your health strong for life.

The nutritional pyramid for good health

Nutritionists around the world have a specific method of successfully delivering advice to people who want to eat right. The Good Health Food Pyramid is an illustration of the ratio of food items to be present in the daily diet. Years of research have proven that presenting such information is well received. In our country, nutritionists use a pyramid, in other countries: a rainbow, a plate or a pie chart. The essence does not change from the way this information is presented.

IMPORTANT: In a healthy diet, cereals, vegetables and fruits predominate. A small part is given to meat, and a small part to fatty and sweet products.

Pyramid floors: base of the food pyramid

1. First floor... Cereals containing fiber, minerals and vitamins - cereals, rice, and pasta made from wholemeal flour. It is a mistake to include here baked goods made from premium flour, rolls and croissants - these are products for the highest floor, the use of which should be minimal.

2. Second floor... Vegetable and fruit fruits help provide the body with vitamins, minerals and fiber. You may think that it is impossible to eat so many fruits and vegetables in a day, but the supporters of this pyramid are sure that these numbers are even underestimated and a person is obliged to eat more of them. Five servings of greens and fruit a day is the minimum amount. Freshly squeezed juice in the morning, one apple for lunch and afternoon tea, and two servings of vegetable salad for lunch and dinner.

3. Third floor... Meat, milk, low-fat sour cream, kefir, eggs, nuts. Meat no more than 200 grams per day. Don't forget about fish. A glass of milk, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese. Nuts no more than 30 grams per day, and if you are losing weight, then introduce restrictions of up to 10 grams per day, since nuts are high in fat.

4. Last floor... Fats, oils and sweets. Eating excess trans fat is high cholesterol. Simple sugars in the form of candy and other sweets include diabetes, obesity, headaches, clogged blood vessels, and aching teeth. There is no benefit from these foods, just extra calories, fat, and unhealthy sugars.

Try to consume proteins and healthy carbohydrates during the day in the form of boiled chicken or fish, cereals, supplementing your diet with vegetables and fruits according to the season.

Proteins are a source of amino acids

Protein foods are divided into two types: animal and vegetable origin. All proteins from food are used as a source amino acid m. Thanks to the amino acid, the protein's own structure is synthesized, and it also acts as a transport for other important substances for the body. Ordinary people may not know this, but nutritionists and doctors believe that animal and plant proteins are a source of amino acids. The daily requirement for these substances depends on the type of human activity, his profession, age, working conditions and the climate where he lives.

IMPORTANT: An adult needs to consume at least 100-120 grams of pure protein per day.

IMPORTANT: If a person completely refuses protein food, irreversible metabolic disorders occur in the body and the death of the body inevitably occurs.

A negative nitrogen balance develops, the body is depleted, growth stops and the functions of the central nervous system of the central nervous system are disrupted. Children may develop kwashiorkor disease due to insufficient protein in the body.

Vegetable proteins

In addition to meat products - proteins of animal origin, our body needs proteins of plant origin. Such substances do not contain cholesterol molecules and saturated fat molecules. Vegetable proteins are complete and contain essential nutrients and amino acids. It can be consumed every day, unlike red meat (pork, beef), which can be eaten no more than 2 or 3 times a week.

Numerous studies have shown that people who eat mostly plant-based proteins are much less likely to develop cancer than people who eat meat every day.

IMPORTANT: In addition to protein, carbohydrates and fats should be present in the diet.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body

These substances are divided into simple and complex carbohydrates. The first type includes sugars, which in large quantities are harmful to the body. The second type includes polysaccharides. These carbohydrates include cereals, potatoes, fruits, vegetables.

Our body cannot store glucose for a long time, so it needs constant consumption of it. But that doesn't mean you need to eat sugar. It is useful to eat food that contains a complex carbohydrate compound. Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body.

IMPORTANT: All foods containing complex carbohydrates are rich in vitamins, fiber and trace elements.

Fats: excess and deficiency

All substances in our body should be in the required amount, including fats. Young and beautiful skin, good exchange of vitamins, energy in the cold season - all this helps the body to get fats.

IMPORTANT: Excess and deficiency of these substances can lead to unwanted abnormalities in the body.

What are the consequences of a lack of fat?

  • the skin will become dry;
  • hypothermia of the body will quickly occur in winter;
  • there will be a rapid loss of body weight;
  • there will be no opportunity to engage in energy-intensive types of labor;
  • poor water and vitamin metabolism. Fats are involved in the transport of fat-soluble vitamins in our body.

What are the consequences of excess fat?

  • the accumulation of visceral fat. Leads to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases, liver and pancreas diseases;
  • poor blood counts. Leads to early atherosclerosis. Proteins, vitamins, magnesium and calcium are poorly absorbed. The elasticity of blood vessels is impaired, the body becomes susceptible to infectious diseases.

The role of vitamins and minerals in the human body

In a balanced diet, it is important not only to eat healthy foods, but also to cook them correctly. This must be done so that during the cooking process there is no loss of vitamins and microelements.

IMPORTANT: Food must be boiled or steamed.

The role of vitamins and microelements in the human body is very great. Without them, health deteriorates and there is no regulation of the course of chemical reactions in the digestive tract. They release the energy found in food.

IMPORTANT: Without vitamins and minerals, a person will die of hunger.

Salts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron in the human body

Minerals do not supply energy like other important substances, but without them the existence of an organism is impossible. Salts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron take part in the metabolism of any human tissue. Hemoglobin is formed and the vital activity of all body systems is maintained.

Phytonutrients - Protection Against Disease

Live food is a source of phytonutrients. These are biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the health of our body. Phytonutrients - protection against disease, these are antioxidants that prevent our body from aging.

The role of water in the human body

A middle-aged man is 70 percent water. Therefore, you need to understand the role of water in the human body. Scientists argue that 1 gram of water consumed should account for at least 1 gram of water. From this it follows that with a daily food intake of 1500 calories, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

IMPORTANT: Water helps to recycle stored fat and helps nutrients to enter the body.

In custody it should be noted that a balanced diet is important for a person. This concept includes not only the hours of food intake and its volume. Food, taken by a person, should be rich in vitamins and microelements, since without them the digestibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates decreases.

Video: The rules of proper nutrition

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