Home Flowers The return of energy between a man and a woman. Energy exchange between a man and a woman through the chakras. Exchange and restoration of energy potential in a couple

The return of energy between a man and a woman. Energy exchange between a man and a woman through the chakras. Exchange and restoration of energy potential in a couple

Each of us has at least one cherished dream, which today seems to us something incredible and unattainable. And it is quite difficult to believe that its implementation is quite real and feasible. But let's try anyway!

1. Wish card

One of the most common wish fulfillment techniques is the notorious wish card. It has been proven more than once that with its help you can turn your life in the right direction and make dreams come true. How to achieve this? Very simple. On a large cardboard sheet, stick clippings from magazines or postcards that you associate with your dreams. It can be children, love, the desired job, travel or good health. It is better to glue clippings in accordance with the Feng Shui sectors, that is, a wallet in the wealth zone, and baby booties in the family zone, and so on.

2. 27 happy days

This little-known technique not only helps to fulfill a wish, but also improves mood and well-being. The secret of the technique is to please and pamper yourself for 27 days. At first glance, it seems that this is incredibly difficult. But don't be afraid. You will quickly get hooked. Start pampering yourself with little things: manicures, pedicures, brighter makeup, your favorite delicious dish for dinner and end up with more impressive pleasant joys: buying clothes, cosmetics and jewelry, repairing or rearranging a house, or maybe even changing your image. Why exactly 27 days? 27 is a magical and mystical number. There is a lot to write about this, but you can find information about the number on the Internet.

3. Visualization

This also well-known technique has proven itself among people of different ages and nations. It is performed quite simply. You just need to find a picture of your dreams and place it in the most visible place in your house. Better above the bed or desk. Look at the picture at any free moment and imagine yourself the owner of your dreams. For greater efficiency, you can put a dream image on the main page on your phone, tablet or computer.

4. Letter of thanks

The following technique for fulfilling desires is carried out using a piece of paper and a pen. Sit back, relax, and start writing down your thoughts and dreams in sequence. No need to write a letter in the style of "I want to have a bag of dollars and euros" or "I dream of being a winner in life and being liked by everyone around." Be specific and describe your dreams as if they are already present in your life. For example, “I am grateful to the Universe and my life for having a hobby, a favorite profitable job, a friendly family and charming children,” and so on.

5. Charged glass of water

This technique, as it turned out, was proposed by the contemporary writer Zeeland. She gained wide popularity among the masses and repeatedly confirmed her effectiveness in fulfilling desires. It is better to perform the ritual of materializing desire in the morning after waking up or, on the contrary, before going to bed. Take a glass of clean running water and put a wish written on a piece of paper under it. Put your hands together over the glass and try for a moment to imagine that energy is circulating between them. Happened? Do not hurry. The more clearly you feel the ball of energy in your hands, the sooner your plan will come true. When there is more than enough energy, drink a glass of water with the thought that you have already become the owner of what you dreamed of.

6. Lunar energy

Everyone has moments of “doing nothing” and “dreaming of nothing” from time to time. During such periods, I want to lie on the couch, eat and sleep. If you have just such a period now, then you definitely need to recharge with lunar energy. To do this, on the eve of the full moon, write on a piece of paper what exactly you lack in the present, for example, energy, strength or inspiration. You can add your cherished dreams to this list. On the full moon, put a sheet of notes on the windowsill and, standing by the window, imagine yourself the owner of everything that you dream about. Then dispose of the sheet as your intuition tells you.

7. Talisman that grants a wish

You can also turn your plans into reality with the help of a talisman created by yourself. Why do it yourself? Because during the creation of the talisman, it is filled with your energy and positive thoughts. Stroke your talisman every day and “communicate” with it. Say what a good helper he is and how you want him to fulfill your blue dream. It is important that you have one desire for a particular talisman, otherwise the energy will be misused.
And remember that dreams materialize only when we know and believe that it will happen sooner or later.

We have such a grandmother, she lives in the Arkhangelsk village, she knows many northern rituals, her name is Nina Yakovlevna. Her granddaughter, Alena, could not resist, began to write down for her grandmother, and handed over the notes to "Northern tale". Here's what else happened - a collection of proven ways to fulfill desires!

Fulfillment of a wish with a candle

Listen, darling, sit down next to me - I'll tell you a story about how I used to tell fortunes in girls. I’ll take a wax candle and a piece of birch bark, and write down that desire on the birch bark.

Therefore, an important part of this ritual was done - twists. Imagine, already seven times she did twists on one candle. And for this it was important that she, a candle, was long and soft. And seven times, how do you think, why? Yes, this is a lucky number!

Having tormented the candle, she took the birch bark and put it under it, and then she lit the candle. And then she looked into the fire, but the desire drove everything in her thoughts. Yes, all with good intentions. And it was also important to smell how my desire, happiness, had come true!

Ah, yes, I sat behind all this for no more than fifteen minutes, then I waited for the candle to burn out until the seventh spin - after all, he is happy! Well, now, the candle was burning down, until the seventh twist, and even at that moment I would slowly pull out the birch bark from the candle and burn it on fire until the happy twist was burning!

That's how my wishes soon came true!

Ways to make wishes come true with an empty bottle

If you want any dreams and desires to come true, here's what you need to do: find an empty bottle, for starters. Yes, tell her your plans: say out loud everything you want, holding the neck of the bottle to your lips.

As soon as you say everything, you tell it - immediately close the bottle.

When you are going there, the guide will decide your fate, be sure to take it with you, and when you are where you need it, open it. So, you can use not only a large bottle, but also a small vial or something more suitable - one that does not take up much space in a pocket or purse.

Do you believe that such a miracle is possible? And you try!

Way to fulfill a wish with a chicken egg

If you, girl, have some business, and you want it to succeed as you planned. And you know, our sorcerers used to say that there is one whisper-slander for this, and I know it. The sorceress alone thought of it, but I did everything as she said, and I did it, and everything turned out.

I went, it means, first to get an egg, called “alive” - so that it was from under the chicken. Then I took this testicle - yes, I was strictly punished to wash! - she looked up for a long time and kept thinking about her dream. Then look - and the egg got warmer, as if it heard me. Well, I immediately put it in a black patch - and in the bins, for a year, so that no one would find it. Then I visited - and it even got spoiled, and in a year everything came true for me! That's the way it goes, girl. Try it yourself - maybe it will help you.

A proven way to fulfill a wish - to the red knot

In the summer, when the time comes to collect grass, go and collect wormwood, then soak it in water, make a tincture. Then get the rope al thread, so that it is red, but immerse it in the tincture. Sit down by the mirror yourself, take the rope in your hands and say: “What I think, it will come true, what I speak, it will happen, what I will do, everything will turn for the better.” Tie the knot tighter on the string and say now: “As this knot is tied evenly and correctly, so my business would come together correctly and evenly.” Now put it on the threshold and go about your business boldly - everything will work out, everything will work out. And as soon as your wish is fulfilled, they slept on the rope on the candle, worked out its own.

Slavic ritual for desire - the path to happiness!

Such divination was simple in the villages. They say that the methods are correct, but only for small desires. And if there is a great expectation? Then you need to turn to the gods. Here another ritual for desire is needed.

We will tell you where to find rituals for the fulfillment of all kinds of desires: both small and great. They turn to the Goddess Makosh for that, they perform a ritual for a wish for seven days, so that it comes true. Knots on a scarlet thread are knitted, an ancient conspiracy is told. Where to find those cherished words? AT wish fulfillment book, which is in the "Northern Tale"!

A harmonious relationship between a man and a woman is the foundation of happiness.
Today we will look at the sacred secrets of relationships between men and women. This is a very important topic, your happiness, success, well-being and health will depend on its understanding. Many women, having learned that in relationships with men they are “giving”, were upset. I guess? Of course, you thought that this was unfair: someone only needs to give, and someone only needs to receive. My dear readers, I want to reassure you. You will only have to give what you have in abundance by the will of nature, and for this happiness and prosperity will come to you. Everything created by the Creator is always harmonious, you just need to understand and accept this truth.

Read this information several times until you have a deep understanding of this important issue. Realizing it, you can build a harmonious relationship with your soul mate. In addition, many are interested in the question of how to open the spell, because our well-being in all aspects of life depends on the degree of their disclosure. So, the realization of this knowledge in life is one of the ways to unlock the spell and personal growth.

We already know that the Creator divided man into 2 halves to accelerate the development of mankind. In order for these halves to always strive for each other, a very wise mechanism was invented: In women, the sexual energy spell is always filled with energy, while in men it is always hungry and only a woman can feed it. Therefore, men without women cannot fully live and develop at all. They need the Muse. Why do women always have a sexual charm full of energy? Yes, because she needs a man to attract, feed, inspire, conceive, endure, give birth and raise offspring. Therefore, a woman is closely connected with the Earth, which feeds her with this powerful energy.

It is due to the fact that women always have a lot of sexual energy after the birth of a woman, a woman can be considered self-sufficient. But do not rush to rejoice and assume that you can live well without a man. You can! But life will be more difficult, and there will be no true happiness without a man, because the soul will ache from unfulfilled debt to the Universe.

Precisely because a man is the transformer of the World, his sexual charm is not confined to one woman. A man should always be full of this energy. Only in this case it can develop and produce offspring. One woman will not give energy - another will “refuel”. In addition, a man in the reproduction of mankind is responsible for the number of descendants. Therefore, he constantly has a huge amount of active spermatozoa in his sperm. All these factors make a man sexually insecure. Man is polygamous by nature. If you want to have a faithful companion, “feed” well, do not manipulate your superiority. You are not alone in this world with such a gift.
A woman's sexual charm is unidirectional, if she has chosen a man for herself, then only the flow of energy is directed at him. In women, only one egg matures once a month. A woman is responsible to the Universe for the quality of offspring. Therefore, she always naturally has a sufficient supply of energy and should not be preoccupied with finding it. The woman is monogamous. The issue of female infidelity does not lie in the plane of energy. This problem lies in the field of psychology, and we do not consider it today. This is a separate issue. But a man will immediately feel that a woman has redirected her energy from him to another, no matter how she disguises herself. After all, this interrupts the power source. A woman can energize one man, even if she has sexual relations with several.

When a man and a woman form a union based on attraction, their biofields unite, mutually reinforcing each other. They create a common energy structure, enhancing the potential of each. But in order for this system to be stable and a harmonious union be created, a clear distribution of functions must be shown in the work of energy centers. Let's look at this schematically for better understanding.

According to the first spell, the Source A man must be a giver.
He always has this energy center filled with enough energy to implement the tasks assigned to him in this incarnation. This is his source of physical strength. A woman in this center of energy is only enough to survive. Therefore, a man must provide a woman with proper living conditions, comfort, protection.
Please note: it is in the projection of this spell that a man has a protruding organ (penis), and a woman has a recess. People say: "A man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son." Moreover, a man gives a woman not the energy itself, but the material conditions of life created by him thanks to this energy, because he is the transformer of the World. Feminine energy is quite enough to improve the family nest built by a man.
If a man does not provide a woman with the necessary protection and conditions for a normal life, one must run away from such a man and as soon as possible and away. Unspent energy will make him aggressive, jealous, he will try to spend it on sexual pleasures on the side or become addicted to alcohol. Chara will be blocked and male infertility is expected in the future (there will be few spermatozoa and they will be weakly active for full-fledged fertilization), early impotence. Do you need it?

According to the second charm, Zarod, a Woman must be a bestower.
In this center it is redundant. A woman gives this energy to a man not only through sex (although the largest portion of energy is given through sex), through caresses, hugs, kisses, even when thinking about her lover, wherever he is at that time. If a woman does not want to give enough energy to a man, then her excess energy in this energy center will lead to the development of gynecological diseases (cysts, fibroids, cancer) or nymphomania. And the man will have to look for a "battery" on the side. By the way, in the projection of this center, a woman has a bulge - a tummy. If it so happens that a woman is lonely and there is no one to give sexual energy to, she must raise it to the next chakras and begin to realize it through them. At the same time, a woman will eliminate excess energy, remain healthy and achieve great success in society. But at the same time, she should not forget about the mechanism of more rational harmony. A woman should not be alone for long.

According to the third charm, the Belly Man must be a giver.
But he can be bestowing only if he receives a sufficient amount of sexual energy from a woman. Then his third energy center opens, his will wakes up, purposefulness, assertiveness, and he rises socially. This contributes to professional growth, career, power, honor, respect. Such a man brings prosperity to the house and can fulfill the desires of women already beyond the norms of simple survival: beautiful furniture, clothes, jewelry, a car, rest, etc. This is how he pays the woman for the energy given to him and the prospect of development. By the way, men in the projection of this chakra have a convex abdomen. In the East, they believe that the larger the abdomen, the richer and more generous the person.
If a man does not pay off a woman, then excess energy and pride lead him to greed, cruelty, revenge and, as a result, to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the fourth charm of Jarlo, the Woman must give energy.
Indeed, in her heart center, the source of divine love is not exhausted. Moreover, the more she gives this energy, the more she receives from the Creator and, in addition, receives various gifts of fate. A woman should give the energy of love not only to a man. She must broadcast it to the surrounding space. This is especially true at the present time, this will be her mission. Women sometimes ask: “But how to give the energy of love if you don’t love your husband?” If you do not love, but for some reason you want to keep the union, then love your husband as a friend, as a brother, as an eldest son. Only then will a woman fulfill her duty to the universe.
A man's heart center will open slightly and the energy of love will reveal in him such qualities as mercy, compassion, empathy, he will learn to love and then this power will free him from the power of instincts. A man who loves with his heart can no longer be unfaithful. In the Age of Aquarius, loveless marriages will quickly fall apart, while love marriages will be encouraged.
A woman gives the energy of love in different ways: through the biofield, through an affectionate and gentle look, through an inner smile, through an affectionate word, sympathy, empathy, forgiveness. She charges with the energy of love everything she touches with love in her heart. With her own hands, she makes gifts to a man with love, cooks food for him with love, etc. In separation, she can mentally send this energy even to the ends of the world.

According to the fifth spell, the Mouth should be given by a Man.
By the way, men have an Adam's apple on their necks, women do not. Here is a clue from Nature itself, who should give. If a woman generously endowed her husband with her inexhaustible energy of love, then the throat chakra opens in men, his creative abilities wake up. So a man of realization according to the first energy center will make a strong stool for a woman, now he will make an elegant chair with curved legs for her.
In addition, he will give a woman a wonderful harmonious relationship and a woman will not have to spend her energy on building these relationships, using the advice of psychologists. Relationships will develop almost automatically. And a woman will be able to direct the released energy to the development of creativity in herself.

As these five centers open, both will begin to open 2 higher centers - the Eye and the Spring, which will give them more opportunities for development and personal growth. In addition, with such a harmonious union, the emotional shell will be filled with higher energies of joy, love, and due to this, its upper part will expand. It is she who assimilates the energy of abundance coming from the Cosmos in much greater quantities. And the energy of abundance brings with it the energies of love, success, happiness, health and prosperity.
Such an alliance is simply doomed to the full realization of all its aspirations.

Let your man become a king, then you will become a queen. And notice without much effort, just fulfilling the duties assigned to you by Nature. For this, nature has given you everything, just use it in the right direction.

If a man and a woman, having formed a union, do not correctly carry out the exchange mechanism, then an inharmonious union is formed. Let's see what it brings them both.
Here I want to make a small addition to the question of the structure of the enchantment system. Between the second and first charms, as well as between the third and fourth, there are safety valves for the transfer of energy from one center to another in case of emergency. For example, if a man does not have a woman for a long time, then part of the energy from the first energy center will pass into the second for the normal functioning of the body.

If it happens that a man is lazy and does not want to become the support of the family, using the energy properly given to him by Nature according to the first spell, then the woman will be forced to deal with issues of ensuring the living conditions and material well-being of the family herself. Her natural energy will not be enough for this, and she will take energy from the sexual chakra, leaving a small amount of it there only for childbearing. Then this woman will begin to lose sex appeal and cease to be attractive to men, her libido will begin to fall, various kinds of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, and menstrual irregularities will begin. The husband will transfer part of the energy from the first to the second and begin to "walk", because his own wife is not able to feed him with sexual energy. It is not worth talking about the further growth and development of both, it will practically not happen. This is the most dead end situation.

Therefore, when choosing a partner, look not at a pleasant appearance and figure, not at beautiful compliments, but at whether a man is ready to take responsibility for the material well-being of the family, to provide conditions for a normal life and protection. However, a man's readiness should not be measured by the thickness of his wallet. The readiness of a man to take responsibility for the family and make every effort for its well-being is the basis for the formation of a harmonious union. But, as you understand, men and women have their own specific share in this process, and everyone should contribute it to the common cause.
If you do not give your man enough energy to raise and open his third chakra, or if the man does not provide realization for you through the third center, then you will have to realize all your dreams yourself, rise in society yourself, and suck the energy for this. from the heart center and sex chakra. For non-targeted and long-term use of the energy of love, you will be covered by the source of its receipt. You will realize your ambitions, but you will become callous, heartless. Endless scandals will begin in the family, finding out who is cooler. Soon, failures in the work of the heart will begin, and then diseases.
Even having reached a high position in society and having achieved high earnings, such a woman is unlikely to feel happy. Her soul will whine, because she did not fulfill her most important duty, did not become a source of love on Earth. In addition, in order to rise in society at a modern level, it is necessary to play according to male rules, therefore such a woman wastes her femininity, gains male energies. She herself is not realized as a woman, and her man gets stuck at a certain level. It turns out that there is a queen, and instead of a king, there is a page next to him or the one who runs away to another woman who is ready to make him king.

In this case, the energy shell is burdened with low feelings and emotions and expands downwards. Such a structure cannot receive for free a lot of energy of abundance from the Cosmos. Everything has to be conquered through great effort, expenditure of energy and at the cost of health. In such a union there are no conditions for the development of each and personal growth. Such a union either needs to be corrected, or must break up for the sake of the happiness of both. To maintain such a union, great efforts are needed by both and the help of an experienced psychologist or energy therapist.

Of course, this is only a schematic presentation of this issue, but this scheme can be used to understand the very principles of building harmonic relations. After analyzing your situation, you can find a weak link in your union and correct it. After all, everything is in our hands and our happiness too. Using this knowledge, you can build a harmonious union of two equal halves and find complete happiness.

Energy exchange between a man and a woman

This energy exchange laid down by the Creator from the very beginning, as a natural and the only possible way for the development of human civilization. From the depths of centuries, knowledge has come down to us about the interaction of female and male energies, called Yin and Yang. In the famous Chinese book I Ching, or Book of Changes, dating from the Zhou Dynasty (770-222 B.C.), Yin and Yang are described as cosmic forces that perpetuate the universe through an endless chain of transformations.

Surely, most readers are well aware of these symbols of the feminine and masculine. Therefore, we confine ourselves to a brief classical description of this theory. In accordance with it, Yin and Yang give rise to each other in an ever-repeating circular motion - when Yang is at its minimum, it turns into Yin; Yin then increases and, when it reaches its maximum, turns into Yang. This is because Yang contains the Yin element, and Yin contains the Yang germ.

In the 11th century, neo-Confucian philosophers presented a graphic representation of this position in the form of a well-known diagram - a circle divided by a curved line. Its right side represents Yang, where the black dot represents Yin, the embryo that is contained there, and, accordingly, the left side represents the Yang embryo.

This symbol well reflects the law of the unity of opposite principles. The ancient Chinese sages interpreted Yin-Yang as a symbol of the unity of the whole, and its vicious circle means the infinity of all things.

The division of the circle into two equal halves emphasizes the equivalence of Yin and Yang in the formation of cosmic energy. The wavy dividing line shows the principle of the interaction of these energies: the penetration of one into the other and their mutual influence on each other, as equal elements.

We note one more point, which is extremely important for understanding the path of forming a happy relationship: this sign clearly shows the path of evolution through unity and harmony, and not the struggle of opposites as taught by the adherents of dialectical materialism.

The flow of energies, their mutual complementation, and not mutual destruction leads to the development of the whole, in our case, a family union.

This is how knowledge of energy laws allows you to acquire a new look at the relationship between a man and a woman, and with it a new worldview. Well, what follows after that, you already know well. If you forget, go back to the chain of cause and effect relationships described in the first chapter.

In the new system of ideas, a woman is clearly an equal partner of a man; she does not need to “fight for her rights” and participate in all sorts of dubious measures to combat “male hegemonism”.

As you know, the movement of women for their rights, more precisely, for equality of the sexes, arose in the 18th century. It became especially active in the 19th century after the publication of the work of Friedrich Engels, which quickly became famous, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. Feminists eagerly jumped at this book, which describes the centuries of oppression of women as one of the most brutal forms of oppression in the history of human development.

In the 20th century, feminism gave rise to a whole layer of specialized literature, women's issues became the subject of academic research in various fields of knowledge: sociology, philosophy, pedagogy, anthropology, etc. "legalized prostitution" and advocate the so-called "guest marriage" or "non-burdensome relationship without obligation."

Some feminists believe that there are no fundamental differences between the sexes, but only the roles that society imposes on people depending on their gender. On the extreme flank of the feminist movement were representatives of an extremist orientation with man-hating propaganda.

We believe that this position has caused great harm to women themselves. This harm will become obvious when we consider the true purpose of men and women from the standpoint of natural energy exchange, and therefore, from the standpoint of the Creator himself, as his Creator.

This true destiny was very well understood by our distant ancestors, who reflected it in the teachings of Tantra.

According to tantric books, the union of a man and a woman occurs according to the principle of communicating vessels, and an energy exchange inevitably begins between them. At the same time, each of the partners performs its role, which is embedded in the structure of its biofield.

Yes, these fields are outwardly similar - the same seven subtle bodies, the same seven chakra-funnel, but they work differently for men and women. The situation is the same as with the brain: its external structure is the same for men and women, but their reactions to the same events are different.

That a woman is by nature parent and nurse, no one will deny. She performs the same functions on the energy plane, and it simply cannot be otherwise: the physical body of a woman is, in fact, also a clot of energy, only in a denser state than other bodies of the aura.

Man, by nature, creator, it is focused on actions and results, and they are always preceded by an idea, like a mental image. When it is formed, forces are needed to implement it. Men have no problem with ideas - they easily get them from above, through the crown chakra. But with the energy of men, the problem. Of course, they absorb it with food, but this is not enough for them to fully realize themselves. And then, for recharging, a man intuitively turns to a woman.

Why intuitive? Doesn't he make contact with a woman absolutely consciously, attracted by her beauty and overwhelmed by sexual desire? Outwardly, everything looks exactly like this, but in reality it is different.

The main physical functions of a woman, as we have already noted, are to give birth and feed. And every man, before becoming one, goes through the stages of being born to a woman and being fed by a woman. While still an embryo in the body of a woman, he feeds exclusively on her and continues to do so in the first months, and sometimes even years after birth, when the main food is mother's milk.

This type of relationship: a female donor - a male consumer - is forever and deeply imprinted in the subconscious of both parties and does not go anywhere with age.

As the boy grows older, he moves away from his mother, but at the same time he immediately begins to reach out to girls, and this is natural - during puberty, physical food is no longer enough for him. Therefore, on a subconscious level, every man quite correctly perceives a woman precisely as energy source.

But the source itself must draw energy from somewhere!

It is logical that the Creator, creating a woman and endowing her with extremely energy-consuming functions - to bear, give birth and feed the fetus, - provided her with a mechanism for obtaining the energy necessary for this. Her woman receives through the lower chakra, turned by a funnel to the earth. It is from the Earth that it absorbs the main energy, which it accumulates in a special storage - the uterus, which can rightly be called an "energy bank".

The transfer of energy to a man occurs both during sexual contact and in the process of other forms of communication: when showing care, sympathy, moral support.

It is important to note that in such ways a woman energizes only her beloved man.!

When communicating, including sex, with the unloved, the energy transmission channel is blocked, and the man is not recharged from the woman, but only energetically depleted. This happens, for example, during sexual contacts of men with prostitutes. A man can experience the same energy devastation during intimacy with his wife, when she, obeying the demand of a hungry husband, fulfills her “marital duty”, while gritting her teeth.

The Yin-Yang symbol tells us that energy exchange is a vicious circle, moving along it, we enter the third cycle - the use of the received power by a man. Having spent energy on the realization of his idea, a man, of course, returns to the bank for a new loan. But to whom in the physical world are the bankers giving new credit? Of course, only to a bona fide borrower who repays both the principal amount and interest on the loan on time. So the man must first return the energy to the woman. But in what form?

Here it is appropriate to turn again to the psychological aspect of the relationship.

Any man needs the approval of his actions, the recognition of the results achieved. Someone must appreciate and praise them.

Achievements become meaningless for a man if there is no enthusiastic spectator.

If we leaf through Daniel Defoe's famous novel about Robinson Crusoe, forced to live twenty-eight years on a desert island after a shipwreck, we immediately understand the validity of this statement.

When the sea waves threw Robinson onto the island, he found himself face to face with the world indifferent to him. Robinson managed to save his life, did not run wild and even arranged his life well, but all his actions were dictated solely by the survival instinct. Therefore, he did not perform any feats - there were no legs to which trophies could be laid down. And even when, after twenty-three years of loneliness, he acquired a companion in the person of the savage he had saved, Robinson did not change the way he lived. He still performed only the bare minimum necessary for survival.

It is quite another matter if a woman is nearby. A man immediately has a motive for achievement, and if a woman is also loved, the need to prove his worth increases in a man many times over. He with sincere joy presents her with the fruits of his efforts and is simply happy if they are highly appreciated.

History buffs are well aware of how many feats male commanders performed in order to have their outstanding victories recognized by their beloved women. Of course, they had other motives for the manifestation of military prowess and talents, but all the glory and all the treasures obtained on the battlefields meant much less than the admiration of their beloved. It is known how much Napoleon Bonaparte suffered, already being the ruler of half the world, from the indifference of his Josephine.

So, a man receives a new portion of energy from a woman by endowing her financially, emotionally, surrounding her with physical help and care.

It has become a common belief that a man gets a lot thanks to a woman. Now read the same phrase with different accents:

A man receives everything, Giving a blessing to a woman.

It has a completely different meaning, doesn't it?

We can say that this phrase contains the formula of male happiness.

Having endowed a woman with all sorts of benefits and nourished by her energy, a man acquires wings for flight and rushes with new strength to conquer the next peaks.

The cycle of energy exchange is completed.

This dance of energies, by the way, contains the answer to the question: why does a successful man in a relationship with a new woman suddenly lose his "luck"? Or vice versa: yesterday's loser suddenly acquires all the signs of a successful person?

It also contains one of the main reasons for male infidelity: without receiving vital energy supply for him, a man subconsciously seeks to find a donor. A woman, at the same time, can be a beauty, and an excellent hostess, and an intelligent companion, but she is not able to keep a “hungry” man.

We emphasize: this is not the only reason for men's campaigns "to the left", but it is quite weighty and deserving that women at least know about it, and even better - think about it.

A woman who has come into contact with her natural essence , acquires the highest energy potential and becomes a real magnet for her man. And in this case, he remains faithful to her with all her shortcomings, because energy is the main thing! Men feel it very well. For the sake of such a woman, they are ready for any exploits and will gladly lay all their conquests at her feet.

In the distant past, women were well aware of this, they knew about the truly magical power of their femininity and strove with all their might to acquire it. Men also understood this - at the dawn of civilization, the attitude to the laws of the Universe was then completely different than in our time. Men and women knew them well and tried to follow them as much as possible - after all, everyone received a clear benefit from this! And a happy family union, which today is a rarity, was a completely normal phenomenon in those days.

According to sources that have come down to us from the gray depths of the ancient world, it is known that in those distant times a woman was an object of worship, she was considered the incarnation of the Great Mother Goddess, a source of life and happiness.

In ancient India, there were special schools for women, in which they learned how to purify and saturate with the energies of high vibrations of love and light, how to maintain themselves in this flow, to be in a constant state of unity with their feminine nature. This knowledge, together with sacred rituals, was passed down by women from generation to generation, allowing them to maintain energy exchange with men at a natural level.

But over time, everything changed, and the woman from the object of worship was gradually turned into a "servicing staff." Why did this happen and who is to blame? After all everyone it was good and, it would seem, “they don’t look for good from good.” Who is to blame for such catastrophic changes for the whole civilization? When revolutionary transformations of such a scale take place in society, someone must stand behind them, it must be beneficial for someone!

But if in this case we look for the guilty, we will certainly get lost, and we will never find the real reasons for this course of events, because they are not in people, but in space. In astronomy, there is such a thing as "precession of the equinoxes", and it is precisely this precession that is “guilty” of the fact that the Earth and all of humanity periodically falls under the influence of such cosmic energies that “lull” the consciousness of people. People begin to lose knowledge and gradually degrade. Archaeologists have discovered a lot of evidence of a high level of technical knowledge that people possessed two to three thousand years ago, and according to written sources (Mahabharata, Upanishads and others) it is known that in even more ancient times - five to six thousand years ago - people had knowledge far superior to that of today.

The ancient sages were well aware of the cyclical development of civilization and the upcoming change of eras, that ignorance would reign and, along with technical knowledge, spiritual knowledge would be lost, including about human energy and the laws of the Universe. Therefore, they took care to write them down, and the descendants managed to save them in the form of the Holy Scriptures under the general name of the Vedas.

That is why now we are well aware and understand the true causes of all events occurring on Earth - they were predicted in detail in the Vedas. But what is especially important and pleasant for us is the knowledge that after the era of ignorance comes Golden Age of Humanity that will last ten thousand years!

The dates are indicated in the sources: the era of evil, greed and lust, which began approximately three thousand years BC, will last five thousand years, after which times of stability and harmony with God and nature will again come on Earth.

This means that this sinister page in the history of mankind has already been turned, and now we are entering the threshold of a New Era. Despite all the negativity, which has taken on menacing proportions, we already see not only signs of the awakening of people's consciousness, but also state its massive and rapidly growing character. It remains to survive the intermediate between the eras and the inevitable period of chaos, which, according to reliable sources, is already close to the end.

By the way, the publication of an increasing number of books like this one, and the keen interest in them of people who only yesterday it was difficult to even suspect of the very possibility of awakening consciousness, is a direct proof of this.

We also find many confirmations of the return of ancient knowledge in the works of leading scientists - representatives of the most progressive science - quantum physics. Thus, the director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Akimov says the following:

“Everything that physics has now approached, practically without formulas, but in terms of content, is set out in the ancient Indian Vedic books. There were and still are two directions of cognition of Nature. One is represented by Western science, that is, knowledge that is obtained on the methodological basis that the West owns, that is, proof, experiment, etc. The other is Eastern, that is, knowledge obtained from outside in an esoteric way, in a state, for example, of meditation. Esoteric knowledge is not obtained, it is given to a person. It so happened that at some stage this esoteric path was lost, and another path was formed, extremely complex and slow. Over the past thousand years, following this path, we have come to the knowledge that was known in the East 3000 years ago. .

Of course, several thousand years of being in an oppressed state left a serious imprint on the consciousness of women. They not only lost the knowledge of their Divine nature and incredible abilities, but even forgot about their very existence in the distant past. Therefore, when in the 18th century the opportunity to raise a voice in their defense appeared, and in the 19th century it became stronger, women could not even see the path that should be taken, and feminism as we know it naturally appeared.

Instead of a movement to regain their true place as the Goddess, women began to fight for the outer sides of equality with men.

Having changed into trousers, they rushed into men's professions. In the 20th century, there appeared women bankers, women ministers (even defense ministers!), women presidents of companies and entire states.

Less intelligent and educated women, without any struggle, but by virtue of the same equality won, also found themselves in male, but not so attractive roles. Now they can be seen among construction workers, tram drivers and in the shops of enterprises with difficult working conditions.

They also broke into men's sports, throwing a heavy hammer with daring and demonstrating a clearly unfeminine grip in wrestling, boxing and wrestling without rules, women's hockey and women's football appeared ...

« Sport brought a woman out of the seclusion of “kitchen and dresses” into clean air and sun, freed her from the constraint of movements and made it possible to look at the world with open and bold eyes ... In sports, the female body is not a temptation and not a “diabolical vessel”, but a working machine, - same as the male body", - wrote the Soviet newspaper "Physical Culture and Sport" in 1928.

In 1920, the first games of women's hockey teams were held in the United States, and since 1999, women's ice hockey world championships have been held annually. In Finland, the first mixed hockey teams appeared, in which women play on an equal basis with men.

Who finally removed the Woman from the pedestal of the Goddess and equalized her with men not only in rights, but also in duties, while depriving the main element of her strength - femininity? The blame for this should be shared equally between men and women. The men started this ungodly game, and the women enthusiastically got involved in it. Friedrich Engels is rightly called the godfather of feminism, but other well-known and influential men also made a great contribution to the creation of the ideology of emancipation.

The very word " feminisme" (from the Latin femina- woman) was invented by a man - the French utopian socialist Charles Fourier. At the beginning of the 19th century, he published a book called The Theory of Four Movements and Universal Destinies, in which he expressed his firm conviction that "the empowerment of women is the main source of social progress." He wrote that feminists are new women who must change society, give it the features of association and reciprocity.

« Patriarchy is that main, historical, but unfortunately, completely national evil, against which we must fight with all our might.”, wrote the Russian thinker and revolutionary anarchist Mikhail Bakunin in the middle of the 19th century.

In 1879, a book by a prominent figure in the international labor movement, August Bebel, "Woman and Socialism" was published in Germany. In it, he proclaims calls for women to become actively involved in the political struggle and argues that “ …there was not a single significant movement in the world in which women did not act as fighters and martyrs».

Bebel divides the women's movement along class lines into two streams - the bourgeois and the proletarian, but the tasks of the struggle for gender equality are so important that class differences can be neglected: " hostile sisters can fight by marching separately but fighting together» .

This work was a huge success in society, Bebel's book was translated into many languages ​​​​of the world and only in Germany during the life of the author was reprinted 50 times! It has become a reference book in many women's organizations.

The ideas of emancipation looked so convincing and attractive (it is impossible to deny the facts of the suppression of women, and even more so to accept), that women joyfully grabbed the flag extended to them by men and rushed into the struggle with great energy - exactly in the direction indicated by the men. This is what was their (and men, later) the main mistake, their misfortune and guilt at the same time. However, the guilt was very relative.

What else could men offer at the beginning of the 19th century, when they didn’t even know about biofields and energy exchange in Europe? What other ways could noble (essentially) male minds, sincerely concerned about the terrible position of women in their contemporary society, find other ways to free women from oppression? Before the advent and recognition of quantum physics, there were still two centuries ...

As a result of the struggle for their rights, if we do not take into account the extremes of the “achievements” of feminism described above, the most ordinary women, thirsting for love and family happiness and not claiming the “male crowns” in politics and sports, suffered serious losses. As Tatyana Ryzhova rightly writes in The Secret Code of Femininity, the feminist movement

“... it did not become a revival of femininity, moreover, the very word “femininity” was not encouraged by its supporters. It was called "emancipation", which in Latin means liberation from dependence, subordination, oppression and prejudice. No one will argue with the fact that the liberation of women was a historical necessity. But, unfortunately, those who put this wonderful idea into practice (and put it into practice) expose themselves to self-deception: instead of activating female energies, they develop male energies, essentially turning into men in a female body…

The growing number of feminine men testifies precisely to the lack of female energy. This happens because women, fighting for a place in the sun, accept the rules of the male game and move into incarnations in which they are not able to saturate this world with the right amount of female energy. And these energies are actually very important...

Yes, our strength is in our feminine features. First of all - in femininity.

It is the developed femininity that becomes the key to the secrets and forces of the Universe. Therefore, it is necessary to reveal femininity in yourself in order to find your way and even attract a suitable man to you. By changing ourselves, we change the environment around us, and then new ways of shaping our destiny open up before us - that is, we gain the ability to manage our lives.

Now the absolute power of womanhood is becoming a necessary condition of life, because with the advent of a new age, a new period begins. We can say that we have already entered it with one foot. Having become feminine, we receive the cherished key to the hearts and minds of men who begin to fulfill our desires for us. ” .

We have already written about the tantric understanding of energy exchange between a man and a woman: it works according to the laws of communicating vessels. This means that if it increases in one of the vessels, then it will certainly decrease in the other.

Taking on male roles and thereby changing the content of their biofield, women necessarily lose the most important thing in themselves - their femininity, but this inevitably affects men too! Women take not only male roles for themselves, but along with them they pump male energies into themselves. Losing them, men automatically pump female energies to themselves.

Remember again the graphic representation of the Yin-Yang sign. Male and female energies in it are divided into two equal parts. In the process described above, the dividing wavy line does not move anywhere - women do not grow beards, and men do not have breasts - but the content side of the halves of this circle changes significantly. Here is another reason for the transformation of men into passive and weak creatures.

Today there are many men who prefer not to strain, giving their wife the right to become the main source of family income. They do not mind when a woman herself begins to repair plumbing at home and replace burnt out light bulbs.

After all, women fought very actively to catch up with men in everything.

Do you really want this? Please receive! - the "good" men agreed and shifted some of their duties onto the shoulders of women.

But the men turned out to be not only "kind", but also cunning - after all, they did not readily replace women at the stove and washing machine, but lay down on the sofa in front of the TV with a mug of beer in their hands. Like, we did not fight with you for equality! We don't need your rights.

But the female energies taken into themselves made themselves felt not only in the refusal of men from their natural roles - men suddenly felt purely feminine needs in themselves and reached out to beauty salons. Women were surprised to find men waxing and relaxing in spas in their ancestral territory. According to the confessions of some women, published on women's Internet forums, their husbands at night began to prefer knitting woolen socks to sex.

Men have penetrated into the traditionally female sport - rhythmic gymnastics. Although the International Gymnastics Federation has not officially recognized this sport, men will continue to master it stubbornly and have already achieved serious success in this field: in the summer of 2009, at the Helsinki Youth Olympic Festival, the men's rhythmic gymnastics tournament was officially included in the competition grid.

Obviously, women did not achieve such results when they entered the warpath with men for their rights. Probably, if they knew about the holographic nature of the structure of the Universe and the laws of energy exchange, they would hardly have enthusiastically accepted the modernization of women's fashion undertaken by the French fashion designer Gabrielle Boner (Coco) Chanel in the first half of the 20th century. Its main idea was to borrow many elements of a traditionally male wardrobe. This idea proved so popular, and the influence on high fashion so strong, that Time magazine included Coco Chanel - the only one from the history of fashion - in the list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

Let's briefly summarize.

Having pumped herself up with male energies and having lost some of the female ones, while being torn between work (business), household and children, by the age of 35–40 a woman completely loses the ability to be an energy donor for her man. In addition, with such a rhythm of life, she loses her purely external attractiveness - there is neither money nor time for expensive cosmetic procedures and fitness, and there is no knowledge and time to acquire them for meditation and really effective energy exercises.

Instead of becoming a magnet for her man, a woman naturally gradually turns into an anti-magnet, fully reaping the benefits of emancipation.

Men also became victims of emancipation, losing their strength and ability to fully fulfill their natural destiny: to extract, protect, give and restore a woman's energy potential.

Modern women, forced to carry an incredibly huge load of both their own and men's duties, now sadly ask: where have the real men gone? Shredded, raised...

“The world is going crazy,” those who managed to preserve their natural biofield in this, no longer a dance, but a mad hurricane of energies sweeping away all rules and boundaries, bitterly state.

Such was the retribution for violating the laws of the universe.

Lawyers have a rule: ignorance of the law is no excuse. They apply this postulate when conducting criminal and civil trials in courts. And we constantly feel the action of the Universal laws, our whole life is a continuous process in which we go through lessons and pass exams. It seems that humanity has failed the energy exchange test.

But let's not fall into pessimism and, moreover, tune in to the End of the World. After all, the Creator is not only omnipotent, but also just and infinitely loving his creatures. Therefore, in any, even in the most critical situation, generated by the mistakes of the people themselves, they are always given the opportunity to return to the true Path, and all the necessary conditions are created for this.

Now such a condition has become a change in the Earth's magnetosphere due to the transition of the planet and the entire solar system into the region of outer space, saturated with the energies of high vibrations. This transition, in turn, ensured the end of the era of ignorance and the opportunity to rediscover the lost knowledge of the ancestors. Armed with this knowledge, we can still fix everything - both globally and in our private, individual life. In the next chapter, we will talk about specific methods for such a transformation.

1. The Universe is a single field of energy generated by the Creator.

2. Knowledge of the laws of the universe allows us to successfully understand all the issues of our earthly life, including the deep essence of the relationship between a man and a woman.

3. The universe is arranged according to the principle of a hologram, in which each arbitrarily small fragment of it contains complete information about the entire object.

4. The knowledge of the Universe is best to begin with the knowledge of oneself. We have all the necessary information.

5. Everything in the Universe is arranged according to a single pattern, in the image and likeness of the Creator.

6. The main obstacles to self-knowledge are doubts, fears and self-doubt.

7. The pineal gland (pineal gland) is the bridge between mind and spirit, the "bio-star gate" between the physical and non-physical worlds. It is also a filter that does not allow thoughts with the stamp “doubtful” imposed by the mind into the subconscious.

8. With our thoughts, we create not only images of dreams, but also the physical reality surrounding us.

9. Love is the key frequency for overcoming fear.

10. Self love, understanding and acceptance of your true purpose are the real keys to a better life,

11. All people on Earth are interconnected and constantly influence each other - both consciously and unconsciously.

12. The exchange of energies between close people occurs instantly, regardless of distance, and a change in the state of one person is immediately reflected in the state of another.

13. Awareness of the very fact of the existence of the original energy network that connects our bodies with the whole world and all the matter of the Universe opens the gates to power and limitless possibilities for us.

14. Solid matter is an illusion, any matter is just a form of existence of energy. We are energy entities in a condensed shell, which we perceive as a physical solid body.

15. Energy has magnetic properties, the attraction between people and the attraction of various events into your life is based on this.

16. Thoughts are also magnetic, so they attract to a person what he thinks about. On what wave a person thinks, he receives such a reality.

17. It is necessary to strive not to find the right person, but to become the right person.

18. A person is surrounded and penetrated by a biofield (aura), through which his contact with the outside world takes place.

19. The aura contains all the information about the physical state, mental and spiritual essence of a person.

20. Proper use of the energy power of the aura gives us access to unlimited possibilities for spiritual growth and physical improvement.

21. Aura can be adjusted independently.

22. The relationship between a man and a woman depends on the energy exchange between them.

23. To create a relationship of love, men and women do not need to fight with each other, but to harmonize energy exchange.

24. The main channel for receiving energy for a woman is the Earth, and for a man - a woman.

25. Energy exchange leads to harmony and supports love when it occurs in a vicious circle: from a woman to a man and back to a woman.

26. The formula of male happiness: A man gets everything, Giving a blessing to a woman.

27. The formula of female happiness: A woman receives everything from a man, providing him with nourishment with her energy.

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From the book Astrology of Sex. Your zodiac guide to love and passion by Davis Rowan

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Sex with an Aries woman Perhaps no one is able to satisfy a man the way Aries women do. Intuitively, she knows how to charm and excite her lover, and is ready to go all the way so that together they can get what they want. In bed she is unrestrained,

A man and a woman exchange energy even when their relationship is platonic and there is no physical intimacy between them. Feminine energy nourishes a man, inspires him, inspires him and makes him courageous, strong, and courageous. And the masculine energy relaxes the woman, soothes, pacifies. How does such an exchange of energy between a man and a woman take place in life?

A woman transfers her energy to a man when she takes care of him, when she thinks about him, believes in him. Of course, if a man and a woman make love, then a channel is created between them, through which energy flows from the woman to the man. This is the most powerful and reliable way to dissolve in it, surrender not only to the body, but also to the soul. But even without physical intimacy, a woman feeds a man. She cooked dinner for him, gave part of her strength to him. Did a massage - nourished him. I ironed the clothes - I put my energy through it.

How does a man return the "debt" to a woman? Through your help, protection, love. When he admires her beauty, he energizes her. When he tells her that he loves her, she feels uplifted. When he gives her time, attention, shows signs of attention, a woman becomes happy. This is how a man and a woman mutually support each other, giving a part of themselves.

But it happens that a woman gives her strength to a man, and the man does not give her anything in return. And, unfortunately, it happens all the time. Then the woman very soon feels unhappy, tired, exhausted. She may begin to feel blues, apathy, depression. In what cases does a woman not receive anything from a man in return?

  • If she is given to a man when he does not yet have strong feelings. Then he loses interest in their relationship, disappears, shows indifference, turns on ignore. Accordingly, the woman, through the channel that was formed during their proximity, continues to feed the man with her energy, but does not receive any return from him. Therefore, there is no need to rush with intimacy, delay this moment as far as possible, especially since it depends on the behavior of the woman;
  • When a woman lives with a man in a civil marriage (cohabiting), and he does not want to take any responsibility. She gives him her energy along with cooked food, cleaned apartment, washed clothes, and he, in turn, continues to live a carefree life. For women, this situation is very exhausting and unhappy;
  • When a woman works and earns money on a par with a man, and he does not want to help her around the house. In this case, there is a clear imbalance in the energy balance;
  • When a woman continues to live with a man if she finds out that he is cheating on her. It is one thing if she finds the cause in herself and changes herself, thereby changing the situation, and another thing if she simply suffers, tormented by resentment and a sense of revenge. Very often, in such situations, women begin to get sick, because they do not have enough energy to heal both the soul and the body.

It should also be said that the exchange of energy between a man and a woman occurs even when they are just friends and despite the fact that there is no sex between them, the Svadhisthana chakra is still involved, which is responsible for sexual pleasure and procreation. That is, they may not even think about flirting, but on a subtle level, sex is already happening between them. Which, by the way, proves once again that

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