Home Indoor flowers Open lesson for the preparatory group for ftskm. Abstract of the nodes on cognitive development (ftskm) "how people discovered the earth" for children of the preparatory group. Abstract of GCD "Garden-vegetable garden" preparatory group

Open lesson for the preparatory group for ftskm. Abstract of the nodes on cognitive development (ftskm) "how people discovered the earth" for children of the preparatory group. Abstract of GCD "Garden-vegetable garden" preparatory group

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on FTSKM (ecology).

Theme: Nature's Complainant Book.

The lesson has an integrated character (according to the Federal State Educational Standard, work with children is based on the integration of educational areas "Cognitive development of children", "Speech development of children", "Artistic and aesthetic development of children", "Physical development of children", "Social and communicative development of children" in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils.

The purpose of this lesson is: combining various types of activities of children into a holistic pedagogical process aimed at forming the foundations of ecological culture among pupils.

The practical significance of the lesson lies in the fact that in the process of labor and cognitive-research activities, children acquire the ability to provide assistance to those in need in a difficult period.

Direct educational activity "Complaints Book of Nature" can be used by educators of senior, preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions.

Educational objectives:

Develop a cognitive interest in the natural world;

To form the initial skills and abilities of environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and for the child himself; (Cognitive development);

To generalize children's ideas about elementary subject concepts: "nature", "living", "inanimate";

To bring up a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the world around us in general.

Prevent fatigue in children. "Physical development";

Exercise in an unconventional drawing technique - typing with a pen. (Artistic and aesthetic);

To activate vocabulary: nature, fire, birds, help, develop the power of voice, the ability to speak "loudly - quietly". (Speech development);

To form skills of collective communication (collective games, rules of good relationships); (Social and communicative development)

Educational tasks :

To form skills and desires to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it, as well as skills in elementary environmental protection activities in the immediate environment.

Development objectives:

Develop imagination, attention, thinking, a holistic perception of objects.

Planned results:

Children will take an active part in the course of direct educational activities, be able to formulate answers to the teacher's questions, master the dialogical form of speech, emotionally react to a literary work, actively and kindly behave in the process of collective activity.

Age group:senior preparatory group

Duration of GCD: 15-30 minutes.

Methods for managing the activities of children:

1. Verbal (reading, conversation);

2. Visual (demonstration, demonstration);

3 Game (cognitive, developing, motor);

4. Audio recordings.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive development of children, Speech development of children, Artistic and aesthetic development of children, Physical development of children, Social and communicative development of children.

Materials and equipment:

A tape recorder with a flash card;

Projector, computer for viewing the presentation;

The book "Complaints Book of Nature", a model of an anthill, stones with numbers, garbage bags, photographs of forest landscapes, a recording of the noise of the forest, the voices of birds.

Types of children's activities in GCD:

Game, communicative, cognitive - research, reading (perception) of fiction, motional, musical - artistic, productive, labor.

The course of educational activities directly:

Introductory part

Music sounds.

Hello children, my name is Alexandra Nikolaevna and I am very glad to meet you all!

Q. - Children, what do you think is nature?

Children - Nature is everything that surrounds us and is not created by human hands.

That's right, children. Do you know how to behave properly in nature?

C. - You cannot pick flowers, trample the grass,

Do not pick leaves from trees.

In the forest, walk only along the path,

Do not crumple a green blade

Animals must be protected

Don't ruin the birds' nests.

V. - (goes to the book). Guys, what is this? How many of you can read?

Children - Nature's Complainant Book.

Many complaints have accumulated

From nature to people.

The waters of the rivers are muddied

The stream has dried up in the forest.

Lindens and maples began to wither away

On the side of the road.

Soon your bird trills

The nightingale will not sing for us.

Q. People often misbehave in nature and are not careful to harm it. And nature has collected all its complaints in this book. Now she turns to us because someone from the forest dwellers needs help. What to do?

Children - Help nature.

V. - I'm afraid that I won't be able to cope on my own. Where can I find helpers? Who can help me? Can you help me?

- Oh, how glad I am, thanks! But only kind and sympathetic people who know how to appreciate and love can get into the world of nature. Look me in the eyes and smile. I see that you are true friends of nature.

- Now, let's open the book of complaints and see who first wrote his request. (Children open the first page, there is an image of an ant).

Book - Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble

The ant hole is gone,

Someone stepped on the anthill,

Then he filled up with stones!

Guys, let's help the ants,

Put the stones on the path again.

(children take stones, examine them, they have numbers on them)

D \ and "Path". (from 1 to 10)

Children, you need to not only restore the path, but arrange the pebbles in a sequential order from 1 to 10. Can you handle it?

V. - How happy I am for you guys. You helped the ants rebuild their path.

D. - What else will the book of complaints tell us about?

- There is noise and din in the forest,

All forest people are sitting in burrows.

Why are they offended

And they interfere with living in the forest?

Q. -Children, do you hear? What is this sound? The forest is calling us for help. (Forest Image) Look closely, what happened to him?

People were resting in nature,

We had fun, sunbathing.

And without thinking, they threw

And candy wrappers

And a torn package

And juice boxes

Banana peel

Shell nuts.

The far end of the hall, decorated like a forest - Christmas trees, mushrooms, grass, flowers, toy forest animals can be planted under the trees, rubbish is scattered everywhere - plastic bottles, bags, papers, cans).


So we got to the forest with you. He's really sad. Birds do not sing, leaves on trees do not rustle, grasshoppers do not chirp. What do you guys think happened to him?

The answers of the children are heard.

Children, do you think it is okay to throw and leave garbage in the forest? Why? Where do you need to dispose of garbage? (answers of children are listened to). How can we help the forest? (collect trash in bags).

Let's take it away with you. (children collect trash in a plastic bag to take to the trash can later). And after our class, I will throw the trash in the trash can.

Let's put a special sign here. He warns against leaving trash in the forest. (Children put a sign in the forest).

Children, what good fellows you are and helped the forest, put things in order and cleanliness.

Guys, you and I have done a good job and now I suggest you get up in a circle and have a little rest.

Phys. min. "The wind is blowing in our faces."

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher, higher. (Children imitate the wind blowing by shaking their torso

then in one direction, then in the other direction. On the words "hush, hush" children squat,

on "higher, higher" - straighten.) (2 times)

Now let's open the next page and see who else needs our help.

Children, forty asks us for help, an evil wizard has bewitched her friends, and only you guys can bewitch with the help of feathers.

Educator: -Look how the wind enchanted the birds, what is missing?

Children: - Ponytail.

All birds change feathers, when a new feather grows, the old one falls out, so that the feather does not disappear, we will print with a feather and we will spell the birds.


Feather printing.




Pigeon feather, gouache, diluted to the consistency of sour cream.


Dip the feather in gouache and attach it to the winglet from left to right.


Stain, texture.

Children, what wonderful works you have done, and you and I have bewitched the birds, helped the magpie to disenchant her friends. Look, our birds, however, turned out just like living ones! Let us present our works to our magic book, so that no more complaints appear in it, but only good deeds and wonderful drawings.

V. - Look, the book is now closed, it means that the complaints are over and the book is happy with your drawings and good deeds. Order has been put in place, and all this thanks to your work and participation, children. I think that after our meeting today, you will not only not violate the rules of behavior in nature, but also teach this to others.

Final part:

Educator: Children, please tell me, did you like our lesson? And what new have you learned in our lesson?

I would like to thank you children for your active participation. I hope that our lesson was useful and informative for you.

Abstract of GCD "Garden-vegetable garden" preparatory group

Educational area: "Communication"

Integration: "Cognition", "Artistic creation", "Music", "Reading fiction"

Goal: Development of free communication with adults and children through the integration of educational areas.

Educational: develop the ability to combine different types of artistic creativity; teach to create a collective composition by placing the cut out elements; show the role of the background color for a still life; teach children to make a collage; to consolidate the ability to cut out of paper by a template, to consolidate the knowledge of children about the genre of "still life", to clarify the knowledge of the distinctive features and qualities of vegetables.

Developing: develop a sense of shape and color, creative imagination; promote the development of positive emotions in the course of creative work; develop auditory perception, logical thinking and tactile perception; develop communication skills, the ability to coordinate their actions with the work of comrades, and improve speech.

Educational: foster a sense of belonging to a group through collective creativity, foster respect for the work of adults; accuracy and perseverance.

Correctional tasks: encourage children to actively participate in the conversation; teach children to use words in the correct grammatical form; encourage children to try to speak clearly, clearly.

Material: A3 sheet, colored pencils, black and white pictures of vegetables, scissors, glue stick, cotton pads, gouache, brushes, napkins ...

Dictionary: still life, collage, composition, harvest ...

Preliminary work: acquaintance of children with different genres of fine art (still life, landscape, portrait), to acquaint with the technique of "collage", with tonal technique (shading, slate shavings); examination of reproductions of paintings on the autumn theme, conversation "Labor of people in the fall", reading children's poems: "The good autumn has come" by V. Volin, "Our Garden", U. Rashid, "Garden" by A. Prokofiev. "Cucumber" K. Tangrykuliev, "Potato" E. Ostrovskaya, etc .; drawing up stories based on plot pictures.

Organizing time


M. Khodyakova
If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If birds flew to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,
This time of the year is called autumn.

The educator's story. Vegetables are harvested in the gardens in autumn. People carefully collect them from the garden so as not to damage them. Carrots, beets, onions, garlic are pulled out; cabbage - cut down, potatoes - dug up; cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers - removed. Vegetables are eaten raw, boiled, fried, salted. Salads are made from them, added to soup, borscht. Vegetables are harvested for the winter. They are useful, they contain a lot of vitamins.

Consolidation of the passed material.

Look at what is in this basket (vegetables are considered and named) at the first correct answer, the vegetable is placed on the child's table.

Guys, what other vegetables do you know?

What's in this basket?

Let's call them.

Guys, what other fruits do you know?

Fruit is also distributed to children.

How can you name in one word what I brought (vegetables), (fruits).

Children provide answers.

Introduction of new concepts "garden" and "vegetable garden"

To find out what our lesson is called today, we must answer the questions "Where do vegetables and fruits grow?" and then we will find out the topic of our lesson.

Where do you think Autumn got so many vegetables?(children's answers).

A vegetable garden is a fenced-in piece of land with beds and greenhouses. There people grow vegetables (show).

Well done, and who can name the vegetables that we pick?(cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc.).

And which we dig up?(potato).

And which we pull out of the ground?(carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, onions, etc.).

What vegetables do we cut with a knife?(pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant).

Okay, where did she get the fruit?(Answers of children).

A garden is called a fenced area with fruit trees - this is an apple tree, a peach tree, etc. (show).

Who will be able to define the topic of our today's lesson?



Didactic game "What is what?"

Let's try to say what kind of juice can we get from vegetables and fruits?

Apple juice - apple, banana juice -…, apricot juice -…, orange juice -…, pear juice - pear, plum juice.

Did you know that you can also make juice from vegetables.

Remember the name of carrot juice - carrot juice, and tomato juice - tomato juice.

And what kind of jam will come out of :?

Apple - apple, pineapple - pineapple, orange - orange, plum - plum, pear - pear.

Let's remember what your mothers cook from vegetables?(salads, caviar, soups, salted, pickled, etc.).

And what kind of salad will be obtained from: - beets - beetroot, from carrots - carrot, and from cabbage - cabbage.

Development of mental operations Didactic game "The fourth extra" (show)

I want to play a very interesting game with you.

Educator: Guys, the doll Tanya came to visit us. Today she decided to help her mother prepare a salad for lunch, but she doesn't know how to make it. But she hopes that you will tell her how to cook it, you are so smart and you know everything.

The teacher asks to answer several questions:

1. Before eating or preparing vegetables or fruits, what should be done first (Wash)

2. Is it required? Why wash vegetables and fruits? (Dirty fruits cannot be eaten - they have a lot of microbes)

3. What vegetables do you need to peel? (Potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, onions).

4. What vegetables can I eat raw? (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, carrots).

5. What is prepared from raw vegetables? (Salads)

6. What vegetables can you eat raw or cooked? (Cabbage, carrots).

7. What vegetables can be salted for the winter? (Cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers).

8. What greens can you put in salads or soups? (Dill, parsley, celery).

9. What can be made from fruits? (Compote, jam, juice, jam).

Didactic game "Magic Bag" ( bag of vegetables)

Children take objects out of the bag by touch and name the vegetables.

Educator: Well done boys! Know all the vegetables. In order to work in the garden, one must also have dexterous hands and have quick hands.

Finger gymnastics "The hostess once came from the bazaar."

The hostess once came from the bazaar,

They "walk" with their fingers.
The hostess brought home from the bazaar

Bend one tail at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table -
Who is better, tastier and more needed on earth.
Potatoes? Cabbage? Carrot? Peas?

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley or beets? Oh!..

The hostess, meanwhile, took the knife
And with this knife began to crumble
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Covered in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in steep boiling water

The palms are folded crosswise.
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

And the vegetable soup was not bad!

"Eat" soup.

Man in autumn

Look at the clue diagram: what are we going to talk about now? ( We'll talk about human concerns in the fall.)
- Of course. Let's remember what we are doing in the fall, your parents, friends and acquaintances. Can you tell him how we work in the fall? (paintings are exhibited)
- What kind of work is done in the gardens? - And in the gardens? (The lower part of the trees is whitewashed with lime, hso that the hares do not gnaw them. In the autumn in the gardens, fruit trees are well watered, so that they endure frost and give a good harvest next year)
- Sasha, what other work is being done in the garden? (Even in the fall, they harvest in the orchards: apples, pears, potatoes are dug and carrots.)
- Sasha M., what can you add? (cabbage riddle)
- And how do they work in the countryside, in the fields? ( In the villages, the remaining bread is removed, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and beets are removed from the fields. The harvested fields are fertilized and plowed. Seeds of winter rye and wheat are sown on plowed fields, carrots, dill and parsley are sown in vegetable gardens.)
How did you guys work all autumn? ( And we cleaned the foliage on the site to help the janitor, Uncle Fyodor, to keep it clean.)

Who wants to add? ( Mothers and grandmothers make preparations for the winter: jams, compotes, pickles, marinades.)
- Right. Autumn is very generous with gifts: fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, nuts. But all its gifts must be collected and processed: canned or dried, boiled or salted. And this is also a lot of work.

Didactic exercise "Tops-roots"
- You have colored pencils and pieces of paper with a task on your tables. It is necessary to circle in green those vegetables from which we eat tops, i.e. leaves, greens. The roots are in red. And in blue, those vegetables from which we eat both.

13. Summing up.

With what two new words did we meet today "Vegetable garden", "Garden"?

What did they repeat?

What games did you play?


DOW theme

Topic of the week

GCD theme


Software content




1. Day of knowledge.

Today I am a pupil and tomorrow I am a pupil

To expand the knowledge of children about the school, about the teaching profession. Help children match the life of a student and a kindergarten student. Provide knowledge about the importance of preparing children for school. Foster interest in school, a sense of appreciation and respect for the teacher's work.

O.V. Dybina (No. 2)

Page 17

2. My hometown is Bryansk.

Day of the city

Give children the knowledge that every city has its own birthday

Raise a sense of pride in your city, for your people.

Abstract attached

3.Our kindergarten.

How nice it is in our garden.

Expand and generalize children's ideas about the social significance of the kindergarten, about its employees, about the rights and obligations of children attending kindergarten.

To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards peers, towards others.

OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment p. 33

4. Autumn. Seasonal changes in nature.

Take a walk and take a closer look

Expand children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, generalize and systematize ideas about the characteristic features of autumn, fix the names of autumn months, develop attention, memory, thinking. To cultivate love for native nature.

1, bldg. 133


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"Golden Autumn"

1. Autumn gifts. Where did the bread come from?

Where did the bread come from?

Strengthen the knowledge of children about the work of grain growers, that bread is the wealth of our country. To foster a sense of respect for the work of people, respect for bread.

3, bldg. 21

2. Forest basket. Mushrooms, berries.

Gifts of the forest

To systematize the knowledge of children about forest gifts, edible and inedible mushrooms and berries, to give knowledge about the rules of collection. Develop memory, imagination, observation. Form an understanding of the appropriateness and relationship in nature. To foster ecological culture.

1, page 163

T.V. Vostrukhina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya Introducing children to the world around them p.173.

3. Pets. Birds.

"Visiting the Birds."

Strengthen children's knowledge of birds.

To cultivate a respectful attitude towards them.

To develop speech, attention, the ability to analyze questions and riddles and give a full meaningful answer to them.

1, p. 217.203.

T.V. Vostrukhina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya p. 176-178.

4. Who prepares for winter. Wild animals.

How animals and birds prepare for winter.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about wild animals and ..., to form the ability of children to think logically, to pose questions, to make correct conclusions. To develop in children speech activity, creative imagination, observation. Cultivate an interest in nature.

1, pp. 55-57

T.V. Vostrukhina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya str. 178.

5. The plant world. Forest.

What is a forest?

Expand children's knowledge about the forest, about its flora.

To educate the ecological culture of children.

Expand horizons, develop memory, attention, speech of children.

Strengthen the ability to behave in nature.

1, p. 217,203

T.V. Vostrukhina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya p. 175-176.


DOW theme

Topic of the week

GCD theme


Software content



"I am a man in the world"

1. Day of National Unity.

Day of Unity of Russia

To acquaint children with the historical events associated with the holiday. To acquaint with the monuments dedicated to these events. Raise in children an interest in their history, a sense of pride in their people, who did not want to submit to foreign invaders.

3, building 62

2. I am a person in the world. Healthy lifestyle. My rights and responsibilities.

The rights and obligations of the child.

Clarify children's understanding of the rights and obligations of a person recorded in the Declaration of Human Rights.

Introduce the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

To form the ability to follow the rules of behavior in kindergarten, at home and in public places.

Be sociable, help friends and adults.

T.V. Vostrukhina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya Introducing children to the world around them p.155

3.In the school of road sciences. Transport (driving, sailing, flying).

What do people ride

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the types of transport: land, water, air and the generalizing concept of "transport"

Consolidate knowledge about the rules of pedestrian behavior.

N.S. Golitsyna, S.V. Lyuzina, E.E. Bukharova OBZH p. 17

4.Mother's day.

Winter is approaching.

My dear mom

Formation of a respectful and caring attitude towards the dearest person - mother;fostering a sense of devotion to the mother and her importance in the family. To bring up in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards mother, the desire to help her, to please her. To form the ability to answer questions, to build sentences correctly in a story about mom.

Abstract attached


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Software content



"Winter - winter"

1. Calendar.

Winter. Seasonal changes in nature.

Zimushka - winter

Systematize children's knowledge about winter. To consolidate knowledge about the main signs, the names of the winter months. Tell children about the changes that occur in the flora and fauna in winter, about the peculiarities of people's life in winter (clothing, work, rest, helping animals). Raise in children a desire to help birds and animals.

O. A. Skorolupova,

1, page 177

2. Winter in the forest.

Winter in the forest

Clarify children's ideas about the life of wintering birds and wild animals in the forest in winter. Form a desire to help them. Show the relationship between living and inanimate nature. To cultivate a good attitude towards nature.

1, pp. 81-84

3. Snow and ice on the street.


Snow and ice.

Expand children's ideas about the rules of behavior on the street in the winter time

Abstract attached

4. Winter fun.

Winter sports.

5. New Year's tales. New Year!

Winter fun


Expand and enrich the circle of knowledge of children about winter sports.

To give knowledge that Russian folk games also belong to sports.

Raise interest in Russian folk games., The desire to play them.

Introduce folk traditions.

Formation of ideas about the aggregate transformations of water and seasonal changes in nature.

Formation of transformation actions

3, p. 141,


N.E. Veraksa, O.R. Galimov

Cognitive research activity page 20


DOW theme

Topic of the week

GCD theme


Software content



"Family and Traditions"

1. Winter games and entertainment. Kolyada - kolyada, open the gate.

Kolyada - kolyada, open the gate.

To acquaint children with folk traditions by means of aesthetic education. To acquaint children with samples of Russian folk poetic folklore.

Abstract attached

2. My family.

I am a helper

Friendly family.

To generalize and systematize children's ideas about the family (people who live together, love each other, take care of each other). Expand ideas about the ancestral roots of the family; to intensify cognitive interest in the family and loved ones; foster a desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family.

OV Dybina "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment" (prepared by group) p. 29 topic 2

3. The city of craftsmen.

Russian folk crafts.

Expand and consolidate children's ideas about Russian folk crafts, encourage children to admire folk craftsmen and the objects of their creativity. Enrich the children's dictionary with the words: hozloma; Filimonovskaya, Bogorodskaya toys; Zhostovo trays; Palekh boxes.

N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova "We live in Russia" (prepared gr.) P. 31


DOW theme

Topic of the week

GCD theme


Software content



"My house"

1. The house in which I live. Furniture, dishes, household items.

The world of things or objects around us.

To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of objects, the names of the materials from which they are made. Expand ideas about the history of human creation of objects, their functions. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards work, a respectful attitude towards everything that surrounds them.

T.V. Vostrukhina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya Introducing children to the world around them p. 149

2. Tools. Appliances.

Help items.

Form children's ideas about objects that facilitate human labor; explain that these items can improve the quality, speed of performing actions, perform complex operations, change products.

OV Dybina "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment" (prepared by group) p. 28 topic 1

3. Animals of cold and hot countries.

Animals of cold and hot countries.

Expand children's ideas about the flora and fauna of cold and hot countries. To form, in the understanding of children, the image of immense Russia.

N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova "We live in Russia" (prepared gr.) P. 38

4.Our army. The professions of our dads.

Defenders of the Motherland.

Expand children's knowledge about the Russian army; foster respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, for the memory of the fallen soldiers; to form the ability to talk about the service in the army of fathers, grandfathers, brothers, to bring up the desire to be like them.

OV Dybina "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment" (prepared by group) p. 46 topic 12


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Topic of the week

GCD theme


Software content




1. The world of things. Clothes, hats.

At the exhibition of clothes, hats, leather goods.

To give children an idea of ​​the materials from which a person makes various things; to acquaint with different materials, to show the connection of materials with the purpose of the thing.

OV Dybina "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment" (prepared by group) p. 39 topic 7

2.Mom's day. A family.


All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important.

To acquaint children with famous women of Russia - workers of science and art. Foster respect and love for the mother.

N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova "We live in Russia" (prepared gr.) P. 57

3. The first thawed patches. Seasonal changes in nature. Migratory birds.

Feathered inhabitants of the spring park.

To cultivate a kind and caring attitude towards birds, the desire to protect feathered friends, to help them. Consolidate knowledge about migratory and wintering birds. To acquaint with the peculiarities of their life, nutritional behavior. Develop creativity, speech, thinking.

T.V. Vostrukhina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya Introducing children to the world around them p.52

4. Spring in the forest.

Russian forest is a wonderful forest.

Expand children's ideas about the flora and fauna of central Russia in the spring, foster respect for their native nature, foster patriotic feelings.

N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova "We live in Russia" (prepared gr.) P. 42

5. Houseplants. Plants are living barometers.

Plants are living barometers, medicinal plants.

To give an idea of ​​medicinal plants, barometer plants. Develop ecological thinking in the process of research activities, creative imagination.

T.V. Vostrukhina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya Introducing children to the world around them p.180


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Topic of the week

GCD theme


Software content



"Habitat. Space"

1.Our Motherland is Russia.

My Fatherland is Russia.

To form in children an interest in acquiring knowledge about Russia; foster a sense of belonging to a particular culture, respect for the cultures of other peoples; the ability to tell about the history and culture of their people.

OV Dybina "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment" (prepared by group) p. 49 topic 14

2.Professions, tools of labor. Space.


Expand children's ideas about space; lead to the understanding that space exploration is the key to the expansion of many problems on Earth; tell children about Yu. A. Gagarin and other space heroes.

OV Dybina "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment" (prepared by group) p. 53 topic 16

3. Unliving nature (stones, sand, water)

Properties of substances.

Form an idea of ​​the properties of solid and liquid substances. Development of environmental awareness. Developing the ability to transform.

N. Ye. Veraksa, OR Galimov "Cognitive research activity of preschoolers" p. 53, topic 20.

4 insects Fishes

Blue rivers of Russia.

Expand children's ideas about the nature of Russia, introduce them to the names of rivers and their inhabitants.

N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova "We live in Russia" (prepared gr.) P. 46


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GCD theme


Software content



"Blooming May"

1.Traffic rules. Transport.

We cross the street.

To clarify and expand children's knowledge about traffic rules, about transport on the roads. Raise a respectable citizen.

T.A. Shorygin "Conversations on the basics of safety with children" p. 43

2. My Homeland. Victory Day.

Victory Day.

Clarify and expand the understanding of the Great Patriotic War; foster respect for the memory of victorious warriors; to form a respectful attitude towards the older generation

T.V. Vostrukhina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya Introducing children to the world around them p.131

3. Berries, fruits, vegetables. Safety: how to avoid trouble.

Dangers all around us.

Consolidate knowledge of safety rules in everyday life, on the street, in the water. Continue to build the foundations for correct behavior in critical situations.

N.S. Golitsyna, S.V. Lyuzina, E. E. Bukharova "Life safety for senior preschoolers" p. 70

4. Summer.

Goodbye kindergarten! Hello school!

School. Teacher.

To acquaint children with the profession of a teacher, with the school. To foster a sense of gratitude, respect for the teacher's work; generate interest in school.

OV Dybina "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment" (prepared by group) p. 36 topic 6

Summary of the lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in
preparatory group
Topic: "The Earth is our common home"
Educational area: "Cognitive development"
Section: Introduction to the social world
Topic: "The Earth is our common home"
Purpose: Formation of an idea of ​​the surrounding world, its diversity,
different countries and place of Russia. Introduce the Earth model to the globe and
Educational: Build a sense of pride in your country and your
involvement in the Russians.
Developing: Develop a story about a small homeland and homeland.
Educational: To foster respect for the Motherland.
Materials and equipment: globe, political map of the world, illustrations
climatic zones of Russia, cities. Globe templates, colored pencils.
Preliminary work:
examination of illustrations of paintings from the cycle "Maya Small Homeland".
Predicted results:
Know: Climatic zones of Russia, cities
Be able to: Feel a sense of pride in your country.
Have experience: using the globe.
Course of the lesson:
Motivating stage:
There is a globe covered with a cloth on the table. The teacher makes a plan for children
riddles about the globe:
Reading and memorizing poetry about the Motherland,

On the table in front of me
Spun: the globe of the earth:
Arctic, Equator, Pole, -
Fitted all the land ...
Answer: Globe

The ball is not big
He does not order to be lazy,
If you know the subject,
That will show the whole world.
Answer: Globe

Stands alone on one leg
Twirls his head.
Shows us the countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
Answer: Globe
Organizational search stage:
Educator: Globe is a three-dimensional model of the Earth, on which clearly
continents and oceans are represented.
The teacher invites the children to carefully consider the globe and
informs that the seas and oceans are marked in blue on it, green
dry land is depicted in yellow. The land forms 5 continents: Eurasia,
America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica. On all continents except
Antarctica, people live. People come to Antarctica for a while. V
mainly, these are scientific researchers, scientists who conduct

The teacher shows a map of the world, explains that on the globe
the image of the Earth is applied, as it really is. But to
you could see the whole earth at the same time, there are maps.
The teacher offers to compare the globe and the physical map of the world,
explains that this globe depicts the surface of the Earth: Forests, seas,
deserts, and the map shows countries, states located on
surface of the earth. They are marked with different colors. The educator converts
attention to the number of countries that are shown on the map.
Educator: “Guys, we live in Russia - this is the biggest
country of the world. It is located in two parts of the world, Europe and Asia, washed by
three oceans: Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. With one
it may snow on the side, and on the other - bake the sun. Borders of Russia
pass both on water and on land. Russia has unusually rich nature,
beautiful distinctive cities, an amazing world of flora and fauna.
Reading a poem about the Motherland:
"Motherland" is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world
If you say this word with a soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends,
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten ... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand,
Lilac bush outside the window
And a mole on the cheek -
This is also the Motherland.
(T. Bokova)
Our Motherland

And beautiful and rich
Our Motherland, guys.
Long drive from the capital
To any of its boundaries.
Everything around is own, dear:
Mountains, steppes and forests:
The rivers are sparkling blue,
Blue skies.
Every city
To the heart of the road,
Every rural house is dear.
Everything in battles was once taken
And strengthened by work!
(G. Ladonshchikov)
Reflexive - corrective stage:
How do these poems make you feel?
How wide is our country?
What new have you learned about the Motherland?
At the end of the lesson, the teacher offers to go to the tables and draw
globe (prepare tables in advance).

Lilia Letyagina
Summary of the lesson on "Formation of a holistic picture of the world" in the preparatory group

Abstract of an open lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world and broadening one's horizons in preparatory group.

Theme: Forest and its inhabitants.

Target: Consolidation of knowledge about trees and forest inhabitants.

Tasks: Consolidate knowledge about deciduous and coniferous trees, wild animals and their babies, their habitats. To generalize ideas about the rules of behavior in nature.

Develop long-term memory, attention, auditory and visual perception.

To foster interest in trees and wild animals, respect for nature.

Equipment: cards"Trees", poster "The structure of the tree", the image of deciduous, coniferous and mixed forest, cards"Wild animals and their dwellings", signs "Rules of conduct in nature".

Integration of areas: formation of a holistic picture of the world, ecology, communication.

Type of classes: pinning.

Course of the lesson

IOrg. moment

Children enter group and stand in a circle.

II Communication of the topic and objectives

Theme classes you will find out by solving the riddle. Listen to her carefully.

The guys have

Green friend,

Cheerful friend, good,

He will give them

Hundreds of hands

And thousands of palms.


What is a forest?

A forest is an open space where trees, shrubs, mosses, and wild animals live.

Today on occupations we will talk about the forest and its inhabitants, remember what types of trees you know, and what wild animals live in the forests.

III Securing

1. Riddles about trees.

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.

She does not sew anything herself,

But in pins and needles all year round.

(Christmas tree)

Berries are not sweet

But to the eye - joy,

And the decoration of the gardens,

And a treat for the blackbirds.


I lowered the curls into the river

And I was sad about something,

And what is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone.


Russian beauty

Stands in the clearing

In a green blouse,

In a white sundress.


I have a long needle

Than the tree.

I grow very straight


If I'm not at the edge

Branches are only at the top of the head.


From the trees in early summer

Suddenly the snowflakes flutter

But this does not make us happy -

We sneeze from it.


2. Didactic game "From which forest"

What types of forest do you know? (coniferous, deciduous, mixed)

What are the names of trees growing in coniferous forests? (conifers)

What are the names of the trees growing in deciduous forests? (deciduous)

Distribute cards with trees in the woods where they grow.

Conifers Deciduous

Spruce, cedar Birch, oak, rowan,

Pine, larch poplar, willow, fir

Tell me, what is the difference between trees? (leaves, trunk width, etc.)

What do all trees have in common? (structure)


The wind flew through the forest,

the wind counted the leaves

Here is oak,

Here is the maple tree

Here is a mountain ash carved,

Here is a golden birch tree.

And the last leaf from the aspen

the wind threw on the path.

The wind whirled through the forest

The wind was friends with the leaves.

Here is oak,

Here is the maple tree

Here is a mountain ash carved,

Here is a golden birch tree.

And the last leaf from the aspen

the wind swirls over the path.

3 Vocabulary work (with ball or bump)

-Finish the phrases:

Birch leaf - birch

Oak leaf - oak

Maple leaf - maple

Rowan leaf - rowan

Aspen cone - aspen

Oak acorn - oak

Cedar cone - cedar

4 Didactic game "Third wheel"

In the forest, not only trees grow, but also other plants. Listen carefully to the word chains and select "Superfluous" word.

Birch, oak, dandelion.

Spruce, pine, poplar.

Maple, rowan, lilac.

Rowan, tulip, willow.

There are not only plants in the forest, but also animals. Guess which ones.

She doesn't walk on the ground

Like a bird does not fly.

Prefers to live in a hollow,

Stores nuts.


I am cunning and dexterous

They call me a cheat.

But I like it more,

When they call you a beauty.


A lump of fluff

long ear,

jumps dexterously,

loves carrots. (Hare)

Grayish, toothy,

prowls around the field,

looking for calves, lambs. (Wolf)

Sleeps in winter

stirring up the hives in the summer. (Bear)

Where do wild animals live? (in the forest)

What are their dwellings called? (den, burrow, lair, hollow)


Low mobility game "I walk, I wander through the woods ...."

5 Examining a series of plot paintings on the theme"Rules of conduct in the forest"

Look at cards, what is depicted on them?

How children take eggs from nests, scratch inscriptions on the bark, carry animals out of the forest, leave or bury garbage, etc.

Can you do this?

Forest rules.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget.

You don't need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is an oak and an elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies.

In order for these rules to be observed, signs of behavior in the forest were invented. Let's put them together on a poster.

What did they talk about occupations?

What do you remember the most?

Which rules?

Now we will smile

Let's hold hands tightly

And goodbye to each other

We will make a promise:

We will be friends with the forest, protect it, love!

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